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With machine gun “in gram M10” possession suspicion [kiyabakura] store managers arrest


  • 380ACP 755 45ACP子弹或在卡诺的差异
    755 The difference whether bullet 45ACP or 380ACP of

    • 5月4日至5日有点晚了没 4 5 5 Just a little it was slow
      • 我无法抑制狮鹫我用这个例子 Using this not being able to hold down the griffon …

    • 692伏的轻,不重,我不会像45口径9毫米结构简单,如果这些参数,你和重炮攻击与反作用,与其说是20米圆精度几乎没有一个大拳头在你的收藏鄂狙没有理由采取更喜欢穿固定后,我不认为20米领先于他的拳头,一个桶这样一个网站,我很好的精度 692 Volt bolt it is not heavily lightly and the te it is story of structure simply If 45 apertures or 9mm para there is no that much heavy gun the te If you shoot with the blow back you think that the fist it gets together accuracy how almost it is not largely ahead 20m but Even if being the fixed barrel Rear such taking there is no meaning which you can aim with the kind of sight which is accustomed The fist large tsu te it is good precision ahead 20m
      • 692伏的轻,不重,我不会像45口径9毫米结构简单,如果这些参数,你重炮攻击与后坐力,不多,但我不认为,即使有固定枪管的精度难以我们没有理由像鄂狙网站甚至服用后我第一次在20米这么大的拳头说,我很好的精度 692 Volt bolt it is not heavily lightly and the te it is story of structure simply If 45 apertures or 9mm para there is no that much heavy gun the te If you shoot with the blow back you think that the fist it gets together accuracy how almost it is not largely ahead 20m but Even if being the fixed barrel Rear such taking there is no meaning which you can aim with the kind of sight which is accustomed The fist large tsu te it is good precision ahead 20m

    • 700真的吗? !谢谢! ! 700 With maji Thank you
      • 英格拉姆Shikanakarou Ittara什么酒 When in gram tsu te you say There probably is only a liquor

    • 753 的枪时,权利或施迈泽汤普森PPSh1941,右鼓杂志
      753 If > you mention the machine gun, the [ro] which is Thompson or [shiyumaiza] PPSh1941, the [ro] which is the drum magazine

      • 810 WWW的枪不明白为什么肯Kikan 枪 汉字书写,如湿重 810 It comes can handgun www Why the gun just with Chinese character inscription ww
        • 请不要攻击似乎比瘦攻击三靠更痛一用手枪冲锋枪,不知何故 Rather than 1 departure being shot with the handgun 3 departure the person who is shot painful with the sub machinegun how improbable

      • 857或枪,否则她就会采取枪和机枪所有Waretara说我选择哪一个是从兰花里切
        857 When it is said that the machine gun, her, either one choose, The machine gun the [wa] which is taken The machine gun the reverse side ardently from viewing

        • Abrams m在商店一四三瓦特夜总会 143 The store of kiyabakura is inside eiburamusu it is w
          • 糟糕的客户在最愚蠢的钱给了歌舞会发现 kiyabakura what the foolish customer who drops the gold is worst

        • Bababababababababababababababatsu“警队李家” bababababababababababababababatsu “ Mosquito i Mosquito n ”

          • CSI将在MAC10熊熊是什么 - 说,这是因为日本是在内华达州一个松散的枪支管理重罪Tteta
            As for MAC10 which can be fired with CSI even felony saying even in Nevada state whose gun regulation is loose the shelf When it is Japan, the [do] - it becomes, is

            • Infinyitishirinda我瞥见了时间,火流! The time to peep through the flow … inhuiniiteishirinda and discharge
              • 我会让你Ainsououru到Infinyitishirinda ainsououru doing in your inhuiniiteishirinda

            • MG42有一种东西可以说,联合重机枪和在三尺去除轻机枪
              As for MG42 becoming to be able to combine the submachine gun with the Heavy Machine Gun with the installation and removal 3, the [ru

              • PPsh是滚动萎缩囧粪Jamuri埃塔炸弹
                So the bullet for PPsh as for being the [ri] which with the droppings the jam [ri] is sown orz which weakens

                • Type10自卫队杀死一人的用武之地坦克四郎
                  Turn shelf of the Self Defense Force Type10 tank In everyone murder margin

                  • “警方从我们的A(大麻)你会have m隐瞒什么?”歌厅“我从来没有Ttemasen机枪” The police “and others a the hemp hiding the ru it is the ro which is ” The kiyaba “machine gun how having increase it is”

                    • 不过,M10的是选择,我希望我沼泽美国行会打我的MMG的是一个疯子,但无聊 But those where choice it does M10 probably are the maniac America going although it should have tried shooting As for MMG ma viewing however
                      • 也许有消音器Iteta大吧?除了台塑Ttena Magupuru鱿鱼呢? And the tsu pa huge siren sir it has been attached kana magupuru FPG it doesn t have in other things

                    • 不过,我将有一个眼镜蛇828和九二五瓦特步枪格洛克太不Ttena四六超过10年,我脱离了我也很气枪Kashii ll有口袋或不很抱歉,我已经开动表达 925 gurotsuku We having the ru 828 Cobra shelf w bosom or forcing So the air software cancer gun having well enough the ru it is the shelf 64 type rifle which 10 years or more which are inside is not touched does not move anymore it is probably will be…
                      • 我觉得我会说在纳卡解决纳卡886气步枪 886 The air gun tsu te the place where you say understanding very don t you think it is the ru feeling

                    • 世鸟类536从u200bu200b来没有被使用,甚至使用了冲锋枪和火箭筒在作中枪,狙击步枪和猎枪和
                      冴 feather & #29536; So even SMG you have not used As for using in the work the handgun and the sniper's rifle and the hunting gun and the bazooka

                      • 两名嫌疑人被捕3月31日,这个店(18)u003d涉嫌违反剑和火器管制法的怀疑和对每一个房间对一套住房的手枪和旋转,机枪居住中央区,相模原市穆女雇员如果怀疑藏有74发子弹从
                        As for the arrest suspicion 2 March 31st, the woman of the same store employee (18) = lives arrest with such as = gun sword method violation suspicion The machine gun and the rotary type handgun respectively in the apartment one room of the Sagamihara city Chuo Ku 1 even numbers and the doubt which possesses ball cartridge 74 shot

                        • 为什么它是一个很好的两分钟那么确定,我很好色调 When you see carefully 2 Understanding well the ru less shelf
                          • 它已被禁止在四 每天! ? 4 So it had been prohibited already when is … tsu

                        • 为什么这样的事?我知道如果冲锋枪图像(个人是完全一致)⇒黑手党英格拉姆M10的秘密在禁止街头帮派汤普森乌兹80岁⇒⇒·服务(公文包)·国会议员 特别⇒5力 With something such a ones If the handgun however it is understood image of the sub machinegun to the last they are private ones Thompson ⇒ Mafia of temperance method age inguramu M10 ⇒ Street gang of eighties uji ⇒ Secret service brief case MP 5 ⇒ Special force
                          • 上海文广映像●(个人是完全一致)⇒黑手党英格拉姆M10的秘密在禁止80岁的汤普森⇒⇒街头帮派乌兹·服务(公文包)·国会议员 ⇒5特种部队 Image of the sub machinegun to the last they are private ones Thompson ⇒ Mafia of temperance method age inguramu M10 ⇒ Street gang of eighties uji ⇒ Secret service brief case MP 5 ⇒ Special force

                        • 也许融化Barenai 797喜利得我已经写瓦特
                          797 If the HILTI [tsu] [te] book it is and solves whether there is no [bare], w

                          • 什么是枪的权力?用电? PythagoraSwitch?
                            Power [tsu] [te] what of machine guns? Electricity? Pythagorean itch?

                            • 从桶的命中率是太短,我觉得这是一场战斗,而在于这些家伙可以命中率勉武阶段冲锋枪霰弹枪瓦特比其他的差异 Because on target hit ratio the barrel is too short although the shot cancer gun power and on target hit ratio is the different level from the other sub machinegun And others it is dense it was the air which just fights with something it is w which is
                              • 这是与战斗意图,即使在这些家伙什么可以勉武阶段的命中率比一个更好的霰弹枪机枪w的差异 Although the shot cancer gun power and on target hit ratio is the different level from the machine gun And others it is dense it was the air which just fights with something it is w which is

                            • 以前的爵上限。包装规格MGC的粉末和粉末我小时梳头立即英格拉姆1 5秒命中用尽,结束了一天Tsuto Waru攻击三次一小时,身体清洁车 Flat of time before the MG cap When it is MGC in gram of gun powder specification In gun powder stuffing 1 hours It strikes in 1 5 seconds exhausting in cleaning the substance and the cart 1 hours When 3 times you shoot one day ends
                              • 该粉末是穷人,但313是过于严格控制对例子中,没有爆发力,没有进一步的阻力爆炸机理 313 Was not that gun powder is meager and there was too much a te explosive power Control put out severe could not withstand explosion mechanism above that

                            • 你父人类在微风,因为它至少可以限制你的武器和火器和刀剑管制法205号
                              205 Therefore cartridge several upper limits with respect to gun sword method with easy victory out At least, it does in parent 萬 class, the [yo

                              • 你说的媒体是公正的预期,使一艘驱逐舰和战舰696
                                696 You cannot expect to the media which calls the escort ship the battleship,

                                • 你说说,在壳牌电影押井的Kerberos版本,或说话或说话或谈论亚瓦仑机动警察电影
                                  Story of theater edition [patoreiba] it does, or story of [avuaron] does, or story of [keruberosu] does, or calls theater edition, or story of the pushing well edition attack shell does?

                                  • 包括在高命中率较低全自动机枪扫射,发射车针
                                    Running fire characteristic such as full automatic machine gun is high, but as for on-target hit ratio low

                                    • 同时它为我乌兹英格拉姆在与恩戴并行使用的语言是“微型乌兹”有许多原因是当有一些场景不要把过于敏感,当你打开一下全尺寸的“乌兹”博萨基步枪这家伙有更多的手指 That As for UZI tsu te there being a variety As for talking along with in gram “micro UZI” When distinction attaching we with the scene when attaching it is but When “UZI” is it points to the person who has the size about of the full size rifle

                                      • 和mini - M60的537米555机枪它像

                                        • 哎我去了一个Gachigachi真的很紧张,而我反冲桶的坟墓,但是一个真正的枪攻击贝雷塔是我TTA的Kankoku线瓦特 Korea going however beretsuta you have shot Actual gun tsu te reaction being enormous While becoming tense in gachigachi the barrel holds down rises wa w
                                          • 我一直在抑制113?希望有火率,一个额外的枪。我就跳纳鲁 113 Thing of suppressor Running fire speed rises but excessively the gun It leaps

                                        • 在广泛的意义上520“枪”冲锋枪将被纳入
                                          520 The sub-machinegun wide sense is included in “the machine gun”

                                          • 在此之前,这个故事已进入S Mashinka隐藏炸弹或手从俄罗斯申请流程我用过的唯一途径在新泻发生汽车拆解厂到俄罗斯?但是后面还有没有进一步的消息吗?
                                            In the past, for the Niigata Russia [mashinka] ゙ [n] which enters from Russia to the old car dismantlement factory or the story where the hand high-explosive shell is hidden how became? After that however there is no follow-up story?

                                            • 头对接是Kitsuke产量色拉寺螺丝枪不问,你问了附近的仓库里士兵Neyou Tteta站立,所以请不知道的方式我认为他们是出 Because the road does not understand the warehouse being soon when it tries that stands will ask to the soldier Being indisputable the screw turning over those where it is accustomed to piercing the gun in the head are good memory

                                              • 如果你不喜欢的肉,血和O的灯光移相器及Ttara轻机枪妇人说性别表达的第十一年
                                                11 year system [ero] of the submachine gun, when with you say, the woman et. al of the raw body the [te] which is questioned it does not reach

                                                • 如果发生这种情况,说一个机枪前,轻机枪(二战前天)的发展,指出了重机枪的情况下,所谓的可爱偶像Wareru时使用采取了机枪重机枪一起
                                                  Simply, when such as the machine gun, before the submachine gun is developed (time before WW2), it points to the Heavy Machine Gun when and, The submachine gun wrapping the Heavy Machine Gun, it is used when it calls

                                                  • 如果工党,它也非常活跃核事故和受灾地区的重建
                                                    If labor, even in revival and nuclear accident of suffering area with large participation shank

                                                    • 如果是对非装甲汽车,是在几乎所有的运动,甚至5 56 7 62 791 50cal跑了一些( ·ω· )化学需氧量混凝土出了足够的屏东我要通过它传递的是多少? 791 If car of un armoured 50cal main point viewing Ω If the sport bar this cod it is not it comes out sufficiently with 5 56mm It penetrates also the concrete 屏 with 7 62mm several departure it is
                                                      • 因此,我将使用831 Warenai现在从我的战斗无法穿透防弹衣? 831 Because now the body armor cannot be penetrated the battlefield it is not used don t you think it is

                                                    • 如此! ! !我说了Gitato晚了! ! ! ! Therefore It is too slow that you say it is
                                                      • 约翰发现什么做了什么ー574 ü? 574 The John u deisu tsu te it is

                                                    • 学生们不舒服时,你在113克的形式出现的Kera 113 When in gram it is directed living the wa which ru feeling does not do

                                                      • 它看起来像的培训和我的时间比墨西哥军队墨西哥毒品卡特尔歹徒更好更黄油枪瓦特克如哭,因为我喜欢黄油枪是我们仍然使用日本自卫队的部队士兵古董部分设备对准我比前几代有辉Kato ll冲锋枪瓦特 The soldier of equipment and the discipline level which are better than the drug cartel how Mexican troop of Mexico arranging the ru it seems w Still the grease gun or the antique being used in the Japanese how Self Defense Force part unit therefore the ru it is it can cry yakuza many generations SMG ahead having from the grease gun ru or w

                                                        • 对于例子中去心顷施893间,包括首次公开绕组 Until it does not involve the general people and heart goes with 893 time to do
                                                          • 英格拉姆931或以上Helldiver 931 From in gram Hell diver kana

                                                        • 弗兰克:哦,太好了,没有发射!前提:许多目标!悲伤的人准备
                                                          Truth: Good [a], with not yet discharge! Policy: Target large number! The plain gauze [ge] it comes and - is

                                                          • 德塔时间我会发挥相模原695或681,警方西大门,在进入基地的栏(动画)美国士兵们失去了Ttara相模原市将邀请党和肯定仲良 681 Whether Omon of western police 695 You play in Sagamihara time with the bar the US military soldier animation mania to become chummy When you were invited by the party and entered into the Sagamihara base you became the lost child
                                                            • 最后我将马克喜欢G汁它下降到鬼混相模原市 Sagamihara to some extent juice It is sign gram with such an underling

                                                          • 我不知道在日本的好枪打算使用权瓦特瓦特
                                                            The intended purpose in Japan from the [wa] it is the [ro] w which is sufficient with the w handgun

                                                            • 我希望他是说有一个Jiisan如果枪转向了纪念仪式九八
                                                              If 89 type skate mount you could declare although that it is remembrance of [jiisan],

                                                              • 我想象我是大挂卡里枪,冲锋枪吗?
                                                                However being the machine gun [tsu] [te] large-scale you imagined, this sub-machinegun?

                                                                • 我有点太MAC10现场盒和枪,但我认为鄂与上子弹射击精度的重点肯定露丝撒
                                                                  But as for MAC10 from accuracy of fire the gun which seriously considered the fact that the rose it spreads the bullet So, when you think, the cartridges are too few,

                                                                  • 或M16A2的攻击→约300米与数目不详的案件长期抗争左右
                                                                    When M16A2 or [asarutoraihuru] -> many and unspecified persons and long haul it fights with approximately approximately 300m,

                                                                    • 或便利店抢劫这个老男人,如果没有在日本没有,气炮这种东西,对不对?我能成为一个蜜蜂窝,并认为我有足够的工作人员科伊塔 This old boy melting the konbini burglar There is no reason which mono is such in Japan the ro which is the gas cancer gun With thinking room it is dense is the salesman becoming the honeycomb you cannot know high
                                                                      • 615嘿,我回来上班早土豆带回蜜蜂筑巢 615 It is the reverse side does to take the potato quickly to the work of making the honeycomb it returns it is

                                                                    • 手持式全自动,在浪费子弹TTA的我说,这次袭击是明确的,所有这些东西都是“不是我们的鳕鱼是”枪 In hand cancer gun type full as for automatic speaking clearly wastefulness of the bullet While we shoots any such things “does not hit” were entirely the gun which
                                                                      • 小,以减少我们的全自动仅429件 429 The part the chi yo it is and with it just shaves it is full automatic

                                                                    • 星期一喜欢用的?有太多强大,警方正在彻底地被用于溃疡和恩达也使用过滤阻力 It is you use such in something There being too much a power use even with contention it is the ro which is At the point in time when you used it is crushed thoroughly in the police

                                                                      • 是这样做高管火箭?老板是洲际弹道导弹
                                                                        The [so] - is? Is staff the rocket launcher? Is the boss ICBM?

                                                                        • 有了这样的边际抑制了,他们觉得TTA的不健全最可怕 When the suppressor is attached almost sound stopping doing you thought that it is enormous
                                                                          • 只写,因为已经有一个新的线程,请站起来 Because you cannot write anymore please raise the new thread is

                                                                        • 机枪和自动步枪或冲锋枪是对还是错
                                                                          The sub-machinegun or the automatic rifle the [ro] which is It is different from the machine gun

                                                                          • 此外机枪(轻机枪),一个黑帮老大,但为什么压倒性的优势在数据包的冲突或不使用亚拉的例子吗?也不能被前儿童不能再腐败的世界走出来杀去了其他学生,并将他please ll使用际限无 If that and in contention you use machine gun light machine gun but preponderantly the advantage why you don t use yakuza As for that the use tsu chi ma there is no limit uninformed killing the partner living appearing in the world when it becomes without this because there is no origin or a child
                                                                            • 但是冲锋枪(冲锋枪)和突击(突击步枪),机枪和说我不应该 So the sub machinegun the machine pistol and asarutoraihuru the automatic rifle you do not have to call the machine gun

                                                                          • 然而,弹药带和供电系统的总重量不仅对个人
                                                                            However, as for gross weight there is no for individual with the ammunition belt and the electric power supply system etc

                                                                            • 皮夹克和火焰喷射器,沙滩车,以及即将亚马逊Mohikankatsura我还下令逮捕
                                                                              The flame thrower and skin John, we arrest which orders buggy and [mohikankatsura] to Amazon the immediate shelf

                                                                              • 知Rimasuta首次在一个U型Kochikame使用火药的存在,这很难清洗的东西
                                                                                It is dense, gun powder existence of the model cancer/gun which is used is known for the first time with the [chi] turtle, it is, something distantly it is cleaning serious, so

                                                                                • 神奈川县,神奈川县警方逮捕了7月11日在枪支和刀剑管制法因为这样,他们被怀疑藏有枪支和弹药,没有固定的地址,通过歌舞俱乐部商店,机关枪的侵犯藏歌舞餐厅老板。久男。系犯罪嫌疑人(35) u003d逮捕了涉嫌违反大麻管制法再次被捕,南区,相模原市,同店雇员涉嫌Kotiya直树(28)被逮捕 It arrests with Kanagawa and machine gun possession suspicion kiyabakura store managers As for Kanagawa prefectural police e g on the 11th the machine gun and the ball cartridge were possessed that doing in doubt of gun sword method violation Address uncertainty kiyabakura store sutra Hisashi raw Happiness suspect 35 arrest re is arrested with hemp control method violation suspicion The Sagamihara Itiminami Ku same store employee old intellectual house direct happy suspect 28 it arrested
                                                                                  • 经过歌舞餐厅。久男。系犯罪嫌疑人(35)雇员涉嫌Kotiya直树(28)女性员工来说,这店(18)和演员是不是安全嘿 kiyabakura store sutra Hisashi raw Happiness suspect 35 Employee old intellectual house direct happy suspect 28 Woman 18 of the same store employee It is cheap the tsu it inhales and comes out the orators shelf

                                                                                • 红色墨水走出一个真正的641 641 Real the empty the red ink comes out
                                                                                  • 造成球或包装在410球,所以恩 410 Therefore the a the ball not be plugged causing

                                                                                • 翻译这将是一个机枪或小哩我从来没有像M60的或者订正的或什至没有它,我想我会冲锋枪MP5冲锋枪移动521 521 Sub machinegun tsu te The portable machine gun the machine pistol tsu te it is translated MP5 it probably will cause Never minimi or M60 is imagined it is it is not
                                                                                  • 矩形我什么就像美国的冲锋枪吗?它似乎很值得这鳕鱼 The tsu ke which is simply rectangular parallelepiped like sub machinegun tsu te what of America That does not hit suitable don t you think it seems

                                                                                • 蝎子是从620一旦新生力量五七或Maikurotaboru更衣室真正大阪不会出来 620 In Osaka mu oak From coin rocker sukopion As expected FN five seven or maikurotaboru probably will not appear but
                                                                                  • 对此我麦克10 729新生力量五七? 729 Mack 10 FN five sevens Which you take

                                                                                • 警方特别巡逻队车辆。单位的两排着大田二二处。釜石市的警员家
                                                                                  The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department patrol section special car. Two section second platoons two machine forward Ota. As for the home of policeman Iwate prefecture Kamaishi city

                                                                                  • 贝瑞塔M92F案件处理时,很多情况下采取扰乱→9毫米自动手枪或可靠 When beretsuta 9 millimeter automatic pistol which has M92F or reliability gt it cannot scramble and designates the multitude as the partner

                                                                                    • 这或许,我不知道关于战争遗留山一泻
                                                                                      This [tsu] [te] perhaps, the relic of time of Yamaichi war It probably is the outflow red sandal wood

                                                                                      • 难怪在日本涌代理商,我会出厌恶那里烤
                                                                                        When it probably is the resident [chiyon] operative, it does not start roasting, don't you think? distasteful it is to be

                                                                                        • 马格南左轮手枪沙漠之鹰或移动也非常不方便,但过大火灾不断 As for magnum or dessert eagle of revolver Deca passing although it shoots continually being inconvenient carrying serious
                                                                                          • 886捆他照常上班,我提出的底线是连续在关岛西靶场 886 Being able to use him normally please in the Guam firing range keeping accompanying

                                                                                        • 高便携性和高度肯定冲锋枪熊熊枪显然,我们不应该在美国非法途径 The carry along characteristic of SMG and the like to be high as for the gun whose running fire characteristic is high is illegal even in America Should make procurement route clear

                                                                                          研究 開発