Attajan一年前一个名字:光栅(大阪):2010 03 19(周五)21:39:39 19编号:yBLC6GR 专利法条约“回收烹调油”,在未经处理的污水下水道!到300亿吨胃的人 中国17日,中制成的污废水“回收食用油,”一年度3 000亿吨吃太多 但在中国令人震惊的消息报道显示风暴 Even one year ago it was it is 1 Name Diffraction grating the Osaka prefecture 2010 03 19 gold 21 39 39 19 ID yBLC6GR PLT As for that raw material of “recycling edible oil” sewage of sewer Annual 3 000 000 ton to stomach of citizen China On the 17th the Chinese was produced the “recycling edible oil” eats also year 3 000 000 t from the sewage of the sewer Shocking news is reported in the Chinese country and has become large disturbance
据犯罪嫌疑人,并开始生产石油元租了房子三月污水 According to the suspect borrowing the private house as for beginning the production of the sewage oil March
3年左右?我在黑板上一滴眼泪,我有一个小黑色的塑料栅栏柱像我死了我所谓的入油面条卡住了一些不前 About 3 years On just a little front Many people death it is even you say with the oil which was inserted in Chinese noodles There was an article don t you think Black vinyl Crumbling up small In addition board likely It has attached
ç Eeee s柯哈 :¯ (,, ヽ⌒ : :¯ ¯“〜 ü 。柯的e s Ahatsu ha and ha ゙ eeee ¯ 92 ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ gt U ゙ ho ゙ ahatsu
ç哈克Eeee s :¯ (,, ヽ⌒ : :。· ¯“〜 ü ha and ha ゙ eeee ¯ 92 ⌒ REPT ¯ ¯ gt U
Idara没有闻到实际的路线98污水处理厂的气味%的水平选择从福岛人类可爱的偶像 The sewage disposal plant going, when you smell actual smell, the level where 98% human chooses the Fukushima product
“气味,开始人数上升到天堂”,并表达时,也听到了爆炸的真空卡车 “To the heaven the kind of odor which stands up” When the vacuum car explodes you inquired about such expression
186 室内地面覆盖污秽,“气味,开始人数上升到天堂”,这是 186 gt As for the indoor floor you say that with the dirt being covered “ the kind of odor which stands up was to the heaven ”
室内地面覆盖污秽,“开始的数字将上升到顶端的气味”,这是 gt As for the indoor floor you say that with the dirt being covered “ the kind of odor which stands up was to the heaven ”
∧ )我: 升 ⊃ )∀ )),但没有那么好吃(one man NIDA的废物⊃¯ ¯( )〜∞ ( 。 ) ∧ i l ⊃ ∀ Although tastiness to be so Person ⊃ Wasted nida ¯ ¯ XXINF
°和 )我: 升 ⊂⊃ ⊃ MARU With i l ⊃ ⊂ ⊃
解读阎连科的Eee 920∧ ∧(病 ⊃ 920 ゙ eee ∧ ∧ ill д No i l ゚ With i l ⊃ ⊂ ⊃
不要在电视上适用,因为中国间谍代理人Babaaare Tteta我说的馒头好水油泵浦光电视在解决了 The manju which with television tackle was fried with the sewage oil speaking well, you say
[babaa] of the Chinese operative
You do not happen to see with the television ever since that
你知道,排水渠及清理,满身泥泞湿滑双方〜我不知道什么神秘的创新 When the [ho] and others, it cleans the drain, slipperily on the side - the [tsu]
Nature you cannot know, what sticking slipperily, the [ru
你要和这个想法打动了为什么这个想法是一个很好的Itsuita认为这样的事情 Such a thing was happened to think well The lever is conception coming out you admire to this conception which wrapped
在这个国家是会喜欢这个主意 为什么Oeeee oeeee The lever is conception coming out was wrapped this country… which
像图西人在罗安达内战,日本人一直assigned ll被发现在杆头Shisa杀害人人 Hammer family in the [ruanda] civil war likely, the Japanese is done the spots being divided the head with the club, everyone murder
几年后迅速甚至癌症的增加,由于主要或Hukushima? The cancer patient increasing rapidly several years later, it becomes in consequence of the Fukushima nuclear plant kana?
凡活动不是虚幻的,确实瓦特累,因为你没有一个真正的炼金术士blue ll [suge] radioactivity somewhere it is not, as expected w
The handle, the [ze] whose any alchemy teacher is deep blue
华硕Eee∧神奇柯水油分钟下来,我想我已经买了我Tanomo杆日本茂,鱼中国_∧(二 :⊃ The Chinese newly rich buys and searches the Japanese product the [wa] which the air which understands does
Sewage oil
゙ [eee]
∧ _ ∧
(II ' д )
No I ||. ゚
With _ _) river | ; ; : ⊃
⊂; : ; ; ; : : ; : ⊃
吃完中餐扎实,反流性胃炎往常一样,我觉得在食道克如烧灼痛 After the Chinese cooking was eaten, in order with counterflow characteristic gastritis, for the esophagus to burn, be sure to become painful
在同一个地方,每天当我撒尿,但我真的希望鄂杂草只生活有井 Everyday urinating in the same place the cod Just there grows with the spirit where the weed is enormous it is
如何移动的汽车撞倒,并在水油Etara海水淡化厂可怕的,也许他们改变了生态能源的角度,生态的权力,如果你推荐人的有机废物吞掉 When angle is changed the enormous echo energy causing re it is Moving the changing to fresh water plant and the car with the sewage oil if it recommends the organic cultivation of the human droppings At a stroke in echo large country
对已使用油流,污水泵站锗在每个家庭,它可能没有在浮动层的污水 Letting flow the oil which with each home was used in the fried food to sewage Reaching layer on the sewage it probably has floated
如果我们减少了药物治疗的杂质被过滤,收集它,我想我第一次看到,该油倾销取得了新茹 Collecting that if it decreases the impurity with filtration medicine processing You try that the eye which you saw the brand new po will be probably can do the oil
过滤后在它在一夜之间,加热,沉淀,更通过对分离过程中,重新整理Geru新鲜油市场 Whole day and night applying that after filtering passing plural processes such as heating settling and separating it finishes in the playback edible oil
它是由长行早晨我将Parakarademo Risuru超级市场出售廉价食油我Tyuugoku When it becomes the tsu te which the Chinese tsu te super sells at a reduced price edible oil Therefore even from morning tsu pa and others line of long snake
结束了 Ginaika倾斜的想法?我做烹饪油的Kusodame的内容 Doesn t… conception pass with respect to tilt The tsu te which makes the edible oil from content of kusodame …
对放射性水平没有看到contamination m多边和日本已成为中国良好的穿着叩笑,这可能是发生在日本和现在差不多的 Radiation contamination level probably will be now also Japan being seen about similarly the ru is China hitting here also the ru Japanese should have seen from the many countries the laughing person is…
污染程度笑我没有看到谁是在中国也从现在穿着它可能已经在日本看到叩日本跨国公司和现在差不多的 Pollution level probably will be now also Japan being seen about similarly the ru is China hitting here also the ru Japanese should have seen from the many countries the laughing person is…
左 右─ヽ三三三三三 升 ,⌒ヽ,布鲁诺 NULL
─── 等我 NULL
我不希望从该技术,使污水可怕的食用油油?像我一样不喜欢吃粪便鄂?对不起,我立即感觉 Isn t the oil enormous from the technology itself which makes the edible oil from sewage It seems that it tries to be able to eat the droppings it is without being Feeling bad ri i …
我会从这个油吗?我能吃得起? The oil takes from such a ones it is Eating all right what
我会采取粪便或油?什么颜色是唯一的相似性? From the feces and urine the oil how being able to take Color being similar just the ru tsu te kana…
有传言说狗屎对不起156。由于石油生产 156 Don t you think the me it is That droppings of rumor Therefore oil product…
我也是一个先进的回收技术是值得的世界第二大经济体预期 As expected it is economic power of worldwide second rank
Also recycling technology advancing suitable, the [ru
我什么是食品加工业已经开始在239,中国这样一个打火机的心情 239 It can begin the food processing industry with such a light paste as for or China where
我像一个小Numenume总胆固醇...是43美元,而不是基奥普斯s或什至迫使石油Numenume 43
The [u] it is the [chi] [tsu] [te] Just a little [numenume] it has done, don't you think?…
The [numenume] is substituting the oil, Mosquito ゙ Khufu ゙ [ru
我卖捌Itenakatta无论从脂肪制成的产品谁在整容手术吸入日本? The product making from the fat of the person who even in Japan is absorbed in the cosmetic surgery it wasn't sold?
我可能不是安全的使用,即使外出死或出口加工食品的穷人Kurairashii Also the deceased coming out, the [ru] it does and probably is not safe
Using, [ru] seems about the pauper or the processed food for export, but
我必须做的中国是世界领先的拿起只有在排除倾斜总是在我们面前的一歩二歩 China doing always penetrating ahead we one step two step on tilt, led/read the world
我觉得惊喜是一只猪谁吃了第一次125,我真的很惊讶与我办这样的想法 125 The person who eats the sea cucumber for the first time was thought in astonishment but doing such conception it executes riding it is astonishment truly don t you think
我认为它是安全的事情,从中国人民的蔬菜喜固体更好遥福岛蔬菜,因为他们有一个利润或做任何有创意 If you call the originality device, or make a profit, therefore the people that it is done regardless,
When you compare to the Chinese vegetable, you think that the Fukushima vegetable is much safer,
打开井盖唯一的制造方法,请用黑色污水浊度,它们的作用掻出来的物体看起来像Bitanori红色区域,每一天。桶收集约4杯 Production method You open the manhole cover inside the sewer become turbid redness blackly has starts scratching the object of the paste condition which the person of the role which the time Everyday one About bucket 4 container is collected
Chugoku Shinbun报道,放油和废污水,油被用于连接到下水道和组件,而不是很多情况下被视为烹调油和廉价餐馆出售 The Chinese newspaper publishing company announced As for the sewage oil with the oil which was used in the component which comes in contact with the garbage and the drain and the sewage tube the case which is sold at the eating house and the like as a cheap edible oil is many
三界的销售渠道建立Itarazu油,污水未售出的TTA的工作仍在 To build the marketing route not reaching You call the sewage oil which it made that it did not sell yet
内置的Itarazu销售渠道 TTA的下水道的工作是,石油还没有被出售 gt To build the marketing route not reaching gt You call the sewage oil which was made that it did not sell yet
可以作为烹调油和廉价餐馆出售了很多案件的下水道组件 gt As for the sewage oil with the oil which was used in the component which comes in contact with the garbage and the drain and the sewage tube The case which is sold at the eating house and the like gt as a cheap edible oil is many
因此,整个化粪池和油底壳流失“败类,”我认为,净化 Because is it accumulates in the sewage tube and the purification tank “the scum” is refined you think that it is
水油底排水和垃圾,油,配料被使用,坚持下水道食用油和廉价餐馆,很多情况下不出售 As for the sewage oil with the oil which was used in the component which comes in contact with the garbage and the drain and the sewage tube The case which is sold at the eating house and the like as a cheap edible oil is many
放射性材料的影响是从中国销往日本吹可爱的偶像 In order with influence of the radioactive substance, for the Chinese product to fly, Japan which could be sold…
日本纳粹统治机构,媒体,法律,教育,并裁定几乎所有的警察,他们一定会抓住,即使是日本民族的生命支持系统已 The Japanese Nazis, the administration ruling party, the organ of expression, substance to control legal profession, education and police everything, already
Even the life support system of the Japanese race you have grasped
是什么让我坚信,二氧化碳气体和大便家伙,不知何故炼金术的想法 Conception of alchemy no refuse [ge] obtaining
The [u] it is with the thing pee and carbon dioxide gasoline to make,
是的,我想我还必须创造一个东西膨化谷物或放射性Tsukatsu Using the radioactivity you think that it makes make whether pon candy kana it is there is also the fact that and is
放射性水平不是否ü噢哦噢 The u well well well the a Don t you think radioactivity level …
有一个奇妙的创意生态敏感的某些安上!我“我希望你纸板肉,工作中花费太多的手, ”已得被使用,例如想和物质更为敏感,安上原 There is the splendid originality device where there is a cheapness which is echo tsu te gt The cardboard meat ma it is with to call the hand being applied to processing too much gt Being able to think the person who used the original material in cheapness viewing
我希望你纸板肉,工作中花费太多的手, 必须重视,例如一直在使用,而材质更敏感,安上原 The cardboard meat ma it is with to call the hand being applied to processing too much Being able to think the person who used the original material in cheapness viewing
有一个奇妙的创意生态敏感的某些安上!我认为,而是由中央政府Tteta和一个国家的条件将授予我 There is the splendid originality device where there is a cheapness which is echo tsu te gt The cardboard meat ma it is with to call the hand being applied to processing too much gt Being able to think the person who used the original material in cheapness viewing
来吧,我要继承一个新的WWW国家不出秘技 Www which by all means, would like to have succeeding as secret skill of the overseas non- coming out
燃料和生物量上作了平民的水平,但它已经是低纯度wwwwwwww The biomath fuel had been made already at civilian level with wwwwwwww
But purity low so,
甜蜜的礼物,我们得到了一年前,在中国女孩(他像一个芯片的核心)Betara食品,立即打破了胃不好的感情来请 When the candy heart tip chip like person which about one year ago is received in the gift of the girl Chinese you eat becoming feeling bad the stomach you broke
盖上这个历史真理和禁忌远离了完美的对称,在转180度,只是恼人把韩国人说日本人在他们对Humi晃克惹推动了历史的和说谎或不 Naming the truth of this history taboo it is sealed perfectly That 180 degrees conversely very the Japanese only annoyance you put on the Korean you say You pushed the history of lie the re and others te put away as Masashi and isn t
韩国人在日本第二次世界大战后,日本的名义与占领军韩国,疯狂杀人,犯罪的狂欢女人现在是一个被剥夺总理该死的,那个时期建成了财富的感谢 The resident Korean naming the Korean occupation force immediately after the termination of war reigning in Japan The homicide stripe chestnut the woman the tsu te which the offense stripe chestnut takes first class area and sows with the favor building property
祖母的唯一受害者女川一生的房子,但援助流量Karimashita The grandmother inside suffered with the Megawa and as for the house just life of those which are let flow entirely was saved
无损检测我来你的口粮和受害者的办公室失窃毯子背面取出座位 Stealing the boiled rice and the blanket of distribution from the place of the sufferer who removes the seat having it returns
究竟是什么我作为食用油Tatte出售的,例如哇塞食物的人,该泥泞Numenume腥味 Passing that as the edible oil selling, being thing?
That, slipperily [nu] [me] [nu] [me] smelly, that which is done could be fed in the person
肯河村,比他们更差,只有瑞剩菜浸在番茄和甜瓜泡菜 茄 And Kawamura who soaks the pickle with the leftover of the melon 瑞 the party who is more terrible than Ken
蒂诺您对我们的长期和521个好东西 521 Extremely way you have good ones …
被○Abeshi健康构成即时危害没有从福岛649健康构成即时危害! 649
Fukushima product At once there is no healthy damage
Medium ○ product At once healthy damage should… the [a]!
要以十本 to be to be ten made
许多情况下,它们可以作为烹调油和廉价餐馆出售〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜“不是很多,”我强调 gt As for the sewage oil with the oil which was used in the component which comes in contact with the garbage and the drain and the sewage tube The case which is sold at the eating house and the like gt as a cheap edible oil is many
耶〜〜〜耶〜〜〜哥们不是很多情况下被出售给其他作为食用油低价饭店万维网 gt As for the sewage oil with the oil which was used in the component which comes in contact with the garbage and the drain and the sewage tube The case which is sold at the eating house and the like gt as a cheap edible oil is many
该名男子在夏纳亚硝酸盐污染的牛奶被捕往往是真实的,中国当局,“故意”,并得出结论(路透社) With sinner well certain thing Al
With nitrous acid salt mixture to milk suspect arrest,
The Chinese authorities conclude “intention” (Reuters)
这一夜土,石油,污水进入了借Rinu手中回来了! !在我们的有生之年,躲避一块的遗憾! ! ! ! This waste it returns to sewage oil you do not borrow the hand of the person In our life one piece you are not regretful
Raoh的“,并没有在生活中的遗憾是我们的一个一块!”你是不是站在少爷在奇诺 One piece you are not regretful “in our life of raou ” With rising ru that it is
这一点,所以我们应该怎么做 - 食品及饮料贸易 - 韩国出口到日本地震发生后五保费,方便面和水[11 / 04 / 11] This, how it does, it is
The Korean eating and drinking charge, toward Japan export 5 extra After the earthquake disaster, instant noodle and water [11/04/11
这些股份是从福岛224分钟,你是安全的水平,可以生产更可靠茨城 224 As for the Fukushima product you do not understand but the level shelf where you can feel at rest the Ibaraki product securely
这种味道并不多Tyuugoku Barenai m闻不到Oeeeee万维网 Extent China which is not [bare] with smell is to smell shelf www
避免和愚蠢的辐射警告他们购买中国食品加工和冷冻鱼产品 When the radioactivity you will avoid, foolishly the frozen food and the processed item of the Chinese product you buy and search the alarm bell
酸辣汤或成龙,文化或少林或太极拳我没有从中国这一点,我总是好 It becomes like this from the Chinese [tsu] [te] sometime
But the little forest temple is thick polar fist or flax old lady tofu or [jiyatsuki] culture favorite what,
马氏倍多万元从福岛污染菠菜的人,如果你吃中放射性 If the Chinese product you eat Spinach of Fukushima product of radioactivity being covered 1 000 000 time increase
马氏倍多万元,如果从饮食中福岛辐射污染 If the Chinese product you eat Spinach of Fukushima product of radioactivity being covered 1 000 000 time increase
(编辑:隼人如月)Sosusachina 4月11日(星期一),他们使用了人力浪费在无用的废物交付15 38分钟“使水油下面的”调查工作,重庆 (Compilation charge: 如 month Hayato)
[sosusachina] April 11th (Monday) 15:38 transmissions To use the waste of waste useless and “the sewage oil make”, the farm shop investigation = Chongging
, ,, · , · ー ,,, ,女 哦 , ) ,强 在中国大地震“紧急出口了285吨的唯一途径向日本和新鲜卷心菜 285 ton cabbages it comes kiyabetsu of the Chinese product y REPT REPT The method of washing to think and dissolve DREPT REPT No 92 ¯ two r REPT t REPT i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92 Directing to the Chinese “Japan it exported 285 ton fresh cabbages urgently