You are hard on “discriminatory speech in the small school ahead being transferred which is not” are kicked in the evacuation child and the classmate from Fukushima the hospitalization Nagaoka city ★6
14:34编号:PoRH2Fgw 07031041529095 mb ezweb ne jp wb42proxy04 Ezweb ne jp。 如果你写了大量垃圾文章中,我是一个借口吃长冈州作为人类我们自己来表达孩子们之间也有很多麻烦,但他们的想法和鄂蚀像我们国家,他们都已经售出,比如果关键字福岛他们自己的,而是把长冈伤害了国家声誉的故事是一个像你长冈我是一个受害者是谁写的文章是吃什么 14 34 ID PoRH2Fgw 07031041529095 mb ezweb ne jp wb 42proxy04 ezweb ne jp As for the mass rubbish by your the ma is Nagaoka s human wrote the article on dashi in order to eat the ma it is Trouble of the child who anywhere is expressed excessively If Fukushima is designated as keyword from being able to sell the article that by your the ma is can eat the ma you thought even with damaged the reputation of the Nagaoka person and by your the ma are wrote the article in order to eat the ma it is Very the Nagaoka person is the victim
376名:雪发表小时候我:2011 04 24(星期日)21:14:34编号:PoRH2Fgw 07031041529095 mb ezweb ne jp wb42proxy04 Ezweb ne jp。 你会浪费他们的质量来表达彼此太麻烦我还是个孩子无论我写了一篇文章长冈借口吃人几乎是他们对我们如何为国家的粮食比如果关键字的文章Hukushima出售鄂,他们认为,他们甚至把自己的人伤害了长冈长冈声誉谁是受害者是我在写文章的状态,你吃 376 Name The snow it is the child Contribution day 2011 04 24 day 21 14 34 ID PoRH2Fgw 07031041529095 mb ezweb ne jp wb 42proxy04 ezweb ne jp As for the mass rubbish by your the ma is Nagaoka s human wrote the article on dashi in order to eat the ma it is Trouble of the child who anywhere is expressed excessively If Fukushima is designated as keyword from being able to sell the article that by your the ma is can eat the ma you thought even with damaged the reputation of the Nagaoka person and by your the ma are wrote the article in order to eat the ma it is Very the Nagaoka person is the victim
377名:雪发表小时候我:2011 04 24(星期日)21:21:26编号:CMPVcUkg KD111104240248购买力平价bb dion ne jp。 378名:雪发表小时候我:2011 04 24(星期日)21:22:49编号: 。i118 21 37 157 s04 a015 ap plala or jp。。 pNwQmLXg 376我是说,去流氓的家伙来破坏人类所以,你有没有什么大的影响 377 Name The snow it is the child Contribution day 2011 04 24 day 21 21 26 ID CMPVcUkg KD111104240248 ppp bb dion ne jp 378 Name The snow it is the child Contribution day 2011 04 24 day 21 22 49 ID pNwQmLXg i118 21 37 157 s04 a015 ap plala or jp 376 With to say or therefore as for the 輩 which specially comes to devastating the human of base of society it influences greatly without being the yo
1“不歧视说,”我知道他们骗了所有人,但我们可以把敢于公开说出 1 “There was no discriminatory speech” It is something which can say that you understand that everyone lie well grandly
1,什么这些家伙?他从你的习惯唤捐赠 即使他们帮助地震与觉醒Hotobori梅鲁,现在我不能让孩子们在踢除住院尚未受害者?这是人类排泄物 1 It is what and others it is dense The case of Nakagoe earthquake that even the te me gill is the contribution which is help in the habit which screams When the ho and the bo ri awaken this time the reason which you are hospitalized furthermore to the child of the same sufferer including kicking Rubbish shelf of human
罢工是企图欺骗单身男人的女孩,是反对歧视欺凌瞬间!不是被了解的唯一典型,唤 Simply as the boy is in the woman shifting as it was counterattacked promptly was discriminated and was hard on With screaming perhaps just the ru and
498津镇垃圾填埋场[确定]以在PTA工作,而他们的母亲说金正日 498
With waiting BBS the mothers of PTA eluding topic, in the midst of [sure] burying stand construction
776 - 我想在我的温达782和I温达认为漂白名学校下学年课程,所有学校的一对事实和PTA我Wareru线装配的解释,当时大会河豚微笑难民“专业公民”我认为造成食品我挂着镰刀Pashi亚拉魔法学院和居民困境的椅子可以被吹了我巨大的混乱之中包括一 776 - 782
You think in we mark, but it is you think that in the future school name is bleached, it is,
So, naturally in the school the whole school meeting and PTA meeting are done for explaining related to fact, but it is,
At that time it is in the [ma] evacuee who the [hu] [gu] is done, the “professional citizen” mingling to panic, the chair is slung from edge eating in the school personnel, and the inhabitant you think that one 悶 arrival it causes with the [wa] which starts
951 和多布斯仅限于死,我喜欢这个女孩,我是一名母亲和W有一个国民总比萨瓦特瓦特关机 这么丑的女人 951 gt Extent dobusu which it dies limiting to such girl it puts out also the mother is heart pizza what w Certain w which is entire country busaiku about the woman the se obtaining w which can
多布斯与它九五一瓦特限制死,我喜欢这个女孩做的,我是一名母亲和毛比萨饼瓦特 951 Doing so w Extent dobusu which it dies limiting to such girl it puts out also the mother is heart pizza what w
我本人的生活,然后来到Ikanakya背包的东西太重了,这个女孩 Shouldering those where also this girl is heavy if you have lived and are not viewing
Gijanaika反应过度的媒体对我只是不知道因果关系Hukushima? The causal relation does not understand and don't the mass communications react too excessively with just the Fukushima [tsu] [te]?
NULL School side it recognized the fact that it is the unkind treatment apologized to the guardian Vis a vis this article the reaction ↓ of the Niigata prefecture Nagaoka citizen Although the partner just it does it is foolish level extremely story becoming large the ru don t you think Regional everything being grudged with quarrel of the child the ru don t you think Just this sure While it is body arrival of arrival even in the weak which evacuates the liquor drinking Don doing to make a noise annoyance you apply in neighborhood The rice is and attaches and or is mazu with complaint the person of the volunteer the 輩 which it makes be troubled but it is Helping although the ru complaint saying the foolish together Nagaoka citizen of Fukushima unless it is should have said the intention altogether of accepting the sufferer clearly
排减单位的热烈欢迎,特别是受它影响刮137人,即使你人明显宫城,RAN解决方案或大众,我不碰狗可以改变,但人是指谁岩手,福岛 137 As for especially receiving warmly vis a vis the people who suffer the ro which is proper Don t you think that with Miyagi person and with Iwate person and with Fukushima person strange cup It touches to the swelling way meaning solution viewing
NULL Start hunting Organized crime Don t you think 2 the ru if less number extends is the system where the profit is produced to the reporter and management Don t you think sure 2 where it raises if the ru reporter himself extends less number and changing ID in order to obtain the profit becomes and does fanning the finish it is the crime which is close to fraud behavior When you look at the person who does the how strange to fan in order to extend less number please inform to the police directly Don t you think in at this opportunity 2 the arrest person will be produced securely from ru management gt “At suffering area the burglar and characteristic crime occurring frequently” and so on false rumor flies about The National Police Agency check strengthening If viciousness exposure 04 01 gt Administration net regulation strengthening Computer supervisory bill Cabinet conference decision As for administration the computer supervisory bill where the problematical point is argued long the Cabinet conference was decided
NULL Start hunting Organized crime Don t you think 2 the ru if less number extends is the system where the profit is produced to the reporter and management Don t you think sure 2 where it raises if the ru reporter himself extends less number and changing ID in order to obtain the profit becomes and does fanning the finish it is the crime which is close to fraud behavior When you look at the person who does the how strange to fan in order to extend less number please inform to the police directly Don t you think in at this opportunity 2 the arrest person will be produced securely from ru management gt “At suffering area the burglar and characteristic crime occurring frequently” and so on false rumor flies about The National Police Agency check strengthening If viciousness exposure 04 01 gt Administration net regulation strengthening Computer supervisory bill Cabinet conference decision As for administration the computer supervisory bill where the problematical point is argued long the Cabinet conference was decided
Www nikkei com 新闻 最新 条 克 u003d 96958A9C93819695E0E1E2E3918DE0E1E2E6E0E2E3E39191E3E2E2E2?N cid u003d TW001疏散从福岛儿童福祉住院踢在新泻东实际地震,但会说最后的例子,从福岛县小学6岁男童已被疏散在长冈,新泻县(11)成在小学同学踢转移,且有23个已住院,做了市教委的教育分钟采访 www nikkei com news latest article g 96958A9C93819695E0E1E2E3918DE0E1E2E6E0E2E3E39191E3E2E2E2 n cid TW001 The child of evacuation being kicked from Fukushima you are hospitalized If well ultimate is said it becomes so Actually in Niigata with east Japanese large earthquake disaster the boy child 6 year of elementary schools which are evacuated to Niigata prefecture Nagaoka city from Fukushima prefecture 11 In the small school ahead being transferred it was kicked in the classmate on the 23rd it understood with collection of data to of the same city board of education that you are hospitalized
793 嗯,794,它是津南町或十天主要方向的地方已经损害,地震发生在新泻东,真正将发生,如果例如说,最终,没太早日恢复温和的幸运,但我也有在新泻damage 793 794 If well ultimate is said it becomes so Actually Toka Machi and Tsunan direction main put out also the place where it has the damage of east Japanese large earthquake disaster in Niigata also damage of Niigata city met but it is being the happiness minor also restoration was quick
这次地震东,男孩的6所小学年已疏散了长冈,新泻县,福岛县(11)城市被变成了在小学同学踢转移,且有23个已住院时,市教育局访谈的纪要没有 With east Japanese large earthquake disaster the boy child 6 year of elementary schools which are evacuated to Niigata prefecture Nagaoka city from Fukushima prefecture 11 in the small school ahead being transferred was kicked in the classmate on the 23rd it understood with collection of data to the same city board of education that you are hospitalized
这次地震东,男孩的6所小学年已疏散了长冈,新泻县,福岛县(11)城市被变成了在小学同学踢转移,且有23个已住院时,市教育局访谈的纪要没有 With east Japanese large earthquake disaster the boy child 6 year of elementary schools which are evacuated to Niigata prefecture Nagaoka city from Fukushima prefecture 11 in the small school ahead being transferred was kicked in the classmate on the 23rd it understood with collection of data to the same city board of education that you are hospitalized
ー ヽヽヾ 人(ヽ ヽ,哦 ⌒布鲁诺,⌒, 升 (海外)(海外) ヽ ーー 6 升 。 ヽ ヽ, (, ) ヽJJJJJJ) ∪ , “ ヽ,ヽ REPT DREPT REPT Person REPT 92 REPT HKRPT No ⌒ ⌒ and l o o REPT 6 l REPT REPT 92 REPT JJJJJJ 92 to ゙ ko ゙ ooo ∩ i No ∧ ∧ ¯ REPT lt ∵ lt DOTDT REPT ¯ ¯ No 92 i ni two ¯ ∪ gt REPT REPT
一旦你回到了医院这个婊子打“这是一个糟糕的家伙,尽管女孩被一名男子的暴力行为”被悬挂在电梯,性别和葛嘴广告,“一个人的行为尽管是一个女孩葛怯懦的口碑广告对我来说,“我们静静地对我说,在远离医院的证明Kabawa埃泰,”不仅要在负面信息的人唯一的女性,尽管“和叩Kareru Beating returning when this kuso woman you are hospitalized “In habit of the man it is the violence how lowest guy in the girl” With to hang from the man and woman When you tattle “the how man who tattles the behavior of the girl to habit of the man it does not seem” that saying Saying nothing withstanding when you are hospitalized instead of you are protected “Being defeated to the woman in habit of the man it is wretched” that it is hit
一旦你回到了医院这个婊子打“这是一个糟糕的家伙,尽管女孩被一名男子的暴力行为”被悬挂在电梯,性别和葛嘴广告,“一个人的行为尽管是一个女孩葛怯懦的口碑广告对我来说,“我们静静地对我说,在远离医院的证明Kabawa埃泰,”不仅要在负面信息的人唯一的女性,尽管“和叩Kareru Beating returning when this kuso woman you are hospitalized “In habit of the man it is the violence how lowest guy in the girl” With to hang from the man and woman When you tattle “the how man who tattles the behavior of the girl to habit of the man it does not seem” that saying Saying nothing withstanding when you are hospitalized instead of you are protected “Being defeated to the woman in habit of the man it is wretched” that it is hit
东西我不会再有第二个我在青岛吃拉面?长冈狗屎! Don't you think? Chinese noodles something of Chinto two degrees 喰 [wa] -!
Droppings Nagaoka!
京都地方法院判决日本!多瓦和日本一直紧张,但反过来我发射到有问题的学校在真正疯狂Tteru或不公正的判决罚款!占领军韩国已被遗忘! [法院]韩国官员干扰课堂专户定罪(4年有期徒刑两年缓刑)3★Kyouto地方法院 The Kyoto district court which is controlled in resident!
As for Dowa and resident being unconcerned, going into the school, although problem it caused
That injustice decision deviating conversely truly, the [ru]!
The Korean occupation force does not have to be forgotten!
Class disturbance of the Korean school and staff and others conviction of resident in special meeting (penal servitude 2 year stay of execution 4 year) The Kyoto district court * 3
人们移居到客栈,“我回家(我包括泥石流和海啸)清洗时,夜间收容所西我沿着这条”赎回会说,它不能接受 “Returning to the house from the person who moves to the hotel the case where it cleans the mud and the like which flowed into in the tidal wave in addition please lodge in this refuge” Also it was said but you say that you cannot agree upon
大声争吵到组Gishi难民收容所,你可能会说,因为它可以讨厌老居民Gishi即使大声重复的酒吧,例如,不要说我认为这取决于 The evacuee at the refuge the do is with the group doing to make a noise drawing out to the pub being agitated Because there was also a tsu te story where also the old inhabitant has been bothered You cannot call unconditionally with you think but
什么颜色的东西失去了受损的心脏是薄 u200b u200b弱salaried ll辉Tokoro,我一直在等待一个更可怕的翻译,欺负 Suffering color it is losing the thing heart finishing to weaken in the ru place furthermore it is the meaning which heroical ijime waited
从下一次,这些儿童被欺负,因为它是一个不错的选择相反欺负 From this time the child who does such ijime conversely adjusting to ijime it should have tried is
在受灾地区,其中包括罕见的情况下,儿童和灾难疏散添加到了自己的精神生活请长引 At suffering area earthquake disaster and is prolonged with the evacuation life which the children mentally It is driven
他们只是对这些我都Hayo长冈我只是让人们在黑暗中腐烂而阴险的微笑虐待和仇恨的人面 The Nagaoka tsu lever u the insidious just human who is said On the surface smiling with the shadow only insult and the harassment The person is rotted it is
他们只是对这些我都Hayo长冈我只是让人们在黑暗中腐烂而阴险的微笑虐待和仇恨的人面 The Nagaoka tsu lever u the insidious just human who is said On the surface smiling with the shadow only insult and the harassment The person is rotted it is
伝染汝踢从儒与放射性被迫停止罢工赤手 When you beat with the bare hand, it stops you do not obtain the fact that the radioactivity kicks from the contagion [ru]
你是个英雄,你来了放射性废物带出叩424 424
It started hitting the radioactive waste, therefore it is, the [ro] which is the hero
你毫不犹豫地返回曼荼罗讨牛向我挑战了,那是踢去肚皮涨领导人采取的顶级医院 To hospitalization level the stomach the tsu te which is kicked When the top you take and say and challenge to the school gang leader the ro which is about killing a would be avenger
妇女团伙嗯,我像个孩子和田亚希魔法分钟,但领导讲话 Well when it is the Wada aki child like woman school gang leader as for story however you understand don t you think
全国妇产科束在不实指控而作出我们的眼睛县服装支付891受害者。居民消费结构的破坏Takari似乎TTP的:/ / /维基/%E7的%A6的%%E5公司8楼B3的%%%型E7%9C条B6的%8C条型E7%AB的%%%E5公司%8B条A4纸%答7%%87%8E型九个人口众多型E7%97%%85%99%A2的九个人口众多%%型E7%94%A7的± 3%型E7%91%E5公司%%8C条九个人口众多块%%%%80%E6的曝光%8D的%95%广管局%8B条E4类%%%BB心跳%B6的E4类 891
In victim treatment aim the false charge was built up in the prefecture involving
The result nationwide the product lady. Destruction
[takari] constitution seems the prefectural people characteristic way
ttp: // E7% A6% 8F % E5% B3% B6% E7% 9C % 8C % E7% AB % 8B % E5% A4% A7% E9% 87% 8E % E7% 97% 85% E9% 99% A2% E7% 94% A3% E7% A7% 91% E5% 8C % BB % E9% 80% AE % E6% 8D % 95% E4% BA % 8B % E4% BB % B6
共同 亚光与回顾了放射性源,市教育委员会“,并没有放射性物质”,“在福岛县的歧视,不是”随机的,但强调那珂你肯定的是,一个新的神秘而 Cooperation Looking at the source of the mat VS radioactivity city board of education “the radioactivity there is no relationship” “it is not discrimination to Fukushima prefecture” that at random To emphasize way it is certain it is doubtful rather but
共同 在其他来源看,市教育委员会“已无关放射性”,“没有在福岛县的歧视”,但重点抽查和纳卡你一个比较陌生的新 Cooperation Looking at the other source city board of education “the radioactivity there is no relationship” “it is not discrimination to Fukushima prefecture” that at random To emphasize way it is certain it is doubtful rather but
关于辐射,但它不是我说你谁歧视就来广岛引线,如果在以前的注意,我觉得人保留了相当大的,可能广岛街头排外主义但可能没有意识到,他们也有许多小必到处Munoha几年来一直从其他县熟悉,但我认为输入 If it comes to Hiroshima with sure before there is no discrimination depending saying however the ru person it was However it probably is like in regard to the radioactivity Because you think that suitable it rubbed also the exclusive principle of the Hiroshima person don t you think note As for the person in whether there is no consciousness but entering from other prefecture as for adapting several years are temporary Well however multi he grows hoarse and grows hoarse little and it is anywhere with thinks
448广岛心脏,但我很好,我现在住在农村排外,甚至可能是普通的中国像真烦瓦特 448 But Hiroshima the center is all right perhaps The u za it is and lives normally in even China As for exclusive principle of countryside the enormous tsu po it is w
区还被指控成立竞选演说枝野幸男Minsyu Democracy branch field Yukio's roadside speech
It set also criticism area
哈拉。尽管在有限的福岛Neba善终乞丐的孩子。乞丐被隔离 Field. [gaki] of the beggar it should have died
Not just Fukushima suffering. The beggar should isolate
四郎囚禁在不同植物甜定得较儿童咨询center ll低送出去! Because the child advisory board sending 致 it is too sweet, in the discrimination place commitment margin!
在任何无知定得太低太可怕问题我在罗马教:来吧放射性物质和辐射 With radioactive substance and radiation [tsu] [te] theme class margin
How much regardless it is too harsh and it is too ignorant
在外面和面前? ? ? ? ! And as for those which are put out before the eye… …
当孩子们打他们的头俄巴较小的情况下,虽然不寻常的冲击并没有给 For example when the small child threw the head throwing abnormality does not come out for a while
在说着什么原因TTA的TTA的孩子们关心的事情踢坏老师说転入生得救吗?后踢,当我生病排减单位的发言相当沉重的情况下,他们考虑从患者呼出TTA的路线去医院有一天,当我能说话踢老师,去医院,直到孩子们再也不可能跟踢TTA的成年人 我觉得多一个人或一个是阴险的,而知道Waremasu Because the cause of kicking called the fact that the transference raw child said insult to the teacher After being kicked one day to be patient after spitting when you think of the details which do to the hospital Being rather heavy the shank At point in time of insult being able to consult the teacher When being kicked until it goes to the hospital you cannot consult the adult and have become You do not understand whether child… one person whom you kick whether plural but Considerably it is thought that it is insidious
实践,使“研究所”有很多情况下,社运团体反对核电厂本身 gt To tell the truth such as that “ Laboratory ” Itself the case group of the nuclear opposite go getter is many
实践,使“研究所”有很多情况下,社运团体反对核电厂本身 gt To tell the truth such as that “ Laboratory ” Itself the case group of the nuclear opposite go getter is many
小学反邪教的人会赢得这场战争与人权活动家什么? Counter nuclear cult vs human rights go-getter
This battle either one winning?
尽管大问题,排斥或恶意定得低了在住房 In spite even in serious matter village eight minutes it is too insidious at the refuge,
情况下,他在外面伤害我u200bu200b早踢的真实姓名!四郎和死刑! Kicking, the wound the person whom it could point actual name put out quickly!
In capital punishment margin and!
我不想说太多,人的本性是非常残忍或软件或○○b傍若无人月,嗯,我觉得我喜欢的背后 However remainder we would not like to say ro ○ a or the medium ○ or humanity are coldheartedness side young unmanned very Well whether such being a background with you think
我很好的活动,但不会传染其他的,我很担心现在是意识形态,而不是一门科学,孩子从接触受污染的,如果你不想这个小个子领域来了,所以我教的是逃避Geru Because as for we as for the radioactivity it is not contagious however it is good separately is not science directly and ideology is worried if when and chibi is bombed therefore hate When the children come from contaminated area in order to escape teaching the ru
Waru和核与辐射有关的是,由于没有一个科学的思想现在看来 gt When thing relates to the atomic energy and the radioactivity not to be science directly because ideology appears
“他们担心,从転入生没有太大的辐射与该西装,”当然有父母或说愚蠢的TTA的 “Because we fear the radioactivity it does not associate with transference raw excessively” that the foolish parent who was said exists securely
我很好的活动,但不会传染其他的,我很担心妻子,孩子来,因为如果你不喜欢这个小个子,所以我教的是逃避Geru从接触到受污染地区 Because as for we as for the radioactivity it is not contagious however it is good separately is not science directly and ideology is worried if when and chibi is bombed therefore hate When the children come from contaminated area in order to escape teaching the ru
第一响,“辐射骗局”已经严重侵犯人权,是歧视是出生在 gt First you must say voice largely as for “ Radioactivity false rumor ” With gt It means that already serious human rights violation and discrimination have been born
请地方的积极Shiidaro沉默,如果是他们害怕,放射性120余 120 If we fear the radioactivity saying nothing the ro whose it is correct and is to put in place distance
我想110 105人甚至不知道,因为他最有趣的I型,意味着没有健全的参数 持有多于是体面 110 105 Therefore like the type tsu te thing where by himself is strangest it is from the wa the human matomo sound argument excessively there is no meaning
然后,作为我们Tattaro jambos! ?我认为Udaro? About hutomomo the ro which hit The ro which the tsu te you think and is
我没有罪你的女孩⇒暴力养活孩子,男孩和女孩施暴男子咨询中心⇒ Boy in woman violence ⇒ child advisory board sending
The woman there are no violence ⇒ many finding fault in the boy
我质疑的核事故在一个以上的答案证明Hukushima第一“自然灾害”纯粹“的电力企业缺乏危机感”,既52% When accident cause of the Fukushima 1st nuclear plant is asked in plural replies “crisis atmosphere lack of “pure natural disaster” electric power company” together the 52%
所以,真的,我会成为一个红色编号:52My7xHW0什么一个公民能够长冈瓦特 Becoming deep-red, [ru] ID: w where also 52My7xHW0 probably is Nagaoka citizen what
据市教育委员会,欺凌的原因,辐射的影响,并在第一次地震发生核事故,且无任何Toukyoudenryoku Hukushima According to city board of education, as for cause of the unkind treatment,
Large earthquake disaster and you say that influence of the radioactivity with the accident of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear plant it is unrelated
新泻县教育委员会你提到它,但有一个将永远欺负剪或雕刀袋是在小学五年级体育课去年,上越市,志野隆女同学件事件我知道隐藏的罪魁祸首Peishitandayona So, if you say, the Niigata prefecture member of the board of education meeting, last year in the Takashi small school of Niigata prefecture Joetsu city in class of physical education the knapsack of the 5th grade woman being the graver and the scissors in the classmate, however there was a [ijime] incident which is chopped up disjointedly it is the criminal unclear [tsu] [te] concealment red sandal wood,
新泻是一个国家的网站,如周一总领馆条件将吸引在中国整个学校的网站我无法测试更多的日本新泻 Way it attracts as the consul general mansion site the school site roundly every to the Niigata [tsu] [te] China furthermore it is the national handle it is
As for Niigata whether already there is no Japan ordeal
新泻是一个很大的代理商谁住在半岛北部的想法 Isn't the operative of the peninsular north section Sawayama to have resided in Niigata?
无论如何,如果压力有关的呕吐,肠胃炎,呕吐从来没有你defintely腹部挫伤 If in the stress characteristic gastroenteritis vomiting anyhow, vomiting how considerably is with abdomen blow
日本政府等的数量较少我会冲刷地方当局的地球站 Because the Japanese government and the self governing community measure digging the earth numerical value is low
是不相关的,美国内华达州我了你拿到的来源? There is no relationship, but or the NEVADA [tsu] [te] already it was discharged is?
根据市教委,儿童撤离后,在长冈市,校天,从开幕式的转移地震给当地小学 According to city board of education and the like, the child to evacuate to Nagaoka city after the earthquake disaster, transferring in the small school of the city, 7 days
You attend school from commencement of work system
根据市教委,男生们撤离了长冈父亲的家乡,参加了一个新的开学典礼于本月07 According to the same city board of education the boy child to evacuate to Nagaoka city which has the parents home of the father this month from commencement of work system 7th Attending school to new school
根据市教委,男生们撤离了长冈父亲的家乡城市,从7月开幕式上下班 According to the same city board of education the boy child to evacuate to Nagaoka city which has the parents home of the father this month from commencement of work system 7th Attending school to new school
根据市教委,男生们撤离了长冈父亲的家乡,参加了一个新的开学典礼于本月07 NULL
民主是最不发达国家国家没有从TEPCO和政府结束(双方还子敏民主党)和以上所列的在日本自杀嘲不负责任的国家textbooks废话,摧毁了未来世界inability去... At least, it falls down from advanced nation and end does democracy
Tokyo Electric Power Company and government (democracy and our people are both) also the disabled kudzu destroyed Japan
… Where it is published by the textbook in the future world as national suicide bombing of rare generation and means to be ridiculed and probably will be…
盖多的perpetrator m没有资格领取母本子女免税额 As for the parent of the outside road girl of the assailant there is no qualification which child it treats receives
福岛文化水平太低,你是逆向歧视一直很生气,因为一个良好的手做任何他们想要在受害者一方 The victim confronting, we would like to do favorite selfishly, at will
Therefore the [kire] [te] you put away, it is the [ro] which is
Opposite discriminatory Fukushima prefecture standard of living it is too low
第一万六千六百二十四分之四百四十八ID在实时新闻顶部 - 2011年4月24日编号:zVR1Pn4iO 448 Rank/16624 In ID
Top page News bulletin + 2011 April 24th ID: zVR1Pn4iO
经济学应该是在电视上多次看到的867,而不是如教育水平直接影响了健康 867 It is not the level where influence appears at once healthily With it repeats with the television expectation of the education being completed
噢,我不知道你的感觉,这是一种治疗的影响 Whether with well such a place having influenced with it does the feeling which is said
苍井空的,我做什么我都会申请人所提供的信息向我们报告谴责页小子? Agero孩子是疯狂的罪犯漂白死吗? Informing to the page which impeaches, [kusogaki] of the mallow, information it should have had collecting, don't you think? it is?
Until it dies, to bleach [kichigai] offender [gaki]!
让我们松散的基础上的事实,长冈市之间的区别。 Iku辉儿童作为儿童的身体攻击,因此父母有一个镇,长冈! The ze which will distinguish the Nagaoka citizen on the basis of fact It is uninformed You raise the kind of child who assaults to the child the town where such a parent is Nagaoka
让我们松散的基础上的事实,长冈市之间的区别。 Iku辉儿童作为儿童的身体攻击,因此父母有一个镇,长冈! The ze which will distinguish the Nagaoka citizen on the basis of fact It is uninformed You raise the kind of child who assaults to the child the town where such a parent is Nagaoka
该名男子,我们应该如此庞大的女囚犯高中初中浩萨基之多,如果他是一个很大的,如果从小学至高中的女生大Kikunaru After the man becoming high school it becomes large If the elementary school student the woman child is huger and If junior high school student the size about of the same Because it becomes huge from high school should commit woman
盖伊附加到刑事可怜的姑娘们基地外晕 我真的觉得,池犯罪 Being attached to the specification of the woman child the off base ji seeing ru person… feeling it is bad as expected You commit crime is
该旦无法启动提前做这些事是彼得芒恩到我们的惩罚性正义的非难民,而是接受 Retribution
The criticism people to accept, because to [monpe] it has converted in ahead
Such occurred, it is it is not
这一点是可以在某通信记录的完整性,互联网供应商要求当局没有法庭手令 This the investigation authorities without the search warrant of the courthouse is something which it tries to be able to request the communication record integrity of the specific user to the provider of Internet
这一点是可以在某通信记录的完整性,互联网供应商要求当局没有法庭手令 This the investigation authorities without the search warrant of the courthouse is something which it tries to be able to request the communication record integrity of the specific user to the provider of Internet
这影响了很好Gottsu提木,并ー要返回好事,而不是邪恶 [teme] you have suffered the [tsu] -, favor with the enemy the return and the [ru
这是恶魔!盖多的女性不认为他们好像没有立即执行的,即使在较小的碎片! Atrocious inhuman shelf!
Outside is not either the fragment of such a consideration the road woman instantly execution margin!
那珂市中并不是什么新鲜事,甚至如果我认为位和信息流片长冈河野同学和邻居们会很快 Gradually you think that the classmate and the neighbor may let flow information of this Nagaoka woman fragmentarily but It is difficult very
部分信息到该国做一些材料蔑视穆我听到有人塞 The fragmentary information which is heard in someone Countryside mono you don t stop the fact that it makes the material which is disdained
长冈不耐烦公民成为国内新闻@城市论坛 The Nagaoka citizen @ waiting BBS which becomes nationwide news and is hasty
长冈和会津,津人欠我一来,我会津武士山本Tatewaki长冈比赛,但他们没有,但放射性仲良忘记,他们是真正可怕 As for Aizu and Nagaoka although it was chummy The Yamamoto band sword and others Nagaoka feudal clan loyal retainer coming to Aizu The favor which fights as for the Aizu person although it is not forgotten The ho it is with we fear the radioactivity…
我想是因为我们,远离辐射云? When radioactivity commenting is cause it does not get near it is it isn t
需要的,一个女人和Bakamatcho,可怜的人在诸如导致了她的第一个烦恼,TTA的可怜的家伙可能没有其他人,例如性医院依靠例如我和那些TTA的情况不仅可以承受的负面信息不仅是男人,坏男人说的结论是,即使我转 In brief as for woman and bakamatsuchiyo the man who made opportunity and the kind of circumstance which are hard on in the first place woman is bad Withstanding not being cut off others the man who depends is bad it withstands and is not cut off and is defeated and when the man who was hospitalized is wretched How tumbling the man saying badness it makes conclusion
韩国的关系,因为我是被坏人被告来到这里就是我的感觉是,如果连滚了几滚出来 Being the same as the relations of Japan and South Korea It probably will peel but although it is to do How tumbling when the air is attached this being impeached in the villain the ru
作为日本同韩国的关系,是谴责的是,坏人到达,但我觉得如果即使出来了也滚动 Being the same as the relations of Japan and South Korea it probably will peel but although it is to do How tumbling when the air is attached this being impeached in the villain the ru
鱿鱼Etara视为邪恶的人,恶Idaro TTA的侧踢?我谈谈其母公司专辑゚孩子,而且还孩子和家长 When you think whether the partner is bad the ro where the side which is kicked is bad and is But the child and the child the parent probably become parent tsu te ha ゚ turn and
Etara视为邪恶鱿鱼谁Idaro TTA的恶的一面踢?我谈谈其母公司专辑゚孩子,而且还孩子和家长 When you think someone is bad the ro where the side which is kicked is bad and is But the child and the child the parent probably become parent tsu te ha ゚ turn and
Ru和新的志愿者会“首场比赛将是”状态 When the new volunteer member comes it was in a state where “it is kicked first”
一个常见的 u200b u200b景象,否则你会踢Ikake转向颜射尿还没有添加具有足够大的有六个小家伙在那个胖女人一 When it is about small six the huge woman oven lameness it is with debu and chases the man turning The spectacle which you hit and or kick is good
可能就不说了,是不是歧视行为?她是第一个定位球住院,是不是受伤 Perhaps speech it was not but the ro which is discriminatory conduct In the first place being kicked therefore hospitalization what the ro which is injury incident
我有孩子,但往往! !让我踢坏 lt lt So gaki probably will be the lawn Kicking it probably will push down
是早上踢东西,但我会魔法的说法在第二天,医生诊断挂 Something being kicked during morning being diagnosed in the doctor is caught next day tsu te
第二天,515球,我在学校倾斜呕吐运气医院 515 The next day which is kicked vomiting in the school it was carried to the hospital it is
试图通过球和踢足球,不踢我的全部力量路径 That the soccer will be done when the ball is transferred power kicking all the way it does not become pass
进入胃或罕见足够的脚踢送入医院 To kick in the extent stomach where the partner is hospitalized when you insert because it is not rarely