The Asahi newspaper one line way “lower! If we saying you do not hear, it protests in the name of President Akiyama!”… By the Shinkansen which is in the midst of parking with earthquake disaster the conductor the intimidation ★2
1“或试图模仿我如何能变得更读卖新闻,朝日新闻”,“它,你可以把我做的文件(它们笑)”你做得比十年前,wwww 210字 1 “Also does Asahi try imitating the Yomiuri method ” “The tsu lever which that you push and or the paper you do laughing ” with word 210 Doing from before 10 years above simply ro wwww
我10前210年的抵制 NULL
2 让主办 2 Furthermore gt our company employee “making use of president name you intimidated the conductor” there is no fact that” reply that gt It was moved aside
我们的员工,“他们有威胁的是总统,名指挥家”的事实,没有“反应和所作的贡献 NULL
此外,我们的员工,“他们恐吓为总统的,命名指挥家”的事实,有没有“反应和所作的贡献 Furthermore gt “” there is no fact that you intimidated the conductor our company employee making use of president name” you could move aside reply that
此外,我们的员工,“他们恐吓为总统的,命名指挥家”的事实,有没有“反应和所作的贡献 Furthermore gt “” there is no fact that you intimidated the conductor our company employee making use of president name” you could move aside reply that
此外,我们的员工,“他们恐吓为总统的,命名指挥家”的事实,有没有“反应和所作的贡献 Furthermore our company employee “making use of president name you intimidated the conductor” there is no fact that” reply that It was moved aside
822八九三瓦特我不从毫无意义的暴力行为,通常 822 893 does not rage usually w Because there is no meaning
南通大衣滚球其中w我893 No u haori racketeer w Somewhere 893 is
Asahishinbun 朝日新闻社,在逃避在七年二点八六零亿日元第一时间大约为11(2005年5月31日)东京国税局在2003年收到七年的朝日新闻十一亿税务审计31日指出,泄漏已报告八千六点○○万日元,并分钟 Asahi Shimbun in 7 years approximately 1 100 000 000 The way of tax evasion of 86 000 000 Yen 2005 05 31 The Asahi Shimbun to receive the tax investigation of Tokyo national tax bureau 7 years to 2003 So what a declaration leak of approximately 1 186 000 000 Yen was pointed out understood on the 31st
东京国税局6月23日收到了税务稽查的朝日新闻中提到的应纳税收入一点九七亿日元截至2008年3月由因过度旅游成本会计约3至7年,没几分钟 Asahi Shimbun tax investigation of Tokyo national tax bureau receiving With the excessive appropriation and the like of business trip expense in 7 years to 2008 March period approximately 397 000 000 Yen What the income hiding was pointed out understood on the 23rd
Asahishinbunsya根据频道2是在两年左右的车辆“铁路线”二渠道在平板线程“的Cuz的COM哦辩论,因为COM的哦”后写的多乱码数字,如张贴,我试图执行下列行为干预的版本正常运行 Don t you think 2 according to the ru don t you think as for the Asahi Shimbun from around February of this year 2 vis a vis the thread inside “the railroad route vehicle” of the ru board “the a bo it is the a bo it is” with the meaning unclear entry which was said multi We have assumed that number you contributed you did the behavior which disturbs the normal management of notice edition
DMA的M涩谷,他们已经购买了约08 M You call DMA that 8 always it purchased at Shibuya
Jr的威胁解除,或该公司的内容要知道阿卡 JR [akahi] lifting the corporation, this is the contents which we would like to know whether intimidation
Takinogawa Sekiguti辙嫌疑北区,东京(33) Suspect Tetsu Tokyo north Ku Takinogawa Sekiguti (33)
“我会从隧道约两个半小时,走”导体正式确定每个经理毒碰撞的声音,让他们关注的申请人乘客 If “also 2 hour half it is walking from the tunnel it comes out ” The department manager the poison each time it pierces voice of the conductor stagnates the passenger can deepen insecurity
Orange是在汽车(Ry的“骑在纪念和今后导体的脸吃任何东西Wanu At inside of car of car riding in a car commemoration orange card ry” The face which with is what it does not eat the conductor which is done
此外,我们的员工,“他们恐吓为总统的名指挥家”是不是事实“,而不是恐吓,我不说 Furthermore our company employee “making use of president name you intimidated the conductor” there is no fact that” reply that It was moved aside
↓恐吓售票员,他们为的附属公司的公司高管总统的名字,只要我们一“威胁售票员,为总统的名字,他们”的员工,我们↓不 员工我们对总统的名义“进行交易他们恐吓售票员,“这一定是事实,我没有,但确定谁写了非常误导 1
Staff of our company and the affiliate which has transaction the conductor was intimidated making use of our company president name
“Those where the conductor is intimidated making use of president name” are not our company employee
“There is no fact that you intimidated the conductor > our company employee making use of president name”,
It probably is with the [tsu] lever, but it is how to write causes misunderstanding very
一个人的背叛自己的国家中国的反瓦解报上我瓦特 The anti-Japanese treason newspaper collapses, China w
一个平行政府,但是,唉迦巴Pajimarukana在报纸和零售商在W In like present administration, with newspaper publishing company and store side even by domestic violent affairs [tsu] [pa] stripe [ru] kana w
一个真正的红色anti ll出售Busayo供应者。捏。我喜欢这里的工作人员卫生纸,右周一瓦特废话死亡恩戴比罗道歉 Deep-red anti-Japanese sale of [busayo] business. 捏. Employee how such of the toilet paper the [ro] w which is rubbed
Dying, apologize the kudzu
上述事实Bishimashita你的道歉是粗鲁将于确认你的读者抗议 Inside after verifying factually in the reader who moved aside protest We apologized impoliteness
上述事实Bishimashita你的道歉是粗鲁将于确认你的读者抗议 Inside after verifying factually in the reader who moved aside protest We apologized impoliteness
不应该有disposed re犯罪组织本身Asahishinbunsya Therefore the Asahi Shimbun itself criminal syndicate what there is no expectation of dealing with it is not
不管怎样,我很快就会作出预测,每同胞将在功能,内置击败Jr的将Asahishinbun The wa which when so predicts that and solves Soon JR hitting special edition around the person probably will be united in the Asahi newspaper
Jr的女性工作人员,“如何做了孩子的喜欢来”,而房间里滨崎步地 gt Isn t the JR woman staff “is and as for the child and others the tsu plain gauze ” that you were walking the passenger compartment
为了减少或事情,你不要给塞规格分钟 If you do not stop, it makes that much to cut the remittance?
为了方便,即使是雇主协会的负责人在报纸销售服务,JR东日本道歉 You urged note vis a vis newspaper sales store manager group staff and others apologized to JR east Japan
为了方便,即使是雇主协会的负责人在报纸销售服务,JR东日本道歉 You urged note vis a vis newspaper sales store manager group staff and others apologized to JR east Japan
为了方便,即使是雇主协会的负责人在报纸销售服务,JR东日本道歉 You urged note vis a vis newspaper sales store manager group staff and others apologized to JR east Japan
你是不是在所有道歉 1 How the se without having apologized it does the yo
也将是不可能做到的正式协议,正在降温了,所以请之日起合同是我应该以书面约一周后到报亭合同取消通知后14日内有效 The excessiveness to do temporarily making make a contract now from contract day 14 days If it is within because cooling off is effective after making a contract In 1 weeks cancellation notification should have been sent to the newspaper house with composition
梅萨试图阻止它似乎从一个合同,合同的父母 Therefore like it has made a contract with the parents home you will make contract stop
也许他们是正确的宣传吉尔你的净流入媒体抱怨间谍可憎 When it hides the disgraceful behavior of the mass communications and does to take to the net lets flow the portrait right shelf it is being, it is appealed, kana of the [chi] [ya] [u
从我的理解是广义的688部队 688
The shank it is understood with broad forced characteristic
但是,这是一种战争罪行,而不是战争和叛乱,国家的权力,“共产党人u003d叛徒”,并提供完善的弹药,马苏Shika Nenai广大市民的反感反对共产主义 But instead of this becomes the wartime rebellion which is war crime, in national power “the communism person = traitor”
With to come to the point of offering the attack material of the appearance which is said, the detestation impression for the communism of the general citizen only increase
Don't you think? it is not
包含的内容是鼓励对部落民的歧视和精神疾病的歧视 The contents which promote the discrimination to village discrimination and the spiritual disease were included
徽标wwwww wwwww wwwww宓呒腌源wwwww ma wwwww su wwwww go wwwww mi wwwww
我跟踪3周 3 Whether stoker w
这是什么交流一十九瓦特 19 This exchange w of what
(2002年4月7日名古屋版) 2002 April 7th The Nagoya edition
哈哈哈我郑滑秋山 Null null Akiyama
Whether [chiyon] president
在丑闻相媲美的珊瑚吗? With scandal something which is a match to the coral?
塔蒂贫困朝日正常水平的销售人员 As for trick of character of Asahi wide sales member abnormal level
处理最顾客骗子太阳定得太低,将举办超过935宗投诉将是残酷的指责 935
The customer who moved aside complaint [usotsuki] treatment it is too harsh
It should impeach Asahi
好吧,我会在不同的茶叶只有其他报纸一样的步伐 But well the other newspaper pace just is different the same tsu chi ya same what
如果朝日新闻428 ×◎旅游服务尚志仁Pyonyan 428
In case of Asahi newspaper Normal operation à The Pyongyang operation *
媒体是最无耻的自我约束TTA的端午不良情绪煽瓦特可怕 Awfully non- good behavior are the mass communications which fan self-control mood most non- good behavior w
它们形成的红色,该团伙卖给我,智利人民取代报纸上看到一个傻瓜亩Chonbura aka writing yakuza selling the fool reads chiyonbura people The Chilean paper exchange
嗯,我很喜欢Minsyutou Asahishinbun Well Asahi newspaper tsu te Democratic party like it rubbed and
它们构成了红色,卖不值钱的,愚蠢不过W读Asahishinbun亩 aka writing yakuza sells the Asahi newspaper w which the fool reads
对不起,我要带出太阳? 邓小平与向经销商Oshitai或做?我给我的父母有麻烦工作的早报,我请他们到经销商交付或相当不想说我十几岁的日刊体育邪恶瓦特 The me it is the inside Asahi taking the ru Or it escapes to the thing which the store did and would like to pass There being a trouble of work depending upon the article Asahi it stopped the parents home but it is As for the store that it is not bad saying having delivering daily sport to substituting ru w
对不起,我带回家了,早上我停止工作是有问题的文章早上,我请他们向经销商提供公平的法案或者说我不喜欢坏瓦特体育日报 The me it is the inside Asahi taking the ru wa There being a trouble of work depending upon the article Asahi it stopped the parents home but it is As for the store that it is not bad saying having delivering daily sport to substituting ru w
帝国报纸出来的漫画美味锅我离开读卖新闻似乎在东部和西部的太阳为蓝本,但实际上瓦特逆扬 As for the Teito newspaper where left flank cartoon is tastily in the bo appears Yomiuri The east west newspaper has designated Asahi as the model however it seems really opposite it is w
你开始喜欢的人我离开韩国 Left flank tsu te personality being similar to the Korean you wrapped
我做我的侵犯,因此不敢抱怨沉重的达达的名字了吗?嗯反正瓦特小者如资格谁我没有站在 Although is in this way putting out the name of the respective company don t you think dadaism it is dense the ru tsu te We feared considerably don t you think it is w Well does in something such menial the wa which is not the qualification which stands on the person
或结节,报纸仍然有不好的情况下NHK的死亡是什么傻瓜继续从跟踪和消费Geru抛出 The nodule even then is newspaper or NHK what As for being inconvenient you turn off because the 捻 ji it bends Until it dies it continues to be swindled
羞耻保护亲人,希望我刚才清除业希望日本NHK来非常叩 Because you protect the shame of flesh fell with the industry entire coming out It wishes to hit just NHK extremely but
所以,我一直在一百年以后,我想反正死对日本歧视 Therefore I one 〇 〇 year after living how discriminating the Japanese would like to die doing is
报纸和电台的销售,有独立的部门在各地区,其中23个地区销售,两个多摩地区,神奈川县,第3,第4部分,千叶,崎玉风5的一部分节目 In addition sale bureau of the newspaper publishing company there is a department which divides into the respective area The sale 1 section 23 Ku 2 sections Tama area 3 sections Kanagawa prefecture 4 sections have become the wind Chiba and 5 sections Saitama
报纸和电台的销售,有独立的部门在各地区,其中23个地区销售,两个多摩地区,神奈川县,第3,第4部分,千叶,崎玉风5的一部分节目 In addition sale bureau of the newspaper publishing company there is a department which divides into the respective area The sale 1 section 23 Ku 2 sections Tama area 3 sections Kanagawa prefecture 4 sections have become the wind Chiba and 5 sections Saitama
早晨,当229知识产权的监管,我必须马上埃塔消费和体重检查牛年瓦特 229
When Asahi IP becomes regulation, the ox the [gu] the checker went out thickly, it is w which is
朝鲜日报落后呢?我喜欢瓦特 The Korean daily report is no way?
Like we w
法扎危害禾流派代码或系统紊禾为了为用户行动集团公告ð摘录Subekarazu左哈客运第二条第二节,对于高速运转的前提行为铝恐惧Bosubeki及用户的伤害D其他四当他们不能走,也可以返回到服务行沙达忠志如果无法地震安全性,即使它进入色拉寺,严厉惩罚,人们已把事情,指示工作人员撤离,上越,出轨的例子新泻县地震站6公里,六小时后滨崎步地疏散 Second paragraph 20th Ichijo Passenger [ha] left [ni] raising up [guru] behavior for the sake of [subekarazu] Excerpt
One Order 紊 [shi] and [ha] manners damage sail behavior With, four Others [ni] harm and boss power apprehension Al behavior
When the thing is put inside the site for high-speed driving and/or the person penetrates, don't you think? you are penalized harshly
In case of earthquake disaster when security is not possible, the stipulation which cannot walk inside the railroad track
When operating returning, to evacuate in the working as a crew indication, as for example Joetsu Shinkansen derailed accident = Niigata prefecture Nakagoe earthquake
6km walking, you evacuate to the station of 6 hours later
洛可可:那么有什么更好的TTA的我还保证客户也分布瓦特 Don't you think? the one which also JR distributed to the customer even in the pledge book is to call w
然后,在一个声音顿狂Geru的群体之一 When gt it does one person of the group 頓 mania increases voice
然后,在一个声音顿狂Geru的群体之一 When it does one person of the group 頓 mania increases voice
猪排康报纸有人提出,尽管采取恐吓我,就是我打电话给成恩戴逃脱警方的做法谁可以在同一间公寓,上午也许我做的一个默契公司可能会 Intimidating when perhaps it does katsukan which makes the newspaper take whether also the company does with tacit comprehension The inside Asahi the technique was possible The person of the same apartment calling the police without taking it was completed
由从宣传法律保护的权利的保护公共利益是罚款148最高法院已要求显着下降 148
Because at the public place as for protection method benefit of portrait right the [tsu] [te] which declines considerably there is the highest judgment example which is said, all right
粉尘在日本的质量,你是一个不必要的邪恶日本三家大型结节 Mass rubbish, resident and nodule
In [nihon] unnecessary three large harm shelves
经过20一二百一十五瓦特卡诺Hayo天里,我将有一个在房地产资产是不是凶相朝日新闻TBS的Ttara奇怪的是没有得到很好的坏职业构成比例 215 As for 20 years after whether having w Property of the Asahi Shimbun try seeing Tremendous real estate having the ru Everyday there is no ratio of TBS Well when it becomes main business useless it is doubtful but
还涉及到地震,最体面的TBS电视台的权利?什么是你可以输入和计算Zasa约拉囊瓦特美浓 Including something related to earthquake as for being most honest the ro which is TBS That straw raincoat and the u za of yora inserting in calculation that tsu te what w
该公司表示,修订后的回归,总干事多的时间暂停,京都,他们管理的责任,东京,大阪,西部和削减薪金的总编辑总部各名古屋disposition As for the same company the same day correction After declaring to make group of Kyoto entire Bureau Chiefs of that time suspension from job dealing the question stewardship Tokyo and Osaka each head office editing manager of west and Nagoya was made reduction of pay dealing
约18万日元,如预订张将军Kyouto费用,这些在小说和旅行费用分别列 The Kyoto entire bureau and the like among these coming out The overhead sutra by color business trip and the like concerning approximately 18 000 000 Yen which it appropriates as Hari expense and the like It was expense
该嫌疑人已被逮捕的董事秋山Ryuuta免费电视朝日电视(38)目黑,东京 To be arrested the Akiyama dragon which does the Asahi National Broadcasting Co free television director it is thick Suspect 38 the Tokyo Meguro Ku
请看看周围Bitteitadearou将立即道歉减少,如果直接威胁的唯一紧张世界的早晨 If Asahi of public intimidates, to shrink, rising
Immediately, you saw in the extent you probably will apologize and the [ku] [bi] [tsu] [te] were probably will be
这一事件留下了一个公共关系办公室不认为暴力是一个很大的气帘,套卡 Taoka large remembers the Air Staff Public Relations Dept. incident which raged
那么,试图向他们道歉诚实Shiku rare “,威胁售票员女人的穿着的总统的名字,”等待,直到上午举行,“事实是存在的,只有在这里确认梅Hayo不和?温达我想是这样,否则哪里是从外面看棒 Well but is to call that you have apologized unusually gently with something The ru woman conductor was intimidated there is no fact “waiting at this place to morning” gt “making use of president name With just here it does not try to recognize When you see from outside you think that such it is not about to adhere but it is
“但威胁是 显然的威胁,但官方的雇员俄巴〜 米不完全说,”我只是说我会 “As for intimidation however q rasii which is as for intimidating However it is the authorized personnel speaking strictly it is not the employee inside ” The tsu te saying just the ru
售票员宣布:“在这个地方等待,直到早晨”到为它治疗,并导演TTA的愤 The conductor you announced “to morning vis a vis the disposal waiting at this place” in addition The department manager was angry
嗯,道歉是罕见的,但老实说,我希望Shiku,为什么 “,他们恐吓为总统的,名称指挥家”的事实,即只承认这里就不梅东洋?温达我想是这样,否则哪里是从外面看棒 Well but is to call that you have apologized unusually gently with something The ru woman conductor was intimidated there is no fact “waiting at this place to morning” gt “making use of president name With just here it does not try to recognize When you see from outside you think that such it is not about to adhere but it is
阿卡员工,让我解释这个问题,以吸引国民大会之前,这样做秋山 The akahi employee you it is with attracting this Akiyama to the National Diet make explain concerning this case
他在做什么,让我用他们因为我坐在绿色的,但不是太 Because as for the person who we extent is using it is not make also the green sit down simply
降Ritakya所以,我应该降过滤Shiteyare晚上在我看来,我随意冷冻坏死 So although if the coming ya which it gets off lowering to night You think that it was frozen selfishly and died
我要照相手机与视频图像,YouTube的你应该有多达Shiteyare With the portable camera taking with animated picture although if raising in Youtube
难道最后一刻,它不是雇员,“报纸的销量在执行管理小组,”你要去的威胁 You understood finally, don't you think? there is no employee and “staff of [te] newspaper sales store manager group” is the intimidation red sandal wood
(略) 药品Asahishinbun显然大麻。儿子涉嫌毒品,缓刑,朝日新闻(2006年3月28日)朝日新闻秋季的总统。 。太郎(Koutarou)是总统的长子,在收到毒品案件定罪,我是在贩运藏在试用期,尽管大麻,被警方在涩谷警方逮捕违反大麻管制法的行为它没有二十八分钟 Omission Clearly Asahi newspaper gt Drug thing The eldest son of newspaper President Asahi which is in the midst of stay of execution arrests with the drug 2006 03 28 Fall of the Asahi Shimbun Taro like this is the wax the eldest son of the president in the drug incident guilt To receive decision in spite even during stay of execution the place having bought and sold and possessing the hemp With flagrant delict of hemp control method violation being arrested in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Shibuya station 28 days You understood
如果丢失,朝日新闻社,日本,但更多的好Kunaru If there is no Asahi newspaper as for Japan although it becomes better
监督管理Asahishinbun大麻。儿子涉嫌毒品,缓刑,朝日新闻(2006年3月28日)朝日新闻秋季的总统。 。太郎(Koutarou)是总统的长子,在收到毒品案件定罪,我是在贩运藏在试用期,尽管大麻,被警方在涩谷警方逮捕违反大麻管制法的行为它没有二十八分钟 Drug thing The eldest son of newspaper President Asahi which is in the midst of stay of execution arrests with the drug 2006 03 28 Fall of the Asahi Shimbun Taro like this is the wax the eldest son of the president in the drug incident guilt To receive decision in spite even during stay of execution the place having bought and sold and possessing the hemp With flagrant delict of hemp control method violation being arrested in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Shibuya station 28 days You understood