“The burning meat liquor house shrimp it does”, until the management company problem of the satellite surface solves with group food poisoning problem, perpetual business self-control of all store announcement [05/01
392从前,我的工作只屠宰纪念Wareru恨,从事的工作的人... 392
Former times 々, 屠 killing, with the work which is hated, as for the person who engages to that work…
465你知道,我在牛肉肠出血性大肠杆菌,是不是很奇怪,他们说,对污染 465 The intestinal tract bleeding characteristic colon bacillus tsu te the pollution tsu te even the extent abnormality which is said it is it is not in that beef
谁是与肠出血性大肠杆菌感染迄今共确诊为26 As for the one which was diagnosed the intestinal tract bleeding characteristic colon bacillus infection symptom to this day total 26 It is name
506 (株)的差异囊Forasu食品商店和其他地方是身体和精神上都达到良好的员工被 506 gt gt Inc as for foods huorasu being different from the other store it is the place where happiness of matter and mind both sides of the employee is actualized
506 (公司)Forasu食品是地方实现幸福的员工既是身体上和精神上 506 gt gt Inc as for foods huorasu being different from the other store it is the place where happiness of matter and mind both sides of the employee is actualized
宇野食品Forasu与其他商店不同,但价格不便宜点out m So as for foods huorasu being different from the other store putting out at cheap price the ru point
523,并尝试这样做,这些商店都在一定意义上,“没有只是运气不好”,并可能发生在任何商店在全国范围内有足够的你是什么意思 523 Like this when it tries doing in a certain sense this store “luck just was bad” with As for the possibility of occurring at the nationwide any store oh passing sufficiently thing
我不举,采取487国内新闻,因为他将参加当地的电梯,不可能先权 487 However it is not picked up with nationwide news local end being picked up from the ru being unreasonable first it does the yo
Mashita死亡小气TTA的wwwwwwww生肉太可爱了贫困代数日元wwwwwww [yutsuke] algebra hundred Yen the stingy [tsu] it is the empty wwwwwwww which dies
Poverty pitiful wwwwwww
NULL 2 the knowledge regarding food poisoning Because “it is the flesh whose freshness is good the supplier And as for our company using with one for omophagia being raw when you eat “hears” that it is the possibility food poisoning happening for the first time” as for the person who 440 the 44 As for the person who “hears the pollution ratio of the food poisoning germ of the chicken which circulates for the first time” 669 the 67 “Hears that “the food poisoning where omophagia of the flesh is presumed cause occurs frequently” for the first time” as for the person who 763 the 76 3 the possibility change of conduct happening Human everyone who causes the physical condition defectiveness where you can think the omophagia of the flesh cause after that being raw ate the flesh
“生吃”牛肉,鸡肉,卫生部并没有商量余地,“关于生吃的肉类产品安全”的通知,以示卫生标准的生肉,在2008财年吃生肉基于此通知装运Dzuita,马肉是唯一的杠杆 The beef “for omophagia” the chicken has not circulated The public welfare Ministry of Labor “concerning the safety guaranty of the flesh and the like for omophagia” with notification has shown the hygienic standard of the flesh for omophagia but Those where it has the shipment result of the flesh for omophagia which is based on this notification in 2008 were just the meat lever of the horse
媒体和覆盖面的Gozaimashita生理盐水不是用来向井基诺肉,肉用的是被妥善消毒,“和我们的供应商使用新鲜市场根据公认,它是安全的“的Mashita提供,它成为这样的情况,并提供道歉的深度Gemasu以郭 That the flesh of unsuitability was used to omophagia with such as media there was reporting As for the flesh which has been used because it is something which appropriately it was sterilized was processed “The supplier and our company you use with one for omophagia and it is safe offer under the recognition that” It increased but having become this kind of situation we apologize deeply
对于722媒体和新闻Gozaimashita盐水,但没有被用来向井基诺肉,被用于肉类妥善消毒,和 u200b u200b我们的供应商使用新鲜市场Orimashita是规定的公认,它是安全的,它成为这样的情况,并提供道歉郭的深度Gemasu 722 That the flesh of unsuitability was used to omophagia with such as media there was reporting As for the flesh which has been used because it is something which appropriately it was sterilized was processed the supplier And our company you use with one for omophagia and offers under the recognition that it is safe It increased but having become this kind of situation we apologize deeply
(2)食品中毒的知识,“连好新鲜的肉,可以发射僵硬,吃生食中毒,”那人“是第一次听到”440人(44% ),在流通中的家禽食物中毒“是第一次听到”细菌流行669人(67%)“是食物中毒常见的原因估计是生肉”是“第一次听到是“谁763人(76%(3)被认为是紧张和虐待启动生肉可能导致行为的改变僵硬的推出,是吃生肉后,所有的人 2 the knowledge regarding food poisoning Because “it is the flesh whose freshness is good the supplier And as for our company using with one for omophagia being raw when you eat “hears” that it is the possibility food poisoning happening for the first time” as for the person who 440 the 44 As for the person who “hears the pollution ratio of the food poisoning germ of the chicken which circulates for the first time” 669 the 67 “Hears that “the food poisoning where omophagia of the flesh is presumed cause occurs frequently” for the first time” as for the person who 763 the 76 3 the possibility change of conduct happening Human everyone who causes the physical condition defectiveness where you can think the omophagia of the flesh cause after that being raw ate the flesh
Ttara烤肉餐厅行,第一个原生的肉类和啤酒,对未来的信心等上升舌从舌盐盐试图进入公众只有一票 When the burning butcher shop it goes however first raw beer and yutsuke and the tongue salt you ask We will have decided to enter from the tongue salt from now on As for the rose the mu of the beam which is one public
我担心是不是要请报告给这个宽广的名誉损失烧烤餐厅 Fearing for rumor damage to spread to all the burning butcher shop It cannot report it is the shelf
[讣闻]自杀或在脖子主席亀屋万年堂Hikiti义和挂 <訃 information> Chairman Yoichi Hikizi of turtle house ten thousand year hall neck hanging suicide?
“信任,如作为优先事项,以确保安全,冷梅鲁Hotobori Tonzura○要重新在不考虑时间问题,如卫生和管理等方面 “Being able to do reliance and security we would like to reopen business at the point in time when it can judge that in the most priority there is no problem of the hygienic management aspect and the like Until the ○ ho and the bo ri cool down the ton it shifts
“信任,如作为优先事项,以确保安全,我们希望恢复决心不给面子的问题,如卫生管理业务的时间” “Being able to do reliance and security we would like to reopen business at the point in time when it can judge that in the most priority there is no problem of the hygienic management aspect and the like Until the ○ ho and the bo ri cool down the ton it shifts
“烧烤爱好者”Muno,我读了?国安委在当地的“肉烤Zakaya”德塔但我的确在莱比锡布读“Nikushi炒优香”我读的感觉,我喜欢德塔 This tsu te of the “burning meat liquor house” how you read However with KNB of local end “and to come the za mosquito net tsu te you read difficult” With NHK “and difficult to come the palpus ” the tsu te reads the air the way does
一旦该报告是一个公共的东西吃生肉的未来应该是这样的监狱通常会不是那种反思“什么是生吃的鸡肉,牛肉,猪肉,以为我累娜你是不是事实?什么是本报告的方式 When with it is reported as for the general people there is no type which is reflected don t you think probably will be Even because of future it should make jail sentence Normally there is the meat for omophagia” that you think The meat tsu te for omophagia of handle cow pig chicken in fact it is not it is with to do the yo Manner of this reporting of what
总统和她没有罪孽色调和分钟不应该像监狱吃生会为未来不是那种是反思 As for that president there is no type which is reflected don t you think probably will be Even because of future it should make jail sentence Understanding that there is no one for omophagia because it hurt crime it is deep
我会吃生肉的173会做类似的东西最好是没有TTA的思考和 173 Don t you think it becomes such As for the meat for omophagia the one which you think that it is not is better probably will be
七名患者高冈站南的店面,溶血性尿毒症(HUS)被诊断出两个人在医院感染 Among patient 7 of the Takaoka station south store, hemolysis characteristic uremia syndrome (HUS) with also 2 people who are in the midst of being hospitalized were diagnosed the same infection symptom
业务。长官,“在一个典型的过程,而不是只生吃”的一部分,但其产品是“在一个无菌的管理酒精供应商认识到,它是安全的生食,”尽管这 Industry Staff “to the last is not with general processing for omophagia” Although As for the same company commodity section “the seller has managed alcohol after sterilizing being raw eating it is all right it was the recognition that” Although it is thing
一刻,他们不生吃色调,餐厅提供客人对你不好Girudaro The store which understanding offered the fact that it is not for omophagia to the customer is too vicious the ro which is
但真正要放在全面禁止韩国食品不存在,如果没有生肉,吃生肉是不卖的禁令你有好处 If as for truth all the Korean cooking we would like to prohibit but there is a present condition where the meat for omophagia is not sold yutsuke does being good being prohibition the yo
乌冬面减弱 - 隐藏前田正志,前行政机关的创始人豊田商事(谋杀和诈骗)也对振兴惠比寿 It is round the noodles - Maeda Suguru benevolence of founder Toyota commercial matters original staff (homicide & fraud)
The shrimp it does it revives the [ro] which is
他特别针对以上的这种绝对没有好前途Geru公告危机。厨房 The person who puts out such future concrete goal without fail useless super is dangerous. 厨
但同时客户也可以生吃,它是在你自己的风险 The customer who being raw eats that it is in however perhaps As for that on self responsibility
你有生肉纹理傻瓜我在一个混乱的分解蛋黄混合物在抓to m从来没有品尝到香料的气味傻瓜 Swindling the sense of taste olfactory sense with the seasoning
With the yolk you scratch in [guchiyaguchiya], mixing
Decomposition swindling the [tsu] [te] food impression never, [ru] does with [yutsuke], the [yo
你杀了一个男孩杀手? Muno已经停止了关于工作?或罚款?没有就其投入监狱谋杀? Boy death
The [ro] which is murderer?
Is sufficient about suspension of business? Punishment with a fine?
It does not enter into the jail with murder?
其中165个肉类样本,根据经理的肉石野浩平良勉,梅鲁,24个肉类样本检测结果用于做饭和吃同样的连锁店,一张桌子 作为5,鸡8出16个样本的采样,样品的牛肝样品从五个弯曲杆菌检测 In addition flesh 165 Among the inspection bodies according to the Isino Hiroshi flat manager who serves the flesh The flesh 24 which assumes that you use in cooking which is eaten with the same chain Inspection of inspection body As for inspection result chart 1 5 With sort as for chicken 16 Among 8 inspection bodies From inspection body as for cow lever 5 Inspection body Inside 1 From the inspection body the can pyro tapir tar was detected
固体食物生肉男孩死于04月21日,在19或16分钟内交付,该公司“是真空包装的21或20日上午指出,”试图 As for yutsuke which the boy who dies ate on April 21st at payment amount of 16 days or 19 days The same company has made “is put out to the morning of 20 days or 21 days from the vacuum packaging”
据首席经理石野浩平良勉,梅鲁,生肉供应链中,从东京肉类分销商,须交付500装在真空包装六○○克我块 According to the Isino Hiroshi flat manager who serves the headquarters chief yutsuke which is offered with the same chain is paid from the flesh seller inside Tokyo stuffing to the vacuum packaging in every block of 500 600 grams
本公司“是出了真空包装的21或20日上午,”试图 gt As for yutsuke which the boy who dies ate on April 21st at payment amount of 16 days or 19 days gt The same company has made “is put out to the morning of 20 days or 21 days from the vacuum packaging”
冒顶因地震造成的,或抗震规范,但前一个系统的不足,可能作出的任命生理盐水与承包商履约,监管权力的百分比,它是必不可少的猴子 With earthquake although ceiling falling is from the time before the system of earthquake proof standard ill equipped Obedience of omophagia is the trader leaving Comparatively essential thing of regulation large country the basket
对生肉生肉使用SAC是不是为公司的管理“枝节问题”卫星“,而不是一个政策管理问题,”你 As for using the meat which is not for omophagia in yutsuke “problem of the satellite surface” of the management company is not “Problem of management policy” the ro which is
生肉是商店砺波,在一天不能生吃客户烤肉出来,又在富山县在几分钟之研究 As for yutsuke which has been provided to the customer at the burning meat store of 砺 wave city on the 1st it understood in investigation of Toyama prefecture and the like that it is not for omophagia
半熟的鸡蛋壳牡蛎十月原料例如牛肉和阿塔尔危险激素·可鸟的攻击和真难得〜Ataru死亡。 · · ·我徘徊 [ataru] it is dangerous
Raw beef
Hormone of semi- boiling semi- burning
[tataki] of bird
Raw egg of May - October
Raw male 蠣
With bivalvia with [ataru] and [maji] death. You wander about,…
即使是风险进食后通过问卷原始情报资料,669人(67%)“将继续吃生肉”,在知识和风险信息后,答案是,“儿童我不想提出建议,“回答有 After knowing the risk information of omophagia via the questionnaire even 669 people the 67 the person “in the future being raw you eat the flesh” that it replies After knowing risk information “we would like to try not to recommend in the child” you questioned and there was also a detour answer
但问题是,他们的厌恶部分也处理的肉,这并不是说我对生肉使用(从非摆在首位) Simply as for problem handling the meat applied distasteful being the part that The meat for omophagia has not been used is in the first place it is not because it is
你好,可以生吃和包装的肉类批发商和有说服力也没有列出Ketei Forasu公司“目前还不清楚是生吃的,”和公认的元 High convinced offense ketei One for omophagia we have not stated even in packing and the like the meat which it wholesales Also the four lath corporation recognized “that it is not for omophagia it was understood” that
发生于2007年在东京弯曲的食物中毒调查测试结果,测试结果在因食物中毒弯曲,调查表的肉类检验 如四,弯曲杆菌在没有暖气的检测第60 120鸡肉样本,3个样本27个牛肉样本不加热 a The inspection result in food poisoning investigating by the can pyro tapir tar 2007 The food which in year occurred inside capital inspects in investigation of the food poisoning by the can pyro tapir tar As for inspection result of meat chart 1 4 With sort as for detecting the can pyro tapir tar the chicken of not yet heating Meat 120 Among 60 inspection bodies Inspection body beef 27 of not yet heating Among 3 inspection bodies It was the inspection body
据该公司的门店在县食品中毒七,但我没有遇到“可靠,最优先确保安全作出茹,要恢复营业的时候并没有考虑,如表面卫生控制问题”作为决定暂停所有商店销售的元 According to the same company at 7 stores inside the prefecture as for food poisoning you say that it does not occur but “Being able to do reliance and security we would like to reopen business at the point in time when it can judge that the most in priority there is no problem of the hygienic management aspect and the like ” that doing it decided the suspension of business of all store
吃烤肉餐厅,查找(在2011年5月1日下午5:00。)在福井肠出血性大肠杆菌肠出血性大肠埃希氏大肠杆菌杀死男孩从福井市的男孩O111发现他已经死了一天,在一个一分钟的采访,也做了卫生部 At burning meat store boy death of meal and Fukui Detecting the intestinal tract bleeding characteristic colon bacillus
(2011 May 1st 5:00 PM)
. Intestinal tract bleeding characteristic colon bacillus O111 was detected from the boy of Fukui city, on the 1st, it understood with collection of data to the public welfare Ministry of Labor and the like that you have died,
后来,我花会有免费已经逃离死线还会出去,如果我应该向神经细胞毒素如果孩子因冒险失败,溶血尿毒综合症为° · · If the child the toxin risking the nerve cell with cause there are also times when cod some obstacle comes out Escaping from the dead wire simply it is not completed as for HUS…
启动食物中毒事件紧张生肉正在燃烧 惠比寿 。加工提供了原料肉的食品中毒事件烤肉链,为客户一直对富山批评说自2007年左右板 生肉 The shrimp which causes yutsuke food poisoning incident it does burning That with the board it was severely criticized from around 2007 in topic It offered to the customer the meat for processing as an one for omophagia in the Toyama burning meat chain food poisoning incident lt yutsuke gt
或冷气喷射Metara Hotobori和生肉吗? Or when the ho and the bo ri it cools down and yutsuke the air which is put out
哇〜〜137业内人士? 但问题是没有明确的那部分有处理肉类的厌恶,做了一个很好的例子处理它?要认真教 137 To e person of industry gt Simply problem the part that handling the meat applied distasteful Concretely how doing if you handled it was good Teaching seriously
商业用途的档位旁边是没有购买蔬菜,牛奶和放射性污染 Being simply similar, stocking the milk and the vegetable etc of radiation contamination, because you use with street stall trade
在专业疏忽,在监狱,监狱包括跳动! In the professional negligence resulting in injury and or death, hammer to the jail with jail sentence!
在任何时刻,这种变故或启动Kiru这是一个发生在烧烤餐厅,大家都知道在这 When no one knows when at such accident occurs and the tsu lever where that accidentally is this burning butcher shop
如果孩子是敏感的生肉饮食Tteta说我不得有例如例如商店将在电视上我认为家长要成为响亮的父母介绍了食品Guto影响的地方没有电视喜剧演员塞在不卫生的,什么是存在,并且我觉得 For example the entertainer is good with the television it is good saying when yutsuke you eat with it does As for the child who is easy to be influenced that the rank where the parent cannot stop we would like to eat you think that it makes a noise The kind of store where also the parent is introduced with the television probably will not think non hygiene the thing produces with and
它看起来像一个典型的链蜡或蜡安全常识做邪恶的温暖天气的菜单出来,当我从头生肉 When yutsuke how climate becomes warm removing from the menu is common sense It probably will be cheap it probably will be bad the typical like chain shelf…
如果肾移植的溶血尿毒综合症发作一次,我也得出去,如果不正常或紫球是需要在最糟糕的情况后肾透析 When HUS it emerges, when it is worst,
The sequela being produced to the kidney, when dialysis becomes necessary and there are also times when abnormality appears in purple sphere
If it becomes the kidney incomplete, transplantation
如细菌,可用于长期抑制的例子是,冷冻保存生育能力 In case of the bacterium, when it is frozen state, because you can hold down propagation ability, mothballing is possible
宇野烧烤食物,而是认为最TTA的事实,你最好位置,穿刺杆牛饲料TTA的嘿,我可以鱼,生肉 Don t you think as for eating in the burning meat however you thought that it is good the sashimi how eating the e … At the very most cow lever sticking rank shelf as for raw meat
宇野烧烤食物,而是认为最TTA的事实,你最好位置,穿刺杆牛饲料TTA的嘿,我可以鱼,生肉 Don t you think as for eating in the burning meat however you thought that it is good the sashimi how eating the e … At the very most cow lever sticking rank shelf as for raw meat
富山县警方调查没有怀疑购买专业疏忽 Toyama prefectural police embarked on investigation in doubt of the professional negligence resulting in injury and or death scar
对于牛肉出口是不生吃从国内和畜场,还有那些吃了进口部分原材料,数额很小,并认为 There is no shipment result the country and as an one for omophagia from the domesticated fowl and animals place concerning the beef there are some which are imported as the one for part omophagia but The quantity extremely is thought small ones
弯曲杆菌是从165个检测样本的肉类样品63个样本24个样本一共有九个,阳性率38% When it totals 24 Among 9 inspection bodies Inspection body Flesh 165 Among 63 inspection bodies The can pyro tapir tar was detected from the inspection body positive ratio was the 38
检测从九一24个样本,38%的阳性率总样本弯曲 When it totals 24 Among 9 inspection bodies Inspection body The empty can pyro tapir tar was detected positive ratio was the 38
惠比寿食品有限公司 烧烤Forasu在日本 u200b u200b日本 连锁餐厅饮酒●在执行与经理平均年收入的目标! ! ●日本招待费力量! !在日本●电源产品! !母亲将被列入2014财年将于●300家商店开业,直到今年2020年在16个都道府县●“惠比寿饮酒烧烤”我们的商店在北陆3 Corporation foods huorasu Aiming toward the actualization of the restaurant chain of Japan one At average annual income of store manager Japan one By connection customer service power Japan one By commodity power Japan one By 2020 300 store branch store schedules By 2014 the Tokyo Stock Exchange mazazu presentation schedule “The burning meat liquor house shrimp it does” this corporation which is in the midst of 16 store developing in Hokuriku 3 prefectures
事情是不可预测的结果,〜3 u200b u200b00家商店作为一种鳕鱼上市应Tadenakere结果进行 As for phenomenon there is a result and starts and is not Doing 300 stores ago as a cod result either presentation must be has done
我不能冒险熟食店和面包店,寿司超459 459 Don t you think also the super delicatessen and the bakery and the rotary sushi are dangerous
我不铺出了道义上的死了,所以没人行权或不恢复营业 The store which does not have the kind of moral which the deceased puts out with that how doing business reopening the ro where who does not go and is
它似乎像一个白痴国会议员,我出钌生肉死 Way designates such a fool as member of the Diet therefore The deceased comes out with yutsuke it is
然,我知道我一两个人,甚至从狗out m支付赔偿死亡 Furthermore however 1 people or 2 people or intellectual viewing the deceased putting out from the ru compensation the payment cup
我也喜欢呆在茹Minakuti贸易名称变更为厨房和富士125埃塔 125
Minakuchi, also kind of the house number changing in [hujikichi] stays
我以前是475 但我认为冉是众所周知的谷歌为“屠夫”我现在要当候选人歧视“屠夫”,并把我或W茹 475 When now however intellectual viewing former times thinking as… “the butcher shop” tsu te you insert in google In candidacy “butcher shop Discrimination” applying coming out w
我喜欢吃在一件容易的事情生肉食物中毒,受过教育的人,如果你假设 Eating the raw meat, if food poisoning, the human who is common mostly culture inside the range of supposition
我希望的280日元和二三七瓦特确保牛肉在屠宰牛肉生肉的名字并不像安全的,因为100g600日元的价格在徒步旅行 237 Therefore Japanese Cattle yutsuke 280 Yen w When Japanese Cattle tsu te name is attached even with the cheap butcher shop therefore from about 100g600 circle It is to be able to be price
一个或卫生,这是根本不可能的研究和Naosanai 1 Unless you call the hygienic aspect or do again to study fundamentally it probably is unreasonable
肮脏的东西,他们不节食,卫生和销售进一步忽略了穷人的 Such a dirty food furthermore ignoring hygiene it is worse to sell
要站在健康问题,是不是必须提供肉和生肉的禁令。 。 。 。 。你像往常一样燃烧倪绒毛的问题 Hygienic problem passing don t you think raw meat offer and yutsuke only prohibition the ro which is Normally if it burns don t you think separately problem therefore the e it is
有些家长让他吃了不洁净的问题食品等Tyousen生肉儿童也是一个烧烤餐厅Tamuken It is it is to direct it was [yutsuke] even with the burning butcher shop
In the child such impure Korean cooking the parent who can be fed problem
朝日电视台的SmaSTATION“香椎羞耻,他们不知道”,似乎是2011年选举土豆关键字新闻 SmaSTATION of Asahi National Broadcasting Co. “unless you know, shy” news keyword 2011
It is chosen, it seems
极少量的名字你熟悉他继续之前在这里,我是个白痴瓦特Bakka 390细菌避免高肉类或肉类品种质量都必须在安全?肉。是否已经污染在拆除阶段杀害 Advancing to here person extremely barely several names which you have understood the fool the tsu 390 It is some quality as for the w germ avoiding the high meat propagating in just the cheap meat As for meat It is polluted already at stage of shooting dismantlement
极少量的名字你熟悉他继续之前在这里,我是个白痴瓦特Bakka 390细菌避免高肉类或肉类品种质量都必须在安全?肉。是否已经污染在拆除阶段杀害 Advancing to here person extremely barely several names which you have understood the fool the tsu 390 It is some quality as for the w germ avoiding the high meat propagating in just the cheap meat As for meat It is polluted already at stage of shooting dismantlement
梅塔的目光都转向了媒体从一开始就允许在69个放射性污染,健康和抑郁民主党 69
The media which admits depression and radiation contamination with the Democratic party administration the [so] started directing the eye from hygiene
消费者保护机构是否应规定在不提供烧烤肉类的处所生肉和生产品给客户? _NULL_
烤Reyo筷子被分配在火灾刚刚接触生肉晴朗的早晨Momaira [momaira] good morning
The raw meat roast also the chopsticks which touch properly with the fire,
牛排与生肉生蛋鞑靼是危险的,但我想也许ü偏见,认为他们在国外做了周一嘿好,但它也比较好 yutsuke is dangerous Raw egg and raw meat But as for barrel barrel stake compared to mashi well Being the foreign country it can put out that well it rubbed you think that is Prejudiced causing brick
状态的病人(5月1日(星期日)在16现在)※年龄一年9 8 9岁的病人饮酒烧烤店惠比寿砺波设施的名称编号〜70岁性别男:18女:21人目前正在住院治疗27号,16号严重 Circumstance of patient May 1st day 16 The time presently Facility name The burning meat liquor house shrimp the 砺 wave store which is done The number of patients 8 Name Age 99 name Age 1 Year 70 Year Sex Man 18 Name woman 21 Name The number of present hospitalization people 27 Name Inside the number of critical people 16 Name
状态的病人(5月1日(星期日)在16现在)1岁和39例※饮酒烧烤店〜惠比寿砺波设施的名称性别男70岁的一年:18,女:27 21目前住院人数那样,16个重病号 Circumstance of patient May 1st day 16 The time presently Facility name The burning meat liquor house shrimp the 砺 wave store which is done The number of patients 8 Name Age 99 name Age 1 Year 70 Year Sex Man 18 Name woman 21 Name The number of present hospitalization people 27 Name Inside the number of critical people 16 Name
破产,赡养费,子女在两个破产的权利,每一项索赔3亿僵硬 _NULL_
科伊塔广告的基调,许多人想知道如果当地弟兄想我会争取香港大会堂及溃疡是真的狗屎公司全员工的形式科伊塔 Condition it is dense, it is the advertisement and condition it is dense, therefore it is droppings enterprise of the employee being lazy,
Thinking, that [maji] collapse, the [ru] local same trader it is many, probably will be
第三III深深深三(1)生肉covered ll拔出来,在过去三个月的实际行为,吃生肉,烤牛肉,托里萨瓦,然后穿刺杆牛“固体吃生肉“人谁403(40%)和年龄肯定有很大比例,其中吃的年龄不年轻,20多岁的105(53%),30秒118(47%)只好吃生肉 The i it is good deeply The i it is good deeply The i it is good deeply 1 the conduct actual condition which being raw eats the flesh Direct starting pulling closely within 3 months the hitting of yutsuke and the beef and taking wa as for the person who “being raw ate flesh” such as cow lever sticking 403 the 40 At classified by age about young age the ratio which is eaten was high as for 20 generations 105 the 53 as for 30 generations 118 the 47 being raw ate the flesh
“这个故事会让你笑对 ”是食物中毒牡蛎 NULL
为了我们的孩子成为易受严重食物中毒,所以不要吃生肉,并发现它应该把自己的工作为他们的父母 When it becomes food poisoning in order in the child whom to serious illness it is easy to convert the flesh being raw not to make eat it was found that it is necessary to approach vis a vis the guardian
分为一塑料袋冷冻肉也是充满细菌,食物中毒是造成这种方式不提供生肉出来,第二天covered ll拉 Inserting the meat which becomes the germ being lazy in with also the vinyl sack refrigeration storage Starting pulling in the next day with yutsuke offer… Like this doing it is the case that food poisoning occurs
因此,牛肉,鸡肉,你可能会活到吃,食物中毒 Therefore the beef and the chicken being raw when you eat there is a possibility of becoming food poisoning
奇怪的是想Ttara食物中毒肉,生肉是什么样的我在韩国撞死wwwwww When you think that food poisoning how it is strange with the burning meat whether yutsuke wwwwww It seems that is killed in Korea it rubbed
第三III深深深三(1)在过去3个月的实际行为,吃生肉,生肉类,烤牛肉,托里萨瓦,然后穿刺杆牛“固体原料肉的饮食“一个人403(40%)和年龄肯定有很大比例,其中吃的年龄不小了,20秒105(53%),30秒118(47%),吃生肉是均 The i it is good deeply The i it is good deeply The i it is good deeply 1 the conduct actual condition which being raw eats the flesh Direct starting pulling closely within 3 months the hitting of yutsuke and the beef and taking wa as for the person who “being raw ate flesh” such as cow lever sticking 403 the 40 At classified by age about young age the ratio which is eaten was high as for 20 generations 105 the 53 as for 30 generations 118 the 47 being raw ate the flesh
统筹协调是假的,所以什么花园扦插嘎无杠杆,但很快发现它在美国制造 Because the lever pointing moth there was no 叙 叙 garden, when false ones, it is the United States make, it was understood immediately, but
肠出血性大肠杆菌的六人包括两名驯善大肠杆菌被确诊为无症状感染大肠埃希氏大肠杆菌已被检测为O111 2 people of non condition were included and intestinal tract bleeding characteristic colon bacillus O111 was detected anew from 6 people and was diagnosed the same colon bacillus infection symptom
请没有酒精消毒好,我会做一个很好的杀菌活性是吧? If there is no alcoholic sterilization and the [te], the radioactivity sterilized it was good, don't you think? it is?
谁也不跟谁分钟Karanai正确的卫生管理方面,我可以生吃牛肉瓦特 The [ro] w where management methodological how no one where the hygienic surface [tsu] [te] the beef for omophagia is correct understands and is
调查一个有效的预防食物中毒公众意识,吃生肉(最后报告)评价食品安全信息委员会 Examination of effective spread enlightenment for preventing the food poisoning with the omophagia of the flesh (final paper) Food safe intelligence evaluation commission
那么,你会杀了孩子的行Kukara韩国烤肉做某事 The ma the Korean doing because it goes to ru burning butcher shop something It means to kill the child it is