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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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Inhabitant “Tokyo Electric Power Company…You receiving after the accident large amount allowance, [ru]?”-> “As for saying vice president amount permitting,” the ★3


  • - 第2号 - 第一制药的主要问题福岛核电厂,第一制药在福岛核电站事故Toukyoudenryoku米2号2003年6月2日在六月减少了反应器的功率损耗水平去年也,功耗发射事故,他已超过两米的水减少了30分钟的反应器作了明确向众议院预算委员会的议员当天
    Fukushima first nuclear plant 2 the machine, with power source loss water level of the reactor 2 meters decreases the accident where occurs even in the June last year The Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear power plant 2 the June last year, power source losing with the machine, water level of the reactor 30 minutes spanning At House of Councillors budget committee of 1 days it became clear for the accident which 2 meters decreases to occur

    • 100%的股本减少859,0也是债券银行的债务减免,彻底重组,高管薪酬0,一半的员工工资,公司养老金0,电力传输的完全自由化,以及诸如此类的东西都最终破裂它不是国家的支付负担的一部分壹岐
      859 As for stocks 100% reduction of capital and debenture 0, claim abandonment and thorough restructuring of bank, Official allowance 0, as for employee allowance half price and private enterprise's annuity 0, Perfection freeing of departure transmission of electricity of electric power, every ending entirely, you pay and cannot Just part national burden shelf

      • 459雇员减少约20基薪和奖金削减%确定
        459 As for mere clerk with about bonus cutting and basic pay 2 percentage decrease OK

        • 5000万日元的收益,集数字,以支持受灾地区的足球活动,“足球家庭康复补助金”我充电
          The inside 50,000,000 Yen of earnings, was provided in order to support the soccer activity of suffering area, it applies to the “soccer family revival support gold”

          • 676车“意外”是一个结构性的问题,你的车,混乱的Kera是一套标准的每一个问题的驱动程序启动时拔出紧张,事情我会更明显的例子架构不是吗?无论哪种方式,我东京电力垄断和分歧,我也不会竞争的情况下,我当然很标准加 NULL
            • 676车“意外”是一个结构性的问题,你的车,混乱的Kera是一套标准的每一个问题的驱动程序启动时拔出紧张,事情我会更明显的例子架构不是吗?无论哪种方式,我东京电力公司和垄断的差异,竞争将有一个标准的话,我当然是加 NULL

          • 680是一个人或地区你从哪里来?关西和四国你,如果在九州的人,我用一半的,你有没有听说过,我是做出来的核电厂发电 680 As for you human kana of the area of somewhere If you are the Kansai and Shikoku and Kyushu human the nuclear plant creates the half of the electricity which now you use The wa which is the first ear
            • 但在此之前mon m 680什么?或自然灾害或核动力的好处,信息少痛!它的无知程度是一种武器 680 But your what is what Benefit or natural disaster of nuclear plant as for the feeling weak tsu pu ri Dangerous weapon level the so which is ignorant
            • 因为,第一,我肯定没有东京电力公司首席营收从生活和工作的地方穆像我高薪租金 With consequence of the nuclear plant the place where you live also although work and earnings it was gone don t you think the Tokyo Electric Power Company patsy is high giving has received

          • 782小学,尽管我还没有看到一个地方甚至没有用过的核燃料棒还发现了一堆Tsukatsu放射性废物的处置乏燃料棒时,意外发生,每年越来越多的迅速增加Emasu而是让他们的主要风险并不需要核电

            • 84926349作为休息日元捐款,捐赠给红十字会
              Remaining 63,498,492 Yen contributes to the Japanese red cruciform corporation as a contribution gold,

              • 867核电是捍卫,不打市政厅Toukyoudenryoku溃疡
                867 It protects the nuclear plant, but Tokyo Electric Power collapses

                • JR西日本的福知山线出轨的东西,什么都只有一半的私有化失真
                  Derailed accident something of the JR west Japanese Fukuchiyama lines, the distortion very thing which is commercialized oddly

                  • Watta今天的工作似乎要结束了,明天又是另一ID和汝来 Present work puts out as ended in addition tomorrow comes being another ID

                    • Wwwwwww Warata m不得变更权万维网万维网如何返回一个控制? wwwwwwwwww NULL
                      • 但是,像人的手,如果平假名返回,将推出一些一次 But if one time something thing happens the kind of human who returns the palm

                    • “×注明”圆的一天与Kino“,因为它没有被忽视回 NULL
                      • “×注明”圆的一天与Kino“,因为它没有被忽视回 NULL
                      • 太阳圈现场“×商标”的迹象也把所有的普通 In actual place in circle of day Also the signboard which acquires “× sign” was arranged
                      • 太阳圈现场“×商标”的迹象也把所有的普通 In actual place in circle of day Also the signboard which acquires “× sign” was arranged

                    • ※ 东京电力与核有关的问题 确定 ,“管理是显着恶化!”→夏季奖金是“40万”削减了50%5★ Syakai东京电力公司的员工,年收入减少20%(一般→8 0亿640万雇员)也 “可怜的东西我没有”“即使高薪纳税人的钱”4★ ?和争议 高管 东京电力公司Syakai 50获得1%的年费平均三千七万日元※5★前削减: Related sure Tokyo Electric Power Company “Management deteriorated substantially ” gt The bonus of the summer “400 000 Yen” cuts also above the 50 5 The Tokyo Electric Power Company employee annual income 20 cutting general employee 8 000 000 gt 6 400 000 … “bad thing it is not done although ” “although it is high giving tax throwing ” With for and against 4 The Tokyo Electric Power Company official 1 human average 37 000 000 Yen the annual remuneration which can be received to 50 cutting 5 Before
                      • 以外Hukuzima 724,我说我会抱怨你的租金支付奖金东京电力公司在高度螨员工不被讨厌,但是其他地区有管辖权的东京电力公司 724 However also area other than Fukushima and area other than the Tokyo Electric Power Company governing have been bothered Still with the high giving taking receiving to the bonus complaint says is in the ru Tokyo Electric Power Company employee

                    • ▼读卖新闻在线(读卖新闻)20:00 27 2011年5月1日]分钟
                      * YOMIURI ONLINE (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) [2011 May 1st 20:27

                      • 专业逃税),淀川,走集团若林赤城Shirou 1947年出生的成员。红军成员Oomiti Bandou国男组成员在1947年出生,1947年出生晃淀-去。民主党成员出生于1948年,东亚反日武装阵线成员题跋惠子佐佐木则夫出生于1948年,东亚反日武装阵线成员在1948年,儿子出生守胜大道寺那里(另一对夫妇被判处死刑。租界)或1948年出生于浩隆赤松
                        Tax evasion professional) Sirou Akagi… 1947 origin [do] number group member Wakabayashi. Akira… 1947 origin [do] number group member Bando 國 man… 1947 origin Red Army member Main street. Military officer Osamu Daidoji leash child… 1948 origin East Asian anti-Japanese armament front member Norio Sasaki… 1948 origin East Asian anti-Japanese armament front member Keiko Chiba… 1948 origin [minsu] party member (capital punishment abolition classified by married couple. Right) Hirotaka Akamatsu… 1948 origin [minsu] party member (source of foot and mouth disease incident) Youko Komiyama… 1948 origin [minsu] party member (resident denizenship child treatment right) Maruoka learning/repairing… 1949 origin The Japanese Red Army member Kaieda Wan Li… 1949 origin [minsu] party member (Pachinko right) Inner part flat purity three… 1949 origin The Japanese Red Army member * Group eye Haruki… 1948 origin Nuclear Safety Commission chairman (irresponsible becomes extreme the mass communications attach with the speech and behavior which the nickname which “random Haruki”) * As for Vice-President the Tokyo Electric Power Chief Executive Officer how everyone 1946 - 1948 origin

                        • 东。我不是为他辩护,其他工作人员在东权人的家庭或什么东西,反正不是雇员。如果你们是卫冕,因为他们说没有,只有再疯狂 East As for the person who has protected how the se family this person the employee no kana it is the ro which is Other than employee east If the person who has protected is the most quickly head strangely dearly there is no expression
                          • 在这里,在东部和mixi网。我可能就不用他辩护了良好的大学不知道如何以及在我的tentative m只是没有什么火上浇油注意 Here and with mixi east As for the person who has protected the oil pouring in the fire just the ru with tsu te something it is from the wa kana Even the temporarily good university it has come out the ro which is

                        • 东京电力公司对这样的事故发生后,笨拙或不称职的治疗风险管理地震,更遑论连
                          As for Tokyo Electric Power Company as for the crisis management for earthquake disaster the [ro] or processing of after the accident unshapeliness or disabled the ones

                          • 东写了一个小时的真相,但是。会是什么捍卫?承认这一点,我认为最好是温达不会写,因为我只增加了更多的燃料Nannee But hourly wage receiving truly the east which you write The protection tsu te it is kana Therefore the bu tsu chi ya ke what well it is in only fuel addition you think that the one which is not written is mashi but it is
                            • 166 Okitara它,现在在东一次。他们将捍卫它倾向于 166 When that occurs this time simultaneously east It inclines to protection don t you think probably will be

                          • 东北东捏。在国防上来看,真正的工匠Kakiko(笑)也许我到认为那些谁例如将雇用瓦特我们真的很好,如果雇员有37 000人,数十名亲属和官员还必须包括米尔万东。从易到了解并有能力保卫周围,它可能写这样的党,捍卫 Don t you think the ma it is east When you look at protection the person who becomes the kakiko craftsman laughing truly employing ru or the origin w which is thought Well if really as many as 37000 the employee is if also the relative and the authorized personnel include no 100 000 person east In protection When there is a standpoint where it is easy to turn because you can understand such party has written in protection it is probably will be
                            • 东北东捏。在国防上来看,真正的工匠Kakiko(笑)也许我到认为那些谁例如将雇用瓦特我们真的很好,如果雇员有37 000人,数十名亲属和官员还必须包括米尔万东。从易到了解并有能力保卫周围,它可能写这样的党,捍卫 Don t you think the ma it is east When you look at protection the person who becomes the kakiko craftsman laughing truly employing ru or the origin w which is thought Well if really as many as 37000 the employee is if also the relative and the authorized personnel include no 100 000 person east In protection When there is a standpoint where it is easy to turn because you can understand such party has written in protection it is probably will be

                          • 什么东精神不稳定亚拉亚拉家庭餐馆四郎德塔损害轮流停电的集体诉讼。为什么不直接说我哎 Class action margin Is damage with plan power failure the eating house the home which becomes mind unstable with anything from calling East The appeal chi ya you obtain
                            • 什么东精神不稳定亚拉亚拉家庭餐馆四郎德塔损害轮流停电的集体诉讼。为什么不直接说我哎 Class action margin Is damage with plan power failure the eating house the home which becomes mind unstable with anything from calling East The appeal chi ya you obtain

                          • 公共资金导入索纳银行,日航,但我不明白的路线,东京电力公司的核事故导致一场灾难,因为
                            The JAL doing [so] public financial introduction agreement does not go in the bank, but therefore as for the Tokyo Electric Power Company nuclear accident natural disaster opportunity

                            • 冈崎先生说:“我的工作 反 被说成是一场误会,”他说 As for Okazaki “the fact that is misunderstanding my activity is counter day ” that you insist
                              • 冈崎先生说:“我的工作 反 被说成是一场误会,”他说 As for Okazaki “the fact that is misunderstanding my activity is counter day ” that you insist

                            • 到目前为止,总理大臣菅直人,“往往让他注意过去的行为与失踪数字,深感抱歉,这是误导”(众议院代表06题),然后回答错配内阁面对的展览 菅 Naoto As for the prime minister there is a surface where “this person in past speech and behavior is lacking so far in consideration causing misunderstanding it is deep reflection It has done” that the House of Representatives representation question of 6 days we reply display the aspect of mismatch inside the official building
                              • 到目前为止,总理大臣菅直人,“往往让他注意过去的行为与失踪数字,深感抱歉,这是误导”(众议院代表06题),然后回答错配内阁面对的展览 菅 Naoto As for the prime minister there is a surface where “this person in past speech and behavior is lacking so far in consideration causing misunderstanding it is deep reflection It has done” that the House of Representatives representation question of 6 days we reply display the aspect of mismatch inside the official building

                            • 反忽视。亚拉很容易理解,在货架上的意外击中受害者自然灾害解除
                              Measure neglect. Lifting to the shelf, with natural disaster outside supposition the sufferer hitting It is easy to know

                              • 在削减奖金管理,降低管理人员薪酬,我不知道大约3个百分点低于基本工资
                                Above administrative position whether about bonus cutting, administrative position treatment cutting and basic pay 3 percentage decrease

                                • 在日本,“但更安全的核电如法国,博塔的价格”是唯一的黄金切割分钟超临界核安全费用,请认真东部队和核安全机构Kosu u200b u200btokattokosutokatto。官员口袋里 In Japan “French like botsuta price but safer nuclear plant” is unreasonable The tsu which cost cutting cost it cuts and sows it is being cheap only the super dangerous nuclear plant Cost as for the gold of the amount which is cut atomic energy safe preservation institute and east In bosom of staff
                                  • 在日本,“但更安全的核电如法国,博塔的价格”是唯一的黄金切割分钟超临界核安全费用,请认真东部队和核安全机构Kosu u200b u200btokattokosutokatto。官员口袋里 In Japan “French like botsuta price but safer nuclear plant” is unreasonable The tsu which cost cutting cost it cuts and sows it is being cheap only the super dangerous nuclear plant Cost as for the gold of the amount which is cut atomic energy safe preservation institute and east In bosom of staff

                                • 在考虑充分利用的时刻,否则我将被解雇功率CO2茹811 Ikerurashiijan出来,形成舆论时仍比走的更好的基本权利 811 When thermal power generation full it utilizes for the time being it can go it seems it is CO2 comes out however probably will be when the nuclear plant compared to the public opinion of increase still is formed the ro which is GO
                                  • 680我?我只是不作任何破坏的自然灾害?因为我有一个完美的首要福一 680 It is When it is broken with natural disaster as many as there is no either one Even as for luck one it is the perfect nuclear plant it is

                                • 在风险的危险,我会在每年拨款数十亿日元
                                  Because there is a dangerous risk, annual several 1,000,000,000 Yen you can receive the grant, it is

                                  • 如果581“地震的情况是克如打开一个建筑物紧急出口”,或“当没办法文异常应该是你和快速部署呼叫号码”,或者,你知道这个男孩离开了法律上的规定 之类的事情和我 581 If “at the time of earthquake opening the emergency exit of the building” “abnormality happens when doing number of people roll call rapidly” Deciding such putting out ru law well kana

                                    • 如果你抱怨,地球,这个词,例如岩石,而是因为一些严重的破坏,他们说人们是否觉得可怕的事情 It is complaint if is in the earth call to the base rock Therefore some damage enormous the tsu te the unreasonable oral ya as for phrasing that you think how as a person

                                      • 如果你的租金金钱或地位,他们浮动,Bifuketteta人玩,而且钱的问题 You receive the gold above your own posterior waist length make merry play and age and the tsu te is the human In addition story of gold
                                        • 469ID:dacuPXSc0有更多的钱租他的身高,他的浮动,Bifuketteta玩的人,钱的问题 469ID dacuPXSc0 You receive the gold above your own posterior waist length make merry play and age and the tsu te is the human In addition story of gold

                                      • 总督在457小学Toukyoudenryoku Hukushima施工时间?公民是愚蠢的?
                                        457 The Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima nuclear construction As for nomarch of that time? Prefectural people fool?

                                        • 总统和废水管理的忽视。凹陷。犯罪是无知或不正确的花道歉
                                          The neglect of sewage president and the management. 弛. The [ro] where crime of the ignorant Meng 昧 is not completed and is with apology

                                          • 恐怖组织。日本经团联的政治家应该加载了人类的利益垃圾处理质量东京电力公司员工经团联成员靖靖靖靖政客东京电力浪费雇员权益和群众利益,如果日本经济团体联合会政治家拒绝恐怖分子大规模东京电力公司的工作人员不靖靖是正确的方式来消除社会公众安全的恐怖分子,即使是从社会排斥的未来
                                            Terrorist group. The Tokyo Electric Power Company preservation member [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations It is not necessary the human to handle preservation member Tokyo Electric Power Company employee [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations The Tokyo Electric Power Company employee preservation member [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations which is the terrorist being removed from society, our industry complacency The road whose it is correct for safety of society to remove the terrorist from society,

                                            • 您应该只接受低工资线,看到所有的恐怖福岛
                                              If the disastrous state of everyone [hukushima] it goes to seeing, small salary is agreed upon being, it does, the [yo

                                              • 我们面前的921就像一个“愚蠢的”,我会说你可以看到,退役的核力量,以使反对派声称什么Teiu“公正的赔偿费用已经福岛核电站亲马斯引导他们去“是不是到W 921 You like “Fool” As recognized when saying “Group of objectors put out the cost in order to make the nuclear plant closing down a reactor the insistence which how is said After completing Fukushima compensation in just nuclear propulsion group come again” Lever Toda w
                                                • 最令人担忧的是,在什么是谢Reyo一旦它起到了总督受害人一方应该是为什么支持者W的第一批居民 Most as for becoming matter of concern nomarch of the expectation which is propulsion group why that much That say whether it could play the victim surface First apologize to the prefectural people w

                                              • 我原本208事故和降低他的,现在由东京电力公司员工,但该网站在这里和那里出来,相反,看到向井Hazime不能确定,越来越多的,我想我今后成长 NULL

                                                • 我喝Mutte工会的要求“从大逆转的现状可以( u003d从政府救济),”你是说我不能否认的可能性 The tsu te thing which drinks the demand for the labor union “can do maintenance of the status quo one shot large reversal relief from government ” it can deny possibility and says and it is thing

                                                  • 我是从改善与俄罗斯托木斯克7欺诈“的关系,如果我在我们计划从轨道来拉线路中石油气为燃料的动力的时候,我想我还不想核电,现在该怎么办也叫地不知道为什么它的某种方式如何防火 Russia and relationship have been improved” after the middle fraud and others re it is placing the plan which pulls the LPG line from tomusuku 7 in the track Saying at the thermal power if you say you think that we does not enter the nuclear plant but now how doing whatever the tsu te which becomes somehow at the thermal power the reason or the basis which are said you do not understand
                                                    • “我推进核电是危险的,正是因为”那些家伙我太 “Therefore the nuclear plant danger very it has propelled” such party it is it is
                                                    • “我推进核电是危险的,正是因为”那些家伙我太 “Therefore the nuclear plant danger very it has propelled” such party it is it is
                                                    • 为了改善与俄罗斯的关系,托木斯克是在7月中石油气欺诈发射如果我要防止脱落到地面电源项目中去拉行了,我想我还不想核电,现在是什么也叫地不知道为什么它的某种关于如何热 Improving Russia and relationship after the middle fraud and others re it is placing the plan which pulls the LPG line from tomusuku 7 in the track Saying at the thermal power if you say you think that we does not enter the nuclear plant but now how doing whatever the tsu te which becomes somehow at the thermal power the reason or the basis which are said you do not understand
                                                    • 例如,要提高员工的核危机莫塔,东京电力公司是出生在非常奇怪的机会Waru The crisis atmosphere the employee whom it had increasing to the nuclear plant Just the chance where Tokyo Electric Power Company is born and changes
                                                    • 女川核电厂一样,如果在某些情况下,我被海啸袭击是稳定的 NULL
                                                    • 如果不是第一次接受输入,抑制肿瘤,在日本作出不 If only ahead accepting it was not in Japan there was no thing where the nuclear plant is made to here probably will be
                                                    • 然而,从我们自己来解决所有问题的核文没有办法,我是在自己的经营 However being personally owned problem happened with the nuclear plant which it is operational therefore it is everything Being personally owned after solving

                                                  • 我有喜欢你的前206五高尚的,我是多么w在以下年收入为7 0亿公民,但我不想Nanori我在东京生活 206 The gold you have received the do just it is it is humble it is you w As for annual income 7 000 000 or less residence it is in Tokyo coming out the wa which is not wanted being identified the citizen of Tokyo
                                                    • 如果事件文Koranakere总统!而他们所谓的情况下,新人们高尚的葡萄酒饮用受污染的毛乌素ü委员会 If incident does not happen the president With to call the dirty liquor is drunk the humble human where it meets

                                                  • 我,我认识到,人为和680 Hukuzima核吉田兄弟的首席?我是一个自然灾害谁呢?
                                                    680 It is and is Chief Yoshida of the Fukushima nuclear plant has recognized accident? Someone said natural disaster how?

                                                    • 教学中应加以改善,如果政府出了问题的答案我认为东京电力公司超过了政府的资讯科技及东京电力Idaro同样有罪较重要的沉重,因为行政人员的内部东京电力公司533 NISA第那么没有办法,我能为我只有小学建立,因为他会说你行的安全标准,确定公司 533 The ro where even inside Tokyo Electric Power Company the manager crime is heavier than the person in charge and is Being the same as that you think that crime of government is heavier than Tokyo Electric Power Company but If the Tokyo Electric Power Company reply contents are unpalatable government guides and should improve Is decided at just safety level how enterprise of the nuclear plant it cannot boil Preservation institute calling OK with that it has been formed from the ru with to do the yo
                                                      • 373钓鱼?低工资下的员工激励Getara想要什么?而是应该怎么啦?是吗?如果你在一个故事人的工作可以了解主站点,我们应该怎样做起来的薪水东京电力公司的员工?我与人的热情好客,这是扎马这一切呢? 373 Fishing When salary it lowers motivation of the employee it goes down On the other hand it should raise now It is If the people work on nuclear site story it is understood but salary of the Tokyo Electric Power Company employee raising how it does it is Until now being welcomed directly also the te this zama is the people
                                                      • 良好或较好的色调TTA的措施,创造一个独立的公司,全面拆除他,我想告诉我你减薪,是当我Teroru小学东京电力公司员工 When the Tokyo Electric Power Company employee tsu te salary it reduces the nuclear terrorist ru saying the ru person it was Complete dismantling another company for measure the one which it made being good

                                                    • 日本应首先削减了25%%,沼泽湿地在世界上不能满足切 In the first place the 25 being able to cut Japan if you see in the world it is not full in 1 cutting
                                                      • 此外,它是100%的原油进口铀,我飞升 After also the uranium the shank and soaring with crude oil 100 import don t you think it increases

                                                    • 日本足协主席川渊三郎清水隆晃东京电力公司,日本足协主席小仓纯二东京电力公司董事,执行副总裁,执行副总裁夫鼓Yuuhei Hukushima州长佐藤,总裁兼首席执行官,日本Futtoboruvirejji足球 - - 围绕办公室主任理事会Hukushima松井利彦东京电力公司名誉董事长地区16年前,日本足球欠1300亿到东京电力...日元[j]是一个以换取核Hukuzima村和
                                                      Corporation Japanese [hutsutoboruvuiretsuji] Representative President Sato Male flat Nomarch Fukushima Vice-President Chief Executive Officer 皷 Period man The Tokyo Electric Power corporation Vice president Director Ogura Purity two Foundation Japanese soccer association Chairman Shimizu Masataka The Tokyo Electric Power corporation President River deep water Saburo Foundation Japanese soccer association Honorable chairman Matsui Toshihiko The Tokyo Electric Power corporation Director geographical regional section Fukushima office chief 16 years ago, as for the Japanese soccer boundary it can designate the debt of 13,000,000,000 Yen as Tokyo Electric Power Company… where 'as for J [vuiretsuji]' for the Fukushima nuclear plant as the collateral Tokyo Electric Power Company construction cost burden

                                                      • 日本足球协会在周四,日本代表在大阪长居在大球场举行3月29日东大地震灾后重建 - J是钱从一个慈善比赛选拔联赛总金额,为84921349万日元宣布
                                                        As for the Japanese soccer association on the 14th, with revival support of east Japanese large earthquake disaster on March 29th at the Osaka long visit track and field place It announced that with the charity tournament of the Japanese representation - J league selection which it holds the total amount which the profit is done, reached 113,498,492 Yen

                                                        • 此外,由于这个家伙还没有可靠,更稳定。福岛第一制药核电厂设立一个缓冲区仅设计我吗? (438)基底,因为有一个动力储备↓? (532和许多其他的)由↓“海啸不是来自”我,备用电源的位置,而且在地下室一楼二楼,但我到处 Furthermore even then because the guy who cannot feel at rest is Furthermore it is cheap Providing buffer area the Fukushima first nuclear plant was designed it is 438 ↓ Why there was an extra power source on the underground 532 Other large number ↓ Separately “the tidal wave does not come” therefore it is as for installation position of extra power source The underground and 1F and 2F and it is to call is anywhere
                                                          • 此外,由于这个家伙还没有可靠,更稳定。福岛第一制药核电厂设立一个缓冲区仅设计我吗?而不是在对东京电力,当地甚至数百个专业意见的学者同意,谨慎和总督的反超,在结束该国的许可,我设计 Furthermore even then because the guy who cannot feel at rest is Furthermore it is cheap Providing buffer area the Fukushima first nuclear plant was designed it is 438 ↓ Why there was an extra power source on the underground 532 Other large number ↓ Separately “the tidal wave does not come” therefore it is as for installation position of extra power source The underground and 1F and 2F and it is to call is anywhere

                                                        • 此案没有道理我不这样做更多的赔偿事故受害者没有推出这种治疗方法在垃圾,它紧张公司的员工发射事故

                                                          • 民主党成员,1946年出生出生于1946年,菅直人红军成员Sakaguti浩(第首相),1946年出生,民主党成员,参议员谷芳登(健行间谍)三个冈本宏民主党在1947年出生...成员,日本鸠山由纪夫红军成员出生于1947年(前首相无能
                                                            Hiro Sakaguchi… 1946 origin Red Army member 菅 Naoto… 1946 origin [minsu] party member (nothing. Prime minister) 仙 valley Yosito… 1946 origin [minsu] party member (the Chinese Communist Party official recognition spy) Kimizo Okamoto… 1947 origin The Japanese Red Army member Yukio Hatoyama… 1947 origin [minsu] party member (prime minister before the disabled

                                                            • 测试结果。谁是董事长,总裁辞职躲起来,派遣的官员,他们的政治和商业巨头,学者,更像一个乘客巢穴
                                                              Inspection joining. The hideout of the great men of Chairmen the president who you take responsibility resigns with concealment, the compulsory public official and governmental financial world and the business scholar well?

                                                              • 甚至没有抗震设防,对海啸应急处理太糟糕了,太糟糕的高管,无论如何Narandaro没有好措施
                                                                Earthquake-proof characteristic and useless, tidal wave measure and useless, quick fix and useless, correspondence of staff useless, The [ro] which how lines up

                                                                • 电力价格,但escaped m出管理人员的工资和奖金这种情况下,电梯,只有支付给分包单位的Fusagaranai口举行开放 Official remuneration and the bonus it puts out in this circumstance it is the ze which is That being as for electric charges as for the payment to price hike and subcontract reservation The mouth which you opened does not go down the hu

                                                                  • 编号:dacuPXSc0我多睡的流行吃醋
                                                                    ID: The way of the popularity of dacuPXSc0 envy As for we you sleep already

                                                                    • 获取燃料发电机燃料耗尽。熔体是目前缺乏紧迫感
                                                                      The fuel of the generator running out, the fuel. As for melting, appearance of shortage of crisis atmosphere

                                                                      • 萨克我说,即使不抗海啸,有海拔零米,也没有提供备用电源 We says the te was in elevation zero meters tidal wave measure not to be done In addition either extra power source was not prepared
                                                                        • 编号:dacuPXSc0我只在于继续吐痰可以看出,即使在小学,为什么? “帕特海啸对策 ID dacuPXSc0 Continuing to spit the kind of lie which why understands with the elementary school student the ru it is “Also tidal wave measure is perfect

                                                                      • 补偿的居民,他们将支付和东京电力公司最终解除您的日常电费和高工资Bonasuuhauha
                                                                        The indemnity to the inhabitant after all will not at electric charges price hike, and others bears And as for Tokyo Electric Power Company high giving and [bonasuuhauha

                                                                        • 该反应器自动关闭,例如更换未能关闭外接电源,冷却再没有派水,水位下降两米
                                                                          It stopped the reactor automatically, but because it fails in change to external power source, the chilled water becomes unable to send, water level 2 meters it decreased

                                                                          • 谢谢,现在,解散后的反应堆数字,被分配到海底,Wareru认为达达是一个受污染的水泄漏 With favor presently after the furnace dissolved the bottom cracking It is thought as the thing where the contaminated water becomes a dadaism leak
                                                                            • 谢谢,现在,解散后的反应堆数字,被分配到海底,Wareru认为达达是一个受污染的水泄漏 With favor presently after the furnace dissolved the bottom cracking It is thought as the thing where the contaminated water becomes a dadaism leak

                                                                          • 这不禁TTA的电力4885说我使用电动篮东京电力公司东京电力公司,即使他生气我,因为我没有全部选择 4885 Good thing you said It is like the It cannot choose electricity it is I the mu being attached to Tokyo Electric Power Company however the ru it cannot avoid using the Tokyo Electric Power Company electricity
                                                                            • 整整885 TTA的电力不能帮助说我使用电动篮东京电力公司东京电力公司,即使他生气我,因为我没有全部选择 885 Good thing you said It is like the It cannot choose electricity it is I the mu being attached to Tokyo Electric Power Company however the ru it cannot avoid using the Tokyo Electric Power Company electricity

                                                                          • 这松鼠Ginandayo屉优武核事故是由于尽管被核协议将在457来之前的方式,成为一种新型的优惠待遇也许是我很好的辐射还感谢这些家伙应有的责任就拿我来住湿重报编辑部网站! ! 457 Agreement With favor of the nuclear plant you are favorably treated to be proud too much it is what in habit The latest nuclear accident and others it is dense is responsibility It is our industry complacency Well the causing re which is accustomed to new type with favor of radiation it is to do Keep living forward ww Quaintness
                                                                            • 东京电力公司螨不希望它结束 u200b u200b了一个失败,因为我从福岛脚腕会跟性格上嘿,你就不会后悔了没有反映出这一点,将在483融化刈羽核电厂地震风筝,我很惊讶他们离开了官僚阶级结构等立即指示 483 If you reflected with the Kariwa nuclear plant of Nakagoe earthquake and solved although it did not become such a thing don t you think Without reflecting it is dense to on and others therefore therefore ru slave disposition don t you think it was connected to the large mistake of Fukushima Still the indication of the Tokyo Electric Power Company class it waits and government office constitution remains the ze which is the surprise especially
                                                                            • 无法口中的580核安全措施政府呢? ? ?但我认为我是由东京电力和安全标准的决定? ? ?那好,我们全国的核电厂,我不能 580 You cannot meddle to the safety measure of the nuclear plant government Safety level is decided at Tokyo Electric Power Company when with you think Unless the country does OK it is not possible to move the nuclear plant
                                                                            • 本次事故已习惯Ginandayo松鼠屉优武感谢优惠的主要方式协议之前就已经获得457学生成为新型也许我很好的辐射也是这些人的责任值得感谢以它来湿重报编辑部网站! ! 457 Agreement With favor of the nuclear plant you are favorably treated to be proud too much it is what in habit The latest nuclear accident and others it is dense is responsibility It is our industry complacency Well the causing re which is accustomed to new type with favor of radiation it is to do Keep living forward ww Quaintness

                                                                          • 退休后我将在六月股东会,但在那之前您继续支付昂贵的Kemasu
                                                                            It retires after the June general meeting of shareholders, but it continues to receive large amount salary to that

                                                                            • 鄂甚至不考虑它深深地福岛前TTA的人谁是舞很多钱 Thinking of that deeply without either the large sum dances before and deviates the human who the Fukushima person

                                                                              • 靖河内或更多的核电厂首期投资833?一个燃煤或燃油而已?煤,固体物我要比较的天然气储量铀储量是多少?核废物处置场辉Kano ll认为世界有哪些?
                                                                                833 Early investment of the nuclear plant being cheap? Just the petroleum being the fuel of the thermal power? The reserves of the coal and the natural gas and the reserves of the uranium have been compared? As for the nuclear waste final disposal place thinking that it is how many in the world, [ru]?

                                                                                • ,和“ 我要原来是介于这没有办法,我花的公司,政府决定与元级钱不一样,我不说什么?瓦特 So gt The gold is applied the enterprise which how it is especially above the standard which government decides the ro which cannot boil and is This was ascertained ru thing by mistake but something you do not say w
                                                                                  • ,和“ 我要原来是介于这没有办法,我花的公司,政府决定与元级钱不一样,我不说什么?瓦特 So gt The gold is applied the enterprise which how it is especially above the standard which government decides the ro which cannot boil and is This was ascertained ru thing by mistake but something you do not say w

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