米扑克牌和一个百万富翁,使从长做得很好过滤辉靖时间不确定鄂更少的热量 As for the flower bill and the large magnate doing well from former times, the [ru]
Because it becomes the 寧 [ro] hot, have tried to refrain
- 小学流向的OB该死的生肉和突然死亡的世界上最糟糕的恐怖组织是非常好的公司,才能在企业年金没收工作 Private enterprise's annuity of nuclear plant OB is confiscated
The super enterprise of good standing which is employed was the worldwide worst terrorist group
[yutsuke] [ku] [tsu] the [te] it dies
Everything it is let flow suddenly
2000公里的旅程充满挑战的棋类游戏,我是在受影响地区非常受欢迎的味道了,我觉得喜欢旅游埃泰 The board game, good traveling challenge 2000km travelling feeling being able to taste, popularity probably will put out even at suffering area
510外交 的推出是一个灾难,但僵硬的报价了解你经历所有人造 510
> As for the misfortune which happens with diplomacy all accidents
If the experience person the dictum shelf which is understood well
541,说:“咦?”“该死!”交响曲Kiwataru游戏和MatariーGottsu人从来没有听说过的轰鸣声,是瓦特黄建忠卡系列游戏,你会喜欢在战略空军司令部Akudaikan哈马或 541 “Permission ” “Domesticated fowl and animals raw ” The tsu 怒 voice matari as for the game which it resounds w you have not heard in other things In that series… with the card game of HJ the hammer tsu it is in the Strategic Air Command or the bad local magistrate
该系列将有471内存或Akudaikan TTA的哈马很喜欢战略空军司令部 471 In that series… The Strategic Air Command or the bad local magistrate… well enough the hammer tsu it is there is memory
603这种态度你就像一个诗意的触摸到愤怒的魔鬼帝国 603
Your such attitude seems that is mentioned the imperial wrath of attractive demon God
7391“马赫战争”仍然是坚实的播放 7391 You could play “Mach fight” still
391“在马赫战争”仍然是坚实的播放 391 You could play “Mach fight” still
853什么是真正的规则手册狗屎统治,我是一个很多人不读他们的解决方案 853 To tell the truth the rule book tsu te u of dominion it is densely being reading it is human many what which does not understand don t you think
如果你记住这条规则为基础的自治领,梳子听到应用和件容易的事多规则,当你教 NULL
86我是新雷达战略游戏 gt 43 gt 86 It is the new radar maneuvers game
开始 程序 游戏 接龙 Start Program Game soriteia
GDW TTA的是那些在家里后,如何完成战斗吗? AH是一个马其诺防线Tteta已经打过之后第二次购买我稍微战术被释放流浪在购买和销售二手赞赏早场第三帝国或没有美国航母战斗群,SPI的战争在欧洲在农村学校的孩子们,我读了手动模式,但我并没有多少被嗯,我的对手 GDW [batoruobuburiten] rear something was in the house
As for that completing?
As for AH fight of the Japanese-American aircraft carrier and the third empire intense fighting [majino] line having, the shelf
As for the second next European great war of SPI sale at that time being perplexed, not buying
Afterwards soaring already with the column of the old buying and selling of TACTICS, the [te]
Well how much having, the manual reading also the [te]
The partner was not in the elementary and junior high school students of [do] countryside
Iteta谁写的要和一个修女或八百四十六瓦特Sandasuton很好的例子是我第一次单独购买的音乐〜我也开始觉得,我从另外一个自治领别无选择命令 846 With the nun speaking even alone pleasantly because you have written the person it was w However if the thunder stone you should have bought first kana with also the air which is said it did Already dominion it orders and the chi ya tsu is the empty helpless wa
PRG表谈话说,由于战争年代来到Lodoss Ever since low DOS island game description
Age coming shelf of table talk PRG
Tteta愿望或有棋盘游戏棋盘游戏Baifamu gegege The board game of [baihuamu] or Onitarou's of [gegege] board game it has
[当然]在我们的主要灾难恢复伸长阴影,但非常不同 Nuclear plant With the shade of earthquake disaster revival as for the extension of [sure] however it is different at all
不只是一个临时销售发送给地震灾民在这种情况下TTA的?海外销售的棋类游戏不应该肯定有趣,我真的惊讶,像游戏王卡游戏坏榜样,桌椅,如果你没有选择位置选择位置不方便可爱的偶像棋盘游戏,并请有运气 Just it could sell temporarily in order to send to the sufferer who is agreeable to this earthquake disaster it is not Being conveyance inconvenient if you do the board game which chooses the place Amusement king who does not choose the place you are surprised to the trick of the stock of the card game The expectation where it can sell the board game of truly funny foreign country
不只是一个临时销售发送给地震灾民在这种情况下TTA的?销售应该像卡片游戏游戏王,如果你没有选择位置选择位置不方便可爱的偶像棋盘游戏,并请有运气 Just it could sell temporarily in order to send to the sufferer who is agreeable to this earthquake disaster it is not Being conveyance inconvenient if you do the board game which chooses the place Amusement king who does not choose the place you are surprised to the trick of the stock of the card game The expectation where it can sell the board game of truly funny foreign country
因达无纹它的确切的是,国际局比赛,我真的有一个令人惊讶的确定一个自治领,如棋类游戏卡坦岛玩具店分类不良榜样乐趣仍然想出去在这个线程多次〜 You are surprised to the trick of the stock of the board game of the toy house still Completely there is no board game of truly funny foreign country it is it is even with this sure many degrees appearing ru cotton or dominion
为了解妇女的棋类游戏,棋类游戏陆续被翻译的翻译之一,但我觉得最随宫的理解相比,曾经阅读或检查,一些Irashii门槛仍高 As for degree of understanding of the woman for the board game most degree of understanding as for meaning of the board game which is translated successively in comparison certainly with in the past You feel however even then that it is easy to read something the threshold is high it seems
在翻译是翻译的棋盘游戏最近看完我觉得随宫或检查相比以前,一个更高的门槛仍然是值得Irashii So as for meaning of the board game which recently is translated successively in comparison certainly with in the past You feel however even then that it is easy to read something the threshold is high it seems
之间的Gill的敲进监狱性骚扰者的区别错误定罪所行是不是? Being mistaken for the 痴 China, jail line finishing with the false charge and without being?
从Kabutobogu好和Tomy玩具。什么转售四郎 From calling as for [takaratomi] [kabutobogu] 玩. Resale margin [tsu] [te
他的妻子 - 一个莫须有的罪名遭骚扰ü受害者是约会的DV我的女儿是在保护性拘留 - 邓小平是假的 痴 Chinese it encounters to the damage of the false charge
Being fabricated DV in the wife, it can escape
The daughter is guided with help association
件白色的“工业间谍 也只有他曾研究在没有任何命令事件就像一个很好用在特殊情况下,你必须到指定的地点放置这将会角落董事会,单一帐单他们,除了道具,如果你得到了一份文件草案所作的下一站在那里等着他,而不是生活的游戏是股票凭证厚纸制成,游戏是成为百万富翁的目标感觉到有人 White scene “industrial spy ” So it accompanies and as for just the scene which is used when it is special There to be times when it is the fine like in the � some event leaving one bills in the designated place of the corner of the board The next you could receive the person who stops there � pera it was and there was a stock certificate which can be made other than the paper currency which it is possible with the paper with the cardboard Rather than calling the � life game the air where the fact that you become 100 010 000 millionaire is the intended game does
但是,这些移动的第一个489件,我知道,做这些运动在这里,我想这对于像Saitonarinai和评论有人花打算呢?反正火腿Chitai家伙胜 489 As for how to move the scene it is understood but it is ahead that here like this moving in such intention like The explanation book either the sight or it is not is it starts to combine We would like to defeat the guy of the ham temporarily
为什么拿钱去Majiresu 46?董事会及件?是不是比较Kattara结束? 46 With majiresu with something it starts to combine in go Board and scene When you apply there is no end
但申请人的意见,我雉猴伴侣犬52,这是他们进入少年,因为他是比较创用CC授权敌讨板栗蟹猴粪便砂浆蜜蜂 52 Collecting the companion it designated the dog monkey pheasant as the viewpoint but Monkey crab chestnut mortar Bee Because the enemy you were attacked in the cowpat Instead they were inserted
但申请人的意见,我雉猴伴侣犬52,这是他们进入少年,因为他是比较创用CC授权敌讨板栗蟹猴粪便砂浆蜜蜂 52 Collecting the companion it designated the dog monkey pheasant as the viewpoint but Monkey crab chestnut mortar Bee Because the enemy you were attacked in the cowpat Instead they were inserted
你还有足够的措施垄断658瓦特棋类游戏的认识,日本仍是最值得 658 As for monopoly the ro w which still is sufficient measure In Japan still with degree of suitable board game acknowledgment top class
垄断在较低的658我不是一个主要 658 Because in the lower stratum monopoly is not measure the shank
像东方或统治或Meidodominion Gandamudominion各种东西 gandamudominion or east dominion or there is meidodominion a variety
全垒打,两个双打,打地面球,蝇,因为它是种了六,百分之五十的成功率击中的!为随机点 Because home run and 2 base hits, hit, the racketeer, they were six types of fly and three swings, batting average 5 tenth!
The point enters at random
冲洗厕所和水,直到你恢复在我家厕所的地震所有,但我没有电梯尖叫博特是不可战胜的 Until the aqueduct it restores with earthquake disaster, as for everyone of the washing rest room however scream it is lifting, the [bo] [tsu] is among of the toilets was invincible
功Tamotsu它两层Nintendou! !在扑克牌茹时代的到来! They are the Nintendo Co. all the power two floor building! !
Age of the flower bill it comes being!
可读我,但他们已经粉碎,进入该地区,因为他会得到跳过附于日本的进口商品使用的翻译也坏家伙 Already as for we entering into the territory of being accustomed the ru crow tsu throwing however you can read There is also an unpalatable person in the Japanese meaning which has been attached to the imports
因为116不能在完全没有任何幻想的世界 116 Because it is not possible to perfection there is no with something with huantaji world view
在瞬间崩溃,他进入它不能单独分享对世界的看法 The person who cannot share world view being one person it enters when it collapses at instant
国际象棋长凳他们正好有脚下蚊香放在现在风扇 Now, putting the mosquito taking incense stick in the foot
With the round fan bench shogi
在越南战争中曾担任什么你Fantomupairotto 503美国海军,我有一本书,使游戏的现实,你说一英里颠狂 503 Rather than the tsu te contents which serve in the military to the Vietnam War as a phantom pilot of the US Navy the maniac haphazardly Real there was a making game book
什么是游戏甚至抄录战术表面北越 NULL
外交是不僵硬发射灾难的不确定性,由于所有人造骰子 There is no indefinite element by the die
As for the misfortune which happens with diplomacy all accidents
大约30年之前,1000日元(是它五○○日元?)我的意思是棋盘游戏鄂买,但是我不笑,晚上有时单独运气,有一系列茹每月出一块,你会买到更好或希望 About 30 years ago 1000 Yen the kana which is 500 Yen With sometimes the board game tsu te which can be bought to say or in night luck laugh alone however the ru Each every month 2 works there being a series which comes out you bought well
30年前,一○○○日元(500日元吗?)茹系列有两个排减单位,每月买了件棋盘游戏,我想好买TTA的 About 30 years ago 1000 Yen the kana which is 500 Yen With sometimes the board game tsu te which can be bought to say or in night luck laugh alone however the ru Each every month 2 works there being a series which comes out you bought well
一是我Kadogemurebyu 777 777 Don t you think card game review
什么分歧和交易,我不从所有这些良好的感觉,从而更好地TTA的采购 Different from toredeingukadogemu Assuming that you bought entirely that much because there is no reason which catches the wa the air may be easy
我的意思是棋盘游戏,不要笑,但我有时在夜间独自运气,我将只有些哭 The board game tsu te to say or in night luck laugh sometimes alone however the ru It is what don t you think it cries
采访结束后在家里竟是处置电视,玩棋盘游戏,我家中没有电视游戏不再 When so it collected materials the home which really throws away the television because the video game became impossible in the family playing with the board game the ru
如果Kokkuri的日元硬币和纸(或铅笔)刚刚度过穆纳 With a nod if the paper and ten Yen ball (or is sufficient just the pencil)
如果你有一个大地震和不择手段你失去了我一大笔钱所有海啸 Property everything is lost in major earthquake the large tidal wave When it is tsu te the ro which is non good behavior
目前汽车和房子,妻子,孩子们在海啸 一十亿 The child and the wife and the private car and the house are let flow in the tidal wave 100 000 000 Yen
进展一帧减少海啸一 1 people it decreased 1 scenes it advances the tidal wave occurred
委员会最近公布的游戏,亚特兰蒂斯,生存,故宫岛,地图和日本的电力公司很难做到在这些时候 When it is the board game which comes out recently,
Atlantis, as for island and electric power company Japanese map etc of [sabaibu] and withdrawal
The moment handle it is difficult to do
它已成为在比赛前的时代或已使用和我们的电脑,而是它是一个更好的游戏,甚至一个新的模拟 The computer the game which was used the tsu chi ya tsu is in natural age the empty On the other hand now analog the game is freshly
东北我派派模拟和数字游戏的Heck Don t you think faction of analog group and digital group how in the world of the te or the game it does
平成498版本,我装上自己的,或放射性废物的汽车在彩虹桥,一个不太好玩了现在好了,反映社会 498
With the rainbow bridge the radioactive waste has been recorded before Heisei edition the [ri] did selfishly in the car, but
Now reflecting social conditions, too much it does not become [shiyare
当时,都是免费的分钟,球员甚至是隐含的方式,没有他,他们不可能有这种事情是一个游戏 Those age even in amount and the player side which are free the tacit manner The person who does not have such could not do the game
性别出生率激增,但我从来没有拨?信号是日本(Noro系统)复兴烈火 Because only SEX there is a [yaru] thing, birthrate zooms!
The wolf smoke of the Japanese revival ([noroshi]) is
我去推进,以适应数字轮盘类型的人今天早上,有彩色照片,一个红色的嘴和期票 In addition the red bill was the promissory note
The � in combination with scene of the human type which is color classified to the numerical value of the roulette, it advances
我将分享买进最好TTA的Bushiroad太糟糕,我不想TOMY公司小浪? Either [konami] [takaratomi] is not bad, but it is, don't you think? stocks the one which is bought is to call?
我局卡坦岛游戏先锋我们个人的建议,统治,7wonders,波多黎各,阿格里科拉,电力公司,颅骨和玫瑰,Kinguobutokyo Furthermore private you recommend, the board game
Pioneers of cotton, [dominion] and 7wonders, Puerto Rico, [agurikora], electric power company, 髑 髏 with rose, [kinguobutokiyo
我已经超过大富翁游戏的乐趣百万富翁 100,010,000 millionaire game is funnier than monopoly
我希望从有关新产品的推出桃铁推迟避免了街道不是受影响地区的代表性 As for the pink iron avoiding the expression of suffering area, with the relationship which it cannot pass
Because it became new work sale postponement,
我还拥有先进的,甚至说,基本Aaaaaaaa 225 或死亡。我也得到一个洋娃娃 囧 225 Such a thing you say the a a a a a a a BASIC and advance have Dies and There is also a doll it is orz
Shiishi太伤心,玩单,梅塔辞职囧 Alone also it is sad to play and orz which is abandoned
数字游戏,只是含糊地不健康,模拟游戏听起来只是一个念头 Simply blankly digital game = unsoundness, just there is an analog game = health and a like idea
更重要的是本人大沽线1620游戏板,试图寻找在您附近公约信息站怎么样 1620 Rather going to the table ge board trying searching nearby convention information how
斗争是它162与幻想 162 The kana which is fighting huantaji
权柄是不是卡的类型是一个良好的游戏几乎无限的扩展埃塔人认为这个简单的规则可以被任何人理解,即使有几十人五分钟就觉得是个天才 As for dominion it is good almost to have game development unlimited with respect to simplicity Although if there are many ten types as many as 5 minutes there is a type of card rule you can understand anyone This as for the person who was thought the wa which you think that it is the genius
没教我周围的人,然后再转向向新闻界囤积,在对游戏规则的文件可怕的感觉发挥埃泰来自自治领 Because the person who teaches around it was not hoarding up in the closet after rule remembering with the game of the te and dominion derivation the extent instruction manual which you did is inhumanity
柏青哥也很实用处理所有的电力工程有铁球的重量 The electromotive handle being utilized, as for the pachinko itself
Functioning it had done entirely with prudence of iron sphere
根据酒吧的父亲,在这条村庄,看来我们的麻烦会 u200b u200b袭击妖怪 According to the father of the bar the village which has this bar has been troubled with the attack of goburin it seems
酒吧的爸爸正试图以出售商店牛出特优 The father of the bar has been about to throw away the cowpat outside the store
温达认为,这样的时代仍是MTG的,,,你是如此罕见,该游戏在后面深 After all such time you think that it is MTG but it is It is the game rubbing where the inner part is deep that much
甚至有人说,当游戏吸引了我的亲戚收集在一个玩具商店买生活突然老游戏,“我卖内衣○万布鲁氏菌病”这家伙我,气氛也不能说什么,例如嘿,现在 When the former times kindred gets together whether it does even with the game becoming the story Urgently the life game which is bought at the toy house the underpants selling “with the bull ceramics 10 000 Yen” How with the person it became the atmosphere which cannot be said at all
生命游戏我540,但在每一代,我不知道他们是否喜欢有趣的○○版,反映了一年的事件 540 However the life game tsu te there is every generation If 0 edition which reflects the occurrence of that year it is it is funny don t you think probably will be
如果2011年的版本,如498 542 If 2011 edition 498 542 Likely
直到在一个舒适的837瓦,Hashiran一场比赛做出了宝贵的鱿鱼茹 837 Alone whether it is pleasant to it does viewing w So it is the valuable game which it is possible alone
然后,我会让它也为了扩大836 836 The wa which orders also expansion and solves
穆没有时差,我设置了国际象棋的形成,从最终比赛开始并不是突然热 There is no time when position shape is united different from shogi it is hot to start suddenly from final stage of a campaign
基达比象棋,但国际象棋是好的,而不是他们很多人不知道规则,他竟然 But shogi compared to the favorite the chess the person who rule does not know unexpectedly being many…
究竟什么叫运动的卡?第一版有限分布的卡和事件 The campaign card [tsu] [te] you say, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is? Card of the first edition and event limitation distribution
维基百科步步高:TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3展%83%90%E3展%83%83%E3展%82%%E3的自动对焦自动曝光%%82%E3展%83%E3展%83 ± 3% %± 2%E3展%83%B3的杉山浩一博士(步步高协会,日本名誉主席)道歉! ! ! ! wikipedia Backgammon:
ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E3% 83% 90% E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% AF % E3% 82% AE % E3% 83% A3% E3% 83% A2% E3% 83% B3
It will pass and probably will sow to be [chi] teacher (Japanese backgammon association honorable chairman) apologize! ! ! !
蒙克TRPG科学是儿童充分,不能推荐一下真正的 TRPG the male is completed is not possible in the child Very that it is the real ocean manchi being lazy
让我们每个人都做国际象棋国际象棋〜当然这次只是出于生活anymore m从中间断开勇Kunaru棋魔指地方实力赢得这鄂Chitaku燃料的能力真的是同一个人,做情况下,不仅是一种爱好请 In at this opportunity the ze which with everyone shogi probably will be done Shogi is good Capability burns the same partner the stop tsu chi ya which is done The book which would like to win reading while becoming strong The ze which is stopped being able to sneak away from the bewitchment of shogi The thing undertaking which becomes hobby of life
国际象棋 来自另一台计算机上WWW的反对好人coming ll法规大师班的82倍仍然得到平安的时间我到了机器的营门会做的国际象棋相同 82 Shogi expert class escapes from computer opposition already and turns and the ru is www Being the same as the chess it means that the carving moment which goes down to the troop gate of the machine comes Even then favorite the person it should have been popular
该公司制造的棋类游戏和比赛,并产生了玩这个游戏,如果贝鲁,我想创建一个系统或结盟与楚魔法动画 The board game as for the company which is made that game producing the place and the conference which can be played tying up with animation we want making the system which makes a profit
自然的神奇来源于此柱纹,只能放纵 Such makes a profit is because it cannot boil only being dissipated it is not possible
迄今为止最好的游戏与基于SPI GDW中央社不可能没有操作十字军 To here the unreasonable Gaea highest peak
There is no operation [kuruseida] of CNA and GDW of SPI
过滤后,终于为每个敌人的飞机和红外制导导弹,出售大量的故障概率 Finally concerning the rear of the enemy plane, infrared ray pursuit
When the missile is launched, the fact of the matter which is operated erroneously with suitable probability
还大声的部署,公平游戏,几分钟之内结束,我希望总理 Also development being lively the numbers of 1 games being sufficient it ends rises
这是他们爱好日发布3899?如果有的话,相信我打得好,太 3899 The person combining which hobby Japan sells If that we you played well
这是他们在日本发行899业余爱好?如果有的话,相信我打得好,太 899 The person combining which hobby Japan sells If that we you played well