我在美国的版本实际上在这个问题上生4 356 VIPPER工作是我很喜欢犯罪否认 > > 356
Actually even the American edition VIPPER like it has been active with 4 it is
With the latest case crime is denied
- 恢复和幕后净阻断攻击政府,并帮助埃及政府官员在埃及服务器革命 The Egypt revolution support
Restoration etc of the net which is cut off in attack to the government official server of Egypt and by government secret maneuver
4chan是一个公告板,全神贯注的双叶木流,在庇护2通道双叶起源 As for the 4chan the cover with the bulletin board which is decended, the cover as for appearance the refuge of 2ch
4,因为这是她在她的两个双叶为主,但这些人是匿名名无Shisan田代DDoS的枪在那里,一些人宁愿我们做了歌声里索尼设备,但不攻击的受害者索尼关键 2 the cover therefore 4 where it is possible in the origin there is no name namely Anonymous So these people do only Tashiro gun DDoS attack That you probably do because SONY dresses up the victim also that people considerably at SONY critical
我想多斯融化到位放弃了袭击现场不见了 匿名例如行溢出也不受攻击义贼殴打或最终明确这个东西实在是太犯罪 Although it makes the rank which with Doss attack the sight is dropped and should have solved… one line exceeding chi it waited anonymous The user unless it makes the attack object the justice robber hitting after all Even the simply offender thing was clear with this
721“100%防止”我不是一个理论, 721
“100% some is prevented” lever with respect to theory it is impossible
Dattari只是恶作剧,或者是令人不安的,我愿意尝试别人呑34 WWW的鸬鹚那你有意识地将其他人会Wareru不认为我甜蜜的,所以安全 34 The mere disturbance tsu te which another person prepares you say or it is itazura www The partner putting intentionally when the tsu is the thing is designated as gullibility therefore security it is sweet it is depending it is thought probably will be
什么是允许的范围内,这恶作剧没有更清楚知道自己的COM闪烁 Is permitted to somewhere itazura which has not been discerned ruins the body
Linux操作系统从粪便车是我的责任wwwwwwwwwwwwwww Tsukatsu Droppings OS of the Linux how bug being lazy using therefore the ru it is wwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is self responsibility
PSN的服务器是 安全专家作证 PSN servers were unpatched and had no firewall installed and security expert testifies
Surado并且源和非FTP辿茹,2频道的“Shisan名无”我穿来昆线 In other words when the origin is traced it is not surado and FTP “there is no name” of 2ch it arrives it is the ze which is
[突破]索尼已放弃请求2频道“不采取法律行动时的讲话”GateKeeper23。Sony.CO.JP索尼注意到有关关守(04 / 12 / 18) SONY in 2ch deletion request “Legal measure is not left”
GateKeeper23. Sony.CO.JP
The memo regarding the SONY gatekeeper (04/12/18)
· · ° ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ ( 人 )升⊂ヽ ¯ 超时空 · · ° ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ ( 人 )升⊂ヽ ¯ 超时空 · · ° ¯ ¯ ¯ヽ ( 人 )升⊂ヽ ¯ 布鲁诺 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT human l ⊂ ¯ REPT 92 no 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT human l ⊂ ¯ REPT 92 no 92 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT human l ⊂ ¯ REPT 92 no 92 92
┓━ ┛┏ 布鲁诺(●) · (●)⌒) ( 布鲁诺· 布鲁诺 。。 ━ ┓ 92 ┏ ┛ No 92 ⌒ 92 no ¯ 92 92 no 92
゚ : ☆☆☆ ( ⊃ ゚ ⊃ ゚ ⊂ no u
·万事达,VISA卡,以阻止与拒绝服务攻击Uikirikusu贸易下降的网站进行了攻击 The attack to MasterCard and VISA
Because transaction stop of [uikirikusu] is done, executing DDoS attack, it made the sight knock down
“无名氏”文件被发现名付的Kera浑身湿透,唯有此,黑客集团“无名氏(匿名)”我说的是,明确什么是好,我不记得Nanori TTA的触摸 gt Is named “anonymous” the file which being found When is just this hacker group “anonymous anonymity ” you were identified but unclear what Being good and such a thing calling to conclusion feeling
你是匿名攻击在F5的主要吸引力呢? So the ro where anonymous te F5 attack is main what
“雅虎BB”的数据丢失事件被怀疑盗窃宫本房子。 ←创价学会日本NTT创价学会的信徒事件前执行刑事罪行掏出手机记录诈骗DoCoMo公司(Koumeitou)可能会出现许多奇特的 顶 Kamura Eizi权在这里DoCoMo的系统 Data outflow incident “of yahu BB” As for suspect Miyamoto house stealing Soka academic society original staff of offense lt Criminal Telephone call record illegitimate drawer incident of NTT dokomo portable telephone The Soka academic society believer Komeito the multitude appears dokomo systems The gugu tsu te we would like to receive with 嘉 village Eiji
“雅虎BB”的数据丢失事件被怀疑盗窃宫本房子。 ←创价学会日本NTT创价学会的信徒事件前执行刑事罪行掏出手机记录诈骗DoCoMo公司(Koumeitou)可能会出现许多奇特的 顶 Kamura Eizi权在这里DoCoMo的系统 Data outflow incident “of yahu BB” As for suspect Miyamoto house stealing Soka academic society original staff of offense lt Criminal Telephone call record illegitimate drawer incident of NTT dokomo portable telephone The Soka academic society believer Komeito the multitude appears dokomo systems The gugu tsu te we would like to receive with 嘉 village Eiji
★索尼攻击,黑客集团“无名氏”或索尼计算机娱乐美国(索尼计算机娱乐美国)美国众议院在四天听证会上,有一个泄漏个人信息,如规模高达100亿的互联网传递服务的可能性的问题,提出了在回答问题从安理会的信 The SONY attack and hacker group “anonymous” SONY konpiyutaentateinmento America SCEA in House of Representatives public hearing on the 4th Private information of maximum of 100 000 000 case scale flowed out from Internet transmission service and the like The reply book for the question condition from the national assembly concerning the problem which is possibility was submitted
★索尼攻击,黑客集团“无名氏”或索尼计算机娱乐美国(索尼计算机娱乐美国)美国众议院在四天听证会上,有一个泄漏个人信息,如规模高达100亿的互联网传递服务的可能性的问题,提出了在回答问题从安理会的信 The SONY attack and hacker group “anonymous” SONY konpiyutaentateinmento America SCEA in House of Representatives public hearing on the 4th Private information of maximum of 100 000 000 case scale flowed out from Internet transmission service and the like The reply book for the question condition from the national assembly concerning the problem which is possibility was submitted
〜香格里拉费伦茨出来了艾希索诺啦〜♪葛Neiro复位和复位啦啦释放所有〜我♪ - ♪ [hu] [ra] [n] [su] seeing and [ge] - ♪
And doing being don't you think? that be -, the ♪
[ra] [ri] [ra] [ri] [ra] [ri] [ra] - ♪
Doing and others [be
不要告诉我,我不是一个FTP登录ID或推断? Never, the login ID of FTP or empty presumption… it is not?
事实上,他们之所以不使用枪田代Kureka电脑被盗的证据过程中的泄漏也Kureka信息调查检获的信息暂时保存,搜查的内容 Actually PC of the Tashiro gun errand where it is not the case that you steal [kureka] information
With investigation process of a [kureka] information leak a time confiscation and content are searched for evidence integrity
事实并非如此,私下然后等待,直到你赶上498将收取的补偿金额数,例如没有支付 498
When it is caught, very it is not, but with the individual the indemnity of the amount which cannot be paid it is claimed probably will be and
什么是最后一根稻草,如果我不把厨房二病患者间违回避像日本A组的名称 Such a name attaching with the Japanese group, the cod it does not end, but 厨 two disease people you are not wrong what,
从Tteta DoS攻击或者说哪个组认为像疯了似的VIPPER Tteta DoS attack you say the empty
Whether the VIPPER like foolish group you think
他们最终也没有出现大量的损失可以在都市马苏结果一 Both, has caused the damage whose profit first principle after all is large-scale
他是因为他们倾向于不舒服,有话要对囃黑客,操作系统一定要沉重的冲击,经济变得不稳定为恐怖分子30年监禁,我们应该要求高额赔偿 Has hacker what the tendency which is accompanied is unpleasant
With consequence of the people, OS becoming heavy ringing, it becomes unstable
As an economic terrorist, should claim the jail sentence & the large amount indemnity of 30 years
但当时(1980年代后期)时, etc passwd来强力机功率只有做了莫无 So at that time eighties latter halves in etc passwd brute force the sufficient it does There was no either machine power
499 etc passwd中伊予带我没有任何意义 499 Taking etc passwd there is no meaning
但是,名称,地址,国籍,电邮地址,出生日期,所以不是所有Mareta开始窃取密码和其他个人信息,并显示了看法 Simply name address nationality and E mail address As not been the case that private information everything of date of birth and the password etc is stolen It is visible that it expressed also the viewpoint
但是,这不知道日期的最后义务的国家。货币与日本,中国,韩国互换协议,参与事情是对美国,不得迟于感激的话,“因此,日本不能成为一个值得信赖的领导人,我说:”不释放TTA的 But as for country of this favor not knowing previous day Currency In swap agreement as for Japan vis a vis participating lately from China and America Korea As for the country therefore not to be word of appreciation “as for Japan it is not accustomed to the leader which reliance can be put” With it is to declare
“天。货币互换协议”,截至去年十月的最后期限 That “day The time limit of currency swap agreement” ended in October of last year
韩国将崩溃,因为它没有阻止你但“天。货币互换协议,”球或停止崩溃,终于与日本央行的结论,推动积极在美国之后 Because heavy decline does not stop however as for Korea “day Currency swap agreement” Concluding with the Japanese bank coercively with the American boost heavy decline stops at last the ma It did
你不是从匿名成员多远海豚分钟呢?不知怎么也在里面(包括外包),我觉得我不是间谍家伙 In the first place you do not understand the anonymous tsu te about some member is it is with to do the yo How outside order it includes it does not do either the air which the spy person is even inside without but it is
“无名氏(无名氏)”指出,从收到的攻击数字的可能性 “Anonymous anonymity ” the possibility of receiving empty attack was pointed out
匿名我敢肯定,这只是如果我是东京电力公司的杀了我无名氏 Anonymous seeing cod Tokyo Electric Power Company it crushes If anonymous certainly it is possible
国际黑客集团“无名氏(匿名)”然后突然我想SHINee的 The international hacker group “anonymous anonymity ” die suddenly to obtain
在书面回应,国际黑客集团“无名氏(无名氏)”指出了攻击的可能性收到两位数 In the reply book international hacker group “anonymous anonymity ” the possibility of receiving empty attack It pointed out
在书面回应,国际黑客集团“无名氏(无名氏)”指出了攻击的可能性收到两位数 In the reply book international hacker group “anonymous anonymity ” the possibility of receiving empty attack It pointed out
我看到了匿名的官方网站545呻 www anonnews org 545 ho and others Anonymous official sight http www anonnews org
所谓的意义,没有人350,“无名氏”这就是所谓的可爱偶像 350 Anyone saying the meaning of saying It is to call the “anonymity”
你喜欢的326人是一种甜蜜的Yakasu,并进行了从广场茹 326 When you pamper in the party like you because it rides in condition
你喜欢的326人是一种力量,形成茹和甜Yakasu 326 Because the party like you when you pamper rides in condition
你那边的权利才无名氏?小麦和稗子的混乱? The anonymous [tsu] [te] it probably will peel the [ro] which is you? Being boulder mixing?
共有来自三星(LCD)的供应Gutoiukotode伪装,u200bu200b生产和技术合作伙伴联盟,我成立了一个联盟,三星,索尼,将我欠浩纪伊 Entire quantity (liquid crystal) supply is looked up from [samusun], with the notion that where, technological cooperation, and collaboration in production
The [samusun] SONY allied forces it is the formation red sandal wood, but as for bill being large, the shank
匿名我,我的意思是,他们天生怪客面具军团将在互联网上的匿名性,你就可以成为无名氏 The anonymous tsu te it does with thing of anonymity on the net the yo If the mask of vuendetsuta you acquire also inside and others region being accustomed anonymously
NHK的消息,“匿名的黑客集团”做翻译Warota目前他们报 The “anonymous hacker group” having reported with NHK news warota You translate to there is
匿名茂木作为攻击一名自称是,如果把它变成可爱的偶像及攻击者的手中严重破坏,调查组下一阶段必须 If attack from the group which is identified the same Anonymous one after another the damage becomes enormous the hand of investigation reaches to the attack person by all means
即使在您的就业我在监狱里过Girudaro十几年的青春愚蠢和厨二病,我因达网络恐怖主义这类相当沉重的监禁刑罚,不论是否领先的IT安全公司在该领域工作的愚蠢难道你没有尝试的黑道或有什么Sururashiku还提供治疗或高瓦特 The cyber terrorist tsu te of this hand jail sentence it is heavy well enough it is When 廚 over ten annual income watches it is done with the reaching of youthful vigor of two illnesses the ro which aho it passes and is Whether so you serve and after from major IT enterprise do not work in security section that There is offer of high treatment and or does to seem Something the world of yakuza seeing shelf w
四月底,已宣布只在约77 00亿不同的子公司的资料外泄风险,使部署和个人信息泄露之后立即警觉阶段的影响 In 4 ends of the month at another subsidiary company fear of information outflow of approximately 77 000 000 case announcement it is completed it has become the development where the influence which accompanies the private information outflow which follows one another is cautious
索尼公司已经违背了损害,个人资料外泄的风险较弱的6758索尼子公司显着不同的影响进行谨慎感 At SONY the precaution for the influence amount of damage at another subsidiary company fear of private information outflow SONY 6758 Substantial reactionary fall
因为它似乎epidemic ll乞求,索尼,总统试试吗? Kneeling on the ground being popular, therefore [ru] like, when also SONY president tries doing?
女孩结束了一分钱迦巴的家伙,它应该只运行牟利或金钱Kureka密码或任何留痕迹密集不合理 When it is the sen force guy of [gachi], it is the expectation which does not leave either trace and runs to money-making secretly with password and [kureka
如果你真的不怕颚鱼类寄生虫。昆虫 As for fearing truly the jaw which lives upon to the fresh water fish. Insect
如果天空来自公共Aninomasu Purasoba 10 19奥迈的房子! ? 19 When will not in the house heaven pu and others side 10 public it comes from aninomasu how it does it is
如果食物资源鄂公钥10里基Purasoba顶级54! ! 54 If heaven pu and others side 10 public ki ゙ riki ゙ ri you can eat
它是采取湮没Kachikomi rodder团伙,从吃,因为它像我TTA的依据是总部 [yakuza] [kachikomi] being applied in gang of hot-rodders, it seems that receives total destruction & the entire headquarters conforming because it rubbed
宣战,因为他在攻击无名氏从早先的诉讼问题504 504
Before that with lawsuit problem declaring war being proclaimed of attack from anonymous side from the [ru
小寒玛莎“在日本没有时间打高尔夫球”,“高尔夫是在国外的一份报告给出了鄂 坏受害者的感情”Minsyu石井(在地震充电) “The spare time when golf it does it is not in Japan” “golf it did in the foreign country but bad feeling is given to… sufferers it reports”… democracies Ishii earthquake disaster charge
其中U狙战术TTA的轻微的地震,尖阁群岛是什么现在 In reality doing with the 尖 official building archipelago the ru it does the method which aims for the place where it weakens with earthquake disaster
常设肚子上来叩Uikirikusu,他们等待着,各点并攻击我们捕捉任何人吗? NULL
异尖线虫帮助例子瓦特看到匿名 Anonymous Being visible in anisakisu Helpless w
伊穆斯帮助找到了匿名的例子瓦特 Anonymous Being visible in eye mass Helpless w
很多人惊讶地知道,他们不无名氏(但没有看到谁第一次只)2路弱势群体哑巴老人的信息太少 Anonymous the person who does not know being many you were surprised however only method of beginning it is seen 2ch just a little it is too dangerous Feeling weak otsusan group
5匿名质量这三个质量 Anonymous These 3 masses The 5 masses
想象一下,她的哥哥抽搐Chattajan!创伤后应激障碍,因此投诉 You masturbate imagine and of the brother the [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is are!
Because it is PTSD, you accuse
我一直都在我的银行存款余额低,也许是因为这些家伙?认真周五返回的情况下,一点〇亿日元 We deposit balance it is enormous, but it has decreased and others it is dense consequence?
The [ma] [ji] money return, 100,010,000 Yen
我是54我通知附近的10个公共或隔天或每当鳗鱼茹叱当我还是一个学生在学校工作的基础,但高中教师 54
But as for we high school teacher when has worked time the pupil is scolded in the base school, by all means the eel and side 10 public reached in the following day
我的意思是,在壳牌国资委鬼一样的家伙,我笑 The [te] you say or, that shelf
The same shelf as laughing man of attack shell riot squad SAC
我的意思是,我怀疑他们是由索尼公司,索尼书面消息我死! ! !也许是因为我知道新的要求低级别的蠢蠢我 The tsu te you say or because this the SONY tsu te it was written on dyeing message SONY is the criminal About the tsu te even low ridiculous insistence being understood at level kana of the ru
手淫不仅是鼠标放在上风的玩家以及。集团 You cannot put on either the upwind of [gema] the masturbation mouse. Group
政府还发表声明Yaiinoni情况下,我是一个从领先的日本公司的受害者,“不允许恐怖分子绝对卑鄙!”就像 Therefore the enterprise which represents Japan is agreeable to damage although also government the declaration appearing plain gauze is good “the mean terrorist is not permitted no matter what ” With umbrella
日本名无Shisan DQN即使一些大型公告牌挂围绕Gesuru _NULL_
是否有不同的解决问题的东西会发现它罢了从何来? Calling it is separately address what the bare te Something is there a problem
会发现这句话值得黑客无势100 NULL
是的,下一条,北海道钏路无名氏的工作 To be, the following work, as for Hokkaido the work of anonymous desire of Kushiro city
未能采取马里莫紧缩,而不是民事索赔 Either the management does not do and, there is no either civil claim
毒蛇有348你认为俄巴K表的技术能力 348
If you think that it is VIPER which has technical power k
爱丽丝Giterune广泛的玩世不恭和虚无主义473 473
Cynicism and nihilism overgrowing too much, don't you think? the [ru
白似海牧猪是美国白人恐怖分子,但无论他们是不公平的姑息相变 White type terrorist shelf
Those like the sea shepherd dog
The white pig, being mean as usual, is the makeshift party
矢田军团是匿名的话决定了我的一部分,我们正匿名。(我们是匿名的)我们是多方面的。(我们是部落)我们不原谅。(我们不容许)我们没有忘记。(我们不要忘记) As for region commenting portion of anonymous deciding speech We are Anonymous We are anonymous We are Legion We are corps We do not forgive We do not permit We do not forget We do not forget
她是一个870 PS3的也是匿名的贝鲁玩盗版游戏破解,是没有一个自己的方式技巧 870 The crack doing PS3 the game of the illegal copy therefore it tries to being able to play anonymous what there is a skill in that appearance it is the ro which is
移动从服务器系统,“无名氏”文件被发现浸泡名付的Kera,说:“我们是军团(军团),他被称为”这个词是含有 Moves the system from the server who is named “anonymous” the file which being found You say that the word that “we corps are region ” was included
移动从服务器系统,“无名氏”文件被发现浸泡名付的Kera,说:“我们是军团(军团),他被称为”这个词是含有 Moves the system from the server who is named “anonymous” the file which being found You say that the word that “we corps are region ” was included
索尼公司的首席执行长(CEO)霍华德斯特林格说,昨天的PlayStation官方博客发表了一封信,向用户道歉 The highest management patsy of SONY (CEO) Howard As for Stringer the same day, PlayStation In Blog
You contributed the letter, apologized to the user
索尼发生时,受害人投诉吉尔事件我认为新的发展疼痛 After incident happening when it is appealed to the victim SONY thinks that it is painful development
从好或做任何伤害到用户所披露的信息来解决快点 Anyone solving from calling swiftly in the user damage information disclosure margin
索尼是一方面,顾。损害,“刑事入侵,我偷走所有的约77 0亿个人信息,”他解释说: 1 The SONY side looking back Concerning damage “as for the offender who invaded illegitimately approximately 77 000 000 case everything Private information was stolen” that it explained
索尼是一方面,顾。损害,“刑事入侵,我偷走所有的约77 0亿个人信息,”他解释说: 1 The SONY side looking back Concerning damage “as for the offender who invaded illegitimately approximately 77 000 000 case everything Private information was stolen” that it explained
经济方面473次的灾难,我被疯了我移居国外 473 Many times failing economy therefore tsu te ru country which immigrates into the foreign country and sows
翻译及日本风格,“有没有军团!来电姓名”文件,写我有一个股份Detchi分钟,但没有人会提起索尼纳卡杆感觉瓦特 When you translate into Japanese style “Name it is not with respect to corps going participating ” The tsu te there was a file which is written the tsu te you feel Such a SONY inventing who does not understand w
超过五年的黑客周乔治霍茨黑客在网络上成功地起诉索尼PS3游戏机PS3的黑客暴露后,另一主或固件修改之一,从净梅鲁赔偿请求搬迁,以及如何破解 The hacker George hotsutsu spending 5 weeks it succeeds in the hacking of PS3 The master key and the remodelling firmware of PS3 are released successively with the net SONY sues the hacker requests the deletion and compensation for damage from the net of hacking method
茹本人承担责任,如果实际损失为5 86出,但你觉得这事之前 与此相反,有一些东西是错了,我设置的最高金额的赔偿 586 If truth loss comes out the tsu te which takes responsibility the air extremely of only too natural thing does but it is… Conversely the wa which is strange feeling in setting the upper limit amount of compensation for damage
这意味着有117个人在正确的组织,所以我不 117 Is not the individual but group weaving saying even at extent the ro in sense
和国际犯罪组织被剥夺从TTA的的信息在你41 41 Because international criminal syndicate took your information
韩国已经走出去到提供民主党人一直在等待确定地震前的韩国外长会议 As for Korea when the day Korea foreign minister meeting which has been decided from before the large earthquake disaster is carried out in the Democratic party
You have requested
预计索尼将转移的责任。上帝,我也做挂色调信息 As expected SONY
Responsible revolution. Also information operation catching God, the [ru
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纽约州总检察长已发送传票到SCE为 The NY state Public Prosecutor General sending summons condition to vis a vis SCE