379有什么关系?当达萨和母亲在法庭或相处瓦特 379 How it does When the a and relations are good when it is put out with judgment w
但是他们说,法官谁看到眼还眼,我看见约卡如逢分钟 It judges with the eye which looked at the person becoming however you say you understand generally with the eye which was seen it rubbed
400感动了吗?我知道他是他们的话也丽卡西成安山?农业使他笑瓦特 NULL
400感动了吗?安山也是一个免费电子瓦特 400 Still it was it is The bean jam spare time is w
477其实,我也不会,除非新的周边今宫 477
Actually, don't you think? new now other than around the shrine great thing, -
508然而,自民党是唯一病房Adati 508
Simply, the Adachi ward chief just was the Liberal Democratic Party
545不,不,也有利于请机智风趣太快大学当然是否定保证金Kemasu _NULL_
699人可以做这样的事情是永远不会消失?反过度。千野忠男的新闻源,风险回报杀鱼讨折磨尽一切努力吗?我们没有理由在日本之前,任何人无法能够茹 699 Until now such a thing as for the person who is possible it was Excess anti With preparedness 1 there is a source of news of killing a would be avenger of the murder by all the way of power There is no meaning where you it can do no one in Japan to be able to do
Maretara这样一个傻瓜故障预防过度。我会尽一切努力来折磨一只动物在死亡风险 When it can be entwined to such fool excess anti With preparedness 1 by all the way of power making the murder
893多名老谁不是一个监狱警卫准备:我是在城里,一池Bureta从893下降到了利润,也让谭对接刀只Shimete But 893 of former times you patrol it is throughout the city,
Penal servitude the edged tool thrusting to the odd person who is not prepared, but you have closed it is,
Also 893 was ruined in the profit-making group because…
Adati然后东京江户川,葛饰区,町田,南如果神奈川八王子市,相模原市,大和,厚木,千叶县松户若平冢市原,君津,Kisaradu,琦玉县蕨如果茂原,川口,Souka,Yashio川崎,美里在这附近生活例如,差异逃避好事,他们也锻造吉尔身心 If Tokyo Adachi, Edogawa, Katsushika, Machida and Hachiozi
If Kanagawa Kawasaki southern part, Sagamihara, Yamato, Atsugi, Hiratsuka
If Chiba Matsudo, Ichihara and Kimitsu, Kisarazu and Mobara
If Saitama bracken and Kawaguchi, Soka and eight tide, Misato
If you live in here, is good being forged physical and by mental you are not wrong
NULL Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Chinese Chinese China Bloom Droppings Bloom In Bloom Bloom In bloom China Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Chinese China Bloom In Bloom Chinese Chinese China Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom In Bloom Bloom Bloom In The Chinese China Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom In Bloom Bloom Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom In bloom China Bloom Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings In Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom In Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom In Bloom In bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom bloom China Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom bloom Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Head The capital city of people republic is Tonkin
NULL Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom Chinese Chinese China Bloom Droppings Bloom In Bloom Bloom In bloom China Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Chinese China Bloom In Bloom Chinese Chinese China Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom In Bloom Bloom Bloom In The Chinese China Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom In Bloom Bloom Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Bloom Bloom Bloom In bloom China Bloom Droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings droppings Droppings In Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom In Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom In Bloom In bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom bloom China Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Bloom Bloom bloom Bloom Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Droppings Head The capital city of people republic is Tonkin
_NULL_ 269
At the hospital the earthquake disaster contribution gold the South Korean arrest which is stolen… Nishi Yodogawa Ku [04/19]
Acquaintance murder suspicion, the South Korean woman of inoccupation (55) arrest… light [04/29]
Koriyama death hit-and-run accident incident, suspect thing gold phase Satoru phase Satoru Kanemoto arrest [04/18]
Near Korea and bamboo island the next. Escort ship? - With “territory” opposition distribution. Plan [04/20]
The German island ocean science base construction, today in the builder construction large space/large house construction [04/15]
“菅 Prime minister side, foreign donation 1,040,000 Yen repayment” - Korean register and verification [04/08]
菅 Prime minister, the earthquake disaster next day “献. In the South Korean” oral stop telephone - weekly sentence. You announce, [04/07]
Foolish thing without omitting, study a little
_NULL_ 671
Three human group arrest… Osaka which it tries it will be packed in the woman to make the gold borrow violence, accompanied by the unmanned contract machine,
… Osaka which makes the wound the passing high school student owe and the helmet it takes
In woman professional wrestling Ra homicide notice… Osaka
… Osaka where it threatens 200,000 Yen from the staff and takes and shaves the eyebrow and the hair
Writing the letter “of death” in the mug shot of the kindergarten child,… Osaka which it scatters
We fear in the customer of the Yamaguchi group direct line foremen store. Injury… Osaka
When the radiation engineer and woman Takao are killed, threat… Osaka
Vis-a-vis Sakai city with consolation money pretext 1,500,000 Yen blackmail… Osaka
… Osaka which 3,050,000 Yen it threatens from the woman of the welfare receipt person and takes
… Osaka which original violence 団員 3,500,000 Yen threatens from the professional sumo wrestler and takes
The child 10,000,000 Yen it tries threatening from the Osaka teacher who prostitutes and probably to taking the Osaka teacher
Mass murder Osaka art Oobu who is notified
Clinical engineering engineer part-time job, junior college raw 100,000 Yen blackmail… Osaka
Insurance money fraud, the woman of arrest, this time with blackmail with abandonment of a body arrest… Osaka
“东京WWW的原住民阿伊努人,马特万维网,万维网河豚微笑,头几乎立即万维网,万维网WWW的农村群马屎,Dasaitama万维网,万维网Chibaraki,Riniakichigai万维网,万维网味噌共和国Oosaka万维网,WWW的大城市,Gigigi万维网,岛根万维网,鸟取万维网,WWW的面条,四国万维网,万维网的修罗街,原住民Ryuukyuu www“的 ° ) Aaa级Goru!这Gakya Tokyo “Ainu native www mat www the hu gu the ma www which is done the ho gu www which is questioned droppings countryside www gunma www dasaitama www chibaraki www and riniakichigai www Miso www Osaka people country www and large city www gigigi www and Shimane www Town www of Tottori www noodles www Shikoku www and timber chute the Ryukyu native www” lt Tonkin ho ゙ sotsu 92 92 MARU lll MARU 92 ru a a a This gakiya well well well the a ⌒ human ⌒ 92 Tonkin saying the female of the ru operative spots koraaa l No r ┬ u 92 ⌒ r l No u 92 l hu ゚ ruhu ゚ ru u REPT u One ⌒ REPT no Î ⌒ REPT nini
是的,我明白我─注册任何Shikato────└───┬─── 米 Yes The ─ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ which you see What you see is │ No └ ─ ─ ─ ─ No shikato it has done is
“我埋葬梅鲁:”警方逮捕了有组织犯罪和威胁员工,野田市兄弟汽车经销商主任委员 “It buries”, that threatening the car dealership employee Arresting the older brother of city Section Chief and the mob henchman Noda The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
一个或ー,弹出的钱,他离开了我,说Wareru,零社会利己主义 - The person [tsu] [te] which produces the money as it is said, the egoist of social characteristic zero
三河岛 龟有 Three Kawasima > > > > > south thousand residences > Ayase > > Higure village > > north thousand residences > Matsudo > gold town > turtle possession
不如承认他们作为一种避孕文化歌舞伎Tteka五百二十五瓦特埃塔wwwwwww不是更好一些的德川幕府,因为我现在里面只有530只山地手中拉出来,但食品零售业541什么? 525 Eta contraception as a Kabuki culture It recognized W which is more terrible than the government of Edo tsu te or wwwwwww 541 However it limits to the food retail industry but coming out the ru 530 Therefore inside the uptown line there is no some better something
525 “从江户幕府可怕!”什么样的文化标准,我在关键时刻出茶瓦特 525 gt “From the government of Edo hidoi ” When the standard of living tsu te being essential it comes out and the chi ya is don t you think w
也许我回答他们的DQN罚款,因为他们在Shikato义务教育精神,但人们注意到,在处理废物的处置,只要我毕业卡诺玛莎 As for shikato tsu te whether you answer mentally well enough Therefore the thing of DQN during of compulsory education although it was observed graduating became free immediately never rubbish treatment
什么是无过错或过失Rerushi小米的眼睛你的眼睛更瓦特瓦特Toukyou罗马:来封锁 There being an eye it can be entwined and Or w to which the eye does not meet and can be entwined also the te Already Tokyo blockade margin w
什么钱?释义井进入自由没有任何票证,票证鄂使用奴隶钱的问题来来活在这个世上,但很多是添加日版狗屎这是我用真钱纹SHINee的我偷偷现在,我会得到命脉我想在 The gold being what The ticket which can use the slave well The ticket which obtains freedom Well but as for interpretation the varieties society living story of the gold dies truly the e as for this droppings Japanese the a The vital part is it is as for the gold As for we we want the vital part it is
最后,我不认为人们怀疑它到底,但效果不出去到现在是我唯一的愿望是作为双赢的结果Naranakarou这样少,我只是不被我的想法。我会偷偷出来的习惯是习惯,例如抑制 Until now although the effect it does not come out completely the world which does not think doubt You desire end and probably do not become the result of sort but as for we you do not think at all Like this doing just has done less victory As for habit of habit coming out the ru You hold down the vital part
他的父亲谋杀及削减养老金等异常木乃伊儿子的手腕混凝土,对犯罪的温床, Concrete homicide and father such as wrist cutting and annuity mummy of son hotbed of abnormal crime
你不是真的就此开始了来津给我多少?我没有什么可怕的达里语,即使你刚刚接触它的确切六小时在街上告诉你,我是自由的,当与恩戴Mareta TTA的故障时前,我做了一个同伴在存在利益或恢复 Such riding excessively really the hand it does not put out When being entwined before it was spare time however it is with it associated 6 hours you just spoke it did not come touching completely on the roadside However something it intimidated existence of the companion could show off and or with was funny
将多余的Yarareru Ketara的坏手,但我不能实践工作的人,以良好的老 我不能赢得社会地位损失最严重的是在眼睛一样观察 Actually when it is the problem society member it cannot interfere When it is defeated excess it probably will be done and the year when it is possible to win doing being looked… like it is not unable to lose the worst social standpoint
你在我们眨眼比罗Neyo辐射死亡捐赠东京的东西我从来没有Ranee Tonkin die
Fall into ruin with the radioactivity
In you absolute contribution gold something sending and others well
你将采取的日常生活Chaa余Katsuage居民Adati WWW的习惯 The [ro] www which is habit of taking [tsu] [chi] [ya] [a] daily life in the [katsuage] how Adachi inhabitants of a ward
你有一所房子和我一样,都千代田区258所学校?想象一下,一个谁抓住农村 258 Chiyoda Ku tsu te private house or school or certain Therefore the countryman the imagination is the handle
你怎么能看到的只有二五八瓦特如从全国的排名 258 When you see from the countryman or w which becomes such ranking attaching
十八年被判处入狱,三年是受监禁已经暂停 If punishment decides penal servitude in 18 The penal servitude 3 year which is postponed is added
十八年被判处入狱,三年是受监禁已经暂停 If punishment decides penal servitude in 18 The penal servitude 3 year which is postponed is added
嘿,不要去瓦特是扬言要饿嘿,我住例如分类Chinge It is and is w
Don't you think? also [chinge] it grows and is even and don't you think? it is blackmailed to the [e] hungry ghost, the [e
因为在空手道黑带,我退缩和对暴徒杀害 Even the grade holder of karate kills, when it is used discretion in the punk partner, it is
因此,我所想的,但用什么希望能在进入监狱杀死你给它们扔一半的飞特族生活了26年的巨大? Monakarou后悔如果在生活中,即使剩下的临时殴打致死 26 year old free tar how about life half dumping already because it probably is the ru killing if the jail it went with the air which enters how it became don t you think it is Even when dying being done temporarily it probably is not the life where being regretful remains
不管它多么强烈的骰子,一旦你成为一个最好的胜利,纳鲁瞬间死亡刀子出来Kurya Now then if it becomes game how being strong luck of the time Coming out even with the knife the chestnut ya same it can die
土地是便宜我只是希望他们绫濑足立区,在那里我也是合理的情况下阶段更好的例子沿着山手线新宿TTA的具体的土地高中女生觉得有什么东西在品川〜五反田有点不正常只在一个完整的低价肉 Stage of woman Takao concrete stuffing incident Adachi Ku Ayase Although the place is good at the point where price of land is cheap as for tsu te the one which you think that there is something is better For example even with the Yamate line area along the railroad line in Shinjuku Shinagawa whose price of land is high just one the cheap five counter rice fields As for something the ro which is the butcher shop being lazy
不要在日本全度籍酥嗯孩子们在足立 u200b u200b区部分粪有权在集中营的毒气室或杀死所有 In addition Adachi Ku Resident in Day chi yo n Droppings gaki The ro resident chiyon everyone forcing accommodating should kill in the gas chamber
在可能的情况,所以无法杀死不安全,只是拍了奇怪的声音如何使我的心我不会让,通过悬崖 Because how to apply the strange voice it just was done the kire te murder it does not combine As for the place where public order is bad if possible in order not to pass the heart per seat te it is
德塔,但我在现场,直到泄漏对小岩学校,在安全最近的恶化似乎是小岩 As for a leak to about high school has lived the small rock recently public order is deteriorated in the small rock it seems
在日期和时间安达Youchameshigoto送报人丧生今日 Was murdered the present newspaper delivery man with Adachi
To such a every [ya] rice inside [chi] [ji] [yo
大学。在审判长的判决,“葛提升一个卑鄙罪行手中忽略跑过来恳求停止杀害的受害者 Large. The mean crime where the President of the Court “lists the hand in the reasons for judgment, in order to park, ignoring the victim who implores, pulls and kills
安达专门的苦难生活可以在战斗中隆夫以及时受伤留下的后遗症是布莱恩赫塔 When the kind of wound which the ri ya sequela which unskillfulness is done remains it does to that sufficiently it is Therefore meaning lifetime to suffer high with quarrel the bean jam
受伤和残疾人留在死亡的后果,例如,例如, For example e g you became the wound physically disabled kind of person where the death sequela remains
安达东京我有很多球员come m生活对负瓦特Adati如果只有东京,练马,我没有闻到镇,W的泽川口Yashio如果琦玉县,埼玉更如果气味万维网 As for the Tonkin Adachi Being defeated group living the ru place If it fans the person who rides it is many w If Tonkin Adachi and Nerima town is to smell don t you think w If saitama in Tokorozawa in Kawaguchi saitama smells more in eight tide www
他让我如此糟糕 跆 u200b u200b拳道盛会,这意味着如果任何地方,是不是一样,如果这就是你的伤也得到一个486,武藏野市Machida m也没有太多的百货公司也Hatiouzi Tatikawa与练马482 482 When it compares with Nerima Ku Tachikawa and Hachiozi and Machida the department store it is many it is Musashi Noichi 486 The ghost comes out the type which it melts and says it probably will train probably will be The gara wa ru you say and everyone everywhere it is it seems the way it rubbed
安达还悍不完全是真的,因为数组的借口 Therefore as for Adachi Ku with [maji] [are]
Explanation or protection is not possible completely
年龄,因为我觉得这不是很奇怪自己是英雄还是有点慢聪聪怕我不想要,但如果确实十九年十五年5 If 5 15 years old however we do not fear As expected 19 year old tsu te Just a little when it is intelligence lag Still thinking that by his is the protagonist therefore the age where either the te is not strange
如果我有钱来了,我得听你的钱谈论增加货币鄂 If the story where the gold increases hearing Have the gold Gold
我不担心,如果真的要19人十五年5。我恨你,我会混合 If 5 15 years old however we do not fear As expected 19 Blending the ru it is hateful
总共请关闭自动柜员机(ATM)是与14 000日元到14 000日元威胁采取拉出去,让与别人拉出来,我有一些Setsunaku E g gt the nearby cash automatic deposit advance payment machine ATM with you make pull out doing Doing it threatened 14 000 Yen total and took e g you make pull out The wa which becomes 14 000 Yen…… something the se without
Setsunaku让是14 000日元至14 000日元的东西我被威胁的总 E g gt the nearby cash automatic deposit advance payment machine ATM with you make pull out doing Doing it threatened 14 000 Yen total and took e g you make pull out The wa which becomes 14 000 Yen…… something the se without
我打49的未成年人,成人,成人不利扬绝大多数的社会地位Arubaitooo这瓦特我条件! !也许是这样,但仍好 49
The lawful age person the minority and the quarrel [tsu] [te], the lawful age person the disadvantage is preponderantly in the aspect of social position w
This time my [arubaitooo]! ! Therefore still the [mashi] causing brick
我没有要Shikato情况下,除非有人知道!我只用眼睛天堂或任何东西! 1 If there is no acquaintance shikato it has done is or No eye you have attached is
并非如此,只要他们知道你Shikato彻浩一wwww 1 If there is no acquaintance the ro which is shikato normally wwww
我的意思是让一个可怕的Eee,我在午夜平方了自行车,有人“嘿”,或致电Bikakeraretemo,Giruyone不超过正常的反应?足立区的Eee恐惧 1 The ge which it does we fear the e e e The tsu te saying or the nighttime bicycle riding and the te in someone “be” being called Normal without reacting it passes don t you think Adachi Ku we fear the e e e
我看到它是相对于其他不同的治疗和在足立区Ttara租金房地产经纪人认为,他们的谎言 When you think at the Adachi Ku real estate agent it should have tried comparing by sight other Ku and house rent difference that it is lie,
我认为这Tteta足立区八王子冲绳DQN,佐贺,福冈,冈山,兵库,京都,八王子市,足立,福岛,更好的照顾和爱尔兰位秋田 You think that it is Adachi Ku or Hachiozi city,
DQN area
Okinawa and Saga, Fukuoka and Okayama, Hyogo, Kyoto, Hachiozi city and Adachi Ku, Fukushima, Akita
The [ho] is with the person who pays attention is good
我认为这将是你的防御,如果一个女人在法律面前,然后84的专业人员,你是什么人?毕竟,日本是好的灰色基达,是谁泄露了一个明确的回答:不,这是不相关的 84 If professional you of law the woman however you think that it becomes self defense if the man how probably will be In the first place therefore as for the Japanese the favorite the gray zone as for the person who can make the clear answering in regard to that it is not
我认为这是自卫,如果你是一个女人,你们是什么?毕竟,日本是好的灰色基达,是谁泄露了一个明确的回答:不,这是不相关的 If you the woman however you think that it becomes self defense if the man how probably will be In the first place therefore as for the Japanese the favorite the gray zone as for the person who can make the clear answering in regard to that it is not
整体而言,这并不重要,甚至空手道泰拳吗? TTA的电击枪在他手中的热量。我有一个女朋友谁想要刚辉进监狱吗?右前踢从不止一个机会吗?高绝对的或成熟的? Karate or muetai or synthesis there is no relationship In the both hands the stun cancer gun the heat which it had When the penal servitude applicant is the partner it can win As for chance the ro which is the kicking one shot of at the very most front KO it is it to be possible without fail
神奇六一九分钟但它只是776,他没有从W空手道 776 619 seeing you understand however Because him either karate is not done w
新的弹簧,他们立即得到了Thread类,因为这稻草自称黑腰带和武术老砖站立Tsuto尽快万维网 [sure] of the new same when this hand stands, immediately the super person tile straw of the calling grade holder and grapple skill it grows WWW
是否由你,他会拉一些朋友在前面的face ll氖Kudara一些事情 It is such person foil don t you think and others because there is mentsu Before the companion some thing pulling kana saying
很多。我会开车的家伙已经被疏散,拖欠学校应该教育严重 Multi Being evacuated Running to misdeed the school should educate to the ru person harshly
最新的排名中,都千代田区23 - - - - - - - 长城前列腺乐 - - - - - - - 一,中央区港区阿 - 文京区,涩谷区新宿 - - - - - - - 上游层次结构的墙 - - - - - - - 乙世田谷区品川区目黑乙 - 大田区杉并区丰岛区中野区练马区台东区的C - - - - - - - 居民墙 - - - - - - - 研发,江东区,板桥区北 - - - - - - - 普通墙 - - - - - - - 戊墨田区荒川区葛饰区江户川 - - - - - - - 大满贯 - - - - - - - - f选项安达 Up-to-date 23 Ku ranking
S Chiyoda Ku
- - - - - - - The wall which does not exceed - - - - - - -
A Chuo Ku Minato-ku
A - Shibuya Ku & Shinjuku Ku Bunkyo Ku
- - - - - - - Wall of high-level class - - - - - - -
B The Shinagawa Ku Meguro Ku Setagaya Ku
B - Suginami Ku Toshima Ku Ota Ku
C The Taito Ku Nakano Ku Nerima Ku
- - - - - - - Wall of inhabitants of a ward - - - - - - -
D Koto Ku Itabasi Ku north Ku
- - - - - - - Wall of the populace - - - - - - -
E Sumida Ku & Arakawa Ku Edogawa Ku Katsushika Ku
- - - - - - - Slum - - - - - - - -
F Adachi Ku
有趣的老头薄污不知道基诺伴侣深夜在厨房Geru奇怪的声音在夜晚的公园散步了风我已经走了肩膀烟草Hizikata进安达Nikkabokka场景,例如是卷烟集团吸吮DQN杨妈妈,他们过上一个自行车生产基地不稳定蜿蜒的街道 Adachi Ku spectacle…
The [nitsukabotsuka] manual laborers walk and with the tobacco cut the wind with the shoulder and walk
Look strange dirty [otsusan], nighttime, crowding, the kitchen DQN which increases strange voice with the park
The town of the off base which 咥 you obtain and [yanmama] of the tobacco, with the bicycle the hula hula meanders
本人胡椒喷雾,胡椒喷雾当电梯正采取假设每个瓦特nected突然面对在完全成熟的防御,直到它在敲诈勒索例子的时候不考虑后果空wwww地的权利肯定是引人的梦想从来不会令人厌倦你是一个好人谁是受伤的是原来的,我绝对没用 The tearing spray how at the point in time when it is picked up As for the tearing spray the ro w where the fact that you apply suddenly is prerequisite Until at the point in time when it is blackmailed it becomes the self defense sky it is blown to the face by all power wwww Therefore in front of and behind not thinking as for the partner absolutely skillful what The origin of the wound without fail it is useless to draw ma viewing dream
758胡椒喷雾假设是正确的我会让W为突然,因为他们正在威胁着法律辩护 758 As for the tearing spray the ro w where the fact that you apply suddenly is prerequisite At the point in time when it is blackmailed it becomes self defense it is the ze which is
江东区,墨田区荒川区葛饰区江户川区足立区,东京,· ·大田离真正的危险偏低的文化标准,如果 Adachi Ku Edogawa Ku Katsushika Ku Koto Ku Sumida Ku The Arakawa Ku…
That side of Tokyo standard of living is low truly
Ota Ku is dangerous
然而,这26年,因为他有“殴打的男孩,”我想知道如果分配的立场是加入到新闻媒体吗?然后输出到10000,举报损害是更好 When so this 26 years old produce the hand “assault tsu te news being done in the boys ” it is hurried in the mass communications it is the ro which is Then 10 000 putting out the one which damage it starts delivering is better
SHINee的Ikake或者被添加到它的媒体没有报道的危害,因为Yanaranshi六百四十六瓦特攻击,留下的灰尘的绒毛像你的孩子做叩Katsuage 646 Are chased separately in the mass communications and or die the e w If damage to notify there is no even assault you view if kind of gaki which katsuage has been done if it hits the dust comes out
男孩。在未来Kimatsu呼叫排水和减少未成年人犯罪的783名警察法规,并认为哇,就像日本人的真实姓名报道运行溃疡瓦特Ttara罕见的鹰群的地方,已经被称为警察体系及NoSA实现逆转我记得在我三田议员甚至等待搭上自卫 Boy Crushing the wa which you think that actual name as reported it just becomes boy crime of the Japanese it decreases 783 The police it calls being decided the ru it is w The distinctiveness running whether the do tsu of calling with the group the hawk tsu cod being done to opposite the police that it defended it was caught legitimately applying There is Mita memory before
以前,这样的傻瓜有警方逮捕恩戴我立即打电话给他们吃讨TTA的命中射向 In the past in the partner who is attacked killing a would be avenger 喰 and others the tsu te The police calling it seems that the fool who is arrested stays…
看一个地方让梅鲁 邓小平始终走因为你不能让这些东西有助于尽可能靠近的危险,他们没有可能作出的贡献(如果你有很多人)随时可以反击的危险接近和平只有当权力真正dope m留给保持压倒性的前两个重要做的不够好大声Geru Just it is possible it does not come near dangerously but Just it is possible it does not make come near dangerously Just it is possible thing is advanced gently It escapes always and searches the place the person Sawayama the one which is The sufficient power which you can strike always leaves yaba it is with maji and the time it increases yell Extent Well first two is preponderantly important
找个地方让梅鲁 邓小平总是像你事先不能让这些东西有助于尽可能靠近的危险,他们没有作出的贡献越好(如果你有很多人)尽可能总是能够反击接近危险和平当电源真的dope m留给保持压倒性的前两个重要做的不够好大声Geru Just it is possible it does not come near dangerously Just it is possible it does not make come near dangerously Just it is possible thing is advanced gently It escapes always and searches the place the person Sawayama the one which is The sufficient power which you can strike always leaves yaba it is with maji and the time it increases yell Extent Well first two is preponderantly important
至于现金威胁着年轻人的警方已经逮捕了五名涉嫌勒索从交换机到公立学校一年级Shikato★嫌疑人采取的,警察勒索少年划分不怀疑,足立区,东京都立高中一(15)和15年级男生被拘捕的5〜19年共 * It is cut off in [shikato] Arresting the metropolitan school 1st grade and others 5 people with blackmail suspicion The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
Assuming that it threatened the cash from the young man and took as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department boy incident section in doubt of blackmail,
The metropolitan high school 1st grade boy of the Tokyo Adachi Ku (15) and others total 5 of 15 - 19 years old was arrested
要检查是否赢了我的血。它是一种习惯,最终将助长邪恶,我不希望下一个寒冷的决定,公众的看法,在不同宪法超前的隐藏 Certainly in we blood victory There is a habit It is not bad to fan that but Level headed judgment is lowered after all As for we concealment constitution is preceding You misunderstood the world
要检查是否赢了我的血。它是一种习惯,最终将助长邪恶,我不希望下一个寒冷的决定,公众的看法,在不同宪法超前的隐藏 Certainly in we blood victory There is a habit It is not bad to fan that but Level headed judgment is lowered after all As for we concealment constitution is preceding You misunderstood the world
豆腐Owata啊啊啊啊啊啊啊日本一个U p Ø ħ Fu傅伏马力伊亚pfvsj f是什么哦,哦,我讨厌批发街ð y是@奥萨傅福同Yafi公积金的“F @ fvs”抗体 The [u] well well well well well well well the [a]
Japanese [owata]
The [u] [hu] [a] p [hu] [a] hp [hu] [o] it is, as for [a] h [hu] [o] f pfj pfvsj
Well [a] which is hateful and to be is y d [hu] [a] pf the [hu] [i] @ the [hu] [o] “f @ fvs “fv
赔了745防御的伤害。当然,一个几千万 745
By excess defense damage 賠. Several 10,000,000 course shelves…
足立也被归咎于万维网难怪,如果我活到40狙S在高中电源开关和我挑战Yariatsu万维网 In addition Adachi Ku www When it is to do with challenge high school and mosquito ゙ chi you aim for 40 generations Living it could not return probably will be www
这一次,一个网吧老板或110 Shinakara Maeta好的收获?足立区绫濑警方在警察的调查前甚至没有出犯罪情况报告 有没有谋杀和攻击,甚至摩托车发动机的头号膨化甚至不小心从眼睛,到假装看,我的身体没有太大的TTA的,他们认为自己守 This time you caught well The storekeeper of the coffeehouse does 110th the empty Because as for the Adachi Ku police unless there is an assault incident and a murder case there is no paulownia making the damage report you do not investigate Before the Ayase police several scooters blowing the engine because even note it does not do Seeing observing at that it is the inclination which is not seen your own body are the extent which you think that you do not protect by your
但居民足立,不要在夜间堂吉诃德商店在城里特别推荐Adati熨斗在东京新肝斑在夏季测试的穷人,如果我突然热闹气息 But Adachi Ku inhabitant Tokyo of midsummer Being the recommendation as a new place of interest of liver trial donkihote store inside Adachi Ku Night fragrance it forces and is crowded with the people and increases
然而,他不愿住在离我的知识来解决w在足立区,368 368 Although that it is as for the person of Adachi Ku residence w which dislikes the fact that you are known your own address
这三个最贫困的居民区葛饰区,东京,板桥,板桥区足立区葛饰区足立区葛饰区,板桥,板桥区足立区葛饰区足立区葛饰区,板桥,板桥区足立区足立区葛饰区 As for 3 large poor people Ku inside capital
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
Adachi Ku Itabasi Ku Katsushika Ku
骨被折叠和分钟Karushi周围,孩子们害怕的东西是相当业余的骨折 You understand that the bone was snapped also around and gaki of the amateur feels considerable fear in being snapped the bone
方阵做空手道,并须折叠得如此漂亮,孩子更是无内疚,特别是劳动力 Doing karate because the bone of the ru and the finger is something which breaks well enough especially there is no sin even in gaki taking pains