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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

 The ★3 where also Yamagata increases the self-introduction


  • 重新考虑这一用作救灾直升机和飞机自卫队基地山形机场在这次地震中,对地震救灾重建,延误的原因是仙台机场的阪神大地震中淹没,和邻近城市的驻军都直接伊丹自卫队在地中海灾害防治中心
    From the fact that > the Yamagata airport it was utilized was taken a second look as relief action base of the prevention of disasters helicopter and the Self Defense Force machine and, With the latest earthquake disaster, rescue revival to earthquake disaster was late with submerging of the Sendai airport and, With the Kobe Earthquake, both of the Self Defense Force camp and the urban district it is contiguity, the Itami airport of the inland directly became prevention of disasters base

    • 192萨瓦Yone和山形一些“可怕请”所以我并不远 192 Yonezawa Yamagata something about the tsu te it is not distant “terribly”
      • 萨瓦Yone你他妈的再在湖上的铯小北满Hinohara If the cesium it rises to just a little north from the Hinohara lake all the way already Yonezawa

    • 283在大雪中,那将前往农村地区,地方人也站在出生立即关闭在望的吹雪 283 When in the heavy snow it is running rural zone you blocking sight in the drifting snow the local people Standstill

      • 474地震,火山喷发山在雨季结束地铁淹没,当地的电力能力无,米水也依赖于其他省份
        474 With earthquake, Mt. Fuji eruption and submerging at the time of rain power generation capability are not, the water and the United States depend on other prefecture with subway end and local end

        • 651敌人日本,日本首都远离Zaketara变戏法似的,敌人接近现实拜托你,如果你想出一些wwww韩国 651 With Japan as imaginary enemy when it keeps distance the capital city from Japan It is rough wwww which wonder became close in actual hostile country remembered certain Korea
          • 648再见太接近的敌人吗? w是可能很容易被征服时惊喜 648 Don t you think it is too close to imaginary enemy w When it is suddenly attacked it may be subdued simply

        • 719 Kyuusyuu希望我有担心,因为在雨季和台风降雨...
          719 Because Kyushu is a rainfall at the time of rain and worry of the typhoon,…

          • _NULL_
            East Japan completely [owata] \ (^ o ^)/ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ │ │ North Sea Road | │ │ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ┘ │ └ ┐ │ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ┐ │ └ ┐ │ Ishikawa │ │ └ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ │ Yamaguchi │ Shimane │ Tottori │ └ ┐ │ Monju │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┼ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┤ └ ┬ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┤ │ │ Saga │ Fukuoka │ └ ┐ │ Hiroshima │ capital city │ Hyogo │ Kyoto │ Shiga │ Stone Casket │ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┤ └ ┼ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┤ ┌ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ┬ ┘ │ The │ Nagasaki │ Kumamoto │ considerably the │ Ehime │ Kagawa ├ ─ ┤ Osaka │ Nara │ │ └ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┼ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┤ └ ┬ ─ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ Kagoshima │ Miyazaki │ └ ─ ┤ Kochi │ Tokushima │ Wakayama │ triple │ ┌ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┘ └ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┘ │ Okinawa │ └ ─ ─ ┘

            • 五千万年未来在太空太阳能发电不出来台风以及地震,当然无绝缘体 As for 5 000 000 000 ahead this as for electricity shortage it is not with space solar optical generation of electricity and of course earthquake or the typhoon do not come

              • 井不山形机场,同样的品种,你将培训,或在山形 Well Yamagata or the airport the Shinkansen being even when it becomes the ru place is there Yamagata
                • 在山形县不要紧尝试申报珍惜这个平均值彩票 How it is good to like the declaration which Yamagata prefecture people the lottery it tries applying
                • 最好不要山形,关西也没有石头,即使没有Kyuusyuu Well there is no Yamagata or or Kansai and there is no either Kyushu

              • 什么是资本,第二个国家搬迁。指形成轴 As for capital city functional moving tsu te that 2nd country Expedient in order to make the axis form
                • 为了避免这种风险,全国第二。轴是必要的 For the risk evasion 2nd country The axis being necessary

              • 什么语言将成为一个标准的阀门Tohogu资本山形
                When Yamagata becomes the capital city, the toe fog valve in standard language the appearance?

                • 从北关东的ERE予以考虑常识和问题的原因进行Susugi Tsumoru
                  If you think sensibly, as for septentrional than Kanto in the reason of the snow and the like outside problem

                  • 从第一个美国核电Hukuzima 100公里范围内我会说我的住房 As for America as for the range of 100Km the evacuation tsu te saying the ru it is from the Fukushima 1st nuclear plant
                    • 可爱的偶像是要选择一个老人的主要支持者老年州长 The extent where chooses the becoming dim pop of nuclear propulsion group in capital governor it puts out

                  • 伊丹机场,溃疡和浪费钱的事情上我使用的状态围堰,土地大量债务。任,并允许和关西的能力减弱减少
                    In large debt state using the wasteful gold in [hakomono], to crush the Itami airport, the land. Ability decrease and Kansai fragile conversion etc it is to be permitted

                    • 但Koube阪神在大阪,但有没有收到的伤害数字
                      Even with the Kobe Earthquake as for Kobe however large damage it received There was no at all Osaka

                      • 但是,两个副国家资本或资金转移或在事件头部约5至首都的传递函数,山形仍然是“不,”我觉得 Simply when neck functional capital moving capital city function is moved to the secondary about capital city or the nationwide 2 5 cities as for Yamagata you think that after all “it is not” is
                        • 但是,两个副国家资本在该事件或搬迁或资本转移五个城市周围的山形仍是“没有,”我认为 Simply when capital city moving capital city function is moved to the secondary about capital city or the nationwide 2 5 cities as for Yamagata you think that after all “it is not” is
                        • 例如词也意味着迁都不是目的 Furthermore if you say as for capital city functional moving there is no purpose expedient
                        • 我认为,搬迁的位置是只能Etara Shinsyuu When you think from location as for capital city moving although it can there be only Shinshu

                      • 但是,即使在拥挤,大阪,名古屋是不成问题
                        Even simply overcrowding, Osaka and Nagoya outside problem

                        • 全国10多个城市,如果在分布广泛,是由阿里山形资本运行 When capital city function is dispersed above the nationwide 10 city widely if as for Yamagata running as a candidate the ant
                          • Narujan均匀地分布在全国各地,您可以 If it disperses to entire country here it becomes equal it is

                        • 其中,只有662,我想是太胶北陆新干线 662 Only that it is not it means that also the Hokuriku Shinkansen is connected and
                          • 其中,只有662,我想是太胶北陆新干线 662 Only that it is not it means that also the Hokuriku Shinkansen is connected and

                        • 几年后,我也努汝新干线到东京彻?乘飞机从北京起飞的航班,但之后的第一个省级城市(Giarukedo继电器骑),你会天天飞
                          Several years later it can designate also Shinkansen commuting as Tokyo, but it is Provincial city first Beijing flight (however it makes connection,) everyday it is commission schedule even on the rear air route,

                          • 动画绘制一些935 PAWORKS瓦特最强的组
                            935 There is also the strongest animation drawing group P.A.WORKS and w

                            • 北海路│ ┐┬──┬──┬──┌┐└││石川│┐└│┐──┌││┤─────├┐└青森│┘┬────├富山Monzyu│││││┐└│鸟取岛根Yamaguti││┐└┘──┬──┼──├ │ North Sea Road ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ┘ │ Blue Forest └ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ┐ │ └ ┐ │ Ishikawa │ │ └ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┘ └ ┐ │ Yamaguchi │ Shimane │ Tottori │ └ ┐ │ Monju │ Toyama │ │
                              • 北海路│ ┐┬──┬──┬──┌┐└││石川│┐└│┐──┌││┤─────├┐└青森│┘┬────├富山Monzyu│││││┐└│鸟取岛根Yamaguti││┐└┘──┬──┼──├ │ North Sea Road ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┬ ┘ │ Blue Forest └ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ┐ │ └ ┐ │ Ishikawa │ │ └ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┬ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┘ └ ┐ │ Yamaguchi │ Shimane │ Tottori │ └ ┐ │ Monju │ Toyama │ │

                            • 哎,你知道你过去是皇帝?皇室家族的历史在3000年时,对这一野蛮昭和天皇平成唯一的例子土地?
                              It is the basket knowing where successive emperor is somewhere apply? In history of the emperor house 3000, in area of 蛮 family Showa, the obtaining where is just Emperor Heisei?

                              • 国会和唐宁街是一个主要的下一个Hukushima
                                As for Diet Building and prime minister official residence next door of Fukushima nuclear plant

                                • 在一般城市工薪阶层的家庭是一个好东西我从来没有听说过打井为家居或Susugi彻 There is no general white collar worker home of the urban district and The well for the melted snow curious you dig how you have not heard at the home
                                  • 午夜时分,你从来没有为家庭用电加热道路融雪使用 It does with load heating of melted snow how midnight power utilization for home the yo

                                • 在我们的人员的虾夷地野蛮人闪烁,我必须王建华的COM
                                  If the 蛮 family public official of Ezo area does not ruin, is not

                                  • 在过去,但现在它是国家代码,但也妥协哦,不,你进了首都的山形打开奇迹 Former times however it was do countryside when now it is Yamagata city becoming the capital city whether the proper Well compromising but
                                    • 青森县和山形一句话,我认为不是无止境的一个村庄进行轰炸,就在六个月 Yamagata something you think and the drill have been bombed the ro which and is Rokkasho village in Aomori and is

                                  • 大阪,名古屋,福冈,札幌,横滨,琦玉,“为什么你吗?”你听说过他,和W无法解释它炸毁了,敲门的不公正感枕头 Osaka Nagoya Fukuoka and Sapporo Yokohama in Saitama “with something you ” With being heard the ro w which you cannot explain and is Unfairness exploding it hits the pillow re ru

                                    • 太平洋战争期间,331(官城,首都东京)和原始资本的改善,我应该是采取措施
                                      331 Originally, but capital city functional strengthening in the Pacific war (Tokyo city capital direct control) expectation what which is measure of for the sake of

                                      • 如果人们必须要有耐心,因为它山形,嘿,我没有资本罚款 It is Yamagata therefore perserverance the people without capital city function the tsu which is all right it does
                                        • 一声叹息〜秋田县,如果去东北满族Tasu学生已比较容易劝阻Morawanee NULL

                                      • 如果你给我任何好处,如果你从日本金融厅关闭也是该名男子的家乡给了安田富山县礼堂@
                                        Because the Yasuda auditorium it is native place of the human whom it presents, if financial agency it is good receiving, the @ Toyama prefecture people

                                        • 如气候和来自东京的交通,但他说Hi贝鲁和空头支票是否两个地区,两个在地震中受灾区域是一个大求 When traffic from climate and Tokyo with flight and the like you compare with 2 areas certainly you can say that it was bad but this time In the earthquake 2 areas came to the point of receiving big damage
                                          • 如气候和来自东京的交通,但他说Hi贝鲁和空头支票是否两个地区,两个在地震中受灾区域是一个大求 When traffic from climate and Tokyo with flight and the like you compare with 2 areas certainly you can say that it was bad but this time In the earthquake 2 areas came to the point of receiving big damage

                                        • 它没有给体重至臀部等国家。还讨论了重建的一个区域系统介绍 In lifting the waist where also the country is heavy East Also introduction and the like of road state system is argued centering on revival
                                          • ,但是现在我得回来,没有重要的国家 Coming here it has reached the point where the waist where also the country is heavy is lifted

                                        • 安田礼堂,捐赠给我,我日比谷公会堂
                                          As for contribution of the Yasuda auditorium and the Hibiya public hall however it has done, don't you think?

                                          • 富士是一个很好的和肯定,在二战开始116 116 Mt Fuji is visible well and ww

                                            • 幻影背后也给予我们力量埃泰顶克如立山山脉水
                                              The water and can give electric power and the mirage with the shade of the Tateyama mountain range

                                              • 我不会试图去首都一般在一个小国西川镇搬迁,山形市是不是普通的家庭是一个小的东西我用雪犁 The reason which generally capital city function it has been about to make small country town and Nishikawa move or When it is Yamagata city small sized snow plow something you do not use normal home
                                                • 山形说,大雪在乡村小镇的小天才和农村一般置赐,走向山脉最上和北部的一些村山西川 As for being called the heavy snowfall generally inside Yamagata prefecture small country town of position 賜 district and Nishikawa Cho some mountainous region and best direction of Murayama north section

                                              • 我会吸收地震波立山岩浆山脉
                                                The magma of the Tateyama mountain range absorbs earth wave, when it is

                                                • 我决心拥挤的城市与分散风险3
                                                  It is overcrowding cancellation and risk dispersion of 3 metropolitan areas

                                                  • 我喜欢的乡村农村山形纹wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww本间我wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww It is this countryside of Yamagata and angle the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww tsu te ho it is the ma it is countryside wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                    • 我在处理事情时,如果他疯狂的一个月工资存档甲酸雪一个公共WWW的扑克费用免除是艰苦的工作,但我相信雪比Hayo秋田县和新泻认为音乐 NULL
                                                      • 我不希望埃泰教育从挂雪国是否有它的确切扭转除雪费用 When there is snow country where snow removal expense does not catch conversely completely the wa which is wanted teaching

                                                    • 我正在学习有关地震?第一个国家。哪些不能,以期解决迁都的主导轴 What was learned in the latest earthquake it is 1st country Capital city function moving the axis predominantly what it does not become either the solution
                                                      • 但是,当神户大地震,这两个国家。主导地位不可用,轴 Even in the latest earthquake the Kobe time two countries Unless there is a position where the axis can be utilized predominantly
                                                      • 我正在学习有关地震?第一个国家。哪些不能,以期在轴上的资本搬迁的解决方案 What was learned in the latest earthquake it is 1st country Capital city function moving the axis predominantly what it does not become either the solution

                                                    • 我没有厨房,有一个在该地区的经济发展项目之间的区别和迁都搬迁 Capital city moving and capital city functional moving distinction of the village causing the serving kitchen which it has is
                                                      • 我不想让村里的蛋糕的材料迁都 Without wanting designating capital city functional moving as the material of the village causing the shank

                                                    • 我训练通过在东部南海地震,两年后仍富山884,凡在三个主要城市真N条最佳备份海石太平洋美味的鱼低风险灾害的地方,最后只能渔业相当 884 After all the Toyama shelf In 2 years after bypass of Shinkansen putting out southeast sea earthquake optimum to backup Three big cities being middle as for the place where disaster risk is little there is only here The fish of the Sea of Japan and tastiness it does to be as for the Pacific Ocean fishing industry end

                                                      • 我说我还是个巴巴葛Dzunuri蝗虫等有重建的城市,Eeyan等等,等等等等岩手宫城Dzu所有河豚微笑
                                                        In the [be] [zu] the Miyagi [do] the [ma] [do] which the [hu] [gu] is done the Iwate [do] can obtain at the revival support city, and is That [a] [zu] coating [babaa] still, the [ge] it is and the [do] says

                                                        • 或为雨刷和洗涤液可能为寒雪
                                                          After wiper blade for snow and washer liquid for cold area

                                                          • 所有我打电话Oosaka所有我所谓的搬迁资本分配资本分布几乎不可能,我(政治)京都(皇帝),名古屋(经济学)札幌(农业),福冈(与一柜),我想谈谈山形和东北我不认为温达 How it cannot there be capital city moving realistically Capital city functional amount scattering the ro which is the story which you say Capital city functional amount scattering the ro which is the story which you say Osaka politics Kyoto emperor Nagoya economy Sapporo agriculture Fukuoka anti a window As for Yamagata and northeast how turn you think that it is not but it is
                                                            • 所有我Oosaka所谓的资本分配搬迁从未切实不可能的(政治)京都(皇帝),名古屋(经济学)札幌(农业),福冈(一个窗口)不会发生作用,但我认为温达山形和东北 How it cannot there be capital city moving realistically Capital city functional amount scattering the ro which is the story which you say Capital city functional amount scattering the ro which is the story which you say Osaka politics Kyoto emperor Nagoya economy Sapporo agriculture Fukuoka anti a window As for Yamagata and northeast how turn you think that it is not but it is
                                                            • 通过Iidar u200b u200bo知道放在仙台东北山形县,甚至在东北没有,我已被隔离方式 Being segregated even in northeast ru Yamagata it is the ro which cannot boil and is If you place in northeast the classified by ro which is possible to be Sendai is

                                                          • 新干线,在搬迁的一流大学有午餐的信州大学,长野是最主要的机场
                                                            The � Shinkansen, there is an airport The � Shinshu University station lunch most significant there is university With you say with the notion that where as for capital city moving Nagano prefecture predominance

                                                            • 明确为了吸引大家解除在首都山形在湾仔吝啬的东西我说联合国总部 Yamagata with capital city how stingy thing word cup The United Nations headquarters increasing the self introduction to attraction everyone clearing up
                                                              • 山形是明确的,每个人都举起,企图在联合国总部,以吸引小气狗我说的资本 As for Yamagata with capital city how stingy thing word cup The United Nations headquarters increasing the self introduction to attraction everyone clearing up
                                                              • 而我说是无人但资本山形 To that Yamagata is said capital city how no one but

                                                            • 更妙的是,如果放置在靠近安田安田纪念公园礼堂Wareru觉得我玩的诺贝尔和平奖得主的田中Kouiti瓦特好
                                                              The Yasuda auditorium in the Yasuda commemoration park neighborhood which is thought that also Koichi Tanaka of the Nobel Prize prize-winner played, w which it is good putting

                                                              • 有什么比瓦特这和辉卡诺Japanazunanbawan This w of what Applying jiyapanazunanbawan ru

                                                                • 没问题,如果我使用区余热供暖,创造一个废物焚化装置旁边的议会4
                                                                  4 Making the rubbish incineration place in next door of the Diet Building, if it utilizes the waste heat in district heating, there is no problem

                                                                  • 滋贺县 没有任何意义,我什至不敢转移累计太平洋只是带 Shiga … Even simply being able to meet to the Pacific Ocean belt which is accumulated there is no meaning of moving

                                                                    • 群马县琦玉县千叶94 u003d茨城神奈川Toukyou Jiongu Oosaka Gelgoog名古屋 DOM的Hukuoka Gouf 渣古多普勒其他城市 94 Tokyo jiongu Kanagawa Saitama Chiba Ibaraki Gunma gerugugu Osaka domu Nagoya guhu Fukuoka zaku Other city dops

                                                                      • 要购买铲雪四郎,道挖井的雪,甚至几千美元的差异是不
                                                                        The snow plow is purchased digs the well does in margin and the one for out snow, to be, Also the gap does several 100,000 Yen or more

                                                                        • 许夫抵达秋田瞄准不朽
                                                                          Xu luck aiming toward Hurou immortality, arrived to Akita

                                                                          • 该盆地是地狱779炎炎夏季,冬季寒冷,降低过滤比睿
                                                                            779 Summer with the valley the ignition hell, the winter ratio 叡 with lowering arctic

                                                                            • 谈到这两种情况报表理所当然的,但是,电力公司的官员意味着缺乏安全的核力量,这是怎么来象征核事故的影响大乌贼 Such speech is made The proper call as for the staff of the electric power company which means the fact that it is safe by the fact that it is not the nuclear plant does influence of nuclear accident to be It has symbolized whether it was large
                                                                              • 公职人员(尤其是政府官员)拥有核电力公司的官员和受影响的地区移动,挣扎着给一个解决的情况下 The government employee the especially national public service personnel with the staff of the electric power company which possesses the nuclear plant moves to contaminated area You struggle in order to acquire control then

                                                                            • 这是不是地震前677?我认为卫冕皇帝的后代Etara地震无论如何,它从来没有出的问题在放射性污染的危险地带
                                                                              677 It is not story before that earthquake disaster? As for the majesty with respect to now when also the rabbit thinks thing of the angular descendant, earthquake and radiation contamination dangerous zone how being irrelevant, the [so

                                                                              • 这是满洲494中程弹道导弹的主要武器进行了改进,日本的Kera
                                                                                494 It is directed to the Manchurian IRBM Japan This leading weapon

                                                                                • 金泽,新泻,秋田县约一山形每万人口的城市,而不是诱使 The extent where the area of Kanazawa Niigata and Yamagata Akita becomes 1 000 000 city Unless it keeps inducing
                                                                                  • 大约是山形县酒田金泽它秋田富山 About the Kanazawa Toyama Yamagata Akita Sakata kana

                                                                                • 雅马哈和本田的唯一途径,雪犁,除雪公司在网上什么东西在现场,停车场购买重型冬季公开展览
                                                                                  The snow plow of HONDA and YAMAHA to be displayed in for the general people, thing The trader purchasing Sigeki, has done the snow removal of the site and the parking zone of winter season

                                                                                  研究 開発