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If Tokai earthquake Hamaoka nuclear explosion deceased 1,910,000, as for national capital region residence failure


  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 菲律宾板块,太平洋板块,主要是因为她们往往有难得的督促,推动在北美洲板块起来,愤怒我在压力下
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Because the Philippine plate, spirit is pushed in mainly well in the Pacific Ocean plate and the North American plate, Tremendous pressure being imposed, the [ru

    • 5月21日 柏青哥 柏青哥同时废止全国性的示威游行是浪费电,非法赌博 Nationwide simultaneous pachinko abolition demonstration As for pachinko wastefulness and illegal gambling of electricity

      • 616东地震发生后,在超过5个,唯一值得安慰的赎回两次震动强度,但损害了在千代田区,东京Sashitaru主要道路, u200b u200b我是可怕的 616 East after the Japanese large earthquake disaster In seismic intensity five strongly shaking Two times the sufficient it is visited Only nothing much damage it was As for highway of the Tokyo Chiyoda Ku It was terrible

        • 824首一个月内,从今天起,关闭三陆日本海。若要从东同时向房总半岛东南关闭,接近9级,攻击是巨大的隐没带地震 824 First from today within 1 months The Aomori Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures open sea Sea of Japan To the room entire peninsular south east open sea is linked simultaneously from east side It approaches to magnitude 9 Trench type super enormous earthquake invades
          • 824首一个月内,从今天起,关闭三陆日本海。若要从东同时向房总半岛东南关闭,接近9级,攻击是巨大的隐没带地震 824 First from today within 1 months The Aomori Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures open sea Sea of Japan To the room entire peninsular south east open sea is linked simultaneously from east side It approaches to magnitude 9 Trench type super enormous earthquake invades

        • Hamaoka作为一个单一的发电机提请Waranai停止对任何有趣了,我停了下来Waranai变化,当地震海啸到来的F1启动它推出完全一样,只是处于危险之中Hamaoka提供给每个流也是不建在沙滩上没有任何风险的防波堤,你可以看到一个扩展 Just has stopped Hamaoka nothing changes The generator does not change just stopped as for danger simply Now major earthquake occurring when the tidal wave occurs being completely similar to F1 occurs As for Hamaoka you see and at all sort in regard to extension of the sandy beach the breakwater there is no Every building there is also danger which is let flow

          • NULL Hamaoka ◯ ○ ◯ ○ ◯ ○ lt The nuclear plant of the area which does not have earthquake and the large tidal wave ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT REPT No REPT no REPT no lt The Pacific Ocean paralleling nuclear plant REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT i ゙ Fukushima 1 Fukushima 2 Fukushima 3 Fukushima 4 Fukushima 5 Fukushima 6 Fukushima 1st ゙ ゙ j REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no ゙ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Monju Six Place Village Management maintaining of spent fuel Grant to processing risk and self governing community If such ones you think only they are instructions of nuclear how insanity
            • 水电站←(洪水和崩塌): Hamaoka:::: 地震←○◯○◯○◯,主要地区没有海啸::: : ヽ Ÿ lt The hydroelectric power plant when it breaks down large flood Hamaoka ◯ ○ ◯ ○ ◯ ○ lt The nuclear plant of the area which does not have earthquake and the large tidal wave ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT ⌒ REPT REPT No REPT no REPT no lt The Pacific Ocean paralleling nuclear plant REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT i ゙ Fukushima 1 Fukushima 2 Fukushima 3 Fukushima 4 Fukushima 5 Fukushima 6 Fukushima 1st ゙ ゙ j REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no REPT no ゙ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Monju Six Place Village Management maintaining of spent fuel Grant to processing risk and self governing community If such ones you think only they are instructions of nuclear how insanity

          • _NULL_
            All my interest selfish desires If” now avoids with turning everything all later, it is good being that” [kore] is political itself what of Japan To keep changing, while the entire citizen helping the tax revenue, unless life level must be reduced from either now, unless, when someone says -> Don't you think? citizen and others -: Don't you think? joke - whether such a thing it is possible, <- my interest selfish desire Refuse disposal problem industrial waste problem national budget (government bond) surrounding policy of these all all later <- my interest selfish desire While connecting with the keyword which calls various social problem my interest selfish desire it should have tried thinking

            • _NULL_
              It recreates in this, the shelf * Pressurized water reactor (PWR) * Containment vessel ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ Transformer - - - - ⇒ transmission of electricity ┃ ┃ reactor pressure vessel ┃ ┃ pressurizer ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ Steaming/evaporation � ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ heat exchanger ┃ ┃ Air � ┃ ┃ ┌ ─ ╂ ─ ╂ ─ ┐ ┃ ┃ ┠ - - ┨ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ↓ � ┃ ┃ │ burning ┃ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ - - - - ╂ ╂ ╂ - -> ─ ─ ┐ � ┃ ┃ │ charge ┃ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┿ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ - - - - ┃ ┃ ┃ Turbine & ━ □ generator ┃ ┃ │ ↓ ┃ ┃ ⇒ ┼ ╂ ╂ ─ ┴ ─ ╂ ╂ ╂ -> ┐ ┃ ┃ ┃ | ┃ ┃ │ || ┃ || ┃ || │ ┃ ┃ One ┃ ┃ ┃ ┌ ┘ ┃ ┃ ┃ | ┃ ┃ │ || ↑ || || │ ┃ ┃. The next ┃ ┃ ┃ └ ┐ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┿ ┓ ┃ ┃ │ || system || || │ ┃ ┃ water cooling ┃ ┃ ┃ ┌ ┘ ╂ ╂ ╂ - <- ○ ╂ □ ┃ condenser ┃ ┃ │ || || || │ ┃ ┃ ↓ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┿ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ↑ P ┗ ╋ ┫ ┃ ┃ │ Stick <- ┼ ╂ ╂ ┐ P ┃ ┃ ↓ ┃ ┃ two ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ⇒ sluice ┃ ┃ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ ┃ ┃ └ ─ ○ ╂ ╂ <- ┘ The ┃ ┃ next ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ cold ┗ ━ ━ ○ ━ <- chilled water ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ 却 P (Primary system) P = pump Water (Secondary system)

              • · · · · · 1 910 000死° 1 ° · · · · · · · · · · ·哈哈顺便说一句累ü↑? 1 Deceased 1 910 000…………………………… ↑ Being about to laugh the handle

                • “全国委员会防止签署核灾难,”总经理古长。稔说:
                  “The nationwide signature communication meeting office manager old length which prevents nuclear earthquake disaster”. Minoru like this talks

                  • “我们把日本列岛和土壤污染的切尔诺贝利事故的分布,污染了整个关西地区与都会区
                    “When distribution of the soil contamination with the Chernobyl nuclear accident is fitted in the Japanese archipelago, Kansai all becomes contaminated area from the national capital region

                    • 。东海地震来了后,立即爆发,立刻燃岳!一旦有了这种一触即发的阿苏火山喷发的火山喷发现在可以肯定未来东海地震 After it is the burning peak and erupting Tokai earthquake came immediately Now Mt Aso erupting smoldering the ru When this erupts large Tokai earthquake comes securely and is a possibility
                      • 即使是活火山富士山火山喷发造成的情况,不知道什么时候 It is the active volcano with even Mt Fuji the circumstance which does not know when and it causes large eruption

                    • 一旦在2〜3年的宽限期。我租一个海滩站。行李托运行李的行李,我真的ー爆炸比预期的,更可怕的,如果高一点也不响亮和未来死亡目前的非住宅面积就避难癌症福一 Once 2 3 years 猶 Receiving the beach which it stops The estimate with explosion compared to Actually the po po po po it is the deceased by the future departure cancer gun concerning the luck one which is done and High at all we fear the present condition which does not make a noise markedly concerning residence impossible area and are
                      • 一旦在2〜3年的宽限期。我租一个海滩站。行李托运行李的行李,我真的ー爆炸比预期的,更可怕的,如果高一点也不响亮和未来死亡目前的非住宅面积就避难癌症福一 Once 2 3 years 猶 Receiving the beach which it stops The estimate with explosion compared to Actually the po po po po it is the deceased by the future departure cancer gun concerning the luck one which is done and High at all we fear the present condition which does not make a noise markedly concerning residence impossible area and are

                    • 三冷却泵312英里停止了两个小时和20日在切尔诺贝利冷却泵停止失控只需40分钟分钟,可能是由感冒,但也是世界的探索已经存在TTA的爆炸。 Geru反应堆危机防24小时我不会就此罢休 312 Three with mile in cooling pump stop of 2 hour 20 parts In Chernobyl to drive recklessly in the cooling pump stop of only 40 parts because it reached to explosion Perhaps in the world searching cold Also 24 hours can prevent melt down from stop The reactor does not exist
                      • 三冷却泵312英里停止了两个小时和20日在切尔诺贝利冷却泵停止失控只需40分钟分钟,可能是由感冒,但也是世界的探索已经存在TTA的爆炸。 Geru反应堆危机防24小时我不会就此罢休 312 Three with mile in cooling pump stop of 2 hour 20 parts In Chernobyl to drive recklessly in the cooling pump stop of only 40 parts because it reached to explosion Perhaps in the world searching cold Also 24 hours can prevent melt down from stop The reactor does not exist

                    • 三次变形Kottara预计在东海地震的变形浜冈原発“超级”东海大地震震源区发射事故,海啸发生期间一千多年浜冈原発20米浜冈原発如果发生这种情况时,他们被吃危机影响是什么呢? !模拟“Hamaoka 2号机组的崩溃”蔓延的情况下西风和放射性分布Hamaoka Crustal alteration Tokai earthquake supposition focal region When accident happens with the Hamaoka nuclear plant “Super” Tokai earthquake of crustal alteration 3 time at period of thousand occurrence When the Hamaoka nuclear plant receives tidal wave 20m The Hamaoka nuclear plant the melt the area of influence when it knocks down That time how it becomes Simulation “Hamaoka 2 the machine melt down” radioactivity spread distribution when it does Hamaoka and westerly
                      • 我穿的东西已经够多的放射性? Already the radioactivity wearing sufficiently it increases but what

                    • 东,西,甚至令人不安的是分区进行救援物资
                      East west is divided and even carrying the rescue goods causes hindrance

                      • 中部电气的Kappa放屁我有成千上万的人死亡农业
                        For the Chubu Electric Power Co., Ltd. tens of thousands people it probably will die, but whether fart it is the [tsu] [pa

                        • 亚拉损害时,它就不来了东海地震浜冈原発稻草可能不会改变 Tokai earthquake coming when the Hamaoka nuclear plant it is done stopping the te as for damage the strange straw it is the ro which is

                          • 从癌症的发病率要在衰老,也无论在从核电死亡增加,没有多少证据不仔细检查
                            Because that disease rate of the cancer rises with aging, whether or not the deceased increase with the nuclear plant as for, Considerably unless you investigate strictly, the proof impossibility

                            • 从胃百分比阻止它是五一三瓦特18 Doppori题跋污染危险 513 Because the stomach it cracks stop w 18 day Chiba it is dangerous and pollution dotsupori it puts out

                              • 假设最坏的情况正在取得Ue的我本来是东海地震,但很好,很累,但没有什么太大的不同温达认为防灾东海和Tohoku ll甚至只是频繁的地震现在?我就会有我,无论发生地震的危险,但所有的事情我们一直在说,今年可能没有足够的剩余力量呢?感觉 As for supposing the worst case however it is good … Originally supposing Tokai earthquake being made you think that on the ru Tokai district and the northeast where earthquake occurs frequently even simply also prevention of disasters measure is different but it is Now with handle something It is tsu te don t you think as for danger of earthquake however speaking directly Instead of with from with something there is no dump power in this year when there is a possibility of becoming insufficient tsu te feeling

                                • 停止核203和太阳能,风能,地热和石头。由于藻类页岩和甲烷水合物,以及“我和居住了几十年,但每一个国家的不是如何发生意外了,”你是说我会成为一个全国性的电力系统演进,说一个害羞,我香椎哇塞 203 The nuclear plant stopping the sun and the wind force the terrestrial heat and the stone It depends on alga and metanhaidoredo and the shale gas etc “Whichever extent large accident occurring the country does not stop being able to live many ten years does not do” tsu lever Toda who probably will keep becoming the country which keeps developing generation of electricity system it is to make say it is shy
                                  • 停止核203和太阳能,风能,地热和石头。由于藻类页岩和甲烷水合物,以及“我和居住了几十年,但每一个国家的不是如何发生意外了,”你是说我会成为一个全国性的电力系统演进,说一个害羞,我香椎哇塞 203 The nuclear plant stopping the sun and the wind force the terrestrial heat and the stone It depends on alga and metanhaidoredo and the shale gas etc “Whichever extent large accident occurring the country does not stop being able to live many ten years does not do” tsu lever Toda who probably will keep becoming the country which keeps developing generation of electricity system it is to make say it is shy

                                • 儿子太大损失,像这样的核爆炸是我会做一ー茹呢?嗯,我已经建立的东西,但我不知道为什么Hamaoka The angular saw nuclear plant exploding the so is damage of extent comes out don t you think it is Whether well with something it constructs in Hamaoka something it is from the wa
                                  • 因此,在核事故Hukushimaー二战Dattsu都会区居民尚未 Therefore in the Fukushima nuclear accident as for the national capital region the tsu which already is residence failure ww

                                • 原子。那么这个国家不能处理自己的事情Ttara事故,反应堆“使”我唯一无法从前列腺瓦特滚装恐惧,但他们的症状为倡导恢复魔法的Baddosutetasu因为它像我 Atom The country which accident tsu cod personally owned at all it cannot cope the reactor “it makes” just Therefore the tsu te which it is possible it is w which is fearful thing However the recovery magic for the condition cannot be advocated it seems that it is possible to bad status because it rubbed
                                  • 原子。事故发生后,日本应放弃的二流国家,其名副其实,仅仅现在连一些领域,我们可以把梅鲁活食,它希望扩大它 Atom That accident if was converted in opportunity both name and reality to second class developing country you abandon Japan Now also those which can eat also the area which you can live mean to spread

                                • 原子弹和反应堆229配备的是表现在烟花和爆炸物,如炸药(放射性物质),它完全错误的数字量炸药
                                  229 In the atomic bomb and the reactor, when it expresses with explosive such as fireworks and dynamite The beam of the quantity of the gun powder (radioactive substance) which is loaded is different completely

                                  • 反应器是非常容易的,只有在喉咙,我想我是完全确立了它是多么容易摧毁其核反应炉的方法全面下降的分包商
                                    With the subcontract being lazy the [gu] [ri] [mu] is densely even in [hutokoro] of the reactor, also with respect to simplicity, It seems that also the methodology how you can break that reactor simply of, is established completely because it rubbed

                                    • 嗯,速度ν+ [确定],这是在英国的强烈反对
                                      Well, when it is English [sure] of Ν speed +, it repels terrifically, but

                                      • 因为它是无用的,如果事情如堤防工程罗马:来知道究竟是谁迁移到两年越来越多的替代能源,她用另一瓦特索诺杆 Therefore that wastefulness movement margin depending on alternative electric power steadily in 2 years story… If tide embankment something it makes that use separately with that gold w
                                        • 因为它是无用的,如果事情如堤防工程罗马:来知道究竟是谁迁移到两年越来越多的替代能源,她用这些钱到另一瓦特 Therefore that wastefulness movement margin depending on alternative electric power steadily in 2 years story… If tide embankment something it makes that use separately with that gold w

                                      • 在吗?我不知道为什么我可能要到 邓小平,很多人包括我自己来恩戴死亡的东海地震启动 So The Tokai earthquake occurring many humans dying although perhaps by their is included in that It probably will not escape with something
                                        • 在吗?东海地震是指当我何如?或100年?或一万年后? wwwww So When it comes with the Tokai earthquake it is 100 years later 10 000 year later wwwww

                                      • 如果Hamaoka,但高于初级故障,我要打击,因为该地区之前,阚Doukou特技都会区可能是地震的概率非常高Kiru推出,我是建设这个地方罗马:来出售或官僚或政客或电力公司的代表在这里出价时间 In case of Hamaoka because national capital region direct bomb hit it does Such a nuclear plant directly above of active fault Furthermore the area where the possibility the probability where earthquake occurs becoming extraordinary is high Grandstanding of the 菅 how like this in the past Why building in this place The politician of that time when it attracts here or the person in charge or the bureaucracy of the electric power company Dealing margin
                                        • 467%日本30反正我是从未来咬辐射浴死于癌症,我不怕Iku花等也很高,你可以是癌症,早Hukushima核工请申请人瓦特 467 How 30 of the se Japanese in the future dies being the cancer gun therefore it is Pouring radiation the possibility you becoming the cancer gun increasing at all not fearing the shank Apply w as the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant quickly
                                        • 两个日本无论如何,最危险的核电厂就位于一个Hamaoka曼陀罗飞行,但最终颜射三,翻译是不是安全,从这一站元 When which being full Japanese nuclear plant flies 2 and 3 bu tsu but end Because Hamaoka geographically just is most dangerous this stopped relief there is no meaning

                                      • 对不起刚才还怎么在室内手榴弹爆炸,房子本身没有真正飞吹,风吹可爱的偶像是布莱恩的花萼地区camphor ll飞光粗鲁的东西,你可以点燃油箱的木制建筑 The grenade in whichever extent hade exploding at the interior as expected the house itself It does not blow off but if it ignites tankurori wooden house something the tsu which is lightened it flies and The tract of the ri ya which unskillfulness is done blows off
                                        • 417无论如何,“这是炸药的方向”的 417 “As for fake explosive the empty there is a far side”

                                      • 寻求即时的核事故有几十年的不完全燃烧的时代
                                        As for nuclear accident incomplete combustion of the several thousand times continues several dozen years

                                        • 小平Hidekazu该机构高级研究员是“我们要评估大地震在菲律宾海中的东海地震和南海地震涉及板块的影响”一直在谈论与
                                          The Kodaira Hidekazu senior research worker of the same mechanism “relates to the occurrence of Tokai earthquake and the Nankai earthquake We would like to keep appraising the influence of enormous earthquake to the Philippine sea plate”, you say

                                          • 我住的核杆六合439 wwwww为什么它的主要对手现实闻到我住瓦特普天同杆六合人 439 Why nuclear group of objectors living in the vicinity of the nuclear plant ru actuality wwwww Living in the vicinity of the Futenma base as the ru party w which the same fragrance does
                                            • 反对派人士做了非常愚蠢的,不小心从Wareru没有办法,我说只有傻瓜或缺席 Producing the excessive foolish number the ru Because group of objectors is said that only the fool it stays pay attention the tsu lever tsu it is

                                          • 我只是Hamaoka,伊方在主或现代货箱码头或重新评估的主要最接近的那个晚上,我需要一些SW OFF HOKKAIDO在做什么?很明显的,我是尼姑是一个修女现在,我保证所有的安全Naose But only Hamaoka the Ikata nuclear plant which is on the central tectonic line The Tomari nuclear plant which is close to the Hokkaido southwest open sea revaluation has done combining This time the nun nun became clear therefore it is all safety do again to guarantee
                                            • Nabikazu政权立即,但具有专业知识,马苏库拉对金钱,地位和声望的唯一途径回到一年超过40年的眼睛不仅要继续教育核电的危险 With expert knowledge while in system the bi or the zu the eye the saddle increases in the gold Directing the back to position and reputation continuing to enlighten the danger of the nuclear plant a little more than 40 years year
                                            • 我只是Hamaoka,伊方在主或现代货箱码头或重新评估的主要最接近的那个晚上,我需要一些SW OFF HOKKAIDO在做什么?很明显的,我是尼姑是一个修女现在,我保证所有的安全Naose But only Hamaoka the Ikata nuclear plant which is on the central tectonic line The Tomari nuclear plant which is close to the Hokkaido southwest open sea revaluation has done combining This time the nun nun became clear therefore it is all safety do again to guarantee

                                          • 我只是让他们在河中的彩虹中国电视附近活“并不令人惊讶,简直是”强弁给我,我是,所以现在所有的福岛县 With the television living near the river of the Chinese rainbow color the ru party just so “unexpected At all it is not” the tsu te it has quibbled to do The current Fukushima prefecture people so completely

                                            • 我是一个放射性物质是从我们的静冈茶叶检测
                                              The radioactive substance being detected even from the Shizuoka tea, the [ru] it is,

                                              • 我是一个线形成Huzikawa糸鱼川糸鱼川和板块边界的913,我说我窝

                                                • 我有相同的左翼政治家谁是战前军国主义的本质
                                                  As for left flank politician whether large pre-world war 2 militarism person and essence the same

                                                  • 我的意思是,风是吹在东京Kouka,风吹Kouka大阪,很少有真正的破坏ETI的 With you will say or the wind will blow in Tokyo or will the wind probably blow in Osaka To tell the truth as for Aichi the case whose damage is little

                                                    • 我让他们进入浴缸,第一次一个星期的东西今天 However present something it had making take a bath after one week

                                                      • 我还致力于转向放牧或只有一元两年评价我告诉你们停止Hamaoka瓦特87年百分之三十,两年后它有助于正确塞虽然成立仅两年什么?老子选“这是选举浜冈原発 You That Hamaoka you stopped you appraise however you say When 2 years it passes and motion inhaling you have promised is w Although it is establishment of the 87 within 30 years just 2 years stopping the ro which is not the ginger and is There is something 2 years later It is the House of Representatives selection “Is this Hamaoka nuclear election

                                                        • 或者如果的倡导者认为,在中部582武田教授,钌,我想我住温达有些人的耳朵,请听
                                                          582 If even in propulsion group Professor Takeda of the Chubu university opinion, when the ear which is heard also one which it has stays You think, it is, don't you think?

                                                          • 房屋湿重湿重湿重Piui Dzugueuipe Dzuguuetsuui十五分瓦特我美国pwwww Piui p
                                                            The ww [zu] [gu] obtaining [u] it is, [tsu] [u] [i] pw [pi] [u] [i] p [u] [i] pwwww on the [pe] w [pi] [u] [i] ww house ww [zu] [gu

                                                            • 放射性污染相对轻微的日本,据说生活水平为小笠原群岛和冲绳岛的梅鲁可能被转移到小笠原群岛和冲绳超过1亿人,结束了。和人口密度,而生活贴近身体Munomo一天,女高中生,和Yoroshi
                                                              Radiation contamination being relatively minor in Japan, as for being able to live once whether become just Okinawa and the Ogasawara archipelago So, 100,000,000 person or more to immigrate to Okinawa and the Ogasawara archipelago, excess. It becomes population density, While sticking the woman junior high and high school students and 1 Japanese-Chinese bodies, also, in addition it may to live,

                                                              • 政府强调,核电厂推广 - - 奥马,冈田,秘书长参观了对方青森函馆放弃“停止Domino系统”说话[5月8日16时41分]冈田,秘书长强调了促u200bu200b进青森核奥马访问函馆的民主党干事长冈田克也放弃了对方15天之后,在建核电厂的电力发展奥马奥马检验在青森县的镇,开放交流与各地市位于头的意见
                                                                Propulsion emphasis of Oma nuclear plant, as for other side Hakodate in desertion Secretary General Okada of the Aomori inspection “stop domino” pick-off [05/16 08: 41] Propulsion emphasis of Oma nuclear plant Secretary General Okada of the Aomori inspection As for other side Hakodate desertion As for Secretary General Katuya Okada of the Democratic party on the 15th, the Oma nuclear plant where development of electric power resources is in the midst of constructing in Aomori prefecture Oma Cho after the inspecting, Around locating exchange of opinions meeting of the heads of municipalities was opened

                                                                • 数百吨的核材料229广岛核几十公里Hukushima
                                                                  229 Hiroshima Nuclear matter Several dozen kilometers Fukushima Nuclear matter Several hundred tons

                                                                  • 日本群岛的火山地震主要管理的群岛,在日本不能做了
                                                                    In earthquake archipelago Japanese volcanic archipelago Japan as for management of the nuclear plant already it is unreasonable

                                                                    • 氮流]是垂直的汞回来,政府的水
                                                                      ' In the Chisso back which discharges the mercury water government

                                                                      • 然后,也有很多更好,如果新的蓖麻繁忙紧张 Then there is no spare time when stress is felt Extent busier one is mashi

                                                                        • 由于原谦虚只是因为它会成为一个随机467枪,兵马俑63万加仑的空气说和四郎支持加速辐射,但仍然安全系数1 5倍,采取措施,我期望将Rubeki 467 It becomes stochastically the cancer gun therefore it is with saying where like radiation of the nuclear plant in the acceleration of 630 000 tera gal to corresponding margin There is no air which you say but even then safety coefficient of 1 5 times should take the measure which is anticipated
                                                                          • 你是一个癌症的概率467相同的辐射浴Bitemo“没有坏运气”对癌症病人,其他人保持健康 467 It becomes stochastically the cancer gun therefore it is pouring the same radiation The person whose “luck is bad” becoming the cancer gun the other person health raw still

                                                                        • 福岛五十公里半径达40万,但95在太平洋放射性物质的百分之扎马Hamaoka 210100公里万人半径越来越村风变得更比Iidate As for Fukushima 400 000 person still in radius 50km as for the 95 of the radioactive substance in the Pacific Ocean that zama As for Hamaoka the possibility with 2 100 000 wind direction the or more of radius 100km becoming Iidate village state
                                                                          • 我知道你就可以在天风炸毁三蘑菇云685号? NULL

                                                                        • 编号:RLPHcJNB0员工的浜冈原発←,晚上好
                                                                          ID: RLPHcJNB0 <- Hamaoka nuclear employee, densely it is, it is the [wa

                                                                          • 而不是崩溃,一个关键的放射性物质的扩散程度
                                                                            Rather than calling melt down, spread of the radioactive substance is important

                                                                            • 舞狮舞龙谁的坏(福岛爆炸)
                                                                              Tiger dance dragon who' s bad (FUKUSHIMA explosion)

                                                                              • 该机器人出来的碎片与在灾区片
                                                                                Either the robot which tidies up the trash of suffering area did not come out and

                                                                                • 这448不是一个人为以外的任何
                                                                                  448 Like the, this is not anything ones other than accident

                                                                                  • 这是因为如果现在说,都会区的草地,好像他们是安全的生活 Quite the current national capital region with the favorite words like whether the residence is safe of the shank

                                                                                    • 这次地震和火山富士山,并认为没有喷发鄂300年,火山爆发,随时可以来 As for Mt Fuji when with earthquake and the volcano you think of that either 300 years have not erupted when erupting it is not strange
                                                                                      • 此外,日本地震和火山饼好 Furthermore as for Japan the pa whose earthquake and the volcano are good to be

                                                                                    • 重新启动调制解调器※(关闭电源→开),服务将继续只下载
                                                                                      * If modem is done restart (power source OFF -> ON), continuing, it can download

                                                                                      • 防波堤。 Waranai改变,直到完工风险,他们并不需要创造一个防波堤,让我从那里来创建由一个防波堤废物
                                                                                        Anti wave. Danger it does not change to completion and, the breakwater being the place where it made make, it does not become permission, therefore it is The wasteful breakwater it is not necessary to make make,

                                                                                        • 阿朋琵琶湖133
                                                                                          133 The Lake Biwa [a] [bo] it is

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