1977年(1977年)火山喷发火山灰的火山口周围的四月 1977 1977 eruption Around April crater ash fall
1985年(1985年)1月喷发泥浆喷发,火山灰下降 1985 1985 eruption January earth and sand gushing and ash fall
1988年(1988)1989年喷发(从平成)1990年爆发(1990)1991年爆发(1991)1992年爆发(1992)1993年爆发(1993)1994年爆发(1994)1995年喷发(1995年)2003年爆发(2003)2004年爆发(2004年)2005年爆发(2005年)2009年爆发(2009)2011年爆发(2011年)←现在在这里爆发 1988 1988 year Eruption 1989 Heisei origin year Eruption 1990 1990 year Eruption 1991 1991 year Eruption 1992 1992 year Eruption 1993 1993 year Eruption 1994 1994 year Eruption 1995 1995 year Eruption 2003 2003 year Eruption 2004 2004 year Eruption 2005 2005 year Eruption 2009 2009 year Eruption 2011 2011 year Eruption lt Now here
1994年302(1994)9月爆发喷发 302 Continuation 1994 1994 eruption September eruption
1至6月1975(1975)在去年八月爆发间歇性喷发,火山口周围的灰 1975 January June 1975 eruption From preceding year August around eruption connecting and disconnecting and crater ash fall
Kiru科目发射巨大的火山喷发和巨大的火山喷发,几公里的地下,可以提出,但我是一个巨大的岩浆 As a condition enormous eruption and super enormous eruption occurring in the quantity km of underground the enormous magma It can cite the fact that the ball which is does
ー犬我想,从一个大国,如香港爆发熊本降恼人我的权利在周围有点灰井田做Oodu Kikuyou大声 From the point of view of the Kumamoto people large erupted temporarily at the place where tsu te dog HK makes a noise in such as Otsu or Kikuyo a little the ash falling annoyance the ro which is the extent which is caused
一 小规模喷发是在大约1煤渣从火山口1957年12月和四月1953公里分散,有77例,在七月 1 gt The small scale eruption which from the crater the cinder scatters within approximately 1 kilometers is an example in 1953 April and December of 57 and July etc of 77
嗯,我不久前在日本有把事情搞砸了这些爆发,由我 Well in long time ago really there was such chaotic eruption even in Japan with the tsu lever
小规模的喷发是在大约1煤渣从火山口1957年12月和四月一千九百五十三公里分散,有77例,在七月 The small scale eruption which from the crater the cinder scatters within approximately 1 kilometers is an example in 1953 April and December of 57 and July etc of 77
小规模的喷发是在大约1煤渣从火山口1957年12月和四月一千九百五十三公里分散,有77例,在七月 The small scale eruption which from the crater the cinder scatters within approximately 1 kilometers is an example in 1953 April and December of 57 and July etc of 77
排名最后的30 000年在日本爆发〜#1〜#4 3 Past 10 000 year Domestic eruption ranking 30 4 rank 3 1 rank
有趣的是有个地方看起来像一个真正的准备防空洞各地的喷发 It being it is around there ji yu sea urchin bomb shelter like making provision for eruption it was the truly interesting place
本人Koranai 513和517中Ki不来首次喷发岩浆上升 513 517 Eruption tsu te does not happen unless first the magma rises
本人爆发,Tteta思考和 邓小平小康轻松获胜如果红色熔岩污泥 If eruption how it can escape from the lava which red dorodoro is done you think as easy victory
没有540,而不是一个非常大,因为一个大爆发,w ll肯定知道有一个明确的前兆,恨的程度上喀拉喀托坦博拉四郎四郎 540 Well rather than calling large scale therefore super large scale eruption the ze w which is understood securely The extent which is called to the margin tongue striped mullet the margin ear in kurakatau there was an omen which it is clear
现在好了,你们说,龙卷风活动的海啸爆发,也许我应该发挥Shiku易恩戴 Earthquake tidal wave tornado radioactivity eruption… How you say or Among now everyone whether the a the person who plays pleasantly is good don t you think
505但是,如果目前的管理“的前奏响亮,”即使“别担心,不要立即爆发,”他们说,继续隐瞒信息只瓦,断裂。我不会做任何事情,直到爆发 505 However if current government there being “the lively forerunning phenomenon” w which is continued to say that “all right it does not erupt at once” Information just is concealed destruction You think that it does not do at all to eruption
505但是,如果目前的管理“的前奏响亮,”即使“别担心,不要立即爆发,”他们说,继续隐瞒信息只瓦,断裂。我不会做任何事情,直到爆发 505 However if current government there being “the lively forerunning phenomenon” w which is continued to say that “all right it does not erupt at once” Information just is concealed destruction You think that it does not do at all to eruption
Kiru我启动了地震和主麻生太郎在出茹生肉我大胆透露索尼个人资料给我们死者是一个灾难,我现在和很多不愉快的事件服务我爆发 The wa where earthquake and the tidal wave occur As for the nuclear plant the melt the wa which it knocks down SONY excitingly private information the wa which we leak The wa where the deceased comes out with yutsuke As for Mt Aso the wa which erupts It is hateful event quantity ill smelling it is the shelf
刚性的同时推出了大地震和火山爆发(更不用提该国)一直对我说TTP的: 岐0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi 神秘 340分之1300426334 Big earthquake and eruption happen simultaneously the country says has not referred with ttp toki 2ch net test read cgi occult 1300426334 340
当然 我做了一个常设禁止或粪便或到阿苏火山口或小喷发按下停止,由Shiku自由因达罕见开始编号?无石或发疹别担心,我不会做任何噪音在井田 In addition droppings sure raising 1 The reporter stop Aso small eruption or crater off limit is not unusual separately but it is You do not worry and large eruption there is no either te and being the place where it makes a noise don t you think what
NULL Eruption warning announcement volcano Kirishima mountain new burning peak Warning around crater eruption precaution level 3 Iriyama regulation Sakurajima Warning around crater eruption precaution level 3 Iriyama regulation Miyake Jima Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation 薩 Sulphur island Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation Suwa 之 shoal island Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation Sulphur island Warning around crater danger around crater Good fortune Oka no place Eruption warning peripheral sea area Peripheral sea area precaution Mt Aso Eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation There is no many thing
NULL Eruption warning announcement volcano Kirishima mountain new burning peak Warning around crater eruption precaution level 3 Iriyama regulation Sakurajima Warning around crater eruption precaution level 3 Iriyama regulation Miyake Jima Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation 薩 Sulphur island Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation Suwa 之 shoal island Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation Sulphur island Warning around crater danger around crater Good fortune Oka no place Eruption warning peripheral sea area Peripheral sea area precaution Mt Aso Eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation There is no many thing
NULL Sakurajima 92 92 5000 people or more living in here living even on the lava of the ru and Taisho era the ru 92 ↓ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Mt Aso 92 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 92 ↑ ↑ 10000 people or more living in here the ru 薩 Sulphur island ¯ 92 About 100 people you have lived in here sometimes sulfur dioxide spreads in the village 92 ↓ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Time of the university in the foreigner “the Kagoshima tsu te the person living on the super enormous crater the ru it is” When the tsu te you said “the Cray Gee” tsu te it was said
NULL Sakurajima 92 92 5000 people or more living in here living even on the lava of the ru and Taisho era the ru 92 ↓ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Mt Aso 92 92 92 ¯ 92 92 92 92 92 ↑ ↑ 10000 people or more living in here the ru 薩 Sulphur island ¯ 92 About 100 people you have lived in here sometimes sulfur dioxide spreads in the village 92 ↓ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Time of the university in the foreigner “the Kagoshima tsu te the person living on the super enormous crater the ru it is” When the tsu te you said “the Cray Gee” tsu te it was said
维基百科在1979年9月6日 啊。第一次爆炸陨石坑 There is Wikipedia… 1979 September 6th flattering The first crater explodes
阿苏火山碎屑。该矿床债券是十分强烈,这是已知的裕隆 NULL
麻生太郎在上目前的水平在未来火山骨折。相当昂贵,我可以发动零爆发,不知道它,只是不说 Future with the present Aso caldera destruction of previous class When the possibility eruption happening says 0 As for that you do not understand that only you cannot say
ð课程10分钟。 。 12500 × 2 ー )的“隆,因为他自己没有不必有遣废物计划的母亲水库,你得到了菜刀,”我“·゚(Д一 )·゚网站 的”,因为她哦,我,明年我就开始认真 D course 10 minutes 12 500 Ã 2 people 25 000 J The it does Or “it does high mother annuity without squandering saving from the ru the edge it rides” We “゚ д ゚ ue n ” For the mother it is serious from next year Good Heavens…
816是的,J类( ー )和两架直升机向人民 NULL
┬: ヾ的L升的S 作为大喷发 l i REPT hu 7 hu 7 to l ゙ ゙ l l l l l DREPT ¯ HKRPT ゙ 92 No The Democratic party headquarters and prime minister official residence rl to and ゙ 92 92 i ┬ ゙ l ゙ l DREPT Way large it erupts
┬: 丶 i i ∧ REPT l l i REPT hu 7 hu 7 to l ゙ ゙ l l l l l DREPT ¯ HKRPT ゙ 92 No The Democratic party headquarters and prime minister official residence rl to and ゙ 92 92 i ┬ ゙ l ゙ l DREPT Way large it erupts
但是,如果对火山喷发,像一个巨大的启动正式Kiru因此,如果他们已经知道相当多的爆发,是有可能的意义上的报警铃声从先进性 But concerning the eruption of the volcano because considerable thing is already found If there is a kind of thing where enormous eruption occurs temporarily perceiving beforehand It is possible to sound warning
因此,武仲火山口是第一个高等待,我第一次大纲武仲从火山口1公里可以被判定为煤渣散落在大爆发,11 16范围内发生的00分钟左右的陨石坑(火山警戒级别2(火山口周围的规定))宣布火山警告戒备级别1(尚志仁)2(火山口周围的限制),对拉Gemashita From this volcanic activity of the Nakadake first crater has increased that there is a possibility the eruption which from the Nakadake first crater in general makes the big cinder the range of 1km scatter occurring it judges 16th 11 00 warning around the crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation it announced in 1 from 2 crater peripheral regulation pulled up eruption precaution level normally
但我看到498,444是出真腊山,你在日本气象厅复制和粘贴是粘贴以外的10万个住宅结局女孩水平亿万人民 498 So but what when it tries probably to paste kopipe of Meteorological Agency 444 So it has come out As for the Mt Aso seriousness with gachi Domestic 10 000 000 person Overseas several hundred million people It is level …
麻生太郎真的出蜡和贴在复制和粘贴的情况下,你正处于数亿在10亿人在国外的结局女子444级 When it tries probably to paste kopipe of example 444 So it has come out As for the Mt Aso seriousness with gachi Domestic 10 000 000 person Overseas several hundred million people It is level …
区气象台Hukuoka 16 00 2011年5月16日第3,关于阿苏火山的火山周围的火山口附近2 Volcanic戒备级别的crater 延续法规is alarm状态说明资料。今天的预报和警报的火山活动约10点,一个非常小的火山口喷发的第一次发生纳卡武(16)及物质状态,上面的陨石坑边缘上灰白色的云想500米 Volcanic name Mt Aso Information of the explanation regarding the circumstance of the volcano 5th number 2011 May 18th 16 00 The Fukuoka region weather station lt Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation continuation gt 1 Circumstance of volcanic activity From May 17th May 18th 15 o clock As for the Mt Aso volcanic activity a state where it increases is continued
区气象台Hukuoka 16 00 2011年5月16日第3,关于阿苏火山的火山周围的火山口附近2 Volcanic戒备级别的crater 延续法规is alarm状态说明资料。火山活动的状态,今日(16日)10时00分左右,一个非常小的火山口喷发的第一次发生纳卡武,上面的陨石坑边缘上灰白色的云想500米 Volcanic name Mt Aso Information of the explanation regarding the circumstance of the volcano 5th number 2011 May 18th 16 00 The Fukuoka region weather station lt Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation continuation gt 1 Circumstance of volcanic activity From May 17th May 18th 15 o clock As for the Mt Aso volcanic activity a state where it increases is continued
大约3万年前谁我觉得我谈恋爱,至少从废墟就在阿苏火山灰烬或正在Aira Therefore the extent which age of the ruins has been presumed with the Mt Aso or Aira volcanic ash The ro which to be little also about 30 000 year ago as for the person was and is
区气象台Hukuoka 16 00 5月17日,第4期,2011年爆发的资料,描述了哪些条件阿苏火山的火山渣坑周围的名称(火山警戒级别2火山口附近, 1。火山活动(5月17日下午3时5月16日)地位是麻生太郎色拉寺哇塞淑惠情况下,有几个州的火山活动引起随后高 Volcanic name Mt Aso Information of the explanation to which the eruption which makes the big cinder circumstance of the volcano scatter occurs 4th number 2011 May 17th 16 00 The Fukuoka region weather station lt Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation continuation gt 1 Circumstance of volcanic activity From May 16th May 17th 15 o clock As for the Mt Aso volcanic activity a state where it increases is continuation and adjusting is moved aside plural
●在熊本地方气象台,“什么,在熊本Kiru发射大地震快?”淑惠色拉寺是,有几个不是问题,此案哇塞 In the Kumamoto local weather station “major earthquake occurring soon with Kumamoto It means that” with the inquiry which is said is moved aside plural
区气象台Hukuoka 16 00 2011年5月17号第4,在阿苏火山的火山周围的火山口附近2 Volcanic戒备级别的crater 延续法规is alarm状态说明资料。火山活动(5月17日下午3时5月16日)地位是阿苏火山活动引起随后的国家高 Volcanic name Mt Aso Information of the explanation regarding the circumstance of the volcano 5th number 2011 May 18th 16 00 The Fukuoka region weather station lt Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation continuation gt 1 Circumstance of volcanic activity From May 17th May 18th 15 o clock As for the Mt Aso volcanic activity a state where it increases is continued
区气象台Hukuoka 16 00二〇一一年五月十八日号5,关于阿苏火山的火山周围的火山口附近2 Volcanic戒备级别的crater 延续法规is alarm状态说明资料。火山活动(5月18日下午3时5月17日)地位是阿苏火山活动引起随后的国家高 Volcanic name Mt Aso Information of the explanation regarding the circumstance of the volcano 5th number 2011 May 18th 16 00 The Fukuoka region weather station lt Warning around crater eruption precaution level 2 crater peripheral regulation continuation gt 1 Circumstance of volcanic activity From May 17th May 18th 15 o clock As for the Mt Aso volcanic activity a state where it increases is continued
气象站是“火山震颤不是极端的变化显示了地下岩浆的运动导致运动的一大喷发还没有得到证实,”试图 The same weather station has done “there is no extreme change in the volcanic characteristic tremor which shows the movement of the magma the underground the movement which is connected to big eruption is not verified” that
金城武纳卡火山口是在一个国家第一次高等着,我第一次从火山口轮廓金城武纳卡1公里可能造成重大喷发范围分散煤渣 As for volcanic activity of the Nakadake first crater there is a state where it increases There is a possibility the eruption which from the Nakadake first crater in general makes the big cinder the range of 1km scatter occurring
周围的火山口喷发的火山灰泥东北侧发生在约2时41分,我们是从第20天2公里仙酔峡谷 _NULL_
喜从固体火山地震预报735最好是从这个地形海滨火山口时,我喷发的熔岩量很容易预测的差异,高栏火山碎屑流蔓延 735 As for the volcano when you compare to earthquake as for estimate it is easy Volume of lava estimate possibility The bu which is caldera topography different from the time of large eruption it is The latest one spreads the pyroclastic flow The hurdle is high
我对附近的过程中,两端的树上有很多是来形成的一些地方如Gorigori m挖它喜欢绿森看来熔岩原忠志指出,经历了192 192 But the forest forested land what which also the place of the u or plain like feeling is when gorigori you dig The wood it is many of course in the neighborhood where becomes the end of the lava comes out however
在九州和怪物的级别散落Kakuto和Aira(中毒后窒息死亡未知饥饿的受害者) After that as for suffocation dead death from poisoning death by starvation damage unknown In Kyushu monster of the same level such as Aira and adding Hisashi rattan racketeer racketeer
在九州和怪物的级别散落Kakuto和Aira(中毒后窒息死亡未知饥饿的受害者) After that as for suffocation dead death from poisoning death by starvation damage unknown In Kyushu monster of the same level such as Aira and adding Hisashi rattan racketeer racketeer
在日本,895是不会VEI8类(我没有被引起的)规模喷发,但似乎我说我们,同样不至约河野狭间,(我没有文)我们不得不说我同时,我希望从里氏9级地震引起的类 895 In Japan as for eruption scale of VEI8 class it does not occur it has not occurred the tsu te being said however it is the ru like Because in the same way to unintentionally at this time does not occur occurring occurred is not the tsu te was said earthquake of magnitude 9 class
2。我第一次轮廓,对观察名单,并在灾害预防范围金城武纳卡1公里陨石坑,必须警惕煤渣和粉煤灰作过画过的轨迹你一个大喷发 2 Precaution item and the like with respect to prevention of disasters From the Nakadake first crater in general in the range of 1km drawing the trajectory which accompanies eruption precaution is necessary in the big cinder which it scatters
2。我第一次轮廓,对观察名单,并在灾害预防范围金城武纳卡1公里陨石坑,必须警惕煤渣和粉煤灰作过画过的轨迹你一个大喷发 2 Precaution item and the like with respect to prevention of disasters From the Nakadake first crater in general in the range of 1km drawing the trajectory which accompanies eruption precaution is necessary in the big cinder which it scatters
在日本,有895类VEI8没有发生喷发(尚未文),但似乎我说我们,同样不至约河野狭间(即是由于没有的东西)我是说我们,我不知道这是从一个数量级地震造成9班 895 In Japan as for eruption of VEI8 class it has not occurred the tsu te which does not occur being said however it is the ru like In the same way to unintentionally at this time it has not occurred because the tsu te which does not occur was said earthquake of magnitude 9 class occurred
复制并贴上什么是真正的启动年,从一些以前没办法在444 70000008大喷发Demonaku想象 444 Therefore as for the eruption scale which is kopipe even with the imagination those which really happen 87 000 year ago without regardless
在火山喷发的高潮,他们先前已经分发和火山灰雨播种的常见干扰 _NULL_
在这里,“数量相当于10立方千米,而在一边 _NULL_
如果你是否则我将继续推进释放出的岩浆,或在太平洋板块边缘的失真 _NULL_
如果这是一个临时1000km3类,但它是另一回事是一个真正的地狱 _NULL_
居民转向前熟煽模拟阪神大地震发生的爆炸阿苏东大地震我东碗。我也标志,我站起来煽 _NULL_
当我创建一个新的方式与地下泉水,当泉水推出Kiru TTA的压力降低到“反向”这种类型的地震熟悉,这么多,他们将推出大约相同震级的地震Kiru ,洋菊的可能性,现在我不这么认为 When making the road where the hot spring water is detailed on the underground when pressure of the hot spring water decreases conversely it occurs” Because “as for at such earthquake there is many a thing where earthquake of the scale about of the same occurs as for the possibility of becoming large from now on you think that it is not left over
当我创建一个地下泉水,当泉水推出Kiru TTA的压力降低到“反向”这样的地震类型的新路,这么多,他们将推出大约同样大小的地震Kiru ,洋菊的可能性,现在我不这么认为 When making the road where the hot spring water is new on the underground when pressure of the hot spring water decreases conversely it occurs” Because “as for at such earthquake there is many a thing where earthquake of the scale about of the same occurs as for the possibility of becoming large from now on you think that it is not left over
现在我敢肯定,他们在六月嗫熊本地震人民之间的熊本 Something now the tsu te where between the Kumamoto people major earthquake is Kumamoto in June you are whispered but it is
当然 17 12分2011年5月16日,两年Asahishinbun 熊本 周二爆发小的小面包车爆发击败吨。检查现象 Asahi newspaper 2011 May 16th 12 17 Related sure When it erupts on a small scale in Mt Aso with the beat van small scale eruption After 2 years Fire You verify also phenomenon
。我打车到四国,但如果麻生太郎的爆发Hukuoka But Fukuoka when Mt Aso it erupts the wa which is crossed to Shikoku with the beat van
入场控制在绝对水平3 373。在火山喷发 373 At level 3 Iriyama regulation Stopping In the midst of eruption
啊。 。所谓的喜剧演员萌出,老,看到高等法院瓦特 Flattering The large eruption tsu te the entertainer who is said former times you saw at the high court w
当然 17 12分2011年5月16日 星期二Asahishinbun 熊本县阿苏山的两个小规模的爆发年。检查现象 Asahi newspaper 2011 May 16th 12 17 Related sure When it erupts on a small scale in Mt Aso with the beat van small scale eruption After 2 years Fire You verify also phenomenon
我将只在网络上也不行TTA的书籍,每天看着这些家伙真的是只有语言知识有趣的麻生太郎 Actually Aso everyday it is seen it is not the case that the party where Talking with just the knowledge which does with the book and the net ru only it is humorous
这是一个非常成人的新的孩子,要想到在这里Ageu,“这是什么不寻常的新姓麻生太郎 Very because it was the gentle child story applying from this it is uninformed thinking Don t you think “it is the Aso tsu te unusual seedling letter
阿苏火山是一次水的积累,十和田,这是洞爷湖的火山口一样 As for the Aso caldera the water accumulating at one time the te the same as Towadako and the Toya lake etc It was the caldera lake
麻生太郎和云仙为一所学校爆发后的旅行路线是,该行后珠山爆发私人旅行 As for Aso and the cloud 仙 after doing in study travelling erupting as for Mt Usu after doing in the independent tour it erupted
麻生太郎爆发行九州一定要到静冈地震在静冈县的妻子象虾 When shrimp elephant lady goes to Shizuoka in Shizuoka earthquake occurring When it goes to Kyushu Aso erupts
我应该卡诺悟会损害任何更好其实你一直在推出百万甚至一个例子年刚刚接受了一次千年它是一个有趣的心然没有多少我十千千万万,地震到 Proverb in ten thousand occurring really even with one time therefore ru reason It is necessary to know whether it becomes some damage To that the earthquake of 1 times just was in 1000 and The thousand and ten thousand tsu te very strange viewing air does
我渐渐从毁灭的边缘Furagujan陨石从海啸地震火山多小学 _NULL_
我穿这个春天,像一个白痴爆发就在监管恩戴坑?大脑是否开始明确在年底的世界!这是相当瓦特 Regulation just around crater When large it erupts with something the fool growing so much the ru it is In elbowroom brain or w where kore is visible even in end of this world
14水平,没有什么大不了我曾在水平年的171千Idaro阿苏火山喷发是一种完全不同的 171 The ro which is not Aso large eruption tsu te many thing of 1 level in several thousand years and is 14 It is different from level at all
我认为麻生太郎的被迫使用屏幕的名字,我山大喷发 _NULL_
托运行李托运行李〜696核电厂,所以我说想要做的事情,我当时都不 696 Therefore with saying the nuclear plant the po po po po is does not become at all to be possible to do however
有时,人类的破坏似乎已经发明了衣服引发了火山爆发7300年前我将继续在8000绳纹我是501。九州的绳纹文化被扑灭,一旦爆发出来,在九州南部遗址这一事实,只有 501 Rope sentence tsu te 8000 it continued it is Therefore the mankind clothing invented the eruption before 7300 in opportunity so Occasionally destruction As for one time Kyushu rope sentence culture disappearing with eruption fact As for the ruins which comes out with south Kyushu there are only those of the front and back
我是恶魔岁的7300余501 8000我绳纹继续进行。九州的绳纹文化被扑灭,一旦爆发出来,在九州南部遗址这一事实,只有 501 Rope sentence tsu te 8000 it continued it is Therefore the mankind clothing invented the eruption before 7300 in opportunity so Occasionally destruction As for one time Kyushu rope sentence culture disappearing with eruption fact As for the ruins which comes out with south Kyushu there are only those of the front and back
有时,人类的破坏似乎已经发明了衣服的多巴湖爆发之后。我会好起来的爆发?这些裸露在你还是真正的在几乎所有的多巴湖 Therefore the mankind clothing invented the eruption of the toba lake in opportunity so Occasionally destruction Don t you think also eruption is to call If there is no toba lake your leprosy still it is the nudity
骨折。他们可以把相应的多像疯了似的瓦特妄想爆发 Destruction The like delusion which erupts w off base kichigai which is done being many
麻生太郎注射目前还没有灾难性的火山爆发导致多种方式火山岩带。他将要工作 在撒谎煽,你必须是愚蠢的 In other words it seems that causes large eruption with current Aso which is not many volcanic bands Catastrophic geyser As for the person who has been fanned with commenting being foolish the thing shelf lie spitting
模具和模具一种自然现象,包括罕见的失误和自我保护,伤口得到愚弄我辞职是遗憾 _NULL_
樱岛火山口现在困扰着我?我应该已经融化观望,但你只能看到当您瞟最后一行TTA的屋久岛 _NULL_
此火山爆发,从6000年的爆发期可能已经摧毁了7300元K u200b u200bikai火山开始工作与整个九州喷发可能再来 From ruin large eruption of Kikai caldera 7300 As for this volcano which explodes at 6000 period already erupting it is not strange Perhaps the whole Kyushu starts being active
如果你不卖灰他们并不需要出售的火山灰喷发新燃岳出数额大 帮助 指出,东北地区要帮助! If the volcanic ash came out it should have sold it is not Selling the mass does not need ash which comes out with eruption of the new burning peak we would like to support northeast
火山爆发后,从呼吸困难,死在水泥肺部,避免雨不会吸入大量的火山灰 After erupting in order not to suck the rain of the mass ash To cement converting in the lung because it dies being dyspnea
该390喷发还预计,交流瓦特 390 With eruption of volcano as expected AC as for that… w
比如我想在生命欢迎发生在生命的火山喷发 _NULL_
火山与火山之间有什么九州,关东,杀死了所有居民的差异,真正做到涂料太 _NULL_
火山喷发山最后的保存状态不佳,但很少544已广泛分布到朝鲜半岛和俄罗斯 _NULL_
火山碎屑流于6月3日在云仙火山“固定点”人在火山碎屑流没有被杀死在体内不打 That cloud 仙 even with the Fugen peak June 3rd pyroclastic flow with the people who “the fixed point” become sacrifice direct bomb hit were done in the pyroclastic flow itself It is not reason
火山碎屑流到达身体)(ヽ M期可达几百区域灭绝的埋骨灰)⌒ 要布鲁诺〜 。。。·□漏埋,骨灰高达数米 黑暗世界 The pyroclastic flow itself arrives REPT 92 As for the area which it does being maximum in several hundred m volcanic ashes burying disappearance ⌒ 92 The no it does the As for the □ being maximum being buried to the volcanic ash of several meters World of darkness
火山碎屑流到达身体)(ヽ M期可达几百区域灭绝的埋骨灰)⌒ 要布鲁诺〜 。。。·□漏埋,骨灰高达数米 黑暗世界 The pyroclastic flow itself arrives REPT 92 As for the area which it does being maximum in several hundred m volcanic ashes burying disappearance ⌒ 92 The no it does the As for the □ being maximum being buried to the volcanic ash of several meters World of darkness
火山地震是很容易区别开来Kukara与地震破裂。我想我会等待爆发 As for volcanic characteristic tremor Because earthquake distinction it is attached easily destruction Waiting for eruption you think that the ru it is
麻生太郎866 在有限的4尽管如此,在日本过去骨折。嘿,我有一个爆发,这种感觉稍微低估 866 aso Not just 4 the past destruction in Japan When somewhat it is underestimation feeling densely there is eruption well
这意味着他们会借口Huzisan大都会贫困,但爆发的阵列,所以我认为463是,就算我在萨克生活我要说,你富士五湖,莫塔东京约2厘米的积雪上的意外数字领域我是对的,从爆炸的必然恐慌灰 463 But such and are When it erupts the national capital region is troubled inhaling meaning as for Mt Fuji yabai Living in the Fuji five lakes that you think how what ru we says also but the 2cm snow is increased rapidly accumulated Tokyo with the number of accidents the empty Volcanic ash panic the ro which is inevitable
熊本城周围地区,直至灰摔倒在一个大爆炸221 221 With large scale explosion the volcanic ash falls to around Kumamoto city
重新启动调制解调器※(关闭电源→开),服务将继续只下载 _NULL_
麻生太郎为以往的个案(70 00 8万年以前)日本今天了解喷发 ヽ(全球,它也超过灾难爆发鸟羽)布鲁诺 ヽ。 °■超过每小时一百公里,火山碎屑 √即刻死亡的几百度激增。 ((中海火山碎屑流越南保证金鄂 The Mt Aso last time 87 000 year ago understanding eruption in current Japan as an example REPT Worldwide there was this also the eruption which such as toba katasutorohu exceeds No 92 REPT 92 Above speed per hour hundred kilometer you die instantly with the fire 砕 surge of several hundred degrees √ The pyroclastic flow exceeds the sea with room
数百次以上Mokumoku飘扬在风中也只有开着车自由 mokumoku of several hundred degrees the bi comes even in the wind runs about freely
麻生太郎或爆发?这是什么的提前推出Kiru东海地震 _NULL_
麻生太郎甚至不是381,是对世界和日本不 381 Don t you think Aso the greatest in the world it does Japan one is not
黄石246━━━━━━━━━━━━贸易协会 我想,我没有断底长゚ 246 Yellow stone kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ gt gt ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ lt And the tsu pa direction under is long and it is hu ゚