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“Is not heaven or the postmortem world” Doctor the English physicist hoe king the assertion ★16


  • 174基本粒子的数量,我在一个德塔波动和零数量有限
    174 Quantity of elementary particle, zero and limitation with It is fluctuating is

    • 1“东京不是他们的主要活动的”W(东京电力津市一
      1 “The radioactivity or the nuclear plant there is no TOKIO”, [tsu] (as for being Tokyo Electric Power Company [tsu

      • 200啊?因此,波动和变化的物理量,但没有实物量恩戴金额没有在粒子物理学的量的变化?可怜的傻瓜也知道,他们的不改变物理波动的ID全部金额的头:1fA04zDA0编号:O型/ YSyjk9O编号:TnHCf3PQ0
        200 Obtaining? Therefore fluctuation being fluctuation of the physical amount If there is no elementary particle, there is no either physical amount Although there is no physical amount with something, the physical amount fluctuates? The fool summary where the head which fluctuation fluctuation of the physical amount is not known is bad ID: 1fA04zDA0 ID: O/YSyjk9O ID: TnHCf3PQ0

        • 578的一面,但它解决了心,脑功能停止,而大脑功能停止后,未发生死亡天使或正在发生的濒死体验 578 But side less That in heart brain functional stop and brain functional stopped state after dying hour doing above the overlooking dead experience occurs It does not occur
          • 578 心脏骤停和脑功能状态停止后,未发生死亡天使或正在发生的濒死体验 578 gt In heart stop and brain functional stopped state after dying hour doing above the overlooking dead experience occurs It does not occur

        • 877表演。如果没有这样的定义,其中,如在该裁定先予货币是证实了这一理论的作用是确认龟将能 877 Performing Being possible being verified It is the order that usefulness of the theory is verified There is no definition and the like that e g it passes beforehand
          • 877表演。如果没有这样的定义,其中,如在该裁定先予货币是证实了这一理论的作用是确认龟将能 877 Performing Being possible being verified It is the order that usefulness of the theory is verified There is no definition and the like that e g it passes beforehand
          • 整个存在无限的,这取决于我谈话说,如果Yoshi的沙达 If a story that gt it is possible to be defined circumstance everything it exists in unlimited sort

        • Damerika或80%的进化论是令人震惊的是,如果它包含或我的国家和我之间的分歧认为国家的榜样,而不是很多人都相信上帝就像我现在在日本的言论 damerika 8 tenths evolution theory making a mistake the ru being convinced when ru country is probably are shocking but In the country where the person who Japan likely does not believe God is many after so long a time it is speech what
          • 在此之前的演变进化的理论介绍,“我们一直在等待,以决定正确的”人说你有多少 Before the evolution theory announcing evolution theory the person “ ro which it is correct has been decided and is” just which probably is to be

        • Hokubei防空司令部,一个活生生的圣诞老人,如果每年11(Ry的
          11 If [santa] every year the North American air defense headquarters the real condition (ry

          • Tsukatsu发现,没有法律的常数,直到从4258的结果? ? ?我取代的是还没有看到或证实Tsukatsu日本的法律是 4258 The law that has been found the result does not become settled That is replaced to Japanese that certain law has not been found
            • 但我希望这不是愚弄或支付Tsukkoman注意力,我相信 But don t you think we having believed the fool when and tsu frame it is with relieved we want being
            • 发现没有法律是由常数或425 Tsukatsu结果? ? ?我取代的是还没有看到或证实Tsukatsu日本的法律是 425 The law that has been found the result does not become settled That is replaced to Japanese that certain law has not been found
            • 服从的信念物理规律,该花Tamotsu你能尝试,如果你能证明 As for the belief that everything follows physical law It can prove the kana which tries training

          • “ 体验”死在日本这样做意味着它是不完全死亡 “ Experience” In other words any overlooking dead te dying saying are thing As for Japanese accurately
            • 濒临死亡397例临床死亡,当谈论死亡穆就是这样 397 Overlooking dead te dies and faces when in other words die it may becoming story

          • “真诚”欢迎你,巴塔耶是不是所谓的“情色”是在深渊的色情心远的距离,在维也纳庸俗巴努及精神分析学家,显示我的人谁把我们大沽地用了什么巴塔耶
            Very the “intention”, [bataiyu] to be and to be core “of [eroteishizumu]” loosely, the vulgar psychoanalysis scholar et. al of Vienna Very the person where it cuts the abyss of [eroteishizumu] which does not reach far, in us and develops and shows thickly it is with [bataiyu

            • ↓中臣镰足(进化)↓藤原镰足(最终形式)↓Nakatoumi · Kamatouri(进化宝物)? ? ? ? ? ?
              Medium retainer sickle foot ↓ (evolution) Fujiwara sickle foot ↓ (last form) [nakatoumi] [kamatouri] ↓ (secret treasure of evolution) ? ? ? ? ? ?

              • 不落后或全球各地,濒死经验,你可以指过去或将来的这个世界不应该聪惠,即不是类的事情在历史上从未 If it could refer is the reverse side of the earth which is not around concerning the future of this world of the expectation which it cannot know or the past The overlooking dead experience is another but as for such there is no either one time in history
                • 不喜欢,地球围绕太阳,你可以对过去或将来的这个世界不应该聪惠,即提,对方没有这种事情在历史上从来没有 If it could refer is the reverse side of the earth which is not around concerning the future of this world of the expectation which it cannot know or the past The overlooking dead experience is another but as for such there is no either one time in history

              • 东北没有好答案,一个不太积极的和残酷的宇宙,也不能放松科瓦
                After all that there is no [ho] [tsu] being disgusted and space [kowa] and bloody attack less response die - the useless shelf

                • 为人类服务的方式,即使拥有这些不朽的电子人(Ry的
                  Also the mankind to cyborg converting the self, the Hurou immortal road (ry

                  • 之间的差异没有立即打Resuanka × 586 587○587 奇怪的是,有些人真的想证明,我们不是想证明这样的事情,588是可以理解两人玩什么是狙Inandaro NULL
                    • 之间的差异没有立即打Resuanka × 586 587○587 奇怪的是,有些人真的想证明不能证明588是做类似的东西,试图了解组合播放什么是狙Inandaro NULL

                  • 以及濒死经历了一个梦,它被证明是比幻觉和妄想在大脑中更多的是在历史上不是太僵硬的发射时间 As for the overlooking dead experience happen dream similar and inside the brain being something above hallucination and the delusion which As for being shown there is no either one time in history
                    • 如果有实际经验的,人是不会幻想无法确定原则 To tell the truth what it judges that with some experience that it is not hallucination in this person is in principle being impossible

                  • 你只是一砣砣(不是免费的,从壳的灵魂只有缺乏意识断开短),我,因为我试图决定是否灵魂只有一个理由,意义断开你的shell As for you as for stone time simply stone time it requires to come out because there is no shell impression there is no soul the tsu lever Therefore your own coming out shell impression the tsu te which will decide the presence of soul in basis you are
                    • 我们认为,那些疯狂的疯子称为可爱的偶像无偿515人 515 You think that the method which calls others the insanity person without either basis is stranger

                  • 你是我在这里的情况并非是由630倒置,就心脏骤停,瞳孔扩散,当他从控制死亡 630 There is no reason where the situation has been reversed separately This has done heart stopping the pupil spreading when it is dying hour therefore

                    • 你诱导美国不管我杀285,是不是与它没关系,因为如果我对以色列杀害 285 It is with something It is induced to the murder the ro which is If you have taken in America and Israel therefore is possible to being that you will kill the ro which is
                      • 我会做没事,如果你说他们悄悄地杀死任何人?无 gt Even with killing the partner you silenced if you say don t you think it is to call with that Calling obtaining
                      • 阿门,虽然他们杀了牛和猪的食物,我认为我们感谢上帝 When amen is killing the cow and the pig while eating That you appreciate it is in God the kana which is not

                    • 出生在非洲做了活生生的地狱Makuttara杀死儿童兵分为药物使用强制会较小,因为我被绑架?马苏马里决定的环境中,大部分学生已经Mareta Being born in Africa To be kidnapped and from small time make narcotic addiction To make the boy soldier It is the tsu cod hell living which the person the murder is sown It is almost decided with the environment which is born already

                      • 创价学会成员的罪犯名单(部分)的钢笔事件●违反选举法月刊少年强奸Nobuhira信子池田→→●阿圭介秋田丰林长谷部儿童谋杀→●●铃鹿畠山光市,山口县,杀死母亲和儿童强奸→创价学会会员及家长杀害男孩●池田小学学生→大阪→Pepparanchi佐藤森大辅北山强奸●●●毕业创三宅正信躯干谋杀强奸丈夫Pepparanchi→→小仲隆三桥香织●学校和创价的谋杀手提箱包装瑞枝我科比的头了圣玫瑰都腌→酒鬼

                        • 即使是无神论,仿佛要执行严格的,上帝的一个信念Suginu里返信易
                          If it is thorough also atheism, it is no more than an opposite of extent and the only God belief which it is thorough

                          • 可怜的傻瓜,没有他们的头部都知道,身体变化的波动228号金额:1fA04zDA0编号:O型/ YSyjk9O编号:TnHCf3PQ0编号:JFClPQSd0底部right m不笨我有一个良好教育的受身的头这种邪恶例如
                            228 The fool summary where the head which fluctuation fluctuation of the physical amount is not known is bad ID: 1fA04zDA0 ID: O/YSyjk9O ID: TnHCf3PQ0 ID: JFClPQSd0 It probably is base what where the foolish [tsu] [te] honest education where such head is bad is not received

                            • 因此,事件不能由已知的物理规律解释,只是未知的物理规律
                              Because is, as for the phenomenon where explanation is not attached with known physical law, It is no more than unknown physical law

                              • 围绕你,保持空气清洁剂或排风扇505
                                505 The scuttle fan turn, or the air purification machine have putting

                                • 在一个世俗或监护人的精神形式来生说,我喜欢山,可能有没有天堂或什么的,“端到端坚持改变形状死者意识,三维空间人类是物质实体不容易观察到,“有可能
                                  Heaven or the devil way protection spirit it seems that is said There is no postmortem world in world worldly shape, however probably will be, Something, “consciousness of the deceased changing shape, it continues to remain, From the human of three dimensional space perhaps there is a physical substance which cannot be observed easily”,

                                  • 在古代,人们认为这些士兵已被使用,我都留在那绫权威窗口和Bu Aruhara
                                    With ancient times reading [u] & [aruhara], although the person in power works the soldier, the idea shelf which you used

                                    • 在现代科学开始与“分子成分Wakatsu生物和非生物或在年底a m?意识的本质是什么?什么是不同的生化和什么我死了以后,只是死亡前?死亡原因但这些事情并没有活着回来?“真正的色调不太分钟 In the first place today with science “The living thing and the abiotic as for the wa and the molecular element after all being what As for natural shape of consciousness being what Immediately before dying and immediately after dying something being different biochemically As for those which why die not reanimating ” Does not understand to tell the truth completely
                                      • 将响应记录的水分子阵列模式状态,只要在平行的存储介质中的水分子,以及如何使用短,我就惨了破坏,在信息不鼓动Tanbi游泳 It makes state pattern of arrangement of the water molecule record correspond requires the water molecule That you use the method of lining up as memory medium assuming Swimming you scratch and turn is information is broken in the bi it is it is troubled

                                    • 天堂,地狱,我嘲笑了道德和宗教奖励人民的威胁
                                      Heaven, the hell to be moral threat to the people, praising beauty It is banter of the religion house

                                      • 如果你 只是在讨论根据这个定义,我刚刚被任命为 u200b u200b目前仅存在物理,名称是第一个地方“死后”,“天 u200b u200b堂”“神”不存在,甚至一个字的?为什么要放弃一些原本不存在的,为什么?是不是好吗?它们分开,所以非物质的存在,所以我想我们说什么物理 gt Following to definition you argue just If with it means saying physically it exists Existing with the name attaching with just the ru name does not exist in the first place even the phrase “postmortem” “heaven” “God” but It probably is not to exist originally and mono why to deny It is to call it is not with that is Separately Because those are non physical existence it will be called something in physics but it is to be good
                                        • 1 直到1000年,所有的“确定性”的我被确定为身体 1 1000 To everything By “decisive theory” it was decided physically
                                        • 909 不,实际上,松鼠猴和肯定行动,例如是物理现象的发生是一个故事,可以启动一个身体僵硬 909 When gt well really the lith basket moves as for such physical phenomenon it is to occur it is the story which can happen physically
                                        • 一样,是上帝和灵魂,意识,思维和感觉,什么叫非物理 gt Thought and consciousness and feeling and soul and the God tsu po it is there is non physical something
                                        • 上帝,天堂是如此精神,以及非体育意识,有感觉 Because is heaven and God and spirit non physical conscious similar you feel and it exists
                                        • 不,我要求写什么写我自己打松鼠猴,事实上,松鼠猴和肯定的运动,是一种物理现象发生的一个故事,可以启动一个身体僵硬 gt The lith basket striking those which by his writes you insist that you wrote Well when really the lith basket moves as for such physical phenomenon it is to occur it is the story which can happen physically
                                        • 但是,像上帝和灵魂,意识,思维和感觉,什么叫非物理 Thought and consciousness and feeling and soul and the God tsu po it is there is non physical something
                                        • 它本身并不矛盾,因为这样的感觉可能存在的身体,我也一致,即使在死后的存在和精神 gt Such feeling itself existing physically it does not contradict Therefore also postmortem and spirit existing it does not contradict it is
                                        • 思想和感情,即使没有人类的意识,身体Gimasen相信这只是遍布全球的脑细胞对身体的影响 There is no human consciousness or thought or a feeling the object where the brain cell moves in the physical action It passes only this
                                        • 我刚刚任命只存在于身体的存在,所有的名称存在是无穷无限的,所以 gt Physically it exists Existing with the name attaching because with just the ru name is unlimited sort everything it exists in unlimited sort
                                        • 本来身体被迫分开,但有没有超 gt It does not exceed separately Originally it is not to exist physically
                                        • 美容没有物理传输嗯确定。是不是在另一个好吗?这种感觉本身并不矛盾,即使实际存在 It does not convey beauty physically the te OK It is to call it is not separately with that is Such feeling itself existing physically it does not contradict because

                                      • 如果你的理论被定义为空间不包含任何一个粒子的粒子,包括一个68绝对真空我会崩溃
                                        68 Absolute vacuum [tsu] [te] the particle which includes elementary particle the space where either one does not exist It is defined, if is, your theory collapses

                                        • 如果我们证明了脑,并与量子计算机上没有增益变化是大脑的结构,关于人类生命已经死亡的世界,或已建成为虚拟现实,但幻想你会看到大脑的精神,人硬表面或原繁殖,但我可能会从内存中不属于,可在不软边研究 Unless brain structure the quantum computer is the change if blurring in link can do proof The human where also the postmortem world has lived to being attached being constructed as virtual reality the ru The brain showing also spirit because but the ru virtual image when it is the duplication item which from others turns memory to the origin not to be the hard aspect that it can research probably is whether it is not something of the te software aspect don t you think
                                          • “物理学家坐在轮椅上,”英国物理学家斯蒂芬霍金被称为(69),和天堂只是说那些谁是害怕黑暗童话,例如否认认为有死后的生活该 Physicist suteibun hokingu doctor of England which is known as “the physicist of the wheelchair” 69 That heaven it is no more than a grinding story of the person who fears the darkness thought was denied that we assume there is a postmortem world
                                          • 人的生命已经死亡后,在天上太清楚生活中有这样一个人,我没有死 It exists in the human where heaven and the postmortem world have lived but it does not exist in the human who dies
                                          • 关于来世,以及东西,我觉得魔鬼例如驱动器,从历史事件的描述是不Tsumoarimasen不存在,它是合理的,不存在 Concerning the postmortem world the gong obtaining it is and demoniac similar Because the phenomenon which cannot do explanation that it does not exist there is no either one in history That it does not exist it means that it is proper to assume

                                        • 如果我只是一个特殊的人,以及托勒密地球我无法停止对同级或从单位,可能很多人不信任或吉泰跟那个神秘的东西,更有趣死后有生命嗯,我没有,相信在手 If just the human has divided special as for Ptolemaic theory and the earth level with in story of the same level the tsu chi ya u The sled ya the one which has the postmortem world puts out mystery funny so Somehow however perhaps the person who would like to believe is many It is selfish well to believe
                                          • 还特别准备了什么是人类死亡后的生活?像一只猫或昆虫?我来是因为我活的细菌 Just the human the postmortem world being prepared especially Cat or insect Even the bacterium living the ru
                                          • 霍金“(人类)的大脑,它看到了电脑停止工作时,破坏梅鲁部分”和“死后的生命不能摧毁电脑的天堂 As for Doctor hoe king the computer which stops function the occasion where the part is broken “concerning the brain of human You have considered” that it does there is no heaven or a postmortem world “for the computer which is broken

                                        • 如果这本书难以阻挡茹德壹公司TTA的文科之间的唯一区别恩戴,我只看过评论TTA的方式我的量子理论和一般形式认为Kouka 282多学习多
                                          282 That however you thought whether you probably will write in detail, For the general explanation book of quantum theory with sufficient literature something which was read When being wrong you write, because it is troubled, it stops and solves

                                          • 对不起小姐TTA的465 × 475○ NULL
                                            • 或478!行! ( ·Ω· ) 478 so It was understood Ω

                                          • 平冈弘武(三岛由纪夫)19“在废墟中的早晨”从
                                            “Morning of Hiraoka public dignity (Yukio Mishima) 19 years old from ruins”

                                            • 并分离出494“和你们证明,你不强弁得到科学证明,对话是绝对不正确我就不在这里说,一旦 494 As for doing that separately “the fact that it is not proven scientifically was proven as for conversation it is not formed no matter what the bean jam cod which it quibbles As for this as for such insistence either one time has not done but
                                              • 494 和你们证明你强弁没有经过科学证明,对话是绝对不正确我就不在这里说,一旦 494 That gt the fact that it is not proven scientifically was proven as for conversation it is not formed no matter what the bean jam cod which it quibbles As for this as for such insistence either one time has not done but
                                              • 如果我证明上帝存在,所以暂定72 72 Therefore when God exists temporarily when it can prove is
                                              • 我也可以检查是否废物不能说谁,你想证明它是不承认848 848 Calling to the person who cannot recognize the fact that it is not the object which it proves perhaps certainly wastefulness
                                              • 科学家“真正的戏剧理论哎纹”,试图证明,或嘲笑塞子,另一个人是“科学证明已经看到了”在不使 Trying that the scientist “the gong obtaining is will prove existence theory” the companion stops ridicule As for doing separately “proof it is completed scientifically and” therefore it is not

                                            • 当我死去,在短期濒死经验,我对我试着读出一个不是很清楚辉卡诺津市情况下,他们说你做了,坚持要我要么不给予世界的人的存在证据的周围,非常接近死亡经验其他原因(重组最后的觉醒,记忆混乱),并且可以解释,但有一个死后的生命的可能性对濒死体验贝鲁平行叙述丝毫我不希望发生冲突索赔案鱿鱼叫什么? Disputing what whether ru it is well from the wa the empty temporarily it tried reading but It requires the occasion where the overlooking corpse trial callous dies it becomes evidence of existence of the world of the people who are around it is it is not applying Insistence as for overlooking dead experience itself separately other reason reconstruction immediately before the awakening and confusion of memory with Because you can explain you say that the postmortem world exists by the fact that experience talks of the overlooking dead experience are arranged As for possibility the colliding of the insistence where either this tsu po tsu chi does not rise and depending says
                                              • 索赔我,我认为人死后,在短短的濒死经验,我对我试着读出一个不是很清楚辉卡诺津市现在的情况,他们说你做的本身濒死其他原因经验(兴奋,作为生命存在的证据重建以前混乱的内存),并可以解释,但有死后的生命有可能通过贝鲁所谓平行叙述濒死体验是一种情况下,我不想争辩的对决中丝毫有人吗? Disputing what whether ru it is well from the wa the empty temporarily it tried reading but It requires the occasion where the overlooking corpse trial callous dies it becomes evidence of existence of the world of the people who are around it is it is not applying Insistence as for overlooking dead experience itself separately other reason reconstruction immediately before the awakening and confusion of memory with Because you can explain you say that the postmortem world exists by the fact that experience talks of the overlooking dead experience are arranged As for possibility the colliding of the insistence where either this tsu po tsu chi does not rise and depending says

                                            • 我只是存放在瞳孔扩散后心脏骤停,乐趣和字与408起,而不是复苏,我真想
                                              408 Therefore word play just starts, it stops, dissolving After the heart stop, it does not revive, it is dying hour with pupil spread

                                              • 我在113代粒子从基本探明基本粒子的一种绝对真空的存在是不创建另一个粒子
                                                113 Being proven, the [ru] Elementary particle is formed, existence of other elementary particle indispensability Elementary particle is not formed from the absolute vacuum

                                                • 我希望在你喜欢的人是我最后一次看我希望我登录在W The log was read but you like desired no shelf w of the mankind As for we on the gazing hoping ma it is
                                                  • 我在球场上只有上帝,如果他犯了一个愚蠢可笑的人类TTA的神 If the person who is foolish the God which made the mankind is outrageous God on that should have judged

                                                • 我得到了我会说在基督教领域这样呢?周一,但很可能将在党派死亡
                                                  In the Christianity sphere such a thing word [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] being good? It may be killed in the fanatic, it rubbed, but

                                                  • 我的意思是上帝这么多,我很抱歉,我要信任,佛陀智士?我怀疑我在信仰宗教 With you say or God would like to make France believe so with something it is probably will be Religion believing but ru we doubt what
                                                    • 差点被打死的宗教裁判所也伽利略因果宗教陷阱 Also Galileo may kill with religion judgment became and the trap which is causal religion

                                                  • 所以835是不准确的真正的“科学术语并没有被观察到,”我可以呼出放射性克如入哥斯拉化身转变“的科学术语并没有被观察到,”是一个人,我 835 To tell the truth inaccuracy “Regarding scientific viewpoint it is not observed” changing with the Godzilla incarnation also the tsu lever which can spit the radioactivity “Regarding scientific viewpoint it is not observed” it is the tsu te person
                                                    • 因此,我可以运行835克如呕吐辐射转化为哥斯拉在我的化身,“在没有得到遵守科学术语,”是一个人,我 835 To tell the truth we changing with the Godzilla incarnation also the tsu lever which can spit the radioactivity “Regarding scientific viewpoint it is not observed” it is the tsu te person

                                                  • 振动在天门被分配到实验室(门)只开放给TTA的订立 Opening the door door to daytime to the laboratory where it is allocated it went in

                                                    • 无论如何,一点点地星体投射上述Geru Hitsu沉重的铁的块宇宙,懒得掌握小行星的情况只是有没有在那个从我看行
                                                      The fake, just a little only the 幽 body seceding, going, you should have seen for circumstance grasp of the sufficient asteroid The [hi] which increases the Kata Mali of the specially heavy iron to outer space the way because it is not

                                                      • 是否有 gt As for mysterious non physical ones of the name consciousness gt Certainly it is
                                                        • 是否有 gt As for mysterious non physical ones of the name consciousness gt Certainly it is

                                                      • 有举证责任,是不是要否认这一说法的存在是有生命死后 The fact that it has proof responsibility is not the side which denies existence it is to be the side which you insist that the postmortem world exists

                                                        • 本身是什么放在第一位?由于粒子“波”是一个I 无限大小点,如大众, gt It probably is in the first place itself tsu te what However even elementary particle is “wave motion” 1 the point of unlimited size it is the mass the way
                                                          • 我关于我所没有的粒子存在,但没有时间和空间194 194 Although there is no time or a space it is non tsu te what where elementary particle exists

                                                        • 根据粒子的原因首先因果关系产生的第一个(神)必须存在
                                                          Therefore the first cause of generating first, the elementary particle of the causal relation (God) does not exist

                                                          • 没有起伏波动的粒子发生在五个方面存在从167基本粒子的波动不会发生ー所以没有粒子的数量没有一个物理量的变化 167 Therefore after elementary particle existing in five dimensions fluctuation happens If there is no elementary particle fluctuation does not occur As for fluctuation being of fluctuating of the physical amount If there is no elementary particle either the physical amount does not exist
                                                            • 如果没有发生波动,波动的粒子存在,从第一个粒子167ー波动不会发生,所以不存在颗粒数量没有一个物理量的变化 167 Therefore after elementary particle existing first fluctuation happens If there is no elementary particle fluctuation does not occur As for fluctuation being of fluctuating of the physical amount If there is no elementary particle either the physical amount does not exist
                                                            • 或只是口头上,而且我也注意到了原来的陈述矛盾是愚蠢的,“原子”→“颗粒”我来自不同的冲突和不断变化的瓦特只是埃塔学生 Therefore the fool does not perceive to either the contradiction of the original sentence and Therefore word just was changed “the atom” gt “elementary particle” simply bearing the contradiction which is different ru w

                                                          • 波动和波动并不是没有出现在粒子物理学粒子我不存在,如果没有在粒子物理学的波动量已经证明,神
                                                            Fluctuation is fluctuation of the physical amount If elementary particle does not exist, either the physical amount does not exist Depending, if there is no elementary particle, there is no either fluctuation Being able to generate elementary particle was proven when is only God,

                                                            • 然后,他们会说你的前雅威犹太教或耶和华你呢?雅威或基督徒?
                                                              As for Yahweh which you say Yahweh of the judaism? Yahweh of Christianity?

                                                              • 爆炸综合征,但它是睡着了,人们得到更好的资金有三个半规管系及睡眠的压力,我听到了世界的精神公园只需几秒钟的声音。
                                                                But sleep rupture syndrome that, as for the person who becomes good in the gold binding there being the distortion in sleep and semicircular canals, just just several seconds voice of spiritual world is to be audible

                                                                • 生命与死亡,他们还没有得到科学发现“东西”有,不过,界限,“东西”,当有人接近Dzui的“来世”澄清即使例如,希望看 A some it has not been detected to the boundary line of raw and death still scientifically there being “a thing” When elucidation of the “ones” gets near perhaps also the “postmortem world” is visible

                                                                  • 科学信仰,没有证据或证据,我会直接上形成的科学知识在一定程度上为基础,并成为重要的证据与间接证据是在积累了一定阶段“相信“一 Therefore those which are formed the scientific belief te it is on the basis of scientific knowledge don t you think There is no direct evidence and proof When basis and indirect evidence keep accumulating At a certain stage it becomes “conviction”
                                                                    • 如果你否认间接观察到的现象的观察可以无济于事 If indirect observation phenomenon is denied being able to observe even the substance it is not
                                                                    • 如果你否认间接观察到的现象的观察可以无济于事 If indirect observation phenomenon is denied being able to observe even the substance it is not
                                                                    • 科学信仰,没有证据或证据,我会直接上形成的科学知识在一定程度上为基础,并成为重要的证据与间接证据是在积累了一定阶段“相信“一 Therefore those which are formed the scientific belief te it is on the basis of scientific knowledge don t you think There is no direct evidence and proof When basis and indirect evidence keep accumulating At a certain stage it becomes “conviction”

                                                                  • 西方社会已成为一个拒绝从基督教的世界观的基础
                                                                    It has become the base of western society, it becomes denial of Christianity world view consist of

                                                                    • 这种“摊位”我决定和谁梅鲁?但在他死后,两个增长,亿万年的时间,将再次发挥,这是他的睡眠时刻推出Kiru The tsu te where someone decides this “partition” it is But postmortem again being played back no 10 000 000 000 year it probably will catch also for this person sleeping it probably is the instant when it occurs

                                                                      • 通过什么神,例如天主教,而不是一个真正的个人的上帝,甚至是生死存亡 For example God of the place as it is called in Catholic to tell the truth is not personality God is existence itself
                                                                        • 如果宇宙本身就是上帝,我认为对于存在的积极 If God is designated as this outer space itself as for God it exists being is not to be correct probably will be

                                                                      • 那么这种新的生物在准备为今后的大学科技偏差不能做50家民营
                                                                        This, future preparation is unreasonable at the deviation value 50 private science newly founded bio university

                                                                        • 鄂给出的时间是471年,看不出有什么不知道什么法律Tsukatsu,什么我说的就是一个具有里程碑意义的罚款从以前发表的研究报告突然演变轻轻相对论和量子理论?咦?艾希花首先我会从天上生物体谈论世界历史的假设,即故事演变,我埃塔对世界人类的历史的影响发表了进化论?这是多么美好,人类的历史范围内?咦?进化历史和事实或者是天堂混淆人类社会的历史? 471 As for that certain law has not been found The chi yo to be because with several year times are given it studies relativity and quantum theory from being possible to be lightly Before the evolution theory announcing Something you speak is suddenly a As for me first as for the living thing you speak the fact that it evolves to prerequisite from the tsu Has done the story of world history or evolution theory being announced what kind of effect was produced on world history of the mankind History of the mankind how was overturned a Or it confuses the history of biological evolution and the social history of the mankind truly There is no omae and a true 摯 The ro which is word play omae doing as for ru
                                                                          • 这次袭击引起你的头脑开始之前,这些文字游戏Biniyoru TTA的最后说实话,我的对手声称,溃疡星期一说,这是后没有得到科学证实,也没有降解途径如果从出Tteka有人将它添加到沉默我使用?我笑了惊人的科学家gonna ll It was truth finally After the spiritual attack with your word plays is not proven started scientifically it is it is As for the partner who crushes his own insistence even with using some vulgar expedient expelling the tsu te which you silence Laughing tsu chi ma u It is the ge obtaining scientist whom it does

                                                                        • 霍金是一个信仰和基督教地区专业的真人
                                                                          Belief confession the human of the Christianity sphere it seems truly the hoe king

                                                                          • 顺便说一下,而在脑死亡推出了药物在绝望和希望,而不是在一定意义上是辉煌的奇怪的是,在这样的话不知道请一致性好或回避的方式出现在一个普通的克如奇迹解决方案,可以体验到与我所有的案例谜
                                                                            By the way, the [tsu] [te] where the drug inside the brain comes out and sows when it is as for death it is not despair and is desire, coherence being agreeable even by kind of the fact that strangely there is a feeling which has become, brain clear if usual overlooking, it reaches and does not understand well, the miraculous kind of experience where all puzzles are unraveled is possible

                                                                            • ,团结人的逻辑这两种情况,并获得了Idzure爱与恨,人与人之间应有的利益Wiru将有机会会见强制突然钱包
                                                                              When these two examples are standardized with logic of the human, to love-hate in each case margin and interest as for the holding connection [wi] [ru] human Without willy-nilly meeting it is accidentally and suddenly means [hu] thing

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