108:@周年十Shisan名无:圣人:2011 / 05 / 21(星期六)03:55:48.99编号:MYf9wft70福克斯辉花植物浓度我们诅咒毒苹果 108 : Name it is not @ ten lap year : sage : 2011/05/21 (Saturday) 03: 55: 48.99 ID: MYf9wft70
As for the factory of [huotsukusukon] being cursed in the poison apple, the [ru
3苹果年前,我是重叠的布料你拥抱教育学位。叛逃是一个很好的支持Kunaku对信徒的攻击 Has converted to Apple teaching to 3 years ago The cloth which occurs repeatedly Attack For the believer the support good You withdrew
3苹果年前,我是重叠的布料你拥抱教育学位。叛逃是一个很好的支持Kunaku对信徒的攻击 Has converted to Apple teaching to 3 years ago The cloth which occurs repeatedly Attack For the believer the support good You withdrew
不幸的是,当他们抱怨说我没有抱怨冬至那一步,只有信徒继续 Regrettable not to have reached to there yet the te While being the complaint which hits and hits it continues the believer
648你,这就是为什么我排除它是对话? 648
Your way, when we is ED, why you perceived?
710是一个赚钱贩子打击的Linux用户的认可秃头AAPL是100%正确的,但 710
As for the baldness as for recognition of the Linux user for AAPL, fanatic of the gold 100% it is correct however
874苹果它关心他们是怎么到的称赞 874
It is the largest eulogy for apple in some air that
DOS的优先建设有一个在我脚下坚实的业务,我跑秃头和脱发的理想梁 That the building doing the foot setting with DOS, made business prefer, as for the baldness running to ideal, became bald
Ifone最宗教行为和从马卡大多数宗教行为,我不知道我违浩菊 Religion behavior of [maka]
Religion behavior of [ihuone]
Because it is different the [ri] it does largely,
Mac是苹果的什么我想是,苹果公司现在有个好 Liking in Apple regardless there is no Mac but it is it became favorite Apple
苹果迷们行不严重,尽管在有限的塔基杉 As for the fan which goes too far heart it is not just Apple
Mac用户是用来装水719我也知道他们的邪教,乖乖地在工作中去填补Ttara硬或软的DOS V和从头部向下葛马卡上观看,或使用多萨逆转我总与快乐的被视为建立一个规范Paso的TTA的部份,前者不超过土豆更习惯于对自己出校门 719 Sound argument When the Mack user of former times knowing also that by its is heresy the te reaches limits with hard and the software DOS V you use gently or the head lower in doza When you see from maka conversely while working paso of the old specifications which either using are not done with the part which is left over assembling rejoicing when ru original group you see kimoi
伊根少得多的肯定遥叩是否像Mac用户,我发现这个线程确认好长606 606 If this sure you see certainly the Mack user is hit don t you think less one is much many
NULL Badness So i It is It is do So The It does REPT 92 ─ V ─ ─ ─ re i i gt ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i No 92 l i i i ri i l ¯ No ¯ i l l i gt REPT ru i ─ ─ ─ lllll 92 llllll l 92 ni ¯ i ku 92 gt
QuickTime的(笑)Ttara诅咒的追随者说,我骂像核弹更多wwwww When QuickTime (laughing) like thing is called to the believer, wwwww which is denounced
[haahaa] abusing more
· Alt键和功能键有什么用 alt there is no business in the key and the function key
如果使用一次,然后让与克如守财奴 If stinginess is acquired after one time utilizing it will do
· PRAM的最终数据备份,这样不仅可以维护碎片整理没有办法重建桌面文件立即复位操作系统必须输入 Only the reset of PRAM and reconstruction of the desktop file there to be a mente expedient because deflagration is not produced backing up the data after all you must do again to insert OS
·电子是进入垃圾箱CD驱动器,把它拿出来 E inserting drive in the trash box it tries probably to remove CD
贝鲁和投诉描述· CD不安装在桌面上 Unless CD is mounted in the desktop complaint is expressed
•在设置有冲突的扩展管理器扩展的缺陷是欺骗 The trouble, conflict of extensions in prerequisite the extensions manager With as for being a setting item which is said deception
主板 逻辑板,垃圾桶箱垃圾桶任务栏菜单栏,一个特殊的开始,我的电脑系统,C盘MacintoshHD,可爱的偶像特别呼吁启动 Motherboard logic board task bar menu bar Trash box trash box and start special micro computer pewter System folder C drive MacintoshHD and start It calls special
什么是DynaMac,FatMac(512KB的内存)68000儿童与补偿点龟板有汉字字型ROM的权力,日本的模式有它自己的inward ll只卖佳能销售 As for DynaMac [tsu] [te], FatMac (RAM 512KB)
The Kanji ROM font baseplate of the 16x16 dot was placed in 68000 with the turtle, the CANON sale
So the individual model for the Japanese country which was sold
仪式工具也意味着,在一些地方先进的工业产品,像一个仪式设备鄂蒙特给予更多的个人权力,个人 However much leading manufactured products [tsu] [te] saying, somewhere the ceremonial instrument,
Ceremonial equipment like [mon] which gives the ability above the individual to the individual
但我确实和X52双杆操纵库革良好的可用性是我最幸福将有欢快 X52 and HOTAS Also COUGAR having, the [ru] most uses in some [ge] and the selfishness is to call,
但是现在,但许多被称为宗教是支持的话,他们会依靠Rubeki或当时是尖端技术 At present presently many of those which are called religion It supported that or the time when it should depend was leading technology it is
然后大家心中的“关于宗教我”你帮我一个事物的思考和 Everyone incenter thinking “religion how that ” the combining which is ru tsu te thing
但是,他人的痛苦,我的电脑我曾经是,ATOK我会折磨你进入瓦特塔卡纳 So the PC use [wa] of others it is done riding, it is pain, whether, in ATOK [kana] input [tsu] [te] torture w
你可以玩243巴顿和范围,单曲作出了贡献,实现了大分县 243
It does also JB in category of play and contribution is intimate considerably in materialization conversion of [yo] and AirPlay
其实,别人的想法土崩瓦解贬,小偷家伙结束后,虽然他的想法, On the contrary the thief guy who relegates the idea of others raggedly after that it makes just your own idea
只有在NEC 98显然不是坏 Clearly we disliked just the NEC 98
可怕的是好的或类似的言论,否则有高达浅层知识的习惯,甚至高达喜剧演员 In habit of the knowledge where also the Gundam entertainer is shallow Gundam enormous favorite like speech
他说,他们感到非常类似于西方的理论有浅 Being similar to the people who talk shallow ocean easy theory well the ru
嘿,什么?编号:6ZsrAfhx0出来 It was, how did?
ID: 6ZsrAfhx0
Coming out, it is dense
因为有一个受迫害的历史,只接受联合抑郁症基因 Because there is a history which is persecuted, that gene just is succeeded
在MacOS和MS - DOS和Windows3.1的,你就会知道,从我比较的时候,苹果Kitaku立场,将首先视力的Win95的苹果... [撕裂!我被拖延了多年举例]不得不说,感 Windows3.1 and MS-DOS and MacOS you have compared from age knowing, glance it stops wanting to put in [ru] and Mac…
Looking at Win95, 'Mack [pakuri]! There is the remembering which does the story that no year lately the [ru] it is',
在某些情况下,无论是操作都藏新兵训练营 Depending upon when you have possessed both or do boot camp use
多萨是不安与iPhone是不与他人相同的经历,现在有人买裤或御布施,苹果开始编号罂粟楚碎布我往前走,旧的Mac用户请Kukara安全内记图,是一个看起来像买鄂 Unless the same as others it is the tsu te which insecure doza buys and sows iPhone from the experience which reaches the point where you offer as for Apple Recovering it reaching the point which the rag it does to gain as for the long time Mac user cheaply it can buy the diagram shelf exultaion
多萨是不是从现在与iPhone不安其他人会喜欢买御布施现在就该死,苹果开始编号罂粟我直柱破布,旧Kukara确保Mac用户可以买到便宜鄂内记是一个图,看起来像 Unless the same as others it is the tsu te which insecure doza buys and sows iPhone from the experience which reaches the point where you offer as for Apple Recovering it reaching the point which the rag it does to gain as for the long time Mac user cheaply it can buy the diagram shelf exultaion
它始终是主胜,逐渐变得像OS X的,如果我是个工具,便于上易于使用的主要苹果的UNIX,说,特别注意非 Directly it was Win main but OS After becoming X gradually it became Mac main UNIX It is easy to use with Like It is easy to use as the instrument if is the wa which is not especially prejudice
当内部监督办公室的错误报告线,氖技能他软弱多萨信息等下一次我诅咒可怕的例子,我使用版本Garake缺陷被正式认证ü璞 When trouble it reports with iOS sure don t you think doza feeling weak skill the person was awfully denounced garake uses etc However trouble it is recognized officially with the next ver u pu
对机械感的社会地位,这成为了苹果第三中断的设计和丽莎,这也是一个历史上的失败,浩纪伊的家伙作用 With social status of machine tone deafness apple inserting interruption in the design of III and risa making the failure work which remains in history role of koitsu is large
您不得成正比的宗教战争可爱厨房Betara Geha When you compare to the religion war of the [geha] 厨, lovely the [ro] which is the thing
我只是假装被什么东西强大或删除,而不规范迅速,仅在第一个良好的风力变化Warina苹果 First queer thing just is done Although the specifications it is surpassed directly Something high performance as for just huri skillful Apple
我将使用Mac家伙不是从反面来解决light m依康选择一个认为他的存在 Mack using being convinced that it is the existence which is chosen by his the ru person from the ru it cannot owe to fact of the matter
我把215 iPhone,iPod的触摸,埃塔iPad的分类 215 Entering from iPhone iPod It arranged to touch and iPad
iPhone是不是我说,另一方面释放 Whether saying you cannot release iPhone anymore
也许,还是毁灭是啊,你可以买到的iPhone Perhaps iPhone you buy the next it is it probably won t be
我有10年的au移动LISMO这是一个令人惊讶的说法,你离我不能有使用的例子,这是毫无疑问Sashitaru au portable 10 year having, [te] LISMO also nothing much doubt not having in not being able to use when it does from we which is
Surprise the [wa] which is speech
我认为他们是好805的iPod,iPhone,所以大便对你不感兴趣的iPod系列产品Yokunee 805 As for iPod you think that it is good but Because iPhone the circuit is the droppings there is no interest Don t you think iPod to be good the e
从耳机耳机屎哎,但有趣的声音输出 The earphone changing as for the sound which is output from the earphone terminal the droppings
无法保持OSX版→我是在OS9 I stopped being able to keep being attached with OS9 -> with OSX
机器人将可能是Windows,但他还是宗教,我应该有纹 It probably is Windows but it probably is Android but becoming after all religion the ru person it enters it rubbed
Windows兼容或Nakerya我希望我能 If affinity it is not but it is to call even with Windows
例如,要记住的操作,因为他不愿在人体内运 Remembering operation with the body from the ru it does not wish to make Win
那么每个人都越来越好“东西”是正确的有 Sled ya anyone is liked “something ” the ro which is and is
毕竟手掌大小的装置,Netwalker胜利瓦特 After all the terminal of palm size The overwhelming victory shelf w of Netwalker
通过编写探讨Netwalker瓦特 With w which it tries writing from Netwalker
然而,如今的印象是,Mac电脑只有这样,我会先看看 But being now of Mack for personal computer sight read the image…
立方体厘米(吉米亨德里克斯)和彩色iMac5厘米(河石)iPod和第一医药(背景音乐:Propellerheads的),唯一的好,而其他人却只有一个痛苦 The CM ([jimihen]) of CUBE and CM (R.STONES) of iMac5 color and CM (BGM of the first generation iPod: Propellerheads) Just the shelf as for being good
As for other things there is only [itai
索尼的AV固我在所有的设备,录像带不仅继续否认β无援使用,直至完全孤立了坚实的消耗品,如索尼磁带在梅鲁 It sets the AV equipment entirely at SONY, all denies VHS
It continues to use insular Î, to consumable such as tape with SONY sets
紧急呼叫增援 The reinforcements are requested urgently
经过很多,但自那时以来,另一种是MAC不会回去 It passes extremely from that, but already we would like to return to MAC, are not
节。因为大脑的反应,宗教偶像,这是不科学的,它会第一反应“宗教”,马上有一个基础,以区分人类大脑功能,“宗教”的其他反应“反应:“我们需要证明有 Sect Therefore the same brain reaction as the idol religion non being scientific First to that religion reaction” “the “the reaction other than that” Is distinguished clearly with the standard which in brain function of the human the “religion reaction” It is necessary to prove the fact that it exists
如果说,330宗教的嚣张气焰,因为它不是在所有的科学证据的权利 330 Therefore arrogance if you say that it is religion the ro which as for that at all is not scientific proof and is
苹果产品是被拣选的人,好像他们认为自己因此较少的特权用户,用户能够打滚或的势力,iPod或iPhone,甚至只用猫斗如此受欢迎我也孟Tsuyou是,它似乎我们的头,例如拥抱甚至不再能满足自我意识的住客Bareshi选举 The Apple products the user were few but the selection people idea like whether by his is aristocrat in reason of Or as for the user it was possible in snobbism to soak but iPod and iPhone to spread excessively attaching it reached the point where the cat and the spoon it has because it rubbed We to do to be chosen and even the user becoming impossible the head holding to satisfy our consciousness the ru it seems
苹果迷,但我觉得应该这样做只有苹果公司自己的新闻,多么美妙的产品或跳过来了,闻麻烦 You think the thing which is the Apple fan that it should have made selfish but the Apple product how It stops the fact that it comes pushing whether it is splendid is troublesome
隆艾希价格比不过索尼和大汗,电话的AppleCare支持和定时过期和不参加 Price is high haphazardly in comparison with that habit SONY unless and telephone support and the like joins to AppleCare the timer attachment which is expiration
苹果总是狂热追随者 The apple believer mania as for being trust from former times
谁参加了BBC,因为英国广播公司将播出迷住了世界惹的品牌 Even the person who joins BBC
You think that you were attracted to the brand of the broadcast boundary, BBC but
赞扬现在的Mac产品刚刚间谍 As for praising the current Mack product only the operative
赢得了信徒,仍然充满间谍 The Win believer even now former times the operative being lazy
赤塔→iPhone的市场从iPhone,而不是从上级的Andr u200b u200boid,iPhone的出现和比重下降,说我是买或端到端的区别 gt Because as for the share of iPhone falling Android which is superior than iPhone appeared is not mistakes for iPhone and has bought you say that it is
→机器人我是来破坏其他流行的妒无损检测,iPhone的董事会,并表示不情愿地从我的家伙,我很流行的妒未来 gt Being jealous the popularity of Android although it has come to devastating to the other board being jealous the popularity of iPhone because the ru person is coming helplessly you say that the ru it is
较小的空间给我的CD,而不是把他们薪水,尽管没有电脑的键盘或Emacs的运动是没有 Capacity being small unless we CD it finishes to enter There is no keyboard in habit of the computer because te emacs does not move
一般情况下,Emacs有意味着移动电脑或不是我不 Generally emacs There is no meaning in the computer which does not move
这只是结果福岛等傻家伙谁是邪教,这是宗教的OTA The result having become only the people who when it is the religion cult which is ota make that foolish is hukushima
这只是结果福岛等傻家伙谁是邪教,这是宗教的OTA The result having become only the people who when it is the religion cult which is ota make that foolish is hukushima
这家伙做节日贬MISUDO奖金和面包同时收集额外的设置梅鲁和快乐的日子后,他们购买Gucci或Prada的Kokioroshi路易威登包107是一个现在或从未遇到的这个选项 107 The bag of vuiton you buy and search and come densely and lower Gucci and purada Although the being defeated of happy set you gather relegating the being defeated and the pan celebration of misudo in the ru person The kana now you have not encountered with n densely
107我?我看到了与普拉达Kokioroshi家伙 107 So Densely it came and lowered and purada the ru person saw
这意味着一个典型的老家伙已经与陆委会工作的人选择了谁想到 The typical such MAC selection people idea person was in the person who former times worked together
这本书我Kudake软银,DoCoMo和金来钟,我什么是间谍的宗教吗? The software bank [tsu] [te] just write, are [dokomo] and the au operative 涌 as for being how religion?
邪教和教条,而是要以独占方式打开四百三十三瓦特 433
Although opening is doctrine, closed teaching group w
随着苹果的防反新教反对天主教的过去,说U可以说苹果和反邪教 At one time as Protestant resists vis a vis Catholic even the cult religion of the anti apple you can call the anti apple
难道不是真正的信徒,所有品牌 As for the brand believer everyone such it is without being
领导该领域虎子台湾电子制造商最近开始了一项行动去年秋天元。组(CON福克斯)厂 Actual place fall of last year just began work the Taiwan type major electronic equipment manufacturer Fuji. Factory of group ([huotsukusukon])