108是的,但我牺牲了很多人,只是对未知Netouyo 600 000宰涌,某些人(人们互相残杀,家庭情况ü)移动和存在问题的蚂蚁郑在Guhodo巨响如果GE一旦他们赢得立即被确认wwwwwwww 108 So is confronting 600 000 resident in chiyon which passes Unknown netouyo appeared in conduct it is Becoming whatever human sacrifice specific race with the same family murder race which is agreeable With coexistence if it reaches the point where it is recognized the problem ant is the victory If resident in chiyon makes a noise the extent wwwwwwww which makes a noise
97是啊,但我牺牲了许多未知的,只是对Netouyo移动600 000宰涌,某些人(人们互相残杀的情况ü家庭)和存在问题的蚂蚁有一次,他赢立即被确认 97 So is confronting 600 000 resident in chiyon which passes Unknown netouyo appeared in conduct it is Becoming whatever human sacrifice specific race with the same family the murder the race which is agreeable With coexistence if it reaches the point where it is recognized the problem ant is the victory
Eyou想起来! NULL
157彻浩我们说,但我听到并记住#保持安静搞好了,我不知道的情况是 157 Normally putting out placidly the bucket tsu te being said however the ru you heard Don t you think well as for circumstance it is from the wa
不仅喜欢逃跑后,只把它拉我敢打赌,该组织的生存,这也不是看起来像东京电力公司 Betting the existence dying fleeing of organization in order not to be able to pull afterwards and to drive recklessly don t you think there is no with something at Tokyo Electric Power Company and is similar and increases
)我需要一审判造成的生命和生活的人只赌→ gt Betting life and life the person who causes judgment is necessary
不玩,如果你有现金赌博业务Dekinakya _NULL_
两者都是谁杀害,以白色为底垃圾毒贩犯罪分子 When the inside of the yak murdered the connection of the drug of end, simultaneous Which offender
会做一次两次,一次在不到30分钟Maketara发挥Binotsumoride 231万湿重 231 When 30 minute not being required 10 000 Yen it is defeated with intention of play Already ww 2 times you probably will not do
Binotsumoridemo第一玩的时候我觉得我有Dzuita晚 First when becoming aware already it is slow even with intention of play it is
但即使是女性雇员,是不是一个礼物交换在柏青哥为什么我没有要求雇员?不,当然,高,低就业,但他们都是免费的,所以我在那里生活了吗?此外,它是完全Tenpatsu对手,对附近的窗户,我很麦汽油?我不知道它的确切的原因,没有需求,因为我会做,我们将立即删除 平安到达一十万亿美元,但 But also the woman employee is it does not respond to request with something is The ro which is the premium switching central employee of the pachinko Well of course in occupation your 賤 however it is not thing of the extent which stretches life there Furthermore as for the partner the tenpatsu te te gasoline sowing near the window completely the ru it is the ro which is With such a 100 000 and transferring with 1 000 000 It escapes keeps going away immediately and therefore it is Then the reason that it does not respond to request completely is from the wa
我曾经是,祖父起到了车间的主要结算所是敲门,“〜对不起爷爷,一会儿?”只会打开门,简单的说 We former times does the chief as for the grandfather of the switching central of the store Knocking the door “the grandfather the me it is just a little it is good When” with you say The door is opened simply
你应该得到它,也给了日本,在日本三四我亚拉永久居民你说759是到日本词Kerubeki方式 759 Saying what the ru Also those where permanent residence right is given to resident 3 world 4 world are the Japanese Our industry complacency is the word which it should direct to the Japanese
此一女员工(52)问世于日本,因为我知道我的名字的韩国居民 1 Because this woman employee 52 those where name does not appear after all are the resident South Korean is
分配给该结算所奖品是到地狱的单程票 As for assignment to premium switching central single ticket to hell
切勿打开在基奈对手大门,直到您确信他们甚至没有保健治疗多次,干亘如果有立即把基地,例如使用汽油,但我打了一个信息中心火灾也许他们应该对我好 邓小平 Until the partner is verified without opening the absolute door with Whatever degree noting it did not heal but although the switching central it attacks gasoline using it seems that sets fire If off base is the gold transferring directly whether the one which escapes is better
诚无处不在河内那里或在日本服务行业将更加纵火怨?一个奇怪的国家 The extent which sets fire the service industry which is grudged is good being in Japan everywhere Strange national shelf
刑事弟兄?姓是对称和W As for criminal compatriot?
Seedling letter left and right symmetrical putting out w
县,10公里,离学校端到端考虑对未成年方向的影响是被禁止的,禁止现金柏青哥 Thinking of conversion prohibition and the adverse effect to the minor, from the school inside 10 kilometer prefectures with direction of pachinko store prohibition
发生故障或关闭之前一年一度的盛事?跟商店或缩小,由于该疾病的作用刑事星期二 Failure in usual event before the balancing accounts?
Communication insufficiency of store side?, the fire illness of criminal part causes
咦?什么是办公室交换礼物?长野县警方有非法赌博老虎机店是没有被捕? To? It is premium switching central [tsu] [te] what?
Nagano prefectural police does not arrest the pachinko house which illegal gambling has been done?
嘿...我在高档礼品交换的日本警察进入天堂爆裂 _NULL_
在世界任何地方,我从死七濑抵制了在刑事逮捕 While arresting because the criminal resisted murder the chi ya tsu it is it is anywhere in the how world
在世界任何地方,我从死七濑抵制了在刑事逮捕 While arresting because the criminal resisted murder the chi ya tsu it is it is anywhere in the how world
在危险场所赎回柏青哥,我与耀西熨斗兑换在弹子房行业来讲警察哨所 Therefore as for the conversion place inside the pachinko store site danger, if it should have converted with group origin of the police of pachinko industry and the close friend
外汇局抢劫kno re湿重,总局外人不可能甚至不可能模仿好,注释,如在右腹部伊势这不是抢劫事件的例子来增加 Therefore as for the burglar of the switching central all our performing what, imitating, as for the public person excessiveness excessiveness ww
Well, there is no burglar comment, don't you think? the [ro] where at such incident increases with revenge and is
好人方面的国家和抱怨Degozai行业在30万亿日元等组织 That the group of such an industry type is 30,000,000,000,000 Yen industry, the country which babbles in the good man aspect
如果我们正好有一个良好的,但它确实让像一个w的塑料片,交流,是值得我和2000日元至1000日元,没有想到那个神秘的板example,韩国如果有什么要采取一切手段,它在这个价格买进 Making board like of the plastic for that exchange if it carried although it was good don t you think w It is with you cannot think the value of 1000 Yen and 2000 Yen in the board of that puzzle but even by all means in the Korean at the price There probably is something which we would like to buy
如果主要的雇主,“因为当强盗来了,”看上去就像是辉领导人卡诺,对不对? “不要让一个抵抗力差钱通过诚实”,或是 “The case where the burglar comes from the employer correspondence” as for being like being guided properly the combining of the ru “Transferring the gold gently it resists unskillfully is” that
应该是一个杀人或杀人的情况强盗进入了韩国人在美国仓库管理 When even in America the burglar it enters at the store of Korean management it becomes the circumstance whether it kills or is killed of it seems and
它燃烧关于一个弹子房客厅就像穷人Bakkari Watta 1 It related to the pachinko house the tsu temporarily the burn or the yes 哀 phase shelf
但我所做的这一不幸事件Kiru有弹弓发射 Because the pachinko exists such an unhappy incident occurs it is
对称平壤,森林瓦特 Left and right symmetry, the Pyongyang flat, and forest w
对非法赌博TTA的愤怒的人们 It is the populace who gets angry to illegal gambling
我不会杀成弹珠从谋杀或抢劫他们的法律有死刑的权利 Burglar homicide Because it does not enter into the pachinko you kill The ro which is tsu te capital punishment method and is
我不会杀了照顾到他们在正确的死刑法 Because it does not like you kill The ro which is tsu te capital punishment method and is
我什至不接受一个简短的字节,我们也没有什么不好的例子,但每次都觉得他们推出这样僵硬的事件,它们通常使用这个家伙? You think in the degree where such an incident happens but is although we where it is not done that… necessarily is bad do not pass even the short term byte such a person is normally works
854赵初中或WWW的东西我不能接受短期字节?那么有什么更好的抢购什么是在商店工作 854 chi yo www The short term byte saying from receiving medium soldier finishing kana it is Very that the one which worked at the pachi house is to call…
我住不温不火爆炸燃烧弹罗马:来吧! Arson how lukewarm blast margin blast!
我本人硝酸钾在IDE狙纵火保险索赔自己的店,但常常会老吗? But with the insurance money aim original our performing tsu te of arson to be good to the store from former times a certain hand
哦,不是保险诈骗,偷税模糊822 822 There is no insurance money fraud te tax evasion becoming dim
无论他们是在法律中写入某个地方或某事与作为的分钟为什么我不是非法律师事务所的makefile非法的,因为它是一个独立的公司称为然 Because it is another company illegality it is not it is it probably will put out is When the company is divided with something illegality becoming legitimate Such a thing is written somewhere of some law whether or not is intellectual viewing
我怎么可以得到它在合法与非法,但在冷酷,自私的人,我希望你会期望刑事法律瓦特瓦特 Don t you think with legitimate method By your being unconcerned although it is illegal the tsu te which is expected legitimately being selfish in the person shank w As expected offender w
既然你已经兑现英里的一个地方每一家商店,大量 Because the conversion place is the case that it is 1 places concerning 1 stores it reaches enormous number
嗯反正一个星期后,在那里我会做的现金返还 Well how it has revived the conversion place after the se 1 week however probably will be
有643家保证金打下这些东西可能是成功的,但Munara包括多的人的精心调后,所有下乘坐免费的话,我不认为当你从日本的行为或图像来ü狙非法赌博在那里钱不一定最有可能的。这将是被攻击的Wareru赎回 643 There is no guarantee which is the gold in the home If you board after the very careful preliminary investigation with the group of people however perhaps it succeeds Because the amateur who does such acts with the idea and image don t you think When it does you aim for the place most may be a gold in Japan Inevitable illegal betting The conversion place is attacked don t you think probably will be
一切都是幻觉,我敢打赌非法歧视只有在人权歧视性质拉。我向你们反映在您的非法赌博一样,是不是太糟糕了更多的责任Wareru击中的地方用现金打天才 Letter of discrimination came out Human rights and discrimination are everything fantasy Illegal betting The conversion place being attacked self responsibility It means that the one which is attacked is bad Reflect Also it is the same to do illegal gambling you
如果超过一碗生牛肉餐厅Wanchansu非法赌博酒糟反正。不要害怕,如果我的世界里,你的目的是想赎回 If how se one chance is utilized Illegal betting than beef bowl house The conversion place you aim … It becomes fearful society
我可以说诈很好。你赌博 Speaking well 詐 The ro which is gambling
有643家保证金打下这些东西可能是成功的,但Munara包括多的人的精心调后,所有下乘坐免费的话,我不认为当你从日本的行为或图像来ü狙非法赌博在那里钱不一定最有可能的。这将是赎回的狙Wareru 643 There is no guarantee which is the gold in the home If you board after the very careful preliminary investigation with the group of people however perhaps it succeeds Because the amateur who does such acts with the idea and image don t you think When it does you aim for the place most may be a gold in Japan Inevitable illegal betting The conversion place is attacked don t you think probably will be
柏青哥在世了赌博的傻瓜。你是什 u200b u200b么颜色分钟机禁止垃圾四郎和社会 Already to some extent pachinko betting Prohibition margin and The kudzu production machine tsu te of society understanding the ro which is the ru
有一种赌博,非法赌博的分歧,我不我用消防车,救护车细则家伙只是在谈论我的非法 Now then at the gambling place of illegal gambling densely there was a [za], story just of the [tsu] [te]
Don't you think? the illegal people use the ambulance and the fire truck, -
本人在学校兑现柏青哥不好甚至强硬的法律学校 As for we as for the pachinko in the group which is good being as for conversion severe punishment conversion group
杆Tokoro转换有一个网站柏青哥店,我们的员工里沙的Cuz柏青哥店一轮之前,不应该迎头赶上ー It changes inside the pachinko store site there being a gold place the pachinko store employee… It goes round and is catching it is the ku it is
你穿的犯罪分子非法工作在139赎回 139 Working at the illegal conversion place it is the ru offender
即使我说合法化,但我将能够得到的现金,因为茶廊 NULL
周五哪些新的转换动作,他们把一个新的女人,是相当结束 The new changing gold place making it is new having put it finishes
现场有赎回在柏青哥店,里萨因为你一轮柏青哥店的员工,在追赶不应ー There being a conversion place inside the pachinko store site the pachinko store employee… It goes round and is catching it is the ku it is
现金业务本身,他不说我的警察和浪费了太多的现金很少考虑向警方夹紧 Conversion business itself the police doing saying that from the ru manage the conversion in the police it is wasteful
警方怀疑现金不明白是非法的 In other words leaves illegality conversion the police who the criminal
这张现金的权利呢?他们是随意和虚假报道 This the ro which is the conversion place Untruth reporting without the ri ge and the ru
(但没有那么现金的情况下,禁止寻求损 u200b u200b害赔偿,法院应仲仲 However it receives damage with conversion prohibition because the cases that are few Very it does not become judgment
松本笹贺柏青哥店,“松本热”在附近投掷汽油礼物交换站的办公场所,要求女性雇员的现金 It is inside the site of pachinko store “rush Matsumoto” of Matsumoto city bamboo grass celebration Near window of premium switching central gasoline firewood in woman employee Requiring the cash
投掷办公室附近的一个加油站的礼物交换,要求女性雇员的现金 gt Gasoline the firewood requiring the cash to the woman employee near the window of the premium switching central
柏青哥“松本潮”,但它是非法的其他地方的礼物交换现场办公,并没有死,但他出来的松本冬天?不要去远 The premium switching central which is inside the site of pachinko store “rush Matsumoto” When it is another place but illegality when it is the Matsumoto winter with the deceased there is no from ru It keeps doing to there that is
11遗址 更多更好的瓦特 11 … One direction w inside sites
柏青哥“松本热”是要看到的地方,如果赎回结算所内的奖的理由 The premium switching central which is inside the site of pachinko store “rush Matsumoto”
When it is another place, but illegality, when it is the Matsumoto winter, with the deceased there is no from [ru]?
It keeps doing to there, that is
柏青哥已确认有没有完整,最终将生活,但不幸的是 The pachinko was verified only unhappiness not bearing completely and finally
柏青哥店的要求?您搜索 In food mouth as for pachinko necessity Searching don t you think
现在我要定制一个柏青哥有关的预防措施 Also the refuse which if is related to the pachinko you are not careful from now on
柏青哥犯罪的温床,我们应该禁止 Should prohibit the hotbed pachinko of crime
柏青哥认为可以理解本身是非法的,是不是不正常的刑事辩护为他企图抢劫纵火 As for the opinion that it is understood the pachinko itself is illegal but Setting fire the ro where also the person who protects the kind of criminal whom the burglar it tries to do is abnormal
这意味着多一点的理由,即使超高风险低回报,右切羽诘茹抢劫或纵火 The ro which is arson burglar or extra super hairisuku roritan … The heading it is plugged it probably will rub the just a little clogging which one…
梁伊势哪些网站和负到目前为止,仅我成为客户不满意,罕见或新的产业将不会被客户谁Hazime Yukito It is the revenge which is defeated In addition one person customer becomes unhappy the better seed To here the customer the industry which does not become everyone s one person happy is unusual
梁伊势哪些网站和负到目前为止,仅我成为客户不满意,罕见或新的产业将不会被客户谁Hazime Yukito It is the revenge which is defeated In addition one person customer becomes unhappy the better seed To here the customer the industry which does not become everyone s one person happy is unusual
此外,在北部和南部混蛋,我不明白一个女雇员狙Kumonai疼痛发痒蜘蛛权 Even when the woman employee aiming the ro which is not itchy painfully in kuso north and south and is It is not understood
女员工(52)马会吃进一步Chonkoro Woman employee 52 with chiyonkoro furthermore meshiuma
洋菊,甜西瓜请,获得更好的销售价值“认为,描述和 The watermelon sweet it becomes large selling price becomes good” believing explanation that It is with you say
热是一种由一个等价交换的克星逆转 Retribution it is the fever of one-shot reversal with equivalent transformation
现金及三点法,并在朝鲜半岛局势,有警察在节约加载一个弹子房客厅帮助您的第一个请求,但政治家们像弹球,因为很多被取缔 Whether in conversion and Korea with three point systems why the pachinko is prohibited that however there is a variety The circumstance where the politician first asks conservation of electricity cooperation of the pachinko house to the police case
的清算家奖,比较容易,如汽油撒,当然,你下注的钱,取而代之的弹子球的数量的鳃。什么是现金的位置?我们正在与该行酷为什么不合法?什么是不可能的行政Kosanai携手合作,推出一个公开审判? E g the premium switching central tsu te gasoline is spread simply that when you say The several of balls of the pachinko the betting which the gold is changed distantly It is the conversion place It means that illegal thing is done calmly with something The citizen becoming assemblage unless administrative order is caused it is useless
房子的清算奖,简单来说,你赌金钱和取代的弹珠球的数量鳃。什么是现金的位置?我们正在与该行酷为什么不合法?什么是不可能的行政Kosanai携手合作,推出一个公开审判? The premium switching central tsu te speaking simply The several of balls of the pachinko the betting which the gold is changed distantly It is the conversion place It means that illegal thing is done calmly with something The citizen becoming assemblage unless administrative order is caused it is useless
汽油,或所有特别奖,我有气,你敢不敢所行交换礼物! Gasoline special premium Everyone gasoline having the premium switching central try going the tsu
编号:adpeCf1oO Pachinkasu的是TTA的解决方案涵盖的债务 ID: adpeCf1oO The debt being covered as for thing you understood with [pachinkasu]
编号:adpeCf1oO我或看起来像瓦特ヽ→`∀ ID: The adpeCf1oO [tsu] lever it is the face it has done the [ri] doing, w -> REPT `∀ '
编号:j /的zIz2zG0单元或商店的店员? ID: J/zIz2zG0 [pachi] house salesman?
罢了罢了是不是说我Ttara交流中心的现金奖,以弹弓瓦特的旧货店 _NULL_
而我认为这是女子54波旁Ttara结束 54 Whether the bourbon when you thought it was gachi
腐败分子在权力从远古时代到他,梁创建一个新的组织溃疡的家伙,你 When the person in power becomes corrupted puts away that party from long time ago crushing it built up new organization
我认为唯一的Geru向他作出一个新的组织,但腐败 When so it becomes corrupted you think that new organization only is built up
要成为一个社会问题,必须控制柏青哥 To social problem converting, the pachinko unless it regulates, is not good
见你沿着这个纵火模式虎子走?刑事Pachinkasu Don t you think as for this the Takefuji Corporation arson and simultaneous pattern As for criminal pachinkasu
火的起源是韩国546奈达! 546 As for the beginning of arson Korean nida
设在东京的办事处,如现金职工大会现在开始是在玻璃店的人包括在内,我记得我的脸笑到全体朝鲜人民殆等 Tokyo conversion place becoming the TUC shop being undisguised it became the way where the person in is visible but There is the memory which all people laugh almost with the Korean face
风営法修改,明确规定在三点禁止以现金方式柏青哥 Amending � wind barracks law it clearly writes the conversion prohibition with 3 point systems of the pachinko clearly
设备故障和不平等和犯罪,非法赌博的老虎机正常的家庭生活在日本的朝鲜人 Production device of differential and crime and life failure and family disruption, illegal gambling pachinko of resident Korean
过滤器,以开展志愿教师问 u200b u200b题“或不是你采用什么家教?月未遂谋杀或纵火 The teacher causing problem independent retirement gt private school lecturer adoption and kana it is it is not Arson or attempted murder it is
过滤器,以开展志愿教师问 u200b u200b题“或不是你采用什么家教?月未遂谋杀或纵火 The teacher causing problem independent retirement gt private school lecturer adoption and kana it is it is not Arson or attempted murder it is
这是纵火非法投注见面。从你在做什么抢劫现金,接受专业指导 As for arson circumstance
Illegal betting. Therefore the conversion place burglar is receiving the guidance of the professional,
酷暑和球租赁系统和随机(宽)我用卖果汁到达大脑 The rental ball system and probability fluctuation intense heat (w) using the reach, you sell the brain juice, it is
长野县警方有权尝试通过许多长野奥运火炬首次与中国Kedasou Zubuzubu对休息叛徒帮助英雄 It probably will start helping this hero
First also China the electric concavity will do in the Nagano prefectural police where the traitor is many with the Nagano Olympic Torch of [zubuzubu
非游戏公众喜欢的136人死亡罪Chonkoro 136
As for gambling other than public criminal law offense
Die [chiyonkoro