ADSL是因为还确保孙正义,和光纤便宜 ADSL and the optical fiber becoming cheap favor of grandchild justice
DoCoMo和非盟u200bu200b已经成为一个长期的电力短缺成为不稳定的设备,豆粕并没有差异 If it becomes chronic electricity shortage, equipment of [dokomo] and AU becoming unstable,
There is no difference of SBM consist of
DoCoMo的i还是要呼吁收费 Still, the telephone call charge of DOCOMO rises,…
pnQnQ9DF0编号:RpcDCoPQ0什么,DoCoMo公司或只是一个信徒,东京电力公司 pnQnQ9DF0 ID RpcDCoPQ0 It is what mere dokomo the Tokyo Electric Power Company believer
编号:pnQnQ9DF0编号:RpcDCoPQ0什么,DoCoMo公司或只是一个信徒,东京电力公司 ID pnQnQ9DF0 ID RpcDCoPQ0 It is what mere dokomo the Tokyo Electric Power Company believer
U的底部种族主义者说我的圣诞Toyakaku日本绞刑头 Coming out our and like this the neck it hangs the base ray cyst which is said because of Japan,
■太阳能先生的儿子计划,使五县关西广域联合政府包括两个合作研究近畿关西联合会,大型太阳能电站由软银总裁孙正义(百万太阳能)建设项目建议结果表明,考虑到合作 * Solar optical generation of electricity plan and Kansai wide area combination of the grandchild person cooperate examine
The Kansai wide area combination which is made in 2 prefecture 5 prefectures of Kinki and the like, the large-scale photovoltaic power plant to which grandchild justice president of the software bank lectures (the Mega solar)
It was found that cooperation to construction plan is examined,
■巨型太阳能证实了联合Kawakatsu Heita州长州长静冈,神奈川合作形成2月23日,神奈川县和静冈县知事和黑岩Yuuzi满足,大型太阳能电源已提出软银总裁孙正义位置(太阳能MB)的证实,州长结成联盟进行合作与建设规划 Shizuoka and Kanagawa cooperate with the Mega solar Verifying the formation of governor combination Kawakatsu flat thickly the governor on the 23rd converses with nomarch and the Shizuoka prefectural government Yuji Kuroiwa Kanagawa grandchild justice president of the software bank has lectured Large scale solar light You verified that the governor combination which cooperates to power plant Mega solar construction plan is formed
■巨型太阳能证实了联合Kawakatsu Heita州长州长静冈,神奈川合作形成2月23日,神奈川县和静冈县知事和黑岩Yuuzi满足,大型太阳能电源已提出软银总裁孙正义位置(太阳能MB)的证实,州长结成联盟进行合作与建设规划 Shizuoka and Kanagawa cooperate with the Mega solar Verifying the formation of governor combination Kawakatsu flat thickly the governor on the 23rd converses with nomarch and the Shizuoka prefectural government Yuji Kuroiwa Kanagawa grandchild justice president of the software bank has lectured Large scale solar light You verified that the governor combination which cooperates to power plant Mega solar construction plan is formed
一次失败约488辉加藤放弃核能,太糟糕了心 488 1 times at the extent which fails atomic energy You throw away when head badness it passes
不是投资于一洗下来后,我与阳光单元温达远认为我应该在能源储存技术投资 NULL
似乎有从大城市地区几乎没有足够的电力恐慌只是说我不知道 u200b u200bTTA的茶哦这里和这里的灯光 哦,不包括食品亚拉远光头梅鲁 Just a little therefore electric being enough improbable here here to have a power failure there being a chi ya horridly Just said the national capital region became large panic… The ma it can eat to somewhere the baldness
似乎有从大城市地区几乎没有足够的电力恐慌只是说我不知道 u200b u200bTTA的茶哦这里和这里的灯光 哦,不包括食品亚拉远光头梅鲁 Just a little therefore electric being enough improbable here here to have a power failure there being a chi ya horridly Just said the national capital region became large panic… The ma it can eat to somewhere the baldness
我要斗争,因为他们可以取消秃头,但我希望他们都是在志相曼荼罗中风死亡 But the baldness fighting therefore the ru party the rubbish both should have died in the hitting each other at the same time but it is
脱发等,不适合在关西文干扰没有办法,今天更 There is no electrical interference do which happens with present Kansai from the baldness and such a thing doing
但是,一个故事,一个比另一个方向则是妄想,但必须过滤 Simply that even a little Backward Story and Delusion So you do not have to be
624的疯狂幻想 624 Delusion it is enormous
你不明白你在做什么,或者为什么股票有462个评分 462 Whether stock price or the interest why it exists the ro which does not understand and is
阿后的病毒模糊662 662 The virus it pastes becoming dim
但有轨,我认为他就是这样一个好办法 But one pattern that person thinks that such method is proud what
但有轨,我认为他就是这样一个好办法 But one pattern that person thinks that such method is proud what
余群达的首要原因,我提出了从阳光二六六瓦特电,我已经得到了主要的税收采取 266 The nuclear plant coming out with something is w Because tax it is taken with the nuclear plant in the reason which is possible to increase electric generation with tsu te solar light viewing
你会欢呼的孙子,如果你真的知道什么是愚蠢的原因,仍保持原利率结束 After all still nuclear right we would like to leave aho which it melts and said the ro which is the reason If the wa which supports the grandchild
就拿时会发生什么核事故的责任?试着回答范例 The nuclear plant accident when it does how taking responsibility Try answering
累了,不能脱离主线路走,这样的思想也发生 The handle it could not break away from the nuclear route and either such conception did not occur
你只能够这样做,如果国际可再生u200bu200b能源和热系统 It can go with just renewable energy and thermal power system, if the [ro] which each country so it has done and is
你好,我陷入了一种低成本Yayoppodo高水平放射性废物地质处置 The ratio edge [ya] considerably it is low in stratigraphic dealing of the high level radioactive waste the cost shelf
你认为在发展经济的负责这项有关部长地位之争? Is this insistence of charge minister of state of the standpoint where it grows economy how thought
你认为在发展经济的负责这项有关部长地位之争? Is this insistence of charge minister of state of the standpoint where it grows economy how thought
几百年以后,该国只有不断地处理核能源的研究和开发Tezu,你将成为世界的领导者 After several hundred years without throwing away atomic energy Continues research and development the country the world Becoming the leader it probably is the ru
基于研究和开发,收购名称,并会在金钱或甲酸注意反核利益在这里,但我喜欢看 When under name of research and development the gold of counter nuclear right is poured here as for we however you see don t you think
唯一的机制将已经几乎完全取决于天气84,在替代核电专业是永久性的依赖,但我永远无法进行功能 84 On the mechanism which is influenced almost completely by weather as for substitution of the nuclear plant which makes chronic generation of electricity proud Functionally there is an excessiveness it is
仍是支柱小学(小核电厂的安全发电),因为它应该和同一个故事,从一个私人业务是不能如此快装 Therefore as for the main force the expectation which after all becomes the nuclear plant small sized nuclear plant of safe next generation to story of trading of people should not be associated so from early on
嗯,他们绝望的锄头叩保护的既得利益 The sled [ya], acquired interests as for the party who would like to protect the trap which is hit desperately
在[确定]请你重复复制和粘贴如对情绪谩骂批评是毫无根据的诽谤理论隐藏匿名秸秆Netouyo纳税义务甚至水果Tasanai Even obligation of tax payment is not carried out [netouyo] which
Anonymity in invisible cloak slander slander abuse insult
[sure] which repeats the criticism of non basis emotional argument… as though it is [kopipe],
坂本龙马我怕我户撒户撒 But regrettable as for the steed the [hu] the [hu] it is what
大约一学生,开始数,我就是典型的欺诈 Honor-student action, in other words it is typical what of the swindlers,
如果Sanakere促进创新和资本日本投资公司,他们将删除了自己的国家来促进日本的自身利益非核葬背叛 Secure capital dropping, if technological innovation you do not urge, Japan because of my interest selfish desire
It is buried to the treason party who propels the nuclear plant which is unsuitable to Japan
如果仅仅这一进展,日本NTT,非盟,完成包围 If it advances this, the completion of NTT, AU and the encircling net
如果你想有一个大的太阳我的170,一个固定价格回购计划,并迫使现任政府,而是太阳能补贴倒不如由政府采取每6煤一千瓦时四六日元东西它还说,绕了一圈产生兴趣,并让市场的力量会现在已经没有这种优势,可再生能源是绝对不会立即太刀打 170 If we would like to spread solar light on the other hand the mandatory firm price negotiation system and the like due to the government of present condition You think that the one which has the furtherance of government is better but Solar light catches per 1kwh as much as 46 Yen it can generate electricity coal something for approximately 6 Yen Also the right is that but when without there is no such advantage it can entrust to market mechanism You cannot contend energy of nature by any means
如果你想有一个大的太阳我的170,一个固定价格回购计划,并迫使现任政府,而是太阳能补贴倒不如由政府采取每6煤一千瓦时四六日元东西它还说,绕了一圈产生兴趣,并让市场的力量会现在已经没有这种优势,可再生能源是绝对不会立即太刀打 170 If we would like to spread solar light on the other hand the mandatory firm price negotiation system and the like due to the government of present condition You think that the one which has the furtherance of government is better but Solar light catches per 1kwh as much as 46 Yen it can generate electricity coal something for approximately 6 Yen Also the right is that but when without there is no such advantage it can entrust to market mechanism You cannot contend energy of nature by any means
如果原来的停车场,采取当建筑物的屋顶,超市和老虎机店的方式已是总理Metara侃演讲,但也对太阳能发电,尽快为他们的讲话作了大臣原口消失梅萨,不知不觉停止ü和它的 When the original parking zone and the roof of the building could take because already super and the road of the pachinko house disappeared that the minister of state it could make stop the blastopore simply When the 菅 the prime minister stops also the story of solar optical generation of electricity it becomes the resin which you apply to some ma and stops
该总理Metara侃谈关于太阳能光路讲话,尽快为他们的讲话作了大臣原口消失梅萨,九 这将是不稳定和 Because the road of light disappeared that the minister of state it could make stop the blastopore simply When the 菅 the prime minister stops also the story of solar optical generation of electricity it becomes the resin which you apply to some ma and stops
安理会是在做单独的太阳能电力公司将被选为接替东京电力电厂将来自于国家需要的火力或不可能瓦特工作 Therefore as for having made conference as a electric power company with just solar light the excessiveness the kana which is Because the thermal power probably is necessary approaching the country whether from Tokyo Electric Power Company the power plant the intention of tearing off w
我已经是鄂刚更换炉内更加强大的全球变暖骗局他 If only warming fraud it was not the thermal power was completed the high performance to the person just is replaced more but it is
当前和今后的主要代 470的目标是另一回事,对不对?核去,但是作为未来的过程中,当然视野,它立即量产现在已经没有直接 470 Now With As a future vision as for the deviation from nuclear plant the ro which is another problem As a future vision but as for the deviation from nuclear plant the proper way as for that Now immediately It is not something which it is possible
由于脱垂565主要目标,但对未来的一种自然方式,它立即量产现在已经没有直接 565 As a future vision but as for the deviation from nuclear plant the proper way as for that Now immediately It is not something which it is possible
总之,地方政府,只有决定穿的东西,他们不会立即秋天最好还是退出 In any case as for the self governing community what decides just the one which is stopped is good to the time when still it has not settled
我不想扫829头固定?你不会得到你的流其实只是由公司产生的仅仅是因为电力公司与软银签约电 829 The head so you question it isn t hard Because it made a contract with the software bank generation of electricity company saying that company really There is no reason where just the electricity which generates electricity flows it does the yo
你受益,能够茹出专利是高性能低成本制造发电机组858 858 Generation of electricity unit the high performance being able to do the thing cheaply if patent can be acquired the ro where the profit is produced and is
我已经有足够的腐烂周五茹already m不认为为了钱 Already there is an extent which the gold how rots it is to put out the ze which you think that because of the gold it is not
我和同伴从烂心烂爬行无论如何 False heart finishing to rot the ru 輩 Acrawl because acrawl it is
我有溃疡277 303 TRON的微软,美国政府,我不事工?不,我还一个人几张照片 303 277 TRON it crushed riding Microsoft American government and Ministry of Trade and Industry it is not combining Well always one biting densely the ru
我没有参加日本关西县,在参加一个会议或一个联邦制 However Kansai prefectures it does not participate, it becomes in participation after the wide area association kana
我的能量,我只是喜欢电力公司首次自由化昭和纹对一个国家,我认为基础 Simply, energy [tsu] [te] it regards the foundation of nation, it rubbed and electric power company freeing how it does not become the Showa beginning like with you think however
我的雅虎BB心跳还没有加入翁终于浸泡竞争唯一的好处和更低的价格获得数字网瓦特仍然存在,太多的爱子,价格战的边缘我们感谢,在瓦特,Ru和孙子卖了战斗,我会在激烈的价格竞争在整个发射加班,有一个消费者受益 As for we separately yahoo It did not join to BB and Dion used finally but even then competition conversion of the net W which just benefit of cost reduction receives excessively As for meaning of existence of the grandchild w which is the times when price competition is set up When with favor the grandchild sells quarrel overtime work to the whole that competition happening Price going down there is a convenience in the consumer
Kushita安全YahooBB网快速吞掉环境被推迟日本,事实上,出 YahooBB has been behind as for making the Japanese net environment cheap at a stroke at high speed fact
我这样做,用于在地震中确変了惰性气体的眼睛是秃头或可疑元轰动 As for the baldness former times suspicion it was ill-smelling, but now in definite change the inert gas
Did the eye awaken with earthquake disaster?
无奈时产生的空气污染的冲击,我没有火力 The atmosphere to pollute ringing at the thermal power and others there are no choices which should generate electricity it is
艾达只能使它们更好地减少火灾721 721 If the thermal power is decreased just it is good
无论是从兔耳子 - 核事故后Hukushima Mareta Toukyoudenryoku; The ear which is born
日本NTT DoCoMo公司,筹集捐款从用户的NTT DoCoMo公司的钱为地震灾区捐款已进行到东方从用户主机色拉寺第二次捐款 Contribution fund raising from dokomo and user As for NTT dokomo about the financial contributions to the east Japanese large earthquake disaster which was moved aside from the user 2nd contribution was executed
标签Umauma税,并在日本的政治团体 Tax it is good with the resident political organization and the tag, it is good
森猪排私腹减轻政府化肥补贴 My stomach fattening/fertilizing it is easy with the subsidy from the country intention?
此外,一亿一各当地政府的负担也建立了可再生能源,但小组瓦特好吧,我structurally m比核推进差呢?甜汁而是在一个人的血液垄断区域垄断。您乘坐免费一轮国有资产仅呑 Furthermore, concerning the installation of the panel, at a time each self-governing community 100,000,000 Yen burden w
But energy of nature well enough, structurally it is deteriorated from nuclear propulsion, don't you think? it is?
Instead of with local monopoly sweet juice, blood of one corporation monopoly. Circular drinking government-owned property it does simply with riding, the [yo
比如太阳能或风能大分县老芽已经做出,但是,没有一个向井Hazime盛开Kaseru例如花我给了 u200b u200b大量的水和肥料,赶快将刈Rubeshi前已经死亡 Solar light wind force like considerably from former times as for the bud however it has come out although the mass water and the fertilizer are given before withering should cut any which do not have the sign which the flower it can bloom absolutely
┐1( 〜 )┌是我们的国家,太阳能和风能是无用的 1 ┐ ┌ In case of our country solar optical generation of electricity and wind force generation of electricity are not useful
民主党Pekuchon,该公司宣布了一项计划,从同一公司的发电和输电分开供电导线,会见了在几个星期,两个人,总理姜成Pekuchon Pekuchon前有一篇文章 The pekuchiyon minsu party the electricity which is supplied from the transmission of electricity and generation of electricity company announced the conception which with the same electric wire is made another company but Several weeks ago pekuchiyon At son and prime minister official residence pekuchiyon That it conversed with the can and 2 people it was in the article
819分离后,公司将出售电力给发电公司 819 When it separates generating electricity it becomes the company generation of electricity company which sells electric power
你是传播公司分布在各公司提供相同的电力线 As for the transmission of electricity company the electricity which is supplied from the various generation of electricity company with the same electric wire Therefore it supplies electricity it is
氢存储在一个海上风力发电(核电发电量Hazime Motoe 1个单元) The transoceanic wind force generation of electricity which accumulates electricity with hydrogen (with 1 units the power generation capability nuclear one)
现在采取的侧旁的电话线路基础设施归化公民不能信任日本 Telephone line snatching
This time below snatching
It cannot trust the resident naturalized person
秃头是有道理的,如果不支持梅鲁有一宗投诉,增加了东京电力一堆 About the mountain there is a complaint in the baldness but If Tokyo Electric Power Company is cornered it supports
从这里你可以说,如果没有令人满意的支持东京电力管理 The ro because Tokyo Electric Power Company does not manage the ro ku This way if this it supports
经过闭门会议,记者采访了两个总督 After the secret conversing, both governors it responded to the collection of data of press corps
茹或初级侧控制需用呢?在这里,这是不可能的,我们将响应变化沙达Hazime确保覆盖面广,如果他们的热和太阳能风力的基本权利是首要的业务类别,现在是不可能的,但也夜班信浓比如我用在几乎所有的翻译,以使更改,而不是 Can one for demand be controlled in the nuclear side Because it probably is unreasonable As for coconut thermal power If the nuclear plant it could guarantee uniformity but In change as for correspondence the ro which is unreasonable Wide scope as for the cover with the wind and solar light the ro which is unreasonable As for business conditions on nighttime side shift Certain and But if it makes the current nuclear plant and does not change It does not go to the meaning which you make use
获得一个合适的总理秃认真边缘 With the [ma] [ji] the baldness in Prime Minister the [hu] it became suitable
让我很快地井井还敦促基站的扩建和最早的行动 Conduct it is quick
It hurries also the addition of base station with the spirit,
贝鲁电力公司的老板,但该财产是748我永远不会发挥好经济产业省 748
Lifetime although there is a property which can be played as for electric power company staff with the appearance where the multipara ministry is good the shank
迈克的奋斗既得利益出租Warota万维网 Being the acquired interests kudzu too desperate, [warota] www
通往那个地方(之路地图)以取消尽管主要语言是太臃肿!我和你在一起 Without talking either the way which reaches to the 其 place road map don t you think Deviation from nuclear plant It is not possible It is te thing what
通往那个地方(之路地图)以取消尽管主要语言是太臃肿!我和你在一起 Without talking either the way which reaches to the 其 place road map don t you think Deviation from nuclear plant It is not possible It is te thing what
阿欧是一个我认识到历史问题上Twitter的儿子 Historical recognition someone question to the grandchild with [tsuitsuta
难道你不觉得如何,例如公司本身已成为不相信,我将购买分离后的发电和输电电力放松管制 When generation of electricity transmitting electricity separating it frees the electric power company itself which is bought is gone, but how thinking, the [ru] it is probably will be
韩国⇨ Pachonko⇨朝鲜导弹⇨ Ntsukyouso⇨下降韩国教育⇨软银⇨通过。朝鲜侵略⇨学会年会⇨在日本的朝鲜电视台是脓 Korean & #8680; [pachiyonko] & #8680; Missile north
Korean & #8680; Nitukiyou group & #8680; Education decrease
Korean & #8680; SoftBank & #8680; . Invasion
Korean & #8680; General meeting academic society & #8680; TV station
The Korean is the Japanese pus
首先,改变Waranaijan韩国人在第二次世界大战后日本和想使利润仅是地震四郎粉没用的东西有点混乱,灾难 First at the time of disaster not being useful how margin Being mistaken in confusion of earthquake disaster it has been about to gain The postwar resident Korean it stops being it does not change it is
他们已经知道谁是我被打粉地震哦Dosakusa a a Being mistaken in panic of earthquake disaster the chi ya tsu it is Don t you think fish and others knowledge and others
,而如果你在莫拉太阳能电池板的面积要求与洒得到来自核电越来越多的放射性物质,核电池竣工 So, the firewood having scattering the radioactive substance steadily from the nuclear plant
If it makes accumulate on the solar panel, completion of the nuclear-powered battery