这是森谷芳登主席代理主席?我笑?瓦特 > Chairman 仙 valley Yosito representation vicarious execution
No this? The place where you laugh? w
- 在医院里,在与原始的历史(而不是个别的医生)医院有勉勉年轻医生并不是最危险的 While having the personal history that Motohiro it was in the hospital, the duty medicine where the hospital (not to be the private medical practitioner, the [te]) is young is most dangerous
256小时,等到我为感冒↓↓↓医院医生突然有胸痛 256 The chest is painful ↓ Suddenly the large hospital ↓ It waits many times to medical examination ↓ With cold shank
Magical ll帮助立即手术,如果院方承认在某些情况下21 21 If the large hospital there is also a case which is saved with same hospitalization operation
你只会有一个或门诊部的医院,但也 But the course which is only coming from abroad even in the hospital it is don t you think
在大医院的医生经过培训的做法,而不是突然不 Without training as for the doctor whom it begins operating suddenly it is not at the large hospital
坚持带他去医院,他们没有举行绝缘体之间的认识差异三点零零万日元 Unless 30 000 Yen rank you take misunderstanding the large hospital there will continue to be person who catches
穆卡从一位老人在自由组合4大医院 4 Large hospital Because spare time it is packed with the old person
3000在由一家大医院及医疗费用首次访问日元不会导致引进〜1500日元,从信中的时间,即使外国采取转介太有趣Waran Unless there is a letter of invitation specific medical treatment expense at the large hospital at the time of first visit 3000 Yen There being a letter of invitation because each time 1500 Yen it is taken at the time of coming from abroad Result such a strange straw it is
嗯,但是真正的紧急状无进行了介绍,你会看上去像有价 When well it is truly urgent there is no letter of invitation with to be you see at fee it is don t you think
无损检测的福利,“有一个奇特的医院行”比如我说,不是没有一克如线免费推荐 With welfare something “we would like to go to the hospital there is” if the tsu te you say there is no letter of invitation being free being the case that it can go
875所诊所当天,看看你去一所大学医院,其中包括只有一个航班,但我会等待在大学医院门诊医院预留奇诺一个月某处地方,请关闭Morae或 875 Depending upon diagnosis and treatment course when in the nearby university hospital at the dispensary of the hospital of where with reservation 1 month waiting whether thing it is it is ze But if it goes to the university hospital with on the same day you make see
在大学的医生们做了形象的材料我研究过的病人 As for the doctor of the university hospital there is the image which designates the patient as the research material
该署为875,或者如 u200b u200b果你去医院的同一天,你我在学校的外观和飞行深度,但我会等待一个月千野忠男在城市诊所保留的地方 875 Depending upon diagnosis and treatment course even at the dispensary of the town thing of 1 month waiting it is with reservation it is ze But if it goes to the university hospital with on the same day you make see
Kiru,但几乎100岁住在日本附近的熊,老化或没有,但至少有一个无病Iwakenaijan Although the Japanese lives almost to nearly 100 years old It does not age it cannot boil and even one there is no sickness it cannot boil it is
ü吸吸烟的家伙,我早逝Kukara一个混乱的诡辩我有一个好跳线 Because the person who inhales the tobacco passes away quickly good John how unreasonable painful brown the [wa] which is philosophism
一级医院是什么?轻井来这么多我把它称为城市的市级医院约20万人口 Large hospital tsu te which level The municipal hospital of city of population 200 000 so it is not called don t you think
我对什么是大医院吗?我一直在一所大学医院吗? It is large hospital tsu te what Thing of university hospital
仅仅十年前,当我在恩戴脑血管畸形呆滞,任教于一大型医院的时候,他们得到HP或个人,你会不会立刻当你看着我的e mail给症状 Exactly 10 years ago the brain blood vessel being abnormal when having been troubled at that time also the teacher of the large hospital HP doing privately when you communicate condition with the mail being able to have seeing immediately
从较小町医者Dareta附录一冷错误,但我已经习惯了免费的网络327是有点幸运,有时 我总是一个大医院,这时候即使它不是可笑在线翻译请浩纪伊我肯定所行 327 Luck was good don t you think it is because the appendix cold and wrong diagnosis it was dull even in the former times when it does not have the net The small general practitioner is a just a little… tsu te time Always however there is no meaning which goes in the large hospital as for this even change goes the time the large place
从较小町医者Dareta附录误诊为感冒,但不久以前,我很幸运,我有点 327净,但这种转换并不总是一致的时间到医院肯定,因为我是有趣,当所浩纪伊敢肯定行 327 Luck was good don t you think it is because the appendix cold and wrong diagnosis it was dull even in the former times when it does not have the net The small general practitioner is a just a little… tsu te time Always however there is no meaning which goes in the large hospital as for this even change goes the time the large place
说来容易的方式升息以遏制在诊所使用,并加强对医院的穷人,但是一定要行Akanai是完全错误的埒 Fee lifting with the easy method utilization control from the pauper it is excluded in order Because at the dispensary the bound does not open with the wrong diagnosis being lazy although it goes to the large hospital
他去世的晚期癌症一直被视为布什在医生的办公室正在做多逃离 _NULL_
但是我却越来越817医院,我不是不知道是否最近通过的病人?最近,我不知道你需要什么我听到从美容院的蛊惑收据 817 Receiving even at the hospital but the ru it is unless certain here you must cover to the patient recently it is don t you think Recently the receipt it needs even with beauty shop applying because it was heard That it probably is no what
你一从大学医院附近的私人医院的老师打电话为K From the teacher of the private hospital of neighborhood in the university hospital it was k at telephone one
你不是很好,我早死要好,人们谁不年轻的我和就业,给予优先考虑大学医院 The one which dies quickly is better therefore it is As for the young person and the person who has been served as for the university hospital you see with the priority
你去过了病人和护士返回到居委会共产党241 241
In the Japan Communist Party type sickness of neighborhood has been cut off conversely in the nursing teacher
你想更好地了解今天,四郎足够美国,日本,但不是我说Minsyu太糟糕,这可是他们恨的人,我行一大医院,请关闭而男人觉得这是更好,我并没有考虑到一些但我想 Densely is extent is good however margin you do not call to about America as for Japan be too terrible But dislike democracy the wa which you think that the one which is popular is better Simply the nearby hospital doing the large hospital as for the person the place where we want considering more or less but
你想更好地了解今天,四郎足够美国,日本,但不是我说Minsyu太糟糕,这可是他们恨的人,我院医院请关闭,但人认为这是更好,我并没有考虑一些不过,我希望 Densely is extent is good however margin you do not call to about America as for Japan be too terrible But dislike democracy the wa which you think that the one which is popular is better Simply the nearby hospital doing the large hospital as for the person the place where we want considering more or less but
没有到医院转介,但仍高或对花是没有前途的分布式你懂的东西挂在我的时间不多,这是我需要混合 Even now there is no letter of invitation it is high however Because as for the large hospital being packed the ru is many densely No time it spends those which you foresee and are not attached Decentralization is necessary
难道你不等待的Tasa线Ttara医院小时?我的意思是,即使是轻微的将轮候数小时Tasa做什么我觉得呃 When the large hospital it goes many times are made wait and it is to call it is not Although many times are made wait is the person who goes in slight illness what thinking whether with you say the ru is
你需要的是一个人的背叛自己的国家是相当差,高延医诊治。你和战国先生 _NULL_
到了医院,因为事情是错误的,如果我的肾脏(尿液或奇数)我有肾及输尿管结石→这个社区的胃肠道医学系 In case of we Because something the kidney is strange to the hospital urine it is strange To internal medicine stomach course of neighborhood gt there is a stone in this kidney and the ureter
我会说这不是对胰岛素的1型糖尿病,我认为保险Mottainaku Although there are no 1 types in the diabetes it is to the insulin and as for the tsu chi ya u way insurance you think wasted
医师在工作中町医者大医院191“你需要做一个全面检查第一名,”直到医生决定了自己的力量 191 With duty medicine of the large hospital and with the general practitioner “in the first place precise inspection necessity ” to it judges by power of the doctor himself
我在438医院的经验是安全的 438 With your own experience the large hospital are safe
卫生部紧急通告,从当前系统它是原来的927。我没有收取一定的医疗费用 927
When it is the current system, in communication from the thick labor ministry as for emergency the field. Specific medical treatment expense is not collected
可爱的偶像Dokuse是的,我现在是打烤箱和转诊救护车 Letter of invitation and the oven it is from the [do] habit [e] the ambulance the [wa] which is called
嗯,我可爱的偶像鄂进一步增加家伙叫救护车吗? _NULL_
嘿,我的意思是在一个小院,我不承认它考虑到了我的时间和精力是什么,但接受 As for bu tsu chi ya ke small hospital tsu te meaning however it is it accepts regardless riding time and time is required it is Is don t you think
在第一次访问到医院重新考虑的负担,如果病人是在一家诊所检查没有转介,注册上乘的要求向他们支付了新的途径,以资助措施,以减轻负担等疑难杂症 At the time of first visit of the large hospital without letter of invitation of the dispensary it receives, the burden second look, when 診, new extra
The direction which requests the payment, makes the revenue source of reduction of incidence step of the incurable disease patient et. al
她是一大损失医疗保险制度,巩固和诊所的激进改革和取消需要药师 Therefore medical insurance system large deficit what, Osamu waste combination of dispensary and abolition etc of phermacist
Drastic reformation is needed
如果他有糖尿病和尿失禁,所有的相扑取里。您糖尿病 If diabetes calls non- moderation, as for the professional sumo wrestler all. The [ro] which is diabetes
如果卫生保健改革,在医疗系统已经忍耻男子老人复活Zimintou If medical system reformation, enduring shame, make the latter-term senior citizen medical system of the Liberal Democratic Party era revive
它是否是医学界如果原来的401,介绍町医者只要观察,如果有必要,因为它假设,在流恢复到各大医院已经出台,硬启动该种我不知道 401 Originally if is it is regional medical care when with the general practitioner introducing at the point in time when it becomes lapse observation when it is necessary Therefore making the flow that it is reset to the large hospital which it introduces prerequisite such happens It is the ro which is
Waru从事重病时,死亡是没有魔法恩戴去世我我去医院挂 When the large illness which relates to life and death doing it dies without putting on the hospital
而当他们真的苦,在医院的克如不易行 When by any means being painful the insecure time it can go to the large hospital and
它的辐射暴露东现在覆盖着癌症,但肯定的是,它增加Eru ll必须支付一定的医疗费用死亡 With being bombed of the radioactivity of this time as for east Japan becoming the cancer being lazy, although it is secure,
It becomes the fatal wound for individual payment of medical expense to increase,
对削减社会福利成本正迅速Iku花很快被旧垃圾偿还淘汰了医生,我会Hataraka周五Ne m只吃米饭使他在血汗工厂合作公司周五Ittara采取 Social security expense shave quickly Just the rice it can feed the welfare person at the joint rammer room Because the gold you do the cod it combines and it is And it wholly abolishes also the medical expense assistance of the aged person When to the doctor goes says immediately with nonsense thing secure the gold taking
我希望中华民族做生病的福利和儿童津贴废除523外国人,他们说,如我来日本寻求免费治疗 523 It should have made welfare and child treatment abolition to the foreigner although The Chinese who becomes the sickness being free the tsu te which comes to Japan in order to receive remedy you say
我不知道我付出太多的医疗保险,我可以只需要1万元费用多食价什么是我第一次访问的收费,或采取一些什么具体或进一步治疗仍是 Even now specific medical treatment fee somehow being taken although the ru Furthermore it is botsutakuri About 10 000 Yen is taken with just first visit fee it is You pay health insurance charge because some the ro which is It is too terrible
双得到大清洗,最后在432的首次访问费 432 Also first visit fee the bo tsu it is after all doubly the saddle re ru to do
我只是在谈论做加强家伙大约10年前了自民党的490 490 It is the sufficient story which strengthens the person whom the Liberal Democratic Party starts doing about 10 years ago
我将不再混合,而不是现在大医院被拒绝入境的理由是不能接受的只有138的支出,已按排减单位,转诊制度的任何优惠待遇增加不会接受将艾希雅俗仍而同样,组织它基本上是一个劣势,但我有很多的好处,以确定是否更町医者对病人Kaseru中线无米之医院相关的生活因此,它可以采取类似“第一次访问费”为人民一段时间的治疗,他们不知道该机制观察 138 There is no meaning where payment amount just increases and to accept denies On the other hand because the large hospital stops being packed from now it becomes the system which it is easy to do to accept If there is a letter of invitation the same it puts out the fact that you are favorably treated even now as for systematizing that merit is many basically Simply whether or not it makes the large hospital go concerning the vague sickness which does not relate to life as a demerit Because it means that the general practitioner judges don t you think there is a possibility time being required for remedy Because the person who does not know the mechanism concerning “first visit fee” is many it is good for the heavy doctor to take in excess If it does that it is decided at the number of beds and others as for the person who is not it is many and new “the sickness” it is attached because it is possible to take first visit fee Acquiring the suitable reason because there are times when you take don t you think
嗯,我已经写了一封介绍信给老师,他们租一个政治家 Letter of invitation writing in the teacher of the politician receive tsu te thing
我有我的介绍682,信“为随志摩请求你好”这种病可能不是怀疑Wareru甚至一个字,并正式要求大学医院这里有证据的正是这句话的仆人我注定了适当的医疗科目不知道瓦特 682 To the letter of invitation where by himself receives “we ask even one word it was not may” Perhaps just there was a view of one sentence that such a sickness is doubted To do because it was the university hospital which this desires formal diagnosis and treatment subject does not know and has become in suitable address w whether
大学医院的感觉将是免费咨询,如果你喜欢的在Baremasen Tasa小时不发生有快乐和新的疾病无法治愈的罕见疾病的临床试验和五分钟的轮候民主党人介绍 If the letter of invitation of Democratic party Assemblyman foreboding may become simply The university hospital is made wait many times as for medical examination 5 minutes Unless clinical test of the fatal disease and the unusual sickness is carried you do not rejoice
额外的成本是一个无须大学转诊医院采取某种方式纳入其范围dense Reyo公立医院的任何一种只有13医院在大医院,但某些功能不接受我可能接受一个给定的规定什么Teiu 13 There is no letter of invitation or additional fee as for being taken in the large hospital just the specific functional hospital Attachment hospital something of the universities receiving appointment however the ru the tsu te which also the type of citizen hospital which perhaps appointment is not received will be inserted in the range you probably will call
我认为所有的东西,但通常喜欢在那里鄂牙医狗屎茹主张医疗行业,我知道我很不高兴分钟唯一的医疗及牙科教育Toukyou五百十八瓦特 518 Education of Tokyo medical science and dentistry separately ru thing When medical industry it is unhappy advocates the dentist who But like it stays Completely w which you think that it is like the
呃是不同的门诊医疗及龋齿和口腔手术的意见Toukyou 518? 518 The buccal cavity surgery of Tokyo medical science dentistry and the tsu lever where carious tooth imported opinion is different
按点收费站520 250共计270分病案病案首次访问是要收费的,但我可以说30介绍费为2500日元,10日元左右百分之提供临床资料800日元是 However you call letter of invitation don t you think thing of diagnosis and treatment information offer charge First visit fee… 270 points Diagnosis and treatment information offer charge… 250 points Total 520 points 1 point 10 Yen Diagnosis and treatment information offer charge as the 30 of 2500 Yen About 800 Yen it is taken
新千年民主党总部被炸遇刺案的民主党真的四郎 With [maji] the Democratic party headquarters blast margin
Democracy 党員 you assassinate
星期三有价u200bu200b证券有价证券Dzugueupiuei wwww瓦特瓦特瓦特Pi裨辟瓦特ww ll Dzugui p p I将美国予美国Piui星期三星期三星期三有价u200bu200b证券投资收益差过滤死亡恩戴Dzugui万维网可湿性粉剂新闻学会公关Ipei ü ü p p I将美国予美国p余美美p p p我Ipipipi我美我美可湿性粉剂瓦特丕ü ü p p美国新闻学会Ipipipi我ü星期三星期三可湿性粉剂有价证券裨蚍瓦特 The wwww [zu] [gu] obtaining [u] [pi] [u] [e] it is and the w [pi] is and the pw [pi] is and the w [tsu] [pi] w [pi] w [pi] ww [zu] post p [u] [i] p [u] [i] pw [pi] [u] [i] pw [pi] is and as for the pw pauper dying, the [ro] www [zu] post PR [u] [i] [pe] it is and the wp [u] [i] [pi] p [u] [i] p [u] [i] p [u] [i] p [u] [i] p [u] [i] [pi] [pi] [pi] wp [u] [i] p [u] [i] p [u] [i] [pi] w [pi] p [u] [i] [pi] [pi] [pi] pw [pi] w [pi] is the wp [u] [i] pw [pi
但是,从外科医生,这是不是因为他对病人的预后无法理解的意义 However because as for the medical practitioner by himself being densely there is no reason which you operated convalescence of the patient is not grasped sensuously
有些保健是免费的,但采取不公平的福利受助人星期五 The welfare receipt person medical care being free is unfairness
As for somewhat gold taking
权,以减轻患者负担更严重的症状,如果他们的诊所谈到第一次访问一个大型医院和轻 If at the first visit large hospital light condition in the [ro] where the person who turns to the dispensary decreases and is burden of the critical patient
毕竟,东京大学医院杆六合没有,但人们没有医院采取转介我不能确定,这让我不知道艾达肉食Toudai来到附近还长了许多患者和色调等待如果你认为温达,我希望到更好,从东京大学医院的行,该医院在没有确定适当的医疗护理医院在他自己的瞬间,这是不可能的这个问题成为他们是否会写一封介绍信 Original Although the Tokyo University hospital there is no vicinity there is no either letter of invitation it is strange whether the human tsu te which goes enters that The large hospital the patient being many the waiting probably will be long and When is after trying going to the Tokyo University attachment nearby Tokyo University attachment hospital you think that is better but it is In that case after the diagnosis and treatment where the no large hospital is appropriate is possible when judging that at your own place you are unreasonable Whether you write letter of invitation on the large hospital instantaneously it becomes problem but
Atehamaran这种情况下是不准确的医院里,老师得到了从东京大学医院,东京大学医院Ttara确保关闭的框,接待员行了安田在礼堂的学生Insurance m贷款管理中心推荐推荐鄂说,在不增加收费的例子,定期赎回的用量 Because there is no accurate hospital in this case as for applying ma viewing The letter of invitation where receives in the teacher of student insurance management center inside the Yasuda auditorium which has proceeded from the Tokyo University hospital receiving That way when it goes to immediately nearly the Tokyo University attachment hospital because you cannot use the letter of invitation properly with acceptance it was said that claim amount it increases
毕竟,干六合没有大医院,但没有人采取转介到医院让我不知道我大,附近的医院进行肉食艾达请等待许多患者和色调太长如果你认为温达,我希望最好是用线对适当的照顾,没有医院,在那里他转介到医院时,立即书面无法确定我有一个与我们的问题 In the first place although the large hospital there is no vicinity there is no either letter of invitation it is strange whether the human tsu te which goes enters that The large hospital the patient being many the waiting probably will be long and When is after trying going to the nearby hospital you think that is better but it is In that case after the diagnosis and treatment where the no large hospital is appropriate is possible when judging that at your own place you are unreasonable Whether you write letter of invitation on the large hospital instantaneously it becomes problem but
自己动手将在首次访问提高到医院说,如果他们认为严重的疾病?一旦我对谁从来没有慢去的一个小浴缸时,如果它是医院的责任是相关的疾病没有生命Waru小时的窗口? As for this that it is the large illness thinking by your and with first visit going in the large hospital and increase amount being done When it is the sickness which is not postponement of the time when it relates to life the small hospital When the hand it is late to a basin turning and becomes how thing someone takes responsibility
民主民主忠志Shimo的首次访问一个不引入大医院病人的负担,5月25日○“委员会的社会保障和税收改革”(森谷芳登代理主席主席),综合改革,社会保障和税收提出了党的社会保障制度改革,例如增加和预防,并检讨没有转介医院病人的护理负担初诊费的提高,把两者合在一起的最终方案 The patient burden second look which is not ○ introduction With first visit at large hospital democracy
As for “drastic reformation committee of social security and tax” of the Democratic party (chairman 仙 valley Yosito representation vicarious execution) on the 25th,
With social security system reformation plan of the party which goes round just the reformation of social security and tax, without letter of invitation
The first visit fee burden second look at the patient who depended on the large hospital and completeness etc of nursing prevention adding,
Last plan was arranged
由他与受伤的大学医院第二天晚上津贴,以竹惊讶的分配,以增加 The wound doing in night when it has treating at the university hospital of side It was the extent extra which is surprised is
现在是这样一所大学医院,我才觉得好做了当时ETE的抱怨 Such a university hospital Soon becoming that time If appealing it was good you think that is
累计的未来吗?我愿与访问病人萨卡最接近的A 炸弹准备对付疾病 Expecting future the ro which is The patient where is close to no se atomic bomb illness is visits wansaka therefore it is
累计的未来吗?萨卡访问我会最接近原子弹疾病患者准备处理一 Expecting future the ro which is The patient where is close to no se atomic bomb illness is visits wansaka therefore it is
罗马:来模糊全国国民健康保险的保费,统一半生不熟 To some extent national health insurance charge in nationwide evenness margin becoming dim
美国医疗保健制度在工业化国家中最低的差异没有先 The American medical system not to be wrong first lowest in advanced nation
耳振动和Ru〜町医者一般故事那样恨我的嘴巴的Shisa的政策,我看起来像一个CM,“祝你好运!”将去看医生,因为我遇到TTA的它可能从来没有在一家大医院瓦特相同 When story of the generic shakes in the general practitioner the ear the face it is done Likely those where you meddle to your own policy are the ear CM “it perseveres likely the better yo u ” There is no trial where encounters the doctor who how is said Perhaps that even at the large hospital the same but w
唉我要町医者Yomo娜融化电镀开始打印,如果你按W的所有普通邮票的禁令 If hanko of generic prohibition you push entirely the tsu te general practitioner where it will begin and will print from the tsu and will dissolve and probably will read it is w
茹,这是不难饲料手头没有反面是妥善而町医者 On the other hand when it cannot be unmanageable to with the general practitioner when you can send securely with that unless it comes it is troubled and
整齐而均匀,该债权转,会处理 Securely if it has not done and the te inserts claim it copes
让他们失望,或让他们支付医疗或减少本身勉勉医疗工作,巨大的压力团体 That decrease the duty medicine itself remuneration of duty medicine decrease that, the tremendous interest group
该名男子也可以没有这种设备,他们可以包在一家大医院没有支付额外的钱,如果你问他们写一封介绍信 If such operation there is no equipment if the human whom it is not possible has writing letter of invitation It does not have to paying the excessive money at the large hospital
但是,并非只是另介绍信和491 491 Simply there is no either letter of invitation however
你可以坐5000日元或3000日元或没有介绍信仍然是最 Unless even presently there is a letter of invitation 3000 Yen 5000 Yen it is taken
医生:“我不我要从头开始,从医院转介凡小 Unless you are hospitalized doctor “just a little letter of invitation like this empty there being useless the shank
我没有在那里,如果要采取在日本的介绍信和黄金 Unless there is a letter of invitation even in Japan the gold the place where it is taken it is
找个地方让我尽快为他们写一封介绍信和危险,我认为Ttara And speaking dangerously when you think the kind of place which writes letter of invitation immediately is searched
星期五它发生在几乎所有的转介,降低人体的影响没有介绍信 If letter of invitation it is not the gold by the fact that it catches letter of invitation there is an effect to which the human who does not have decreases
该设备还可以做那些他们没有能够在医院包没有多余的钱支付,如果你问他们写一封介绍信 If such operation there is no equipment if the human whom it is not possible has writing letter of invitation It does not have to paying the excessive money at the large hospital
请不要觉得Warota半端无民主Majikichi万维网。在Girudaro瓦特 [majikichi] condition of the Democratic party there is no fragment, [te] [warota] www
. The [ro] w which it passes and is
请写在医生的转介是采取接受偿还 Because letter of invitation you write, the doctor can receive diagnosis and treatment remuneration
请医生和作为奖金608线,电脑断层已采取一hospital ll○○,× ×在被引进到医院住院手术,和我住一个麻烦给我哎戈 608 When in addition the medical practitioner it goes because CT taking at 0 hospital the à à hospital introduces operation being hospitalized Becoming the tsu te it does it is it is ge obtaining time what
线路是从医院或医生没有治好,如果勉强浩纪伊125,没有一个医生书面转介,但不能坏我想花春 125 Well if it heals well with the medical practitioner because the large hospital it does not go Although it does not heal the doctor letter of invitation as for not writing the ro which is unskillful what
请相信你会落差偿付的醉酒的CT井 If with the drunkard inversion be sure to take head CT
费比救护车光。鄂给我作为一个惯犯处罚 Charge conversion of the ambulance it is light from that. It tries to give the penal regulations to the common practice person,
这可能是一个不情愿的反自我在偏远地区或人口稀少地区,而町医者433医生 _NULL_
除一些我已经在533线? 533 Already being done at part the ru
韩国⇨ Pachonko⇨朝鲜导弹⇨ Ntsukyouso⇨下降韩国教育⇨软银⇨通过。朝鲜侵略⇨学会年会⇨在日本的朝鲜电视台是脓 Korean & #8680; [pachiyonko] & #8680; Missile north
Korean & #8680; Nitukiyou group & #8680; Education decrease
Korean & #8680; SoftBank & #8680; . Invasion
Korean & #8680; General meeting academic society & #8680; TV station
The Korean is the Japanese pus
(核磁共振 CT的数组,但出来的话永远不会在时间)拿出一个家庭读书会回到了谁 But at point in time when NMR CT how word is made are It returns with the reading shadow attachment of one course
医生们CT和茅野市,我认为没有专门设备,如病人没有扭转 As for the town doctor of the CT having unless it has such special equipment conversely the patient is not attached whether it is it is not that