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In democracy living in peace person “non confidence rejection self-confidence”


  • - 修齐史;恐吓?或者从葫芦件?在不信任菅直人对内阁议案唤醒“防风”的新公明党Yamaguti那津代表28人,“阎王下周的地方”,并且是较早提出不信任议案,结构清晰的例子
    Intimidation? Or from 瓢 箪 scene? 菅 Naoto nonconfidence vote in the Cabinet in opportunity “dispersion wind” Komeito Yamaguchi 那 Tsu man representation on the 28th, “next week is climax”, that, nonconfidence motion early the posture of submitting It made clear

    • 441引擎盖下 您还需要Minsyu脚腕都侃!这甚至在传递过程中被截断阚使你们的大选中落败的时间?小泽的父母,但不会影响这两个反小泽的剩余寿命 441 gt With the reverse side being connected the ru also the 菅 also democracy Don t you think this time with approval and with rejection when electing as for the 菅 the cutoff You think that parent Ozawa it cannot survive counter Ozawa whichever power
      • 不信任动议通行证吗? G是一个集合的唯一的儿子小泽元会员?小泽当G是一个不信任动议,其中赞成拒绝他是否懒得做 Nonconfidence motion it passes The so just it is the member you gathered Ozawa G When nonconfidence motion approving it is rejected as for Ozawa G air what which how is done and the ro

    • 457那我的想法!事故发生前后的核事故,或改变的安全性和 我觉得他是不是出不信任的螺杆 457 You think that it is like the Before the nuclear accident and after the accident does not change safety level and or does not become… infidelities the person who the screw Coming off you think as the ru
      • 457那我的想法!事故发生前后的核事故,或改变的安全性和 我觉得他是不是出不信任的螺杆 457 You think that it is like the Before the nuclear accident and after the accident does not change safety level and or does not become… infidelities the person who the screw Coming off you think as the ru
      • 原堪萨斯州访问的结果继续进行下去,让他们发泄和注水延误,推出了一个氢气爆炸紧张 菅 Prime minister field Delays the result the vent and the seawater fill which force inspection hydrogen explosion was caused

    • 576啊? 。降落到其他滚装继续认为这是自杀,但所有民主党人?我们Netouyo选举,不知道这只是消极的地方选举中,赢得瓦特 576 a Lowering is in the midst of continuing and As for other things you think that it is suicide bombing of everyone Democratic party but don t you think Our netouyo are defeated House of Councillors selection local selection and while winning successively and it is not knowing w
      • 576啊? 。降落到其他滚装继续认为这是自杀,但所有民主党人?我们Netouyo选举,不知道这只是消极的地方选举中,赢得瓦特 576 a Lowering is in the midst of continuing and As for other things you think that it is suicide bombing of everyone Democratic party but don t you think Our netouyo are defeated House of Councillors selection local selection and while winning successively and it is not knowing w
      • 作者:民主党,自民党的不信任动议的不信任议案进行不信任的是非常狡猾的孩子和民族歧视。免费。低教育ピザデブバゲチビキモオタヒキニートBakauyo As for the nonconfidence motion which the Democratic party puts out clean nonconfidence motion The nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out to be mean race discrimination the child Nothing It is low bakauyo of educational background pizadebubagechibikimootahikinito
      • 是的690嘿,我很担心会发生什么事,如果我能Netouyo瓦特我们瓦特兴奋 690 So don t you think is the e the combining w which how becomes The framework framework doing also our netouyo it increases w

    • 595破坏。对经济Baiin见我吗?我现在Wareru Kantou狙生活肯定那一刻,我继续做未经国会议员标题和公众忽视,因为它是现在Yara背叛自己的国家,或是孩子们会会爬着,在东北Kichigaimonpe儿童癌症已死亡的罪行:国家,不容易成为没有任何补偿的情况说雅儒 595 Breaking With it should have been completed don t you think it is As it is now treason the citizen ignoring continuing to do the ru The title of the Assemblyman it was gone the ze which you think that life you aim immediately Kanto the child maggot ya maggot ya which with northeast becomes the cancer it probably will come out from now on and kichigaimonpe or the child being killed with place because of the country nothing calling also compensation when it becomes circumstance The ro which is the ya ru simply
      • 595破坏。对经济Baiin见我吗?我现在Wareru Kantou狙生活肯定那一刻,我继续做未经国会议员标题和公众忽视,因为它是现在Yara背叛自己的国家,或是孩子们会会爬着,在东北Kichigaimonpe儿童癌症已死亡的罪行:国家,不容易成为没有任何补偿的情况说雅儒 595 Breaking With it should have been completed don t you think it is As it is now treason the citizen ignoring continuing to do the ru The title of the Assemblyman it was gone the ze which you think that life you aim immediately Kanto the child maggot ya maggot ya which with northeast becomes the cancer it probably will come out from now on and kichigaimonpe or the child being killed with place because of the country nothing calling also compensation when it becomes circumstance The ro which is the ya ru simply

    • 715营,我不再使用学校合并池
      715 As for the internment camp, Osamu waste combination doing, the pool the school which is stopped using

      • 718 H23 Shimoziyou正雄认为证人保护委员会 - 五参院26日通过了对日本NHK,韩国]的钱 - 视频Harazyuku Nikoniko
        718 H23 5 26 Anti committee under outside House of Councillors 條 Masao witness opinion - Happy animated picture Harajuku

        • 813当我看着这个家伙,但是,孩子不觉得真的鱼糜 813 When it is dense you see the ho it is with as for minsu you feel that only the child it is
          • 813当我看着这个家伙,但是,孩子不觉得真的鱼糜 813 When it is dense you see the ho it is with as for minsu you feel that only the child it is
          • 我想用我的443做后2年以上 443 I would like to have doing in rear 2 year minsu

        • Asou太郎还在这里“的议案解除要诚实,性格或像安倍晋三或麻生太郎,当时我预期的日本首相,日本一些人称为一个国家那么多,和平,而不是紧急一 Here after all Taro Aso “Honesty saying Aso or Abe you say the people of the kind of character which When Japanese prime minister being expected substituting as for excessively the Japanese tsu te you say the country which There is no peacetime and it is te emergency

          • Netouyo怜再动摇它预计将通过不信任议案,不仅在周末瓦特叩坤反叛国会议员,我不会拒绝Minsyu等,只〜,有什么不对,几乎真相叩但我是新公明党将提交湿重,甚至没有阅读的不信任投票 The netouyo sorrow w which is swung in the nonconfidence motion which does not have either the possibility of approval Weekend being rejected structure democracy Assemblyman who the counter is not done it hits it is probably will be Don t you think ke do 叩 you must be truly but as for either vote projection do nonconfidence motion our public what which is submitted ww
            • 阚在小泉政府,西被拒绝不信任议案,“他现在是因为在森喜朗内阁当选国会议员,将在信任,即使被拒绝,例如应该”和其我们装载网站瓦特 As for the 菅 at the time of the Koizumi Cabinet the occasion where nonconfidence motion is rejected Therefore “as for current Assemblyman the Assemblyman who is elected at the time of the forest Cabinet it compares being rejected It does not mean to be confided” that w which you have placed in your own official sight

          • Oyaoya?布鲁诺Bouryokukai卡兹马塔?哈哈哈Nainaa Wakatte
            [oyaoya]? [mata] [kazuno] [bouriyokukai]? [wakatsute] [nainaa] [hahaha

            • “不信任议案,可以调整出的自民党候选人将竞争优势与他的选民,”我会得到它调整,无论不信任,只有对第二次选举众议员Minsyu ,民主选举连败Hazime小寒辉哈市,谁没有更好的很快 平梁逃跑Minsyu “To align to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out it means to profit the candidate who oppose at your own constituency” Even the non confidence alignment regardless of now so is it just is democracy Assemblyman already the disadvantage Democracy has successively lost with House of Councillors selection and standardized selection and it escapes quickly and as for the re ru person the one which escapes from democracy is better

              • “众议院”的宫城县Minsyutou六月Azumi将军五石山宫城县Minsyutou贵隆区4宫城Minsyutou桥本Kiyohito病房区第六区第三纪Saitou靖宫城Minsyutou区2县和子宫城Minsyutou宫城县1区小野寺五Ziyuuminsyutou部 lt lt Member of the house of representatives gt gt Miyagi prefecture 1st Ku Gun Kazuko The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 2nd Ku Saito 恭 period The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 3rd Ku Hasimoto Kiyoshi benevolence The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 4th Ku Quarry Satoshi your The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 5th Ku Living in peace 淳 The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 6th Ku Onoji five model Liberal Democratic Party
                • “众议院”的宫城县Minsyutou六月Azumi将军五石山宫城县Minsyutou贵隆区4宫城Minsyutou桥本Kiyohito病房区第六区第三纪Saitou靖宫城Minsyutou区2县和子宫城Minsyutou宫城县1区小野寺五Ziyuuminsyutou部 lt lt Member of the house of representatives gt gt Miyagi prefecture 1st Ku Gun Kazuko The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 2nd Ku Saito 恭 period The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 3rd Ku Hasimoto Kiyoshi benevolence The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 4th Ku Quarry Satoshi your The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 5th Ku Living in peace 淳 The Democratic party Miyagi prefecture 6th Ku Onoji five model Liberal Democratic Party
                • 民主党小泽Itirou四区,岩手县,岩手县,“代表之家”第三区黄川田Minsyutou吨畑浩Minsyutou治第二区,岩手县,岩手县,第一个区级硬盘Minsyutou lt lt Member of the house of representatives gt gt Iwate prefecture 1st Ku Floor super The Democratic party Iwate prefecture 2nd Ku Osamu field Hiroshi The Democratic party Iwate prefecture 3rd Ku Rice field Tetsu Kikawa The Democratic party Iwate prefecture 4th Ku Ichiro Ozawa The Democratic party

              • “我没有更多的沉默,”只是一个数字Koumeitou部件波攻击
                “Already you cannot say nothing,” as if Komeito set up successive attack

                • ”的不信任议案,可以调整出的自民党候选人将竞争优势与他的选民“不小心打破不要把习惯虚张声势 gt “As for aligning to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out gt “To align to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out it means to profit the candidate who oppose at your own constituency” Bluff it stretches on the habit which is not the air which it disperses is
                  • 1 “的不信任议案,可以调整出的自民党候选人将竞争优势与他的选民”和一些奇怪的逻辑 1 gt “To align to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out it means to profit the candidate who oppose at your own constituency” Something strange logical shelf
                  • 利息将候选人的竞争在我的选区,”不小心打破习惯把虚张声势 gt “As for aligning to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out gt “To align to the nonconfidence motion which the Liberal Democratic Party puts out it means to profit the candidate who oppose at your own constituency” Bluff it stretches on the habit which is not the air which it disperses is

                • 七零三瓦特相比,那些粗鲁,不是因为平庸→→龙福Hazime Oogoe解决难以理解的句子 703 Impoliteness w Composition was difficult to know Okoshi gt top rank Living in peace gt second class It does not become the thing in comparison with reason
                  • 对低学历早稻田Shagaku解决二战頑張Reyo呢!根据飞行是一个骗局。安倍晋三不超过湿重高等教育 Living in peace is low educational background ww of Waseda shiyagaku So Persevering Under false rumor throwing At all higher educational background than Abe ww

                • 不从管甚至支持民主党的责难似乎是一个失败冈田“Kiritsu驱逐”没有什么,但冲突不会只接受他们采取撤回要约的通知,但我说 Because democracy the tube not to be supported the te rejects non confidence seems Okada “it drops likely While the kiritsu ” tsu te saying the existence which does not receive the secession report and contradicts the tsu is
                  • 我会说是相当被拒绝编号:ZBlFVZRI0瓦特拼命评论 Saying that it is rejected the ru comparatively ID The case w whose ZBlFVZRI0 is desperate

                • 不信任确定性,即使通过了,我不知你有没有写信给众议院解散时,如不信任,是在多少?也许有笑 不,我有些傻瓜〜s〜 Non confidence is written as for approval assuming that it is secure when it is distrusted with about which when it can disperse the House of Representatives it is the ro which is Depending upon number whether large burst of laughter ones… well it is the fool it is
                  • 到上层楼,甚至首相不能去,并通过本 When this becomes approval though call the prime minister it does not come out in House of Councillors
                  • 即使不信任确定性过去了,我不知道这有多不信任呢?也许有笑 不,我有些傻瓜〜s〜 Non confidence is written as for approval assuming that it is secure when it is distrusted with about which when it can disperse the House of Representatives it is the ro which is Depending upon number whether large burst of laughter ones… well it is the fool it is

                • 丑闻的谣言出来呼吁,其他捐款菅直人到最近的韩国
                  While being close, that 菅 Naoto's other than Korean donating scandal comes out the rumor which is said

                  • 之后,议会否决了国会事务的管理人才,似乎觉得埃泰
                    After rejecting, as for the National Diet management the like shelf talent national opposite which is not thought

                    • 什么法律不信任议案,在这一年退出几次,一个是不是?从来没听说过,你应该提出在这一年几次的法案,你是我可以做的紧急要传递,如果你能Modashi很多次,删除癌症苏格直人,但我曾经得到奇怪恢复重建不能没有 The plural times with respect to nonconfidence motion tsu te law and during lifetime it is not possible to put out The bill it submits many degrees how you have not heard during lifetime but It is possible if until it is approved putting out many times Therefore state of emergency what even with using the abnormal hand 菅 unless it extracts the cancer Naoto there is no restoration or revival

                      • 伊根多为像他撒谎或隐瞒信息或新闻或Kitatyousen Tyuugoku同样是俄罗斯的左翼政府
                        Left flank administration [tsu] [te] Russia or China or North Korea Being the same as reporting, don't you think? information hiding and lie are many

                        • 众议院现在清楚地看到,这是一项不信任动议,不应Kaketsu民主的一党政权几乎
                          This it sees that if nonconfidence motion applies and is not the expectation of doing, clear The current House of Representatives almost a party dictatorial system of democracy

                          • 刚刚从不可能驱逐出境的威胁,重新通驱逐后,可以通过一个特殊的亲密关系的严重不传递
                            Simply, because intimidation of dropping does not lead, when it can be it drops also [maji] approval, because to re-approval of exception public bond it becomes impossible

                            • 反对派“信任动议”是提交出奇制胜,但可能不知道实现能溶于茹 The opposition party as for submitting “confidence motion” is strange means perhaps but it can actualize dispersion
                              • 我是人生在世的批评异议期Kishimen当我的眼睛和声音管理 Opposition party age at the time of administration criticism although the how eye and voice are to become lively

                            • 反正我在好侃拒绝,如果拒绝,“我将要宣称而是如何?嗯,因为它决定,它将进入下一个选举中,东北人民让他们让他们等到二战Min u200b u200bsyu你值得所有各种权利,但我北东湿重 If rejection it is to call is with rejection This way it is possible to be the 菅” How doing it becomes to declare it is the ze which is Entering into the following election therefore decision Well having being patient to the person of northeast to that a ww So it does with northeast tsu te all democracy the yo The ro which is our industry complacency The za well ww
                              • Azumi将军说民主“不信任了信任票,”你怎么拒绝呢? Azumi将军“把点燃的石油储备,以学校池” In democracy living in peace person “non confidence rejection self confidence” How doing it rejects it is Storing the petroleum in the pool of the living in peace “small school you apply the fire”
                              • 为了达到两位数甚至被叛军拒绝了,我成了暴力由两院联合委员会将是一个问题,当领导是为简,负责党的分裂,有可能最终将梅鲁词典 Rejecting when the structure counter person reaches two digit or more and the party separates it becomes responsible problem of the 菅 which is the party chief probably will be It isn t to mean to become plop plop in the Joint Committee Conference to stop after all
                              • 和以前的战斗中负两位数下降时只有服从执政党拒绝了Tsukenakya When it is rejected there is only obedience in the ruling party Before the dropping the quarrel which is defeated if you do not attach
                              • 嗯,因为它决定了它在未来将进入选举反正我没事侃拒绝,如果拒绝,东北人民让他们让他们等到二战Min u200b u200bsyu你值得所有各种权利,但我北东湿重 If rejection it is to call is with rejection This way it is possible to be the 菅” How doing it becomes to declare it is the ze which is Entering into the following election therefore decision Well having being patient to the person of northeast to that a ww So it does with northeast tsu te all democracy the yo The ro which is our industry complacency The za well ww

                            • 只有党在所有选区被击败元职上次选举中,另一名高级,“现在每个人都能来,如果我回到解散
                              Because as for the same party original job everyone of small constituency was defeated with previous House of Representatives selection, as for another staff If “now, dispersion, everyone returns

                              • 可能会出现了前所未有的历史事件中,击败现任总理,我的解决方案。我不同意
                                You can see the unprecedented historical occurrence that incumbent prime minister is defeated, Because perhaps, by yourself solution. But approval

                                • 哎呀,这两个没有继续Ketara民主年将拨浪鼓经济 When the te or democracy continue 2 years this way the Japanese economy becomes shakily

                                  • 因为NHK是收入仁仁40岁出头的一千五百点〇〇万日元科长,中国和叶德娴,我要求要考虑本国的Hokuhoku背叛
                                    Therefore as for NHK section chief job with 40 generation first half annual income average 15,000,000 Yen, you flatter and China, treason [aka] advertise and it is [hokuhoku

                                    • 如果您重新通过公开分裂,即使只有10左右从上院行和分裂党和前首相鸠山和小泽Hazime代表是不可能的。特别立法将是新的困难 If it separates if re approval front Prime Minister impossible putting out Ozawa original representation and Hatoyama divides the party and 10 people keeps being attached from House of Councillors furthermore public The exception bill is difficult it becomes
                                      • 如果您重新通过公开分裂,即使只有10左右从上院行和分裂党和前首相鸠山和小泽Hazime代表是不可能的。特别立法将是新的困难 If it separates if re approval front Prime Minister impossible putting out Ozawa original representation and Hatoyama divides the party and 10 people keeps being attached from House of Councillors furthermore public The exception bill is difficult it becomes

                                    • 它保持党章原Zimintou有权立即继续执政克如事 Originally as for the Liberal Democratic Party by the fact that it continues to be the ruling party power It is the party of the constitution which holds

                                      • 宫城区5 松东石卷市大崎市(原尻区)县城女川Oshika郡三乡镇Tooda涌谷 Miyagi 5 Ku Ishimaki city East Matsushima city Osaki city old Tajiri Cho limits Toda Gun Wakuya Cho Biri Cho Oshika Gun Megawa town
                                        • 宫城区5 松东石卷市大崎市(原尻区)县城女川Oshika郡三乡镇Tooda涌谷 Miyagi 5 Ku Ishimaki city East Matsushima city Osaki city old Tajiri Cho limits Toda Gun Wakuya Cho Biri Cho Oshika Gun Megawa town

                                      • 对中国境内的救市法案视为侵犯人权的选举权和国外458,梅鲁可能觉醒首次总财富被掠夺其主权和眼睛
                                        458 Foreign carrot administration bill and human rights violation relief bill are sort The territory going to the side and sovereignty everything being plundered itself property in China For the first time, perhaps the eye awakens

                                        • 对于儿童和森喜朗马萨〜南Souma市争夺TTP的成员的受害者饥饿:/ / zerodoppelganger.ti - da.net / e3413627的HTML 5 / 10的人谁死于饥饿后,在市南Souma地震和26日。和更多!卫生部副部长,“他们不知道”和
                                          In south Soma city and the like concerning the death by starvation of the sufferer - the forest [ma] which runs about child Assemblyman ttp: //zerodoppelganger.ti-da.net/e3413627. html Death by starvation person after the earthquake disaster in such as 5/26 south Soma cities 10 or more! Public welfare work secondary minister of state “does not know” that

                                          • 小泽一郎拒绝了第一种情况,一个民主党与无行为能力的长期标志 When it rejects … Ozawa with tenure Democratic party first the signboard recovery failure

                                            • 小泽和小泽,简简,欺凌似乎传递一个不好的关系你是一个男人对不起,我被吓坏了的新贵族公然明目张胆根
                                              Relations badness so it produces Ozawa and the 菅 and approves being it does, the [yo] As for Ozawa [ijime] of the 菅 being open, you were surprised It probably is naturally humble human what

                                              • 我不是一个围绕解决菅内混乱的主要受害者和东北部推出的这一前所未有的睨我想我只能跟着我们,如果你唯一的国家政治还是从经济衰退中的东西帮助哎呀白痴地震越来越平常。好吧,我会住在我的脑子里,我邪恶Nakaro
                                                1 Therefore as for living in peace the fool it is helpless If the [te] just usual economic hovering or such a state just political situation glaring, the [re] it is good, but This unprecedented Tohoku University earthquake disaster occurring, although the vicinity of the sufferer and the nuclear plant has been confused, inside the 菅. Continuance OK [tsu] [te]… The head it is bad, it is the medium [ro]?

                                                • 我们也看看他们多少信心仍然Gasopu瓦特 Showing however much self confidence w which after all is gasopu
                                                  • 但立法者们没有Gasopu你的嘴是不可能的韦瑟巴 The Assemblyman is unreasonable in gasopu The weathercock demo doing the ro

                                                • 我们调查的小林先生快哉政治分析家的情况,是Puchini Tasa ll站起来的鸠山由纪夫和悬崖勤,前首相近况如何
                                                  Kobayashi good fortune of the psephologist 弥 situation when you investigated, how 菅 to front Prime Minister Yukio prime minister and Hatoyama had let stand in the cliff [tsu] [pu] [chi

                                                  • 我会Kitakore盘旋在一条短裤镇时秘密
                                                    When secret it is done, [kitakore] inside town going around with underpants one

                                                    • 我想恩戴包括工资比一天时间较长水库员,生活!
                                                      It accumulates Assemblyman annual expenditure even in one day and is packed and would like to make long sustenance of life!

                                                      • 我想要的缔约方相当宽槽已成为一个家伙国会事务委员会主席
                                                        After [koitsu] becoming national anti- chairman The groove of the ruling and opposition parties spread extremely,

                                                        • 我拒绝对内阁的特别国债法案的表决客观,几乎不信任动议
                                                          Rejection separation is purpose, as for in fact nonconfidence vote in the Cabinet the exception public bond bill

                                                          • 我的工作Ttara现在选举的政治真空,最后我真的Waru我政客对日本经济的人民的决定,而不是狭隘的国家利益,党派利益
                                                            Now election how doing, when political blank it makes, it ends with the Japanese economic [ma] [ji] As for the politician it is not my interest selfish desire and judgment for the national citizen is lowered,

                                                            • 我真的不骗你334!你会看到该人的支持组的名称? Netouyo传真从正确的事情只是因为Monai按摩 334 Your tsu te ho it is with it is gaki If the human of the sponsor it probably will be understood with name Because fax it did from netouyo the tsu te how it becomes the ro which is not rubbed and is

                                                              • 我觉得我的状态茹Minsyutou了没有?小泽一郎和自民党和公明党Ğ但我做Omoen W或与政府恢复恩戴新公明党政府本身的结合?辉卡诺Ğ Ozawa ll从来不知道在大选如果连自民党竞选团体训练瓦特。但没办法将我转移瓦特 The air ma which the Democratic party comes out already it is the ma it is no kana The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito uniting with Ozawa G administration it makes however how think it is w Our our public administration revival As for Ozawa G what maneuvers kneading whether ru at all it is from the wa w Uniting the Liberal Democratic Party it elects with general election You transfer although it cannot boil w
                                                                • 我觉得我的状态茹Minsyutou了没有?小泽一郎和自民党和公明党Ğ但我做Omoen W或与政府恢复恩戴新公明党政府本身的结合?辉卡诺Ğ Ozawa ll从来不知道在大选如果连自民党竞选团体训练瓦特。但没办法将我转移瓦特 The air ma which the Democratic party comes out already it is the ma it is no kana The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito uniting with Ozawa G administration it makes however how think it is w Our our public administration revival As for Ozawa G what maneuvers kneading whether ru at all it is from the wa w Uniting the Liberal Democratic Party it elects with general election You transfer although it cannot boil w

                                                              • 我还没有令人信服的,但对援助请求的传单派出政府官员
                                                                However the handbill of support request it was sent from a certain government-related person, there is no persuasive power

                                                                • 拘留和逮捕的反民主势力,通过立法,以保护沟后,522地震灾后恢复Ttara頑張二年你的人权 522 When 2 years after it perseveres… With earthquake disaster revival neglecting The protection of fundamental human rights bill passing it arrests detains counter democracy power

                                                                  • 接下来的众议院大选中落败,这是伟大的看的核事故Kore的地震是确定从
                                                                    Earthquake disaster correspondence Nuclear accident correspondence If you look at [kore], therefore with next term House of Representatives selection as for the large crushing defeat decision

                                                                    • 救恩是只有日本无法相信,毕竟只有这样Kyousantou共产党一党专政不
                                                                      After all, only Japan Communist Party it is believed In Japanese rescuing country only a party dictatorship by Japan Communist Party there is a road

                                                                      • 没有以信心审批所有五个Tachiagare两个独立的8 9 21 Kyousantou Koumeitou 118 163 Ziu200bu200bmintou在日本的在野党3 1 2独立和另外一个党六个国家的政党制度Syamintou 316 303 Minsyutou现状从77反叛政党制度的众议院必须
                                                                        The present situation of the House of Representatives Ruling party affiliation 316 The Democratic party 303 Corporation people party 6 National new party 3 New party Japan 1 Other things 1 Non post 2 Opposition party affiliation 163 The Liberal Democratic Party 118 Komeito 21 Japan Communist Party 9 Everyone 5 Rise 2 Non post 8 It is made to distrust approves 77 artificial it is needed from ruling party affiliation to oppose,

                                                                        • 熙s保安局Yakiki Kinanuntaratakanman Yakisaruha建机s保安局Makaroshata鳕鱼中心Yasaruha s保安局Yasaruha Mokkeihi Yakiteihi保安局的袭击Noumakusaraha
                                                                          [noumakusaraha] ゙ [tataki] ゙ [yakiteihi] ゙ [yasaruha] ゙ [motsukeihi] ゙ [yasaruha] ゙ tare center ゙ [makaroshiyata] ゙ [kenki] ゙ [yakiki] ゙ [yakisaruha] ゙ [hi] ゙ [kinanuntaratakanman

                                                                          • 直到核事故或灾害的重建落户德111 35.8%的日本人民是太米( 阿`)高空飞艇
                                                                            111 Until nuclear accident and suffering area revival pause 35.8% Japanese national [do] M the [wa] which it passes… (the ' A `) [haa

                                                                            • 福岛第一制药核电站事故是执政党民主党和总理大臣菅直人,由东京电力种族灭绝(种族灭绝)是
                                                                              Accident of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant is the genocide by Prime Minister and Tokyo Electric Power the Democratic party and tube Naoto of the administration ruling party (group slaughter)

                                                                              • 空白的一面采取捐款和支持。塞或塞文号 Blank snatches the contribution support ones Thwarting you do not stop
                                                                                • 空白的一面采取捐款和支持。塞或塞文号 Blank snatches the contribution support ones Thwarting you do not stop

                                                                              • 第四栏,如果你想有一个政府镇护加来道雄丸这么多我Nakairi点燃汽油能够满足池快,四郎火定即身成仏 If so 鎮 protection we would like to do kakumaru 4th line administration Quickly gasoline filling up in the pool among those entering Igniting fire fixed same body passing away margin and

                                                                                • 简,内阁后,可怜的民主吉日休息的时候我知道了,拒绝20msv 必须清楚,我只子敏继续恨的人只接受全年的癌症患者本来可以更好地在这里的放射性Minsyu民主,因为你不能责怪自己,否则一切都责怪我创建了一个新的政党简分裂党split m国王的英雄行为就像要小心! !引擎盖下您还需要Minsyu脚腕都侃! Now there is dispersion When it rejects at the 菅 Cabinet democracy dwindling Either the rear 20msv year must continue to receive the grudge of the citizen This one is good to the tsu te our people clearly The cancer patient being present with the radioactivity it can make consequence of all democracies Therefore As for democracy making the separation new party with everything as a consequence of the 菅 Like whether by your are the hero of it has been about probably to behave is Pay attention to the separation new party With the reverse side being connected the ru also the 菅 also democracy
                                                                                  • Minsyu我要打破可能已经积累了很多福岛20msv 东西向的癌症患者鄂爆炸性增长天上不能在1msv放松 所以现在我们不能打破一年后我要到东京疏散哇塞可能试图责怪背包子敏也给政府 There is dispersion Perhaps democracy you have expected the fact that the cancer patient increases explosively with Fukushima 20msv year relief something being the case that it is not possible If 1msv it makes year you do not disperse to Tokyo it stops being able to go Then Now dispersing the transfer administration Perhaps it has been about to make one end of responsibility to also our people shoulder
                                                                                  • 我会继续确保只接受子敏仅仅两年后,穷人恨吉日简民主内阁拒绝了所有的癌症患者时,民主的活动在这里可以得到更好的指责因为你无法以其他方式Minsyu责怪自己所有的一切了阚部门将建立一个新党为党split m国王的英雄行为,就好像它是当心! !引擎盖下您还需要Minsyu脚腕都侃! When it rejects at the 菅 Cabinet democracy dwindling Either 2 years after must continue to receive the grudge of the citizen This one is good to the tsu te our people clearly The cancer patient being present with the radioactivity it can make consequence of all democracies Therefore As for democracy making the separation new party with everything as a consequence of the 菅 Like whether by your are the hero of it has been about probably to behave is Pay attention to the separation new party With the reverse side being connected the ru also the 菅 also democracy
                                                                                  • 政府立即,但只有他可以采取子敏的民主未来的投资,打破目前1msv 背包我可能最终会被用于甲状腺癌的发生,除非在福岛负责儿童我 Now dispersing Although it just contributes to future democracy When administration you take if our people 1msv do not make immediately year When the shell condition line cancer gun occurs in the Fukushima children Although the responsibility it is not unable to come to the point of the back negative wa being done

                                                                                • 自卫队在监测队伍; Tamotsu Tamotsu“OB和没有时间看会议”加强监控措施,如被压抑的挫折位问题,受到副部长负责彻彻Azumi将军
                                                                                  Self-Defense Official supervision> Inside integrity party “there is no spare time and the like when the assembly of OB is watched”, and so on dissatisfied congestion As for supervision strengthening the measure which receives the living in peace participation assistant secretary communication departure coming out

                                                                                  • 菅子敏类似狐狸对不起,我没有信心在解决核和财政觉得有像闪闪发光的半透明外观天下取无非有日
                                                                                    In order something there are no any which the public taking does glaringly to our people, the air does There is no self-confidence in control and restoration of sound government finance of the nuclear plant, it is probably will be The 菅 like the fox has penetrated there

                                                                                    • 要提交对内阁不信任议案 谷垣祯一恼火Koumei Kirenu例如煮的“攻击波”和“没有更多的机会去做逸机” 的MSN产经新闻新闻谷垣祯一还勉强TTA的决定 Boiling the fair “successive attack which is irritated in Tanigaki who is not cut off” If “the machine is lost already there is no chance” MSN product sutra news Furthermore even then Tanigaki faltered decision
                                                                                      • 子敏的不幸是没有助手谷垣祯一战略家 The troop teacher without being in the Tanigaki aide for our people It is unhappy

                                                                                    • 较早地向井393立法者氮(Ry的 393 Before that leaning toward the Assemblyman n ry

                                                                                      • 这一切汽油池,萨克认为不信任也是危险的,即使它在池中鄂气藏,你没有信心可怕 gt Gasoline pool Completely is as for thinking that it is distrusted To store gasoline in the pool although about the same as it is dangerous Enormous self confidence shelf
                                                                                        • Minsyutou一旦在谴责赞成从消极克如选!我 ,我只是不理人不 When it becomes election because the Democratic party is defeated you approve non confidence resolution The tsu te the do just it is it is national disregard
                                                                                        • 吉尔也是认可的例子,我们应该不信任,并popular m The one which it distrusts even official recognition the gill obtaining is accustomed to the popularity person it is
                                                                                        • 我将进入投不信任票反对:“我侃,内阁凭据!”,并宣布它公开,因为我 The tsu lever which inserts opposite vote into nonconfidence motion “Have confided I the 菅 Cabinet ” Therefore the tsu te publicly declaring
                                                                                        • 最终在某个时候爆发,你必须在执政党的不信任议案,反对内阁流浪 Ending at the point in time when it has perplexity inside the ruling party vis a vis nonconfidence vote in the Cabinet the ru
                                                                                        • 民主党人只能有一个不信任你会用空罐头左可连选连任接下来呢? ! Shimasuta信心〜!我应该怎么运动 Just Democratic party Assemblyman who distrusts in the empty can remaining the possibility of being re elected as described below whether the ru … It distrusts it is If tsu te it should have elected exercises
                                                                                        • 那我就觉得我与汝执政党 u200b u200b住?该不信任案反对右内的议案周一彻浩 Thinking that it stays in the administration party don t you think the ru it is The ro to which the opposition party puts out normal nonconfidence motion and rubs

                                                                                      • 这三百六十九分钟有不信任对内阁“主谋”的议案,是小泽Itirou吧?岩手,宫城,福岛,经济影响重建円在侃韩国Rashii 1000亿美元,其中流入到中国 369 As for “the mastermind” of oioi latest nonconfidence vote in the Cabinet the ro which is Ichiro Ozawa Iwate the Miyagi and Fukushima revival economic result seems 100 000 000 000 000 Yen with the 菅 it flows to Korea and China
                                                                                        • 叩确保我们有一个724 Netouyo每一个我被邀请作为重建进展缓慢Masezu不信任议案的最后瓦特一方 724 As for our netouyo hitting doing slowly not advancing revival Finally it is every one of the ruling party which causes nonconfidence motion w

                                                                                      • 远未恢复,只会变得更糟677 677 Instead of recovery it just deteriorates probably

                                                                                        • 那么,这个故事叫出来的差距问题不能解散的好票也大胆地区割日一旦您改变了更为适当早欠了多年的坏 举行选举制度子敏到 Well it can disperse with differential problem of one vote and says and for the subject which is said to come up our people it is bad The election system the bill which is made long time suitable If more quickly boldly it demarcated and it modified although it was good
                                                                                          • 那么,这个故事叫出来的差距问题不能解散的好票也大胆地区割日一旦您改变了更为适当早欠了多年的坏 举行选举制度子敏到 Well it can disperse with differential problem of one vote and says and for the subject which is said to come up our people it is bad The election system the bill which is made long time suitable If more quickly boldly it demarcated and it modified although it was good

                                                                                        • 那么,鄂不会这样想,在日本人民的眼睛现在有太多的苦难only 阿 )穆卡轼等人的方向,日本将在通过国会讲话地狱我很大的进展。一个疯狂的事我要的不是政治要求逝 If well you see from the person who is only discernment or the 逝 tsu chi ya u in the pool The current Japanese disastrous state you want in order and there is no with callous it probably is to be able to think… To some extent air people Inclination or the za it does we want stopping but is the A Next the Assemblyman stopping the ku it is when the tsu te you give because Japan that much advances to good direction Right 逝 tsu te desired thing shelf kichigai is unnecessary in the world of politics and
                                                                                          • 我喜欢的信心。政府希望日本这样做是没有人理我全民投票我在做很多议员占主导地位。罗蔑视人民的想象力。如果您没有看到现实埃泰Zasu疯了,因为我全身颤抖,但在现实中Kitsukerubeki碰撞力 Non confidence applying The Assemblyman occupying large number doing in ru state wastefulness it puts out Referendum it should do Government Japan To a 蔑 ro the people in regard to fantasy Therefore inclination or the za kichigai what which is done Actuality it is not visible if is it is accustomed to piercing actuality even in the excessiveness doing it should

                                                                                        • 阚愚蠢的家伙或大谎言大家伙?唯一“的活动标志”后,立即冷却反应堆我只是下令,让他们周围的放射性散落木材损失,“注入水”危机并不表示我们紧握的手清楚的证明我是个大白痴
                                                                                          Large [bakayaro] of large liar guy 菅? That in “the indication of the vent” only the firewood scatter the radioactivity around, you just indicated, Unless “seawater fill” is indicated at once after the cooling functional losing of the reactor As for melt down as for glare-preventing thing glaringly the trap which is white 々 Large [bakayaro

                                                                                          • 非复议的69件事原则似乎是正确的答案议会一
                                                                                            69 With one thing non- re-discussion principle, seems like correct answer to one National Diet one time

                                                                                            • (°∀゚)澳彡°〜ー゚软实力(°∀゚)澳彡°〜ー゚软实力(°∀゚)澳彡°〜软实力゚ー
                                                                                              ( ゚ ∀ ゚) o 彡 DEG mosquito ゙ [sohu] ゚ - ( ゚ ∀ ゚) o 彡 DEG mosquito ゙ [sohu] ゚ - ( ゚ ∀ ゚) o 彡 DEG mosquito ゙ [sohu] ゚ -

                                                                                              研究 開発