167 3D眼镜单独出售,很少有人能买电视我买了一个从无到有,而二维投影太多嘿,我知道有些人只看到或感觉到,三维Eyou购买更换,但通常不看眼镜我会买55英寸电视的愿望不认为我会尝试做电视,我不会买 167 The 3D corresponding television buying Without buying the glasses of selling separately the person who is not seen it is many with only 2D it is probably will be well Like this there is an air whether we which is said will replace the projector in 3D but Because the television which is seen usually does not think so will be done how But the television about of 55 inches the schedule which is bought you do not buy probably will be
3D面板在性能上是真正的区别可以简单地之间的价格差的电视,但我具有快速写入速度电视 But as for truth thing of 3D television tsu te drawing speed fast television Also difference of price is efficiency difference of the panel simply
我们面前的830,是不是愚蠢wwwwwwww真正高质量的内容之前,你说你中有我一个高质量的2D三维测量结果是对信息的超弱级别的白痴,我想我不说什么的质素瓦特 830 You the ro wwwwwwww which is foolish to real As for contents insufficiency questionnaire result We calling to you as for ru picture quality being 2D picture quality nothing is said concerning 3D picture quality And tsu pa feeling weakness on foolish shelf w of ultra class
本来834 2D m氖指出无中生有的3D不出售质量高,需要眼镜,在一个有关图片质量突然说自己的苍白,你,你和我不主张只在内容上也缺乏读我还是不是我能妥善处理捕获 834 Originally picture quality what of 2D pointing out what don t you think it is It is high not to be able to sell 3D glasses necessity to do and the yo bo be in addition contents insufficiency Only insisting don t you think The me thrust selfishly in the story of picture quality don t you think it is The less read properly
24:42 31编号:DIL3lm890 734三维Chaujan present ll在那里买东西便宜Kattara三维电视不支持它,我脸色苍白的 24 42 31 ID DIL3lm890 734 When the television which does not correspond to 3D is cheap that buying tsu chi ya maggot ya it is Present condition something 3D seeing the yo bo it is to be to put out
3DO TTA的人买同样的命运 The same end road as the person who buys 3DO
430,我是个快乐,他按摩大脑,它可能已经被打 430 Such rubbing rejoicing as for the ru person Already the brain being done the ru it is probably will be
例如,如果我说好莱坞正常627投诉 627 If complaint call to Hollywood it is low the brain
46英寸828的SD来源是我,即使在蓝光度柏迪情况下更是毁灭性质量差 828 When the source is SD at 46 inches to be fearful picture quality it is bad but it is sufficient even blue example
743我? 3D电视,以适应面板的不是性能不行?该小组马里荣升高性能低性能的3D面板Kotojan我说的不便宜,但高3D功能的电视无法支持非平板电视的3D性能,但是,是我要说的可能较弱3D电视可能会很高,但不是非给我的决心从一开始我 743 It is It corresponds to the 3D television if the advanced panel it is not it is not possible it is it is not So the advanced panel is high In other words the 3D corresponding television saying high thing it is It is low however it is cheap 3D correspondence cannot do the efficiency panel In other words the 3D non corresponding television speaking cheaply means especially but it is When it is 3D non correspondence with the sled ya advanced panel however perhaps it is high As for such a television it is not sought from beginning
所有的内容可以成为一个虚拟的三维二维1我想大多数人的会议将在2〜三维外观视为“在你的〜”一年后,说那里的路线TTA的眼镜或Wakara我不再水平 All contents becoming temporary in 3D you think that the person who is seen with 2D is the majority In 1 2 meetings 3D seeing “ ” with saying stopping knowing the glasses went somewhere 1 years later ru level
907电动店去,肯定我在移动白痴部分或细的头发,谁的穿着今天的规模罕见Kamero新液晶50英寸以上的速度我敢肯定,我亲眼看着液晶速度我觉得比40英寸的液晶畜生有4倍辉Hayo ll认为有必要 907 The electric appliances store saying verify with your own eye Constant velocity liquid crystal how being nowadays small sized it is unusual because Time fast liquid crystal of 50 inches or more finding At the point where the hair or fine place of the person moves seeing being the cod foolish you become aware As for we in the liquid crystal of 40 inches or more as for 4 time speed thinking that it is necessary the ru
Journal mycom co jp 新闻 2008 06 02 020 index html的 journal mycom co jp news 2008 06 02 020 index html
从这个病人四郎发展与触摸乳房454克如(某些厂家)电视TTP的:! blog livedoor jp 野人 存档 50882531的HTML。 454 The breast the television development margin which is touched Because this you attach being patient the certain manufacturer ttp blog livedoor jp geek archives 50882531 html
m塞三维变老 gt “The eye becomes tired in 3D image becomes drunk” 20 8 So when so age is taken it becomes drunk it is … you stop 3D
幸运的三维模型 所有的工作,因为它没有问题了,我瓦特 As for 3D commenting already there is no relationship separately is don t you think Even all type being attached the ru it does w
TrackIR是更逼真的和现实的不使用或奇数Heddotorakkingudebaisu TrackIR or the head tracking device is used the one which the immersion impression
As for the appearance impression there is no fragment, is
TTP的:/ / www7b.biglobe.ne.jp /〜tanosey / _NULL_
ü拥有的秋千火车站和醉酒分钟他们不需要在学校机房 _NULL_
†(∋゚°)作出Zaikodousuruno了很多吗? _NULL_
↓812三维面板无法达到的高性能面板将拥有几乎所有产品价格昂贵3D功能的电视↓真的很不错我什么河内孝之间的差异?我不知道Nukasu意义 812 The advanced panel cannot be actualized if the product ma there is no 3D ↓ The advanced panel price is high ↓ The 3D corresponding television is high Although something by mistake it is not answered it is Without being the semantic wa can it omits
3D内容被击中从第一分钟色调的失败已经尝试从旧的360度全景绒毛通过耳机听到声音录制视频软件双耳多次 3D has failed being tried from former times many degrees From first you understood As for the contents which it hits the image software of binaural sound recording If you hear with the headphone panorama sound of 360 degrees
↓812三维面板无法达到的高性能事务委员会在几乎所有产品都将↓昂贵的3D是启用什么之间我隆河内电视的区别?我不知道Nukasu意义 812 The advanced panel cannot be actualized if the product ma there is no 3D ↓ The advanced panel price is high ↓ The 3D corresponding television is high Although something by mistake it is not answered it is Without being the semantic wa can it omits
ヽヽ ヽ ヽ( 人谁ヽ 丿升⌒⊃一个哦f选项。 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 92 REPT Human 丿 REPT human l ⊃ ⌒ he HKRPT 92 92 92 REPT i and 92 The Soviet Union he 92 ¯ 92 he 92 O REPT
我 , u003d ヽヽ 。 ヽ 。ヽ ,Ÿヽ 搜索引擎优化 。::: F ¯ F (海外 ::ヽ i 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 92 REPT 92 92 92 REPT i and 92 The Soviet Union he 92 ¯ 92 he 92 O REPT
三维 酒 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 。清酒 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒我 哦 。 〜〜 3ーヽ三维我会喜欢 3D Liquor ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Liquor ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ⌒ i HKRPT 92 92 Kim chee 92 92 92 3 REPT tsu 3D like don t you think
361真是个大傻瓜,并在库斯科Paashita做什么,看看在3D 361 It is foolish in Cuzco the ku pa a while doing at we probably would like to look with 3D
406“三维那又怎么样呢?”我不认为我只能 406 Therefore “3D what ” With only you did not think
三维Bravia液晶的KDL 40HX800鸭还是不错的 3D BRAVIA KDL 40HX800 iikamo
三维眼睛疲劳,不能集中的,是电影 The 3D movie the eye becoming tired it cannot concentrate
三维购买,可以不经调查,我会一级, If there is no 3D whether it purchased examined the wa which is tsu te level
你有没有取得进展的三维时起,我红蓝玻璃纸眼镜 The ro which does not progress from 3D how red blue cellophane glasses age and is
如果你喜欢170的3D处理会立即下降游戏仍然是可能的,如果他们认为麻醉剂 170 If the game don t you think if the 3D becoming drunk is been susceptible with the processing falling even now it probably is actualization possible
它像老电视是显示他是在看到三维 With former times television program you saw with 3D and the re ru person were don t you think
我完全有上线我在TTA的STRL开放参观的SHV认为3D元素的东西来,我曾与氦氖 However engineering and research release it went when full specifications SHV it is or 3D something don t you think and others with you thought with the element
有这样的3D液晶电视Souiya So well such it was 3D liquid crystal television
现在我来吧三维 Calling it is with 3D how this
白酒 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ⌒我 哦 。 〜〜 我会喜欢它的三维ーヽ 92 Liquor ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ⌒ i HKRPT 92 Kim chee 92 92 92 3 REPT tsu 3D like don t you think
三维眼睛疲劳,只能麻烦我要买一TV re人呢?一个真正的受虐狂? Being sufficient 3D television buying tsu chi ya u human what where the eye becomes tired specially Being the true characteristic masochist
世界最大的电视机生产商三维电视↓ World s largest 3D television television manufacturer ↓
事实真相是,我在那里瓦特192三维 192 That is true 3D w
全高清画面质量不好Kunaru或荒谬,被认为没有通常太少,而是内容模糊的图像 Full HD the contents being little when normal image you see becoming blurred when rather picture quality becomes bad topsy turvydom
如果您确定没有问题出回许多3D色情影片 If the ero animated picture of 3D arrives many No problem
这不就是现在你有3D粘贴红色和蓝色我玻璃纸眼镜? There is no reason where the cellophane of current 3D glasses tsu te red and blue is stuck
之前或周围的最终模型,电视布劳恩管已被广泛支持的高清地面数字广播的最后一太花时间,但我会用在外地,我已经习惯看到这张照片,奇怪的低价液晶让自己购买或 Last model or the time about of last one ago In hi vision picture quality even in area deji as for the television of the wide picture tube of corresponding end using with active service the ru You see in this picture quality and are accustomed and the liquid crystal of the ru and the odd cheap article you are not accustomed to the air which is bought
他笑着位置鄂Tteta首次购买50万 _NULL_
但我不知道它不能乱跑 Simply because it is not possible to run around
你会觉得 u200b u200b不使用二维三维眼镜无以弥补更容易更好,如果超过4倍的图像我滑倒 The ro which is the feeling there are no 3D glasses with you should not have used If with 2D 4 time speeds or more it can enjoy the rather smooth picture
你会觉得 u200b u200b不使用二维图像三维更好或潮湿滑倒相当容易,如果超过4倍 The ro which is the feeling you should not have used with 3D If with 2D 4 time speeds or more it can enjoy the rather smooth picture
你被迫目前的3D设计,但不买的疲劳中无眼镜 When the 3D glasses it is not with it is the specification where the eye does not become tired however you buy being present condition unreasonable it does the yo
如果3D埃勒盖或希望从DVD性似乎缓解 Because we would like to enjoy with ero DVD or eroge 3D we want
Tteka,YouTube的三维Idake反正就算我对头发不好,纳鲁他太多的重量小于愚不可及白痴后他们的舞蹈瓦特 Although 3D it is corresponding with even tsu te or Youtube If just prejudice anyhow 踊 and others making the foolish article The fool the less the wa w where the person who is piled up is too multi
二维到三维电视图像,我建议 The television which can convert 2D image to 3D is good
但毕竟多少进展伪3D,所以我认为最接近Owakon Just whichever progressing after all therefore the pseudo 3d you think that it is close to owakon
加勒比海盗的,但也看到在二维,三维电影院大楼,甚至两件,但我没有这样做,但我用了房间。字幕三维,三维重新配音的其他例子,我 Although pairetsuobukaribian we would like to see with 2D shinekon of everywhere is done only 3D Although 2 rooms you use the piece Don t you think subtitle 3D already one side the dubbed in 3D tsu te another …
。没有它的内容翻拍在3D眼镜现在免费的,如果发现在布莱克的技术 If you see with glasses non dying 3D without recreating the resident in contents there is a re ru technology break
贝塔视频光盘,HDDVD小寒全神贯注地晃了穆流。它是黑色的历史 The orthodox which is decended of beta videodisc and HDDVD Black historical shelf
古代重内容缺乏我只有460的VHD但因为身体问题是当电脑不在一个困难只是为了在加载软件和游戏的时刻,极大地有强烈眼镜仍然疲弱继续期待的makefile 460 The substance how does not become high The private glasses are heavy Contents insufficiency The problematical point at the time of VHD of long time ago it puts out that way is difficult it is the kana which is not The software just a little it just places in the PC game and the like large doing you see that it continues to remain plainly but
这只是在性能上的差异,所以价格是六百六十一瓦特3D面板加载功能本身只是一个小的基础软件,我要大,成本高(某些机型也似乎把眼镜或变送器) 661 Therefore as for price even efficiency difference of panel w The software just a little it just places 3D function itself in the basis large doing how it does not become hight cost of production Way the transmitter or the glasses you attach depending upon the type but
启动后的应变力波做原料消耗寻找出新的制造商 _NULL_
在回顾了红色和蓝色的眼镜机制 _NULL_
在小巧的进展,这是我唯一的力量 _NULL_
在开发三维AV ll吞掉它是第二次来了录像带的传播模式 If AV of 3D comes out it spreads at a stroke It is second coming of pattern of VHS spread
3D是厂家的结果是含泪的眼睛的承诺 The result shelf of the manufacturer tear eye which is all power in 3D
从一个极端贫困的3D眼镜视力或暗示 Because vision of the one eye is bad extremely don t you think the 3D glasses or meaning
嗯,三维色情视频在一个大咽,它希望增加的ERE Well if 3D of erobideo increases it spreads at a stroke
在日本动画漫画文化是悬锤2三维立体,无 In Japan where cartoon animation culture of 2 dimensions takes root 3D and the like unnecessary
应该有更好的三维图像质量前 High picture quality should be pursued before 3D
在舞台前面的透明屏幕273 3DCG你只是投射? _NULL_
基础研究的概念和日本领先的制造商,您 _NULL_
大屏幕电视更精确的三维图像看不到多少浩纪伊四个角落都看到了对正常的四倍大屏幕影院屏幕录像结束时,美国仍然需要更多的权利你的身体自然倾向于相信竟然从我倾向于将自己在这个意义上的视频,这是什么瓦特我敢肯定,如果你买便宜,一墙,大声至少一架飞机在飞回家的画面只是在开玩笑,对此时此地,任何好的三维瓦特很大的需求 The ro where more precise large picture than 3D image TV still is a demand and is You have looked at the image on the large picture about of 4 times that the screen of the normal cinema in America When the extent where edge 4 angle of image is not visible they are large ones it becomes the feeling where by his is in image Flying when image from the ru airplane tilts the extent w where also the body tilts naturally With home being at least cheaply at wall about all over size if the ru it is possible to buy If that extent the ro which is demand with anything chi ya tsu te and 3D is w
3D电影是关于一个艰难而痛苦的寻找异常 Also 3D of the movie being difficult to see abnormally pain it was extent
那么,现在我会笑在3D,然后它是一分钟,卡如你会作为一个智能手机的微笑传播相同Tteta年前 Well now laughing at 3D any ru 1 years ago have laughed at the spread of the smart phone with the tsu te which is the same reach the point where you understand
宽在模拟电视上露面的高清晰度电视上较早景观都非常豪华的崇高梦想 In the past of the wide television appearing, if you mentioned the wide television, with analog hi-vision, was the super quality item of the flower of the high ridge
广告代理试图掀起热潮意味着它是不是从不同的骗子 _NULL_
总系统(帽),在一个语音线路Kanakya恩戴不上混合 视频播放录音录像,包括双耳完美对应耳机 三维有限播放系统,如果情况我认为,我们只看到当你在 It kneads degree of completion the total system the head gear as on that and is packed and line must be but If it can construct the record of the image which is suitable to the binaural sound recording of sound headphone playback playback system When liking to see with 3D in limited circumstance it is obtained it is the kana which is not
及时看到二维Ijan三维最好看?我不知道不满的意思 When liking to see separately with 3D if you see with 2D it is good it is The meaning of dissatisfaction is from the wa
我买了明显的事情,当我 If it becomes good ones naturally you buy that time
我是怎么评分8三维动画 8 The 3DS tsu te it is appraised the tsu ke
我你什么都看电视,而我不知何故?或尝试三维指甲钳的消息,而我Iranaku In television tsu te other things no oak it does with ru ones how without watching the yo The nail clipper news you see Don t you think 3D it does not need
三维魔方,我觉得自己像一个立体镶嵌性? 3D eromozaiku When becomes three dimensional the Rubik s CUBE like feeling
我不知道为什么三维试图热潮 That with something 3D will be designated as boom don t you think it probably is the red sandal wood
我你什么都看电视,而我不知何故?或尝试三维指甲钳的消息,而我Iranaku In television tsu te other things no oak it does with ru ones how without watching the yo The nail clipper news you see Don t you think 3D it does not need
我在电影院看到的,我不想眼睛疼了出路 However you saw at the cinema the eye saying painfully You removed midway
我似乎有不同的人都没有看,例如 So in order the te for there to be one tsu te difference of being visible not to be it puts out
我可以说我不想买一个 1 To want to purchase say and say
我离开了差不多49茹 49 It comes out already immediately
请求 Request
这本漫画做出来,从第一飞矛jk的直 First redo from the cartoon which springs out JK
飞行出来,鸟越61! 61 Torigoe which springs out
我悟慈眼睛混浊和其他选定的项目,删除me ll _NULL_
此线程去了最坏的三维卖完了最好的,即使我是人类,但我包括了制造商谁卖3D或只是想卖,包括三维电视综艺所以我会在轻人愚弄我买了布巴我只是不能只看到Yakki 3D selling with utmost effort with this sure however the ru person it is How you see the demand worst 3D television sale harboring Person or 3D of various manufacturers buying that the fool the person whom you saw probably will increase baba 踏 And becoming the tsu coming is visible in just only the ru
电气产品的行业,我在感知的差异 Electric product industry misunderstands, it is, don't you think?
电视艾希卡诺want ll看不到我睡觉滚 8? 8 The sleeping tsu rolling wanting the television which is not seen
我希望你要为总理久一点 NULL
电视:三维,硬盘记录邮编:陆地 _NULL_
索尼哈市索诺是一个陀螺仪与头盔显示器销售情况下耳机,不过,我想我们会立即工作,如果对游戏的好处,因为可以省略呈现边缘,我有一个注册醉视频瓦特良好的负载 That at that time SONY does selling the gyro being attached head phone In case of HMD because there is also a merit which can abbreviate the rendering of the periphery if for game directly It can make it is the kana which is not However as for we image w which is the self confidence which becomes drunk
“3D眼镜请重,繁琐的有花”的店电子电器白痴TTA的卡诺河野不合理购买店内测试 “The 3D glasses are heavy applying are troublesome” Without trying with the shop front of the electric appliance house buying this as for the fool
埃塔转换时,我必须购买他们活到127没有太大的差别,价格是50英寸的3D电影是最接近它的利益而不必买一个三维TTA的连接 127 When we replaces being 50 inches difference of price was not left over and Because the place where you have lived has not been popular the movie of 3D is close the fact that 3D has been attached with interest basis was bought
红外传输,不仅开始在电视? _NULL_
虽然目前没有问题要由Tteka We would like to do say do not do How it is good separately it exists
所以没有事情,就可以看到在3D In the first place you say that so there are no any which we would like to see with 3D
贝塔HDDVD影碟→→→3DTV的是个新事物,你应该像我如果连在这些瓦特光独善其身 Beta gt laser disk gt HDDVD gt 3DTV As for the new curious person such stepping on immunity being possible w which is ru expectation
Terya我只是静静地打在目标和丰富的立即来到这个新的好东西 Such doing just the curious metallurgy having newly quietly in the target the ri ya it is to call is
这所谓的3D电视,而不是消费者预期立体电视,倒在退出生效像一个谜了坚实的感觉,像飞跳出是无用的剪影 The generally known 3D television is not the stereoscopic television which the consumer expects It is wasteful to pour power with the feeling the cutting picture or like springs out the three dimensional puzzle which springs out
这与现实三个方面开始感受到视频什么地方,我认为根本不同 When it is visible threely dimensional as for feeling the reality in image You think that somewhere is different fundamentally
这是上月底公布,三菱3D功能的PC到出厂就被抢购一空出售愚蠢书籍展览 _NULL_
韩国电视玩具Owakon洗脑装置Dentsuu _NULL_
首先,对眼睛Scouter投放类型的监视器,没有良好的游戏FPS是不一样重现 First attaching the sukauta type monitor to both eyes Unless the fact that it is the FPS game like is reproduced the useless shelf