“If you mention animation, this fall with Tokushima which dispatches the image of Tokushima to entire country” to animation movie festival opening the ★2
363“然后,他的蜡”,似乎像在舞台瓦特德岛是这样运行的抵制,任命德岛,德岛前的声音,动画工作室制作的“争夺米诺利”生产进度报告这次会议,“Asobi★戈尔第 6”作为活动之一Waremashita线 363 “It probably will make” becoming tsu te thing the ru it seems w Degree of execution of Tokushima boycott of goods appointing the dubbing artist of Tokushima graduate to the stage is produced at the Tokushima studio the animation which “you see the production progress briefing of paste scramble” “ machi asobi It was done as one of the events of vol 6”
363“然后,他的蜡”,这似乎是像在德岛,德岛设置任命一名前演员的瓦特,以动画制作在德岛工作室“争夺米诺利,”该协会就生产进度报告,“町Asobi★第 6“作为活动之一Waremashita线 363 “It probably will make” becoming tsu te thing the ru it seems w Degree of execution of Tokushima boycott of goods appointing the dubbing artist of Tokushima graduate to the stage is produced at the Tokushima studio the animation which “you see the production progress briefing of paste scramble” “ machi asobi It was done as one of the events of vol 6”
在抵制检查下列项目运行变得容易为大家德茹 Degree of execution of the Tokushima boycott of goods which in anyone can be made simple will be checked with the below mentioned item
454因为战国?我投自己一彻头彻尾的德岛县?我这样说,但我想我可以汇总到 u200b u200b战国居民 454 With Sengoku s consequence But as for voting obviously Tokushima prefecture people himself what The word wa it is the tsu te thing where prefectural people characteristic is gathered and summarized in Sengoku
454因为战国?我投自己一彻头彻尾的居民?我这样说,但我想我可以汇总到 u200b u200b战国居民 454 With Sengoku s consequence But as for voting obviously Tokushima prefecture people himself what The word wa it is the tsu te thing where prefectural people characteristic is gathered and summarized in Sengoku
“在全国各地,宣传形象上Gotoda德岛”请 “If you mention Gotouda dispatching also the image of Tokushima to entire country ”
商务部和JA德岛,德岛也因为生产商会负责选民将选出战国战国Tteta一边,他们的人,我必须集中力量抵制投影 Because there is a responsibility even in the voter who is elected Sengoku to Tokushima JA and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as for the Tokushima product the tsu te electric convex which boycott is done the people who do being Sengoku side is hasty
德岛县 ,“牛奶先生Gotoda杉木住房成员”正在制作的动画马上 “Gotouda teacher milk rubbing Assemblyman dormitory” With the animation which is said right away it is in the midst of producing
我不需要德岛,已送交国民议会包括像战国和Gotoda恐怖分子 Tokushima how it does not need Sending to Sengoku and the Gotouda like terrorist National Diet
我拉你的右腿extended ll是296 Gotoda诚晃?县政治家不老实 296 Also Masazumi Gotouda pulling the foot the ro which is the ru The prefecture where the honest politician is not
战国我一人投赞成票,因为133是一个彻头彻尾的德岛县 133 Therefore as for voting to Sengoku obviously Tokushima prefecture people individual
Gotoda德岛性人格化魔鬼的化身Shimatani森功 _NULL_
Gotoda,而在战国开始也是这样,他们显然是从不同的维护和Sayoku Therefore as for Gotouda and the 仙 valley maintenance and [sayoku] in order to be different at first glance even, it is visible
Hachisuka一家之长512到明治时代。在明治天皇被目睹在客厅偷香烟放在桌上时,法院正在等待Tasa韶“Hachisuka,农业艾滋病的战争祖先瓦特:”我说Waretarashii 512 Being Meiji era the Hatisuka of this main thing When the 韶 is made wait in the Imperial Court drawing room The tobacco on the desk the paku tsu is in Emperor Meiji being witnessed the place “Hatisuka as for the ancestor when dispute it is the u w” tsu te it is said the abortive grain
皇帝的祖先据说是Hachisuka赎回小偷,问学者,不是小偷的祖先,甚至富裕阶层似乎要寻找一个理论 In Emperor Meiji the ancestor Hatisuka such as the thief requesting to the scholar As for the ancestor there is no thief even the earth searched theory greatly it seems
MAG是从天上做了不同的NHK的网络瓦特 From NHK MAG net
The varieties you do w
Terya这种排放到大约716双声道Surechi Oosaka你永远无法预测,如果在千叶或欺负,就与他相比,德岛容易损害或叩秋田觉得他们能抵抗低煽 716 surechi Generally such discharging how you are hard on with ri ya 2ch how it can expect the ro which is Osaka Chiba in comparison with Akita or the place where it is easy to be hit with prejudice Tokushima is fanned and in order for tolerance to be low is moved
Toukyou 我得到同样的方式对待我们生气琦玉县琦玉和北部关东关东瓦特 _NULL_
。他永远不会战国德岛芒斯宣传动画 _NULL_
一个当地报纸的数量以及分享315它通常 _NULL_
三姊妹是吗?但是,在一个舒适的巨型渡轮 _NULL_
下列作品作为抵制的一部分,你必须永远観鼐德岛 Will try the below mentioned work not to see no matter what as a part of Tokushima boycott of goods
下列作品作为抵制的一部分,你必须永远観鼐德岛 Will try the below mentioned work not to see no matter what as a part of Tokushima boycott of goods
东京电力公司总部和销毁或转化为战国击败Mukimukimatcho饮料宝矿力汗曼陀罗,但我希望用动画人物,除了让她的面战国时德金 If you mention Tokushima kiyara of the kimu Chinese noodles using other than Sengoku although animation it should have made When pokarisuetsuto you drink changing to mukimukimatsuchiyo Sengoku it defeats and or destroys the Tokyo Electric Power Company head office
金,我对她说除了德岛战国一米线 If you mention Tokushima kiyara of the kimu Chinese noodles using other than Sengoku although animation it should have made When pokarisuetsuto you drink changing to mukimukimatsuchiyo Sengoku it defeats and or destroys the Tokyo Electric Power Company head office
举例说,动画和武术蔵关Ooizumigakuen〜〜在吉祥寺巴士 _NULL_
乌冬香川,爱媛迈肯短缺,坂本龙马Kouti道后温泉,德岛阿波舞上烤鲣鱼敢? _NULL_
五明治初期,江户,大阪,京都,名古屋,金泽主要城市 _NULL_
但是,现在著名的战国Tsukuran埃塔很轻率和Aruyan政党集Gotoda _NULL_
你不会擦眼泪Netouyo万维网梅山高山奔流项目Aniwota要求海报我阿波舞东界空气 The netouyo tear be able to wipe www Seeking the boundary of the sky and the Awa dance poster east Project aniwota rushes in to the eyebrow mountains top
你喜欢他,讨厌Tteta小泽一郎说,在岩手县813或者抵制?我想我想我会更大胆的各种ー这次地震中,所以他说妳 813 Ozawa 憎 it does and with Iwate boycott says in the same type as the person to do the yo The za ma see even with the latest earthquake disaster the tsu te thinking don t you think the ru it is probably will be so as for the person who is said
九民族危机,而不是改善,起始编号,可尝试闪烁使用COM的日本地震 Instead of it confronts to national difficulty perhaps the intention of ruining Japan making use of earthquake disaster
例如说德岛动漫例如战国说,德岛!例如尖阁说战国!例如德说,说与战国战国尖阁的例子! _NULL_
出生于日本东京的宫崎进熊本小田Eiitirou从鸟山明爱知晃 Mt. Toriyama discernment Aichi graduate
Tail rice field glory Ichiro Kumamoto graduate
Miyazaki 駿 Tokyo graduate
区18个选区菅直人在东京,对不对?但是,这个线程 确定 我觉得我的Tteru之间谈论的东西德岛 区别? 菅 Naoto s constituency is Tokyo 18 Ku don t you think So this sure Tokushima is sure of topic don t you think … something we by mistake the ru
德岛 确定 ,目的是要进入状态关西木德岛县德岛 确定 每个人的意见请求是否关西 sure where Tokushima aims toward the Kansai state entering Whether or not as for Tokushima Kansai opinion of everyone seeking mu Tokushima prefecture comprehensive sure
我的意思是,德岛县,在那里我从来没有听过 u200b u200b那个城市? As for Tokushima how town either you have not heard The tsu ke which is the prefecture of somewhere
因此,我所做的是创造一个更好的地方,我们已经走了一个集成587香川坝人 587 Making Kagawa accumulate in the place where the person stops being If the dam was made it was good don t you think it is
因此,考虑例如外国居民的投票权,日本政府(在日本不归),中国人民应该在这样一个联合治理韩国和日本外相 Therefore giving denizenship to the resident foreigner The Japanese rule should be ruled are not naturalized to Japan foreigner and the Japanese such as the Chinese and Korean being joint
403 404405406韩国爱媛 403 404 405 406 Ehime Korean
在德岛,德岛发送到萌动画魔法国家形象谈起周五利润第一“ u200b u200b根和豌豆,但认为,如果不想塞 If most the gold you call to Tokushima the 萌 animation which makes a profit the image of Tokushima is dispatched to entire country” If it becomes fixed think it is we would like to do as for the stop the plug
2个小时的巡航舒适的原始字符南开大学南开大学和歌山德岛渡船码头⇔ The Nankai ferryboat Wakayama ⇔ Tokushima 2 hours Comfortable cruising The Nankai ferryboat Original character
Aina m不支持或不为什么?它有助于更 u200b u200b德岛Agero Why excessively cooperative it is not meeting raw it is More contributing to Tokushima
他说:“国家形象派德岛时动画”艾滋病是固定的思想,如果你想要做的就是不挡 If “you mention animation the image of Tokushima is dispatched to entire country” If it becomes fixed think it is we would like to do as for the stop the plug
又到广场上Ttara德岛约3小时高速巴士从大阪 When from Osaka it rides in the high speed bus It was attached to Tokushima in about 3 hours
因此,需要644?大阪 但它是两个小时的车程,德岛 644 It catches so When Osaka it is Tokushima but by the car 2 hours
德岛是一个人的背叛自己的国家不顾一切地拼命废物被肯定的东西一结束绝望里沙研究员关西叩香川 As for Tokushima in hitting Kagawa desperation That it will be joined to Kansai desperation That treason it will do desperation Conclusion Rubbish
德岛是利用最敏感的五柱动画魔法萌,都想在去一个新的想法 Most the gold going on board sensitively to the 萌 animation which makes a profit we want calling to Tokushima with unique thought
而不是说,谷歌guyz老师“德岛店”立即捕捉不敢出手恩戴 From such a thing will not and others Tries ramming down “the Tokushima store” to google teacher
在谈到德岛,德岛阿波舞铣(星期五她的面),大冢制药有限公司,Gotoda战国 If you mention Tokushima, Awa dance Tokushima flour milling (the Kin Chinese noodles)
Otsuka medicine manufacture Sengoku Gotouda
716多,你最好不要这么多反对 716 The one which anymore is not made excessively the partner is good
不远处 It is distant
对周围的Wota Kimowota ll知道我是Aniwota与丰崎的声音 _NULL_
巴巴扬的话,我会有名把猫躺在德岛504 Ntsukyouso筹款 504
Lie you attach, Fund-raising [nekobaba] incident [tsu] [te] famous of Tokushima Nitukiyou group it is
德岛217,“我请客,”这是100%,所以当心Waretara别有用心或说些什么,喜欢它不属于县Kotowatta如果Kotowareru关系更加安全,并认为他们会在治疗疼痛的良知Ttetara我看到艾马苏 217 With Tokushima “Being arrogant” When with it is said it is main point note Because 100 something there is an underlying motive if the relationship which can be refused the one which was refused is safe Thinking that outside the prefecture likely you are arrogant with conscience it meets to the cod painful eye
德岛县可能不会与冲绳人兼容,它已达成的所有姐妹城市 The Tokushima prefecture people the Okinawan and affinity probably will be good and, tie the sisters amicable city
德岛县德岛与他们举行这样的脱口秀演员,同时在城市中心商场和其他包括原创动画展定期举办活动,并呼吁以青年游客通过动画焦点马苏 That Tokushima prefecture and Tokushima city will call the sightseer who centers the young person and via animation probably will be packed at the shopping center of the city heart section The event of field picture exhibition of animation and talk show etc of the dubbing artist is held periodically
德岛县,耀西说Nogawa例如,土柱,阿波,火影忍者漩涡,海藻 If you mention Tokushima prefecture, the Yoshino river, the earth pillar, the eddying current of the Awa dance and Naruto, the [wa] pot
德岛更可以对日本共产党取决于两日进入办公室,更是现实的 _NULL_
德岛本身大多数情况下,小麦和鄂最接近啊反对派的K 字的动画,但穷人 When you refer to animation … so the shelf When the ke it is and it is with compares it is close to mugi Though but as for Tokushima itself poverty
第一个浮动模具Nee ll想要真正的战国时德岛 If you mention Tokushima nee where the 仙 valley surfaces first…
音乐家在之前的抵制,抵制演唱会,我总是德岛 Before the boycott In the concert the musician Tokushima has boycotted from former times
德岛陆地会,日本NHK将播出四国只有三个站和Sun远程系统 _NULL_
德岛:公子小山,原丰崎惠(,吴西盎Tomikawa,吉崎Ryouta)香川县:中村Yuuiti,欧卡。怪(子锅井真希,Huzihara克也,小笠原圭吾)爱媛:明彦石积,平良宏喜安,辻亚由美,西川郁夫,娜娜水木(白石稔,志贺克也,君福岛,本田博之)高知县:小松梨香,岛本须美,渡边武史,小野大辅,宫田弘范,佳苗关闭(青木Mayuko) Tokushima: It is dense and the firewood you see and are dense, Yutaka promontory love raw (, wealth river Sho file, Akira Yosizaki thickly)
Kagawa: Nakamura 悠 one, Oka. Strange (, pot well firewood child, Katuya Fujiwara, Ogasawara 圭 our)
Ehime: Stone residence Akihiko, happiness it is cheap Hiroshi flat and the Tsuji walking, the Nishikawa many male and water tree Nana (, Minoru Shiraishi, Katuya Shiga, Jun Fukushima, Hiroyuki Honda)
Kochi: Komatsu village song, Shimamoto 須 beauty, Daisuke Watabe super, Ono, Miyata Hiroshi virtue, the open sea it is good the seedling (, flax Yosiko Aoki)
我不是只有名人的生活和Bandou Hidezi丰崎惠我德岛( ·ω·`) _NULL_
我已经回到692 Kurushi喜欢炒作毫无意义,因为如果你投票的组织出来,我终于Zitirou Ntsukyouso多数对他说:我不知道孙中山身着Shimatani功705叛徒 705 Without knowing the re calling the 仙 valley Tokushima traitor the ru person is most what don t you think Organized votes of autonomous labor Nitukiyou group cause after all If it points out that 692 The like meaning unclear fanning does returns
我是“什么我有这个德岛拉面在日本的形象恰当的定义已经讲德岛石井密码?井”味噌猪肉汤,“我希望类似的东西 而我却没有糖三盆这样就可以离开了进入鸟巢这并不是说我不能进入瓦特 If you mention my “Tokushima the image of the Ishii pin already in entire country the Tokushima Chinese noodles The defined tsu te which now is done properly the kana which is Well “the miso it is the secret” tsu te to feel something… It makes another w where it is not the case that it has entered and it is not the case that three tray sugars have entered
ll不会离开巢输入瓦特 gt Tokushima Chinese noodles The defined tsu te which now is done properly the kana which is Well “the miso it is the secret” tsu te to feel something… It makes another w where it is not the case that it has entered and it is not the case that three tray sugars have entered
我“,该国已建立了德岛形象说起石井针” If you mention my “Tokushima the image of the Ishii pin already in entire country the Tokushima Chinese noodles The defined tsu te which now is done properly the kana which is Well “the miso it is the secret” tsu te to feel something… It makes another w where it is not the case that it has entered and it is not the case that three tray sugars have entered
我要回德岛Idaro炎热的八月 It returns to Tokushima in August it is The ro which is hot and is
我申明,我温达德岛真正的字翼或从埃塔知识表示Pettai感觉,既不是一年左右薄 It is thin the pe tsu you want because you remembered you talk with knowledge Left flank you say don t you think it is The wa which you assert Don t you think true Tokushima in right also the left it is
我还活着,O,带战国战国疯狂的,不希望支持的挑战甚至中国大陆的文化革命 The 仙 valley the [wa] w which does not enter
Don't you think? even the Chinese of the continent the [kichigai] 仙 valley and the like which supports the Cultural Revolution which is evaded it does not need
或许这个不伦不类的“德岛拉面”如果我们讲的“拉面周五她”请乘电梯到东阵列瓦特我不知道我行吗?到大阪? Perhaps there is no feature which was called this if the “Tokushima Chinese noodles” are picked up Please pick up the “Kin Chinese noodles” w As for are east it probably has gone to somewhere To Osaka
Tsukatsu眼睛看着你,甚至中国,但跳蚤你不给我在秋天五鬼杆世是我就为动画以及摩擦?这 And amorous glance using in China the ru it does snuzzles in animation and the ru does If only the gold you drop with goki and with the chisel it is to call the ro which is Here
宽度债券利息Sengoki辉狭间酸痛,我不买东西德岛星期一 sengoki using width don t you think between the ru Tokushima it is something buying greatly
战国之后,我对德岛办事处1 LED封装他得到了原产地转换为残疾人Modoki _NULL_
摘录地址 确定 目标: 德 ,“发送到德岛国家形象的动画时,”关键字2★举办动画电影节,今年秋天德岛:关键词131::摘录的战国地址数量的地址数提取战国:73 Object sure If “you mention animation the image of Tokushima is dispatched to entire country” This fall with Tokushima to animation movie festival opening 2 Keyword 仙 valley Extraction less number 131 Keyword Sengoku Extraction less number 73
余拍了拍非法性业务,包括内阁办公室潜水森谷芳登精密的暴徒可不是嘛,发生了什么? So if you say however the punk whom 仙 valley Yosito has the Cabinet prefecture enter the paku and others re is with illegal manners management that which how becomes
本人通过Oohashi TTA的回报远远德岛濑户631左右,我很苦恼,他们的汽车杉辉度,即使在中间W车道慢慢死亡,而汽车是必须飞有 631 Ohashi Seto by way of from Tokushima detouring it returned but it is It is slow doing midway going too far the ru car being it will be nervous w Although the car which throws is the extent which dies the slow car is
梅塔我不再多说阻止邪恶,他们不可能不高,甚至是因为他和野人文化,你根本不认为他们只是四处漂浮,并联系最好的动画丰崎德岛我 About only at the very most Yutaka promontory such as Tokushima and contact point of animation you come to mind Producing the hand to mania culture and the like easily the possibility of failing is higher Because bad thing you do not say the person who stops is good
武藏野市东京18区Toukyou菅直人在东京恩戴Toukyou选区小金井,东京美术卡诺花村田任叩Karenai?东京新闻用尽并填写奇怪Kusarenai 菅 Naoto Tokyo 18 Ku The Tokyo Musashi Noichi Koganei city Murata Lotus 舫 The Tokyo constituency Tokyo Tokyo is not hit with something kana Unless Tokyo news buries with this and is exhausted it is strange
武藏野市东京18区Toukyou菅直人在东京恩戴Toukyou选区小金井,东京美术卡诺花村田任叩Karenai?东京新闻用尽并填写奇怪Kusarenai 菅 Naoto Tokyo 18 Ku The Tokyo Musashi Noichi Koganei city Murata Lotus 舫 The Tokyo constituency Tokyo Tokyo is not hit with something kana Unless Tokyo news buries with this and is exhausted it is strange
爱好者,儿童色情漫画洒Sukara他们分散在Kimoota不是一般的漫画我喜欢远离大众漫画和动画喜欢唐唐认为Waretakunai Mania to spread child pornographic cartoon because it scatters It is not kimoota because the general people who are normal cartoon lover would not like to think as the same type Steadily separated from cartoon and animation the ru
现在,他会取得重大突破Gotoda瓦特没有穿着叔公的叹 Gotouda large rapid advance shelf w Now there is no large uncle sighing the ru
珍宝大崎例子也说德岛高尔夫球起源 _NULL_
由于德岛,亚拉没有那是什么 m,许多人加入了他们的客人 As a Tokushima citizen some thing at all gt Animation Enterprise or or the eyebrow mountain the bi za are the mountaintop how citizen whom it is related to animation do not climb rarely … Either the Awa dance does not dance with local end almost as for the Awa dance being active in Kanto district the guest participation is many is
移动和智能手机有一个习惯表达抵制参加活动,这种反日汉奸Chimasu一个骗子眼中的地位写入净使用笔记本或液晶显示器彻底谴责发言 You use carrying and the smart phone the notebook PC and the liquid crystal monitor for the habit participating and stating to boycott activity The large liar who writes in the net is conspicuous but that kind of anti Japanese traitor probably will impeach thoroughly
LED电源而节省彻底谴责那些谁使用的灯泡的Kaketara Conservation of electricity probably will be impeached when the person who uses the LED light bulb for the reason is happened to see thoroughly
翻译不说我会使其向红灯加入168 保护防止信号的东西!因为从日亚蓝色LED是世界上最大的市场份额?接着 和 更正 母鸡阿波阿波没有尾巴 和鸡 嗯 168 The wa which it adds and solves The signal ignoring as for excuse Signal something it does not protect Because therefore as for blue color LED day sub worldwide share 1 rank After correction There is no Awa do ri and the te flatters the wave tail chicken
阿波舞也是局部几乎226,但它是什么样的多薯芋瓦特 226 Either the Awa dance does not dance with local end almost As for that with a lot of what lie and ro w
该犯罪是战国犯罪的刑事指控等同于德岛县 _NULL_
这很容易!德岛绥,金城,jk的,法学博士拥有各种动漫服装,游客来了,“欢迎!她的哥哥!” It is simple When as for JS JC JK and JD of the Tokushima prefecture person kosupure of everyone animation doing the traveler comes “Be and others the tsu plain gauze be Brother ”
德岛县的远程系列广播每天唯一的抱怨,但你不会找到一个地方远程当地天系列 As for the only dissatisfaction of the Tokushima prefecture person broadcast of day tele series becomes unable to see only local local day tele series
邑Goruaaa不需要这个愚蠢的城镇! ! !你只是没有阿波和离开巢! ! ! !此外,恩,对不起没晃脑儿 ora makes town foolish it is goruaaa It does with it is different from just the Awa dance You obtain in other things and with you obtain with… The ma which honesty does it is you applied
如果没有其他任何东西德岛阿波旅游资源,更令人吃惊的数字 Other than the Awa dancing with Tokushima which at all sight seeing resource does not have the number which should be surprised
海报已成为熟悉的阿波TTP的: gigazine net 新闻 20100708 awa toho kara The Awa dance poster which is becoming well known ttp gigazine net news 20100708 awa toho kara
( 一个可爱的偶像,因为它闪烁县在没有残疾的孩子出生在德岛阿波我 When the � the no lt it makes Tokushima how Awa dance prohibition the prefecture where gaki is not born and therefore the te collapses
顺便森Shimatani路透德岛城区,冈田三重县四日市市,第三区山科区,京都左京区东山区,京都第二Sanagouti村前原诚司,桑名,Inabe市桑名郡,Inabe郡如果这个line m相当肯定三重县叩 By the way 仙 valley Tokushima one Ku Tokushima city and Sanagouchi village Maehara The Kyoto prefecture 2nd Ku The Kyoto city Sakyo Ku Higashiyama Ku Yamashina Ku Okada Mie prefecture 3rd Ku Yokkaichi city and Kuwana city it is pan city the Kuwana Gun the Inabe Gun and the triple Gun It hits if is the ze which probably will go fairly
808居民,而是想你会喜欢和不喜欢Yamerya Ooya早井森议员,我愤怒的东西,他赞成战国 808 But the prefectural people the 仙 valley abhorring thinking that to be quick the Assemblyman stopping ri ya it is good the ru it does The wa which rages in the person who voted to 仙 valley something
Gotoda,因为它是一个378区区仙石3 NULL
“战国BASARA”主题曲“删除” “仙 valley BASARA” Subject song “ZAP”
一旦转移到了很多爱好者,是不是一样自然拒绝战国 If it reaches the point where mania immigrates in large quantities the ro which reaches the point where the 仙 valley you are defeated naturally and is
你真不是个好一些采取单一战国优势无论如何,如果只给予优惠待遇,以吸引,甚至动画工作室 Attracting even at the animation studio when you favorably treat kana and others anyhow Simply just it has gone on board… The 仙 valley it is and the ro which is useless
在工作 u200b u200b中,但经常出差负责德四国地区的立场,这需要一肚子不知道我对这个家伙战国等人投了反对票。 In regard to work because it is Shikoku area charge however you take a business trip to Tokushima well that when you think whether koitsu and others voted to the 仙 valley the stomach stands
我是很出名的单身人士Sugejan战国德岛 仙 valley suge it is Tokushima the red sandal wood is produced to famous alone it passes so
战国我投票,我不知道别人怎么想你呢?我 The tsu te which votes to the 仙 valley what kind of thought having it probably is ru people what tsu te
飞碟的CG动画制作公司是德岛公司表 The animation CG production company u four table corporation is Tokushima enterprise
飞碟的CG动画制作公司是德岛公司表 The animation CG production company u four table corporation is Tokushima enterprise
马霍是在深谷深谷站JR高崎线)濑户的花嫁(所泽市)由蓝色靛蓝(富士Noiti新座(原爱)富士见市(富士见场站),蜡笔小新学校良好的榜样:(春日部)幸运☆星(春日部市,Satte Kiiti尚志(Washimiya旧镇),大宫区,埼玉市)头文字D(土坂峠正丸峠矿沙达坳坳村Higashititibu马斯)我们看到花的名字那一天,他们还不知道 The flax sail is good the model of school the JR Takasaki line Fukaya station which is Fukaya city)
Seto bride (Tokorozawa city)
Blue it does from the indigo, (Niikura city [hu] [ji] seeing Noichi (old Oi Cho) Fujimi city (around the [hu] [ji] seeing field station)
Crayon grommet: (Haruhibu city)
And others coming * It does, it is (Haruhibu city Satte city Kuki city (old Washimiya Cho) occasion, cartridge city Omiya Ku)
Initial D (Higashi Chichibu village correct circular pass fixed peak pass between shoal pass earth hill pass)
That day I do not know the name of the flower which was seen yet
高原is ll麻烦地方政府没有谁是教下一代231“Yosakoi”此行有什么人有这样的想法:“不Kakawattara麻烦”,因为居民,还不够好 231 The person who teaches to the following generation is not and also the te self governing community has been troubled ” Good quality of the highland it will be anything likely it is dense” and there is also a plan that with it probably will go but “When it relates to difficult thing because the scale it is” with it is the prefectural people characteristic which is said now one
它是日本最Oosaka有主见的公民? It is the prefectural people characteristic where the Osaka inclination is strongest in Japan but
(一种特殊的滤纸四国化工机),移动电话,智能电话,笔记本电脑,液晶显示器不使用 Shikoku chemical engineering machine special paper make filter You do not use the portable telephone the smart phone the notebook PC and the liquid crystal monitor
手机,智能电话,笔记本电脑,液晶显示器不使用 You do not use the portable telephone the smart phone the notebook PC and the liquid crystal monitor
(一种特殊的滤纸机四国化工)不要使用农药 Shikoku chemical engineering machine special paper make filter You do not use the portable telephone the smart phone the notebook PC and the liquid crystal monitor
(四国化工机)移动电话,智能电话,笔记本电脑,液晶显示器不使用 Shikoku chemical engineering machine You do not use the portable telephone the smart phone the notebook PC and the liquid crystal monitor
(德岛大学和日本宇宙航空研究开发机构)不使用日光灯 (The University of Tokushima and space aeronautics research and development mechanism)
Fluorescent you do not use the light