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You propose that the nuclear plant which it should observe to the new energy “only of Ikegami Akira Japan” equivalent of 20 it should utilize the “geothermal resource”


  • 538尤其是在九州电厂Hatchobaru,由数字贬值的好处,帮助没有他们所需要的燃料,近年来,7日元/千瓦时发电成本的地热能源的进展
    538 Especially, at eight even number field power plants of Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., being recent years, due to the fact that the merit of the geo-thermal generation where the fuel does not need helps the advance of depreciation, 7 Yen/it actualizes the generating cost of kWh

    • Kiwamu肯是在核力量的利益,例如溃疡已经完全“我们不得不说 Such research was crushed entirely in atomic energy right is” With it was said

      • 为什么光伏研究补助金给予巨额赞助埃塔学者,地热发电,我们应该投入了大量的研究经费和研究大量风
        Therefore, as given the enormous research expenditure to the business scholar, In researcher of solar optical generation of electricity, geo-thermal generation and wind force generation of electricity etc Should throw the enormous research expenditure

        • 主要问题是从帝国总部宣布了做好池上
          With nuclear problem, also Ikegami does Imperial Headquarters announcement the empty

          • 也许更好的锂电池水平也普遍被使用,更有效呢?你说得对还是错上使用的山或用尽大坝下游的鸽子有多余的电力泵Ugokashi祝福能够有效地摆脱了水电运行 Efficiency the one which the lithium electric battery was used normally mashi the kana which is level The a the pump u doing by dump power the dam of the hillock sucking up the object of downstream when it becomes insufficient when with you use in hydroelectric power efficiency badness so in… reward the shelf
            • 也许更好的锂电池水平也普遍被使用,更有效呢?你说得对还是错用祝福能够有效地运行在水中电梯山出他们像一个大坝下游吸收多余的电力泵水鸽子有Ugokashi Efficiency the one which the lithium electric battery was used normally mashi the kana which is level The a the pump u doing by dump power the dam of the hillock sucking up the object of downstream when it becomes insufficient when with you use in hydroelectric power efficiency badness so in… reward the shelf

          • 什么是新技术的兴趣正在476电源,你的利益集团干预的权力斗争现在 476 As for electrical right tsu te what new technology Current electrical right group Being desperate the ro which it disturbs and is
            • 你这样的新技术将干预权力利益集团现在在绝望 As for such new technology Current electrical right group Being desperate the ro which it disturbs and is

          • 他打算依靠比日本在核能源,因为我鄂罗汉奸反打击经济添加前缀
            The person whom it tries to depend other than atomic energy adds shock to the Japanese economy Therefore the anti-Japanese traitor the Japanese stop

            • 但小规模的水力发电厂仍由
              Simply It can make the hydroelectric power plant of small-to-medium-sized scale still

              • 但是,有这么大,你不是说一定会实现谭Ttara如果有人已经有可能尚未实现,“嘿嘿。 So being splendid so furthermore if actualization possible ones Long ago when you say that it makes actualize it is there is no someone “ hu hu

                • 但是,还有更多的像清洁能源或可再生能源类 However there is a clean energy or a renewable energy or various taxonomic one
                  • 分类:可再生能源 Category Renewable energy
                  • 我不知道如果能源自行车Tyuugoku If China it probably is bicycle energy what

                • 你我的灾难,我的进步的德日三方条约
                  The road of the catastrophe is advanced with the Japanese-German Italy three national alliances,

                  • 倍,在该国重要的可能是我们把钱最终破裂,但在我的活力在每一个方向出来,向日本核电厂妄想严重 The nuclear plant becoming harsh The Japanese vital force should have been produced with all directions Ending in vain effort it is important for the gold to turn In order that it becomes turn in the country

                    • 八[字段是一个未完成的大坝水力发电厂,它应该迅速恢复瓦特
                      As for eight [tsu] place dams of the making applying quickly constructing reopening We should make the hydroelectric power plant, w

                      • 化石燃料的成本16%的费用估计总发电
                        Cost of the fossil fuel seems the 16% of entire generating cost

                        • 可再生能源的对手不仅要思考,例如,如果您使用的是新技术感兴趣 If as for the person who opposes to energy of nature in new technology interest in the gift dearly you cannot think
                          • 可再生能源的反对者认为,不仅不感兴趣,例如在新技术 If as for the person who opposes to energy of nature in new technology interest in the gift dearly you cannot think

                        • 同时也希望降低温泉的温度,所以你没有任何803,发烧杆六合土地。什么温度低于Gattara结构,因果关系外,没有争吵nected之间的差异 803 Without doing at all because there are times when temperature of the hot spring goes down in the vicinity geothermal departure Making When temperature goes down the causal relation anyhow connection is attached not to be wrong
                          • 同时也希望降低温泉的温度,所以你没有任何803,发烧杆六合土地。什么温度低于Gattara结构,因果关系外,没有争吵nected之间的差异 803 Without doing at all because there are times when temperature of the hot spring goes down in the vicinity geothermal departure Making When temperature goes down the causal relation anyhow connection is attached not to be wrong

                        • 周五太阳永远不会发展了地热的方式我最卓越性能而基于现有技术的经济是不是一切OK In result base Most cost not being required It is the terrestrial heat Specially the solar optical how gold applying it is not necessary to develop At all with existing technology OK
                          • 我不能支持太阳能功率只有半年的工作 Only half of one year the solar optical how mere auxiliary power which cannot be worked

                        • 哈市忠志火力发电的二氧化碳排放量,他将死于肺癌的鄂增加污染大气,因此
                          However because thermal power generation pollutes discharges carbon dioxide and, the atmosphere, the person who dies being the lung cancer increases

                          • 嘿,来吧现在可以安全池上已收到钱从什么地方先?万维网 Being possible it is 1st to be safe It is Ikegami This time the gold you received from somewhere www
                            • 池上现已收到钱从浩在哪里?万维网 1 It is Ikegami This time the gold you received from somewhere www

                          • 因此,无论是582“干净”嗯,我没有瓦特因达 582 Therefore “the cleanliness” is neither it is don t you think w

                            • 在全国电力然后就是最重要的Oranchiokitoriumu Bokee向上稼仙甲酸! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
                              With [oranchiokitoriumu] in Kuniriki UP sen income most priority [bokee]! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

                              • 在新西兰的323 000人47冰岛的人口4266000人12777 00万人口在日本的人口 47 The Icelandic population 323 000 people The New Zealand population 4 266 000 people The Japanese population 127 770 000 people

                                • 在短期内就足够了Geru 725对热的利用
                                  725 Availability of the thermal power it just lifts short-term the sufficient

                                  • 地热TTP的缺点:/ / necojp.org /文件/%素E2%91%E8的± 3%%87%E7的机管局%%84%B6的%E3展%82%± 8%E3展%83%8D的%E3展%83%AB公司%E3展%82%%,英法曝光公元前%8D.pdf○%面积有限

                                    • 地球号深海深度2500米,低于七千五百米地下钻探已备的能力,例如
                                      [chi] coming [yu] [u] In the deep-sea area of the depth of water 2,500m, the ability to dig is had to under 7,500m the ground nadir

                                      • 如果你已经做的贿赂鄂地热发电的巨大需求ーGottsu
                                        Enormous electric power demand can be maintained at the terrestrial heat, if is, doing long ago, the [ru] [tsu] -

                                        • 如果这么多,但在菲律宾取得茹发电机,你然后应用到菲律宾,但defintely更使更多的是在日本? But if just it is it can generate electricity densely in the Philippines but it probably will more complete even in Japan … The Philippine te being suited considerably ru

                                          • 它也成为发电效率高,可在比传统的太阳能电池板的推出更低的成本 In addition when it can introduce lower than the former solar panel at cost and also generation of electricity efficiency is high it is thing
                                            • 它也成为发电效率高,可在比传统的太阳能电池板的推出更低的成本 In addition when it can introduce lower than the former solar panel at cost and also generation of electricity efficiency is high it is thing

                                          • 它的486池上,Chikatsu抵达要么赢,我很游戏的问题,美色调分钟前 486 Ikegami when it is attached to either one to win applying Before fighting understanding it is ru problem don t you think
                                            • 池上在它的,无论是到达Chikatsu赢,我是游戏的问题,美色调分钟前 So Ikegami when it is attached to either one to win applying Before fighting understanding it is ru problem don t you think

                                          • 已清楚表明,这主要优点
                                            This has shown the predominance of the nuclear plant directly

                                            • 德塔从这些投诉,但没有我想我不知道 It is from such dissatisfaction to release it probably is what however distantly it is

                                              • 我不使用铀燃料,不合理的放射性废物进行核聚变发电,因为还有二氧化碳吸引作为下一代能源收集tive关注的新的环境优越 Because fusion generation of electricity because the uranium fuel is not used does not produce the radioactive waste either carbon dioxide do not come out Attention is attracted as a kind next generation energy in environment

                                                • 我以为我这样做在表或太阳能地热效率差了愚蠢 It is the terrestrial heat and the tsu pa As for being aho solar light or efficiency it is bad putting out to the chart the ru
                                                  • 即使从广阔的庭院和建筑物所产生的能量都在非常小,效益差 NULL

                                                • 我分发硫化氢,sulfur 米Kiru基下沉,噪音,相当多,但我有这么可怕的问题,
                                                  The hydrogen sulfide the [wa] which is scattered, the sulphur the outflow stripe the [wa] which comes, as for ground subsidence the [wa] which occurs, as for noise the problematical point is rather many with the enormous [wa], but it is

                                                  • 我已经在大部分地方位于国家公园的一个瓶颈
                                                    The geographical right place being in most national parks the is neck shelf

                                                    • 我是在地上,我不知道林业现实地热,米奈多 Unless it makes the terrestrial heat and passes tries digging as for details under the land not being understood is actuality
                                                      • 全国公众。它似乎已经困扰茹志也能挖避免倾斜 Semi national public Avoiding but like also it is possible to dig from tilt it does and the chi is troublesome

                                                    • 我有一个火山喷发引发的风险,或者我应该说我傻也工作,对我飞你打算怎么吹喷发 Blowing off with eruption In addition that it should have made saying however ru aho is The risk which induces eruption how was completed

                                                      • 我画洁具 Kudake开发太阳能电池板是在 欧罗巴(木卫二)是北陆先端科学技术大学院大下田达也教授, 涂料在世界 ,我烤Kudake太阳能电池板,可在成功地开始发展 Painting developing the solar panel which just it burns and with can make EUROPA europa Professors Tatuya the Hokuriku advanced technology graduate school large Shimoda Painting the solar panel which with can just burn and make Beginning in the world it succeeded in developing

                                                        • 我要把一个运行或502或折旧多吗? ?嘿帐户或碗?我只是在浪费涡轮注册的经济部,伊根美味的蛋糕之前,我认为鄂腐蚀问题 画不同的喷气孔 502 Running or repaying the varieties entering the ru The bowl calculation tsu it does The fumarole how turbine of the economic industrial ministry just you insert Don t you think corrosion problem before how thinking the rice cake which is drawn is tasty the
                                                          • 包括已死之间的涡轮喷气孔和东我唯一的区别,是不是唯一移动的安全性相当摊销前的最后五年请我认为问题是腐蚀鄂 The fumarole how turbine of the Agatsuma mountain just you insert Corrosion doing problem before how thinking cheaply if also 5 years move the ro which is repayment end

                                                        • 所以,我能做些什么来分散风险,他们放置在每个城市的工厂位置吗?你只是TTA的关虚荣酱,石原的“三宅地热电站,”我希望我的例子说,耀西Tadasu Putting one place power plant on each city to be possible risk to disperse don t you think it is Just the bean jam cut the Omi glory therefore it is capital Governor Ishihara “Miyake Jima is designated as the geo thermal generation base” tsu te word Obtaining it is groovy but it is
                                                          • 我想我只在晚上塞793太阳能发电站 NULL

                                                        • 接下来是藻类产能的10倍,“油”使藻类在日本有希望
                                                          As for next the alga comes Productivity 10 time “The petroleum” the seaweed which is made, in Japan promising stocks discovery

                                                          • 无论如何ー好吧,如果我喜欢的趋势在一些非核动力普遍被什么 u200b u200b巨大的,只是说国家立即TTA的周一猪排 The ma in any case now When it is other than the nuclear plant it is splendid with anything Like tendency spreading at part the te you said it is just to win state
                                                            • 我们没有从蜘蛛TTA的鞋这方面的 u200b u200b知识或成本比核 ma Unless about the nuclear plant either those where cost is attached high it is because this time you knew

                                                          • 曾经是一个核电厂至今。不只是在谈论我们所可再生能源的巨额补贴的美好时光 It had turned to the nuclear plant until now If the enormous subsidy is turned to energy of nature good sufficient story
                                                            • 推来在哥里的货币价值协助这一技术,我认为这将是坏心 It probably is useless when is the incenter even with the technology which is thought gori it does to push with subsidy aim

                                                          • 毕竟,热干岩地热能源 “而不是”温度差“是一代人或地点我也质疑,你怎么说取决于支那伊予泉淳 In the first place the hot rock body gt When geo thermal generation” are not and are te “temperature difference” generation of electricity you do not question either condition of site and to depend on also those which the hot spring how are said It is
                                                            • 763因此,“地热”和“,而不是温差之间的”权力可能温泉Tsubusanaku 763 Therefore when “the terrestrial heat” are not and are te “temperature difference” generation of electricity the hot spring is not crushed and also the te is good
                                                            • ü贿赂年龄应不仅成为大型电力 The shelf which should stop being the times when maintains with just large scale generation of electricity
                                                            • 例如吃得好,我不傻,因为这一代加拉帕戈斯你的状态 Such Galapagos generation of electricity Don t you think the ma it is the ma eat the fool
                                                            • 如果温泉“地热能源”的安全,而不是“热能源”你 If the hot spring it is cheaper than geo thermal generation” ““electric generation by temperature difference” the ro which is
                                                            • 惟人类发展报告将很快测试最后Waru However power generation utilizing hot dry rock collar maggot coming test ends
                                                            • 热干岩地热能源 4 二进制地热能源 Geo thermal generation geothermal energy 4
                                                            • 燃煤联合循环发电新的高效率,清洁和漂亮 Also new thermal power combine cycle generation of electricity high efficiency may be clean
                                                            • 这应该做滚烫的泉水一样,有一个从地热水发电产生的绞纱 If it boils the hot water by the electricity which generates electricity at the terrestrial heat the same as the hot spring With we had been supposed to have decided to say
                                                            • 首先,我质疑或位置也被人类发展报告,支那伊予泉丰还取决于我怎么说 In the first place when it is power generation utilizing hot dry rock you do not question either condition of site and to depend on also those which the hot spring how are said It is

                                                          • 民所花的“小水电地热开发补助金,”包括取消彻底改善→只有一个日记条目
                                                            1 With [minsu] classification The “small-to-medium-sized hydraulic power geo-thermal generation development expense subsidy” -> the drastic improvement which includes abolition

                                                            • 海浪发电发生了什么事,是我的样子,他身边的JAMSTEC
                                                              By the way the wave activated [tsu] [te] how it became Per JAMSTEC does the person

                                                              • 环保团体翻译不明白的地方,我风风火火法院清理了周边地区的民间团体
                                                                Something from the [wa] of meaning it is the protection of the environment group, with the citizen group entire coming out of peripheral area it becomes lawsuit rush

                                                                • 现在,我厂生产的地热发电288的大小,而不是垃圾文星期一我想说,在品川东京工业大学实验反应堆事故
                                                                  288 Scale of the current geothermal power station how, the experimental reactor of the east institute of technology which is Shinagawa such an accident How, it seems that it is not caused, it rubbed

                                                                  • 琵琶湖1 /东西,可以确保在四个地区的进口总额
                                                                    It means Lake Biwa being able to guarantee the entire quantity of the import quantity in the area of 1/4,

                                                                    • 由于是与同系的主要倡导者可怕呀干扰历史的正确133瓦特瓦特瓦特我真的在日本的崩溃坏! 133 Because there is a history which sled ya nuclear propulsion group obstructs w W Japan it is the large villain who collapses with ro w maji which is the outrageous people
                                                                      • 就像你觉得你已经经历过多少,我不能没有他们的主要的例子给我认为新的技术改革早434等有什么? 434 Therefore technology reforming quickly unless new thing you think how long passing the nuclear plant it cannot leave Somehow viewing it is combining

                                                                    • 电力将最终希望是我们必须要使用任何热量 As for electricity doing the how whatever kind of to use Therefore heat is generated finally

                                                                      • 社会主义与俄罗斯的天安门广场事件在他的书中现代历史,我也受到了严重的批评共产主义
                                                                        With our work of modern history the Tien An Men incident and the Russian socialism and communism It is to criticize severely to do,

                                                                        • 福岛县但这次核灾难,火灾已停止,地热后能够尽快恢复暂停的涡轮机业务 Even with the latest earthquake disaster the atomic energy it stopped the thermal power inside Fukushima prefecture but the turbine after at one time stopping it re could work the terrestrial heat immediately
                                                                          • 太阳能热发电也renewable m也仍然味道的铀379的范围 Solar light still the range of hobby 379 The uranium and the thermal power are energy of nature

                                                                        • 福岛和鱼农场废物,狗屎
                                                                          Fukushima farm products & fish = rubbish, [unko

                                                                          • 秘书长的报告卡斯之一般氢储存和守恒定律的381 - 卡斯
                                                                            381 With law and hydrogen storage of retention [ku] ゙ [ku] ゙ [rekasu] - refuse

                                                                            • 而且避免了危机的钚发现要发言。对于锗范围并不广泛,那么,他们甚至不碘仍然分布,以及如何不释放放射性铯所有的有毒物质?信息作战和代理商民主,但有一个问题,卖了日本自己的国家和非法捐款,并弹珠普选在韩国通过,因为没有期间在日本的第二个版本的危害是一个很好的机会鄂想了很多,它已被禁止大纲工具 - 维基百科
                                                                              If you say that it should do, even in melt down and plutonium detection 避. The range it does not expand and, even now even the iodic medicine it does not distribute and, the deadly poison the radioactive substance is not published securely entirely from the cesium kana? However there is also a democracy operative and information operation, illegality donation and a treason problem, because next resident denizenship and the pachinko is a damage, it became the good opportunity where in Korea the varieties you think of that among other things it is prohibited The Japanese release second period construction summary - Wikipedia

                                                                              • 茹已经钻了一个洞,兰花Ttara工作中的任何位置温泉
                                                                                When in hot spring area and the hole you dig work viewing, it is possible anywhere, but

                                                                                • 还支持通过减少火山爆发破坏业界的两个世界
                                                                                  Being able to correspond to also the industrial reduction with the damage of eruption, a stone two bird

                                                                                  • 这是好事,让更多的天然气发电厂为介质的传输损失降低
                                                                                    More the large quantity the thermal power plant of natural gas type of medium scale it is good in order to decrease transmission of electricity loss to make,

                                                                                    • 逐i 523“沿海”我不知道在Tteta? ? ?在5公里远不能海岸盐 523 With solar optical generation of electricity tsu te “coast section” is possible and says and has known With salt attack it is not possible to coast section 5km rank
                                                                                      • 696艾希Hayo阳光很难有一个晚上 696 Solar light is difficult there is a night and

                                                                                    • 长良川。请按和反Gyagya唤原来的程度。这使厨房Sukanee
                                                                                      The Nagara River estuary. With [giyagiya] the mass communications which scream the counter field. The 厨 permits this, it can combine,

                                                                                      • 除了福岛和辐射引起的农作物,伤害将成为钓鱼晃入迷,我不能这么做,因为国家建立了一个新的核力量没有解决这个问题永远。 In addition to Fukushima the empty damage of the farm products and the fishing industry due to the influence of the radioactivity becomes light Semipermanently problem new nuclear construction how it is possible when it is not solved because it cannot boil
                                                                                        • 直到两个月通过在福岛县放射性最后星期一,但最苦无恐惧说Tteta To 2 months ago in the Fukushima prefecture people as for the radioactivity although you say that we do not fear

                                                                                      研究 開発