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Although “the radioactive substance is insecure, as for the husband it is not made the air!”“The husband buys, useless…With disappointment” earthquake disaster opportunity, during divorce increasing ★2


  • 231 单人是敏感的地震机器已经结婚,已婚男子娶我现在嘿,一个故事,我想结婚或离婚,如果我将检查有关情况的辐射龟思维方式就像是我的决定是否 231 gt Making the most of earthquake disaster the celibacy person to wish to get married as for the married person divorce therefore the ru The combining e which is the tsu te article Whether or not as for the person who gets married from now on how to think concerning the radioactivity being agreeable the ru Verifying whether or not you get married because it is decided don t you think it is good
    • 231 单人是敏感的地震机器已经结婚,已婚男子娶我现在嘿,有什么事我想结婚或离婚,如果我将检查有关情况的辐射龟思维方式就像是我的决定是否 231 gt Making the most of earthquake disaster the celibacy person to wish to get married as for the married person divorce therefore the ru The combining e which is the tsu te article Whether or not as for the person who gets married from now on how to think concerning the radioactivity being agreeable the ru Verifying whether or not you get married because it is decided don t you think it is good
    • 没关系,我是40岁以上Gireba活动,不断对我说小姐 If 40 it passes there is no radioactivity how relationship The tsu te do to say

  • 5月20日,目黑区剂量0 08。希沃特 小时,吹田Oosaka 0 08。希沃特 在大阪 核 的问题,有少量放射性物质(铯134,铯137)被发现 05 19 Oosaka 4★,Oosaka已经在放射性污染水平已覆盖北东ħ Radiation dose May 20th Tokyo Meguro Ku 0 08 Sv h Osaka Suita city 0 08 Sv h In Osaka minute radioactive substance cesium 134 cesium 137 detection 05 19 4 Osaka already the radioactivity being covered Osaka already pollution of northeast level
    • 5月20日,目黑区剂量0 08。希沃特 小时,吹田Oosaka 0 08。希沃特 在大阪 核 的问题,有少量放射性物质(铯134,铯137)被发现 05 19 Oosaka 4★,Oosaka已经在放射性污染水平已覆盖北东ħ Radiation dose May 20th Tokyo Meguro Ku 0 08 Sv h Osaka Suita city 0 08 Sv h In Osaka minute radioactive substance cesium 134 cesium 137 detection 05 19 4 Osaka already the radioactivity being covered Osaka already pollution of northeast level
    • 5月20日,目黑区剂量0 08。希沃特 小时,吹田Oosaka 0 08。希沃特 在大阪 核 的问题,有少量放射性物质(铯134,铯137)被检测ħ 05 19 Oosaka 4★,已经在包括放射性 Radiation dose May 20th Tokyo Meguro Ku 0 08 Sv h Osaka Suita city 0 08 Sv h In Osaka minute radioactive substance cesium 134 cesium 137 detection 05 19 4 Osaka already the radioactivity being covered Osaka already pollution of northeast level

  • 637西放射性辐射是你漂亮吗?

    • Bibiru父亲也是一个较小的地震疏散到3 11拥抱,他们被转移到了一个小巧精致的狗 Even in the small earthquake the bibi ru father holding the dog properly in 3 11 although it is evacuated outside you were impressed a little
      • 我相信我的丈夫是有关儿童疏散到家庭 Because the husband does not believe I accompanying the child evacuate to the parents home

    • Keicho伏见大地震,1596年9月5日(Keicho伏见大地震) M 7 0 7 1,1000在京都和酒井山城欧米地震死了06月16日1662(西部Toukai畿内探戈,总丰彩?琵琶湖Seigan地震) M 7 4 7 8,成千上万的人死亡? 1596 September 5th Keicho Fushimi earthquake Keicho Fushimi major earthquake M 7 0 7 1 With Kyoto and Sakai above the deceased total 1 000 people 1662 June 16th Omi Yamashiro earthquake the inside Tango Tokai western earthquake of 畿 and the Lake Biwa Saigan earthquake of Hiroshi sentence M 7 4 7 8 Deceased several thousand people
      • Keicho伏见大地震,1596年9月5日(Keicho伏见大地震) M 7 0 7 1,1000在京都和酒井山城欧米地震死了06月16日1662(西部Toukai畿内探戈,总丰彩?琵琶湖Seigan地震) M 7 4 7 8,成千上万的人死亡? 1596 September 5th Keicho Fushimi earthquake Keicho Fushimi major earthquake M 7 0 7 1 With Kyoto and Sakai above the deceased total 1 000 people 1662 June 16th Omi Yamashiro earthquake the inside Tango Tokai western earthquake of 畿 and the Lake Biwa Saigan earthquake of Hiroshi sentence M 7 4 7 8 Deceased several thousand people

    • “如果我的妻子或耐心疲惫和你不担心我和丈夫觉得Dzui详细了解我们的孩子和他们的父母担心,考虑离婚排减单位是没有多少人 gt “In case of the wife unless the husband is worried about my thing to use up amiability by his the child and the parent Becoming aware in it is worrying the person who thinks of divorce is many is
      • “如果妻子有耐心和疲劳或对我和我的丈夫感到担心,你对自己Dzui更担心,孩子和家长,考虑到离婚鄂我有很多人 “In case of the wife unless the husband is worried about my thing to use up amiability by his the child and the parent Becoming aware in it is worrying the person who thinks of divorce is many is

    • 亚罗Pukapikafukasuyouna吸烟头骨是天然气已离婚
      The tobacco the [pu] or the [pi] it seems that is blown Brain weather [yaro] being divorced, is proper

      • 但我没有回家,我还让他们返回 It could not have so me making the parents home return
        • 我是几个月前能够学习,只有两个 2 months which pass be able to study a little before callous Toda

      • 但是,如果每天的身份模拟,每个补发其主要笔记本

        • 你们赢了,我现在不买水,包括饮用水后,立即第一次核accident m不是说我开始超过参考值或水从一个星期比415老活动

          • 你有什么善后做的,如果我没有撒谎在逃跑Geru一定会在前方703不好的原因? Ru m出血的真理问题进行最终想要做的好可以来畅所欲言,你是不是写的书,或者如果你真的Mitakunai 703 When become inconvenient forward it was the fanning which is lie with it escapes if it is you do because some It probably is the problem how we would like to do by the fact that favorite selfishly you speak of but After all truth oozes out it is if entry you do not want truly you do not write therefore it is
            • 你是来说谎那么687? 687 Lie in order to be attached being here

          • 你的意思是你可以说,宽容的利益得到699,你来对她说自己的两个立场不会所谓的好?所以他们没有改善她的前两个畅所欲言瓦特我从来就不是一个好的板匿名 699 The indulgence tsu lever of the thing which is spoken arbitrarily As for you as for favorite selfishly speaking with 2 the stance which goes and saying says When is in the first place it is not faced to 2 it is w It is about anonymous bulletin board how favorite selfishly you speak
            • 你的意思是说所有你能拿出699良好的宽容,你来对她说自己的两个立场不会所谓的好?所以他们没有改善她的前两个畅所欲言瓦特我从来就不是一个好的板匿名 699 The indulgence tsu lever which speaks arbitrarily As for you as for favorite selfishly speaking with 2 the stance which goes and saying says When is in the first place it is not faced to 2 it is w It is about anonymous bulletin board how favorite selfishly you speak

          • 健康所造成的破坏方式,/ y在因癌症死亡的风险,因此随机辐射,1mSv是接触

            • 关东大地震,即使在366核事故。我在灾区
              366 As for Kanto in earthquake and in nuclear accident. The [ze] which is suffering area

              • 几百毫秒的119希沃特因为生活是没有那么多作业工人或基层曝光量不落基余,100mSv暴露后,2 1%,如果孩子将提高两倍左右,因癌症死亡的几率10 3 Kunaru是高端Warukara数百 119 There is no being bombed quantity of several hundred millimeter Sv tsu te off base levels Even the nuclear operator is not bombed so When with lifetime 100mSv it is bombed the probability which dies being the 2 cancer gun from 1 rises In case of the child about 10 it becomes times high from 3 When hundred it is several because it ends
                • 继特别是在小学近県关东地区下了她丈夫的孩子,我想对股市,但我Ttara言避难四郎只是与他们的孩子在你离开前的沟通 The especially nuclear plant of Kanto closely as for the husband where or less of the young child of the prefecture is as for we it remains but you and accompanying with also just the child when the evacuation margin tsu te you said although stocks rose
                • 这使得有人提出,从东京电力,东京避难的法案了!她还看到通过电话接受真正愚蠢的家伙白痴妻子东京电力公司净吧,我说,我们都上了网,在网上 也许,可靠的信息是与抱怨了Tteru It is possible to make of moving generation Tokyo Electric Power Company provide even with the evacuation from Tokyo The foolish wife of the colleague believing aho the telephone applying at Tokyo Electric Power Company the ru so is Because you saw with the net with the net everyone so saying the ru and the net it can trust the information… which Already the limited causing re it is with grumbling the ru

              • 到现在为止,政府和有关媒体“这将储备”你有一个问题是Yattekonakatta Generally until now government and the mass communications “storing margin” the ro where the fact that you do not do is problem
                • 但是我需要一些库存多5000万反正 But 500 000 Yen tsu te just which stored just combining

              • 医学科学家对人类实验数据收集情况表明利益,我会为整数

                • 南海地震也可能发生在同一时间Tonankai根据地质调查 According to geological survey almost also southeast sea southeast sea earthquake occurs in the same time
                  • 也可能发生东海地震Tonankai大约在同一时间,根据地质调查局 According to geological survey almost also southeast sea southeast sea earthquake occurs in the same time
                  • 宝永地震,地震发生在同一时间Tonankai Toukai Treasure is long earthquake simultaneously with Tokai southeast sea earthquake occurrence

                • 即使条件无差错阴性血,我应该退休 u200b u200bDzuke卵石和一定程度上拉低→我放弃了过去的决定不仅是必要的权利,当你需要一个政治家,还有874预后较差崛起的手鼓出来的破坏力如此之远,是我不好,我想我仅仅以确定早期白痴退役→我投降 874 Even now when former times the politician is necessary the decision which is necessary just it was not possible Former times gt it is abandoning interests although it should have withdrawn it is defeated continuing Even retreating occasion aho error unconditional surrender Although now gt closed reactor should have been decided ahead of time you dislike and put out damage and the zu te are Because correspondence is bad to here as for conclusion…
                  • 对它们,如果丈夫是第一个站出来的案件和以Dzui情妇谁觉得它重要的是有外遇离婚Chimashita应用,“他的妻子就是理所当然的既得利益索赔只不过是给予(在一个人的眼睛)Eyou伊藤支那,纯粹情妇会喜欢他们,因为他们只会导致反正从性,即 Vis a vis that in case of the husband Becoming aware that the lover who immorality has been done is more important you requested divorce the case that was conspicuous” As for the wife you just insist proper acquired interests by yourself confronting it does not try to giving what Because the lover purely you see from the man is connected with just eros from it is and passes and becomes the ku that you say

                • 发表→再婚,而在离婚→志愿服务灾区
                  While divorce -> the volunteer doing at suffering area, 婚 life -> remarriage

                  • 可怜的男人[确定]雍确定
                    Yes 哀 phase men 涌 [ku] [sure

                    • 唯一的补偿Moraerurashii恩戴发挥他们的生命和生活
                      Lifetime playing, you can receive the sufficient indemnity which it can live it seems

                      • 嗯,我也知道他们的超级偏执狂不支持联邦灾区,不然我会笑到西关西
                        West laughing, suffering area support of [ru] [te] Kansai wide area combination you do not know, don't you think? it is Damage delusion it is too extreme

                        • 国家东海,南海,南海地震发生在备例如同时,损害评估开始认真从今年

                          • 在兵库县身高2濑户内沿岸有3米的海啸会

                            • 大和地震Kawati 1936年2月21日 3月8 M 6 4级地震,地震播磨山城京都868 男7单位 1936 February 21st Kawachi Yamato earthquake M 6 4 The Kyoto earthquake damage August 3rd of 868 Harima Yamashiro earthquake M 7 units
                              • 大和地震Kawati 1936年2月21日 3月8 M 6 4级地震,地震播磨山城京都868 男7单位 1936 February 21st Kawachi Yamato earthquake M 6 4 The Kyoto earthquake damage August 3rd of 868 Harima Yamashiro earthquake M 7 units

                            • 大海啸和损害的纪伊土佐(在串本最大波高11米) With the tidal wave big damage with such as the Kii Tosa with Kushimoto largest wave crest 11m
                              • 大海啸和损害的纪伊土佐(在串本最大波高11米) With the tidal wave big damage with such as the Kii Tosa with Kushimoto largest wave crest 11m

                            • 天照皇大地震,1586年1月18日(山东海东大地震,地震欧米美浓飞弹) ?m的7 8 8 1 9月5日,Keicho伏见在1596年地震造成大量(Keicho伏见大地震) ?m的7 0 7 1 1000死在京都和酒井,1707年10月28日宝永以上地震共(南海地震Tonankai链接中) 15 620人被杀害在大阪海啸 1586 January 18th Tensho major earthquake Tokai Higashiyama road earthquake flying 騨 Mino Omi earthquake M 7 8 8 1 The deceased large number 1596 September 5th Keicho Fushimi earthquake Keicho Fushimi major earthquake M 7 0 7 1 With Kyoto and Sakai above the deceased total 1 000 people 1707 October 28th Treasure long earthquake Tokai Nankai southeast sea gearing type earthquake 15620 people die in Osaka with the tidal wave
                              • 天照皇大地震,1586年1月18日(山东海东大地震,地震欧米美浓飞弹) ?m的7 8 8 1 9月5日,Keicho伏见在1596年地震造成大量(Keicho伏见大地震) ?m的7 0 7 1 1000死在京都和酒井,1707年10月28日宝永以上地震共(南海地震Tonankai链接中) 15 620人被杀害在大阪海啸 1586 January 18th Tensho major earthquake Tokai Higashiyama road earthquake flying 騨 Mino Omi earthquake M 7 8 8 1 The deceased large number 1596 September 5th Keicho Fushimi earthquake Keicho Fushimi major earthquake M 7 0 7 1 With Kyoto and Sakai above the deceased total 1 000 people 1707 October 28th Treasure long earthquake Tokai Nankai southeast sea gearing type earthquake 15620 people die in Osaka with the tidal wave

                            • 她的来源或2周677 677 As for source 2 w
                              • 四二二瓦特蔬菜右出 422 As for the vegetable the ro w which is out

                            • 如果在外面有灾区人民的储存,产品增加了挥杆的Kera鄂分钟向灾区时,文没办法,他们降低配电量受影响地区以外 If everyone has stored outside suffering area When thing happens the product which is distributed to suffering area increases and The physical distribution quantity outside suffering area can be decreased

                              • 如果妻子或耐心用尽,不要你对我的丈夫时,丈夫走了出来,提供离婚,觉得这是非常重要的Dzui的爱人有外遇担心谁垂直眼球Chimashita案“蒙面结婚,离婚友好Ometsu主要搭载的声誉本瓦特瓦特 In case of the wife unless the husband is worried about my thing using up amiability In case of the husband becoming aware that the lover who immorality has been done is more important you requested divorce the case that was conspicuous” Mask married couple nuclear going on board Harmonious divorce ometsu w This so rumor w
                                • 如果丈夫 ,是不是像初级眼脱颖而出Chimashita此一离婚案件申请Dzui情妇谁觉得它是重要的一件事什么也没有?瓦特 gt In case of the husband becoming aware that the lover who immorality has been done is more important the case that was conspicuous you requested divorce There is no anything related to this nuclear plant w
                                • 如果丈夫是第一种情况Chimashita站出来像一个情妇申请离婚Dzui谁觉得重要的是有外遇,“许多事情是有相当茹Tsuto立场的眼睛?地震以及为什么你不想做任何事? In case of the husband becoming aware that the lover who immorality has been done is more important you requested divorce With the case which was said was conspicuous Something it is enormous
                                • 如果丈夫真是了不起Chimashita娜的眼睛中脱颖而出,并提供了离婚案件和感觉是很重要的Dzui的爱人有外遇谁 In case of the husband becoming aware that the lover who immorality has been done is more important you requested divorce With the case which was said was conspicuous Something it is enormous

                              • 如果它是对通奸是,如果她的丈夫是一个行我从来没有得到对她的情人情妇好,但不要让通奸瓦特也许旧的思维方式井出婚姻的誓言,“我发誓,我有什么附加Geru遂有时甚至可以当疾病梅鲁?”没有最少,即 In that case In case of the confronting and the husband who immorality have been done How it will do how the fact that the lover who immorality has been done goes to the lover it is not but w In oath of one causing brick marriage of old thought “When falling ill at the time of many chi ya and others it accompanies and it swears that it accomplishes Unless” there is are of extent
                                • 我有一条线我应该对她丈夫不使情妇结婚誓言瓦特井也许思维“,他们重视Geru遂老办法有时甚至什么可以当疾病梅鲁什么承诺?“没有最少,即 How it will do how the fact that the husband goes to the lover it is not but w In oath of one causing brick marriage of old thought “When falling ill at the time of many chi ya and others it accompanies and it swears that it accomplishes Unless” there is are of extent

                              • 安政150年前地震市民传达瓷砖雕刻在大阪2011年4月9日16海啸:23元玛萨靖(1854年)的安全。南海地震海啸,瓷砖雕刻可以告诉大和损坏,在西部关西,大阪,大阪城堡(市中央区),在大阪的事故案例看到江户时期的历史瓷砖雕刻“历史淹没展“已经出版

                                • 安贞桓,1854年12月24日。南海地震 M 8 4, 1854 December 24th It is cheap The Nankai earthquake M 8 4
                                  • 安贞桓,1854年12月24日。南海地震 M 8 4, 1854 December 24th It is cheap The Nankai earthquake M 8 4

                                • 宫城县在日本东京谁不是天堂是我还是关系Needaro空难和W

                                  • 心不只是变得明显,很久以前已被隔离
                                    Already as for heart being left just was actualized

                                    • 我不是说明显的不二家喝花蜜吹我付的www0.120日元。

                                      • 我也Tteta忽视分发救援物资的民主政府

                                        • 我可能有白血病或癌症的内照射后,我有心脏病或进食含放射性物质

                                          • 我希望我问过放射性物质的食物丈夫保险

                                            • 我是来说服人们德塔可怕的生活,我知道北东井案“将有100公里远的安全地带,因为公里八十〇瓦特”不要听,最后我说 Northeast has lived with the acquaintance the person staying however it persuaded awfully “Therefore 100 kilometers which are more distant than 80 kilometer sphere calling w which probably is all right ” you did not hear to end

                                              • 我来到她推出来,我来的情况,一旦已改善,提供试用婚姻 When we she occurs already already so one time facing it tries requesting marriage
                                                • 225( ·ω· ) 225 Ω
                                                • 432是不是已经 432 Already already so it does the yo
                                                • 712当然了! 712 Of course
                                                • 二百十五瓦特是真理 215 W which is truth
                                                • 您的新的更好的品尝食物的母亲的425!我和恩戴喜 425 It is tastier than the boiled rice of the mother The tsu te you rejoice the ri doing
                                                • 我也是这样想的人282 282 We so the wa which is thought
                                                • 我来到她推出来,我再次来到方式情况下,尝试了结婚证的申请 When we she occurs facing once more it tries requesting marriage
                                                • 我还认为,10 424 NULL
                                                • 童子军一一瓦特 NULL

                                              • 我的意思是,我仅限于两个星期,这是必要的,而政府的反应过于缓慢,受影响的面积过大 With you say or as for two weeks s amount when necessity was damage area was too wide correspondence of government is too slow only this time
                                                • 我觉得我也被愚弄了字谣言损害 To deceive too much the air does in rumor damage tsu te word

                                              • 我赞美和股票价格飙升的835 Miriwota

                                                • 日本NHK 放射性,如果每个人并不可怕鳍浴
                                                  If NHK < the radioactivity, it pours with everyone, we do not fear

                                                  • 本来我在电视上看到,我认为他们应该Ttara是电视主题 The wa which was seen with the television Originally when you thought that it is so proper it was topic of the television …
                                                    • 我觉得这本来应该是590 590 Originally however you think that it is so proper don t you think

                                                  • 根据瓷砖雕刻绘画,扭转海啸的河流是在大型垃圾和Azigawa Kitsukawa口停泊
                                                    According to the plan of tile edition, Kitukawa and cheaply anchored in the estuary of the Osamu river thousand stone boats which in the tidal wave counterflow the rivers

                                                    • 毕竟线被作为夫妻一样,你不ü无论哪种方式的差异“不,他们买”,“蔬菜”将“性兴趣”有一个机会,这将是不同的 After all When it is the same route with the married couple being good reason with whichever If the direction which is different “you will buy and useless” “vegetable” probably will be but “sexual hobby” probably will be but it becomes the opportunity which divides it is probably will be

                                                      • 注意在大阪湾Guikutsukano返流河,在大阪最高理论在7000死 Several rivers which are poured to the Osaka bay flow backward are the deceased theories but in Osaka the maximum of 7000 people
                                                        • 注意在大阪湾Guikutsukano返流河,在大阪最高理论在7000死 Several rivers which are poured to the Osaka bay flow backward are the deceased theories but in Osaka the maximum of 7000 people

                                                      • 海啸在兵库县预测,一直是最严重的宝永地震模型假定的受害者,三月地震以及东,想出了一个巨大的地震风险Kiru发射了超过传统的南海地震的假设 As for tidal wave estimate of Hyogo prefecture Treasure earthquake the worst damage supposition was done long in the model but similar to the east Japanese large earthquake disaster of March The fear the super enormous earthquake which exceeds former supposition even in the Nankai earthquake occurring has arisen
                                                        • 如果故障是哈市约700公里悟破坏,约500公里以上的东大地震 In that case the fault which is destroyed reaches to approximately 700 kilometers exceeds approximately 500 kilometers of east Japanese large earthquake disaster

                                                      • 然而,分析古代海啸的地质证据,如大分,大分县,市的Yonoudu佐伯(s Dzu农业)东部的调查,证实在池塘,

                                                        • 相关的故事,只是在你的主要区别可以情侣本来Tteta差异有 Has passed each other passing each other news item of the married couple just became relation of the nuclear plant originally
                                                          • 我正在努力由初级被骗477 477 Being deceived being used with the nuclear plant the ru it is

                                                        • 知道这个可怜的家庭主妇土地或被迫离婚的愚蠢媒体的力量的命运?

                                                          • 研究对象是大约19万个家庭在管家里Toukyoudenryoku
                                                            As for object, home approximately 19,000,000 household of the Tokyo Electric Power inside of pipe

                                                            • 硅藻化石都是从几百岁的各阶层自五世纪和16世纪闻名于世,是发现它附近的50硅藻为主的我,请不辜负总数的百分之是海
                                                              After the 5th century and after the 16th century the fossil of the diatom is verified respectively from the stratum of several hundred years, The diatom which inhabits at the sea being maximum, nearly entire 5 tenths having occupied was ascertained

                                                              • 离婚到15%,去年同期相比实现节能降耗目标和目前的LED灯泡部,15年的家庭储蓄户百分之条款。作为一项措施,以促进七月部,15个家庭的用电量减少百分之实现了和LED灯泡补票“奖”奖励制度,在开始这些

                                                                • 离婚率更想要得到一个年约五年后结果 5 years later when the approximately result is produced Furthermore because divorce ratio rises it was

                                                                  • 纪伊地震摄津Kawati 1360 22 12 21(东南海地震?) ??m的6 5 7 0 8 0 2 925死亡,多人死亡 1360 December 21st 22 days The Kii Settsu Kawachi earthquake southeast sea earthquake M 6 5 7 0 The deceased 2 925 8 0 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 1830年12月19日地震Kyouto M 640,280死 1830 December 19th The Kyoto earthquake M 6 4 280 deceased
                                                                    • 1830年12月19日地震Kyouto M 640,280死 1830 December 19th The Kyoto earthquake M 6 4 280 deceased
                                                                    • 8月3日,仁安保正1361年(南海地震)地震 ?m的8 0 8 5,多人死亡 1361 August 3rd The righteousness flat healthy it is cheap earthquake the Nankai earthquake M 8 0 8 5 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 北探戈地震1927年3月7日 M 7 3,死亡2 925人 1927 March 7th North Tango earthquake M 7 3 2 925 deceased
                                                                    • 北探戈地震1927年3月7日 M 7 3,死亡2 925人 1927 March 7th North Tango earthquake M 7 3 2 925 deceased
                                                                    • 山城大和1449年5月13日地震 M 6 5,多人死亡 1449 May 13th Yamashiro Yamato earthquake M 6 5 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 山城大和1449年5月13日地震 M 6 5,多人死亡 1449 May 13th Yamashiro Yamato earthquake M 6 5 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 山城欧米地震,7月22日976 M 6 7或更高,超过50人死亡 July 22nd of 976 Yamashiro Omi earthquake M 6 7 Above and deceased 50 or more
                                                                    • 山城欧米地震,7月22日976 M 6 7或更高,超过50人死亡 July 22nd of 976 Yamashiro Omi earthquake M 6 7 Above and deceased 50 or more
                                                                    • 我呼吁欧米美浓地震1819年2月8日 M 7 3,多人死亡 1819 August 2nd Ise Mino Omi earthquake M 7 3 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 我呼吁欧米美浓地震1819年2月8日 M 7 3,多人死亡 1819 August 2nd Ise Mino Omi earthquake M 7 3 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 摄津Kawati地震1510年9月21日 ?m的6 5 7 0,多人死亡 1510 September 21st Settsu Kawachi earthquake M 6 5 7 0 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 摄津Kawati地震1510年9月21日 ?m的6 5 7 0,多人死亡 1510 September 21st Settsu Kawachi earthquake M 6 5 7 0 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 纪伊摄津地震1360年11月21日22日(东南海地震?) ?m的7 5 8 0,多人死亡 1360 November 21st 22 days The Kii Settsu earthquake southeast sea earthquake M 7 5 8 0 The deceased large number
                                                                    • 纪伊摄津地震1360年11月21日22日(东南海地震?) ?m的7 5 8 0,多人死亡 1360 November 21st 22 days The Kii Settsu earthquake southeast sea earthquake M 7 5 8 0 The deceased large number

                                                                  • 贺都仁887大地震,8月26日在大阪(南海地震)地震 M 8 0 8 5,死亡人数约Kyouto摄津? The Osaka earthquake damage August 26th of 887 Benevolence harmony earthquake the Nankai earthquake M 8 0 8 5 Focusing on the Kyoto Settsu the deceased large number
                                                                    • 贺都仁887大地震,8月26日在大阪(南海地震)地震 M 8 0 8 5,死亡人数约Kyouto摄津? The Osaka earthquake damage August 26th of 887 Benevolence harmony earthquake the Nankai earthquake M 8 0 8 5 Focusing on the Kyoto Settsu the deceased large number

                                                                  • 这个狡猾的86?
                                                                    86 It is dense… cunning?

                                                                    • 阪神大地震的记忆,489多人民,筷子Yageruwakeganaiyo

                                                                      • 难以忽视的真相 - 没有产生核事故后,孩子Mareta兔耳; Hukushima Toukyoudenryoku
                                                                        Inconvenient truth The ear which is born

                                                                        研究 開発