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From the Chinese Santo ministry the contribution gold and the ball sign where “national Yasushi people cheaply” letter is cut is sent in Sendai city


  • 706 ll永远不知道的意思就是要接受该商标这不就是 706 gt Okamura of Japanese Chinese economic interchange association Chairman vicarious execution gt Chairman Yoshio Kato of amicable association in the Sendai market day As for these two people knowing the meaning of receiving sign without fail the ro which is the ru But the fool the secondary mayor and useless there is no tsu lever closing ya where meaning were not recognized and sold Sendai at 1 150 000 Yen
    • 即使是不与副市长收到采取白天 加藤义雄先生这些家伙仙台Japan 中国友好协会日本学会识别自己更差的蔑视 NULL

  • 822维基纪念球从未发现或听说过的案件TTA的球送到我和马克会认为Wareru球也是三国志之间的区别,我应该是一个皇帝的迹象。将出来 822 wiki is thought as the ru by mistake The case which sends ball sign is not found and you have not heard Ball sign is the expectation which is the sign of the emperor Even with three 國 will ball It comes out probably will be
    • 我想我是你会用我的心我没有非玉,我敢肯定,是大跌,写所谓Busayoku It is something which other than ball tsu te emperor it cannot have Considerably using the air however you think as the ru when so you write busayoku call the ri it is done it is don t you think

  • 884球,但有时所指的厕所在密封在这种情况下喷射意义上说,根据源材料(化石)的邮票之一,是不可缺少的。这些衣服似乎哀悼,不够一个脚本,尽管在表面上为中华民族的初步 u200b u200b审议 884 As for the ball however there are also times when it becomes meaning of the ball 璽 according to the source in this case in sense of the material The black shell the fossil make there is no hanko One As submitted to mourning the letter where consideration is not enough once in habit of the country of Chinese character
    • 884球,但有时所指的厕所在密封在这种情况下喷射意义上说,根据源材料(化石)的邮票之一,是不可缺少的。这些衣服似乎哀悼,不够一个脚本,尽管在表面上为中华民族的初步 u200b u200b审议 884 As for the ball however there are also times when it becomes meaning of the ball 璽 according to the source in this case in sense of the material The black shell the fossil make there is no hanko One As submitted to mourning the letter where consideration is not enough once in habit of the country of Chinese character

  • COM的哈肯我司在仙台一千年后,给它们扔,这是
    Over thousand hundred years later at rice field [haken] Sendai, throwing away and

    • S 692城市的支持。 688只动物逝一起代理
      692 Don't you think? city, support. Domesticated fowl and animals operative 688 Together passing away

      • TTP的:/ / www.city.sendai.jp / Seshi从仙台市签署的通知我得球下降谨恩戴

        • “学校的人国泰靖靖国民性”的两个字符被分配给我2,我宁愿指定的字符“宏靖”这事是日本人民的反向是一个挑战! gt The national Yasushi people it is cheap In addition to dividing the national” 2 letters into two with Yasushi s letter That the letter of the one which has been divided is something which makes “peace” upside down This is challenge to the Japan citizen
          • 它已经削减了大讨Tsubeshi井田汉字共产党的民族性格立即大骂分钟的国家和人民! The letter of the citizen is cut off with Yasushi s letter As for this as for China the country and the people it is amount and the cursing The Chinese Communist Party should attack at once
          • 秦被分为两个字母的人↓雅俗雅俗大国人民的这些东西,统一中国的第一个王朝 The national Yasushi people it is cheap The citizen is divided into two with Yasushi s letter As for Qin the Chinese first standardized royal court In other words such thing ↓

        • “弱国泰人”对抗“Kazuto Minpei”我认为我们是很好的周围 “The national Yasushi people it opposes cheaply” “the human harmony people flat” area is to call the kana which is not

          • ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━贸易协会授予!50年“这是一个中国的附庸国,”我会说Wareru瓦特
            Lower 賜 [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! 50 years later “here China was tributary”, the [tsu] [te] it is said, w

            • ◎。建筑物“&#40 857 035&#39 27&#807 ”第一幕很快 &#20 041 35&#789 :仁Hutoshi世界,唱歌。 。平,河清。反&#20 041 电导率 &#35 789 :大约39 532人&# 动荡的国家。人与#31 351 ,死于家破国 &#35 821 法 :&#32 852 明确的,使&#35 859 &#35 821 ,&#23 486 &#35 821 ,不断&#35 821 描述忠志Hutoshi国家安全人民&#20 048名,翻译绫隐藏和弱的人国泰&#35 793,低于&#32 467 理由水果和#35 793 通过圣经&#35 789提供 解圣经&#37322 。1,国家富强和人民生活的安全。向南?看起来像睡眠宋代时期 舍 lt lt 40857 39035 27807 gt gt First act Public Taihei song Flat the river it is clear 晏 The soldier it is rough the 39532 Rebellion country People 31351 National destruction house dying fleeing lt 35821 Law gt 32852 Combination system Work 35859 35821 23486 35821 Fixed 35821 Modification national Taihei and the people it is cheap the 20048 The national Yasushi people it is cheap mark English 翻 the 35793 Below 32467 Fruit reason 35793 Model offer 35789 Model solution 37322 1 The country is prosperous and the people live in safety South As in sleep talk Song s day shelf
              • 来源 :宋&#21 556件,自己的牲畜“。梁&#24 405,神山川“:”&#27 599 &#23 681 潮海泛滥 城堡国家,春秋&#37 294 节日,&#35 791 中国科学院生命蓝&#35 789 。。国泰人安全 Song 21556 Our Maki lt lt Beam 24405 Yamakawa God gt gt “ 27599 23681 Sea tide 溢 The state castle spring fall the 37294 Festival 35791 The life Academy Blue 35789 The national Yasushi people it is cheap

            • 不要把对生命和繁荣的脚民主党如果核
              If prosperity of the Democratic party administration and denuclearization it does, life etc of the person you take it is not enough

              • 中共靖弘日本人民分开,这个带状不会离开的意思是对共产党闪烁支流泄漏
                The Japanese citizen dividing, also in peace, as for the official seal tributary mind As for this unless it ruins also in, circumstance

                • 中国“我不需要这样的东西土地覆盖放射性,安全Japoneze汤瓦特”
                  “Land something of such radioactivity being covered of China as for [irane] and [jiyaponeze] relieved juice w”

                  • 中国外交部提出抗议,是不是要抗议平民总部■冲绳! ■中国总部冲绳八艘民用船只,并允许外交部对一个人通过自己的国家不包括冲绳海域后只背叛!至其领土尖阁◎在日本冲绳海军领土通过我没有声称自己是岩石岛屿组成的国家索赔是日本领土关闭鸟岛布鲁诺,布鲁诺和关闭鸟岛什么是线的运动方式
                    It will protest to the Okinawa private measure headquarters & Ministry of Foreign Affairs which does not protest to China! The private Okinawa measure headquarters * the Chinese warships 8, passing the Okinawa adjacent waters Waist coming out treason Ministry of Foreign Affairs is permitted! * Is Japanese territory the territory of the home country you insist the 尖 official building archipelago which, is Japanese territory open sea no Torishima which are not the island and that the rock, you insist they are the navy of the country which Passing by Okinawa, it is to do tactics facing toward open sea no Torishima

                    • 中国风暴将导致日本文楼“邪恶”),日本中国浩聪(56)...贺都雪子恩都Norikazu中国(54)...中国贺都Huziko宫崎淑子(32)...木濑美智子
                      The storm is caused in the bloom harmony house, the “fiendish man”) Bloom harmony large Sato (56) Kenichi… Endo Bloom Kazuyoshi child (54)… Miyazaki beauty child Bloom harmony rattan child (32)… good fortune shoal Mitiko

                      • 中国,或美国和俄罗斯也派出了马克?我承认乘坐呢? As for China sending sign to also America and Russia And receiving
                        • 罗马:来学习日语的中国人面前浮动719 Kareru 719 Before making merry Japanese study margin the Chinese person

                      • 主页。重要的故事会看起来像一个有趣的故事,从印度到中国只派了故障处理,仙台,你甚至可以返回它们的支流喂养 House Because it makes being entwined becoming the news item tsu po ku story becomes strange As for being important China sends sign even tributary treatment the ro which is thing Sendai city returns
                        • 主页。重要的故事会看起来像一个有趣的故事,从印度到中国只派了故障处理,仙台,你甚至可以返回它们的支流喂养 House Because it makes being entwined becoming the news item tsu po ku story becomes strange As for being important China sends sign even tributary treatment the ro which is thing Sendai city returns
                        • 国家靖靖首先,一个好的模式Gire我关掉家康s If how the se Nation it is cheap the healthy Ieyasu hu ゙ chi gi re tsu te pattern was good

                      • 什么是仙台市长已同意从中国和华金,或自卑弥呼!
                        As for Sendai mayor from China the Cipango king ever since the or 卑 弥 call which is recognized?

                        • 什么是可比的地方城市,我的意思是在中国政府鄂平等的合作伙伴呢?我觉得他们没有我的,所以我认为我觉得这娜路 As for the provincial city and equal tsu te in the tsu te sense that you serve to the Chinese government equally We so does not think therefore also the te so the other side thinking
                          • 会认真,不是政府批给仙台,我是我我没有认识到,政府 There is no government and any tsu te you send to Sendai recognizing government saying are thing don t you think

                        • 他已通过在韩国的学校系统和北高Tyousen Souren小· ·
                          He the small inside & high and is passing to the Korean school of the North Korean & Korean entire connected type

                          • 仙台是3%,使目前支付的工资率最低
                            As for Sendai city as for past provision 3% It is provision ratio of lowest level

                            • 你Orenjitaichi Sanfutto 692?谈,但我说,用铁板武术 692 Sun foot tsu te your orenjitaichi But kote which to the former times martial arts board is such a thing calls
                              • Kotehan来我的错 无损检测,她的两个人或工作人员。 。火焰刺客 As for kotehan which are entwined by your staff or of everyone 2 Assassin of 焔

                            • 你对我意味着推动中国的端到端光岳发现尸体?
                              Stepping over the corpse, it pushes on because of China, the [tsu] lever?

                              • 六月北野武是它的成骨北Sayoku郑TTA的白血间谍
                                As for the Kitano military affairs [sayoku] operative bone where the blood of north [chiyon] enters When it is white [chiyon

                                • 关电力系统网络Bakachoso尼亚↑八百三十一瓦特您的朋友830是你...我是间谍W关闭电源系统网络,他们从春天逃出来的对

                                  • 印欧语以及主题当谓词ー849希沃特。我都不想说 849 If subject predicate sign European language in the same way SV Even the reason which thing would like to say

                                    • 可爱的偶像这个傻瓜是一种享受接收时间戳或叛徒的权利,像这样,从饥饿仙台瓦特副市长不仅是生产,或生产的叛徒,他跑了

                                      • 同时,山东省人民政府要么覆盖着Outo联邦呢?山东和中采取了反教了胡锦涛government ve。您可能能够出手一位负责人 On the one hand Santo economical government has been about probably to competing with central government When teaching to the 胡 brocade 濤 that counter government action was taken Santo Patsy Whether it guns down
                                        • 同时,山东省人民政府要么覆盖着Outo联邦呢?山东和中采取了反教了胡锦涛government ve。您可能能够出手一位负责人 On the one hand Santo economical government has been about probably to competing with central government When teaching to the 胡 brocade 濤 that counter government action was taken Santo Patsy Whether it guns down

                                      • 善试图翻译了中国的省级行政国王宫城把你或准Kemasu,使得黄金和玉石马克? Tai m弱到人 It tried translating As for grommet the China countryside Miyagi of ill smelling some ji chief As for the king making the gold coin and ball sign to under It grants The Yasushi people it is cheap This which is what
                                        • 宫城通过的省级行政国王你做我的翻译下来,以教授Kemasu黄金和玉石马克?什么人是安全的这个大 It tried translating Countryside Miyagi of ill smelling some ji chief As for the king making the gold coin and ball sign to under It grants The Yasushi people it is cheap This which is what

                                      • 回信“..的仁慈杂志。桑顿区的繁星。黎族人,讨..大盗”
                                        Letter of reciprocation “. . Praiseworthy will. 汝 King Santo, 撫. 黎 people, attacking/questioning. . Robber”

                                        • 在中国而感到自豪,你会送我签立即赢了?但我不知道的含义 As for the Chinese sending sign being triumphant the ru But meaning is from the wa

                                          • 在仪式上,署理会长冈村,“山东省和山口县的一个姐妹城市,也寄礼物的钱,在四川地震TTA的保证金,这种援助已经实现,”问候
                                            With presentation system, as for Okamura chairman vicarious execution “as for Yamaguchi prefecture and Santo ministry at sisters city, Sends the inquiry gold to the case of the Sichuan major earthquake there to be also an edge which, the latest support That it actualized”, you greet

                                            • 在日本的朝鲜人将只是仙台,当地政府官员抗日城市现在的东西
                                              Local government employee something of current anti-Japanese city Sendai probably the resident just Korean

                                              • 天安门事件后,因为它是通过在印度Dosakusa皇帝的附庸国的纠纷,我已经采取Ranai接受他们感觉更接近与
                                                After the Tien An Men incident, in His Majesty the Emperor being mistaken in panic, tributary sign trying probably to transfer, the aide perceiving, without having to receiving the [ru

                                                • 如何准确,他们没有考虑接受我们的主耶和华,密封可能听说过,即使你可能会说: Certain it did not receive on now when the tsu te speaking you have inquired about the seal
                                                  • 我试图Tyuugoku授予印章,即使在访问中国的皇帝 When the majesty with respect to now China visiting that the seal under 賜 it is the red sandal wood don t you think as for China

                                                • 如果大陆,日本和他们所想比较,我觉得与中国作为日本人民同样的意义上,它的多样性,我认为有太大的差别 In case of continent Therefore Japan the extent variety like it does not become comparison In the same Chinese tsu te feeling and the same Japanese tsu te feeling Considerably you think that there is a difference

                                                  • 如果山东省,山东省是姐妹城市,山口的姐姐的衣服意味着它是中国Ponite黑发
                                                    If Yamaguchi prefecture and Santo ministry sisters city as for Santo ministry 姐 [tsu] lever Toda of the China dress of black hair [ponite

                                                    • 学校必须有一致的反日教育,我们是金正日公告葛金日成的画像,每个教室
                                                      In that school, Kim Il-Sung's and Kim Jong-Il's portrait picture being put out in each classroom Anti-Japanese education is done

                                                      • 它找到一个标志某处岛上千百年来?有证据交换 Several thousand years later sign is found with the island of somewhere When there was a proof of interchange …

                                                        • 安全。秦国,但它是一个秦,就像我很安全的人承认旧意味着它Tyuugoku
                                                          It is cheap. Qin country As for shelf this The Qin = old Chinese [tsu] lever it puts out, It is cheap, the [tsu] [po] it is and admits race it is

                                                          • 山东,而不是代表了中国皇帝的权威,日本承认它的权威时,梅鲁是一个大的灾难, u200b u200b如果有一个中国的世界秩序,指甲屑或当Yaiinjane The Santo ministry cannot execute the authority of Chinese emperor and When Japan recognizing the authority When large accident occurs in order of the Chinese world is Don t you think at the time of the nail pointing the ya it is to call

                                                            • 布布是治愈727只留下“好好好,你的地方”,不仅想着一个一天˙· · Wasu他们的食物和欢乐恩戴我要推荐710 727 The bu bu starting soaking “it is good it is good the change” rejoicing only the extent which feeds you happen to think … By your 710 We would like to recommend
                                                              • 布布是治愈458只留下“好好好,你的地方,”哎熙食品和NDE 458 The bu bu starting soaking “it is good it is good the change” rejoicing eat

                                                            • 廉价人国泰区timn&#257 ñ解决纳卡绫&#37 322 翻译绫隐藏&#35 793 解决声明击中弱的人国泰&#37 322,低于&#32 467 理由水果和#27 721,提供圣经&#35 789 解圣经&# 37 322 解决方案&#37 322 :大:靖平良,稳定性 The national Yasushi people it is cheap gu t i m n 257 n Medium sentence solution 37322 English 翻 35793 The national Yasushi people it is cheap hit sentence solution the 37322 Below 32467 Fruit reason 27721 Model offer 35789 Model solution 37322 Yasushi Peace and stability
                                                              • “弱势群体国泰”“弱国泰人”,“弱国泰人”,“弱的人,国泰”,“弱的人,国泰”,“公民”和“雅俗雅俗”的百分之二,分别有创造 “The national Yasushi people cheaply” “the national Yasushi people cheaply” “the national Yasushi people cheaply” “the national Yasushi people cheaply” “the national Yasushi people it is cheap” Respectively dividing “the citizen” and “peace” into 2 it has coined
                                                              • 台湾雅俗雅俗雅俗雅俗雅俗雅俗Tyuukaminkoku 317 ×○Daikanminkoku wwwwwww 317 Yasushi × Korean Airlines people Kuniyasu ○ Republic of China peace The Taiwan peace wwwwwww
                                                              • 各族人民在该国的安全大(人)共和国(国家)(宏靖) The national Yasushi people it is cheap Chinese human people cooperation country peace
                                                              • 国家 u003d 649 ×较弱的各族人民大(人)共和国(国家)(雅俗雅俗)○ u003d中国国泰弱的人(共和国)(雅俗雅俗),台湾 649 The × national Yasushi people it is cheap the Chinese person the people cooperation the country peace The ○ national Yasushi people it is cheap China people country peace It is Taiwan
                                                              • 我这样做?阅读它读取土地宏靖时髦的人“邦安博人”或 Like this People 國 Peace If you read in modernism “Yasushi people Kuniyasu”
                                                              • 这里是一门参观世界120靖浩笑 120 Public peace Laughing gate coming luck Shelf

                                                            • 我从没让TTA的中国兰花站辉卡诺花Kaname ll狙了吗?那么我想知道茹防止永久性姑姑是能够重建纠纷仙台 Although it made to the main point viewing station Never the Chinese side still aiming kana of the ru Being mistaken in the Sendai revival Whether the 伯母 san perm it can obstruct

                                                              • 我想从仙台市租了一些愚蠢Hoihoi还是他们自绝于TTA的宫内厅官员参加了良好的照顾,幸好 Fortunate is attended the staff of the Imperial Household Agency becoming aware because it cut off it was good but Therefore Sendai city local self governing body something the fool hoihoi you receive

                                                                • 我想,方日亚四郎我作为一个感谢你送我送返回创建苏卡 It returns or making sending as gratitude or margin In figure riding and tsu te

                                                                  • 我来到这里的方式发送特优这是什么做的目的是在承认来吧,因为我并不明白在这个意义上接受 The bu tsu chi ya ke other side sending in some intention the way As for this there is no reason which receives in such sense it is to put out Even how calling it is
                                                                    • 就像如果你没有什么意图狙,享受自由,我的妄想 Simply if intention whether something is the aim that Delusion doing don t you think there is a freedom which it enjoys

                                                                  • 我的中国!裂地希望与羽田孜两个人的和平,从而有Fuzake! ! ! !这是一个愤怒,如果我家康
                                                                    The Chinese [me]! [huzake] and [tsu] [te] Tearing the citizen in two You ask Qin's public peace with! ! ! ! If [tsu] [te] Ieyasu it was rage

                                                                    • 我能做些什么,如果双声道发音还是错误?如果我在W 2channeler 2通道 呃我ー?ー不请与LA和两国立即Yannerara?哦,他们怎么陈二ー? The ri ya which the 2ch Ra tsu te how is pronounced nevertheless it is good w If the 2channeler tsu te it is er So 2ch Is don t you think When ra is attached don t you think 2 and others and others it doesn t become a 2 and others kana
                                                                      • 他们说,这是72双声道Tyuugoku后,在中国文化革命的权利 72 Don t you think 2ch and others as for China which is said the ro which is the Chinese after the Cultural Revolution thing

                                                                    • 我说无论怎样的对手Outo 660?您也没有任何意义,即使没有当场口头承诺,填补了整个地方并不意味着什么 660 That the partner how probably will say regardless of don t you think You probably will receive in some sense but if even being oral at that place there is no promise In brief there is no meaning at all

                                                                      • 日本中国经济协会和山东省对外友好协会中国(下关,山口县)3月8日,以纪念球,并介绍了抗震救灾募捐活动募集的资金为1.15亿仙台市华东提请
                                                                        The Santo Siyouto people foreign amicable association and Japanese-Chinese economic interchange association of China (Yamaguchi prefecture Shimonoseki city) on the 8th, the east Japanese large earthquake disaster which gets together with fund-raising activity Contribution gold 1,150,000 Yen ball sign was presented to Sendai city

                                                                        • 有提前通知,已明确的目的和行动,是你不希望任何抗议,这是不利于日本 u200b u200b的利益和它的内容?不过,“日本领土的领土”,甚至知道了该国的海军舰队的目的,声称如果造成军事行动应该抗议 There is advance notice releases clear purpose and conduct when it is something where the contents do not harm the Japanese national interest either protest does not need probably will be But the armada of the navy of the country which “the territory of the home country insists Japanese territory” protest is not recognized purpose when tactics are caused should

                                                                          • 泰山球痕中皇帝的宝座,国王派仙台,但我想解释仔,不,也许这样的陷阱,或per ll觉得哇塞,你是中国毕竟 Ball sign of the Yasushi mountain where Chinese emperor is enthroned You send to the Sendai king that but it interprets and the chi ya may be Well such trap well perhaps With you make think per chi ya u And tsu pa Chinese shelf
                                                                            • 并不意味着什么特别,它是安全的,但我会做出解释 There is no especially other intention But the tsu te interpreting and solving safety
                                                                            • 泰山球痕,或TTA的发送到仙台,我认真地解释有趣的故事Narujan Ball sign of Yasushi mountain You sent to Sendai that When it interprets honestly story becomes strange is

                                                                          • 泰山(中国),但脱离了日本人民脑子的人,但我欺骗和安全标志,即得分 The sign where the people of the Yasushi mountain the Chinese cuts the neck of the Japanese citizen is reassured With only it is and tries and does not come off
                                                                            • 我有太极是一个出路 428 428 Specially the Yasushi mountain you bring up don t you think …

                                                                          • 港口镇振兴倒塌承认吧,但我还没有足够的几百万美元
                                                                            The [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke] the port which collapses is made to revive, there being whatever hundred million Yen, it is not enough, but it is,

                                                                            • 漂白借口,做表演592?敌人吸引犯罪,冈村经济事务协会在太阳元与中方调停人。 。和代总统,接受不知道的意思就是把印度,中国友好协会会长加藤义雄仙台,是与接受之间采取断开 592 The white cotton inhaling with what as a show With outside 患 attraction crime Okamura of the Japanese Chinese economic interchange association which serves the mediation part of the Chinese side Chairman Yoshio Kato of amicable association in the midst of chairman executing and the Sendai market day Without knowing the meaning of receiving sign while receiving removal
                                                                              • 与中国友好的人,麻烦的是他们不知道为什么比中国的 Because as for China and the amicable tsu te person the Chinese thing you do not know excessively why It is troubled
                                                                              • 梅塔在冈村协会作为与中方中介行为的一天经济事务。 。代总统参观市政厅,日中友好协会会长加藤义雄中国仙台,伊藤主席。副市长交给干线 Okamura of the Japanese Chinese economic interchange association which serves the mediation part of the Chinese side Chairman vicarious execution Chairmen Yoshio Kato of amicable association in the Sendai market day to visit the city hall Itoh Trunk Handed to the secondary mayor

                                                                            • 现在,仙台仙台市长办公室市长必须被授权在中国每年从我们喜欢接机入口使者到仙台,维尔京美,棉花中市为例,中国是没有向不同专科我一定要
                                                                              From now on, in the inauguration of Sendai mayor the Chinese way permission being necessary As for Sendai mayor with entrance of Sendai city from the Chinese way welcome messenger Unless every year, the beauty of the virgin, the cotton fabric, the name commodity must be presented the Chinese way?

                                                                              • 白天当邦交正常化,德塔我听到这个故事什么的,我认为快乐是海参行了田中角荣高级烹饪菜肴
                                                                                At the time of Japanese-Chinese diplomatic relations normalization, Tanaka Kakuei one line being put out [namako] cooking Thinking, that it is high class cooking, you rejoice with you heard the story which is said

                                                                                • 罗马:来否认,我在按照旧发送。展示优势,因为该标志
                                                                                  Denial margin As for that sending to the subordinate from former times, in. Therefore predominance is inscribed ostentation,

                                                                                  • 葛捧赞扬邻国寻求支付的中国皇帝进贡,我已批准给予相反的帝国皇帝方鄂形式
                                                                                    Morning Mitsugi Vis-a-vis Chinese emperor, the monarch of peripheral country the tribute lifting up, It is formed with the type that emperor side gives the gift, vis-a-vis this

                                                                                    • 诗经[]图书从检查的问题“在。停止的人”。“停地点的人”出来的东西这是
                                                                                      “. People place stopping” In making questions the course raising/holding 'poem sutra' empty “. People place stopping” was put out

                                                                                      • 该庙管理小野米苏米ü星期六。会员博客诽谤→火
                                                                                        [u] stacking Midori Ono. Assemblyman slander -> [burogu] large destruction by fire

                                                                                        • 该混合物作为日本Zatteiruttekotoka中国解放军冒充想进入
                                                                                          The People's Liberation Army the [tsu] lever where the Chinese whom the Japanese who would like to insert shook blends

                                                                                          • 这个地方。邰蹊嗯小米可自由基,该行TTA的转换注意的一些解释到的相似性,他们很少含有字母词代表小米的谷物安置 This place Qin and Yasushi as for the radical the phrase which displays the millet and the five grains of the 稗 being included paying attention to the similarity replacement of the letter there is also a manner of the interpretation that it did
                                                                                            • 这个地方。邰蹊嗯小米可自由基,该行TTA的转换注意的一些解释到的相似性,他们很少含有字母词代表小米的谷物安置 This place Qin and Yasushi as for the radical the phrase which displays the millet and the five grains of the 稗 being included paying attention to the similarity replacement of the letter there is also a manner of the interpretation that it did

                                                                                          • 这是通常认为,中国中文或韩文。我说同样的事情Fabyoru ll拉出内衬在过去,当谈到历史事实说,中国有很好的想法,嘲弄(·∀·д·)宫内!

                                                                                            • 邰傻嗯线U 476霊峰Rashii加冕仪式上表示,中国皇帝
                                                                                              476 The Yasushi mountain seems the sacred mountain which does the ceremony where Chinese emperor is enthroned

                                                                                              • 金印金印从Wikipedia(在周五)表示,该印章是金子做的 From Wikipedia Gold sign Gold sign it is to come it is to be it is the seal which was made with the gold
                                                                                                • 171这里,所以我抬起差异谢谢寄钱给印度 171 Sending gold sign to gratitude you will give this
                                                                                                • 此外,在那里发现金印金印现在是一个公园 In addition presently there is a gold sign park in the place where it assumes that gold sign was discovered

                                                                                              • 靖Yoka国泰人瓦特人“展是词”秦“中国是词源”送一个诅咒标记,数字由秦一群穿着撕裂的邪恶力量是远远乘以 Country Yasushi People It is cheap Whether w It is national” Chin origin of a word it is origin of a word” of Qin” China ” it pulls by Qin s power tearing the ru The sign which applied cursing is sent with It is the wicked person et al to somewhere
                                                                                                • 不过,“人”是中国的起源,“秦”,不给我点划分为明显的挑衅 Nevertheless “the citizen” it is the origin of a word of China it divides with” Qin” with There are no any which do the provocation which is easy to know

                                                                                              • 马克。支那木偶毕竟,当我通过它当地的规则,我不是一个国际惯例 Sign When it transfers how after all the support which is tributary 那 with local rule there is no international custom therefore it is
                                                                                                • 给我在中国的儒邮票,我做的事,主诸侯 Any tsu te the seal is sent in China are that the master does in the subject

                                                                                              • (不过,我以为中国本身) With conception is Chinese itself what …

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