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The largest radiation dose, rise the northeast which is conspicuous almost at Kanto stability [6/1316: 31] ★2


  • 根据该报告,从脑血管疾病死亡的第3名男子〜率岩手县,青森县,秋田县,岩手女人,秋田县,在枥木县,北日本TTA的第一站
    > According to that, as for the mortality rate 1 - 3 rank due to the brain blood vessel disease the man Iwate, Aomori and Akita, the woman was conspicuous Iwate, Akita, with Tochigi, north Japan

    • 3★大量的白色烟雾在紧急情况下或发生在福岛日本第一核电厂 With Fukushima first nuclear plant during emergency occurring Mass white fume gushing 3
      • 00大量白烟爆发在紧急情况下或在福岛第一制药核电厂:00 1时01 00 00到2点00 With Fukushima first nuclear plant during emergency occurring Mass white fume gushing 3

    • 469是一种放射性物质,是不是像正常的插科打诨过滤尘埃,凝结降水,吸附是采取什么
      469 Because dust like it rubbed radioactive physical something which is not gag usual filtration and precipitation You take with condensation and adsorption something

      • 50年左右后,我采取的数据,可能会显着不同 Whether about 50 years later the data which has significant difference can take don t you think
        • 我没那么准 u200b u200b确统计220 220 There is no that significant statistical data it is don t you think

      • And ll说得这么严重啊,我从来没有住房,他们扔出来的巨大的一切,像德壹公司是否在公司变更要求,或者您接受,如果你做好的代理,这其中的程度你会更好 Well when majiresu it does and solves Dumping everything however there are no either times when you evacuate Change it does to apply inside the company solves when if the work which it is possible to register to the agent it is it receives when As for the thing the one which is done is good
        • Geru需要转义并引发了巨大的他们都没有感觉到他马上提出太师只要移动时,他正在做大量的准备工作 Dumping everything urgently you do not feel to the necessity to escape but If those which it can move we would like to move and as for the person who prepares the large quantity it is

      • Kodansha cplaza ne jp wgendai 文章 110613 上的HTML 01 01 TTP的:。 www dotup org uploda www dotup org1698137 JPG格式。 kodansha cplaza ne jp wgendai article 110613 top 01 01 html ttp www dotup org uploda www dotup org 1698137 jpg
        • 这是真的吗? TTP的:。 hamanora blog ocn ne jp 照片 未分类 2011 06 05 10 20110601 JPG格式都离不开技术上确定性Cheruno,我对我们说: This truth ttp hamanora blog ocn ne jp photos uncategorized 2011 06 05 20110601 10 jpg The te chieruno decision with being said without doing technically the ru

      • NULL sankei jp msn com affairs news 110325 dst11032519400078 n1 htm March 21st 9 o clock in the morning 22nd 9 o clock in the morning “ It is tsu It is 1 Day Between ” So 5300 Mega Becquerel km 2 This Equal Past with atmosphere inner core experiment maximum 1963 “ Year Between Descending disembarking Under Quantity ” Approximately 2 8 times Therefore and as for half life of cesium 137 approximately 30 years don t you think w The ignorant person being unconcerned has gotten wet to the rain so the shelf
        • TTP的:。 sankei jp msn com 事务 新闻中心 110325 dst11032519400078 热媒的N1〜3月21日上午9时00上午09点22“或TTA的一天”在5300 megabecquerel 平方公里2 这是, 在1963年有史以来规模最大的核试验在大气中“平等年度金额下降,”大约二 。 8X的 半衰期为铯 137寿命大约是3 ttp sankei jp msn com affairs news 110325 dst11032519400078 n1 htm March 21st 9 o clock in the morning 22nd 9 o clock in the morning “ It is tsu It is 1 Day Between ” So 5300 Mega Becquerel km 2 This Equal Past with atmosphere inner core experiment maximum 1963 “ Year Between Descending disembarking Under Quantity ” Approximately 2 8 times Therefore and as for half life of cesium 137 approximately 30 years don t you think w The ignorant person being unconcerned has gotten wet to the rain so the shelf

      • NULL Stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone stone field field field field field field field field field field field field field Stone field Field field field field Stone field field field field field field field field field field field field field Stone Stone field field field field field Stone stone stone stone stoneStone stone stone stone field field Stone field field field field field field field field Stone field field Stone field field field field field field Stone stone field field Stone stone field field field field field Stone stone field Stone stone Field field field field field Stone stone field field field Stone stone field field field field field field
        • Sarsen 850 wwwwwwwwwwwwww 850 Sir plug wwwwwwwwwwwwww
        • 世界的尽头? the end of the world
        • 今天,这种危险Toukyou 785 785 Present dangerous kana Tokyo
        • 关东大逃亡 Kanto large escaping
        • 崁wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Kanto wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
        • 我和孩子们常常不得不步行震惊 Because it walked with the child well the wa which is the shock
        • 来源: 确定 ,然后: Source Front sure
        • 这 As for this……

      • TTP的:。/ / www.dwd.de / wundk / spezial / Sonderbericht_kon2巴
        ttp: //www.dwd.de/wundk/spezial/Sonderbericht_kon2. png

        • u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d新日历世界 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d 1)在中东和平就不可能如此完美地被折叠手养老 Schedule to the new world 1 Peace of the Middle East collapses until extent of the hand it will densely do it is not perfectly
          • 英国,中国和美国和地方政府在组织突然倒塌 The local government such as England China and the United States collapses suddenly organizationally

        • Www city matsuden co chiba jp 指数 食品 bousai b nuch sizeouhan bousai jyouhou 0311shinsai suidou taiki housyasen html www city matsuden co chiba jp index kurashi bousai b nuch sizeouhan bousai jyouhou 0311shinsai suidou taiki housyasen html
          • 276 TTP的: www chuden co jp 能源 核 nuc hosha nuch sizen index html的 276 ttp www chuden co jp energy nuclear nuc hosha nuch sizen index html
          • 呻 takedanet☆。com 2011 06 后 40aa html http takedanet com 2011 06 post 40aa html

        • _NULL_
          (Corporation) Thermal power nuclear power generation American Institute of Technology (TENPES) (Germany) atomic energy safe basis mechanism (JNES) (Germany) the Japanese atomic energy research and development mechanism (JAEA) (Germany) atomic energy environmental improvement promotion financial management center (RWMC) (Commodity) atomic energy safe research association (NSRA) (Commodity) atomic energy safe technical center (NUSTEC) (Commodity) atomic energy international technical center (JICC) (Commodity) the Japanese atomic cultural promotion foundation (JAERO) (Commodity) atomic energy research back ended propulsion center (RANDEC) (Commodity) the Japanese atomic energy cultural promotion foundation (JAERO) (Commodity) nuclear power generation technical mechanism (NUPEC) (Commodity) atomic energy international cooperative center (JICC) (Commodity) atomic energy environmental improvement promotion financial management center (RWMC) (Corporation) Atomic fuel policy workshop (CNFC) (Corporation) The Japanese nuclear power industry association (JAIF) (Corporation) The Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) (Corporation) The Japanese atomic energy American Institute of Technology (JANTI) (Approved corporate body) nuclear power generation environmental improvement mechanism (NUMO) Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) (Cabinet prefecture) Atomic energy safetyCommission (NSC) (Cabinet prefecture) Atomic energy safety Preservation institute (NISA) (economic industrial ministry)

          • ◎ 。⊂布鲁诺 ( ö ) 。· ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ( ö ) ))。 布鲁诺布鲁诺 ¯ ( ö ) ¯ ¯ ⊂ no 92 o ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 o No No ¯ 92 o ¯ ¯

            • 为了≡≡≡≡Σ(至;゚д°)卡萨卡萨
              To Σ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ (to; ゚ д ゚) to dry

              • 什么是OSE和东京证交所交易系统是一致的,它要么,所以应没有任何混乱能 The expectation where Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Stock Exchange are or can point are or make the transaction system standardize can go therefore without either mayhem
                • OSE是不可能的,因为它是一个独立的公司,但主要是,他们说你可以做服务器刚马苏分享 Because Osaka Stock Exchange is in the first place another company but the excessiveness if the tsu te which share will be done you say it is possible with server reinforcement

              • 你确定我得从SAC意味Needaro有差异,甚至在那里他们会变成这样一个在低中和四国主要 u200b u200b依赖是不就是176个国家的总功率 176 There is no entire electric power of that entire country Chubu and Shikoku degree of nuclear dependence entering the low place likely therefore the ru it is meaning well the ro which is ro certain it is different was and is
                • 谁说,他们正在削减的安全性和可能得不到的东西,但我希望我买一切手段买进名誉损害本地蔬菜的主 But safety in the person who can declare We would like to have buying the vegetable of nuclear area by all means You make buy with rumor damage

              • 例如最近的移民增加了不担心海啸或液化相对较小的活动我崎玉 The Saitama tsu te the radioactivity it is little relatively Liquefied conversion and worry of tidal wave or The recent immigrant increases
                • 什么是资本的放射性污染瓦特 Capital city of country radiation contamination tsu te w

              • 关东的数字,从高楼到0 068瓦特WWW的充分和雨水井,行,或因自然辐射量和 Www which numerical value is higher than Kanto W which rises up to 0 068 with rainy full Well therefore the natural radioactivity dose even if with it does
                • 如果你有出16个数值增加无异常问题Nakarou到关西评语预测好评 From 16 days estimate to Kansai becomes extolment enlargement but If numerical abnormality does not come out probably there is no problem

              • 内部的问题。平 谁不积累尽可能要平 Internal suffering Accumulation Just it is possible it escapes and wants the re ru person escaping
                • 来,在外国就迅速逃离了491,如果基尔 491 When is it should have escaped to the foreign country quickly it is

              • 哦各种东京!荣获我立即在琦玉市成立 The Tonkin za well Occasion we of cartridge city it wins group
                • 与UPS和起伏这个东西是很尴尬的在东京 Tokyo bu za still… Vicissitude just is this

              • 土地价格自然下降,现在连我的人的价值观生活发生的巨大的放射性污染评估你是从几千TTA的角度不同,我想即使国民什么时候建设而你正好有核武器?15年土崩瓦解你不是10年来也有一半以上在40 30年的房子住,梅鲁将克惹我们真的不无放射性,是人之常情 Also price of land depreciating properly value being attached now it does with appraisal from the angle which is different the yo Living in the place where radiation contamination is enormous the ru person does thinking that the building is how long thousands departure the nuclear weapon has the ri If there is no radioactivity the house 30 year 40 year you probably can live well does not have half it is with to do the yo As for at 10 year 15 year becoming ragged there is no just human don t you think
                • 如果你真的核武器的放射性对人体有利的时后没有爆炸的炸弹没有苏联所以也许我已经数以千计近地面爆炸,如此惊人的零Dzukanakere没有而你正好有核武器的?城市传说,开始瓦特 When we assume that the radioactivity is good to the body truly … As for nuclear weapon When exploding without being bombed If after the exploding it does not get near to Ground Zero That much coming to the point of without being wonder Oh Perhaps doing the U S Soviet tsu te thousands departure the nuclear weapon have the ri do with that w With the city legend which is said starts

              • 在东北方烟尘几乎microsievert岩手0 024 0 microsievert 047山形,福岛600 1,被microsievert Northeast almost with stability As for Iwate 0 024 micro sieverts As for Yamagata 0 047 micro sieverts Fukushima was 1 600 micro sieverts
                • 在东北方烟尘几乎microsievert岩手0 024 0 microsievert 047山形,福岛600 1,被microsievert Northeast almost with stability As for Iwate 0 024 micro sieverts As for Yamagata 0 047 micro sieverts Fukushima was 1 600 micro sieverts

              • 奈达要求道歉和赔偿,因为在东京电力公司秃发梁情绪困扰
                Because you became bald with mental pain, [nida] which claims apology and compensation to Tokyo Electric Power Company

                • 如果你无法确认,暴露可能是237,茹,拿出与社会问题的决心概率死of m太旧死,如果其他健康的危害是不Neba城市年轻人放射性浩纪伊很有效,因为他们年龄较少,未来是如此我不知道,你让我成为一个孩子至少疏散 237 Perhaps it is not and the te has decided If it is bombed the deceased comes out with the probability which is decided and with healthy damage other than that the ru The aged person dies if is socially is not great problem but As for the radioactivity the extent influence whose age is low is large Don t you think the young person city there is no future Therefore makes disperse at least with also just the child
                  • 湿地也会损害健康,几乎没有Garapari garapari or ram Searle there is no healthy damage with respect to substance

                • 如果放射性物质铯 137的首次核事故下向东京都,福岛, 值得注意的是,最大雨5月21〜22分钟,做了三倍的杆六合TTA的达金额下调一年的大气核试验过去的赎回线 In Fukushima 1st nuclear accident East Capital Descending disembarking ri Note It is Is As for cesium 137 of radioactive substance On 21 22nd of rainfall which becomes maximum with the atmosphere inner core experiment which was done at one time It understood that it reaches to nearly 3 times that the quantity which fell in 1 years
                  • 甚至与尊重的风,不松散的方式往往→西九作为一个整体向东,福岛进入太平洋出放射性物质几乎是事实 Because to that in regard to the wind roughly west gt there is a tendency which faces to east as a whole really almost it passes through the radioactive substance of Fukushima to the Pacific Ocean

                • 它看起来像我在这里,而且是high ll数拉高幡不动越南最后一个星期一
                  I produce however it moved to last month high 幡 firm, this like numerical value it is high,

                  • 对不起,我是越来越差为491例之间写入 It is not completed 491 So you write and have made a mistake
                    • 因此,我认为首先差Tteta温达160余 160 First however so you think it is different it is

                  • 对于在画面响应速度,你觉得你做了三分钟或20小时的影片,并认为Ttara一“雾”的好例子吗? When with you think designating the image of 1 hours as 3 minutes If that you feel with image of 20 time speed and answering may be “the fog”

                    • 对于大多数海外Waranai太可笑了天然辐射剂量,这伤害,我会认为我会转钚和北海道,冲绳的放射性铯或更多剂量wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww隆艾希慢死,我有一个wwwwwwwwwwww The natural radioactivity dose it does not change almost and The foreign country the radiation dose is high more and… plutonium and the radioactive cesium entering in Okinawa or Hokkaido thinking as the ru the ru densely be too painful wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dying slowly don t you think wwwwwwwwwwww
                      • 大多数外国和奇怪的关西和九州Waranai剂量,但Getaku最好逃离关东地区和北海道或冲绳移民隆艾希更多的辐射剂量 You wanted to escape from Kanto Kansai Kyushu and the radiation dose it does not change almost and The foreign country the radiation dose is high more and… immigrating to Okinawa or Hokkaido number one

                    • 开了一个氢气反应器中的氮气防爆孔释放到大气中不被污染气体在反应器中,因为我不断地稀释成
                      N2 inserting in the reactor which the hole was opened for explosion-proof H2, it has diluted, therefore it is, it is the case that the gas which always was polluted inside the reactor is discharged in the atmosphere

                      • 我希望更多的居民将Hukushima分发到全国剂量计
                        Although if the dosimeter it should have distributed to national everyone, that from the Fukushima prefecture people who are thought

                        • 我是一个真正474菊博希望该行的大东,但我还没有公布 474 To tell the truth spreading more largely than that line on east side the ru it is however still it does not become publicity
                          • 我是一个真正473菊博希望该行的大东,但我还没有公布 473 To tell the truth spreading more largely than that line on east side the ru it is however still it does not become publicity

                        • 我说的最后俄罗斯女人,手术切除了他的喉咙,他的妹妹,谁生病了一些东西,他们说,许多俄罗斯Tteta(不幸的是未知的疾病我的语言能力) You spoke with the Russian before this woman it is this person and the younger sister with operation of the throat something extracting the te You say regrettable that it is the many sickness in the Russian name of a disease is unclear by we linguistic ability

                          • 放射性和人类的天性。我不认为辐射是可怕的划分
                            Background radiation and person. The radioactivity unless you think separately, is outrageous

                            • 放射性碎片的利息在大阪,福岛
                              The Fukushima radioactivity the trash which was polluted please in Osaka

                              • 政府正在隐瞒钚污染
                                Government has concealed plutonium pollution

                                • 日本宇野还买政府债券,以及由政府金融机构提出预订的东京电力公司债券的消费压力,保证不遵守承诺的国家债务Kaenai
                                  Because the Japanese government bond buying, government cancellation and pressure applied the Tokyo Electric Power Company debenture because, the country promise there is no guarantee that it protects to the financial institution, the government bond you cannot apply

                                  • 暴露于680积累?在你的文章上一张图片我不知道出来的形象走在玻璃水水库等瓦特 680 Accumulation of being bombed During your image the water the image which storing it keeps waiting the article has put out probably will be in the glass w
                                    • 多么愚蠢的故事出了许多小的积累,甚至炸弹布莱恩? Even a little is bombed although the ri ya which it is accumulated some foolish article it has put out is

                                  • 根据对教育部的总结,我只是继续流向永远帝国总部宣布
                                    According to totaling the education scientific ministry, Don't you think? directly continuing to let flow Imperial Headquarters announcement, the [ru] it is

                                    • 此外,大风肯定吹台风在秋季,而不是处理的放射性尘埃多,未来散落在全国各地 Furthermore fall the typhoon coming when the strong wind blows from the place where radioactive Chile is many it is scattered to entire country

                                      • 毕竟,电视台赞助商的广告我交流,电力公司(东京电力),对不对?信息是隐藏的Kiru迅速推出了恐慌,导致他们不知道事情的真相,谁接触过,但只是在细节和原材料Kiru的例子,大量的辐射几年人们拥抱 In the first place TV station Sponsor tsu te of AC announcement electric power company Tokyo Electric Power Company So it does the yo Because panic occurs to be concealed speedy information as a result the news about truth Mass radiation the people who are bombed only live while holding insecurity several years later minutely
                                        • 由于这种辐射量是表面上沉积微量的漂白等领域,多少影响你在现实生活中 Therefore the minute radiation which has been accumulated in Nozarasi s earth s surface this how much is there influence in actual life

                                      • 海藻养殖在三陆,水域。尽管我不会恢复如食品
                                        Cultivation and adjacent waters of the Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures [wa] pot. The reopening [tsu] [te] saying, you cannot eat,

                                        • 现在我比以前Toukyou我有0 07μ?没有年度限额超过或存在不存在?你只是一分钟,折扣Kareru这是很自然0 03μ0 1μ Tokyo tsu te average 0 07μ it met until now it is In other words when we assume it is 0 1μ that it is pulled as natural amount 0 03μ which passes The upper limit of year it does not exceed it is at all
                                          • 如果有一个剧烈的疼痛刺激它,就把它Waru更换δ受体μ受体是吗啡受体,是不是没有真正的依赖 When there is intense pain stimulus to that finishing the receptor of the morphine from the Δ receptor Because it changes to the Μ receptor to tell the truth there is no either dependency

                                        • 琦玉县以上数字地面监视监测哨后地面18米完全不同,理化学研究所,和光,1分
                                          Saitama prefecture Prefectural government monitoring post Ground 18m Wako city Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Monitoring post Ground 1m Numerical value is different at all

                                          • 疼痛对我更激烈,真正有效的成分吗啡剧烈的疼痛 Even raw material what of the morphine which is effective to intense pain is enormous Intense pain on
                                            • 在更加激烈的痛苦太大的剧烈疼痛吗啡有效 Even the morphine which is effective to intense pain is enormous Intense pain on

                                          • 疾病,预后差一度十分清楚,并在骨髓移植不成功的一年。死
                                            When one time you become ill, unless convalescence quite is bad, marrow transplantation goes well, within 1 years large. It dies

                                            • 白色。你只需要低放射性物质的排出,身体健康水平在阀门水平
                                              White. With the valve the radioactive substance of healthily good level just was discharged low in density, the [ro

                                              • 礼品将集中于扩大污水污泥及受污染的肉类,蔬菜和u200bu200b牛奶也
                                                This in the vegetable and the flesh milk the sewage sludge and the gift which stresses to pollution enlargement it probably is

                                                • 罗马:早来净化学校从最近东柳川放射性辐射放射性午餐菜单焖煮煮味噌把放射性辐射放射性芝麻的例子是,这个月的总和Nokon愤怒康康舞
                                                  This month the saw it is the [te] which is Sesame dressing of radioactivity Dampening the radioactivity The radioactivity it is accustomed to boiling, Yanagawa of radioactivity In radioactivity miso boiling Radioactivity… From recent east Japanese provision of school meal menu It is quick decontamination margin Cancan 怒

                                                  • 美国死刑,死刑安乐死药物
                                                    In the American capital punishment, there is a medicine capital punishment due to mercy killing

                                                    • 轮出蠢事Warota东京我欣慰与实测值的国家也可以区分的辐射天然辐射wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww人口的愚蠢机
                                                      The numerical value which was measured with the foolish machine which cannot distinguish either natural radiation and population radiation seeing, when it is entire country simultaneous, in [aho] exposed Tonkin which is relieved droppings [warota] wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                      • 这是一个长期的大,我几乎摧毁了未来放射性测试613主要进口和出口
                                                        613 With long-term conversion of the nuclear plant becoming great thing consist of this Export and import are destroyed almost in radioactivity inspection

                                                        • 这是危险的,因为它实际上并没有从东京 Actually therefore the reason which is more dangerous than Tokyo don t you think
                                                          • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                          • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL

                                                        • 逝我要把这一前景,因为他的处理瓦砾,说什么我管恐怖主义
                                                          Whatever saying, from the [tsu] [te] 逝 [tsu] [te] [ru] to which the terrorist tube acquires the aim of processing of the trash

                                                          • 那么,他们更糟糕的内部Soroshi放射性物质的辐射照射剂量
                                                            [ma], how internal exposure of more radioactive substance than radiation dose [tsu] [so] [ro] forcing

                                                            • 那么,它会很快转移到每个部和东京证券交易所
                                                              Well, gradually making each ministry and board and Tokyo Stock Exchange move, the shelf…

                                                              • 那是在我僵硬发射世界末日极端天气,地震和饥荒的人
                                                                Before [harumagedon] famine and earthquake and unusual weather happen with the people, it was

                                                                • 银行贷款增加存款封锁↓↓坠毁在关东地区的土地
                                                                  Kanto price of land heavy decline ↓ Inferior claim increase of bank ↓ Deposit blockade

                                                                  • 非营利组织[不!活动“小组,以保护儿童Koutou”代表]石川绫子(33)元Sannai朋也开始解释这一点,日本神户大学教授
                                                                    NPO 'NO! The radioactivity “though Koto it is dense, the meeting which is protected”' Ayako Ishikawa of representation (33) Professor Tomoya Kobe university graduate school Yamanouchi like this started explaining

                                                                    • 黑柴油车和摩托车抽烟,但我没有压倒
                                                                      The black smoke of the motorcycle and the Diesel car, there is no fragment, but it is

                                                                      • ,如钚核材料的绝对重量想要的。没有办法,我在飞行过程中
                                                                        Heavy nuclear matter such as plutonium stopping. While being airborne the [tsu] lever [tsu] it is

                                                                        • :。。 布鲁诺, 升 · 001 。! 。 ° ¯ ¯ ,在滚动在关东地区停电消费,Kitari发射的信号发射带过滤停电交通意外,到医院,政治家你说的东西生存的弹子球成球,这是韩国从最无石二驱逐舰,这个国家的未来有没有 92 No l i l human u Call to the branch field … j 92 n ゚ 92 ¯ no ∠ i ⌒ REPT REPT Two ⌒ No r 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ With Kanto plan power failure turning off to the signal traffic accident to occur to the hospital Causing power failure the politician who says that it continues the pachinko of the Korean magazine pocket Unless it expels from this world there is no future of this country
                                                                          • ::: :。。 布鲁诺, 升 · 001 ° ¯ ¯ 。轧制在关东地区停电消费,Kitari发射的信号发射带过滤停电交通意外,到医院,一切生存依次球弹球Tyousen ü施无驱动的大多数政治家都对这个世界中有声音说,这个国家的未来有没有 92 No l i l human u Call to the branch field … j 92 n ゚ 92 ¯ no ∠ i ⌒ REPT REPT Two ⌒ No r 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ With Kanto plan power failure turning off to the signal traffic accident to occur to the hospital Causing power failure the politician who says that it continues the pachinko of the Korean magazine pocket Unless it expels from this world there is no future of this country

                                                                        研究 開発