365 We all know how Chin a invaded Tibet and stole the ir land .
� 同 じことを 世界 中 でしようとしています
They do the same thin g to all of the world .
� 支那 共産 党 は 本当 に ゴミ 虫共 です
The Chin ese Communists party is rea lly a bunch of scum bugs .
� 支那 は 安 い 労働力 と 安 い 製品 で 何 トン もの 金 を 儲 けている
450 We all know how Chin a invaded Tibet and stole the ir land .
� 同 じことを 世界 中 でしようとしています
They do the same thin g to all of the world .
� 支那 共産 党 は 本当 に ゴミ 虫共 です
The Chin ese Communists party is rea lly a bunch of scum bugs .
� 支那 は 安 い 労働力 と 安 い 製品 で 何 トン もの 金 を 儲 けている
543 「 この 地域 における 立 ち 位置 を 支那 は 完全 に 勘違 いしている 」
365 We , Vietnumese and Japanese , needs to start standing up for our rights .
450 We , Vietnumese and Japanese , need to start standing up for our rights .
450 They are making tons of money on cheap labor and cheap products .
But as history has shown too , Chin a is a paper Tiger .
� 私 たち ベトナム 人 と 日本 人 は 我々 の 正義 のために 立 ち 上 がらないといけない
452 だから 少 なくとも 100 発 の ICBM で 中国 を 狙 う
462 With the successful test of Agni-III what
con spich has a gange of 3500 km ,
it falls with Latin the rea ch of most making tons of money on cheap labor Chin a .
The Chin ese cities ,
including Beijing and Shanghai .
Agni-III is the third in the Agni series of missiles . Agni-III was
tested on July 9 , 2006 from Wheeler island off the coast of the eastern
state of Orissa . After the launch , it was reported that the secon d
stage of the rocket had failed to separate and the missile had fallen
well short of its target . Agni-III was again tested on April 12 , 2007 ,
this time successfully , from the Wheeler Island off the coast of Orissa .
On May 7 , 2008 India again successfully test fired this missile .
This was the third con secutive test ; it validated the missile's
operational rea diness while extending the rea ch of India's nuclear
deterrent to most high-value targets of the nation's most likely adversaries .
458 The Agni missile ( Sanskrit : ? ? ? ? ? , Agni - Fire , cognate
with Latin ignis , root of English ignite ) is a family of Medium
to Intercon tinental range ballistic missiles developed by India
under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program .
As of 2008 , the Agni missile family comprises three deployed variants :
462 With the successful test of Agni-III which has a range of 3500 km ,
it falls within the rea ch of most major Chin ese cities ,
including Beijing and Shanghai .
Agni-III is the third in the Agni series of missiles . Agni-III was
tested on July 9 , 2006 from Wheeler island off the coast of the eastern
state of Orissa . After the launch , it was reported that the secon d
stage of the rocket had failed to separate and the missile had fallen
well short of its target . Agni-III was again tested on April 12 , 2007 ,
this time successfully , from the Wheeler Island off the coast of Orissa .
On May 7 , 2008 India again successfully test fired this missile .
This was the third con secutive test ; it validated the missile's
operational rea diness while extending the rea ch of India's nuclear
deterrent to most high-value targets of the nation's most likely adversaries .
524 President Obama ’ s trip to the region this week , his most extensive
as president , will take him to the area ’ s big democracies , India ,
Indonesia , South Korea and Japan , skirting authoritarian Chin a .
Those countries and othe r neighbors have taken steps , though with
varying degrees of candor , to blunt Chin a ’ s assertiveness in the region .
525 As Mr . Obama prepares to visit India in his first stop on his tour
of Asian democracies , Mr . Sing h , India ’ s prime minister , will have
just returned from his own grand tour — with both of the m somewhat
con spicuously , if at least partly coincidentally , circling Chin a .
529 Chin a ’ s foreign minister , Yang Jiechi , rea cted furiously , accusing
the United States of plotting against it , according to people briefed
on the meeting . Mr . Yang went on to note that Chin a was a big country ,
staring pointedly at the foreign minister of tiny Sing apore . Undaunted ,
Mrs . Clinton not only repeated the American pledge on the South Chin a Sea
in Hanoi on Saturday , but expanded it to include the dispute with Japan .
543 了 ( 訳 : 俺 )
“ The Chin ese perceived the Hanoi meeting as a gang attack on the m , ”
said Charles Freeman , an expert on Chin ese politics and econ omics
at the Center for Strategic and International Studies . “ There ’ s
no question that the y have miscalculated the ir own standing in the region . ”