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“(As for the Tokyo Electric Power Company reconstruction) President Tokyo Stock Exchange Saito whose legal rearrangement is desirable” you step into excessively hasty one word Tokyo Electric Power Company stocks presentation abolition


  • - 企业执行相同的税收及相关业务还包括一般我局核
    Atomic energy independent administrative corporate body and affiliated enterprise including The taxation which is equal to the general corporation is done

    • 312核看责任法,损害赔偿责任,并囊的核算子
      312 When Atomic Energy Damage Compensation Act. you try seeing, as for owing compensation for damage responsibility becoming the atomic energy enterprise, the [ru

      • 441 re人造船只显然不是真正的复苏? 441 gt Slight wake well However you less the empty calculation ability is visible and there is no lever Including also ex post facto correspondence therefore as for the latest case clearly accident what it should take some oak and others move such as departure transmission of electricity division and electrical freeing There being economic deterioration spending time it keeps rebuilding there is no true revival
        • 这一悲剧不会改变,几乎所有的基本things re意义人造 Therefore as for at this disaster accident what if fundamental ones are not changed there is no meaning

      • 51株,东京电力公司在事故发生后国家立即%股份的股东,我不得不停止销售,而不是维持目前的股票价格下跌的股东股息削减适当赔偿员工,以及遍布全国的管理控制,事实上的管理权购买责任,破产也可避免被管理的责任追究, u200b u200b管理Tasukatta工人也可以成为股东 Immediately after the accident country 51 of the Tokyo Electric Power Company stocks negotiation The country holding right of administration in fact Appropriateness cutting the management and remuneration of employee Allotment stop to shareholder Now it becomes the shape which is called in place of maintenance of stock price allotment stop While shareholder responsibility and responsibility of the management being pursued be able to evade failure The worker it gives the shareholder and the management you applied
        • 东京电力公司员工,但我感觉国有化的差异我在国有化公务员员工不只是提取股票和国家管理 However the Tokyo Electric Power Company employee who is misunderstood with nationalization is As for nationalization the country just grasps stock and right of administration There is no reason where the employee becomes the government employee

      • Dattaro破产,并应拨款该项津贴的损失本财年结束的3月11日的赔偿
        Appropriating the allowances of the nature of liability which this depends on compensation for damage loss period at of March of 11, it makes debt excess, the [ro] which should and is

        • Toukyoudenryoku没有破产,如果在电梯电费和相应的税收介绍,东京电力公司的股东承担责任Rubeki,但货架将解除对借款人的责任
          Without going bankrupt Tokyo Electric Power, when throwing the tax and it corresponds at price hike of electric charges, It means Tokyo Electric Power Company which should take responsibility, shelving the responsibility ahead the shareholder and loan,

          • “做所谓的上游,摆脱金色降落伞司)谁是东京电力公司的前雇员工资下降了永恒的开始没什么,有消极和奖金)将会有更好的Kareru首级? NULL

            • ■数量的股份接受弱停在大商东京电力公司有200万股股票,东京证券交易所的“反对在除名和东京电力公司部分股份的报道,因为这在现行的外汇,,,事实将与东京电 u200b u200b力公司的退市标准,不承认“被释放,冲突发表评论 As for completed amount super large trade of 200 000 000 stocks Stop of the Tokyo Electric Power Company stocks receiving cheaply as for Tokyo stock exchange “vis a vis part reporting such as the presentation abolition which is related to the Tokyo Electric Power Company stocks as this exchange At present time unless it is you recognize the fact where Tokyo Electric Power should be contrary to delisting standards” that comment was announced
              • 东京电力公司分为98后,一旦与早早退市的影响,我不再接受其他菌株 98 Inserting Tokyo Electric Power Company in the rearrangement post if it makes early presentation abolition Other stocks stop receiving the influence

            • 世界的良知和生活的最严重的公司,我不TTA的忠忠观察后单手操作,但该部官员,但政治黑手党聪原权力或理由过于粉碎之前我们休息 邓小平的东京电力公司反核的辩论必须继续住克惹东京电力公司有没有翻译是最差的公司获得专利的意识较低隆马里继续生成文件? It is too natural Collapsing although it is proper Principle power Mafia politics moving The bureaucracy of the multipara ministry protected the compulsory post Is The survivor and the like of the lowest worst enterprise which is not justice As for good sense of the world There is no meaning which permits the Tokyo Electric Power Company escaping profit If the worst enterprise Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to live As for counter nuclear discussion When it continues to increase consciousness margin
              • 翻译是世界的良知,并允许该公司的剩余寿命或最坏TTA的忠忠不遵守后递给但该部官员,但在此之前,当然得粉碎政治黑手党和移动力的原聪反核的辩论必须继续住克惹最差的公司东京电力公司却没有这样的意识仍然在较低的边际隆马里! It is too natural Collapsing although it is proper Principle power Mafia politics moving The bureaucracy of the multipara ministry protected the compulsory post Is The survivor and the like of the lowest worst enterprise which is not justice As for good sense of the world There is no meaning which permits the Tokyo Electric Power Company escaping profit If the worst enterprise Tokyo Electric Power Company continues to live As for counter nuclear discussion When it continues to increase consciousness margin

            • 东京电力公司 - 有限刁难,到电力公司所有正式员工在法律上规定的治疗在核事故现场
              Not just Tokyo Electric Power Company, in all electric power company regular members, Actual place correspondence at time of nuclear accident processing legally obligation

              • 东京电力公司承诺,我想我必须耐心地为它而不是等待养老金192 Iidar u200b u200bo崩溃立刻找来自己曾经有任何担心,因为我不需要预约同一国家 192 Thinking that it is annuity it should have waited patiently Therefore as for the Tokyo Electric Power Company promise promise of the country and the same what many worries do not need Receiving at one time rather than destroying with the body the ro which is good rather and is
                • 但是他们说,一般人甚至没有耐心等待199,但并非没有粮食吃了60年,我 199 However wait the tsu te you say patiently As for the normal person however 60 annual rice it is not possible either not to eat

              • 两项法案,以防止其前提之间的发展或破产或不渡,但存档的审计和会计派了一个人 In order at that time debt excess and the dishonored bill two shot not to be melted the human of audit and accounting is sent But major premise

                • 为了进一步损害了担保债券一般服从于它,如果你是在申请破产时破产东京电力公司的法律义务的履行,赔偿将支付近Warenai
                  Furthermore because subordinate it does the repayment ranking of the compensation debt in general secured debenture, If at legal rearrangement application point in time Tokyo Electric Power Company debt excess, the indemnity is not almost paid, probably will be

                  • 什么是优质电器587?核热反应堆是一次涡轮最终转化为蒸汽possible ll消防系统没有一个球非常低效的地方,我用来冷却蒸汽太高他们能获得在突发的燃气涡轮机的转换效率,我们经历了以质量变化的非 持有60%的发电原理是唯一一个超过30%的小 587 Electric te what whose quality is good The atomic energy the turbine turning after all with the steam is just the tsu ru As for heat of the reactor being too high cooling the steam at the rank which you have used non efficiency the system which does not become extreme This changing to the thermal power there is no change in what quality As for conversion efficiency of the u or the gas turbine 6 as for reaching to comparatively as for principle power generation of electricity 3 tenths strongly only is
                    • 冷却蒸汽,它也是一个热冷凝器说 The fact that the steam is cooled calling the condenser is the thermal power

                  • 介绍其他措施,如在过去,运行 - 我放弃了董事的报酬总额和其他所有前任董事长兼首席执行官胜又Tsunehisa清水,对东京电力公司的要求理解元
                    Going back the remuneration of permanent Chairman and the Shimizu president other all successive director Katumata to the past, payment in full explanation the additional step such that you return, Understanding Tokyo Electric Power was requested

                    • 他们。请赔偿。排名和足够的能够通过一项特别法律秩序的变化索赔 That Receiving the compensation If it passes through the special law of order of credit modification such as ranking it is enough
                      • 请赔偿。排名和足够的能够通过一项特别法律秩序的变化索赔 Receiving the compensation If it passes through the special law of order of credit modification such as ranking it is enough

                    • 但如果你有这样写艾希辉分歧,使许多人可以,因为它决定了的事情等着退市标准Outo说什么总统在总统的决定,我决定不整 Because it seems that the person who the can has done to be different is many however you write that the president probably will be what you call delisting standards Because the thing has been decided there is no with some lever which is decided with the judgment of the president
                      • 如果是这样,东京电力公司将被除牌,再次表明上市电力公司在几年的想法 In that case Tokyo Electric Power Company becomes presentation abolition but the plan that was announced it re is presented several years later as generation of electricity company

                    • 但是,什么时候东京电力金贷破产,会发生什么时,公开市场的资产估值是相反的我会在东京电力公司股东的投诉,在那里他的腮吗?著名的一次成井150多万亿美元的整个集团,但要获得对金贷credit不过,即使我知道我Kareru叩鄂赔偿的同时支付我死胡同湿重湿重 NULL
                      • 东京电力公司的资产,但我不知你有没有13万亿美元的标准成本的基础上,如果你没有为5万亿美元的市场清算价值 If the Tokyo Electric Power Company property tsu te acquisition value standard it probably is 13 000 000 000 000 but If the current price clearing off value base it is not either 5 000 000 000 000 because

                    • 但是,如果一般债权人合法组织(或只与分包商)不开心,也有坏,右 However when it becomes legal rearrangement because the general obligee subcontract becomes unhappy the ro which is unpalatable and is
                      • 一旦组织的合法权利,我唯一没有支付赔偿的例子只是 The indemnity pays simply saying if it becomes especially the ro there is no other choice but to rearrange legally is
                      • 但是,真正的成本在法律破产是不可避免的,而是所有参与 So seeing realistically cost is required rather but legal rearrangement is inevitable
                      • 流体测量只有这样的政府也配套措施,确定赔偿金额,由于大量核事故 It directs to the enormous indemnity payment with nuclear accident government support step decision Fixed bill conversion fluxional

                    • 作为电力公司收取比美国高三倍最好溃疡 The fee whose also 3 times than America are high is claimed As for the electric power company the one which crushed is good

                      • 你不会这样认为了,它在非估计赔偿损失准备完全有权取消合同审计很快
                        Incorporated accounting firm gradually makes a contract cancels the [ro] which is The compensation for damage loss allowances of the nature of liability completely being estimate impossible, the [ro] which this audit opinion it cannot put out and is

                        • 你认为它是安全的植物的塞子40理清法律破产法律东京电力公司,我们应注意什么?确定赔偿,可没有任何法律义务,安排付款 The one which Tokyo Electric Power Company rearranged legally rearranging legally 4 tenths stopping the power plant you think that it is all right In addition when it rearranges legally you cannot pay the indemnity to debt decision
                          • 你认为它是安全的塞子40理清法律东京电力植物?确定赔偿,可没有任何法律义务,安排付款 Tokyo Electric Power Company rearranging legally 4 tenths stopping the power plant you think that it is all right In addition when it rearranges legally you cannot pay the indemnity to debt decision

                        • 例如,你发现隐藏在背后的小学和east ll下管线和民主的运行推广。排减单位,但他们将改变资金流向捍卫主权硝酸钾Zimintou Appearing and disappearing on back goes insult of the tube and democracy nuclear propulsion east Protection Our performing of the Liberal Democratic Party sovereignty doing when it flows and changes you can receive the gold but it is
                          • 一,推进东部和核管和Democratic ll运行的路线。排减单位,但他们将改变资金流向捍卫主权硝酸钾Zimintou We insult of the tube and democracy it goes nuclear propulsion east Protection Our performing of the Liberal Democratic Party sovereignty doing when it flows and changes you can receive the gold but it is

                        • 债券611米。优先级,但债券的权力必须依法反正土豆,但担保补偿,补偿将被大众所支付,但东。穆花的人谁不付小溃疡
                          611 Having bond. Person priority, furthermore as for electric power bond mortgage attachment But indemnity payment necessity with respect to law In either one as for margin and the indemnity however the citizen becomes burden, east. The one which crushed national burden may be little,

                          • 包括不信任动议而提出的女主人恩戴Hamehame宿舍Erogappa自民党国会议员与我们Kitara我,你让自己每个人的同情受害者鞭子打我鄂怯老的身体辐射老皇帝
                            His Majesty the Emperor of advanced age whipping in the old body, you consoling everyone of the sufferer who becomes frightened to the radioactivity, although the [ru] [tsu] [te] While at the time of Liberal Democratic Party [erogatsupa] the hostess to accompany in the cod Assemblyman dormitory and be packed and [hamehame] do nonconfidence motion submitting

                            • 半导体喜欢的东西是597有点棘手的结构,但这些差异是什么工作,我会我会在中国和韩国在日本,我会从任何噪音降低 597 Making semiconductor something in Japan making in ru ones and China and Korea ru ones being different however the ru don t you think Because just a little those of complicated structure deteriorate when there is a noise extremely
                              • 东芝公司的半导体工厂下跌597,这个例子似乎没有发现更换件从瞬间功率损耗减少 597 Because as for the Toshiba semiconductor factory knocking down inspection of instant stopping was disjointed It seems that fails in change

                            • 即使我只是从美联储和溃疡组织的159名员工的裁员和资产出售和GE 159 Saying that it crushes it rearranges therefore just from property sale and work force reduction and the allowance lowering etc
                              • 为了提高在一年6000亿日元和减薪,资产出售,赢得了2万亿日元紧急融资 NULL

                            • 发送电u200bu200b力组织和独立的法律自由化东京电力与此同时,核电和国有公司,成立国有化,赔偿金将被分裂囊传输公司将受益,如果
                              Temporarily rearranging Tokyo Electric Power Company legally, departure transmitting electricity separating, as for generation of electricity as for freeing, transmission of electricity and the nuclear plant nationalizing As for the government-owned company establishment and indemnity dividing from the profit of the transmission of electricity company, as for paying how probably will be

                              • 哎呀子敏,民主Koumei,而不是向商界和许多其他组织方
                                The [te] our people, democracy, fairness, it takes part either financial other many organization it is not worthy of

                                • 嗯,因为没有考虑后果,而且对每名万亿银行赔偿
                                  In front of and behind with the consequence which is not thought, also each bank is damage of trillion Yen unit

                                  • 囃已只有主席和其他傻瓜河野Saitou的新闻自由,没有出现在所有的法律意见的是谁我不知道为什么看法?在过去,当在中日战争中,巡洋舰是“浪速”被击沉后,英国注册的货轮临床搜索挤满了色调的方向,朝鲜半岛,上校Tougou Heihatirou炮兵,曾是清朝的队长。 。在这次事件中的问题,我是满浅野郎志满溢的声音,多哥惩罚犯下的暴行沉淀我说,他们对英国的梁旗船舶的公告 Only opinion of the foolish people who begin President this Saito has being accompanied the jurists The fact that opinion does not emerge to the mass communications at all why probably is what That former times the case of the Nisshin war at that time is the captain of cruiser “Oyodo” Colonel Heihachiro Togo which Fully loading the Empire of China soldier and the cannon the freighter of the English nationality of the ship which is opposite to the Korean Peninsula overlooking After the inspection it sank The case of number incident when the boat which put out the English national flag is sunk The rash act which you say was done and the voice which calls Togo which is accomplished punishment margin was overflowing in Choya but it is The English jurist west rake and others as for what problem says with lawfulness with respect to international law that it is not After announcing opinion at once it quiets converts and public opinion is reversed and passes and remembers that you say
                                    • 囃已只有主席和其他傻瓜河野Saitou的新闻自由,没有出现在所有的法律意见的是谁我不知道为什么看法?在过去,当在中日战争中,巡洋舰是“浪速”被击沉后,英国注册的货轮临床搜索挤满了色调的方向,朝鲜半岛,上校Tougou Heihatirou炮兵,曾是清朝的队长。 。在这次事件中的问题,我是满浅野郎志满溢的声音,多哥惩罚犯下的暴行沉淀我说,他们对英国的梁旗船舶的公告 Only opinion of the foolish people who begin President this Saito has being accompanied the jurists The fact that opinion does not emerge to the mass communications at all why probably is what That former times the case of the Nisshin war at that time is the captain of cruiser “Oyodo” Colonel Heihachiro Togo which Fully loading the Empire of China soldier and the cannon the freighter of the English nationality of the ship which is opposite to the Korean Peninsula overlooking After the inspection it sank The case of number incident when the boat which put out the English national flag is sunk The rash act which you say was done and the voice which calls Togo which is accomplished punishment margin was overflowing in Choya but it is The English jurist west rake and others as for what problem says with lawfulness with respect to international law that it is not After announcing opinion at once it quiets converts and public opinion is reversed and passes and remembers that you say

                                  • 因为当国家电网电力放松管制的控制是一个国家的783名健康的方式充分liberalization re基础结构我只希望克惹设置外国投资方面的限制,电力部门的所有权则W是不是被称为东京电力公司的最大股东在事故发生前或外国Ttemasu?此后的几年中取得了非常痛苦和幸福在很大程度上已在事故发生前外交解决的问题,我是拥抱它,例如演讲国有化后,该工程的措施,而拆除?瓦特
                                    783 Such a country at the time of transmission network grip electrical freeing restriction of the foreign capital should have been provided in regard to the stock holding ratio of generation of electricity section just is Therefore below section what the Tokyo Electric Power Company before the w accident which is not the nation where the one which is freed completely is healthy and is head shareholder is the foreign capital, but knowing, it increases? On the other hand if after the dismantlement nationalizing measure it devises, it has held before the accident foreign capital problem being able to solve, the inside of unhappiness being able make fortunate, in ten thousand 々 years? w

                                    • 因此,被迫穿上了战争罪行,道歉和赔偿烙印坚持到现在,和将来,日本人只有在持续大量的赔偿支付给
                                      As a result, dressing stigma of war crime, Apology & compensation It is required obstinately, Until now, and in the future, the Japanese citizen continues to pay the large amount of indemnity

                                      • 在东京电力公司,我不介意不好? ? ?燃料也知道我热一下。 ,不要浪费太多我认为增加了炉号,以减少 As for Tokyo Electric Power Company tsu te the head being bad If to become too hot it is the tsu te to that the fuel Decreasing you think that it should have increased the number of furnaces but… Wastefulness is many to whatever
                                        • 在东京电力公司,我不介意不好? ? ?燃料也知道我热一下。 ,不要浪费太多我认为增加了炉号,以减少 As for Tokyo Electric Power Company tsu te the head being bad If to become too hot it is the tsu te to that the fuel Decreasing you think that it should have increased the number of furnaces but… Wastefulness is many to whatever

                                      • 在他去世前杀死他们,他们说这可能是谁阵列,因为这种风险交易的权利 Before dying kill perhaps expression are but even risk transaction the ro which is such ones
                                        • 茹,我什至做了前期市场交易操纵证券市场嘿,我不能阻止它 Don t you think the tsu chi ya it probably will be boiled in stock manipulation the e Even overtime transaction is possible it is to put out

                                      • 在重新上市,公司养老金甚至数年后消失,你知道Paratte ll销售组织的所有法律行
                                        The [ro] whose legal rearrangement is good and is After abolishing also all sale [tsu] [pa] and others [tsu] [te] private enterprise's annuities With re-presentation of several years later OK

                                        • 如果沼泽中的情况有望缓解,因为有左,早一天都在对未来的根本恶,我们的日本兄弟,请如要追求彻底纳粹仍然是德国人,人们在我们的作为一个共识, 家庭东京电力,日本非祖我们这些! 必须坚定不移地坚持认为,承认日本的份额无法再 If the situation which is supposed easily is considered because the cause of evil is not left into in the future as soon as possible As for our Japanese citizens As though the German citizen is thorough overtaking Nazis even now but as our national collective will lt As for the Tokyo Electric Power Company family our re and others in Japan non zu gt As firm if it does not share does not recognize already it becomes not be able to maintain Japan
                                          • 但东京电力公司 家庭责任金城武马苏并没有立即想到的,例如,为什么日本人应该受到谴责 家庭彻底日本东京电力公司人民代表大会常务委员会 But lt The Tokyo Electric Power Company family gt As for the responsibility which you grow impudent there is the Japanese citizen standing to the thought where Therefore very as for the Japanese citizen lt The Tokyo Electric Power Company family gt You must impeach thoroughly

                                        • 对受害者的赔偿金,工人的平均年收入,减少到不足80的一般平民平均收入%
                                          To compensation repayment to sufferer, staff average annual income, It reduces to 8 tenths or less of general private average income

                                          • 并保证我们第一次离开了公司,是由于各种出过分红而获利,但应该保证相对的东西,你持有公司的股票,这通常社会库存的价格,对股东的责任是没有发生由于免疫力丧失Tteru成长股 The company being able to put out the profit as various results also stock price is guaranteed and also allotment comes out for the first time But if originally it should guarantee is socially vis a vis possessing the stocks of such a company As for responsibility of the shareholder becoming escape to be done as a loss of stock price the ru
                                            • 然后带回来,因为国家以及股息,人们会能够收回的,市民还可以分散风险和负担 Furthermore after allotment revival because allotment is brought to also the country Be able to collect national burden share also the citizen could disperse risk and burden

                                          • 当然,在法律的范围应支付545多支付的奶牛比不否认任何人的抱怨鳃Ttara股东支付的款项也大沽地还指出,国家支付(笑) 545 Of course you pay any which are paid inside the range of law and Denies no one that but Because the or more of that has been clearly written also the fact that the country pays When you wanted to pay you pay it is appealed from the shareholder laughing
                                            • 当然,在法律的范围应支付525那头牛更没有支付任何人否认抱怨说,吉尔也付出Ttara大沽地还指出,由国家支付工资(笑)股东 525 Of course you pay any which are paid inside the range of law and Denies no one that but Because the or more of that has been clearly written also the fact that the country pays When you wanted to pay you pay it is appealed from the shareholder laughing

                                          • 恐怖组织。日本经团联的政治家应该加载了人类的利益垃圾处理质量东京电力公司员工经团联成员靖靖靖靖政客东京电力浪费雇员权益和群众利益,如果日本经济团体联合会政治家拒绝恐怖分子大规模东京电力公司的工作人员不靖靖是正确的方式来消除社会公众安全的恐怖分子,即使是从社会排斥的未来
                                            Terrorist group. The Tokyo Electric Power Company preservation member [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations It is not necessary the human to handle preservation member Tokyo Electric Power Company employee [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations The Tokyo Electric Power Company employee preservation member [masugomi] right political house Japan Federation of Economic Organizations which is the terrorist being removed from society, our industry complacency The road whose it is correct for safety of society to remove the terrorist from society,

                                            • 惟厚的初级加工津贴梳,已同意,如果发生副作用,并认为20年Wareru需要住院,手术,医疗费用和生活救助负担所有电力公司 However to make nuclear processing treatment thick It is thought as the side effect which requires 20 annual hospitalization and operation When it can recognize emergence The electric power company all medical expenses and the like and bearing life assistance
                                              • 应变发射核损害 但是有一点,宏靖先例,电力公司,下端口S Moraruhasa进一步鼓励 This much nuclear causing damage Before electric power company peace example promotes further moraruhasa ゙ to ゙

                                            • 我们不能在低优先级请求损害赔偿211溃疡,它可能是由东京电力公司支付Warenaku
                                              211 If it crushes, as for the compensation for damage whose precedence is low in claim, whether it becomes unable to pay from Tokyo Electric Power Company,

                                              • 我们应该做些什么时,你是Futsu之前支付破产,即使员工的薪水是多少?约2000万日元一些董事会成员,或者是普通员工支付5亿日元的平均水平,这是纳税人的钱,以进一步塔卡? Going bankrupt when salary of the employee is provided the hu you how it does it is Also the official 20 000 000 Yen average 5 000 000 Yen being provided even with the general employee Furthermore when tax throwing high is
                                                • 我首先在四月一般企业破产的一生,如果飞机一般企业垄断不服从当地的法律生效865人 865 It is protected in law local monopoly enterprise confronts general enterprise in fact it is it is not If the good chi general enterprise where is the wa which has gone bankrupt in April

                                              • 我有它描绘了一幅图片蛋糕国家官僚国有化欧麦尔分割日退市后,来到四尖叫超额补偿听到有人让我继续进行,直到今天早上穿公司的养老基金
                                                Until the private enterprise's annuity fund it comes and makes come out making compensation continue When scream is audible, presentation abolition After that at 4 corporations with amount dividing nationalization bureaucratic [uma] [tsu] [te] thing Rice cake when it is drawn in the picture

                                                • 我的意思是,如果一个翻译东京电力公司说,日本公司正在Ruhou确保电力是小质量差,但我敢肯定,我希望 With saying or being the Tokyo Electric Power Company excuse a little Quality being bad Electric generation the one which goes down The Japanese enterprise desiring thinks as the ru but
                                                  • 在发展中国家,生产脆,但我做好准备,我不厂的运作,质量不好的日本电气公司Amaedaro Although in young country Bali Bali having produced and producing unless there is an electricity which is good to quality As for how the factory not moving the ro which is sweetly obtaining the Japanese enterprise

                                                • 所以我的感觉Nanotsu保持原样垂直流汤损害脑正史441 441 Just honest this discharging damage putting out therefore something riding the wa which is feeling

                                                  • 支付的公共资产,如正确的电网故障,销售补偿由于大大减少
                                                    The [ro] where national burden of compensation decreases substantially with property sale of the transmission network and the like and accompanies failure is

                                                    • 日本工厂和企业在战争之前离开谁自由骑泡菜私营发电设施不会明白,但医院 Pre world war 2 Japan it left Hospital and enterprise In private power generation equipment freely you cannot understand the factory in the kim chee person who is riding however probably is
                                                      • 泡菜市民免费乘坐,其余在日本战前的发电厂,但也不会明白 Pre world war 2 Japan it left In generation of electricity equipment freely you cannot understand in the kim chee person who is riding however probably is

                                                    • 有关修改破产法,从灾难中要求赔偿损失由政府指定的优先处理问题,如果没有法律清算
                                                      Amending the relation of bankruptcy method, after as for the compensation for damage claim due to the disaster which government appoints to a priority treatment, if it rearranges legally, non problem

                                                      • 梅塔认识到了经济部,石田辙官僚主义的主要关心福岛哈罗Toukyoudenryoku降落伞延长寿命?
                                                        As for recognizing the extension of durable years service life of the Fukushima nuclear plant The bureaucratic compulsory right to Tokyo Electric Power, Tetsu Ishida of the economic industrial ministry the [ro]?

                                                        • 没有人?正确的舆论呢?东京电力公司赞助的细则咨询分析师2秒? 1 Well But in remainder correct opinion 2 Don t you think analyst tsu te Tokyo Electric Power Company business consul
                                                          • “草率”的看法?记者只在事实的报告,请 As for “hasty” opinion The journalist reports just the fact

                                                        • 特别是在日航447人恨这不是东京电力公司 447 Citizen especially jal 憎 it did and was not and As for the latest Tokyo Electric Power Company

                                                          • 现在,很多的创业公司应该最便宜的电
                                                            The shelf which the cheap electric power company should start a business now many

                                                            • 由于在一个容易与东京电力公司在福岛县民的团结精神损害的核事故在许多议题的立场,并已收到的赠款有权限制赔偿责任,也是理性
                                                              Many of the compensation object person are the inhabitant of Fukushima prefecture which receives the power source grant, Joining with Tokyo Electric Power Company, because there is a moral standpoint which should owe responsibility to nuclear accident, compensation There is also a rational which it limits

                                                              • 皮疹是迄今为止在东京电力公司支持的权利,最好是资本主义的法律清算和支持我们以前也没有审慎的和草率的资本主义 As for being hasty the ro which is the Tokyo Electric Power Company to now correspondence legal rearrangement is desirable capitalism even excessively natural It is not hasty or prudence in correspondence and capitalism
                                                                • 我说在日本开始以来的金融危机等方面,我必须反义本公司的法定破产 Since Japan starting saying from the viewpoint of crisis if legal rearrangement you do not do this enterprise it opposes to justice

                                                              • 经过核事故后,举办的食品囊百分之法律Shitsuketa 2万亿日元贷款的决定,因为我等待着会发生什么? Tokanai妥善书面提出,由民主党政府签署的“我知道他们是谁 When it rearranges legally as for eating percentage assuming that it was decided 2 000 000 000 000 Yen which it is accustomed to lending after the nuclear accident how becomes don t you think it is probably will be When it is the Democratic party administration unless you sign properly to a document and solve don t you think “and others knowledge and others
                                                                • 2万亿美元的贷款Shitsuketa法定清算后,确定核事故日元等待我不知道会发生什么? Tokanai妥善书面提出,由民主党政府签署的“我知道他们是谁 As for legal rearrangement assuming that it was decided 2 000 000 000 000 Yen which it is accustomed to lending after the nuclear accident how becomes don t you think it is probably will be When it is the Democratic party administration unless you sign properly to a document and solve don t you think “and others knowledge and others
                                                                • 宇野进食正常分配给你一个受害者的法律安排366你会偿还次级 366 Normally when it rearranges legally that percentage is eaten it does with the sufferer where repayment becomes rear ranking the yo
                                                                • 我不知道我如何对待员工和分包商Sashitara厌氧饮食损伤的主要法律清算 When during nuclear processing legal rearrangement 喰 and others the tsu te employee and subcontract point repugnance how it does it is the ro which is
                                                                • 政府不会百分之百的胃减资是可以避免的,可以得到一个梦想,股东鄂1日元 The stomach without hurting as a government and it can also be able to evade 100 reduction of capital give dream to 1 Yen shareholder
                                                                • 爱看国有化的不满意,因为我组织的法律责任股东和管理责任的国民 There is a shareholder responsibility and a management responsibility therefore it is Legal after rearranging unless it nationalizes Agreement circumstance
                                                                • 责任交给负责的股东贷款,债券和资本的90%减少我没有选择,只能起到削减或 On shareholder responsibility and lender responsibility it reduces capital and debenture 90 cutting There is no other choice but to play back don t you think probably will be

                                                              • 股票价格由100日元和股东不这样做,很可能是暴力的OB东京电力公司的大股东
                                                                Unless there are 100 Yen in stock price to general meeting of shareholders, the Tokyo Electric Power Company OB shareholder large the shelf which it may to do to rage

                                                                • 读卖新闻,产经新闻狂野的前原诚司审查。东京电力公司正在进行座元,中央情报局与笔者坐在联合主办岩财政部官员波部长,副总理是战国,内阁官房长官枝野,冈田外交部消费税上调事务部长,主谋猪又东京电力公司,在最终的说法彻如东京电力公司恩戴干柜注册于U -存款,官僚主义,权力和世界的春天鳟鱼垃圾第二产业,大部分人被奴役的金融业
                                                                  Yomiuri, product sutra Maehara of large extolment inside. Under way Tokyo Electric Power Company seat origin, CIA belonging to a company writer, bureaucratic approval Stone wave financial affairs minister of state, Sengoku Vice-President, branch field secretariat director, as for Okada Minister of Foreign Affairs, Consumer tax large tax increase and Tokyo Electric Power Company [inomata] mastermind, Being ultimate, if you say, the Cabinet for the financial industry which you lend to Tokyo Electric Power Company and has been packed Circulation of money, the bureaucracy, electric power and the mass rubbish spring of our world Secondary industry, the populace almost slave conversion

                                                                  • 谁想要投资的好,那么股东和管理将有助于减少对日航179多,有没有更优惠的球很不合理 179 Well when so it does the person whom it tries to invest on the shareholder and the management probably will considerably decrease but Being favorably treated unreasonable does not become extreme from JAL
                                                                    • TTA的绞日航238只,以适应供应,而不是要钱反复 238 As for JAL there is no financing and adjusted to te demand and just squeezed supply
                                                                    • 因为它不是没有别的办法,我认为给予处罚的温度管理和股东体面至少增加 Because that already there is no manner at least in the shareholder and the management Securely you think that it is necessary to give the punishment which is done
                                                                    • 日航同请,一旦取消,但仅在Exchange埃泰进入重新启动管理 Similarly replacing the disappearance and management with JAL once there is only restarting
                                                                    • 那么,谁想要投资股票也将变得不那么有利得多179日航是很不合理的球没有被 179 Well when so it does the person whom it tries to invest on stocks probably will considerably decrease but Being favorably treated unreasonable does not become extreme from JAL

                                                                  • 这是最强的军队律师的程度东京电力和自然灾害的损害赔偿的责任将是有限的免疫力东京电力公司的一部分!
                                                                    The strongest attorney corps of Tokyo Electric Power as for this is natural disaster and the range which is compensated is limited and portion of the Tokyo Electric Power Company responsibility is done escape!

                                                                    • 这谢总统,目标管理,并批评了退市或
                                                                      This Tokyo Stock Exchange president and MBO with criticizing presentation abolition, the shelf

                                                                      • 退休养老金领取者和建造业¨包括设备供应商和监管机构也
                                                                        Also the annuitant and the constructive equipment trader and the supervision after the retiring include

                                                                        • 遣散费,我们的祖父的老太太的退休金在废墟是在最后一分钟购买生活Tteta破产
                                                                          Has bought the pop grandmother is the shambles, bankruptcy with the life last place of execution at the retirement lump sum grant and annuity

                                                                          • 鄂交流增加了他们的赔偿922电源
                                                                            922 Allotment of the indemnity of electrical each company increases

                                                                            • 防治法的颠覆活动适用于您的视频创作冥王星,只花了电网和主
                                                                              With the compilation of Puruto your video only the Anti-Subversive Activities Act. application and transmission network and the nuclear plant requisition

                                                                              • 随着股票价格疲软,只有停止东京电力公司,宏菊最新上市来新低
                                                                                The Tokyo Electric Power stock price and attached stop cheaply, renewed presentation coming low price largely

                                                                                • 隐藏隐藏后立即采集和传播媒体的安全神话
                                                                                  Concealment, circulation of safe myth and the purchase of the mass communications which it comes after concealment

                                                                                  • 马塔的公告简的拆迁 ?在历史上,派出部队,所以路是一个我?聪聪从U形支付所有的人无我有 菅 Dismantlement announcement mata ゙ To leave such power to history the road is one How because it becomes the shape which the se citizen pays preparedness has done
                                                                                    • 马塔的公告简的拆迁 ?在道路名称的历史遗迹是一个我?聪聪从U形支付所有的人无我有 菅 Dismantlement announcement mata ゙ To leave name to history the road is one How because it becomes the shape which the se citizen pays preparedness has done

                                                                                  • 齐藤说,谣 u200b u200b言是犯下果断作为联交所这个总统了。什么罪犯被逮捕任何时候?或者被辞退的总统?要辞职呢? Out it did rumor speech decisively as a president of this stock exchange and accomplished Saito The offender tsu te when it is arrested Or the president it becomes the neck You resign
                                                                                    • 齐藤说,谣 u200b u200b言是犯下果断作为联交所这个总统了。什么罪犯被逮捕任何时候?或者被辞退的总统?要辞职呢? Out it did rumor speech decisively as a president of this stock exchange and accomplished Saito The offender tsu te when it is arrested Or the president it becomes the neck You resign
                                                                                    • 齐藤说,谣 u200b u200b言是犯下果断作为联交所这个总统了。什么罪犯被逮捕任何时候?或者被辞退的总统?要辞职呢? Out it did rumor speech decisively as a president of this stock exchange and accomplished Saito The offender tsu te when it is arrested Or the president it becomes the neck You resign

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