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<菅 Resignation denial>Psychiatrist you admire! 菅 The swindler aptitude… of Prime Minister NaotoIt was stained, “it is dirty,” you live, the expert


  • 1 谁是这些家伙精神科东条英和田总干事Higanokurinikku Mukaino春日两个精神科医生? 1 2 Higano spring of psychiatrist entire higanokurinitsuku president Hideki Wada of psychiatrist And others it is dense no person
    • “镇静剂常用的精神科医生8% 77率” “Tranquilizer usual ratio of psychiatrist 77 8 ”
    • 我没有这样的临床精神科多么幼稚富士夕刊 It is the evening paper huji te immature Although there is no such a it is psychiatry territory

  • 12。作为一名战士击败了家庭的相关原始祖先,经过清除家属支付他们的祖先,但拒绝为简理发TTA的富裕家庭,直到江户时代其余侃 12 Paying inserting house clear ancestor of 菅 After that the ancestor of the whole group was defeated with Sekigahara and as a samurai atrophied but The 菅 whole group remained to the last days of the shogunate as an affluent barber
    • Itikawa一群。阚在做,因为我是一个在竞选工作人员说IDE的老师负责人内容没有例如欺诈,如果传闻是绝对可疑Waran很奇怪啊纹 Ichikawa room Shouldering luck mobilization does from time rumor of the suspicious trickery teacher did not become extinct in the 菅 So such a strange straw it is it rubbed the content of the human

  • 1945年,镇压。他于1965年的技术总监,执行董事,中央玻璃1977年,公司核数师
    1945, control. To be inaugurated as Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development, 1965, the Central Glass Co., Ltd. managing director, 1977, the same company auditor

    • 362同意!而且它比简多,与这两人的意见感到惊讶的低水平 362 Agreement Furthermore the a it was cut off in lowness of level of the comment these two than thing of the 菅
      • 12同意!而且它比简多,与这两人的意见感到惊讶的低水平 12 Agreement Furthermore the a it was cut off in lowness of level of the comment these two than thing of the 菅
      • 我就像一个牧羊人,因为他将三宅由纪子362,值得 362 Even Miyake snow child like it is raising it is from the ru our industry complacency
      • 甚至击败了整个新闻界做庸俗平均Gendai美浓,梅塔的辞呈,值得侃 The whole mass communications starting doing the vulgarly hitting like the gene die di our industry complacency of the 菅 you abandoned

    • 429 NHK的制造业创新是很少纳入本届政府?为首相?如果热结构称为故意引发不可能的。 。 NHK的最大丑闻Baretara我希望战争拆除脚腕

      • 496日本NHK Tteru知识我一百万的个案?

        • 615报纸,有的甚至与群众演员,从阚报Jimashita辞职

          • 792那个老男人,因为我不会写东西来ー失败或改变意见,我把它感性的两极化也许是一个不错的博客爆发,但他讲课和补习学校的老师 792 When that old boy it is the lecturer of lecture and the private school however the honest causing re it is when it is burogu being inclined to emotional argument Because opinion writes the roller roller changes the te coming thing
            • 我说他们不这样做,我做Kiremasu极化?而且,请不要提供历史学家的好材料 I have been inclined and say and can declare Don t you think and please offer the data which is good to the historian

          • 838是出去做Minsyu子敏子敏的政策,政治,因为这样做Shikato总理是我选择的Jiminga的无迄今制定的信心,只有舞蹈,他们将面临退出媒体上他出或者他们有一个家伙在你面前,我 838 As for our people policy putting out the ru shikato doing political strife it does democracy Therefore our people distrusted invented It is the prime minister whom the person who puts out jiminga chooses to here the people where 踊 and others makes just the appearance which the mass communications put out are you
            • 布鲁诺 一半,你知道这是迄今为止抗体招 No lt The ro which is possible to be vague is there are no times when shikato it does it is to here

          • 860因此,我有一个在韩国,那里的Kishita前往情妇管孩子?嘿,嘿,我会回答有鳃瓦特 860 Therefore the tsu te where in the tube the lover and the child are in Korea you saw somewhere and heard Being answered whether well well w
            • 你同他的情妇而在韩国,那里的Kishita前往860的孩子? 860 The lover and the child are in Korea with somewhere to see you heard

          • Kaname刚鸠山一郎操纵,投票相当被称为老师的欺骗国民议会鸠山由纪夫刚播放→,对投票的态度突然变化仍然污点→日本国会政治,→动机小泽集团历史 As for Ozawa Hatoyama consultation coercion and National Diet resolution mere amusement gt Yukio s Hatoyama trickery teacher calling the Japanese political history the large stain which remains gt The motive of attitude volte face and Ozawa group of the National Diet resolution gt
            • Kaname刚鸠山一郎操纵,投票相当被称为老师的欺骗国民议会鸠山由纪夫刚播放→,对投票的态度突然变化仍然污点→日本国会政治,→动机小泽集团历史 As for Ozawa Hatoyama consultation coercion and National Diet resolution mere amusement gt Yukio s Hatoyama trickery teacher calling the Japanese political history the large stain which remains gt The motive of attitude volte face and Ozawa group of the National Diet resolution gt

          • Kan和鸠山这篇文章当然是无稽之谈,但最重要的是 在一个民主的世界,你是否得到市民的信心?然后,像这样的事,我只能下列负面鸠山不会是正确的简 But 菅 Hatoyama of course This article semantic obscurity… There being a world of democracy The most important thing can obtain the confidence of the citizen whether or not it is not The ro which such a thing the 菅 or Hatoyama is not next and is Both are being defeated
            • Kan和鸠山这篇文章当然是无稽之谈,但最重要的是 在一个民主的世界,你是否得到市民的信心?然后,像这样的事,我只能下列负面鸠山不会是正确的简 But 菅 Hatoyama of course This article semantic obscurity… There being a world of democracy The most important thing can obtain the confidence of the citizen whether or not it is not The ro which such a thing the 菅 or Hatoyama is not next and is Both are being defeated

          • Kyousantou总是权,放弃表达不信任动议提交了批评?

            • [11] [杆Zyoniru理论理论政变流亡在巴黎]麻生没有被遗忘
              11 'Kim Jong-Il Paris exile theory' 'Aso coup theory' is not forgotten

              • [日本]的韩日商人的奇怪行为一万零四百点零零零万日元捐赠总理苏格直人[6月1日]外交部长前原诚司(当时)继续对外国捐款问题,外交部长辞职TTA的创造机会西田正志上议院议员指出,这
                菅 The strange movement of the resident South Korean businessman which in Prime Minister Naoto 1,040,000 Yen is donated [06/01] Foreign Minister Seizi Maehara (at that time) foreign donation problem is overtaken, Nisida who made the opportunity of foreign minister resignation 昌 Councilor Osamu like this points out

                • _NULL_
                  <Utilization standard (annual 20 millimeter sievert) patsy summary > Atomic energy contingency planning headquarters headquarters chief: 菅 Naoto (the highest patsy) Nuclear Safety Commission chairman: Unevenness eye Haruki (the highest patsy of substantial judgment) Education scientific minister of state: Takagi Yoshiaki (the highest patsy regarding particular notification) Education scientific economical life-long study policy Bureau Chief: Kumiko Bando (the patsy regarding particular notification) Education scientific economical elementary secondary education Bureau Chief: Shinichi Yamanaka (the patsy regarding particular notification) Education scientific economical technology scientific policy Bureau Chief: Combination rice field Takashi (the patsy regarding particular notification) Education scientific economical sport young people Bureau Chief: Cloth village Yukihiko (the patsy regarding particular notification) * Because afterwards it becomes large problem, it will share this list with everyone

                  • “东京都松泽医院,现在到行动菅直人(精神科病房)。Serubeshi咬!”
                    “Now immediately 菅 Naoto metropolitan Matuzawa hospital (spiritual ward) measure entrance. Should stick! ”

                    • “从成TTA的公民运动学生运动”电梯打手“小心,你就是那个

                      • “艾拉侃说:”我们必须分配一个据说是罗我,我们说已经对着讲话的人的正确部位为你们我叫的spoilsman核电厂址?所以,现在我是一个臭胡散 “ ira 菅” with it is said comparatively it is said that stop the actual place where you have yelled in the citizen comparatively yelling the ro where is just the ru person tsu te nuclear electrical grafter Therefore now one suspicion it is ill smelling it is
                        • “艾拉侃”我们说的百分比不看喜欢的人是乱叫的网站 “ ira 菅” with it is said comparatively it is said that stop the actual place where you have yelled in the citizen comparatively yelling the ro where is just the ru person tsu te nuclear electrical grafter Therefore now one suspicion it is ill smelling it is

                      • “苏格直人婴儿潮是最后的赢家,”是,它意味着
                        “Last victor of nodule generation 菅 Naoto” In other words it is such

                          • 我 ヽ岛 i REPT i i n te nono DREPT i nonono No No j No REPT ━ ━ No ━ No The prime minister tsu te you say REPT nin niii i i 7iii i Don t you think level 92 te i i REPT i 92 i l j ┐ i n gt 92 92 To ¯ ¯ T l 92 i n ee i i The Soviet Union i 92 e n nono lt 92 92 7 he REPT No REPT REPT

                        • ヽ ヽ 三 ( y的人哩 ¯)ヽ ヾ布鲁诺 ) L布鲁诺) ヽ布鲁诺 解决方案 : REPT REPT 92 Three y mi human ¯ REPT No DREPT L no 92 92 No Soviet 92 92 92
                          • 。 ヽ 92 REPT 92
                          • 。 ヽ 92 REPT 92
                          • 。 ヽ 92 REPT 92
                          • 。 ヽ 92 REPT 92
                          • ,ヾ二十二 : 22 DREPT he REPT REPT 92 Three y mi human ¯ REPT No DREPT L no 92 92 No Soviet 92 92 92

                        • 为了达到373提前布局,分销部门,对我的捐款是一本字典瓶颈由进Zirou分布在小泉纯一郎提出的电路板,它,但我也向会议主席呑捐款分配,该计划最终被否决昨天伤心地 373 Because early of the contribution gold distribution is actualized stopping the distribution division which becomes the bottleneck Evenness that it distributes the chairman of contribution gold distribution meeting it drank that Sinzirou Koizumi proposing After all yesterday could not meet the plan and was rejected

                          • 产经新闻万维网狂烂帮派品种产经新闻真相是,他们喜欢和产经新闻万维网WWW的产经新闻说:不公平? “为什么是娱乐”,“没有更多的高级住宅区的功耗,”产经新闻商务:[现在]游戏产业相关的公司产经新闻弹弓,帮助受灾行业行为戈商务:游戏业 - 现在 - 日本游戏业界高层同友会要扩大多边援助活动圈
                            Rot product sutra www The [ho] it is with as for the conspirators of the product sutra [kichigai] being even www Don't you think? person and product sutra www Product sutra: Unfairness? “The recreation facilities why” “high-class residential quarter electric power consumption are many” Product sutra Biz: Industry listing, suffering area support Pachinko-related trader Product sutra Biz: The Japanese game industrial manager committee association The wheel which spreads Multilateral support activity

                            • 他在秋叶原首相麻生太郎Iteta叩了展示自我的强烈愿望或Borokuso恩戴日首次竞选演说呼吁夜间的心理医生和不同覆盖我忘记
                              Reporting the day and the night of first Akihabara roadside speech after the Aso prime minister inaugurating calling psychiatrist variety, when self revelation desire is strong hits is to forget in [borokuso

                              • 伟大的民族 - 高税收,营业税20%,移居海外工厂轮流停电,失业率上升,太平养老摧毁日本的农业部门,在朝鲜半岛的安全涌入恶化支那
                                Citizen… large tax increase and consumer tax 20%, with plan power failure overseas moving and unemployment rate rise of factory, with TPP the Japanese agricultural livestock industrial destruction, support with 那 Korean influx public order deterioration

                                • 但事实上,我NHK的2通道有许多人看到写
                                  Actually however there were many entries of the person who looked at NHK even with 2ch

                                  • 你改善生活的财富总额下降了晚年运气稳步△22 2 8 12●●●菅直人会议,嘿成立纹打 It hits don t you think it rubbed the e Meeting was made to install 菅 Naoto 12 8 2 Entire luck 22 △ Favorable life facing toward late year fortune atrophy
                                    • 冠军 他们说,在前景不明朗的把戏,将转向到primp隐约简到辞职,起飞不信任动议 When 菅… goal is in sight 仄 deceiving resignation in the uncertain expression which dresses up you overcome nonconfidence motion
                                    • 无论如何,温达,我们认为应该是谁住院两个精神科医生诊断为简 Temporarily making the 菅 the psychiatrist two person examine You think that we should be hospitalized it is
                                    • 没有得救的需要,如果不是我会说什么我真的错的权利和福祉,我信佳 Also the 菅 being entwined to right the ru applying being serious saying if it makes the ru rescuing it will be but it is not
                                    • 简成立于561次会议,甚至,他们不知道我在做 561 There doing what you did not know with even the 菅 which makes meeting install whether the ru
                                    • 这是不弹出简小脸反对它可能不知道它到底是什么会议的情况 And as for the 菅 very almost the face it is produced to the every one there are no times when meeting which kind of Whether it was circumstance it had not grasped completely
                                    • 阚回归! “只要进入喜看我是一个痛苦的哭泣 菅 Returning ” Increasing tsu te sad voice observing at ru just we would like to enter to rapture

                                  • 修齐史 parous阶段,再至七月稼。首期课程的主要目的井Minsyutou因为它是一个很亲敏W是当前谣言有瓦特核痴迷者 Multipara phase to July re 稼 You aim The nuclear plant which is in the midst of stopping Therefore as for the Democratic party nuclear super propulsion group naturally well shelf w As for the minsu fanatic way false rumor it does not let flow w
                                    • 861核动力推进。我之所以不认为温达降过滤 861 Nuclear propulsion You think that there is no reason which you lower but it is

                                  • 党的“一个计划是什么呢?”看“它难道不漂亮吗?”后几天反对派“的计划是好的,我明白我Ttemashita进步和菅直人说什么?”民主党“简说,这样我不会不TTA的话说,“在野”是什么?你是做什么呢?“民主党”鄂认为从现在开始,请退出迅速一项计划,说服我们的在野党,“反复多次出席这样的政策是一个骗局返回日 Is opposition party “A plan how ” 菅 “It is to call it is not is ” Several days later 菅 Calling OK it increased opposition party “A plan but advancing the shank It is understood ” That the Democratic party “菅 it is not the case that it was said in such sense you think” Opposition party “ How it does ” You think from the Democratic party “now the opposition party please put out the plan which we agree upon quickly” Such fraud repeatedly present condition many degrees it is even with policy
                                    • 每日Hyundaisosu知道如果我行瓦特 If daily hiyundaisosu with OK something shank W which is understood

                                  • 同质黑色和金丸和田中角荣竹下和他的老师,也有一些异常的特点和
                                    Kakuei's Kanamaru and Takeshita and Tanaka of the master black with being homogeneous, as for peculiarity and abnormal characteristic Almost it is not

                                    • 它有助于感觉就像是防御和减轻责任踏脚石不符合指控犯罪时,有关该进程的核事故后根 As for this when being prosecuted with the crime the 菅 regarding nuclear accident processing afterwards That there was no accountability the kind of air which is the preparation in order to defend doing there is no ginger

                                      • 对于归档或有意向立即对心理战的重点进攻,无论发生什么性质 Concentrating personality attack without shame or reputation the plan which you bring to psychological war

                                        • 对于看起来好像它是一个崇高的人道主义萨科萨科是一个很小的字瓦特总区情报组彻年1mSV需要example ve小路上时,10多万移民条例 Like the humanitarianism person whose Kosako quite is noble w which is visible By the way as Kosako says when it makes annual 1mSV regulation the immigration 10 000 000 or more It becomes necessary
                                          • 是啊,你现在可以说是,虽然对政府的批评,在泪水萨科小内阁辞职顾问Souiya So well Kosako Cabinet participation the tear government criticizing resigning Oh with while saying it reaching the point where it is not the ru don t you think

                                        • 尽管可以分布在患处均匀地保持甚至捐款一半

                                          • 我一直在做这样的日本首相,不可想象不认为,“通过电话总理大臣菅直人怒吼,这是清楚地听到周围萨基浩太超过 Prime Minister Japanese has meant such a thing how it was unexpected” 菅 As for the 怒 voice of the prime minister you say that it was size of the extent which is audible clearly even around through the telephone mouth

                                            • 我不想分析其他不够好,我心理医生,我读了这篇文章,像鄂话扬认为,老百姓不只是跟医生 However the tsu te article was read the partner it analyzes even with psychiatrist about medical that you would not like to do The te simply the kind of story which the world general person thinks it is not to be story
                                              • 我是一个自恋型人格障碍患者不希望在心理医生Souiya伙伴 So those where the partner we would not like to do well even with psychiatrist are the patient of self love characteristic personality obstacle

                                            • 我也想验证精神的存在,即使从来没有感到内疚重复的结构和有偏见的报道任意热
                                              Don't you think? the 恣 mind, don't you think? structure and deflection reporting we want verifying also the spiritual characteristic of the existence which is not the times when it has the sin impression over again

                                              • 我也没有意志力叩确保反简文的确是另一个好尸体

                                                • 我希望你喜欢它更阴险我太可爱茶不承担责任,因为孩子的牙齿锐你傻,他们预计他信佳阿姨光工作悟

                                                  • 我投了他,菅直人死亡恩戴比罗道歉全国选举,总统选举也
                                                    菅 You voted to Naoto and the person, dying, apologize It is with national election and with party chief election

                                                    • 我选择在前面的核事故,富士产经Toukyoudenryoku 20全球环境奖
                                                      [hujisankeigurupu] immediately before the nuclear accident chose Tokyo Electric Power in 20th terrestrial environmental grand prix

                                                      • 日本NHK以前亲自从目前的场面我会说受害者的话是很难得叩简
                                                        Because NHK in the past, the sufferer saying, complaint of the 菅 let flow the [ru] scene, it is difficult to hit privately

                                                        • 早稻田博悟低脑大规模谋杀强奸。高尚品格,在新的进攻狂潮,小寒正志安倍晋三 嗨馏分什么总理有这么多的个性问题瑠比? “没有心”,“如果一个人”本 u200b u200b身“无能”无限侃Waretai说 Rape it is low brain group homicide university Waseda The personality attack whose Ahiru 瑠 ratio is humble with insanity This much is the prime minister where personality makes problem “There is no heart” “as a human how ” “disabled itself” we would like you to say at will the 菅 prime minister
                                                          • 该母线槽的童年,甚至不茹一,不要Biniitteo发挥出他的同学在家里吃甜食,这是不太可能像樟脑Dattarashii家伙,所有的消费食品,他们的手先出来高贵和 As for the ba tube time of infancy calling to play in the house of the classmate when the candy comes out Either one of modesty it does not do most first the hand comes out and eats entirely and it was the kind of person who is exhausted seems is It cannot it be that it is humble

                                                        • 最小为首相的尊重,即使按我付出很多,例如堪萨斯州 如果你说我过,实际上是不可能的,正确的 If with a lot of 菅 the mass communications pay the respect of the minimum vis a vis the prime minister If with until now you called but as expected already the excessiveness
                                                          • 。他养了一分钟,但Kari和我对一个人与他们的脸上看到了模糊并降过滤 When you look at the personnel of the people who lower generally it may understand it rubbed however

                                                        • 朋友还是敌人 1 不仅是一分钟的使用,得到的东西了疯狂的敌人,这样的比例在感染倾斜的政策取得的习惯Mitsuita 1 As for proper use of enemy and friendly the habit which the blotch is attached in the body The kind of policy which designates that comparatively taking part as the enemy the bo it is the bo it is the ze which is put out
                                                          • TTA的说,不说 他们 具有良好的 坏 和敌人都只有几分钟的使用习惯,就像是获得性感染Mitsuita You said you do not say it is good it is bad as for proper use of enemy and friendly the habit which the blotch is attached in the body It is something the way

                                                        • 本人弃权票,因为自然流动也是在迦巴成熟菅直人最左边的侧面
                                                          Because 菅 also Naoto's of domestic violent affairs extreme left friend it is to be possible, the waiver [tsu] [te] proper flow

                                                          • 机制为所有公共事业公司,包括东京电力包含主行业,如东芝和Hitatiseisakusyo,定期广告
                                                            Nuclear industry of all electric power companies, Toshiba and Hitachi, Ltd. etc which begin Tokyo Electric Power is included in the regular member of public announcement mechanism

                                                            • 甚至20 Mirishihe地带安全机构不承认我(我是不是说清楚)年不撤回,“作为螺栓时20 Mirishihe宣布正在发生的事情感到安全地说无 As for annual 20 mirishihe ゙ ruto is not recognized with is not said but cannot do withdrawal clearly with even preservation institute ” Whether saying when announcing the way as for 20 mirishihe ゙ ruto safety there is no air which is said
                                                              • 甚至20年Mirishihe带NISA第孩子申请我说的话,我会不认识我 As for annual 20 mirishihe ゙ ruto is not recognized with is not said but cannot do withdrawal clearly with even preservation institute ” Whether saying when announcing the way as for 20 mirishihe ゙ ruto safety there is no air which is said

                                                            • 生产是未来的“京都访问的外交部长纺织高管前原诚司,淀。国民议会的国会议员稻田Tomomi现在也搞摄影和犯罪问题“,这些行动是严重的问题,我可以前原诚司紧张日本的朝鲜政策 Is the production from now on” Foreign Minister Maehara the Kyoto textile goods company staff and visiting morning do Offense and the photograph the problem which photographed Representative rice field Tomomi who now is overtaken at the National Diet “As for front Genji s conduct the serious problem which is not unable to twist the Japanese North Korean policy
                                                              • 生产是未来的“京都访问的外交部长纺织高管前原诚司,淀。国民议会的国会议员稻田Tomomi现在也搞摄影和犯罪问题“,这些行动是严重的问题,我可以前原诚司紧张日本的朝鲜政策 Is the production from now on” Foreign Minister Maehara the Kyoto textile goods company staff and visiting morning do Offense and the photograph the problem which photographed Representative rice field Tomomi who now is overtaken at the National Diet “As for front Genji s conduct the serious problem which is not unable to twist the Japanese North Korean policy

                                                            • 电视,报纸,网络鄂说,政府目前的局势。如果这样做事情是不是比赛,我希望我能很快Atare采取措施,我的东西,他会说我很喜欢,我想我可以出正确的信息炻信贷 The television and the newspaper looking at web present condition as for being able to say Government Dispute something when it has done it is not that saying the ru person tsu te Even with feat of phenomenon from calling Quickly hit to the measure put out the correct information the tsu lever it is the leprosy which grinds
                                                              • 政治反对派。因此它已成为,不这样做,他们希望与竞争 As for opposition party government To want doing to dispute it has done it is not to be the te result just it has become so
                                                              • 电视,报纸,网络鄂说,政府目前的局势。艾希辉不是比赛,我希望我能很快采取信贷措施Atare谁的关于正确的信息出来炻 The television and the newspaper looking at web present condition as for being able to say Government Dispute something when it has done it is not that saying the ru person tsu te Even with feat of phenomenon from calling Quickly hit to the measure put out the correct information the tsu lever it is the leprosy which grinds

                                                            • 简是一个非常狡猾,欺骗,许多执政党成员仅鸠山匠,会发生什么,如果你不回避了不信任首当其冲的事情....这神奇的一刻?
                                                              The 菅 being very cunning, Hatoyama swindled many ruling party Assemblymen skillfully, exchanged the spearhead of nonconfidence motion Unless with it makes to say, how it becomes?. You understand, probably will be?

                                                              • 简,我没有走在一分钟内获得司法Kerubeki罪人
                                                                The 菅 is the criminal who should receive judgment at the point in time when minutes are not taken

                                                                • 菅直人说,来自鄂人或一个?常住当地名流,如公司的主管更

                                                                  • 菅直人,即使是在“真诚的”w u200b u200bww民主党懦弱和不负责任的姑息只花苏格排除人物的不是有没有?因此,调用一个觉得与朋友发生了什么事瓦特鸟类 It is and does not do 菅 “sincerity” www The 菅 being makeshift being mean democracy 党員 cannot perceive irresponsible character kana Therefore type calls the friend did not perceive kana w
                                                                    • 前总理大臣菅直人被告知此案叩他刚才汇报的事实 Successive prime minister was hit but therefore in case of the 菅 fact just is reported
                                                                    • 菅直人,即使是在“真诚的”w u200b u200bww民主党懦弱和不负责任的姑息只花苏格排除人物的不是有没有?因此,调用一个觉得与朋友发生了什么事瓦特鸟类 It is and does not do 菅 “sincerity” www The 菅 being makeshift being mean democracy 党員 cannot perceive irresponsible character kana Therefore type calls the friend did not perceive kana w

                                                                  • 萨科574或小的就像我说我不知道u200bu200b太清楚,武田教授,20毫米或坏我部电梯

                                                                    • 蜘蛛不关心媒体报道,国民议会投票公正地称为主鸠山由纪夫刚播放→,对投票的态度突然转变弄虚作假仍然污点的日本国会→,→动机小泽集团政治史 The mass communications you become aware not to report as for the National Diet resolution mere amusement gt Yukio s Hatoyama trickery teacher calling the Japanese political history the large stain which remains gt The motive of attitude volte face and Ozawa group of the National Diet resolution gt
                                                                      • 在最早的,如果委员会投票相当于控方起诉书行 Quickly if inquest of prosecution meeting resolves prosecution and suitably OK

                                                                    • 言论自由constitution m制止远吗?石井恫长崎高尔夫州长选举。的话,插科打诨我在礼嘉宾自卫队愤怒的言论
                                                                      To somewhere speech It is oppressive constitution what? Golf Ishii with Nagasaki governor selection 恫. Guest in speech and the Self Defense Force ceremony Getting angry to speech, control of free speech

                                                                      • 这是一个旅管或桶尚未完全成为自己的核反应堆

                                                                        • 这是为首相菅直人蔑视的态度采取出生在她的只有两个Netouyo积极关注当前的任何特别帐户和特别帐户和她站在她的两个奴隶,奴隶制的子敏环会议我没有沉默Netouyo!

                                                                          • 雷曼冲击产业的收入是在电力工业,核工业之中,在相对重要性也有所影响 While such as that announcement earnings from the industry type which does not receive the influence of the Riemann shock electrical industry and nuclear industry relatively kept becoming important
                                                                            • 这家报纸行业不景气冲击是压成雷曼不会被添加到它的网状结构将志讨 The newspaper was pushed in the net and they were the structurally depressed industries but you chased the Riemann shock to that and made attacking

                                                                          • 鸠山一郎和制度,但人民币对周边国家的最高政权合法化可能对柏青哥红,日本人民期待惊喜和跳跃,从山上下来后就像一个外国总理,我觉得这是 Ozawa and Hatoyama the administration hanging on of pachinko legalization are good in the country of next door the top of original administration from the reverse side mountain Quite for the Japanese who while being surprised observes at that you jump off The air which looks at Prime Minister of the foreign country does
                                                                            • 简是时候辞去首相鸠山下来,鸠山是“总理有比我更好的情报”,是说Tteta原样,但我们真正的 Hatoyama resigning as the prime minister when becoming the 菅 As for Hatoyama “it is the prime minister where the head is much better than me” that says That to tell the truth it hit
                                                                            • 经常被用来锚与全日空麻木不仁的事,也是独特的美食信子侃酒店 At the ANA hotel which the caster utilizes immorally well the Noboru child and the gourmet only the 菅 Non nerve
                                                                            • 该国的前政权最高可挂在你的下一届政府侃,对因意外和上下跳跃,从山背后的日本找你,你感觉就像看外国总理 The administration hanging on of the 菅 is good in the country of next door the top of original administration from the reverse side mountain Quite for the Japanese who while being surprised observes at that you jump off The air which looks at Prime Minister of the foreign country does

                                                                          • 鸠山的两个这次一侃甚至不是在“诚信”,对暴露的理由我的柔情蜜意的不同,是〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜我准确的分析,这一切 1 2 This time it is and does not do Hatoyama 菅 depending on “sincerity” it exposed the sweetness of stuffing With precise analysis shank this everything
                                                                            • 在简的两个甚至没有“诚信”,并在它的甜度取决于暴露笔芯我“瓦特Warota NULL
                                                                            • 鸠山又是简的,即使是在“诚信”,并在它的甜度取决于暴露笔芯我“哦秀夫瓦特 This time it is and does not do Hatoyama 菅 depending on “sincerity” it is to expose the sweetness of stuffing” With hi w

                                                                          • ( )Ÿ 〜我没有心理医生说,98 3%的人不被视为可疑的豆芽Henra NULL
                                                                            • 精神科医生应该比任何人都更清楚的对酒精上瘾的危险,因此,他们酗酒本身在许多情况下,已成为吸毒 Psychiatrist of the expectation which everyone compared to knows the fearfulness of the dipsomania in this way the case which keeps becoming the self dipsomania and the medicine dependence symptom is many

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