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As for the useless employee there is a possibility of rescuing the company as “a stabilization device of heart”, however “by his [kitsu] to be, [kitsu] it is more under and the person is”


  • 178是必需的只有缠身高管同意要的是不动,仿佛他的思,我骑四肢都相信他肯定不会单独工作,照顾他的位置 178 Agreement In brief is the sufficient administrative position which wants the hand and foot where by your move as desired the ru and Is the person who does not work completely just his own position to an air the ru it is
    • 大家都同意,积极创新丸 Roundly the tsu and everything it is extreme agreement

  • 2“因为我病了,A先生休闲例如,如果你被任命为B先生的工作,人才思Wanu好球区,如果是B的 2 For example “A goes to bed in the sickness that because B was entrusted the work when we assume that the strike of B If it is the zone unexpected talent is shown
    • “因为我病了,A先生休闲例如,如果你被任命为B先生的工作,人才思Wanu好球区,如果是B的 For example “A goes to bed in the sickness that because B was entrusted the work when we assume that the strike of B If it is the zone unexpected talent is shown
    • “因为我病了,A先生休闲例如,如果你被任命为B先生的工作,人才思Wanu好球区,如果是B的 For example “A goes to bed in the sickness that because B was entrusted the work when we assume that the strike of B If it is the zone unexpected talent is shown

  • Moterushi生活更容易,如果你有一个女人能够工作Twink It cannot work and if also the te ikemen the mote ru it does in the woman and life is pleasant

    • Nathan的situation ll是不够强硬家伙,就可以将它给员工的工作时间是值得的坏员工自由说紧? kitsu saying being turned by the employee who can work the amount of the… useless employee About the person whom it is possible becoming the kitsu ku don t you think ru present condition

      • 七后七女性存在的最下面什么是亵渎之间Masugomi的理由
        Under 卑 is meaning of existence of woman seven [posutosebun] of the lowest layer is what even in the mass rubbish

        • 不要工作... Netouyo一般日本鬼子的生活... ...韩国人没有做任何事情... ...确保运作良好
          It works well,… the resident compatriot Nothing has done,… the general Japanese Lifetime it does not work,… [netouyo

          • 为什么要付的家伙,我得了?他肯定看起来像煮什么疑问或动机上升?我会积极?分在Reyo aitsu salary has received is with something Seeing the kind of person where tsu te doubt boils does motivation rise With motivation ru The rank it is divided
            • 但是,目前已经进入低迷促成的程度了,没办法的动机想要观看的例子南特 Although about that it contributed it stopped being instantaneously had become the slump looking at how example motivation rises it cannot boil

          • 亚洲尤其是有关单力 达洛尼加Netouyo无能站立 Don t you think simply relationship of power just the special sub gt Japanese te When we assume anti that is Those where it is selected become with the Japanese lever The resident which has u or financial power position gt the ro which is disabled netouyo
            • 我不这样做,可以是一个孩子,EH不会产生这样我们得到了母亲,陈?坏家伙坏家伙,如果不是有些无用的选择 If you do only the child which it is possible it is the mothers so bearing the ro which is the ru As for the useless person the useless person as for some unless it is selected useless

          • 什么是坏的,说来也咬,而且是从每个位置的绝对水平的差异Birikketsu灯塔,或者有多高的大偏差三流的顶部?许多人也有一次出了最真实的世界第三级的大井更积极
            Calling to sip useless, because there is a difference of absolute level at each place Tokyo University [biritsuketsu] and, either one of three flow large tops deviation value is high? Well, if actual society it comes out, three flow large tops participating it is many, but

            • 会船,大声拉斯维加斯狂野而表现的部长大盘鸡
              That boat, large exhausting spree of large board behavior

              • 但‥从我本人发言正确这是威胁你看到采取家伙抓好现行的组织867,我但不要他们将事理,而不是能力,这种方式首先,它不只是理解为只是出于妒恶它
                867 Doing well with current organization, when it tries taking in the [ru] person, it is threat Sound argument being written, therefore the [ru] it is. But the reason which it does not interpret so, is jealous that and only as a bias In the first place, unless such wind there is a talent, however there is no duty [ma] and others, don't you think?

                • 但在你说的第一部分和字节我Kubikubi永久津市等Janee m The me and others the neck neck saying however the ru don t you think as for the regular member the byte and the part you smiled

                  • 但重要的方面,已经考虑到以上情况来看,在他们自己的风险作出适当的决定
                    But in the important aspect after holding situation all, Appropriate judgment the [ku] is put out on responsibility of oneself

                    • 刚走出著名的大716高中毕业生Dakejan Datte是摆在我们面前的碎片
                      716 Famous Ooide just are, you are even just the kudzu below high soldier/finishing

                      • 前者是Etahinin同样的效果,但在面对审判的效果预期可能有助于稳定,如果没有精神,后者不是 As for former with the same effect as etahinin the causing brick which can expect the effect which contributes to forward is not it does spiritual stability there is no latter

                        • 功能障碍是一种打下,脂肪道歉已策划只烤Dosakusa
                          The fact of the matter where dysfunction is considerable, burns in panic and to getting fat has planned

                          • 十日主管评估在任何位置w十日说慢难道我们努力工作,不拉屎的贸易伙伴,我们赢得信任的位置颠倒 The droppings doing seriously that work is slow it is said w So the attitude appraised from the customer or the superior obtained reliance and could be reversed standpoint
                            • 在这样的老板560(组长)我希望我打的手好 560 But the superior the leader should have taken the move well at such place is don t you think

                          • 口,假装喜欢我曾与几乎6918潮来 6918 The like speech manner shelf it has worked quite
                            • 是的,但每个人不分种族691新的悲伤 691 However it is sad the race regardless of everyone so is

                          • 员工NHK,广播设备,只有从仓库忠冢原净拍卖
                            NHK staff, Tukahara loyalty from warehouse in broadcast equipment and material stealing net auction

                            • 员工是最有可能不好,优秀的员工压力的因素,生长因子,并已开始运转 The useless employee generally the stress primary factor and the business increase primary factor of the competent employee With it has become

                              • 员工看到了坏了,有趣的事情,但只有周从那里来的工作,只是疏忽,但只有几个星期,2 Yappari:6 Kareru 2分钟,这是一个 When you look at the useless employee in funny thing just the hard worker gathering from there just the idle fellow gathering Also the te after all 2 6 It was something where it divides into 2
                                • ●1年↓2011年1月无用的员工 Useless employee ↓ 2011 January 1st
                                • 员工看到了不好,我站在胃或,而忽略自己,所以才将 When you look at the useless employee The stomach will be raised or that by your will be lazy it tries Probably will be
                                • 我工作的人谁没有Desho Janaku紧 u003d不好的员工 Useless employee there is no hard person the te It does with the person who does not work the yo
                                • 折叠如果公司裁员也不错 If the useless employee unless it lays off the tsu te where the company collapses
                                • 这并不是说很难从恶劣的情况下,但什么是坏员工 Because there is no reason that the useless employee is useless with any scene it is difficult

                              • 员工,伴随着今天早些时候,在一个单一的例子Damejan另一家公司说,也无法阻止该公司的下降,因为即使非常有才能的员工 The present bi employee how being before like this already the company is useless… Speaking simply just whichever the competent employee being you cannot stop the atrophy of the company
                                • 他是无能的焦虑,但不能没有结果后,日本高科技刻意减少工作意识下降 The person who does not have ability becoming insecure high level work was decreased purposely is As a result when Japan atrophies there is no meaning however
                                • 和以前的员工到今天的发展,称相反的例子Damejan另一家公司,也无法阻止该公司的下降,因为即使非常有才能的员工 The present bi employee is how like this in the past already the company useless… Speaking conversely just whichever the competent employee being you cannot stop the atrophy of the company

                              • 垃圾债券的第一个集合,就尝试创建金融产品AAA上清,像一个故事
                                Gathering junk bond, the financial products of AAA it makes with just that skim, it is like story

                                • 基金会已在十日funded m连接某些市政许多员工在市议会工作人员
                                  But foundation what of certain local self-governing body investment, In staff many city assembly Assemblyman connection employee

                                  • 好了,东西摇滚乐队,我什至不能被歌唱乐器,舞台上的东西你走路左右,自来水十日十日手鼓家伙有时我,你,做独奏?我们可以永远什么思,十日Shinee,他甚至没有与合作伙伴一起唱歌词也可以组成乐器 Well in lock band what However the musical instrument or song are not produced something being confused with stage the te Sometimes the tambourine hitting the ru person If you you do with solo The tsu te being thought the te Forever the partner where writing the lyric or composition or cannot do the musical instrument or song and the person who is together it is die the e

                                    • 它是生物共同的数字714 714 That normal form of living thing

                                      • 工作确保您有变化,而不是分裂的家伙坏眼睛立刻在日本下降今天的家伙之一〜现在,但那些家伙,是一个“和Moarou像”你必须做类似的东西要 Rather than calling useless the person who changes being But work now certainly the person of one ma current Japanese declining fortune reaches in other words such person “that with doing kind of the fact that you say whether there probably is also such a thing ”
                                        • 〜眼睛会立即下降,日本的755今天,就是这么一个东西多么 755 ma current Japanese declining fortune in other words probably is such thing what
                                        • 确保你有一个,而不是分裂的坏人,但现在一个人是一个工作的那些家伙改变,“而这Moarou”他们正好不喜欢的东西 Rather than calling useless the person who changes being But work now certainly the person of one ma current Japanese declining fortune reaches in other words such person “that with doing kind of the fact that you say whether there probably is also such a thing ”

                                      • 思还没有开始,因为我还没有和我Yappari神有着惊人的自然600 600 The natural te it is enormous The God tsu te after all it is that it has started thinking whether it is it is not
                                        • 一个人或一个批判精神,我每天杨津? Raising everyday critical mind the kana which is the ru person

                                      • 我会转土匪和人权思想是歧视性的
                                        Conception discriminatory shelf It is turn, the human rights ruffian

                                        • 我在做,并期待在那里我最终津市输出扭矩是说一个可以理解,但如果它的加班损失津市投诉?如果你赢得更多的立即,但它不应该Yaranakya乐新 Overtime work cutting off if the ru you can understand but being dissatisfaction when you look at the ru place doing after all the ru it is You must be if thing was enjoyed the one which the victory

                                          • 我已经及时采取适当的对策,以尽量减少损失,可以Serubeku
                                            In order that damage is made to minimize, is possible correspondence taken timely appropriately?

                                            • 我想在这个普罗维登斯逆行最近流行Gidato
                                              You think that the idea which this providence is retrogressed recently is becoming popular too much,

                                              • 我是整洁和治疗公共安全系统
                                                As for the we of healing type neat backstop of citizen

                                                • 我看它成为一个知名度很高,尤其是韩国
                                                  Especially, when Korea you see, it is accustomed happily, don't you think?

                                                  • 我能找到的地方,展示功能和面临的毁灭性灾难的有效家伙有
                                                    There being an unprecedented catastrophe, you can discover somewhere surface where the people have shown effective function?

                                                    • 或慢食天然的东西来衡量人的能力教育 gt Educational background what original ability of the human is measured or
                                                      • 慢食和测量能力的自然或人为的教育事 Educational background what original ability of the human is measured or

                                                    • 换句话说,RAID0是不是有什么危险
                                                      In other words, RAID0 speaking dangerously, is thing

                                                      • 是与推动各项工作的好坏,这也是与媒体相关的东西更负责任的,如果 If everything you can push hateful work and something are all responsibilities It is pushed
                                                        • “光分?”我说,“借用分钟借用分钟”Tteiu “You understand When” the tsu te you say “You understand you understand” the tsu te you say
                                                        • “可以吗?”我说,“可以”Tteiu “It is possible When” the tsu te you say “It is possible it is possible ” the tsu te you say
                                                        • 一个2通道366 366 Don t you think 2 ru
                                                        • 基拉不活与Nakya东西吃的人 If there is no food because no one lives
                                                        • 我也有蚂蚁!思惊讶和黄柏 Being the ant When with you think surprise
                                                        • 我并不难,除非这样做至少有好玩的东西和 At least you do not do with to be pleasant it does not become something with utmost effort it is
                                                        • 文化有优秀人才的流失,会发生性关系外 The so it is with the spirit raising sex to die it goes to outside
                                                        • 骄傲?周一有用的十日十日在日本是不相关的销售 Pride When it can sell in Japan when passes in part relationship the potato it is

                                                      • 最低小时工资约为1320日元465杆不可能十日 465 Face value hourly wage 1320 Yen the extent which cannot be is low
                                                        • 每小时1320日元,是令人难以置信的低标准杆465 465 The extent where face value hourly wage cannot be 1320 Yen it is low

                                                      • 有些家伙的工作100%肯定,100是正常的,部分是什么,我们考虑与大约80%的正常家伙 100 thinking general universal passing if the 100 the person who works it is general universal passing at 8 tenths the person who thinks it is
                                                        • 他是不是失败,因为他们已经这样做并没有认识到多少交谈,因为理诘 Furthermore the failure as for the person who is done that how much you probably will speak with reasoning the failure is not recognized
                                                        • 南特无法确定他能感受到工作的100%的部分如何对齐 How thinking the 100 how the unreasonable air which gathers the person who works does
                                                        • 在朝鲜半岛已说了不添加与中国,例如27的家伙 27 Expelling the person whom the Chinese cannot use being possible the Korean Peninsula
                                                        • 我们认为正常的,即使他是100,有些家伙我们认为在80%的正常 100 passing general universal if the person who thinks it is general universal passing at 8 tenths the person who thinks it is
                                                        • 而忙碌的家伙,“我说,时间是削减津 When it is the busy person “cutting off the tsu which is not ru time

                                                      • 有什么可以去头,一次在拉斯维加斯稼不只是间接师
                                                        Unless there is an indirect section, it makes and with either just the head does not keep turning, probably will be

                                                        • 正是有了彼此的竞争,我从和从层次
                                                          Ranking the slave, you make dispute with the slave, it is with the shank

                                                          • 气泡产生或更多,至少有40岁了,我觉得更好,如果我只是色勒出深深烙员工寄生门投掷圈和下工作
                                                            Above the bubble generation and with 40 years old or more, the circle doing to throw work under, if it can start roasting the sufficient employee who is parasitic you think that it becomes better,

                                                            • 涉嫌盗窃星球NHK导演雄一尾上
                                                              NHK planet director Onoe 祐 arresting one with theft

                                                              • 照此,如果他们并没有坏人无法稳中
                                                                Unless one person villain is made, unless you can feel at rest and are the same?

                                                                • 电力电气铁路人员,包括849人员及如东京银行的总部将W的官僚作风出了它存储管理人员和它的坏一旦指南
                                                                  849 Therefore as for electrical electric railway and the like above government office government office Bank as for main office of Tokyo University coming out and the like and cadre of official store When that is designated as standard, it is useless, w

                                                                  • 登特Mutameni抑制了农民的不满被剥削,也将是倒下的历史和那些谁不治疗,以重罪秀吉
                                                                    In order holds down the dissatisfaction of the farmer the side which is exploited and to be packed, it probably is the same as the history of the people who are handled outside the person in Hidekiti 堕 with

                                                                    • 看的辩护意见得到了公务员,我说,新津市积极成果的总和 It was visible in government employee protection opinion but Being as expected correct thing it probably is the ru

                                                                      • 看看每日新闻朝日新闻“有更多的在”什么是,他使用安全和思 As for the Asahi newspaper everyday looking at the newspaper “More the bottom is” that thinking it is relieved it is probably will be

                                                                        • 答案是我不知道,我想那家伙之间的差异,“正确的”了解“那家伙在我已经看到(我是)”所要求看的“正确”的人了我不知道稳定的大脑?或慈和思 As for correct answer it is not understood but you think that it is the dense Tsuga mistake as for “correct answer” it is understood “As for under dense Tsuga we it is understood in we ” With for this person who is said by the fact that “correct answer” is discovered Will stability of the brain probably be assured With you think

                                                                          • 经济衰退和地震和原子。在日本,事故可能是Shouganai
                                                                            Depression and earthquake disaster and atom. Perhaps, in Japan of accident there is no ginger but

                                                                            • 该洞穴例如到期日,“M应该是有趣的财富分配的外来物种
                                                                              For example also the imported kind, resident the [gu] [ri] with [mu] consequence, distribution of wealth becoming densely strange thing, the [ru

                                                                              • 赤冢不二夫536 Tteta说,“学生来思什么傻瓜我最好的”
                                                                                536 Akatsuka Fujio says Thinking, that “by his is most foolish, you lived”

                                                                                • 转义每个门的输出是再就业人员独立的帮助,如果国内局势不稳定而有趣,即使发射 When becoming the neck if it makes situation inside the strange instability On the other hand independent the competent employee who re can be employed escapes

                                                                                  • 达洛尼加所以,现在他只有20个家伙在底下做,它已超过503多每强硬 503 Doing the fact that it is done from above in the person under the ro where is just the ru Therefore now the person of 20 generations is more serious
                                                                                    • 在503代,是一个松散的嘿工作 503 Because the generation on that slowly was work don t you think the e

                                                                                  • 这Iidar u200b u200bo津津这里“或”哦,我现在可以逼我 The ro tsu which is possible to be the ho sea otter re is” “well My now the unreasonable tsu
                                                                                    • 我不是说我从我的教育适应,如 Because how to raise is I it was done it cannot be adapted don t you think it is

                                                                                  • 这是一个充满希望的故事多年来逮捕毒贩马虎调教十日著名的北九州地区,它可能会咬你的地方社区教育
                                                                                    At area of Kitakyushu city famous stimulant addict or stimulant sale person Being random, don't you think? it is something which would like to have arresting Don't you think? runaway crosses long time is troubled in regard to social education of area

                                                                                    • 这是成为一个薪酬即使是只是管理调度管理十日宇野说,原指望核心业务外包员工738名员工,以降低劳动力成本是不是大公司,例如支付,外出工作你不仅可以获得较高的工资,在差异中茹朱踢 738 Labor cost reduction Bearing out sorcing The core business te of the employee saying mere Trader management or management of dispatch Doing great thing that you cannot pay the salary which matches to The employee putting out work outside gains with balance High salary only is obtained with thing

                                                                                      • 那么,两股力量并不需要一个替代品?是不是这样的谈话并不明显,但 Supplementation and two troops not entering As for of course there is no at such story with clear wake
                                                                                        • 为什么不为日本的替代品,我真的从来没有一个人谁,甚至蝙蝠地球 Why the Japanese supplementation is people what the bat and the glove have not had …

                                                                                      • 长谷川英介副教授说,北海道大学研究生院作者学校
                                                                                        Hasegawa Suguru of the author 祐 Hokkaido university graduate school associate professor says

                                                                                        • (没有弹性工作制公司的考勤时间从十日)超出了我的每月加班200小时 Therefore the company flex time inside going to work time it is not We overtime every month 200 hour exceeding
                                                                                          • 在35000000日元超过200小时的温和的好处 With 200 hour excesses treatment approximately 350 000 Yen

                                                                                        • (续1)真嗣先生佐久间在日本管理顾问协会执行董事首席顾问,书的内容也与实际业务
                                                                                          ( 1 Continuation) With Japanese improvement of business operations association permanent director as for trust Osamu between works of head consultant, as for contents of this book actual business You say that it is applicable,

                                                                                          研究 開発