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The Fukushima nuclear plant, “the melt through” it is not? The building it pierces, tearing, the underground sinking. Contaminated water of super high density in sea anxiety… of outflowSpecialist ★5


  • 188东京电力医院焦虑,让溃疡 188 Tokyo Electric Power Company insecure institute Crush
    • 188 FF呢? 188 That FF
    • 425 425
    • 东京电力医院焦虑,让溃疡16 16 Tokyo Electric Power Company insecure institute Crush
    • 从昂贵的370达洛尼加Yaranai 370 Because the money is required the ro which you do not do and is
    • 前※: Before
    • 我在585只620 620 585 It tries reading

  • 200℃〜300℃正常运行时,冷却水的温度,1800℃时的燃料棒中心温度
    Is the usual on stream temperature of the chilled water which 200 ℃ - 300 ℃, At that time central temperature of fuel rod 1800 ℃

    • 71好吧,我喰津市我们的血液要连接的所有入海前福岛核电站爆炸 71 Because all right it has been connected to the sea entirely the Fukushima nuclear plant before exploding from awfully the 喰 tsu te ru

      • 80公里外的建议疏散到美国核管理委员会主席[核电。连续性
        American NRC chairman Evacuation recommendation to outside 80 kilometer spheres. Continuation

        • ID:QzbBsmwJ0阿霍
          ID: QzbBsmwJ0 [aho

          • NULL Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese Die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese die die the Japanese
            • 我取取暖费是98卷 98 However it is the ri which heating expense is required and sows

          • NULL Either one was correct kana While niyaniya to do Koide the non realistic dream house the Tokyo University Ohashi Hiro loyalty which is handled “The Containment Vessel is not broken and as for plutonium drinking all right” Including Tokyo University Ohashi Hiro loyalty “at the time of accident plutonium becoming the dust in the atmosphere At Koide who pointed out the danger of leaking” is laughed and the person who is thrown should apologize kneeling on the ground Approximately from the front gate of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear plant 1 In soil inside Fukushima prefecture Okuma Cho of 7 kilometers That with the latest nuclear accident is seen it was discharged the plutonium of the radioactive substance which extremely very small amount Being included on the 5th Yamamoto You understood with the analysis of Kanazawa great professor
            • 3号是说第一次核爆炸,这是Gandasen在三月下旬,也许?在我的周围3月20日皮革核燃料棒。当东京电力公司或政府提出,并已成为仅次于只有可溶性锆管,从它第一次核爆炸,具体您立即下降3我们唯一的解决办法处理放射性中子也是一个银棒控燃油什么是思和如何去地下的解决方案 First 3 what nuclear explosion of the machine was said was gandasen but 3 end of the month time wasn t We March 20 always the skin of the nuclear fuel rod The zirconium of the 菅 dissolving furthermore the neutron hitting when it has become the radioactive substance When with government or Tokyo Electric Power announces Therefore 3 as for the machine nuclear explosion the fuel and the silver of the control rod dissolving and falling and melting the concrete you thought accomplice even on the underground

          • Uhyahyahya〜(∀&&)〜Ahyahyahyahya
            [uhiyahiyahiya] - (∀) - [ahiyahiyahiyahiya

            • WWW不再东西吃两次,江户式寿司 Sushi what before the Edo two degrees which probably will bite www which is not the eating re
              • 江户寿司店有什么好暴露在子宫内 M You eating the sushi before the Edo GO which is internal exposure

            • _NULL_
              - Unevenness eye Haruki of Nuclear Safety Commission chairman Disturbing the release of SPEEDI estimate - [miyane] house Osaka university Professor Hideaki Murakami 1700 liter × 2 × 10 you can drink even with 210 Becquerel - [miyane] house Satoru Itoh. Kinki university atomic energy laboratory Being the spinach raw, even when eating, the milk drinking, without fail, all right - Red glasses of east institute of technology Tetsuo Sawada Authority of atomic energy of American Princeton University This inquiring about that you speak [yabai], immediately “As for this person actual place it is not seen, the picture of television you just see is not understood at all, it is! ! ” With in the [za] it has made the moss

              • 。辐射防护与核安全( u200b u200bIRSN)总秘书亨利查尔斯,“研究所预计将在反应堆压力容器的孔 Radiological defense atomic energy safe laboratory IRSN as for executive office leader teieri Charles “It is expected that the hole opens in the pressure container of the reactor
                • 。辐射防护与核安全( u200b u200bIRSN)总秘书亨利查尔斯,“研究所预计将在反应堆压力容器的孔 Radiological defense atomic energy safe laboratory IRSN as for executive office leader teieri Charles “It is expected that the hole opens in the pressure container of the reactor
                • 。辐射防护与核安全( u200b u200bIRSN)总秘书亨利查尔斯,“研究所预计将在反应堆压力容器的孔 Radiological defense atomic energy safe laboratory IRSN as for executive office leader teieri Charles “It is expected that the hole opens in the pressure container of the reactor

              • 一个混凝土外墙隔离已成为反应堆的基石 The concrete which becomes base of the reactor It is the isolation external wall
                • 一个混凝土外墙隔离已成为反应堆的基石 The concrete which becomes base of the reactor It is the isolation external wall
                • 一个混凝土外墙隔离已成为反应堆的基石 The concrete which becomes base of the reactor It is the isolation external wall

              • 东京电力公司24日,从出水口装置采取在福岛日本第一核电厂附近,宣布它已发现了少量放射性锆95
                As for Tokyo Electric Power on the 24th, the outlet of the Fukushima first nuclear plant being soon, from the seawater which it picked, It announced that radioactive zirconium 95 very small amount was detected,

                • 东京电力公司和126人,说我津市教师和研究机构在法国的小出,这在信任呢?法国核研究机构的意见“福岛机组反应堆压力容器3不密封,”3月25日14时14分钟(26分钟14 00 GMT)据世界报报道,法国25是福岛最坏的情况下“原子”是由熔融磨损造成的,并 126 The institution of Mr and France the Tokyo Electric Power Company person and Koide saying ru thing it trusts which The French atomic energy institution opinion “Fukushima 3 as for the reactor pressure vessel of the machine there is no airtightness state” March 25th 14 14 Japanese time 26th 0 14 According to reporting 25 Japanese French ru world paper it is the worst scenario with Fukushima “the atom Melting” It has been about that will occur
                  • 东京电力公司和126人,说我津市教师和研究机构在法国的小出,这在信任呢?法国核研究机构的意见“福岛机组反应堆压力容器3不密封,”3月25日14时14分钟(26分钟14 00 GMT)据世界报报道,法国25是福岛最坏的情况下“原子”是由熔融磨损造成的,并 126 The institution of Mr and France the Tokyo Electric Power Company person and Koide saying ru thing it trusts which The French atomic energy institution opinion “Fukushima 3 as for the reactor pressure vessel of the machine there is no airtightness state” March 25th 14 14 Japanese time 26th 0 14 According to reporting 25 Japanese French ru world paper it is the worst scenario with Fukushima “the atom Melting” It has been about that will occur
                  • 哪一方是正确的,光顾学者电力,?法国核研究机构的意见“福岛机组反应堆压力容器3不密封,”根据一项与法国世界报25年3月25日是在福岛最坏的情况下报告“原子”。熔融的和磨损造成的 Tokyo Electric Power Company and business scholar side either one is correct The French atomic energy institution opinion “Fukushima 3 as for the reactor pressure vessel of the machine March which is not airtightness state” 25th According to reporting 25 Japanese French ru world paper it is the worst scenario with Fukushima “the atom Melting” It has been about that will occur

                • 东京电力公司继续污染土地,但永远在未来,^ ^不潮湿,和行政赔偿已收到你的年收入超过从以前的奖金
                  But Tokyo Electric Power Company which continues to pollute the country semipermanently from now on, receiving the bonus and the official remuneration which exceed your annual income, the ^ ^ which is [hokuhoku

                  • 主张取消初级例如福岛,福岛拒绝处理在该部提出废物
                    Fukushima prefecture advocates the deviation from nuclear plant, denying the waste disposal with Fukushima to which the environmental ministry has proposed

                    • 什么消失了从MAX攻击卡梅哈梅哈悟空
                      In the Sato sky having shooting the pot setting wave with MAX, it disappears

                      • 从进到出地下的受害者成千上万石棺和垂直于流动海上放射性物质是永远
                        Tens of thousands people and sacrifice putting out, the sarcophagus doing, from the underground the radioactive substance discharges eternally in the sea

                        • 从高熔点金属混凝土石头,我转向了地下室,水浸泡
                          The concrete fusion point is higher than the metal and, as for the basement becoming souse, the [ru

                          • 他还作为最悲观的假设,“Koriumu有一个精辟的具体风险,但你进入了土壤和地下水中的放射性物质泄漏静脉”指出,这种可能性 In addition as for the same paper as the most pessimistic hypothesis “ koriumu Penetrates the concrete there to be danger which in that case inside the soil and underground Mio the radioactive substance Of starting” leaking it points out also the possibility
                            • 他还作为最悲观的假设,“Koriumu有一个精辟的具体风险,但你进入了土壤和地下水中的放射性物质泄漏静脉”指出,这种可能性 In addition as for the same paper as the most pessimistic hypothesis “ koriumu Penetrates the concrete there to be danger which in that case inside the soil and underground Mio the radioactive substance Of starting” leaking it points out also the possibility
                            • 他还作为最悲观的假设,“Koriumu有一个精辟的具体风险,但你进入了土壤和地下水中的放射性物质泄漏静脉”指出,这种可能性 In addition as for the same paper as the most pessimistic hypothesis “ koriumu Penetrates the concrete there to be danger which in that case inside the soil and underground Mio the radioactive substance Of starting” leaking it points out also the possibility

                          • 但仍然是最后的“墙”还剩下什么 But still end “the wall” remains
                            • 但仍然是最后的“墙”还剩下什么 But still end “the wall” remains
                            • 但仍然是最后的“墙”还剩下什么 But still end “the wall” remains

                          • 余震的一个短暂的爆炸震撼
                            Aftershock of temporariness occurs with impact of the explosion

                            • 切売日在中国和日本的SB寻求外国投资在电力基础设施分离
                              With departure transmission of electricity separation it sells the Japanese below equipment ardently in SB and the Chinese foreign capital, in the midst of groping

                              • 到了一到地下的裸露无保护我踢了地下核爆炸放射性国家跳水调整后的几十年几百万年,成为日本本土本身就是一个核污染
                                Being defenseless, in naked state the nucleus does [gu] [tsu] [te] nuclear underground burst even on the underground, It continues also several hundred million years to produce the radioactivity, depending upon several dozen years - the thing it is, Already Japan proper itself becomes the nuclear contaminant

                                • 到该间罕见的控制棒的区别,如果反应堆自动关闭,他们希望以较低的燃料棒温度
                                  The control rod being inserted, if the reactor is stopped automatically, also temperature of the fuel rod goes down

                                  • 包括将太平洋流向泄漏永久达达非常高浓度放射性地下水
                                    Radioactivity underground water of super high density Dadaism doing to leak, it flows into to the Pacific Ocean semipermanently

                                    • 反对者说,爆炸和蒸汽分钟买没有核事故可能导致这样的专家,如果你喜欢偶像崇拜Okeyo恩戴的学校安全大师主张东京大学教授博大桥主张?这只是我大师,我瓦特不可能Osshatsu
                                      The University of Tokyo graduate school of propulsion group Loyal Professor Hiro Ohashi Worshipping the principal image of Buddha of the founder of propulsion group safe group, the bucket If the specialist you understand that nuclear accident and the like there is no reason which occurs, The phreatic explosion which group of objectors says? W which cannot be With saying, don't you think? it increases Don't you think? just it is the founder

                                      • 反应器的稳健举行倾斜? Edano由内阁官房长官
                                        Health of the reactor is maintained! by Branch field secretariat director

                                        • 因此,挂了放射性物质流,管,政府继续求生存,以信誉对世界的日本可靠性
                                          In this way, discharges the radioactive substance, the Japanese reliance for the world losing it continues continuing in order 墜 is tube administration

                                          • 国家和地方政府 首要的问题说明“只是γ射线”他们为什么不衡量? Α 和β 射线辐射“可避免引起恐慌的居民” As for country and self governing community indication “just Γ line” Why you do not measure Radioactivity Α line Β line Because “panic is not made to cause to the inhabitant ”
                                            • 全国已进入谁,我总是收到第一次市政持久性有机污染物入 The fundamental self governing community of entire country if you jump thinks that it accepts by all means

                                          • 在冈山环境废水再利用的公司,“伯杰拉屎”应声虫开发 消费后废物回收计划(WTO)从CG和本3分10秒明了的解释 The Okayama environmental company reusing the sewage “the u it is developing baga densely” Yes Men Post Consumer Waste Recycling PROGRAM WTO Now from the area of 3 minutes 10 seconds is easy to understand in CG explanation
                                            • 呻 ow ly 5jUfG http ow ly 5jUfG

                                          • 在这个国家,所以很多人甚至不希望住房流离失所Munaku疾病 In this country because the person who cannot evacuate you wanted to evacuate you fall ill without is the large quantity
                                            • 早期,作为家中避难指引你到流波 Early time the case of home evacuation radio wave has let flow as a notice

                                          • 地面污染没反应器的老头出来的目的是要解决在客厅放置在同心梅尔一些电视,什么是它说,柱塞海嘛好吗?什么是坏的是,当问 It has come out in TV tackle the reactor the grandfather who is designed about pollution The ground there is also a place where you can live even in concentric circular inside well calling all right the te It is as for the sea When the tsu te it is asked It is useless
                                            • 如果您有没有发烧,并停止和持久性有机污染物的反应器出来的 That it sprang out from the reactor Doing there is no expectation heat generation stopping
                                            • 达洛尼加您现在我洗燃料流入反应器留在排水 Now washing away the nuclear fuel which from drainage remains in the reactor the ro which is the ru place

                                          • 如果这样的速度下潜下潜了5%的栉田用尽地幔,就在一个解决方案只传播从核武器,放射性物质外部分液体燃料的熔点这么热的可能泄漏到Mutchakucha大礼包知识砖 5 If it dives at such a low speed dives to the mantle and it exhausts therefore the hitting and the overseas nucleus which in the liquid from fusion point of the nuclear fuel high temperature Dissolving it spreads then just the shelf Whether the ru where before that the radioactive substance leaks to mutsuchiyakuchiya and sows the intellectual brick
                                            • 胡言乱语按照熔点和预拌混凝土Zatte gt Blending with the concrete fusion point going down Semantic obscurity

                                          • 如果隐藏一个桶不能做任何事情,他们从另一个事业来,但在现实中693 693 But because it occurs in actuality how it does not become anymore Hiding in each case the bare ru
                                            • I ll的雨季从692? 692 Therefore rain don t you think

                                          • 它被认为是94%,在意大利的主要反对党公民投票
                                            Nuclear opposition being 94% with the Italian referendum it is recognized

                                            • 应变引起氢气爆炸的地下室内就可以到达地下的融水通过静脉血管
                                              Being the melt through, if it arrives in underground Mio, it causes hydrogen explosion inside underground Mio

                                              • 弥敦道,我会得到我在核事故的家伙的主要关注?
                                                Most rejoicing in the nuclear accident, don't you think? the [ru] saw when something, -?

                                                • 总臂CSA主任,“下方的反应堆的基础将有8米厚度,越薄休息的可能性更大,”和描述的所有“是一种化学反应,具体Koriumu这会有所不同,其成分的不同,“岩浆”比岩浆地板表面温度下降,是更广泛的是要寒意,“预测 As for CSA expressing a Bureau Chief “as for the base which is under the truth of the reactor thickness of approximately 8 meters It is but as for the part other than that there is a thinner possibility” that to express “ koriumu and the concrete The chemical reaction changes with the respective component but the floor surface where “the magma” falls is wide About temperature of the magma goes down” that it estimates
                                                  • 总臂CSA主任,“下方的反应堆的基础将有8米厚度,越薄休息的可能性更大,”和描述的所有“是一种化学反应,具体Koriumu这会有所不同,其成分的不同,“岩浆”比岩浆地板表面温度下降,是更广泛的是要寒意,“预测 As for CSA expressing a Bureau Chief “as for the base which is under the truth of the reactor thickness of approximately 8 meters It is but as for the part other than that there is a thinner possibility” that to express “ koriumu and the concrete The chemical reaction changes with the respective component but the floor surface where “the magma” falls is wide About temperature of the magma goes down” that it estimates
                                                  • 总臂CSA主任,“下方的反应堆的基础将有8米厚度,越薄休息的可能性更大,”和描述的所有“是一种化学反应,具体Koriumu这会有所不同,其成分的不同,“岩浆”比岩浆地板表面温度下降,是更广泛的是要寒意,“预测 As for CSA expressing a Bureau Chief “as for the base which is under the truth of the reactor thickness of approximately 8 meters It is but as for the part other than that there is a thinner possibility” that to express “ koriumu and the concrete The chemical reaction changes with the respective component but the floor surface where “the magma” falls is wide About temperature of the magma goes down” that it estimates

                                                • 我们不能离开日本的铅丰富的地下水和16个阈值,但我说的反应堆,并在这一点上日本队的成立,我将顺利 16 When it is Japan where the underground water is abundant it is not possible to spread the lead it is Well but at that point in time in Japan unreasonable story what such as reactor installation

                                                  • 我们将继续就假设情景分析的基础上,“他说 In the future as for us in the hypothetical scenario Being based it continues analysis” you say
                                                    • 我们将继续就假设情景分析的基础上,“他说 In the future as for us in the hypothetical scenario Being based it continues analysis” you say
                                                    • 我们将继续就假设情景分析的基础上,“他说 In the future as for us in the hypothetical scenario Being based it continues analysis” you say

                                                  • 我想从食物寿司,是什么使醋饭,而我自己津市什么握思蜡和印度尼西亚的虾买十日十日在毛里塔尼亚章鱼 Because the sushi we would like to eat making vinegar meshi the Mauritania rammer The Indonesian shrimp buying that thinking whether you probably will grasp by yourself the ru
                                                    • 太平洋,但我71地震发生后,没有什么食物寿司每 71 But my Pacific Ocean side from now on earthquake disaster the sushi it is not eaten

                                                  • 我没你期望从一个特定的房子彻底检查和放射性。这样做,这也是众所周知,蔬菜等食品安全运到外国去引导HP处置它在十日安全地按照国际标准,我说日本津市临时标准或更宽松结束栉田欺诈十日,但我说我祖,只为自己的产品在海外,但做一些额外的〜但我不能出口或以其他方式在W点的数量由国际标准我们的东西,非常的那些小一些 After radioactivity having inspected and being thorough you have expected the certain house The relieved vegetable in addition the food and drink doing when it is the ru famous it is dense safety saying inside the provisional reference level of Japan which it makes loose after all fraud much from international standard ru fact of the matter In addition with HP over there being shipped by also the foreign country that it increases saying although the ru as for the foreign country those w inside international reference level So unless is because it cannot export but natural the kana which is In addition as for that commodity several points polar 々 little several
                                                    • 黏土 放射性水浸泡。我有一个缓慢渗入土壤的污染,通常需要处理的土壤和消除土壤表面研磨 Clay…… radiation contamination waters and the like 浸 Pollution from normal soil Because permeation speed is slow the remaining earth which shaves the surface soil of the gland It is needed for processing

                                                  • 我签约的公司养老金Rerurashii赔偿给东京电力公司
                                                    It can apply to the Tokyo Electric Power Company indemnity private enterprise's annuity, don't you think? it seems

                                                    • 手动测量放射性食品在紧急情况下TTP:/ / www.mhlw.go.jp / STF / houdou / 2r9852000001558e精密分析IMG / 2r98520000015cfn.pdf不会是一个专门机构
                                                      The radioactivity measurement manual of the food in emergency ttp: //www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/houdou/2r9852000001558e-img/2r98520000015cfn.pdf As for precision analysis if they are not the specialized agencies, the impossibility

                                                      • 敦贺,福井县的“文殊”是06年前去年五月,恢复以来,在大约14钠泄漏事故,以及核燃料循环的国家政策支柱的速度前进梅尔年半的运作增殖反应堆的研究和发展,它再次被移动木田 There is Fukui prefecture Tsuruga city “Monju” May 6th of last year of 1 years ago ever since sodium leak accident approximately Driving is reopened the way of 14 year half as for research and development of the FCC which becomes the pillar of the fuel cycle policy which the country advances It had been about probably to start moving again

                                                        • 数字分拣机器人主要是小泉自民党政府
                                                          The fact that the nuclear robot is assorted was the Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi administration

                                                          • 日本在切尔诺贝利核事故中的日本核电厂是从结构不同是造成Koranai
                                                            Because as for Chernobyl and the Japanese nuclear plant structure is different, in Japan as for nuclear accident it does not happen

                                                            • 日本的核科学家不能说的小出在说什么外在于90%多是100%咨询 Because the Japanese nuclear scholar was 9 percentage lie the end is many What Koide says hits the 100

                                                              • 是的,这次活动将是不成功的,超严重的事故可以吗? ! So is failing the vent ultra large accident it should have made

                                                                • 松本佳久,东京工业大学,茨城●多联草的300年中继续吃Ketara一塌糊涂,是水平也影响人类
                                                                  - East institute of technology Yoshihisa Matsumoto The Ibaraki spinach, [mechiyamechiya] eating, when 300 years it continues, is [rehe] ゙ [ru] which is influence even in the human body

                                                                  • 武田教授议会的问题251证人,表示正是在批评政府的措施
                                                                    251 The National Diet witness question of Professor Takeda, while criticizing administration, had stated counter-measure precisely

                                                                    • 没有信息不再放射性污染的。我们在全国烧毁的废墟我行
                                                                      Completely, information does not appear, but already the radioactivity it is dirty. As for incineration of the trash being done with entire country, the [ru

                                                                      • 环境破坏的补偿,在其他国家的全球恐怖主义永久,国家犯罪

                                                                        • 现在是什么,这造成了人道主义灾难这是第一次到来是由核事故什么是你的表现菅直人延迟
                                                                          This [tsu] [te] the [a], 菅 Naoto using nuclear accident in performance, it is the accident which it occurs by the fact that initial motion is late

                                                                          • 眼睛是由于裂缝和对安全壳大比例的底部或不连? Furthermore even on the bottom of the Containment Vessel without meaning that big crack and the crack have occurred

                                                                            • 紧急IRSN管理办公室从它是什么,已经失去了一个密不透风的黑烟和电抗器隔离外墙,从3单元发生前几天,“同意Koriumu燃料产生的混合物和溶剂型数字金属毒株引起的与墙的混凝土发生化学反应,反正它有可能在反应堆压力容器裂纹“,即有关 As for the crisis Bureau of Administrative Services of IRSN from several days ago 3 occurring from the machine Are the black smoke and the reactor isolation external wall which already lose airtightness from the fact that “the fuel dissolved the metal which Blending being agreeable koriumu to be formed and to cause the concrete and the chemical reaction of the external wall the reactor pressure vessel You say that you feel concern about the possibility crack having entered”
                                                                              • 紧急IRSN管理办公室从它是什么,已经失去了一个密不透风的黑烟和电抗器隔离外墙,从3单元发生前几天,“同意Koriumu燃料产生的混合物和溶剂型数字金属毒株引起的与墙的混凝土发生化学反应,反正它有可能在反应堆压力容器裂纹“,即有关 As for the crisis Bureau of Administrative Services of IRSN from several days ago 3 occurring from the machine Are the black smoke and the reactor isolation external wall which already lose airtightness from the fact that “the fuel dissolved the metal which Blending being agreeable koriumu to be formed and to cause the concrete and the chemical reaction of the external wall the reactor pressure vessel You say that you feel concern about the possibility crack having entered”
                                                                              • 紧急IRSN管理办公室从它是什么,已经失去了一个密不透风的黑烟和电抗器隔离外墙,从3单元发生前几天,“同意Koriumu燃料产生的混合物和溶剂型数字金属毒株引起的与墙的混凝土发生化学反应,反正它有可能在反应堆压力容器裂纹“,即有关 As for the crisis Bureau of Administrative Services of IRSN from several days ago 3 occurring from the machine Are the black smoke and the reactor isolation external wall which already lose airtightness from the fact that “the fuel dissolved the metal which Blending being agreeable koriumu to be formed and to cause the concrete and the chemical reaction of the external wall the reactor pressure vessel You say that you feel concern about the possibility crack having entered”

                                                                            • 让我的手浴缸有氧达洛尼加只是愚蠢,他们不仅気取任何已知的677日泰 677 Whether just foolish nothing knows we just would like to be affected the ro The favorite selfishness being able to let do the bucket
                                                                              • 让我的手盆达洛尼加有氧或只是愚蠢気取日泰不知道任何东西,从677 677 Whether the fool who nothing knows we just would like to be affected the ro The favorite selfishness being able to let do the bucket

                                                                            • 该船是由521究竟是什么? ││□□│┌──冷却液●●●●●┌┐□□┌────││□□│●●●●●地下燃料──────────改善地面集装箱等候来立即下降到地面事先作出挖掘什么││□□□□□□│││└──────┘│└────────┘隧道一个 521 It makes that container just with something Improved Ground ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ The earth Fuel ┌ ┐ □ □ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ │ │ □ □ │ chilled water │ │ □ □ │ ┌ ─ ─ │ │ □ □ □ □ □ □ │ │ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Digging the tunnel The container which is made beforehand in the earth It waits for the fact that it falls
                                                                              • ヽ 会│ ┷┷┷ REPT l l │ lt hai ┷ ┷ ┷ THEFR Ο Ρ Ρ ∵ THEFR HKDRT ┷ ┷ ┷

                                                                            • 读卖新闻报纸称为核电厂为何 早稻田大学教授马哲夫(媒体研究)是05年代,美国中央情报局从国家档案局在华盛顿郊区出土2(美国中央情报局)的安全通道 wake where Yomiuri is called the nuclear newspaper Because lt relationship with podamu became something which matures sufficiently concrete cooperation request is possible That you think gt whether it is not Professor Tetuo Arima of Waseda University media research 05 years national of American Washington suburb It is one paragraph of the CIA the Company secret document which is excavated from the 2nd document mansion
                                                                              • 日本神谷健司的数字,比如县没有问题广岛浴●●每年100毫希伊藤哲夫,近畿报表和信息也不是很严格的 information sute Kinki large Tetuo Itoh Until annual 100 millimeter sievert it pours altogether there is no problem Hiroshima large Kamiya research two The Japanese numerical value is harsh very is

                                                                            • 这仍然是,一旦当放射性物质完全放电,菅直人,“TEPCO不是邪恶!”将难逃责任,以确保 This way when the radioactive substance fundamental rules flowing out if it becomes 菅 Naoto “Tokyo Electric Power Company is bad ” With responsibility it reaches the point where it escapes
                                                                              • 东京的城市注射放射性物质是在阴沟里集中了在雨流,雨里去污水 As for Tokyo urban district as for the radioactive substance which fell with the rain the sink It is concentrated with the gutter at the eaves moves to sewage with the heavy rain

                                                                            • 这是一个哑巴,屁股瓦特585瓦特差异无感觉的622值啊,有一次我明白小出瓦特 622 a a comprehension w Once there is no Koide don t you think is W which you misunderstood 585 brain tarin shelf w
                                                                              • 小出, 核村 Koide gt gt The wall which does not exceed gt gt gt gt Atomic energy unevenness

                                                                            研究 開発