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Repeatedly you call the behavior where the Chinese “Vietnam is radical to that it is, that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside, there is a political purpose”


  • 1“,即反复在越南的暴力行为说成是转移人们的注意力外,还有一个政治目标”的说法,这可能不敢中国 1 “Repeatedly you call the behavior whose Vietnam is radical to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” The wa which such a thing can say China well
    • 1“多次,中国是一个激进的行为,即转移了人们的关注之外,有一个”之间的政治分歧 1 “Repeatedly you call the behavior whose China is radical to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” Mistake
    • “它已多次暴力行为说成是越南转移人们的注意力外,还有一个政治目标”的说法,这可能不敢中国 gt “Repeatedly you call the behavior whose Vietnam is radical to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” The wa which such a thing can say China well

  • 1是的,今天我介绍一下自己 1 To be and be today self introduction

    • 453中国首次核打击越南忘恩负义的人,我对孩子的使用历史,有侵略很多次,说如果它不出来添加,没有感谢日本殖民方案为人民瓦特 NULL
      • 453越南人民和忘恩负义,孩子的历史,它已经侵入很多次,说如果这是额外的人,没有一个方案瓦特帝国主义感谢注射 453 Vietnamese is the vain dwarf of ingratitude In history invading many degrees being expelled that it is if it calls favor Unless you appreciate even in the day emperor w The Chinese person
      • 我进一步的核试验Bibitsu越南的热潮在中国毕竟是中国签署的强盗现在真的 China in short vibrating in Vietnam the ru Furthermore as for the North Korean nuclear test as for truth from this the ru sign which in China takari is sown

    • 466 ll采取Yusurita,汝出强烈的 u200b u200b取胜,但在越南不是那么正确,每个元素是很重要的只有订购 466 gt Vietnam it cannot win China But therefore China is to shake the same as catching It is not possible to win Vietnam which comes out strongly However it is correct with that the important element has come out
      • 466 ll但不是那么正确,每个元素是很重要的只有订购 466 gt Vietnam it cannot win China But therefore China is to shake the same as catching It is not possible to win Vietnam which comes out strongly However it is correct with that the important element has come out
      • “越南”到“中国”,并可能会更改为一分钱滴太有说服力的更清洁的世界 When into changes “Vietnam” “China” as for the consent going even excessively clearly The inside of the world agrees upon
      • 中国是作为消费Yusurita一样,越南强烈了贫困sweet m确保您还需要远远超过了日本强烈汝汝 Therefore China is to shake the same as catching In Vietnam which comes out strongly sweetly To where strong to Japan which comes out unskillfully It requires it is
      • 例如说,这是在中国和越南国防部前,市民切Rashita麻木强 Because it could not mean that the Vietnamese Defense Department top is strong in China The citizen ran out numbness
      • 反之,如果我们有信心,不仅怕是对中国的负面越南 Conversely the place where it has the self confidence which is not defeated vis a vis China fears Vietnam
      • 吴融于越南战争,谁死了大约13亿 In the Vietnamese game about 1 300 000 000 To die in battle dissolving Oo
      • 在中国可能爆发首次的高全厌恶越南 There is a possibility the antipathy for Vietnam in China increasing again
      • 在中国,对越南和日本政府的支持,应该停止一切援助表示,如果它不限制十日 If also the Japanese government supports China does not have self control vis a vis Vietnam it should state that help or everything it discontinues
      • 大东亚战争,也许是只有一次获得什么躲避皇军,越南并没有站在一个牙 The time of Greater East Asia War it escapes from the empire army and just turns to put out The tooth did not stand in Vietnam and
      • 由于越南正处于美国为辅,位置颠倒 Because this time America replenishes in Vietnam standpoint becomes opposite
      • 越南不愿意牺牲的首要地震甚至半天 Counter day doing with earthquake disaster it does not rise because Vietnam became sacrifice
      • 越南和俄罗斯已达到数天前,思我们谈论租出美军金兰湾 Vietnam and Russia conversed several days ago thinking that the subject where the US military leases the cam run bay came up
      • 这场胜利是美国帝国主义是地球上唯一的越南 Those where it wins American empire principle on the earth are just Vietnam
      • 这是不被绑架的中国现在越南 From now on Vietnamese is kidnapped is in China with the shank

    • 5月27日中国渔船在越南外交部被切断,在专属经济区越南5月26日,越南抗议侵犯主权和两个海盗号飞船电缆在越南中国大使馆

      • 795提示:日本经济团体联合会是一个我们的鞋子奉献抛光官僚来到中国当局

        • J1。Peopledaily com cn 7411174分之95952,我这样做是因为入侵的进步,为稳步HTML j1 peopledaily com cn 95952 7411174 html The other side advancing invasion steadily the ru
          • 中国海军,我不知道死者Iteru演习在西太平洋 The Chinese navy the practice bu tsu being densely in the west Pacific Ocean in case of the ru it probably is what

        • Nakagoshi战争! •在国美的历史世界是赢得越南战争是在中国实弹在中国南海越南行使强大的越南海军重建从与美国举行联合军事演习的金兰湾なう线端口,美国的军事基地“,包括放弃计划中的规定,以保障在冲绳普天间基地搬迁Henoko”(李文,参议院军事委员会主席)的部分转移到关岛F15战斗机,以嘉手纳空军·

          • Teiu或一个,我买了肯真正昂科雷W,W弥敦道悬崖Dattara的生活,我将举报人在这不经意的中国媒体,“之前你说”思我不说,从关闭此,他们似乎明白牛,这么说吧,提高在货架上自己真的不会没有糊弄敦促对齐井 1 The te you say or it is this Chinese media don t you think whistle blowing something which is not the ri ge w When is life per seat shelf kore w When it is wise truly it is said finishing to know that “you say” from the ru You think that such you do not speak and Being serious lifting the home country to the shelf it probably is not extent and the foolish array which you speak
            • 这是,嗯我只是取代津市发布评论中国的国家标准 This China replacing with home country standard saying the ro where is just the ru

          • 一个例子是长子毛← 1 The u it is and obtains the ma lt
            • 但是,这是Warota Shinachiku瓦特直前, The ma of warota it is shinachiku w which is ma you

          • 中国人对来自中国本国公民的军事力量

            • 中国南海问题,因为俄罗斯已经成为一个重要的球员,也与现在的情况,以及东欧 Because it surfaced to south China Sea problem as the player whose Russia is important now it links also Eastern Europe situation

              • 中国国际 1 “发生在中国南海争端是不相称的,因为该语句是有一个国家的石油和天然气的愿望而言,”它↑,W让我们不关我的事准确地说,www m发言权,然后再线程 1 The fact that dispute occurs in the Chinese “south China Sea because related country it had amount unsuited desire vis a vis the petroleum and the natural gas is” You call ↑ this you are your own thing w Just you say the wa www which is sure
                • WWW WWWWW国际 中国 或让你“已在中国南海争端的发生是因为该语句是在有关国家的石油和天然气的过度贪婪” Therefore www ma wwwww The fact that dispute occurs in the Chinese “south China Sea because related country it had amount unsuited desire vis a vis the petroleum and the natural gas is”

              • 中国外交长一段时间以来一直都对日本,外国我有分歧意识和行为,如日本小国中的所有承诺,甚至一个国家任何一个国家,因为现在没有在越南分公司它通常与接触出现在一个短语 For a long time Because Chinese diplomacy had designated Japan as the partner as for the foreign country everyone Japanese way when it should behave However you misunderstand way you understand in Vietnam of this time which country because of the home country It is normal even with the small country to bite even if by all power
                • 梅尔开始后,它的能量和所管辖,并成功地分裂成更小的国家和发达国家的环境系统在国外或中国Wansa宏伟实验 And separating to the small country it is managed is ruled in advanced nation After that foreign capital of energy and environmental type cup Magnificent experiment is begun in China

              • 中国说,“那激进的反日行为一再表示,越南是来转移人们的注意力外,还有一个政治目标”,↑越南,补充说:“中国已多次暴力行为你必须回到李,即转移人们的注意力外,还有一个政治目标“, NULL
                • 中国媒体也“多次,越南是一个激进的行为说成偏转外界关注的人,有政治目的”回旋镖WW Furthermore “repeatedly the Chinese media you call the behavior whose Vietnam is radical to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” hiyaha
                • 中国媒体也“多次,越南是一个激进的行为说成偏转外界关注的人,有政治目的,”神圣的狗屎过过过过艰苦 Furthermore “repeatedly the Chinese media you call the behavior whose Vietnam is radical to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” hiyaha
                • 中国媒体说,“那激进的行动就是重复越南据说是转移人们的注意力外,还有一个政治目标”。°( ∀ ° °)° 。ノヽノヽノヽノ 88 Ahhaha gt Furthermore “the behavior whose Vietnam is radical repeatedly the Chinese media in being You say that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside there is a political purpose” ゚ ゚ ∀ ゚ ゚ atsuhaha 88 no no no no 92 92
                • 摆在我们面前(RY还小,甚至说对反日“的反日情绪的重复行为是极端,即转移了人们的关注之外,政治,有目的“ You ry But not saying in regard to counter day “There is a political purpose that China and South Korea repeatedly call radical anti Japanese behavior to that it is that note of the citizen probably will be bent outside ”

              • 事实上,在这两个国家得到证实,中国国防白皮书三月发行,随着战争的几个方面30年前,中国是“保护海洋权益,”规定的海洋。 A到权力的意愿。 5月26日,电缆调查船在中国海域资源勘探中国南海的越南。 2,获得来自中国政府的赔偿,以抗议政府的监察机关→越南乘船削减。 5月31日,南沙群岛,在越南渔船(南沙)接收来自于中国船舶营运拍摄监视周围的警告,越南政府很可能会发生冲突→ Factual verification As for both countries before approximately 30 years several degrees the relation which did war In the Chinese national defense white paper which is announced in March as for China “oceanic interests protection” to clearly write the sea To great power desire 1 May 26th in south China Sea cable for investigation of the Vietnamese resource inquiry boat the Chinese sea With the patrol boat of bureau cutting gt The Vietnamese government protested to the Chinese government and requested compensation 2 May 31st the Vietnamese fishing boat the supuratori archipelago the south sand archipelago with around while operating menaces from the Chinese patrol boat It received shooting it may collide became gt The Vietnamese government protests 3 June 5th Hanoi with Ho Chi Minh the protest demonstration which put out a slogan that “as for China stop the invasion” 4
                • 06月08日,中国海。站。 。你的主管,“海洋,这些力量增强是最好的方式全面提高驾驭水域和海洋权益的争端,并在中国推广另一个”等介绍,5威胁。 6月9日,中国,越南再次干预飞船 June 8th the Chinese sea Bureau As for your Bureau Chief “sea 巡 And others reinforcement of power accompanies the promotion and dispute of the Chinese oceanic interests It is first method in order to strengthen the control power for the sea area” And so on with to announce menace 5 June 9th China disturbing the Vietnamese inquiry boat for the second time

              • 什么在共产国家有什么“不能告诉别人Raretaku绝对没有”WWW什么我有一个说法的销售措施,以促进乳房膨胀的习惯 “With something in communist national tsu te others we would not like to knowing no matter what” Taking the initiative the chest stretching there is kuse which you say www which it is probably will be
                • 正因为我们认为,作为共产党的同样标准似乎瓦特 w therefore Japan Communist Party so you think with tsu te same standard

              • 令人担心的是Soredake正在与恐惧和内疚种植的基督教思想

                • 但中国常说钱不能没有什么不从谁没有抗日试图土地,所以我假设你不欠任何利润或利润十日Uyo许多示威 It does not do that the Chinese however the uyo tsu te you say does not become good the gold Therefore a some it may make a profit counter day doing being the case that the person whom it tries to land is many Although it does not make a profit anti Japanese demonstration it does not melt
                  • Netouyo甚至没有试图在精神地价 Opposing even netouyo which has the mind air which it tries to land it is not

                • 但如果它是一个在越南的一党统治,有哪些危害?就像在中国对人权的公然侵犯。我没有听到

                  • 例如860?南特和我们一样考虑战争对半岛悦人,W思分歧,黄柏OMA是一个世界级的WWW半岛和日本的战争,我疯狂的疯狂 860 Obtaining War of the peninsula of war and the surpassing person are thought similarly how The kichigai ji seeing the ru www The peninsula and the Japanese senselessness when you think that passes in the world large mistake w
                    • 反正有发生,因为Kottara揉“如果废话废话废话废话那里!”那无法生存,而不是狂 When trouble happens in any case “the a Unless” the tsu te there is kichigai which is done you cannot exist

                  • 假设甚至听着受害者立法者不能活的声音,具有节能某处建议妹妹,总理战斗各方来访的英国首相辞职,并扩大在国会首相◆或没有通知政府民主党最痴迷的状态或打开一个大会或为什么不?半一步◆,净化受污染的水系统,全球焦点将全面运作★岛上生活的后天,在亚洲的战争危机 It cannot live with temporary construction The member of the Diet hearing the voice of the sufferer somewhere proposition dies away does not reach in government The National Diet extension 菅 the resignation round ruling and opposition parties offense and defense of prime minister 菅 The prime minister in successive prime minister most is attached to position The Democratic party why not opening general meeting of the diet members The purification system of the half step advance and contaminated water even to searching real work Island life The world to observe in Asia crisis of war

                    • 共产主义极权制度,目前在越南,政府在越南的越南的高经济政策“革新”的权威,尤其是回来看一下在社会主义经济道路的产业政策越南将参加在促进国际合作,是市场经济的引入,是外资引进高通胀

                      • 又给谷呒凹毛毛毛毛我们 ma ma ma ma ma ma ji yu
                        • 1 2个 1 2 Above
                        • 一镜 Mirror
                        • 中国巴卡wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Foolish China wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        • 又给谷呒凹毛毛毛毛我们 ma ma ma ma ma ma ji yu
                        • 御前说wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww You say wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        • 您wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww我们 ma wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        • 我们的国际Maiu The u will not international
                        • 我们还是你们会 ma ma
                        • 我有信心Yappari 266 266 After all it was relief
                        • 我站在一个奇怪的标志瓦特648 648 Being the strange flag it can stand w
                        • 摹御前 You g

                      • 另一只在日本我想我注意到了越南大游行“恐怖主义还是我们还随意W”我觉得你 Therefore Vietnam serious note it is possible to direct with anti Japanese demonstration Already “whether and w doing selfishly the ro ” tsu te starts feeling Japan
                        • 另一只在日本我想我注意到了越南大游行“恐怖主义还是我们还随意W”我觉得你 Therefore Vietnam serious note it is possible to direct with anti Japanese demonstration Already “whether and w doing selfishly the ro ” tsu te starts feeling Japan
                        • 没有我运气好弯曲在越南义 Without submitting persevering As for justice there is Vietnam

                      • 嘿是的,从内政部得到最好的转移公众的注意力从外部强迫和恐吓我,我什么要隐藏?先生支那?

                        • 在捷克的导弹防御是北约外,有一个重大的让步,这笔交易,我想这是金兰湾美国舰队?美国的大战略,中国四周的短期威胁到俄罗斯和不妥协 That so Czechoslovakia comes off by the missile defense of NATO as for saying having big concession It was transaction with the United States Fleet of the cam run bay it is the kana which is not It is possible to concede to Russia where the American grand strategy is the Chinese encirclement is not threat of foresight
                          • (传统上,官僚不会有一个坏习惯,具有消灭敌人),奥巴马不会集中在欧洲防务,很容易对俄罗斯的让步和捷克的导弹防御 Traditionally as for the bureaucracy there is a bad habit that you do not desire the disappearance of the enemy obama which does not seriously consider European defense transferred the Czechoslovakia missile defense simply vis a vis Russia

                        • 在每个居委会,提醒警察和人民武装警察部队10000,已持续紧张
                          Inside town the police force and the people armament police unit approximately 10,000 at the time of precaution, tension is continued

                          • 在独家的6月9日经济区越南奉命解散了示威的限制,警方木屐中国的侵略,在中国石油勘探船干扰那些在第二紧随其后,5月26日船总理阮晋勇06 / 09在越南发生的行为,敦促安全与俄罗斯的合作

                            • 在突尼斯,北非,地方与中东,“茉莉花革命”,并命名为民主运动被踢,努力实现在中国也是一个领导小组,已提交在这无情的叛乱状态 It occurred in north African Tunisia the chain did in the Middle East the democracy movement which is named “jasmine revolution” That it will actualize even in China also the group which is led has dispatched the circumstances of the latest riot obstinately
                              • 这被带到中国,当我们的船中东,中国很可能会干扰 When in here China the boat going in the taking and the Middle East China may disturb

                            • 在第七舰队的航空母舰在那里驻留,中国将完全包围

                              • 宣布了一项政策,以加强美军在东南亚,美国国防部长盖茨

                                • 对美帝国主义在越南的胜利和思是什么线下到越南

                                  • 工作什么也没有,并且之前的位置流Redaro卡恩共同开发的另一方面爆发的伪造麻烦宣布这仍

                                    • 恶性肿瘤的地球,试图删除从地面中国!

                                      • 我Yarareru日本蒙古科利亚多Shinabokkoboko Ttouiku゙゙乐了在吃喝美国,英国和澳大利亚部队星VS芝加哥越南+是一种集体自卫

                                        • 我他妈的中国的核轰炸,死亡反正缺陷达洛尼加

                                          • 我们都知道中国入侵西藏并偷走了他们的土地,他们做同样的事情在世界各地正试图在世界上同样的事情,历史已经证明 We all know how China invaded Tibet and stole their land It has been about to do the same thing in the world They do the same thing to all of the world It proves history
                                            • 相较于本国国情,但毕竟是同样的事情 If you compare with the circumstance of your own country although the same thing is done

                                          • 我再也没有什么了中国任何机会,你又危险的状态,然后我说一个线程 In addition do you say sure By chance doing the Chinese tsu te already there is no yabai state something
                                            • 我会津无耻中国有句说,前一分钟你的有色 You say Understanding the te saying ru impudent impudent China

                                          • 新浪网是一个大约100公里左右一个人的头部滞后 China lately from around about middle 100 years of head the ru
                                            • 我将自己的项目外国人什么Shinachon You project by your to the shinachiyon tsu te foreigner don t you think

                                          • 日本 越南友好●:我们要知道土地盗窃基本的英语我很喜欢他们如何入侵西藏,以及如何大家支那 Day surpassing friendship Basic English We everyone support 那 some way invade Tibet and some way know that their lands are stolen
                                            • Sanfutto我们!是一家中日友好。太极拳呼吁打通 Our sun feet Sino Japan friendship It appeals formula through the extremely fist thickly

                                          • 日本是世界上最杰出的右翼大的利益的中国共产党是一个狂热的爱国主义与自由主义Kushitai中国大陆关系良好的狗不
                                            In the world as for supreme large Japan, the free person of the mainland China chummily the paragraph you want and there is no interest in the mania trust patriotic right wing which is the dog of the Chinese Communist Party

                                            • 日本计划或美帝国主义,十日?

                                              • 有一个说我Teiu四面楚歌中国(RY
                                                Four surface 楚 song [te] there being a 諺 which is said in China, is, (ry

                                                • 有什么可以将中国的军事侵略和压迫的许多少数民族在最好的摆动到周边的藏族蒙古族十日

                                                  • 然后你分散注意力从过去的与周边国家这样做更会造成问题的国内问题的公众的视线会有所帮助,也没有听说过它称为中国的路线分而治之的策略和对邻国如果这是一个全国性的问题?它的纪律处分?什么是中国共产党和目前的军事入侵已隐藏 When you inquire about that China you say it becomes reference The extent which becomes So doing Causing neighboring countries and problem Having averted the eye of the citizen from domestic problem And As for next Vis a vis neighboring countries the action the defeat in detail maneuvers This is domestic problem It is punishment conduct With saying also in the troop has hidden invasion
                                                    • Wwwwww的反应对中国侵略 It probably is the reaction for the Chinese invasion behavior but wwwwww

                                                  • 穆斯林在中国,农村,炉废料爆之前进行,如果鼓动法轮功越南

                                                    • 第一次战争开始了在中国目前,无论是富裕造成的僵硬和城市贫困人口的贸易封锁

                                                      • 美国不是一种威慑,而不是247,例如茶叶,我们开始没有引起怀疑梅萨战争 247 On the other hand as for America not becoming deterrent being careless including war the chi ya obtaining
                                                        • 战争结束后,这将增加政治铸造,中国的 When it goes to war as for being driven politically the Chinese shelf

                                                      • 虽然表面上标称增益,而超头盔来日本学习先进技术,在发展中国家的人民,真正的目的是为了弥补缺乏德岛劳动者不接受外国研修生有90企业失当行为已进入 On the surface the people of developing country coming to Japan The pretext that it learns advanced technology It puts out but actual purpose is to compensate for manual worker insufficiency In Tokushima prefecture 9 comparatively injury of the enterprise which accepts the foreign trainee Existed

                                                        • 该穿什么衣服上的错误或不?是不是很积极地支持中国方面不能忽视国际常识 As for dressing to favor by mistake it isn t Very it is not but it does not leave to the air which supports the Chinese side which ignores international common sense
                                                          • 该穿什么衣服上的错误或不?是不是很积极地支持中国方面不能忽视国际常识 As for dressing to favor by mistake it isn t Very it is not but it does not leave to the air which supports the Chinese side which ignores international common sense

                                                        • 越共也是中国情妇也,所以这种冲突

                                                          • 达洛尼加我们以前的攻击?达洛尼加累犯!

                                                            • 进良心我国的学校时,越南战争和社会主义重新共产党中国会说什么
                                                              When communist China and socialist Vietnam re-opening war, Progressive conscience group of our country how probably will say

                                                              • 都说北京人wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww之前你这样做 This you of what say wwwwwwwwwwwww The peking man wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                • 上一主题瓦特说,激励着我们 You to of beautiful say sure w
                                                                • 不要说你有一个以前的帖子 1 You say sure
                                                                • 之前你说91 91 You say
                                                                • 之前你说91 91 You say
                                                                • 之前你说wwwwwwwwwwwwwww You say wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                • 之前你说的网站☆☆2011主题 2011 You say the sure meeting place
                                                                • 你说你的榜样 ma Obtaining Word u
                                                                • 在你说这瓦特什么状态 This you of what say state w
                                                                • 摆在我们面前是1(RY 1 You ry
                                                                • 日本中国关系是483,这意味着如果正常 483 If the meaning relationship of Japan and China becoming appropriate

                                                              • 附近发生示威,中国总领事馆胡志明市
                                                                Demonstration occurs even near the Chinese consul general mansion of Ho Chi Minh city

                                                                • 集线器的美国海军在越南,金兰湾在一个单一的。我驻

                                                                  • 韩国和北方国家陆続支那纪念越南南方的一个属国过这么多支那

                                                                    • 风狂和攻击转移到各地的同时,是首端

                                                                      • ( Д )E呃?我关心的只是越南外?这难道不是更好的中国?大多数情况下,EH是你的手中之前 The д you obtain the e Vietnam directing note outside the ru tsu te As for that there is no Chinese one Generally the hand was produced first the ro which is omae and others
                                                                        • 超级超Omaegana supaurutoraomaegana

                                                                      研究 開発