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“When you write, the local television ★6 where that corporation ends and therefore” Matsumoto revival phase “threatens and” bending/discouraging does not do


  • 891不幸的是,当地宫城我在礼貌字幕 891 Regrettable with Miyagi local it is the subtitle super being attached politely
    • 岩手,宫城县也似乎有相似的看法被淹没 Even in Iwate Miyagi both prefectures similar opinion It seems that rushes in

  • III。日记,7月5日(星期二) - 松本部长的问题:难道由弯曲压力部长关闭记录媒体? [TTP:/ / blog.goo.ne.jp / newseko / E / 5d23a273d639db9d42cbf1a21efcb7ae
    World. Diary July 5th (fire) ttp: //blog.goo.ne.jp/newseko/e/5d23a273d639db9d42cbf1a21efcb7ae

    • KKE的委员会的山地?将是巨大的麻烦,甚至还没有被宠物鼠
      The [tsu] [ke] which is mountain land meeting? Oyama rumbling, one either mice did not come coming out and

      • NHKwww固着生活的价值可以弯曲。集团WWW
        NHKwww which submits the value which lives the non obtaining. Group www

        • N是认为,长期恫样的妻子。 〜它不知道技术
          Everyone - it is, The long wife entirely 恫. It is famous with technique -

          • TBS TBS还可以服用后呕吐朝日广播牌照,我会欺骗的民主党的人,我已经看到新闻系列报道真正不久前犯罪 Asahi and TBS pick up broadcast license TBS long ago the reporting being completed As expected series reporting the citizen deceiving the ru Crime it has done for the Democratic party
            • 我将用犯罪来欺骗人,我有民主党人喷出新闻也在于在TBS广播牌照可采取早晨的太阳 Asahi and TBS pick up broadcast license Lie reporting the citizen deceiving the ru Crime it has done for the Democratic party

          • W不浪费甚至是B型Hozai十日十日理论,即使歧视仍然从这种洗脑在近代历史上的土地整个部落WWW东北老达洛尼加什么是数字 The ro www where the entire area is suffering discriminatory village from northeast tsu te former times The discrimination which with such land was continued to brainwash from modern history explaining B type wastefulness or w which does not babble
            • “部落”是什么,甚至威胁,这不只是我级区域 “The village” tsu te threatening there is no only area which passes it is is

          • “这将结束,如果写分配”的媒体恐吓不会成为部落民解放联盟黄金出 “When you write the mass communications that it is end” Intimidation probably is something where the bullion of village release alliance comes out
            • “这将结束,如果写分配”的媒体恐吓不会成为部落民解放联盟黄金出 “When you write the mass communications that it is end” Intimidation probably is something where the bullion of village release alliance comes out
            • 感如何童话本身的威胁Warota松本 As for manner of intimidation of Matsumoto sense with fairy tale itself warota

          • 下面的人获得九州尊严,被冒犯的B型人
            Grade of Kyushu person was lowered, the person of B type was disdained

            • 与所有的税收Kashiro什么!我什么都没有从这些优惠? Tteiu家伙 Entirely somehow with tax margin We does not transfer at all The tsu te the people who are said
              • 为了引进更多的免税 你只需要规划出一个现实的或寿司 Above throwing tax is the sufficient realistic plan be no other choice but to is put out

            • 严格地说的棺材Dattara不满,但是。但是,如果你驯服英雄和谴责友谊棺材
              Being dissatisfied to the casket, when it is commenting, direct. Impeaching the casket, if friendship it did, although it was accustomed to the hero

              • 为了捍卫那小子的肇事者和攻击受害者的母亲,这是命名和子腐烂县一个女人 gaki of that assailant was protected the mother of the victim was attacked Gun Kazuko The woman whom with you say and rots is
                • 但是,你良好的营商政策,安娜将熔化的术语“遥天”,我会流上午都和恐怖主义TBS Ë So sound making small to make to analog protect dissolving” Day tele “and be e letting flow TBS and terrorist morning the ru

              • 乙Waseta为方便恐吓宫城前州长丰乙气味的利益永远是汽车全
                The B intimidation where had convenience nomarch smell Miyagi of the Toyonaka graduate which overflowed with B right did not pass, is

                • 人类的屁股,刘某松本(又名赤壁松)也设定Shitare溃疡松本然后bukkake的!日本面条我Collarenebri,娘 As a human the lowest person and the Matsumoto dragon the alias chibi pine Next also Matsumoto group the bu tsu crushing flap The Japanese it is to lick is this guy

                  • 什么?什么是松本和解放联盟官员? Dattara,我会流血了在自然way m长矛也相信,威胁或恐吓Tteiu Obtaining The Matsumoto tsu te being the authorized personnel of release alliance When is that intimidation tsu te you say or the wa where also threat is agreement Long time method oozed out naturally it is probably will be
                    • 东北放送民主党人一直排到一个气象预报和你的播音员抱元 As for northeast broadcast the former announcer and the weather forecast loyal retainer whom you hold Democratic party Assemblyman is discharged
                    • 其他民主党人有877,W可怕我有更多的恐吓柱塞做每天 877 Don t you think other Democratic party Assemblyman does a daily more enormous intimidation w

                  • 从那里开始弯曲恐吓是从新闻俱乐部开除?
                    It begins the place where it submits to intimidation from the fact that when it drops from reporter's club?

                    • 他写了Owata的一部分。松本,土木工程利益打手(W
                      Being written, by your [owata] and the section. Earth building right punk Matsumoto (w

                      • 会斗争,只是恐吓当地电视交易是傻瓜我只是他的同事选择了针织村居
                        Furthermore intimidation the local television only perseveres just the bean jam Murai whom by your choose to foolish

                        • 但我在今天的日本,我们不是政客南特有定罪是适当的 Don t you think so being appropriate the politician who had belief how it does not stay in current Japan it is

                          • 但是,人权不仅从什么权力,他们甚至有可能不会挑战每个区鼎盛时期的立法是这些家伙做出来的委员会谴责法律允许的绝对
                            Simply the causing [re] which the highway is not power it is from zenith period Therefore very you permit just the protection of fundamental human rights bill without fail Impeachment meeting it starts doing lawfully, as for and others it is dense

                            • 例如他之间的政治领导和恐吓穿太多的差异
                              The person who confuses intimidation and political main leadership is too multi

                              • 元立即感受到进入艾村居民的迹象远离海岸山脉的三陆海岸的许多严重的贫困和转让,从而保持在灾难发生后立即的破坏仍然 The hi it does the feeling which the inhabitant of the village of the ravine which leaves from the coast section includes in the signboard and the hi does and with is transmitted Furthermore many of the Aomori Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures coasts even now the disastrous state immediately after the suffering is left
                                • 标志被视为沿着通往从岩手县海岸内陆公路站在井 From the inland section of Iwate prefecture the standing signboard which with the road paralleling which leads to the coast section is viewed to

                              • 关于“没有问题”,但作为备注“与被害人血液的感觉,而导致伤口不认为新”并道歉 Concerning speech “problem it was not” that although doing “as a result the sufferer As for damaging feeling you think without excuse” that you apologized
                                • 但是,受害者的感情思例子,涉及到生活的支持,但并不难遭哪些行业在东部地震海啸和做没有 But while encountering to the tidal wave with east Japanese large earthquake disaster to support if you think the feelings of the sufferer who has lived eagerly you cannot use

                              • 几乎没有接触到的媒体到现在为止,谁的态度,这些已成为从海胆疑问知名人们什么资格作为部长 Until now there is no exposure to most media becomes the person for the people who do not know That attitude doubts qualification as a minister of state those which are worthy of
                                • 奇怪的头1个月完全几个月Tetara媒体观察 This media one month seeing it becomes the cod completely the head strange

                              • 北━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━辞职(°∀°)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━!!!!!!对于这个细节后亚Miyane
                                Resignation [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! ! ! ! As for details at [miyane] house after this

                                • 即使家伙辞职,第二和第三恫。只有会员问世
                                  Dense Tsuga Assemblyman resigning, 2nd 3rd 恫. The Assemblyman just is present

                                  • 在日本西部的监测站,但已成为胆小,因为恐惧是什么知道真正的B,也很少会想有什么学徒 Because the broadcasting station of west Japanese area has known the true fearfulness of B it has become cowardly but is We want learning a little

                                    • 在此恫媒体。 WW和不流动,这也是现场
                                      Depending upon the media this 恫. The scene letting flow, there is also a cousin and ww

                                      • 如果他将恐吓西方,那就是关闭记录案件作为清洁的哨子
                                        West Japan If he intimidates, it is the thing plan which in the [mono] [no] 見事 has become [ohureko

                                        • 如果写,香椎应该怎样的人,合适的地点有什么从首端的秸秆缺少强制松本Janaku南特公司 When you write this person saying shy there is no corporation and the power which can finish Matsumoto how from first saying it is the place don t you think
                                          • 什么什么香椎,从一开始而不是在南特什么样的最后一根稻草,公司的力量 Something saying shy the power which can finish the corporation how from first saying it is the place don t you think
                                          • 最后1,wwwwwwwwwwww月底,分为公司松本Janaku 1 After all there is no corporation and the case wwwwwwwwwwww which Matsumoto ends

                                        • 如果思新市长上任时进行恐吓众议员团伙B,生驹,奈良
                                          The intimidation of B ruffian Assemblyman at the time of Nara prefecture Ikoma city Siniti long inauguration was remembered

                                          • 如果这不是我的态度你身边没有媒体,我可以在自己脚下藤十日津市聊天说他用龙大阪警方对境内恐吓 The media being around therefore this attitude what when being the Osaka police beam you have intimidated it is probably will be The dragon by your you do not reach to either Fujinami s foot at word tsu chi ya tsu te ru point in time

                                            • 如果飞行在城市和更换grenade ll北九州633,如果他的弟弟是家庭财产纠纷立刻变成龙的攻击,即使我很少在几年前的子弹,也没有分钟有色 633 Kitakyushu the grenade throughout the city flying about The dragon and the younger brother who does the family estate dispute shoot the bullet several years ago you being packed although the ru It is not understood

                                              • 宇部兴产是一个承诺认真东北放送基达预防措施立即道歉,部长松本
                                                As for northeast broadcast you apologize to Minister of State Matsumoto recurrence prevention measure should swear at once and in the true 摯

                                                • 当然挖掘Masugomi,松本乙代理商说的WWW是很难完全゙wwwwwwwww Kachon一些言论是否整个日本人口 When the mass rubbish is hit as for the operative ha ゙ kachiyon being lazy shelf www If as for the speech of Matsumoto B whole and part Japanese out speech wwwwwwwww
                                                  • 当然挖掘Masugomi,而不是自来水,与最好的代理商来 When the mass rubbish is hit the operative hits by all power

                                                • 思在大门口,这恐吓只有男人?草阿霍
                                                  Such rubbing, the reason which you think that it is intimidation? [aho] it is ill-smelling

                                                  • 您正好有很大的城市城市的背面复合物从本州九州我会在福冈,而且是错误的头脑与九州奇怪色调男孩是重不敏感的电源跳闸混蛋非常粗俗什么 Therefore the Fukuoka tsu te Kyushu it is in the city the conversely enormous complex having in the large city of main island the te When it is the Kyushu boy applying strangely stubbornness the tsu te being proud chi and others doing being vulgar with the non nerve is enormous well The person is many
                                                    • 体面的摄入量。男孩,说是不是这样的,从你的事 Honest sucking absorbing The boy such a thing does not say by his

                                                  • 我Yattarou森“ 鸡墙 电讯晨报“和做好 你在其他和这整个视频流?”远程太阳报“嗯,是 Don t you think the wax which you did ” Wall of chicken When tele morning “other things doing densely the ru it does …… all image sink chi ya u ” The day tele “ u the u it is
                                                    • 我Yattarou森“ 鸡墙 电讯晨报“?和做好 你是在目前这种其他图片”远程太阳报“嗯,是 Don t you think the wax which you did ” Wall of chicken When tele morning “other things doing densely the ru it does …… all image sink chi ya u ” The day tele “ u the u it is

                                                  • 我们的部落解放同盟对东北战争开始都道府县
                                                    Northeast each prefectural anti- village release alliance all-out war starts,

                                                    • 我会假装,我只写495越来越多?瓦特 495 Steadily it is huri writing don t you think w
                                                      • 我会假装,我只写493越来越多?瓦特 493 Steadily it is huri writing don t you think w

                                                    • 我基达威胁Busayo弥敦道好,我就死瓦特打手懦夫Sonomonojan
                                                      [busayo] [tsu] [te] intimidation we like, don't you think? -, the punk itself of the mean person it is, w Die

                                                      • 我辩护的707呢?管显然是做首相头瓦特什么人会说我不南特。这不是色情,在该河被切断,不思思 707 That protection kana The 菅 doing the prime minister the person where is not good how you call is w Clearly the neck Change you resigned the wa which you think that is
                                                        • 我辩护的707呢?管显然是做首相头瓦特什么人会说我不南特。这不是色情,在该河被切断,不思思 707 That protection kana The 菅 doing the prime minister the person where is not good how you call is w Clearly the neck Change you resigned the wa which you think that is

                                                      • 我还使用录像证据和恐吓记者,没有惊喜的众议员辞职
                                                        There is also an evidence image which intimidates the press corps and, Assemblyman resignation advice probably is proper

                                                        • 所以,虽然严格来说,它是保持反驳的基础上,他的故事的信念,而不是语言Ketara Chimau首开夜 Therefore commenting which you spoke on the basis of itself belief to refute when 1 nights you open it stops chi ma u meaning
                                                          • 怎么样的好,但严格讲442主 442 Nuclear commenting how how it is to call is

                                                        • 政治家在这样的态度看,行为和恐吓是从小区的视而不见常见的输出扭矩
                                                          When attitude of the latest politician it tries seeing, carefully sees, you do not try seeing in the highway and intimidation behavior, therefore it shakes,

                                                          • 是雅恫Miyane媒体评论员。被迫向受背部固定方言根开始指的言论宫
                                                            At [miyane] house commentator mass communications 恫. When it starts referring to speech The shrine root stopped and reset topic to the how to talk at random compulsorily

                                                            • 朝日是与你的猫的爪子Gukotoni负责最好的,而且还建立了主流自由球员可读 Asahi uses all power in shouldering that cat s paw the party whom also our people are easy to unite became main current

                                                              • 松本是一个男人不戒烟坦言不喜欢Chittomo适航性,良好的心情,我将有大量的硬币作为媒体宣传和黄金也成为该职位的地方,不知道思的后续立法者强度称为支点这是一 It stopped simply in Matsumoto does not withstand at all Being inaugurated as the post whether it is dense in addition the do tsu of Just the gold the za ku za ku you receive You call protection mood of the media the following of the Assemblymen are good It was one case which realizes solution same strength

                                                                • 棉花受害者当地电视台,“咦?碎块 Local TV station “ a The sufferer it is to lick the kudzu
                                                                  • 棉花受害者当地电视台,“咦?碎块 Local TV station “ a The sufferer it is to lick the kudzu

                                                                • 欺骗和只有一半的流量“ 墙碎片 富士电视台“我Shouganee我聊天的所有电流,流一点点一点点重点我“NHK”如果没有,猪排゙在与流更多的场景现在,它没有报告茹巴雷,然后弯曲的威胁 “ Just half letting flow you probably will cheat” Wall of kudzu The Fuji Telecasting Co “everyone sink chi ya tsu te ru don t you think … the ginger the e just a little just it lets flow and solves or just a little just” When lets flow NHK “it is and well the scene of to ゙ katsu after so long a time submitting to threat the bare ru it does that it does not report ……”

                                                                  • 没有在新闻东北放送例如获通过,我将不仅在日本当前场景或踢足球要么削减甚至像富士电视台的声音里 NULL
                                                                    • 踢了足球“我一直对我要求的”万似乎与目前不仅是良好的,但它甚至不是一个短暂的规则 While kicking the soccer ball “like we going participating it promoted” that it is good to appear as if to say but It is the case that it did not become three day public

                                                                  • 由纪子Kajikawa(广岛县议会成员Obachan在此之前不要涂咆哮Iteta显然,
                                                                    The rudder river it goes and is dense (front Hiroshima prefecture national assembly Assemblyman Filth spitting, as for [obachiyan] of the callous as the [do] - been completed,

                                                                    • 福冈区通过一个奇怪奇怪百通过McCallister McCallister 1575 ×西 1575 × The west which goes unchallenged is strange The 〇 the Fukuoka 1 Ku which goes unchallenged is strange
                                                                      • 福冈区通过McCallister McCallister 575通过一个奇怪奇怪百西× 575 × The west which goes unchallenged is strange The 〇 the Fukuoka 1 Ku which goes unchallenged is strange

                                                                    • 等待下步的决定“恫,连说”W我那不勒斯
                                                                      Resignation being decided after “恫. Don't you think? speech” - w

                                                                      • 萨摩军队hundred ll肯定嘿男孩九州。我是唯一负兵辊Borocho
                                                                        Don't you think? Kyushu boy [e]… certain Seinan war government troop hundred. In soldier roller being defeated of [borochiyo] It is the red sandal wood,

                                                                        • 警方再次逮捕了轮奸控告一名20岁女子的两名被告,福冈地方检察厅已处理完毕和正在申请
                                                                          As for prefectural police with the group rape suspicion for 20 year old women both defendants It re-arrested, but the Fukuoka area inspection has made dealing reservation

                                                                          • 输出案件,实际上是死了吗?朝总联恫民团是这样做的。什么运动可以骂人?
                                                                            As for the example where actually the deceased comes out? When entire connected people group does, the same 恫. Denunciation motion [tsu] lever?

                                                                            • 这个人,我是在福冈的损坏富有童话赚大钱
                                                                              This person, large is gained it is wealthy person what which with the Fukuoka fairy tale, don't you think?

                                                                              • 远程检查站的其他批判一天,就像我批评洪水确信安全 Day tele other bureau criticizing After verification being convinced of safety like the flood just it is critical

                                                                                • 那么,在说我要杜绝另一端也Sorosoro休息一天,从邪恶,声明的内容本身就是一个极其月松本正论,究竟是什么 Well lunch break it probably will rub because it ends it does gradually in the end but As for we would like to saying as for Matsumoto speech contents itself quite sound argument it is the tsu lever

                                                                                  • 部落不错的技能,Gatten是挫折和baz管和恐吓的感人故事,但为什么呢?说来
                                                                                    Although proud skill of the village, it is intimidation You have followed to the dissatisfaction comment and beauty talks to the 菅 with something? Coming it is, the [wa

                                                                                    • 部落解放运动和共产主义的民族旋转联邦它像猫,狗
                                                                                      The nationwide village liberation association of Japan Communist Party type and relations like of the dog monkey it puts out the solution same,

                                                                                      • 队的龙动漫★ 廉价★(笑) 格雷主演的刘某松本 9日 没有建立人物:WW白痴不能成为黑帮人物刘某松本 Way be animation The kiyara making 9 days of Matsumoto dragon which fails Starring Matsumoto dragon The fool ww who who cannot become yakuzakiyara
                                                                                        • 队的龙动漫★ 廉价★(笑) 格雷主演的刘某松本 9日 没有建立人物:WW白痴不能成为黑帮人物刘某松本 Way be animation The kiyara making 9 days of Matsumoto dragon which fails Starring Matsumoto dragon The fool ww who who cannot become yakuzakiyara
                                                                                        • 队的龙动漫★ 廉价★(笑) 格雷主演的刘某松本 9日 没有建立人物:WW白痴不能成为黑帮人物刘某松本 Way be animation The kiyara making 9 days of Matsumoto dragon which fails Starring Matsumoto dragon The fool ww who who cannot become yakuzakiyara

                                                                                      • : 米 :: 米 :: 。宓 米 Ninininininininiヽ: mi mi mi mi UMLAT REPT REPT r REPT DREPT REPT REPT i To REPT HKRPT REPT gt ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT No REPT i i Human No l noeeeee Ryo i ji e U REPT i REPT nininininininini REPT UMLAT i three 彡 REPT REPT ┼ REPT r re REPT d ⌒ no no
                                                                                        • 他ヽ 的ヽヽ :: he REPT No REPT REPT

                                                                                      研究 開発