The ★7 where economic rational zero renewable energy in the future becomes cheapest at lie atomic energy 12.23 Yen, thermal power 9.9 Yen and hydraulic power 3.98 Yen of nuclear “cheap” myth
798液化天然气为燃料的,旧的和做 798
Doing from former times, the [ru] it does the LNG thermal power,
Dzuitara接近极限,容易,有一些方法可以降低功耗和瞬间 When it gets near to the limit simply there is a method at the same time of lowering electricity consumption instantaneously
NULL 327 The uranium 238 which you call multiplication or cannot make the fuel While the plutonium to 239 which becomes the fuel converting you burn being it does the yo If it can utilize in the natural uranium many being able to burn the fact that it does not burn Burning It can raise life it is It reaches 100 time rank it is the tsu ke which is 441 Certain it stores water Because there is a water intake place in downstream the river which cannot be made water content below uniformity and If you use the head and the like inside the filter plant The flow it is quick in Japan where the land whose inclination is urgent is many it is hydraulic power profitable If energy of nature you do if pumping is increased also stability is lifted and If small hydraulic power tsu te several hours unit output stability When decreasing drainage quantitative adjustment of rainfall and the dam Because you understand with high level water level observation start of generation of electricity of pumping it is easy to cause and
水电,环境破坏,污染。过多的不合理的火力打击,尤其是在通过降低废水丰富的沉积,全球变暖的金额,但在临时Shinogi最好,部分覆盖,进一步猜测,关于供应方面对核绝大多数石油资源的成本在日本,没有能源的梦想 Hydraulic power and destruction of environment it is dirty With accumulation the pondage goes out of use with decrease especially location being opposition too multi the excessiveness But the thermal power and terrestrial warming temporarily the optimum to the ridges on the side of a sword crude oil cost to be the speculation object furthermore the supply aspect So preponderantly disadvantage Atomic energy In Japan which does not have the resource energy of dream
Ttemasu或液化天然气的储量和储采比的知识? Knowing the reserves and reserve production ratio of LNG, it increases?
W是不是想出来的数字和福岛核电厂,包括赔偿 The numerical value which also the indemnity of the Fukushima nuclear plant includes the [wa] w which is wanted putting out
★★3000兆瓦的发电也是一个30分钟的主要依据★★“过剩”田中康夫,已抵押 The generation of electricity quantity equivalent to nuclear 30 30 000 000 kilowatt ones “surplus” are guaranteed Yasuo Tanaka
一切邪恶的根源,在自民党和日本经团联的球员 As for root of badness, the Liberal Democratic Party and Japan Federation of Economic Organizations party
不包括因为很容易,就像所有的亲戚摆弄数字的电力成本和较高的梳理和无谎言,我认为核电是高,核工业的估计 The nuclear plant is high you think that is lie Unless estimate is made high electric charges cannot be increased and Because atomic energy industry is something like everyone flesh fell the extent which fumbles the number being simple it does the yo
562“非核外他妈的问题电厂”电力Wakaran更好的是更多的火力Idaro 562 “Other than the nuclear plant outside problem kuso ” to be good is from the wa The ro where as for the generation of electricity quantity the thermal power is more much and is
它是否位于500达洛尼加真的不认为建筑是安全的地球十日什么是核电的成本并不便宜在乎呢? Even how it is good but therefore the field departing because cost is cheap safety the ro which is not the reason which was built because of the earth and is 500 The lie truth
由于黑部水坝,下游地区具有较高的碎石坝爆破结束?我一直围绕在良好的状态,但只是初级污泥WWW更多 With consequence of the Kokube dam it has ended the downstream limits The dam gravel is high However the just sludge www The nuclear plant is serviced around cleanly
不过是说,只有做慢慢地被接受不可能进入,走出从核的兰花和可用性依赖于国家权力的利润可以补充国家能源偏执的性质,因为我津市欺诈核电 Therefore the excessiveness while accepting the nuclear plant doing gradually although you called the ke in the country the profit being produced from the nuclear plant even with asking depending viewing it can supply entire country by natural delusion energy when it is from the fraud tsu te ru
你继续做一个地方只有765燃气轮机,记录了,老核电厂,我想我始终保持的顺序去 765 Continuing to make the gas turbine from the amount which it is possible You think that 1 places each it should have kept stopping the old nuclear plant in order
(我发现,追捕被卖从外国石油的消费利润的国家吗?)以及主要方式,能源的Rashii和天然气发电,积极 Rather than consuming the petroleum in the country the thing kana that the one which sold in the foreign country makes a profit By the way not only the nuclear plant positive it seems even in gas generation of electricity and energy of nature
两项根据六气涡轮机的核电厂,三下调整9座核电站,并以这种方式·从旧的方式,在一个核大国之一,我始终保持去啊 With gas turbine 6 nuclear 2 basis In 9 bases nuclear 3 basis …… To such wind the ro from older one 1 each it should have kept stopping the nuclear plant and is
110 达洛尼加恢复核Hotobori冷metalla 110 When gt the ho and the bo ri it cools down the ro which is nuclear reopening
Datte我晒得在全国开展各种形式的黄金主要是什么 The field departing don t you think from the country the gold has come out is in various ways even
Netouyo愚弄他们所有的“核非恶”的责任,然后加入Makutsu情况下,我阿霍 That foolish netouyo responsibility all “Other than of the nuclear plant is bad” The tsu te ru aho circumstance which with transforms and sows
一个更大的发展,但在日本的最后分配后,核危机 When the rear one shot the nuclear plant knocks down the melt it is the Japanese end
两项根据六气涡轮机的核电厂,三下调整9座核电站,并以这种方式·从旧的方式,在一个核大国之一,我始终保持去啊 With gas turbine 6 nuclear 2 basis In 9 bases nuclear 3 basis …… To such wind the ro from older one 1 each it should have kept stopping the nuclear plant and is
为什么核电维护,推进技术的发展不知道是什么格式,文殊等梅尔 The nuclear plant is maintained with something it is not known whether engineering development such as Monju type is advanced
什么是白色的,并正在开发的话说,核国家政策的替代能源,但反 Simply alternative source of energy is called development margin the deviation from nuclear plant as a government policy
从803分钟,一组为单位制造,才能避免因为Desho好旧的主站 803 From the amount which it is possible at a time 1 bases it should have kept stopping the nuclear plant from older one being it does the yo
从807分钟,一组为单位制造,才能避免因为Desho好旧的主站 807 From the amount which it is possible at a time 1 bases it should have kept stopping the nuclear plant from older one being it does the yo
从明天起,第一站是100%,主要NDE,也是安全的核电主张 From tomorrow the nuclear plant the 100 stopping re ru is with also nuclear propulsion group is relief
南特自私主要反对党,这是一个草率的家伙 Nuclear opposition how being selfish they are the random people
反向559,这是昂贵的一个UNO什么明显的主要付款从说它 559 Because opposite so the fact that you say is paid you happen to see and Uehara departure reaches high cost
因为废话停止核电过滤,现在也有意识地鼓吹自由忽略了第二个核电被迫筛厂 Stop the nuclear plant now but the notion that where nonsense The nuclear plant is not abandoned ignoring the circumstance which is not obtained protecting there is no meaning
在日本的地震和海啸核电站赢得至少3 11分钟坏 In Japan which at least is earthquake and the tidal wave as for the nuclear plant when it is useless 3 11 So you understood
如果我每天到达或蒸汽泄漏或管道在地震中断裂的发射381,EH茶祖去,但一些基层做 381 The thermal power piping being broken in the earthquake and or the steam leaking everyday dying if the ru Nuclear something the ro which is work tsu chi ya circumstance
成功将基于四核恐怖主义,什么是生命的扩展,通过测量到的地方去核茹,放肆fellow m Nuclear terrorism succeeding also 4 the tsu te which consults prolongation of life with the deviation from nuclear plant it is impudent person what to somewhere
我反对核电的家伙,“为嘴,”我 “Just the person tsu te mouth which” the nuclear plant is opposite is what
梅勒和我很快就决定通过公民投票和初级解散 It should have decided with nuclear dispersion referendum quickly
让我们不要确定W W但当然愚蠢作为主或674现在Dattara第一站 674 When is the nuclear plant you will stop now and w Therefore the fool naturally it is OK w
这将停止过滤奈达现在什么东西,主要的对手?奈达没关系停电 Nuclear group of objectors Anything stops now with anything nida nida which is possible to have a power failure
个月的申请要“总的,无条件的购买凝胶法” As for [kan] would like to doing “the entire quantity, unconditional to purchase”, law
事故发生后,我黄柏天文声称,如果他们不完整的机械核事故,但因为没有住宅用地,几年了很多天。因此,结束了国家病人或一个国家风险管理的危机,我知道如何有益于人民的人?毕竟主要倡导者国家长期前景或短期的钱我想我只是有选择短期货币 However if the complete machine the nuclear plant there is no accident and others don t you think When accident tsu cod astronomical it is compensated is claimed the land which you cannot live several years later mass suffering With patient crisis of national end Well the kana which knows risk manage either one nation benefit to the citizen Gold or long term national view of foresight After all nuclear propulsion group thinks that the gold of foresight only is selected
一旦要求对受污染的水进入近期国际海,海在过去的污染核心释放。看来从赔偿金额估算万亿日元数百● When it is compensated is claimed vis a vis the discharge of the nuclear contaminated water to the sea of the other day from the foreign country the past sea it is dirty Presuming from the compensation amount Several 100 000 000 000 000 Yen scales it probably will put out is
什么TEPCO多年来到现在为止,自民党,官僚怎么样在全球变暖的主要在于我吸利润骗子垃圾约在公众的钱,我有什么神经?消费和吞咽尽快完成所有的政治家和官僚和日本闪烁COM Until now over long time Tokyo Electric Power Company our people as for the bureaucracy large lie being attached to the citizen making money Don t you think it is lowest The nuclear plant being attached warming measure tsu te lie what kind of nerve it has done is The bureaucracy and politician everyone whom Japan it tries probably to ruin it is to go out quickly kana
Datte确定谁挖掘的主要兴趣,从什么Wakaran精确到达洛尼加哪些是愚蠢的错误,谁想要的兴趣比其他主要终点 Even the person who hits nuclear right the ro which is the person who after all would like to be entwined to the right other than the nuclear plant Whether either one how accurate thing is what it is from the empty wa
不充分研究Zaneendayo我,我将不得不在黑板上100%的准确信息Shiteyatsu我店写在同一水平的主要信息,一个草率的掩盖Bakkari 173法 173 Concealment making the same level as the information of the tsu random nuclear house which temporary is done the ru Don t you think the justice no za writing 100 accurate item of information on the bulletin board the e it is You inspect suitably
什么是政府不断被欺骗,毕竟 ,在最严重的核电厂的安全具有一定成本高。 dama it is done until now in government … After all cost being high also safety the worst nuclear plant…
弥敦道,我会津说关于新速度抱怨勒人的话在日本最大的民主党人说民主党解决在基层Iteru行动投诉,但现在我咆哮津市Iteru电流的行为的主要用途 Existence moving using the electricity of the ru nuclear plant although the ru complaint you call to the nuclear plant becoming Existence moving although the ru Democratic party stays in Japan of the top complaint calling to the Democratic party don t you think the speech of the ru new fast people
我有什么可以在日本煤炭领域,如核电厂没有收到达洛尼加最强的一个瓦特的增加也坏家伙的脑袋对一个真正的849是不对齐的应变引起的事故仅土豆 849 Truly head bad person shelf w The ro where the nuclear plant which even in rise of thing conversion influence is not received is strongest The domestic coal field and the like digging accident it just causes using it is the viewing wa
福岛核能电厂事故真相不报了前所未有的核灾难〜樋口健治,日本现在有骚扰和公共安全已就差刀樋口先生 The kitchen knife being sent to Mr Higuchi and or with being the harassment of public peace current Japan Kenji Higuchi Unprecedented nuclear disaster Truth of the Fukushima nuclear large accident which is not reported
什么下降的液压库容逐渐沉积泥沙在大坝底部 The earth and sand accumulates hydraulic power on the bottom of the dam and the pondage keeps decreasing gradually
什么支持者水电,风从骗局 Therefore propulsion person [tsu] [te] of wind force hydraulic power, fraud
以前也有,但人类在地球的臭氧层破坏濒临灭绝 u200b u200b,经营从一个相当大的上升被发现是什么 After also in the past consisting however the terrestrial mankind fall set up with destruction of ozone layer using substantially it was something which is detected
以前也有,但人类在地球臭氧层耗竭濒临灭绝,工作在相当大的上升被发现是什么 After also in the past consisting however the terrestrial mankind fall set up with ozone layer destruction using substantially it was something which is detected
估计。厨房和福岛是什么赔偿Wamekou TEPCO放射性污染已经捕鱼世界领先的蓝天,这是对核电厂的成本已经成为非捕鱼 Guess. That the 厨 how probably will scream
Fukushima is polluted the radioactivity,
As for the Tokyo Electric Power Company indemnity blue ceiling
The worldwide prominent fishery is becoming fishing industry failure
This cost of nuclear plant
但责任是歪曲増长的家庭在日本 是 东京电力!常委会立即在,为什么人一节,我肯定是汝仍奉行应该受到谴责纳粹德国彻底 But lt The Tokyo Electric Power Company family gt As for the responsibility which you grow impudent in Japan the non zu There is a citizen standing to the thought where Therefore very you must impeach thoroughly as though Germany is thorough overtaking Nazis even now but
但东京电力公司 没有立即増长的家庭 这站上的原因茹肯定我仍然追求一种彻底的纳粹德国的日本人民的部分,必须受到谴责彻底 But lt The Tokyo Electric Power Company family gt As for the responsibility which you grow impudent in Japan the non zu There is a citizen standing to the thought where Therefore very you must impeach thoroughly as though Germany is thorough overtaking Nazis even now but
内部暴露了检查,所有200万 调查福岛县(夕刊富士),法国的反超越在静冈制作的“小学”反丑的集体火力9 9日元,水电面临绿茶食品检验标准的总价值3000万千瓦的电源(60分钟主)田中康夫,盈余已分配(HP日本新党)开始等待中国综合症?高野,2011年6月21日该杂志的编辑响应大希望──朝日电视台报道,福岛日本第一核电厂 You inspect everyone whom to internal exposure… Fukushima prefecture people 2 000 000 human investigation Evening paper huji France Shizuoka product food to entire quantity inspection In reference level exceeding of green tea Ugly face � thermal power 9 9 Yen of counter “counter nuclear” group with hydroelectric power 30 000 000 kW the nuclear 60 basis Yasuo � Tanaka where thing surplus is guaranteed new party Japan HP The China syndrome started Fukushima first nuclear plant ─ ─ Echo it spreads to TV Asahi reporting THE JOURNAL Takano discourse 2011 June 21st
NULL You inspect everyone whom to internal exposure… Fukushima prefecture people 2 000 000 human investigation Evening paper huji France Shizuoka product food to entire quantity inspection In reference level exceeding of green tea Ugly face � thermal power 9 9 Yen of counter “counter nuclear” group with hydroelectric power 30 000 000 kW the nuclear 60 basis Yasuo � Tanaka where thing surplus is guaranteed new party Japan HP The China syndrome started Fukushima first nuclear plant ─ ─ Echo it spreads to TV Asahi reporting THE JOURNAL Takano discourse 2011 June 21st
为什么不能确定,但 u200b u200b梅尔梅尔决定御前374?津市,我会骗达洛尼加思更不用说可再生能源?什么是不可靠的混合框架的新?每年的火灾危险性,故障计算是不会水?我得到尽可能多的人死于思Tteru一年? 374 Although there are no times when you decide why it decides Increasing thinking that by energy of nature it becomes electric power the ru the ro which is foolish It does not become applying So new framework tsu te what Fire accident of year hydraulic power breakdown it does not enter in risk calculation The annual no person dying thinking as the ru the ru
小★“廉价”核力量在于★神话12 23日元,9 9日元火力,并且是主要兴趣类型电力公司和政治家Kunaru★安全的可再生能源在未来的水电3 98日元经济最合理的零!对于节能问题需要的是什至不知道任何更多的核电厂现在可以停止,因为 Lie of nuclear “cheap” myth At atomic energy 12 23 Yen thermal power 9 9 Yen and hydraulic power 3 98 Yen economic rational zero Renewable energy in the future becomes cheapest It is swindled at the electric power company and the nuclear right politicians The nuclear plant stopping now entirely completely there is no problem There is no even necessity of conservation of electricity
小★“廉价”核力量在于★神话12 23日元,9 9日元火力,并且是主要兴趣类型电力公司和政治家Kunaru★安全的可再生能源在未来的水电3 98日元经济最合理的零!对于节能问题需要的是什至不知道任何更多的核电厂现在可以停止,因为 Lie of nuclear “cheap” myth At atomic energy 12 23 Yen thermal power 9 9 Yen and hydraulic power 3 98 Yen economic rational zero Renewable energy in the future becomes cheapest It is swindled at the electric power company and the nuclear right politicians The nuclear plant stopping now entirely completely there is no problem There is no even necessity of conservation of electricity
包括但不是绝对科学的停产小学它们,它立即引起了激烈的边缘地震科学不科学的思维逻辑,谁得到绝对没有投我思 Nuclear abolition group among those Although scientifically without fail and so on it is not as for earthquake happening directly being convinced that without fail it is not the ru non scientific ese scientists of illogical thought
另一方面,在明年春季主要操作都在定期检查停泊 _NULL_
各种转换为炼金术和幻想不可能 As for nuclide conversion same [huantaji] as alchemy
嘘,液化天然气发电,你还在做 Don't you think? that, as for LNG thermal power generation, doing even now, the [ru
因此,从价格上有没有通知穗节是没有的资源,无论是在2007年创建为以前的数据目前还不清楚为什么这样一个图 Therefore zooming of this resource price was not known with not to be thought whether why the particular graph was drawn up with just the data of time before 07 it is unclear
因此,从价格上有没有通知穗节是没有的资源,无论是在2007年创建为以前的数据目前还不清楚为什么这样一个图 Therefore zooming of this resource price was not known with not to be thought whether why the particular graph was drawn up with just the data of time before 07 it is unclear
因此,从价格上有没有通知穗节是没有的资源,无论是在2007年创建为以前的数据目前还不清楚为什么这样一个图 Therefore zooming of this resource price was not known with not to be thought whether why the particular graph was drawn up with just the data of time before 07 it is unclear
因此,从价格上有没有通知穗节是没有的资源,无论是在2007年创建为以前的数据目前还不清楚为什么这样一个图 Therefore zooming of this resource price was not known with not to be thought whether why the particular graph was drawn up with just the data of time before 07 it is unclear
因此,我们都穿着的战争罪行的烙印,是一个道歉和赔偿的坚持,继续支付赔偿金,如果 As a result,
Dressing stigma of war crime, Apology & compensation It is required continues to pay the indemnity obstinately,
在任何情况下,当我们必须首先深入讨论了能源政策,伪乐伪造这类物品的是遗憾 In any case you must keep deepening the argument of energy policy when this kind of fabrication ma is and very much it is regrettable for the article to appear
在任何情况下,当我们必须首先深入讨论了能源政策,伪乐伪造这类物品的是遗憾 In any case you must keep deepening the argument of energy policy when this kind of fabrication ma is and very much it is regrettable for the article to appear
在任何情况下,当我们必须首先深入讨论了能源政策,伪乐伪造这类物品的是遗憾 In any case you must keep deepening the argument of energy policy when this kind of fabrication ma is and very much it is regrettable for the article to appear
在任何情况下,当我们必须首先深入讨论了能源政策,伪乐伪造这类物品的是遗憾 In any case you must keep deepening the argument of energy policy when this kind of fabrication ma is and very much it is regrettable for the article to appear
在可再生能源的倡导者烈确信古曼迪万次更毒的主要倡导者谎言 Lie of energy of nature propulsion group 1,000,000 time to be more terrible than lie of nuclear propulsion group is full in malice
在沙特阿拉伯的例子是像落后于电力需求激增,另外对经济增长和人口增长 For example in Saudi Arabia,
Like rapid increase of increase in population and the electric power demand which accompany economic growth is a background
在风力涡轮机制造商风电特许权的特别兴趣→→太阳能电池太阳能电池板制造商作为总承包商轻微让步→目前已知的水电,风是我已经成为不少问题 Hydraulic power -> not saying the earth building right which can be known
Solar light -> manufacturer right of solar panel
Wind force -> manufacturer right of wind force generator
Especially, the wind force well enough had become problem, don't you think?
大岛教授,不是专家,尤其是核能源,讨论从社会学的角度看能源问题,经济专家 Professor Oshima is not the specialist of the especially atomic energy energy problem is discussed from point of view of sociology it is the specialist of economy
大岛教授,不是专家,尤其是核能源,讨论从社会学的角度看能源问题,经济专家 Professor Oshima is not the specialist of the especially atomic energy energy problem is discussed from point of view of sociology it is the specialist of economy
大岛教授,不是专家,尤其是核能源,讨论从社会学的角度看能源问题,经济专家 Professor Oshima is not the specialist of the especially atomic energy energy problem is discussed from point of view of sociology it is the specialist of economy
大岛教授,不是专家,尤其是核能源,讨论从社会学的角度看能源问题,经济专家 Professor Oshima is not the specialist of the especially atomic energy energy problem is discussed from point of view of sociology it is the specialist of economy
如假冒食品和食品添加剂不能查看菜单 The food additive and food disguise etc are not indicated in the menu
如果你能说服政府和私营部门,我会唱没用到全国骗子,EH不来的变化,以水电呢?这仅仅是不够的,一致的条件,你不能,“理想主义只是嘴角,”什么是证据表明,他们 If the self governing community and people are persuaded the swindler of not being useful singing in entire country the ro which the ru changes into hydraulic power and the re ru it is This much sufficiently condition being even the te it to be possible saying as for thing “the ideal theory tsu te evidence shelf just of the mouth”
为什么我卖了20年的保证只在水电上我就不可以呢?需要一些认识到,核梅尔 Acquiring guarantee to 20 year ones you sell and Hydraulic power is possible with something and says and thinks The atomic energy recognizes the fact that it is some necessary but
审判预计将明显高于太阳能和水力少 Solar light and hydraulic power are expectation compared to the causing re which considerably decreases
如果城市在日本创造了全面的军队和工厂烟雾人群中,数百万家庭将得到赔偿● If on a city scale it makes the large troop and the smoke full large troop of the factory in Japan, - It can supply several 1,000,000 households
如果大坝将与促进水电Datte不一致 If even hydraulic power propels, the deviation from dam it contradicts probably will be
当地老师说比754核电厂我Tteta补贴?核运动肯定和树300亿黄金,而是一个相当数量的公司的雇员,包括胸罩,我因此metalla 754 The teacher says how does the district with the subsidy other than the nuclear plant it is As for the nuclear plant one 300 000 000 000 gold moves but Dangling to that when it includes the employee of ru enterprise it is suitable number
“我反对核电”,“以促进在我的家伙津市雅罗无能无为水平不负责任的”语言 “The nuclear plant it opposes ” “it propels ” talking at level as for the ru person irresponsible yaro of disabled lack of policy
亲核力量的真正知道我说我要在发电反弹,其他方法都比较昂贵的火电和 As for nuclear group of supporters the thermal power and other generation of electricity methods being expensive however electric generation the tsu te which rises you say Don t you think it is like the certainly
农村中小学Tteta 754 ve食品补贴了怎么办?核运动肯定和树300亿黄金,而是一个相当数量的公司的雇员,包括胸罩,我因此metalla 754 You eat how it does the district with the subsidy of the nuclear plant it is As for the nuclear plant one 300 000 000 000 gold moves but Dangling to that when it includes the employee of ru enterprise it is suitable number
如果只有日本线瓦特从你所布莱恩的电源良好他妈的在577原发性非的问题?在日本的电力百分比是狗屎了,我错了70%左右 577 Because the ri ya which generates electricity with kuso outside problem other than the nuclear plant it is good w If very you it keeps coming out of Japan But as for ratio of the Japanese generation of electricity quantity approximately seven tenths outside problem kuso what
真实成本拆解核电Etara我觉得在学校教学Tteta老师说成本高的意思 As for the nuclear plant when dismantlement cost you think when cost it is high the teacher calls truth with class of the school
我们也拒绝接受捐款 u200b u200b使NHK收费dullsville The NHK listening fee which it does and is not either the yo u Denying it will contribute effectively
我想今天我是一个傻瓜,但到十日Janee 680最初它是在地下钚是?而要恢复到原来的问题呢? 680 We would like to have teaching to the we of the fool but it is plutonium Those which originally are in the earth well Resetting to the origin is a problem
武器级钚574的bukkake只赚取茶 574 In order to obtain bu tsu chi ya ke weapon class plutonium
我避开两年前我从169,不太好 169 Reading from around the year before last however the ru it is left over and good is not
第100至696读卖新闻大声向Suretai 696 Putting out suretai to voice 100 times read
放射性泄漏赞扬一个半世纪由地震或相当 With you say or, in every half a century in the earthquake an extolment radioactivity leak
旧(大部分数十年后,石油不再是),但我们也和说,由于煤和页岩气说对能源为例,其关注的不是从已知的蛋白质内消失这是 Because former times the petroleum it becomes not to be rear no ten years however it is serious with it is said If you say in regard to energy with the shale gas and favor of the coal The worry is while knowing has been gone is
我很喜欢铁路Ttashi减少对煤炭的需求本身电气化 Demand itself for the coal decreased rather with electrification and the like of the railroad die
核电不仅是对家庭和工业滋扰因为腿部的津春成本高拉连我们的国家安全,行李的存在 As for nuclear power generation in high cost reason in housekeeping expenses and the industry not only applying annoyance It pulls also the foot of security of our country the baggage existence
核能发电会相对昂贵的是最 Nuclear power generation means to be the most expensive generation of electricity
核能发电会相对昂贵的是最 Nuclear power generation means to be the most expensive generation of electricity
比如我付赡养费超过癌症死亡福岛 Pay in the cancer to Fukushima prefecture the excess death as a consolation money
津市Chimatta Youttekotodeinjanai不起作用679 Shimashi零风险可能会导致被昂贵的,如果你连你有没有,以及折旧和摊销在20年核事故 679 The work tsu chi those which it waited not to use also cost accounting and the like being because the te the money is required While using it is to be with the tsu lever which will designate the danger where nuclear accident occurs in about 20 years as zero it is not
例如,在几分钟内,只有几年可再生能源核电厂是很强的互补性被迫达洛尼加 Even if doing in only energy of nature the ro which it cannot supply nuclear amount at all in several years and is
反核派地震的结论,与有识之士指出,核事故的风险可能会导致海啸 Conclusion Counter nuclear group The people who have the foresight characteristic which pointed out the danger where nuclear accident occurs in earthquake and the tidal wave
同样不行了423主 423 It is same the nuclear plant to have become useless
津市Chimatta Youttekotodeinjanai不起作用679 Shimashi为零,而在20年的首要如果你从你的钱,但也有不贬值 679 The work tsu chi those which it waited not to use also cost accounting and the like being because the te the money is required While using it is to be with the tsu lever which will designate the danger where nuclear accident occurs in about 20 years as zero it is not
津市,我可以思和液化天然气进口的就是要稳定在你的大脑的花圃 Stabilizing LNG, thinking that it can import, the [ru] the flower garden shelf inside the brain
然后,我被排除在液化天然气发电厂及配套 Because it matches LNG the thermal power, outside the object
球员在做什么的大坝手是主要倡导者 The deviation from dam [tsu] [te] does the party the stooge of nuclear propulsion group
生产成本更低的成本和微型水力发电迷你●成本和费用和维修问题的80%权益,公共官员的贿赂和空心,其他20%,隐性成本和我的雇员补偿计算成本,核电生产成本 ●200%,故障排除和维修人工费用补偿10%的利息,公共官员和雇员行贿的镂空,其余90%,我隐藏的成本,我计算,不从达洛尼加 Calculation of cost The microphone filtered water power of mini and below that Prime cost production cost 80 Bribe of maintenance labor cost compensation right trouble medium pulling out and employee of government employee 20 In addition hiding ru cost the 200 Atomic energy Prime cost production cost 10 Bribe of maintenance labor cost compensation right trouble medium pulling out and employee of government employee 90 In addition hiding ru cost it is not The ro because so it calculates
对传播小水电的潜力可以忽略,如果立法的体制问题有关水权是这 This problem on system If the law which it is can ignore water facility right is enacted There is a possibility of small hydraulic power spread
水电生产成本●成本●成本计算,故障排除和维修人工费用补偿80%的权益,公共官员和空心的,其他20%,隐性成本和我的员工行贿, 200%●核利息补偿费用保持10%的贿赂政府官员和空心,其他90%,隐性成本和我,嗯,员工闹事生产成本费用不计算我 Calculation of cost Hydraulic power Prime cost production cost 80 Bribe of maintenance labor cost compensation right trouble medium pulling out and employee of government employee 20 In addition hiding ru cost the 200 Atomic energy Prime cost production cost 10 Bribe of maintenance labor cost compensation right trouble medium pulling out and employee of government employee 90 In addition hiding ru cost it is not The ro because so it calculates
由于特殊的液化天然气运输船,甚至两年完成从现在开始建设 Because the LNG boat it is special, building from now, as for completing ahead 2 years
电力,暂时也节省时间,让我们先电视消费AFO Well for the time being For conserving electricity ahuo you will turn off the television first
为了节省电力,让我们先电视消费AFO For conserving electricity ahuo you will turn off the television first
为了节省电力,让我们先电视消费AFO For conserving electricity ahuo you will turn off the television first
而且,水电和地热土地的依赖程度很高 And, hydraulic power and the terrestrial heat the land dependency are high
谷垣祯一推广,价值萎缩管 As for Tanigaki propulsion, as for the 菅 it is reduction, but don't you think?
这是太阳的太阳系最大的核电 Therefore solar system largest nuclear power generation = sun don't you think?
这桶相当于补贴和地方市政当局拨款为吸引主 The subsidy and the grant for the local self governing community which attracts the nuclear plant hit to this
的补贴分钟来到这个城市,我越不想 When it places also the subsidy amount which is put out to municipalities it rises more it is probably will be
那么,这样的事情是会发生十日在可再生能源的兴趣,但这次我球场的人没有什么不殆我在十日的能量过于强大,从其他现成的核电兴趣讨论的方式得到了什么?是什么,只有 Well right it occurs probably will be even by energy of nature As for such a thing most people knowing the ru This time established right of the nuclear plant even excessively from forcing Argument of other energy becoming the disturbance the ru it is it isn t With just tsu lever
应采取的,直到它是稳定的,不是一个primary m替代燃煤沿 This stabilizing until it reaches the point where you take as for the thermal power in substitution of the nuclear plant viewing
相对小成本上飞建在所有9 9720日元我认为他们不会产生燃气涡轮机 720 Hurrying constructed relatively cost of the small scale gas turbine thermal power At all you think that it is not settled in 9 9 Yen
都来在国内做邪恶的,“这是最大的矛盾←●”每一年,需要所有的数万亿日元,“利益”如果说,在小学,到神秘的积极变化改变“和希望,在此最佳条件下,这些乱世,但如果一个百万富翁卖私人恩戴到自己的业务,例如该国是做库雷尼十日甜,腥 For the country not to come it is bad” lt This largest contradiction ““Right of several trillion Yen of every year the entire is taken” and nuclear plant can be changed if we would like to change positively” that you ask with your these times of the highest condition selling to people if you manage by your although it is 100 010 000 millionaire unless the country does the presumption is suspicious
当我看到,不仅一直说讲机组措施,以减少,尽管来自不同机构的安全措施费用的建议,几乎,而不是一个公司,可以管理和运作核电证明 There was advice from the various systems concerning safety measure in spite for cost reduction not to devise measure when only excuse looking at the form which has been done unless it is the company which possibly it can manage can use the nuclear plant it was proven
梅尔然后进行主任569的反节奏?我有一个故事,是应该的,我很遗憾,如果立法者尚未为什么一些核 569 After the deviation from nuclear plant it is advanced at some pace But with expectation what which becomes the story which is said why still in part The Assemblyman who has lingering in the atomic energy being don t you think
阿霍“反对核力量!在水电十日白”政府“好了,让一个水电站大坝”傻瓜“大坝是一种浪费!反对” M傻瓜用电 aho “nuclear opposition Hydroelectric power margin ” Government “ the dam for hydroelectric power the wa which is made” The aho “dam is wasteful Opposition ” Electricity you use aho is
随着沿海地区提供了沿着黄金海岸彼此多么巨大的工作 With the enormous gold making in the coast paralleling, it offers to the area of the coast paralleling
面前的有线电视台反核派斜口管鞋新闻播出的玄界部介绍 News of the counter nuclear group which gets together before the Genkai cable TV station which broadcasts the explanation of the multipara ministry
(不问题上的烟的颜色)或贬的LNG拼命火力 (There is no problem of color of the smoke), becoming desperate, the LNG thermal power is relegated