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'Reinforcements' House of Councillors Budget Committee Tuesday afternoon disappeared Prime Minister Naoto Kan


  • - 康枪瓦特证人的权利一会儿,然后主机凯旋而归!我可能会说 - W
    The witness it tries summoning town declaration right wing, w <菅 [ganbare]! > Whether the [tsu] [te] you say, w

    • 293最后的神秘,甚至有些试验传票信子
      293 Last secret principles, there is also Nobuko summons and the [re] it is

      • 347线只到医院 347 Illness Institute To Line ke
        • 176 134 NULL
        • 371疯狂和我瓦特 371 Maniac shelf w
        • 419 邪恶,并 419 It was bad…
        • 671是什么道理? 671 What logic
        • 从小泽的195学校Desho 195 Therefore Ozawa group with it does the yo
        • 做这些事情,有这么远吗? Until now there was such kana
        • 哦772搜 772 sou so so
        • 这还是129? 129 This kana

      • 517 等,只有用力推人去管理,你和我第一次爆终止委任茹看到有人管这,谁是喜欢那些有才华的家伙切,和像梅尔贬的感觉,摆在我们面前的家伙南特 517 gt Irresponsible Cabinet shelf However gt also the tube is bad therefore the other party disabled it became like this it is the ro which is gt Pushing that to tube one person Such the eye which looks at the person of the 菅 which appoints ending the ru it is the kind of person who is refused in the competent person likely The 菅 is looked down upon is it is the how person as for you
        • 当然应该拒绝任何企图任命新 Trying to appoint the new person of course we should deny

      • 690或者说,我不知道该Dzuke不是说我们完全可以理解,我 690 With you say or are said and ru thing securely being able to understand you do not become aware in it is
        • 这显然 u200b u200b是误导690 690 It is misunderstood Easy to know

      • Majiresu和523,皇帝的住所,从实实在在的Kemasen线而不是之前的宫殿的理由

        • NHK Warosu狗屎相机角度,我看是最好的继电器
          However relay you see, droppings [warosu] NHK camera angle was highest

          • “奥拉说没有谁是在南特说我已经完成了兴趣 ” With opinion of ora is completed There is no how interest which someone proposes and
            • “说Ola m与它好,如果我完成 ” With opinion of ora is completed Then it is possible to be that
            • 但重要的是使局势更容易意见的人总是在 But important thing the person under makes the circumstance which is easy to give an advise with anytime

          • ヽ我 ヽ更好゙特゙ ヽ乌索队〜 ? Hahahahahaha ∧∧ Λ Λ ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i REPT mashi ゙ te ゙ 92 REPT utsuso hahahahahaha ∧ ∧ 92 λ λ ∀ Λ Ω ∀ wa l ⌒ i ⌒ ⊂ REPT ∩ ⌒ ⌒ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 92
            • 1∧∧ヽ(·ω·)WWW 想与任何人 S゙公司( 在C,,,, 1 ∧ ∧ REPT Ω su ゙ ko No one being and ru www 92 92 No ha ¯ ¯
            • ヽ我 ヽ更好゙特゙ ヽ乌索队〜? Hahahahahaha ∧∧ Λ Λ ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT i REPT mashi ゙ te ゙ 92 REPT utsuso hahahahahaha ∧ ∧ 92 λ λ ∀ Λ Ω ∀ wa l ⌒ i ⌒ ⊂ REPT ∩ ⌒ ⌒ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 92

          • 下转,你会只发生在具有唯一本杰明先生扬声器驱动器
            Following turn and [benjiyamin] you run with the loudspeaker and attach

            • 什么一个WWW议会休会一块封闭的盆地
              It is one scene of the Diet building which with the tray day off has become recess or, www

              • 什么是医院,是正确的?只有由总理决定 gt Either one is correct it is Those where there is a balance are just Prime Minister
                • 什么是医院这是正确的?只有由总理决定 Either one is correct it is Those where there is a balance are just Prime Minister
                • 什么是医院这是正确的?只有由总理决定 Either one is correct it is Those where there is a balance are just Prime Minister

              • 什么是意识远离失Urashii 897,所以我觉得在Shimanai痛苦 897 That tsu te consciousness is lost first because it seems is not to suffer so probably will be

                • 从电视镜头上的房子,因为对方基本上 Therefore the camera of House of Councillors TV basic from opposite side

                  • 但侃“COM,批评民主党的感觉”胖,但我从总理溶胶 魏感“是什么,我不知道思十日 So as for 菅 “ bo Democratic party Assemblyman criticizes the 菅 although Therefore “the bo as for me Prime Minister it is great it is zo which is ” With you think it is probably will be
                    • 但侃“胖,但我是从溶胶 魏电感总理”是什么,我不知道思十日 So as for 菅 Therefore “the bo as for me Prime Minister it is great it is zo which is ” With you think it is probably will be

                  • 体现了什叶派东条英机的期望是,如果说美国是太郎铃木
                    Forcing, if you say, what expectation to Touziyou body word it does is inside the United States, Kantarou Suzuki

                    • 哈衣室138它WWW南特 138 That how remaining overnight per room www
                      • 这是我Janakatta科拉(W This tsu te kora it was not it is w

                    • 在列四名男子和懦夫,带我走在了前列,最终分离出的勇气
                      The mean person man in the fourth line, the courage which finally is isolated with the forefront was attached w

                      • 在政治南特缺席,但不向任何人出生思不便,这只是 In other words you think that politics which does not apply annoyance on everyone how it does not exist but it is
                        • 在五木思,如果你只是政治,做我把一个孩子将在天顶首相 If with the idea the extent which politics is done the prime minister it should have pointed to with also the child store manager

                      • 在邪恶的故事是南特东条英机但是不应该只 But therefore with saying it does not become the how story whose only Touziyou is atrocious
                        • 为什么不怪,如果由近卫东条英机谴责 If Touziyou is criticized why the Imperial Guards not being criticized

                      • 在革命,对汉奸的爱国者,叛徒得到看到的是,还存在一定的爱国者
                        With process of revolution, the national loyal retainer in the traitor, as for the traitor being visible in the national loyal retainer way is to be

                        • 地球是惊天成为左翼政府
                          When it becomes left flank administration, the ground shakes

                          • 好了495,这是违背了耸人听闻的语言使用Ikarasa Ttena“个人意见,请部长每次听到有”很长一段时间,我看到了第一次议会我觉得片山之间的温差和铅管不是 u200b u200b孤立的,孤立的瓦特约奇怪的消息是真的在等待死亡的一半开始腐烂的尸体,更谈不上确切地知道真相真的不再打猎输出扭矩真正看到更好看 495 Because well exorbitant word is not used There conversely “as for individual opinion that please hear in each minister of state” however temperature difference between Katayama was felt don t you think You looked at the National Diet after a long time but the fragment there is no isolation of the 菅 truly w The orphan raising you saw carefully with news but when really you see you understand truly well Already it dies truly instead of the body half decomposition starting about the ru the shelf
                            • 好495,措辞严厉的隔离你第一次看到了很长时间,但我觉得之间的管片山,这是与W Ikarasa Ttena扭转温差真的多管无铅议会没有该消息说的等待隔离刚开始半腐烂的尸体死亡更不用说确切地知道真相真的不再打猎输出扭矩真正看到更好看 495 Because well exorbitant word is not used There conversely “as for individual opinion that please hear in each minister of state” however temperature difference between Katayama was felt don t you think You looked at the National Diet after a long time but the fragment there is no isolation of the 菅 truly w The orphan raising you saw carefully with news but when really you see you understand truly well Already it dies truly instead of the body half decomposition starting about the ru the shelf
                            • 神枪瓦特管与民政管理的声音,但不指望在恢复人民,党的一大突破分手八月 With voice of citizen as for 菅 gansu It disperses during August But Party of everyone Large rapid advance But the reason which administration recapture is expected w

                          • 如果您要求辩论梅尔,我认为我们需要一个明确的主题 If argument is requested you think that the clear topic is necessary

                            • 如果我叫你无知的人分配巴巴小月议员是谁
                              It is who, as for the foolish people who being attached [babaa] have been called

                              • 媒体。但他们在比赛中间接面积十日生2在民主党的支持率出现的捍卫者不是因为民主党会贬继续确保公正不属于当前媒体的数字下降 Mass communications However protection or being it is said well 2 indirect with the meaning which looks down upon the Democratic party It just does not appear it probably continues the support ratio of the Democratic party to go down securely in the number of the mass communications
                                • 媒体。但他们在比赛中间接面积十日生2在民主党的支持率出现的捍卫者不是因为民主党会贬继续确保公正不属于当前媒体的数字下降 Mass communications However protection or being it is said well 2 indirect with the meaning which looks down upon the Democratic party It just does not appear it probably continues the support ratio of the Democratic party to go down securely in the number of the mass communications

                              • 小泽一郎安藤延昌883
                                883 Ichiro Ozawa Ando Makoto righteousness

                                • 小渊的一样,我只是有责任站上第一艘被削减
                                  Until Kobuchi likely, the blood vessel it is cut off, it blames and only raises

                                  • 当悬浮在一个不守信用的防御攻势,描述的总理(布道?)森林WWW孩子没羽
                                    When discontinuing with insincere reply rapid fire, 菅 in the prime minister explanation (preachment? ) Has done Forest [yu] [u] child www

                                    • 我穿哪出,东条英机是不是说了100万总南特进一步皇帝自杀有罪呢? 741如果是这样的议程↑“不得不说的Shippe看出来,我认为没有任何意义 Furthermore The emperor 100 000 000 entire death for honor how proposing Tojo wearing crime It is both what If ↑ this subject 741 You think that there is no meaning “you propose and in the tsu pe searching

                                      • 我穿哪出,东条英机是不是说的100万总南特自杀或皇帝不是说100万自杀无视皇帝东条英机,6768总南特了有罪呢? 6768 Tojo ignoring the emperor 100 000 000 entire death for honor how proposing The emperor 100 000 000 entire death for honor how proposing Tojo wearing crime It is both what
                                        • 平均768万美元的战争彻底想自杀 768 As for 100 000 000 death for honor meaning you think that it is thoroughness resistance

                                      • 我穿着白色服装的293朝圣者
                                        293 It should have worn the white costume of pilgrim

                                        • 政府的荏外交Masugomi补充说,如果我点击
                                          Cowardice diplomacy of government it hits the mass rubbish die

                                          • 日本是一个非常好的没有发生有一个没有核武器
                                            Japan did not have the nuclear weapon and [te] truth was good

                                            • 日本没来之前,现在可能从视图中隐藏的知识 Japan which does not inform certainly until now is visible
                                              • 从那不勒斯小李596 WWWWW NULL

                                            • 昨天我在看它与家人和议会,由另一方部长,带你惊讶,我是什么有趣的说法通常是第创新行委员会 This yesterday however the National Diet you see in the family and simultaneous the parent is surprised the empty Other minister of state was going to commission passing general universal however the word tsu it solved humor w
                                              • 该委员会是不是在寻找毒气和灰尘448塔卡 448 High it is unfortunate there is no commission seeing re of the dust

                                            • 民主党不仅是不负责任的,积极的成员
                                              The Democratic party irresponsible just Assemblyman who does not have motivation

                                              • 没有310,是民主党的小泽的民主党党从什么 310 Therefore well Democratic party Assemblyman from the Democratic party tsu te the Ozawa party
                                                • 可是,我我的bukkake受害者,肇事者Democrats m Something the victim hitting however the ru Democratic party Assemblyman is the assailant

                                              • 海江田部长,压力测试条件并再次运行不一定说 gt As for Minister of State Kaieda as for the stress test always there is no condition of re work that you say
                                                • 海江田部长,压力测试和运行再上不一定,说 As for Minister of State Kaieda as for the stress test always there is no condition of re work that you say
                                                • 海江田部长,压力测试和运行再上不一定,说 As for Minister of State Kaieda as for the stress test always there is no condition of re work that you say

                                              • 点击゙粉数据粉数据゙゙゙点击“海江田”压力测试为明年的最后报告
                                                [uta] ゙ [uta] ゙ [ku] ゙ [ta] ゙ [ku] ゙ [ta] ゙” As for final paper of Kaieda “stress test next year

                                                • 然后过滤和左环顾四周不安瓦特从15秒管看到,哦,没有人支持,我喜欢看wwwwwwwwwwwwwww Considered as 15 seconds w The 菅 doing rear left and right and kiyorokiyoro Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww which the a everyone is and well the like face it has done
                                                  • 134 7:左,右,然后环顾四周躁动管瓦特从滤液看到有15秒后,没有人支持,我喜欢看wwwwwwwwwwwwwww 134 7 Considered as 15 seconds w The 菅 doing rear left and right and kiyorokiyoro Wwwwwwwwwwwwwww which the a everyone is and well the like face it has done

                                                • 然而,一直保持一点也从以前的自民党支持率16%,不会抛出批评政府接收 Simply also the Liberal Democratic Party support ratio from the last time 1 pointing depreciating we have been restricted to the 16 it could not to become the saucer of administration criticism

                                                  • 特别是在下半年它Puropagandajan694瓦特,逃生门管是不是永远和Tteka?如果没有再传递到下一个案件,可 694 That especially latter half propaganda it is w So the tube growing and others which does not escape saying When what it is possible is gone next cover

                                                    • 目前在注射Shippe耆那教目前的问题707 是对一个事实的口号是我从来没有自杀行为或百万 707 So gt You propose and is not problem of the tsu pe it is it is not kana gt The fact where 100 000 000 death for honor is one slogan it does not move it is to put out
                                                      • 707 是对一个事实的口号是我从来没有自杀行为或百万 707 gt You propose and is not problem of the tsu pe it is it is not kana gt The fact where 100 000 000 death for honor is one slogan it does not move it is to put out
                                                      • Shippe问题是否注射690耆那教不说不做?是一个口号,实际上是亿自杀行为我不 690 Is not problem of the proposing tsu pe it is it is not kana The fact where 100 000 000 death for honor is one slogan it does not move it is to put out

                                                    • 看来,他们不知道,东条英机在网络上和太平洋(大东亚战争)的信息,我们建议您首先看到它检查 Way Tojo thing is not known therefore with the net Tojo information The Pacific war Greater East Asia War we recommend that it tries inspecting

                                                      • 简,“娃哈哈!Reyo地球我摇摆了!珠江只有我们的援助!” 菅 “As for wahaha The ground it shakes more Before helping our ”
                                                        • “回答前康瓦特可能 ” With you answer 菅 as for you w

                                                      • 菅直人担任首相,但478出了问题,由于鼠疫是一流的!
                                                        478 But 菅 as for Naoto as a prime minister irrelevance, as a pest the super top rank!

                                                        • 菅直人,也都最差也炫
                                                          [nomuhiyon] and 菅 both Naoto is worst

                                                          • 菅直人,在官邸恐怖杰克韩国人质受害者
                                                            The sufferer in the hostage the Korean terrorist who the official residence the jack is done 菅 Naoto

                                                            • 菅直人,总理的问题小月片山一定要听到的议员众议院预算委员会预算委员会的自民党首相★
                                                              * 菅 Prime minister of budget committee At House of Councillors budget committee Liberal Democratic Party Katayama it is attached and inquires about the question of the person 菅 Prime Minister Naoto

                                                              • 该碎片是赞扬毛泽东在新宿嬲日Rero无铅死亡仍然孤立的,没有相应的命运
                                                                While it is insular ridicule and be killed In the rubbish which extols Mao Tse-tung at Shinjuku, the suitable end road

                                                                • 请“的问题”听说部长 ” With in question Please hear “in the minister of state
                                                                  • 请“的问题”听说部长 ” With in question Please hear “in the minister of state

                                                                • 达洛尼加管再次,要组织或南北之间和错误的捐款只是不削减量量
                                                                  As for the 菅 already amount the error to demon cannot convert the donation to the [ro] and the north-related group which are out to just amount

                                                                  • 达洛尼加自己的错,向上争取国会事务喋喋不休出售津
                                                                    The quarrel sale [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is to national opposite the empty The [ro] which is our industry complacency

                                                                    • 这不是可能在総出PEP国家宣言偏旱后
                                                                      When the manifesto it throws, the spirit shelf may rise to action with the national entire coming out,

                                                                      • 这就像美国福克斯新闻周一 The FOX news like of America it rubbed
                                                                        • 所以,如果我把每天朝日评论 If Asahi everyday like this comment it may attach

                                                                      • 这部电影是什么,但有些不按是恶性或倒塌至今做 There is no animated picture or is the saddle regardless this the vicious kora shelf You do the mass communications to here
                                                                        • 本新闻是恶性,但我远高良 As for this vicious kora shelf You do the mass communications to here

                                                                      • 阚学到高中“四面楚歌”Kolya也是散射项
                                                                        You learn the 菅 at junior high school, the word, “four surface 楚 songs” intellectual viewing the being disgusted [ya

                                                                        • 霸王689不同的血液Tteru公主?汉族是一个四面楚歌的部队战略
                                                                          689 The princess [te] of classified by supremacy king knowing, the [ru]? As for four surface 楚 songs ruse of Chinese troop side

                                                                          • 驰援Warosu WWWW WWWW Warosu我们到决策机构这一Warosu什么WWWW
                                                                            This [warosu] wwww which is what And it is with the Japanese largest decision making system, wwww [warosu] wwww [warosu]…

                                                                            研究 開発