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Reopening lag of nuclear plant “rumor damage” and speech nine electric chairman [7/1


  • 207没有,EH坏我可能认为你喜欢 207 Well because you you think likely the ro which is useless what
    • 我不干看它什么wikipedea wikipedea something seeing whether end

  • 467把事情我们需要了解如何用电?不能,除非一个稳定的电力使用处理白天的事情我能理解吗?什么是被卖为支持经济创造这样的事我可以理解一个公司的例子吗?希望削减电力成本,并取代它的第一个火电停止所有核电厂,以了解正式?可再生能源和注射管十日说,我们不信任,从尝试做任何东西,有没有保证,但律师事务所,我可以理解吗? 467 To make the thing you can understand the fact that electricity is necessary Stabilizing one Japanese Chinese electricity unless it utilizes you can understand the fact that it is some which it cannot process Enterprise making such ones selling you can understand the fact that it supports economy Stopping the nuclear plant temporarily entirely when it changes that to thermal power generation you can understand the fact that electric charges rise The tube proposing renewable energy although either completely the guarantee it is not in something it has been about probably to doing You can understand the fact that enterprise has deepened the distrust When it becomes unable to use electricity favorite using electricity the thing How it does you can understand the enterprise which was made

    • 727●●●●●●●●●●●●● 727
      • ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
      • 你肯定做Kanawan热走动的情况下尽快 Move quickly Here and there being hot the kana cup
      • 图片来源 Picture Source
      • 我死我死我死我死我死我死 Die die die Die die die

    • ID:ldevB0ul0马呢。我再漂白
      ID: ldevB0ul0 still the horse. Bleaching, [ru]?

      • ID:WWWWW新ldevB0ul0库
        ID: ldevB0ul0 painful wwwww

        • ll保证,政府将 gt From somewhere As written on in regard to the uranium but Thinking that gt in the natural gas in the margin coal margin something you can do in the current government which diplomacy how is not done completely ru Government guarantees gt in regard to the loss of the farmer probably will be The delusion where these of what are convenient
          • 颜射的选择将选择在这种情况下,不严格铀 Selection hitting the uranium in this circumstance selection is harsh probably will be

        • Rusamaru °关闭穿孔燃料棒,放射性物质泄漏的并不多,是啊,但我有好思° Rusamaru产量metalla
          Because [hu] ゚ [rusamaru], perforated, radioactive physical leaking out of the fuel rod, it is many, when [hu] ゚ [rusamaru] you stop, you think that it is good, but it is,

          • WWWWW编号:HP比0 ldevB0ul0长!
            wwwww ID: HP of ldevB0ul0 already 0!

            • 东西碾坪矿。我人生淇被埋百突出
              Coal mine something year flat. They were hundred life coming burying, it is

              • 主要的优势了,毕竟,“马上宣布,直到你达到进入核设施的导弹袭击已经”,“核冬天之后是未来Ru ll做什么”“没事!宣布承受即使是大浦洞Kepco公司的 In short because predominance of the nuclear plant already “is already the facility that you shoot the missile in the nuclear plant and are packed it declared” When “such a thing is done the winter of the nucleus comes” “It is all right It declared that it can withstand also tepodon Kansai Electric Power Company
                • 立即宣布,直到你达到进入核电这样的导弹攻击“,”核冬天之后是未来Ru ll做什么“”没事!宣布,韩国电力公社将承受即使是大浦洞 Therefore that you shoot the missile in the nuclear plant and are packed it declared” When “such a thing is done the winter of the nucleus comes” “It is all right It declared that it can withstand also tepodon Kansai Electric Power Company

              • 也许瓦特安上成长中的一代更比海外转移或地方自治代
                Whether the foreign country moving rather than how private power generation or regional generation of electricity cheapness, don't you think? w

                • 事故和安全问题以及确认→国家的措施因海啸海啸→执行
                  As for accident tidal wave cause -> tidal wave measure execution -> country safety check end Well there is no problem

                  • 什么Tercan说没问题,确保了石油燃料研究所

                    • 但是,这是什么问题具体是什么原因造成的意外来了,所以不能造成事故 When accident occurs whether how it does although it has asked concretely accident that has tried does not occur

                      • 你都有它适用于小学,因为残留的运动比他们做了错误所以,你必须是主要的倡导者,支持者的核电是靠不住的,甚至是主要的业务主张不可信
                        It applies that to all nuclear plants and sets, therefore moves it does not become the reason that is, and Nuclear propulsion group blunder above doing, cannot trust nuclear propulsion group and, it cannot trust either the work of nuclear propulsion group

                        • 例如阻力886,第二个出现在福岛性的例子吗?我没想到它是一个双海啸,但被忽略了,还是我们预计误适合所有核电厂当然这是一个原因,它不是一个动态的蛋糕它,因为那些由中暑绕过死亡,如果有人因此,不运行,因为它的初级和,这就是对球员本人反对的责任,国家汇率的我和surplus m全由贸易平衡确定要货币,随时可用,经济常识 886 It had withstood it probably has withstood Fukushima second reality In one and it is the tidal wave in two It did not expect that although or it could expect but as for ignoring certainly blunder It applies that to all nuclear plants and sets therefore moves it does not become the reason that is and Without making the nuclear plant with that as the reason if someone dies being the hear stroke as a result That is responsibility of the party who is opposite That rate of exchange is decided with balance of trade it is Putting out the black ink balance the currency of ru country rises common sense of economy Calling therefore as for ru you as though it enters into the hand simply or is Why whether it enters into the hand simply you inquire about the reason but it is In regard to the uranium because already there is long term contract it does not become scramble
                          • 此外,许多灵魂在海啸SMN是一个新的层面的灵魂 Furthermore it took in the tidal wave as for many souls in the dimension whose soul is new…

                        • 公司决定先主后会从源公司730出站和从什么御前它没有必要说谎,所以我会说,它通过将来自源出Dattara,你过滤在玩什么,如果你能悄悄地不敢有一点点取得编写企业社会责任概述有我要你知道 730 Enterprise of the intention of keeping coming out of the origin After the nuclear stopping the enterprise which decides that is another When it is the intention of keeping coming out of the origin so you say probably will be Then because lie the necessity and the like to be attached it is not Very you you do and become tsu te ru intention and just a little try writing summary of ru CSR there Because grading It is not possible if saying nothing the ro
                          • 旧的主895达洛尼加更安全,这就是一个更好的建立和肯定是没有退役,即使它是这几十年的东西 895 As for being old the one which newly founded in closed reactor is good The ro where the one is safe Therefore in each case as for the nuclear plant assuming that it is gone as for that many ten years thing ahead

                        • 几十年来,“但不是我的车装,从周五Datte检查,获得”我是这么说了,现在多“,而像我在检查车程花”的瓦特 So far because several dozen years “only the inclination which does vehicle inspection it does not do even the gold you can receive the car ” Although the te you said “it rides in the car where after so long a time vehicle inspection is completed when kind of those which are ” is w

                          • 南特荣誉太调皮地装饰这些人
                            In these people The decoration and decoration how Acting playfully too much

                            • 原。奴隶劳动的侵犯和虐待他们
                              Field. The slave produces work violation and human rights violation,

                              • 啊,外面的设施价值塔柱的安全
                                Therefore [a], as for transmission of electricity tower outside safety equipment don't you think?

                                • 因此,我希望你不要自以为是,要解决当前电力供应紧张,你做什么,让核电临时运作? “当我 Because is it is the impudent request but in order to cancel current electricity shortage you cannot permit the temporary work of the nuclear plant probably will be Don t you think ” with
                                  • Itenai我听到一些愚蠢的中国与它的核 Nuclear something of China it is not heard to that the fool
                                  • 十日正常显示,如果他们拥有自己的数据是从核十日燃煤设备进行采购,例如海外安全 For example when the equipment and material of the thermal power it supplies from the foreign country if the nuclear plant safety that data is shown personally securely when
                                  • 我可以知道里面的主要原因工人担心人民对人民的579座核电站 579 Insecurity to nuclear plant of people Don t you think the nuclear operator tsu te thing which knows the circumstance of people inside

                                • 在417,我说谁是津市哪里是日本经济的崩溃,有没有核力量?唯一的话,我认为人去W的经济发展原子弹后什么? 417 Unless so there is a nuclear plant someone of tsu te somewhere the Japanese economy collapses saying the ru As for the chi seeing immediately after a bomb dropping the person being brought up in w thinking that economy develops the ru

                                  • 在日本,地震频繁的国家,从狭义我发现,第一次检查是没有意义的,不要损害主踢使用继续保持目前的安全声誉风险太大 There is no rumor damage It was found that it is not meaning in original vehicle inspection therefore it is In Japan where the country occurs frequently earthquake narrowly while it is current safety level it continues using the nuclear plant risk is too high
                                    • 这看起来就像梅尔在世界上,并通过频繁,这仍 When this way is in the world mel it reaches the point where through occurs frequently probably will be

                                  • 地震相关法案,我什至提出Temasen,W菅直人
                                    The earthquake disaster-related bill, even submitting doing, don't you think? increase it is, 菅 Naoto w

                                    • 塞罗瓦特我谴责在20公里强行迁往面积
                                      Force immigrate on criticism area 20km inside w

                                      • 够了,“Yanarann u200b u200boha Shinaki对检查检验,引擎可能爆炸”说,这种情况达洛尼加 Sufficient “If vehicle inspection is not done in the vehicle inspection viewing there is a possibility the engine exploding” the te the ro which is the circumstance which can be said
                                        • 够了,他说:“检查是发动机可能爆炸”说,这种情况达洛尼加 Sufficient “In the vehicle inspection there is a possibility the engine exploding” the te the ro which is the circumstance which can be said

                                      • 如果化石燃料的独家奉献“的化石燃料的风险,”但我只是担心遥,如果你得到更多的铀风险“化石燃料”和“铀燃料的风险”,将不必担心既
                                        If fossil fuel one side falling down “risk of the fossil fuel” just worrying, the [re] it is good, but When the uranium is added, it becomes necessary to be worried about the both “of risk of the fossil fuel” and “risk of the uranium fuel”

                                        • 如果您对煤炭战斗担心,福岛第一制药瓦特我应该担心的铀反核派这是东西造成的各种治理缺乏,竞争“的主要危险,”什么可以达洛尼加 If you are worried about the scramble of the coal is w where the person who is worried about the scramble of the uranium in counter nuclear group is good Fukushima first is something which lack of all gabanansu brings Very that “as for nuclear plant dangerous” tsu lever Toda ro
                                          • 如果您对煤炭战斗担心,福岛第一制药瓦特,我应该对竞争的担心铀之前,是什么原因造成的每一件事情缺乏治理,“核能是危险的,”我能达洛尼加 If you are worried about the scramble of the coal is w where the person who first is worried about the scramble of the uranium is good Fukushima first is something which lack of all gabanansu brings Very that “as for nuclear plant dangerous” tsu lever Toda ro

                                        • 它不能应对热膨胀的具体例子说的好 Well speaking concretely being the case that it can correspond with addition of the thermal power
                                          • 卓越是越往下,以适应热需求 The thermal power which it can correspond to the top and bottom of demand is excellent

                                        • 对于另外的例子说,它进口每Datte铀?断然反对核电厂在世界,如果你认为会怎样呢?该值将上升,那么供应可能增加 In addition if you say even the uranium is the imports When being decided the world nuclear opposition completely you think that how it becomes It will increase in price but when so it does supply increases
                                          • Etara深思熟虑,福岛核事故可能是有害的谣言 When you thought well also Fukushima nuclear accident was rumor damage
                                          • “M到目前为止,世界上电力,我退出了主 Therefore with electric generation dantotsu the greatest in the world what don t you think the nuclear plant it will stop
                                          • 中断不能停止等待的671主 671 The nuclear plant stopping it is not stopped
                                          • 什么是任何和平发展的主要依据 If there is a nuclear plant being able to do the basis which grows
                                          • 即使是现在的胜利甚至支持者,不要以为反对派可以从社会淘汰 Even if assuming that propulsion group now won there is no reason which can remove group of objectors from society
                                          • 在任何情况下,风险评估和核电671,有必要澄清去评价的主要成本 671 Does it is needed to in each case to clarify nuclear risk appraisal and deviation from nuclear cost appraisal
                                          • 大众歇斯底里那就是支持者核电 Very nuclear propulsion group group hysteria shelf
                                          • 如果将连接铀,coal ll戴不好,为什么不呢?我也后悔没有使用它主张Shitarou You say that the uranium becomes the connection if is why the coal it is useless what to be The wax which also propulsion group reflects Don t you think it is not done
                                          • 对于另外的例子说,它进口每Datte铀?当世界是,如果你反对核电,我想会怎样呢?该值将上升,那么供应可能增加 In addition if you say even the uranium is the imports When being decided the world nuclear opposition completely you think that how it becomes It will increase in price but when so it does supply increases
                                          • 我接触到洪水,如果沿在地震多发核电海愚蠢斜角 In earthquake large country the nuclear plant the seacoast it means that the foolishness which it is flooded is exposed
                                          • 我认为核电对手往往只有少数茶的bukkake You think that it is nuclear group of objectors tsu te small amount with bu tsu chi ya ke gachi
                                          • 白色和增加火力迅速成为主要通过声明断然说,如果政府停止停止停止 If it stops it stops being government stops the nuclear plant completely declaring Quickly it becomes the thermal power reinforcement margin
                                          • 菅直人,从本计划没有明确的规划小学去了 NULL

                                        • 对进口化石燃料的数量不是鳃,不远处的核事故将是一个什么损失大幅卵石
                                          If import of the fossil fuel rises with great amount, suddenly, very that it becomes also the loss which is not nuclear accident

                                          • 并成为在经济崩溃的底部重要的问题?由于只有一个谎言,一种习惯我只是担心你自己的钱包
                                            When economy fails, it becomes life and death problem of base? In the habit which lie you attach, only worry of your own wallet you have done

                                            • 我ID:ldevB0ul0我有节能
                                              It is what, ID: As for ldevB0ul0 going out?

                                              • 我不自来水从WW我喜欢他,以加强在业余拍摄这种微细的薄弱环节 Because the weak kind of part which understands even with such an amateur was not reinforced now being hit with ru reason

                                                • 我可以再次运行导演菅直人,例如,下面的安全 gt Back burner such as safety It re worked indicated 菅 Naoto s thing
                                                  • 然后,所以也不好,如果你说,菅直人 When that it probably will train if 菅 Naoto declares be good

                                                • 我将你在电量耗尽您将移动海外各
                                                  The foreign country it moves, it does Electric power becomes insufficient, it does The same shelf

                                                  • 我迫不及待的诉讼程序确定恢复正常运作的反应堆南特
                                                    Being decided securely with operational reopening procedure how law of the reactor, they probably are [ru] ones

                                                    • 戴伦恩九州电力电气这句话的是为什么,如果你后悔吗?什么是亚拉亚拉NISA管理机构是一个组织,需要一个更杰出的差异,它是对已执行的解决方案?不,我写的计划? “白和运行了!”如果你叫的鸿沟,至少在安全边缘结束的故事 If you reflected such speech of nine electricity is made with something it is to be Preservation institute anything check system just make completely difference organization are different Or so that was executed Or well being planned it is the ru “Re work margin ” With you say if is after safety measure of there ending at least it is story
                                                      • 神经不理解,使得在从NISA部长回答感 With you cannot understand the preservation institute which is said and the nerve which can be agreed upon in the reply of the minister of state

                                                    • 所以,你怎么不用?从这个国家强制认真想一想,你不能说我没有被宠坏了? Some thing isn t necessary with that Because also the thing became unable to think seriously whether with you say Isn t this country to become useless
                                                      • 有多少土地是无法使用如此852?例如,如果我有什么影响日本? 852 Some land became unable to use with that That how producing effect on Japan the ru

                                                    • 旋喷了必须重新审视假设的假设
                                                      Overissue outside supposition must take a second look supposition,

                                                      • 无论在约780核电无我主张Collarenebri全国第一大面积亏损,并保留其他国家没有 780 Either the te does not relate not to be given as for nuclear propulsion group licking large loss country is the case that it produces to the foreign country
                                                        • 无论约780核电的支持者没有离开的第一大损失Collarenebri 780 Nevetheless nuclear propulsion group licking is the case that it puts out large loss

                                                      • 日本是经常会造成大地震没有任何Moarumai我核电色调发生?那是什么有把握说,人谁是绝对安全的你你的同伴? w是目前为止,它已获得政府的燃料南特没有人说我不什么?但是,他们说,津运行的电力公司购买?如果你不能永远可以固定在井,“白确保一英里,”什么只是达洛尼加 As for Japan being wherever periodic major earthquake occurs and avoiding the nuclear plant will not be the case that it happens As for certainty the party who is called safety absolutely That probably is your companion w Therefore the present place some lever where everyone of government guarantees the fuel it is not said from now on The electric power company is running to buying but so If being able to guarantee well without being done the ro where “swiftly is story just of the guaranty margin” tsu te
                                                        • 日本是经常会造成大地震没有任何Moarumai我核电色调发生?那是什么有把握说,人谁是绝对安全的你你的同伴?到目前为止,W,南特获得了燃料,在政府大家说,我不么?但是,他们说,津运行的电力公司购买?如果你不能永远可以固定在井,“白确保一英里,”什么只是达洛尼加 As for Japan being wherever periodic major earthquake occurs and avoiding the nuclear plant will not be the case that it happens As for certainty the party who is called safety absolutely That probably is your companion w Therefore the present place some lever where everyone of government guarantees the fuel it is not said from now on The electric power company is running to buying but so If being able to guarantee well without being done the ro where “swiftly is story just of the guaranty margin” tsu te

                                                      • 核反应堆是内置在汽车黑手党W W真的Raneedaro通过检查通过,绝对疯狂
                                                        Don't you think? as for the car of the reactor internal organs in absolute vehicle inspection and others the [ro] w which is the [e] As for true atomic energy Mafia [kichigai] shelf w

                                                        • 没用一块Tsubuse没有用,因为在日本的所有电力公司都
                                                          Because it is electric power company all useless useless of Japan One piece crush entirely

                                                          • 澄清其他地震破坏的主要风险
                                                            Clarification of risk of earthquake damage of � other nuclear plant

                                                            • 现在,该公司基本上是达洛尼加南博什么是现在消费者的信心 That the a fundamentally as for enterprise tsu te being relied on by the a consumer the ro which is no bo

                                                              • 电子产品的销售都在日本让Renairashii 701,发生核事故的谣言损害契约 701 It cannot sell the Japanese make electric product with place because of rumor damage of the ze and the nuclear accident which seem

                                                                • 碎片甚至是869的辐射小部分是足够广泛
                                                                  869 As for the trash as for radiation sufficiently it is wide-ranging even at extremely part

                                                                  • 网址:www e 0120联系电话TEPCO意见受理gov go jp 政策 servlet的 提议 12 8500传真0120 12 〒100 8589总公司 1,千代田内幸町8560 三月一号至三号电话 6373 梅尔的对经济的主要问题,检查的主要阶段操作请求恢复海江田1111 “安全措施得到了妥善进行打击了”普通小学前发出夏季 “宣言”核电厂安全运行再次请求TTP:素核安全检查 raicho 0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi newsplus 1308456625 将恢复TTP: www3 nhk or jp 新闻 HTML 20110619 k10013624291000 HTML部长级会议经济和工业部长 海江田国际原子能机构核问题 “日本一直在推动核力量”★2 TTP表示: raicho 0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi newsplus www e gov go jp policy servlet Propose The Tokyo Electric Power opinion receiving window Telephone 0120 12 8500 FAX 0120 12 8589 Head office 〒 100 8560 Happiness town 1 inside Chiyoda Ku 1 3 Telephone 03 6373 1111 Kaieda multipara phase Driving reopening of the nuclear plant which is in the midst of inspecting it seeks “Safety measure is executed measure appropriately” It is before the summer and starts re work request “of the safe declaration” nuclear plant ttp raicho 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1308456625 Prime minister As for nuclear plant of safety check reopening ttp www3 nhk or jp news html 20110619 k10013624291000 html With IAEA Cabinet minister class assembly Kaieda multipara phase “As for Japan nuclear propulsion” You state 2 ttp raicho 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1308594237
                                                                    • NULL office kaiedabanri jp TEL 03 5363 6015 sponsor TEL 03 3508 7316 Assemblyman s room Economic industrial ministry Representation telephone 03 3501 1511 Each ministry and board opinion collection ttps www e gov go jp policy servlet Propose The Tokyo Electric Power opinion receiving window Telephone 0120 12 8500 FAX 0120 12 8589 Head office 〒 100 8560 Happiness town 1 inside Chiyoda Ku 1 3 Telephone 03 6373 1111 Kaieda multipara phase Driving reopening of the nuclear plant which is in the midst of inspecting it seeks “Safety measure is executed measure appropriately” It is before the summer and starts re work request “of the safe declaration” nuclear plant ttp raicho 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1308456625 Prime minister As for nuclear plant of safety check reopening ttp www3 nhk or jp news html 20110619 k10013624291000 html With IAEA Cabinet minister class assembly Kaieda multipara phase “As for Japan nuclear propulsion” You state 2 ttp raicho 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1308594237

                                                                  • 而至少有240么?标题的主要工作,是一种赤裸裸的权力,如果该方法可以补充其他发电机的电力,核能是好的,但不为0 240 The minimum it is what As for work of the nuclear plant being to produce electric power if it is to be able to supply electricity with other generation of electricity method the nuclear plant is good even with 0
                                                                    • 可能是只清除所提供的最小的检查 If just check item of the minimum which is prepared should have cleared

                                                                  • 艺术。如果不及时治疗会使用的产品,一氧化碳(无味)泄漏出来的废气含有一个房间,有可能导致致命意外
                                                                    This. When while it is not yet disposal you use the object product, There is a possibility carbon monoxide (odorless) the exhaust which is included starting leaking to the interior, to fatal accident reaching

                                                                    • 说“安全”优先如果失去了与它长期的战斗 With saying if it prefers “safety measure” that is defeated with that becoming long war

                                                                      • 达洛尼加648是这样的事说不呢?铀是说当我有足够的南特? 648 As for such a thing until you say freshly the ro which is not to be When the uranium fully there is we how you called
                                                                        • 梅尔的南特和超过40年的距离使得 After making it makes mel in 40 years which pass is how

                                                                      • 达洛尼加为了降低甚至小学,小学的主意,拒绝一切突然停止十日 The nuclear plant it makes stop doing the ro which is order and is suddenly to rejection symptoms conception of master stop or the elementary school student

                                                                        • 迅速分开传输和发电,发电让我们放开
                                                                          Quickly separating transmission of electricity and generation of electricity, the [ze] which generation of electricity will free

                                                                          • 这一战略是恢复。康复会议的概念。有人曾提出在后续
                                                                            As for this policy, returning/repeating. Returning/repeating of conception meeting. Don't you think? it is followed even in proposition

                                                                            • 这个世界上一些的,如那些并非万无一失,我最好恩戴和平统一的意见主要倡议者? “安全”强调,只有单位,没有正确解释的风险?我Nakya达洛尼加电力短缺发生的?我发射Dakejan航行于扩张 There is no no matter what this society such as safe ones It is to call there is no one which with something it gave an advise standardized in nuclear propulsion group Emphasizing “safety” only it did not explain risk securely it is to be If electricity shortage should not have occurred it is the ro which is It should have supplied with thermal power addition just it is
                                                                              • 在我们考虑198人师,我最好核电主张并不一致意见? “这起事故是责备和狗屎福一TEPCO核电,而不是一个普遍的问题 198 Before thinking of the separation of the populace it is to call there is no one which it gave an advise standardized in nuclear propulsion group “As for the latest accident rather than calling problem all of the nuclear plant the consequence where Tokyo Electric Power Company and luck one are kuso

                                                                            • 这是一个废弃的好,而且是免费的头脑菅直人
                                                                              Both being leaving, 菅 the shortage shelf of Naoto's generosity

                                                                              • 这是正常,但只有147大浦洞直撃受
                                                                                147 Direct bomb hit of [tepodon] receiving, the all right shelf

                                                                                研究 開発