It tackles the job where the high school student who “wants understanding teacher Okinawa as a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game” transcribes the war dead name a little more than 240,000
1945年2月20号,368号宜浅,钱路43号,通过与猴子护航航空母舰安齐奥配备飞机击沉 1945 February 20th Italy 368 potentiality Lu 43 potentiality with the cve antsuio on board machine sinking the ru
1945年2月27号,368号宜浅,钱路43号,通过与猴子护航航空母舰安齐奥配备飞机击沉 1945 February 27th Italy 368 potentiality Lu 43 potentiality with the cve antsuio on board machine sinking the ru
海岸炮兵,给他们的驱逐舰特里可能造成的损坏 The coast gun gives damage to destroyer terry
钱卢41号鱼雷驱逐舰伦肖,因为这些损害可能 NULL
1945年2月21日,我海军神风第二。队下沉护航航空母舰俾斯麦海撤军,破坏正常萨拉托加号航空母舰护航航空母舰Lunga点。 。 。 Kiokuku运输船,LST 477,LST 定到809可能造成的损坏 1945 February 21st naval special attack second To sink party and the cve bisumaku sea proper aircraft carrier plate Tsuga ruin secession Cve runga point Cargo ship kiokuku LST 477 LST damage is given to 809
1945年2月18日,海军航空兵中队,表达。 Genburu驱逐舰,鉴于可能损害到高速运输舰Buresuman 1945 February 18th aeronavale bed Damage is given to destroyer gene boolean and the high speed transportation warship breath man
910是一个散射不知何故,从Makutsu战争后,我也用多层次的背叛作为牺牲是很方便,因此抛石 910 At that time after how intellectual viewing termination of war as the sacrifice whose are convenient From the tsu te ru where what it utilizes heavily and betrays and sows result the debris
“在日本的美军基地要”有学生喊一声要求“摆在我们面前,然后万全公司”,我是说呀,你知道 “The US military base necessity for Japan” has called the pupil whom you insist “You you call the rear 10 000 human copying sutra” don t you think it is it is understood
“在日本的美军基地需要”调出一个学生声称,“在我们面前,然后万全公司”,我是说呀,你知道 “The US military base necessity for Japan” has called the pupil whom you insist “You you call the rear 10 000 human copying sutra” don t you think it is it is understood
“很惊讶这一点粗加工它能够让我们的父母,儿童和不相关的研究之一 几乎,几乎高于所有强制扬 1 You are astonished in the heart which the parents of the children can permit this grow wild… Study it is fixed being relationship or most almost forcing it is……
我惊奇地记糙肉厚的人可以继续踢至今 You are astonished in the heart which it is possible to here and grows wild to continue to hate the person
一月45,惊人的,在旁边的香川滑倒成功(总督内政部当时获委任)总督 In January of 45 beautiful succeeded in the sideslip to nomarch Kagawa the governor of that time housekeeping Appointment
顺便说一句,喷泉旁的香川县知事滑。经纪人都是在1984年天授在86岁牛 By the way the spring where sideslips to nomarch Kagawa Period in 1984 has fulfilled life span with 86 years old
为了防止虐待无辜的孩子,老师抱怨时根据有关的支撑点立即长野 In order to protect the human rights violation of the child with false crime, please appeal the corresponding teacher of Nagano prefecture urgently
之类的特学生反正。我不能达洛尼加产生的?当节日的缺失,在一招牙签有没有标记的模型是思Majikichi How raw of se special Shin class Using it has produced it is the ro which is At the time of pine trade festival in the model the toothpick very it has done as for you thought in the grave marker that it is majikichi
之类的特学生反正。我不能达洛尼加产生的?当节日的缺失,在一招牙签有没有标记的模型是思Majikichi How raw of se special Shin class Using it has produced it is the ro which is At the time of pine trade festival in the model the toothpick very it has done as for you thought in the grave marker that it is majikichi
乘法的数字垃圾邮件? 。钟老师转让或粪便 Annoyance the side which was applied…? . 涌 It is or droppings teacher
什么是民族英雄帝国发布了从亚洲殖民地的白色 Very Jipango, it is the hero nation which releases Asia from the colony of the white
他可能并不认为这真的愚蠢和愚蠢的,我会接受什么培训数字 The ho it is with it is ridiculous Such a thing the person tsu te which is thought what education it probably receives
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳战役中位数不便, 我想了解“与冲绳谈 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳战役中位数不便,想了解冲绳 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳,冲绳战役的数字不便,要了解“的谈话 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳,冲绳战役的数字不便,要了解“的谈话 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳,冲绳战役的数字不便,要了解“的谈话 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳,冲绳战役的数字不便,要了解“的谈话 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
作为一个孩子面临的战争在冲绳,冲绳战役的数字不便,要了解“的谈话 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
战争的另一侧为在冲绳战役的孩子懒得数字要理解“与冲绳谈 gt As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game Is crime of the parent the child the same crime tsu te thing the www fool Whether such a person the teacher doing As for degree of brainwashing Nagano prefecture there is no hanpa
战争的另一侧为在冲绳战役的孩子懒得数字要理解“与冲绳谈 gt As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game Is crime of the parent the child the same crime tsu te thing the www fool Whether such a person the teacher doing As for degree of brainwashing Nagano prefecture there is no hanpa
典型的狗屁缠身的家伙道也面临任何一方 The party who is not the party is with the [doya] face the [ru]
Typical droppings
冲绳战但不是唯一的袭击我也长野是 Also Nagano being air raided the ru although Just Okinawa there is no battlefield
冲绳战役伤亡,90000部队,12万居民 Okinawa death in battle fanatic and troops 90,000, prefectural people 120,000 person
冲绳海战的关键。志愿军团“,”战争“的活动也很少,”陆军和海军的海上突击队员,我们在实际做出来的冷血的动物或kishimen等待我们的脸保持一个积极的和惊人的Kubeki打破了它的恐惧在下降到美国海军船只,在其本月5空袭仅1945年1月是不是自杀机,日本海军舰队的约300生产Marlet军和吕宋岛Motaho振阳゙僅端口或木大小型车1500千克 The sea in essential Okinawa fighting a decisive battle. ““As for the war results “, almost there was no”, participation of the advance corps that
Every cold-blooded animal it comes and with wise look has remained in the lie [bu] [ku], but
Marine special attack unit of the actually our Mutumi troop had done the participation which should be surprised.
Between 1945 January - May,
As for trapping the US Navy warships and the ship to fear
Was not just attack from the sky by the special attack plane.
As for shaking ocean of the Japanese navy about actual dynamic approximately 300 and [marure] of army
It was wooden [motaho] ゙ [to] of standard-sized car [saisu] ゙ barely 1500kg, but
You fought well unexpectedly with the Luzon island and Okinawa battle.
Approximately, we give damage with the combat mission of 30 times, vis-a-vis approximately 50 American water goals,
Even the US Navy warships nighttime making full alert unavoidable, throwing 錨 in the adjacent waters, going to bedIt was not possible.
Especially, the 27th sea of Yonabaru. As for advance corps second troop,
On April 26th attacking American destroyer [hatsuchinsu] ゙ with Kin bay north west, it is wrecked,
Navigation trapping difficultly, we have made demilitarization dealing.
In addition, as for the same first troop, American large-sized thermal power support. Boat “LCS (L) - 37” it is wrecked on April 27th and or April 29th has lost.
Furthermore as for the same first troop, on April 27th the 嘉 hand. With the open sea, wafter [ho] ゚ [su] ゙ man [hi] ゙ [kutori] and damage is given to landing ship LCVP approximately 10 it is near.
And, from the May 3rd night extending through 4th morning with all-out attack,
The Okabe of captain. . The major leads the [marure] party which Tsu. Executing the last charge with the open sea
[riha] ゙ tea wafter [karina] it was wrecked, obstructed the charge of US Marine Corps.
Ignoring this historical fact, you cannot permit the attitude which insults the imperial troop officers and men.
冲绳,日本陆军最后一战是收集,书面向大和抢救去了美军进入萝卜中的冲绳岛和神风单位海上浮到单位2000 Okinawa game to be large collection of the Japanese army last moment, battleship Yamato to rescue the opposite side,
It kept rushing in the US military where the Kamikaze Special Attack Force which reaches to also 2000 machines floats in the Okinawa sea
即使对损害的程度,我在大陆接受大陆轰炸 With damage saying, the mainland does being the mainland and un-discriminating bombardment receiving, the [ru],
只有在染红等待奥运火炬在北京传递路线 Just it dyed to red there is a roadside with Olympic torch relay of the Beijing Olympics
国家,就是国家在大东亚共荣圈包括短暂的理想是一个罕见的超日本圪塔 Those countries are the countries which are included in the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere which is the short-lived ideal where Japan put out
大家觉得对的纪念建筑每一个地市没有什么感觉,我看什么是和平的基石,是没有太大的过 The foundation [tsu] [te] of peace seeing, what you do not feel, but it is,
As for those which one of the memorial tower which each metropolis and districts built feels it is many -
大本营嗯,我从来没有公布,但已得到纠正 Well as for Imperial Headquarters announcement however it has not been corrected don't you think?
大本营是是在457战斗沙文主义大陆政权 457
At that time main game theory of the mainland decisive battle was posture even at the Imperial Headquarters
如何写一个活的名字副本?什么是傻子我Janee Transcribing name how it does it is Whether fool well
复制我的意思分钟写你的名字尚未 Furthermore the meaning of transcribing name does not understand
如果学生不喜欢住在德Tsuttara?否认信仰的自由,我以为他们是宪法保障?教师 When the tsu where the pupil is hateful it hangs how it does it is To deny the idea principle which is guaranteed with constitution it is free Teacher
1发生在思 u200b u200b想信仰自由吗? 1 Idea principle how became free
帝国军队是正确合法的军事纪律 The Jipango troop was the troop of discipline correct justice
帝国的诞生为越南大东亚共荣圈独立国家 The Vietnamese empire is born as independency of the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere
开始用481,也没有训练手段你不知道的意思 481 In the first place meaning is not the meaning training is not recognized
总督温泉热衷于保护自己,有一次袭击中,官邸Kikomori拉动住房,它指示县政府转移到很少空袭的地区,以前在津市新公务车搬迁逃到 Spring governor being enthusiastic to protect by his when there is air raid pulls to the bomb shelter of the official residence being confined Indicating prefectural government moving to the area whose air raid is little moving it escaped first first by the official vehicle
我也明白谁是受害的是那些不应该在中国的西藏问题或类我花了滋扰,但讨厌现在乘以那么好?中国的这种镇压的镇压表示遗憾,日本是一个干净的个人历史国际上被迫发言,我希望这不是因为什么,在过去人们贬 Now being in the people who have become sacrifice however it does annoyance you assume appreciation passing … Then now annoyance applying ru Chinese Tibetan problem It should do it is not securely with class kana As for the Chinese oppression clean oppression The Japanese past that you are regretful with the individual it forces that however it is good What you speak internationally is not looked down upon the past person kana
我会教Janee类型是哎,我将活到学生,儿童和不使用日本自卫队士兵在任何情况下一次,老师他妈的傻住在冲绳,以避免许可和白色! The child it utilizes it is well Becoming also the high school student it is swindled it is well When the teacher from the be which is done enlisted once in ku Self Defense Force because license in order not to take margin Okinawa is made foolish it is droppings teacher
教师冲绳帐户毕竟“,”我们的岛,飞走瓦特说什么,但它没有分配改变日本 After all for aka teacher as for Okinawa “customer” no shelf w It is the island which leaves with say in being Japan as for the change although it is not
我只是简单的任务由WW达洛尼加 It just is monotonous work and converting the [ro] ww
我在日本字面上最后全面战争 It was all-out warfare of literal Japanese last moment
我彻底区分儿童罪犯的种类有想到哇这种担忧是什么困扰在冲绳战役位数的孩子 gt The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game The u wa a … such thought thinking we fear It is the type which the child of the offender the finish is discriminated
Kichiga不是太打扰作为数字孩子在冲绳之战 As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
你怎么像一个洗脑假团结教育工作者协会的数字由冲绳岛战役的孩子困扰? gt The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game The school teaching person is and such a standardized association ma is possible to doing brainwashing behavior
儿童不准打扰在冲绳战役的数字是w我的孩子是个好主意 The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game The child is not permitted with is good idea w
困扰的冲绳战役中位数的孩子? “米意味着什么? The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game It is what semantic what
我说,如果这是在琉球王朝COM闪烁,我跪在地上,让朝圣之旅将在从琉球群岛necrology的冲绳人 Such it is you say, if is,
It was ruined in the Ryukyu royal court, the death person roster of each island of the southwest archipelago
Making the Okinawa human make, after kneeling on the ground going on a pilgrimage it does,
所需时间较长,在近30年,直到他们被朝鲜绑架,很明显 That it was kidnapping that by North Korea until it becomes clear 30 years close time was necessary
换句话说,是什么原因导致太平洋战争到奢侈什么长野小人? In other words being the source tsu te thing where Nagano prefecture causes the Pacific war
长野县也没有这是什么思抱这样的例子? The Nagano prefecture people do not think such holding the te at all
教师“是的,在♪对不起大家,说”学生“对不起” The me it is do the teacher “be with everyone the ♪” The pupil “ me it is do”
这意味着,作出决定削减教师狂 Make the rule which can refuse kichigai teacher
日本教师对教师工会表示肯定,认为良心自由十日没Hozai侵犯唱你的常规职责放置 As for the teacher of certain Nitukiyou group you have babbled duty disobedience of generation standing up singing in unison freedom of idea conscience the [tsu] [ke
日本教师工会是洗脑了Yamere过滤器 The Nitukiyou group filter applying, as for brainwashing [yamere
最后,一 u200b u200b个蟾蜍军事接管当地平民有一个白色的,而避免脱水白 Lastly from the area where the troop requisitions the oven as for the civilian evacuation margin With you call the 避 margin which is said It is
最后,从军方查获蟾蜍民用呼吁白色疏散 Because the troop requisitions the oven lastly as for the civilian evacuation margin It is
来吧由冲绳岛战役中1位儿童困扰,教育达洛尼加这不是说作为一个人以及我的话 1 The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game ro this where it is and is as for the educator is not the word which it is possible to say and from the first as the person is
来吧由冲绳岛战役中位数困扰儿童,教育工作者都这么说了达洛尼加作为一个人不和我的话 gt The child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game ro this where it is and is as for the educator is not the word which it is possible to say and from the first as the person is
津市老师,我说这个的?家长作为一个数字在冲绳之战的孩子曾在长野困扰洗脑一样的家伙或其他老师做我的罪,是WWW什么也没有同样的罪行多名儿童 This teacher is being what the ru is As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game Is crime of the parent the child the same crime tsu te thing the www fool Whether such a person the teacher doing As for degree of brainwashing Nagano prefecture there is no hanpa
一个作为数字在冲绳战役儿童的家长 罪孽一度困扰长野洗脑一样的家伙或其他老师我这样做是WWW什么也没有同样的罪行多名儿童 gt As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game Is crime of the parent the child the same crime tsu te thing the www fool Whether such a person the teacher doing As for degree of brainwashing Nagano prefecture there is no hanpa
作为一个在冲绳战役中位数孩子是困扰? As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game
你是什 u200b u200b么意思在冲绳战役打扰作为数字的孩子?冲绳是不是日本人怎么办? In tsu te what sense as a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game As for the Okinawan there is no Japanese it is
津市老师,我说这个的?什么是时代的滋扰在冲绳战役的孩子吗?我的意思分钟 This teacher is being what the ru is As a child the side which applied annoyance in the Okinawa game Is crime of the parent the child the same crime tsu te thing the www fool Whether such a person the teacher doing As for degree of brainwashing Nagano prefecture there is no hanpa
津市,我从一个国家的学费租金解除对MAX限制在这所学校或高中免费 Such a school
With high school gratuitous conversion to limit amount MAX receiving the tuition which is marked up from the country, you call the [ru
现在,在我很可笑,我终于来到了这里 Here it was strange from the time before but it is It came to here finally
1 Imifu 1 i mi hu
但并不是一个坏学校和长野Yappari! After all unless there is a Nagano high school the useless shelf
只是由于不再有书面的,它已推出了新的线程,请 Because you cannot write anymore please raise the new thread is
它干扰我,我和SM打达洛尼加 The ro which is SM play what You disturb is
我会做私人,如果它的有氧 Private If it is possible to make favorite
我想这是不会动摇Yappari长野 After all it is Nagano The wa which is not blurring
最近,减少这是一定要手写的信件 Recently writing the letter by the hand decreased
直到首里城,对634日军总部平民死亡率下降变成南部难民在汝菊首里城,放弃在日本和美国士兵的死亡率也高607我说去了。“发行(但不显着增加)”的原因之一 634
Mortality rate of the Japan and US soldier it was high to neck village castle headquarters fall, but
The neck village castle abandoning, by the fact that the Japanese military shifts the course to the place where the southern evacuee stays
Mortality rate of the civilian rises
You say, “. Offer (substance expels)” one of the reasons
离谱,如推动学生把我在我的脑海失真 Absurdity e.g., the heart where by your are warped is pushed to the pupil
第二次世界大战后,几乎整个亚洲,与日本和泰国有异常的白色菌落 World War II at that time, Asia was colony of the white almost the entire area, excluding the tie and Japan
美军作战没有太多的麻烦到什么是一次围绕杀害非战斗人员和包裹很少外出,他们没有从平民到蟾蜍,你有没有逃生的地窖和日军闷响立场而是被 As for the US military killing the noncombatant who was expelled from the oven to the civilian turning… With special care in order not to be involved in battle although the Japanese military raises and says that letting escape from the trench which is confined
Tteru有人说,在他们剩余的证词从蟾蜍的军事出来常常 As for this testimony remaining from a story that it was expelled from the oven to the troop well the ru
美军没有太多的麻烦到什么曾经杀死周围非战斗人员包裹很少去战斗还没有出来,他们从住所,而是闷声Shiteyatta在防空洞躲避日军的监测 As for the US military killing the noncombatant who was expelled from the trench turning… With special care in order not to be involved in battle although the Japanese military raises and says that letting escape from the trench which is confined
而什么样的家长给孩子犯罪的一部分?如果您留下了九族Masugomi。如果绞索是民主党的成员不能做瓦特Janaku成员,支持者,WWW和受家庭支持团体 Crime of the parent reaching to the child If left flank and as for mass rubbish nine families There is no 絞 neck punishment or w In case of the Democratic party www which is not the Assemblyman and the te 党員 the supporter to the support group and that whole group becomes the object
而对父母或孩子的罪过的一部分?如果您留下了九族Masugomi。如果绞索是民主党的成员不能做瓦特Janaku成员,支持者,WWW和受家庭支持团体 As for crime of the parent reaching to the child If left flank and as for mass rubbish nine families There is no 絞 neck punishment or w In case of the Democratic party www which is not the Assemblyman and the te 党員 the supporter to the support group and that whole group becomes the object
而自称受教育的权利833高校正在进行的现役率的习惯,我没石头最低年度比赛 833
Habit of calling education prefecture, in active university entrance into a school ratio, every year least significant it has done to dispute it is,
而随着唱国歌和写作复制分钟儿童工作将选择一个WWWW National anthem singing in unison transcribing job
The children choose which, it is probably will be wwww
说起韩国,并跪在地上有一所学校访问学生高中老师是什么线 So if you say to south Korea the high school student going to study travelling The teacher has knelt on the ground to the pupils
如果输出是恶劣的校长思学生跪在地上行什么学校访问韩国 NULL
这是什么一个镜头思转让的情况下,当你有机会在写这样的话,那英语老师什么样? If there is such a spare time transcribe even with the English word Striking the te you thought but the aka tsu te is in also teacher English
这是刚刚在冲绳后松代皇家饭店行总部和高中无声的和平教育学校旅行,但我在长野县的 But the Nagano prefecture people peaceful teaching being brought up, the Matsushiro Imperial Headquarters and the silent mansion the extent shelf which goes
Rear Okinawa study travelling
远足是只有在冲绳发现老师的膝盖被切断一半○老师直到退休生活 To retirement age it is to be visible in only the o ○ knee of the teacher who cuts teacher life half from Okinawa
酒会,新郎更海上自卫队 A certain feast, the benedict the Maritime Self Defense Force was
针是捕鱼的地方或702? Wakaran相信我会好赐,言之无物,并尝试解释,如果粉碎,然后嚼一会儿 702 Somewhere the fishhook it was Already saying that 噛 you see a little and shatter and make explain ru thing to be good is from the wa
随着赞助高中棒球锦标赛是不是对螨军事教育和日常朝日延伸 When Asahi and the nationwide high school baseball conference which everyday still is extension of troop education is supported, simultaneous