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Maehara prime minister long-awaited theory [7/11


  • 31:举报回@ 12周年资产:2011 / 07 / 10(星期日)05:56:43.27编号:京堀场雅夫9QIZVNBY0。前原诚司,菅直人,公民寻求政权在日本改变捐赠问题T.福山民主党政府的外交胡萝卜前原诚司小泽征,东京组织支持小组原中国汉语水平考试前的党“,建立外国政府胡萝卜”,并承诺在湖的人前原诚司,发现是“不黑捐赠丑闻”政治资金丑闻,小泉前原诚司,上帝保佑,“在招聘丑闻,”堀宣汉县总统驳回了戏剧与众不同可怕
    31 : Name it is not @ 12th anniversary: 2011/07/10 (Sunday) 05: 56: 43.27 ID: 9QIZVNBY0 Filled stope Masao Capital. Party Maehara Seizi Tokyo sponsor Chinese character performance test association Seizi Maehara The Democratic party Tetsuro Fukuyama Foreign carrot administration Resident donation problem Meeting of the citizen who aims toward administration alternation 菅 Naoto “Seizi Maehara that foreign carrot administration it is formed”, having promised with the people 潭 is detected Seizi Maehara 'black donation scandal' prime minister how it is outrageous The political financial scandal of Foreign Minister Seizi Maehara “recruit incident” average is enormous Chinese inspection chief director displacement play Filled stope person - capital. Party High hill person - Maehara Seizi sponsor

    • 656经验,他希望的开场曲,这首歌曲做了很多,他希望有胆量 656 From experience as for the person where the mouth bends nature is bent … the person was many

      • Janee Tteta叛徒或从涌钱也接受家伙
        The gold it has received densely always from [chiyon] the traitor well?

        • NULL mi Just mouth man REPT lt lt lt lt REPT DEG lt ⊃ ∩ ∩ No 92 REPT ゙ ⌒ No ee ui REPT mi THEFR UMLAT REPT REPT No 彡 ∪ ∵ REPT No 92 REPT 92
          • I ヽヽ我已经莫名其妙地收到没关系L,P:: 图书馆 够! I ヽ , F::日本 O捐赠ヽ I L C I ━ヽ ° :: ゙湖ヽヽ 索诺::: 米 ヽ,I ヽヽ ::: : : ::b口 Front nantoka … already it is to call is … i REPT i REPT l mi Already it is to call is … REPT mi o Resident donation REPT i l ha i ━ REPT DEG ゙ l REPT REPT sono mi REPT i Y REPT t ⌒ ¯ 亠 ─ gt U REPT i ¯ lt REPT REPT No lt nida … l REPT REPT i i
          • 镜 ヽ,镜面:: 图书馆 米 Oヽ::: ° :: : mi REPT mi mi O REPT DEG ¯ ¯ mi Public ⌒ People Way if front ha two Right REPT Stopping REPT Stopping 92

        • NULL ∧ ∧ ∩ ゚ Ω ゚ ha ha ⊂ No ha ha ゚ Ω ゚ ∩ No ∩ ゚ Ω ゚ ha ha REPT lt No gt ha ha ゚ Ω ゚ ∩ REPT REPT no No ∩ ゚ Ω ゚ O lt gt O ha ha Stopping deciding ri It does ma It does ha ha ⊂ ゚ Ω ゚ ⊂ ⌒ ⊃ ⊂ ⌒ ⊃ ゚ Ω ゚ ⊃ n n n n yo ha and ha E yo ha and ha E 92 92 ゚ Ω ゚ REPT REPT 92 ゚ Ω ゚ REPT XXINF 92 XXINF V ○ ○ 92 V 92 ⌒ REPT ゚ ゚ 92 ゚ ゚ ⌒ REPT ku Y REPT i human 丿 92 Y no ⊂ 92 92 ⊃ 92 REPT ku ⊃ ⊂ no
          • 图书馆图书馆 第三 图书馆 至 南特非法捐款 ,R 薯芋做的和在日本Ÿ每个人 在三年 切碎就像一个儿子,周一 u003d u003d( 米 Three 92 Illegality donation how two r Y Everyone doing even with resident the ru and the ro Three As for minsu even son like it is and with mi
          • (⌒Ÿ⌒)(⌒ ☆ ⌒)〜( 人 )〜 , 的 ヽ, ,V !“()I ( 人 ) ┼ヽ R , 。乐 D⌒) 的 ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ human No 92 REPT 92 V L and ⌒ Y ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ human r REPT REPT No REPT No ⌒ REPT REPT Γ ⌒ REPT No ∨ ⌒ ⌒ 92 i 92 REPT ゙ i human ┼ REPT r re 92 92 d ⌒ no no

        • W W W W可部分或翻译不可能死于W W W W一般的理论和一个糟糕的一天从这种管子或多个你希望只此一次 NULL

          • [政治]日本政府,签证朝鲜外交部副部长... Tomono,允许进入在记者招待会
            The Japanese government, entry of the North Korean authorized personnel permission visa foreign-affairs secondary Minister of State issuing… Banno, in press conference

            • “保证最低养老金或销售税总额”上回来,你可能有一个隐藏的目的,这些可怕 Perhaps there is a fearful purpose where such it hid on the reverse side “of payment in full consumer tax conversion of lowest guarantee annuity”

              • “投注在政治生活中踢领土问题”... ...你说Poshatsu或“假电子邮件事件”的惨败,失控
                “Political life is bet to northern territorial issue. ” With saying, the [po] plain gauze [tsu] it is the [ri]… Reckless driving and mistake in of “false mail incident”

                • “敌人”的副民主山冈小泽派应该是,前原诚司上前参选后,总理的前外交大臣在竞选前原诚司(FNN)谨慎捕捉恩戴代表前原诚司辞职,我不知道有权
                  The” inn enemy” to Ozawa group of the expectation which is Democracy Yamaoka secondary representation, 菅 examining representation selection running after the prime minister retiring in front Foreign Minister Maehara As for front Genji in running prudent attitude (FNN) There is a strange power in Maehara whom it takes in

                  • ☆“的第一个老板亚裔热结构,”这是总统的国家机构☆韩国“五氯硝基苯韩国”朝鲜五氯硝基苯
                    * Don't you think? 'the Asian beginning large manager of structure' * That was the national system of the Republic of Korea president belonging directly “The Republic of Korea national brand commission” The Republic of Korea national brand commission

                    • 京都6 学习院大学
                      6 The Kyoto university > > > > > > > > > Gakushuin professional school

                      • 什么,核安全和放射性安全报告东部。认股权证报纸或
                        It is what, nuclear radioactivity relief safe reporting East. Business newspaper?

                        • 他在管理学校每所学校至少一次前原诚司前原诚司前原诚司→→外交部长,内阁官房长官官房长官之前Edano山谷学校边缘线前原诚司前原诚司→主→部长细野参与,“辞职”白
                          Nuclear charge Minister of State Hosono -> Maehara group Branch field secretariat director -> Maehara group Secretariat director before the 仙 valley -> Maehara group Front Minister of Foreign Affairs Maehara -> Maehara group As for the person who relates to the tube even at one time “general resignation” margin

                          • 众议院,在相当长,而在公职和国会议员和地方政府及的议员,谁在监狱因如Office色拉寺权钱交易和刑法受贿罪,对执行判决罪被众议院普通成员什么邪恶的目的,是五年后由这种赦免所判处的刑罚豁免,而没有投票权和资格
                            Member of the house of representatives, while being the public office, Assemblyman and length of the national assembly of Councilor and the municipal corporation, Does the person who is executed in jail sentence by crime such as corruption crime and influence peddling crime of criminal law end the execution of the punishment?, It is exempted the execution of punishment by amnesty and the like or after doing, five years, the possession it does not do election right or suffering election right

                            • 创价学会和奥姆真理堂2,麻原彰晃和池田大作有什么区别?
                              2 Soka academic society and [oumu] truth teaching, as for Akira Ikeda Daisaku and flax Hara Akira something is different?

                              • 前原诚司parous第一阶段,在普天间部长或国防部长瓦特Reyo工作,如果我说,在达洛尼加普天间对违反选举法的问题,发展趋势,我不承认,连续与他同行
                                As for in the first place Maehara multipara phase, being the case that mistake it has been done with the foreign minister and continuation The [ro] which is Public Office Election Law violation what on that If Futenma's problem how such, whether defensive minister of state make even at Futenma charge phase, w

                                • 前原诚司和乘以731克蚂石,肥皂,特别是他们的心? 731 Applying Maehara soap it solves As for the heart
                                  • 前原诚司的Kakemashi和731,特别是他们心中的肥皂? 731 Applying Maehara soap it solves As for the heart

                                • 前原诚司,张女士说,如果他们早知道的人与韩国人已经从孩子什么额外的现金租金 That allowance the partner who has been received the Korean was not known from midst of gaki it is Seizi Maehara who persists
                                  • 前原诚司,张女士说,如果他们事先知道的人,韩国有额外的现金租金,因为 u200b u200b我还是个孩子什么 That allowance the partner who has been received the Korean was not known from time of gaki it is Seizi Maehara who persists
                                  • 如果没有提前举行大选,这将是最好的选择前原诚司 If there is no dispersion general election Maehara probably is the best choices

                                • 前原诚司,当模拟捐款响应鸠山的问题“的内容是确保您信任的人谁看到整个”说:好一个思Tteta有一天,当你没有给我答案以及如何失败是不思 When Hatoyama disguise donation becomes problem Maehara “does not see in the reply concerning contents completely but the person in charge is trusted” when the tsu te answering Once upon a time it fails becoming thinks manner of such failure did not think is done with

                                  • 区有一个缺点,如果我收到一个外国工人进入创建一个特殊的区是什么,由于投票权的外国人可能已获得外国永久居民中的一个工作示例一旦大量投票权也消除不一致
                                    Making precinct in disadvantageous area, it should have accepted the guest worker in large quantities if and, it can give to the permanent residence foreigner denizenship, it becomes without either contradiction of the thing which gives denizenship to the foreigner who has worked

                                    • 十日十日最左边的极端分子和朝鲜家伙Zubuzufu它的另一个借口
                                      Korea and [zubuzuhu] the person or radical group extreme left the [wa] which is another pardon

                                      • 升 ヽヽ L::::ヽ : 卢武铉“⌒ヽ :::L 噪声)( ⌒ · 我 l REPT REPT l REPT No ⌒ REPT l No 92 ⌒ REPT l REPT l REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 l and REPT No 92 REPT l ┐ i i l │ 丿 human l 92 REPT ¯ │ 丿 l 92 ¯ l ¯ l ∧
                                        • ⌒ ))⌒⌒))ノ 我 ヽ ゝ 在 ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ No 92 92 i REPT 92 No HKRPT 92 92

                                      • 反叛团体占邪恶本身就是苦难的国家民主党
                                        The Democratic party itself harm The national robber group which torments the citizen

                                        • 只是说没有例如,在约10%的选票率相差849压倒性评论
                                          849 If you refer to poll ratio, difference of 1 tenths It is not the extent, preponderant

                                          • 可能返回的生活感,即使在运行时可能会出现核事故后再次在权力问题 When the nuclear plant after re working it is caused with also the accident with our public administration There is a possibility the 菅 reanimating
                                            • 什么是前加入,因为我菅直人和鸠山番长嘴的正上方 Therefore the front how umbrella it is 菅 and above Hatoyama just the mouth the school gang leader

                                          • 员工没有u200bu200b从他们的祖坟创价学会的多,因为朝鲜
                                            Because the majority of the Soka academic society members is the Korean Because there is no ancestral generation after generation grave

                                            • 在中国和韩国的工厂制造,当然,当地人民有工作,每分钟发生,在日本的工厂,我失去了每个人的子孙也就是工作 The factory is made in China and Korea naturally the person of the locale is employed So if it becomes that much the Japanese factory in other words it means that employment of the child and the grandchild of everyone is lost
                                              • 一旦亚洲经济区,不必放在如果在日本没有工厂和 If it becomes the Asian economic sphere the necessity to leave the factory and the like on Japan is gone

                                            • 在民主联盟传记总理不是公务员制度改革和公务员制度改革,行政改革
                                              Reform of the administrative structure Government employee reformation The government employee labor union reformation and the like cannot do with the prime minister of the Democratic party of the vote rice field

                                              • 如何可以肯定,他比筒状议会更好前往北萨沃4什么?
                                                4 The kind of person who makes passage to the National Diet sabotage [tsu] [te] North Korea 菅 from [mashi] being able to assert?

                                                • 如果没有记录到目前为止什么的,不,不,直到没有任何,没有记录的民主党人,这家伙是一个民主的答案下降一掐,思和黄柏对世界卫生组织推荐的,什么火腿月球党我 Until now there are no many results such a person who no is not many results to the Democratic party traps no and democracy to the pinch of the solution party That when you think whether someone recommends whether the how ham day month party
                                                  • 如果没有任何记录到现在为止,不,这家伙是一个成一个民主的答案下降捏,思和黄柏对世界卫生组织推荐的,和你哼哼月球党 Until now such a person who is not many results traps no and democracy to the pinch of the solution party That when you think whether someone recommends whether the how ham day month party

                                                • 家酿Masugomi KNO总是熟悉的,无论他们发布了Yarase高度戒备
                                                  Usual well-known Original our performing of mass rubbish, [yarase] warning loudly in the midst of official announcement

                                                  • 宿从松下,野田彦 - 1监管松原仁 - 生活橡木地板S.第2阶段 - 原口和弘寄生虫3 - 第4阶段学生一郎根叶 - 前原诚司,寄生8 - 8瓦特本赛季糟糕生活
                                                    Matsushita political and economic affairs private school graduate Yosihiko Noda - 1 period raw Matsubara benevolence - 2 period raw Barrel floor Shinji - 3 period raw Blastopore Kazuhiro - 4 period raw 玄 leaf optical Ichiro - 8 period raw Seizi Maehara - 8 period raw As for this terrible w

                                                    • 密探密探→中国→朝鲜→北韩特工(循环下)
                                                      The North Korean operative -> The Korean operative -> The Chinese operative -> North Korea (or less loop)

                                                      • 对方期待已久的,EH单词梅萨国会议员的丑闻,我们在任何时候?本来,他应该辞去国会的公民权利,停止! As for the other party eagerly waiting the ro because it is scandal Assemblyman who is made to stop with anytime Originally it is the person who the Assemblyman should resign in the public civil rights stop
                                                        • 民事权利或停止我开枪射击系统可以通过避免鸠山什么? As for public civil rights stop The combining which is the tsu te contrivance which can be evaded with Hatoyama system motion
                                                        • 达洛尼加是一个家伙民权下来,只与雅烤肉 The ro which is public civil rights stop with the burning butcher shop function it is dense

                                                      • 寻找尖阁甚至击败Yanbadamu 89,讨论周围的事物,而这类的家伙,我也以零或管鸽子,它的疯狂失控思斋宫型 89 The movement of yanbadamu and the 尖 official building seeing around to confer don t you think kind of it probably is zero It is dense always the pigeon and 菅 with the same type you happen to think and it is kichigai of reckless driving type

                                                        • 小泽征日本司法机构(含接获居民,暂停收取公民权利的非法捐款)前原诚司,他成为主席,国民议会→法官起诉委员会
                                                          The Japanese administration of justice Seizi Maehara (to prosecute with the illegal donation taking in receiving from resident, public civil rights stop dealing) -> Is inaugurated as Judge Indictment Committee chairman of the National Diet

                                                          • 当地政府官员说什么,它的草或国家公共Janee说谎言部十日十日自治労854 854 Lie say Thick labor ministry or autonomous labor or national public service personnel well Local government employee is rotted is to that
                                                            • 民主的政府官员,但民主党地方政府官员不大可能 But as for local government employee the Democratic party support Cannot be the Democratic party support of the national public service personnel

                                                          • 当您节省电力消耗 - 在政治 - 路灯... ...“罪案有上升的例子,”内阁官房长官Edano
                                                            The street light turning off with conservation of electricity,… “crime branch which did not increase” field secretariat director

                                                            • 当时,民主党是“良好的经济肯定是改朝换代”声称没有任何证据表明,拉的慈张腿看日本经济由Masugomi我愚蠢的争吵与麻生太郎 That time the Democratic party doing the insistence which does not have many bases that “administration alternation improves business” Aso to be nonsense thing it is attaching also the chi ya looking at the ru mass rubbish it pulled the foot of the Japanese economy
                                                              • 因为小企业破产,从麻生太郎的经济政策豁免不会有很多它,它也有生态点的作用,因为我也认识到内阁管 The small and medium sized business which escapes bankruptcy with consequence of Aso economic policy produces the reason which is about the mountain The echo point and as for having the effect the 菅 Cabinet recognizing the ru
                                                              • 日本Masugomi我看傻了Masugomi我吵架麻生太郎会觉得不好WRT I Aso am nonsense thing and it is attaching also the chi ya looking at the ru mass rubbish the Japanese mass rubbish is useless You became aware that is

                                                            • 当然,我们故意贫困,日本和韩国将在中国统一的经济区,试图保护中国聋人就业,而不是日本韩国可能革命 Certainly you will become impoverished Japan purposely will standardize the Chinese Korea and the economic sphere will not be the Japanese and perhaps that it has been about probably to protect the employment of the Chinese South Korean revolution
                                                              • 当然,我们故意贫困,日本和韩国将在中国统一的经济区,保护韩国的中国人的工作,不是日本人,你可能革命 Certainly you will become impoverished Japan purposely will standardize the Chinese Korea and the economic sphere will not be the Japanese and perhaps that it has been about probably to protect the employment of the Chinese South Korean revolution

                                                            • 当约尼克地位,炸弹管应该有一个小例子抱唯恐他不喜欢的人很多,因为没有人能抱 When it is it becomes position the bomb of the expectation where anyone grows hoarse and grows hoarse has held multi little and Because as for the 菅 either one is not held is
                                                              • 稍后在管过滤后。工作只跑下来再次向自由民主党主要得到了更多做的就是民主 After lowering the 菅 the point As for just the work which re works the nuclear plant which is in the midst of stopping It has doing in democracy the one which in our people profit

                                                            • 我刚刚从日本的家伙,支持民主党的好,即使他是值得在林先生的支持,那么这是愚蠢的Bakkari Therefore the extent where the person who well supports the Democratic party is in Japan The person who supports the front Hayasi being but the proper Well the fool don t you think it is the tsu temporary
                                                              • 1“如果民主党要进来,并没有什么和必须支持细 1 If “the intention the Democratic party taking administration unless you must have corresponding properly
                                                              • “多少钱什么民主党人不这样做,是达洛尼加”,大家会觉得我 “The ro and everyone where how much regardless the Democratic party does not do such a thing and is” you think probably will be
                                                              • 不过,民主党可能有一个目的 But perhaps in the Democratic party there is a certain purpose
                                                              • 只能继续为第天,如果合适的总理谁是民主党思Itsukan Whatever day continuing to think the person where from the Democratic party is suitable in the prime minister thinks and the handle is the wa
                                                              • 有民主党本身或其他AFO日元 ahuo There is the Democratic party itself already and profit is the wa
                                                              • 民主党是“革命性日本的压力,”是什么字,我森 The Democratic party says “in Japan revolution is caused” that actively

                                                            • 我只是假装,有时甚至是党的国民议会740自我野心接受管我模拟犯罪达洛尼加更好的捐款?我在管的其他成员是优秀,如果你把所有的机柜中的经验切碎“更好”的意思,比如我有没有很大的思 740 Intraparty and the National Diet not only has swung with ambition of oneself the crime ma to be receiving to donation the ru 菅 compared to the ro which is mashi The 菅 the excellence coming out to other 党員 as for ru just Cabinet minister experience That “ mashi ” you cannot think are at all in minsu but…
                                                              • 我认为民主党不能正常工作,即使首相以及人才可以一起工作,不管未来如何disparate ll民主党政府不是统一部长 The Assemblyman of the Democratic party does not unite Also cooperation of side of the Cabinet minister is disjointed In other words the Democratic party administration the how excellent person becoming the prime minister You think that it does not go well

                                                            • 我忘了这可能是156英里或薄 156 Forgetting perhaps the ru Or fading the ru

                                                              • 我戳在它的只是政权的行为,从大气一瞥
                                                                Concerning administration after even just speech and behavior excluding the portion of that large vessel with everywhere, the [ru

                                                                • 我接受外国人在民主党投票就像合法的安全关系后,几乎每一站的公民权利问题Tsukkoma什么也很快成为总理在维护捐赠,没有什么 Became the prime minister immediately and public civil rights stopping stopping with donation problem it is thrust Generally when just relationship of security makes the Democratic party with just honesty Foreign approval right admission it puts out regardless is not even with maintenance
                                                                  • 但是,这关对西拉的外交和情报Tteta过吗?我将停止在民事权利,这种谎言 When it is the foreigner from before however you have known shira it finished When is It is possible to be public civil rights stop such a liar
                                                                  • 停止从民事权利达洛尼加不可能 1 Therefore public civil rights stop the ro which is unreasonable
                                                                  • 它? Janakatta家伙才停止公民权利? ? That It is dense public civil rights stop the medium tsu fungus
                                                                  • 我接受外国人在民主党投票就像合法的安全关系后,几乎每一站的公民权利问题Tsukkoma什么也很快成为总理在维护捐赠,没有什么 Became the prime minister immediately and public civil rights stopping stopping with donation problem it is thrust Generally when just relationship of security makes the Democratic party with just honesty Foreign approval right admission it puts out regardless is not even with maintenance
                                                                  • 燕子,并把它拿出来Yashari我拦住了公民权利 Because the public civil rights stop saddle you bore coming out is

                                                                • 我觉得有一种两人和藤,筱原尚志熟人,执行创价学会帮会系统
                                                                  You think that Shinohara of staff of Goto group of the mob of Soka academic society affiliation 寿 with there was close association, but

                                                                  • 有相对良好的协调能力与自民党和公明党和山谷和只有前原诚司森
                                                                    The Liberal Democratic Party Komeito being relatively satisfactory, because as for being an adjustment ability only the 仙 valley and Maehara it is

                                                                    • 每一个家伙被介绍给部长和他们的野田,方林收到来自日本瘪三瘪三幌子公司捐款? ? ?
                                                                      Donation receiving from front enterprise of [yakuza] The [yakuza] the lotus 舫 and it is the person whom introduces to the Cabinet minister such as Noda? ? ?

                                                                      • 民主党政府陆续梳反正除非众议院选举,W我们谁能成为首相
                                                                        If which being full House of Representatives it does not reelect, the Democratic party administration continues and, whoever may become the prime minister, w

                                                                        • 民主公务员工会的传记我有835国家公务员,但不是对你不好,让我清楚 835 Government employee labor union the Democratic party of vote rice field But as for we the national public service personnel whom everyone dislikes to point clearly
                                                                          • 关于呕吐讨论下来的854地方政府雇员的工资 854 It did an argument that lower the salary of the local government employee

                                                                        • 特卡其中一个小小的“丑闻”只是一次休息,通过选举再次黄柏(经过净化仪式)给您 1 When the te little “doubt” even just with the one time day off election it passes once more when the purification ceremony it does probably will be
                                                                          • 特卡W,A的“疑问”位休息,在短短一,通过选举再次黄柏(净化仪式后)给您 w When the te little “doubt” even just with the one time day off election it passes once more when the purification ceremony it does probably will be

                                                                        • 狗是最邪恶的敌人高达港币再次进入活动是广播,你真正的人的背叛自己的国家犯罪记录,被媒体立即,不知道再思 Dog HK entered into previous offense your campaign right away As expected treason broadcast After all when they were the mass communications you realize the enemy of the largest most misfortune freshly

                                                                          • 系统是它的早晨,我们哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦
                                                                            The [se] [so] which the bamboo grass is done to do well well well well well well well well well well

                                                                            • 美国共和党系列是我听到过我从部队来的工作都只有两分钟,促使日本大大夹头什么独立的国家,共和党人和民主党人也不会像我在周一的前原诚司能捕捉前原诚司也就是为什么在日本的反对党民主党共和党民主党的民主时代参加了美国的话为基础的集合。邻里 As for America two powers approaching the Japanese of no chi ya tsu te independency induction largely separately from bidirectional the ru it is even The Republican Party affiliation the Democratic party related like wax which is rubbed The Republican Party takes and is Maehara 込 coming out why democracy opposition party age Maehara of the Japanese democracy participates in the gathering of the American Republican Party affiliation As for the Democratic party affiliation Around
                                                                              • 美国共和党系列是我听到过我从部队来的工作都只有两分钟,促使日本大大夹头什么独立的国家,共和党人和民主党人也不会像我在周一的前原诚司能捕捉前原诚司也就是为什么在日本的反对党民主党共和党民主党的民主时代参加了美国的话为基础的集合。邻里 As for America two powers approaching the Japanese of no chi ya tsu te independency induction largely separately from bidirectional the ru it is even The Republican Party affiliation the Democratic party related like wax which is rubbed The Republican Party takes and is Maehara 込 coming out why democracy opposition party age Maehara of the Japanese democracy participates in the gathering of the American Republican Party affiliation As for the Democratic party affiliation Around

                                                                            • 请参阅末来的?继续升温晚了!一旦朝鲜社区中心入室2010年9月10日!看看疯狂的警察报告 Please see by all means to end The latter half heat it keeps raising 2010 September 10th When it enters into the Korean public citizen s hall illegal invasion Written record taking of desperate police
                                                                              • 什么是一个主要候选人笑话成为家伙,这可能意味着停止525民权 525 Therefore with saying of becoming public civil rights stop is the possibility the person who The prime minister supplying it is some joke

                                                                            • 读卖新闻报纸称为核电厂为何 早稻田大学教授马哲夫(媒体研究)是05年代,美国中央情报局从国家档案局在华盛顿郊区出土2(美国中央情报局)的安全通道 wake where Yomiuri is called the nuclear newspaper Because lt relationship with podamu became something which matures sufficiently concrete cooperation request is possible That you think gt whether it is not Professor Tetuo Arima of Waseda University media research 05 years national of American Washington suburb CIA which is excavated from the 2nd document mansion the Company it is one paragraph of the secret document

                                                                              • 起诉或威胁侵犯隐私的行为,教授,国立大学创价学会●,如个人的尊严,包括违反强制离婚,东京地方法院提起诉讼,论坛作为一种侵权行为的损害两位数接受各种侵犯人权21呻/ forum21。JP /?P u003d 97
                                                                                - National university professor suing Soka academic society Infringement and threat of privacy and infringement etc of dignity of the individual who includes the coercion of divorce, Assuming, that various human rights violation behavior illegal behavior were received, suing compensation for damage claim lawsuit to Tokyo district court Forum 21 http: //forum21. jp/? p = 97

                                                                                • 陈韩阿姨家伙烤雅木屐前金正日肖像,但他将不得不额外现金租金,因为u200bu200b我还是个孩子什么
                                                                                  It is dense Kim Jong-Il's portrait in the 伯母[san] of the Korean of the burning butcher shop which was put out, allowance is the person who has been received from time of [gaki

                                                                                  • 除非日本总督白河银行居座慈我按民主党的经济范畴将力推传出总理说,前原诚司,谁在比赛中已经成为区域总理 When it is Maehara outside direction pushing becomes the prime minister Economy The Democratic party gori Shirakawa which is pushed remaining in Bank of Japan president limited to the ru whoever does not become good being the prime minister
                                                                                    • 901 Maehara m不大的许多年轻信徒 901 As for Maehara the believer is many well enough in the young man it is
                                                                                    • WWW雪松读卖新闻美国→清晰→前原诚司 America gt Yomiuri gt Maehara Easily to know cedar www
                                                                                    • ∀ 监察期待已久的黄金加仑前原诚司 1 丶 ∀ lt Maehara prime minister long awaited theory nita ゙
                                                                                    • 前原诚司具有良好地看到,在被拘捕的非法捐款是我国总理 Because we we would like to observe at that Prime Minister is arrested with illegality donation Maehara is good
                                                                                    • 前原诚司将平时的战争可能会,我突围恶人旗色Narya知道你过去所造成的混乱与前面的问题 Maehara probably is peacetime but it probably is wartime but problem causing at forward with the place as chaotic Flag color becomes bad ya one person tonzura
                                                                                    • 前原诚司,然而,只是嘴里满,但没有一个地方,就算不错了表妹 But Maehara handles when with just the mouth is good putting in wherever completely the shelf
                                                                                    • 啧人这样毁了日本前原诚司 The Maehara like tsutankamen man makes Japan useless
                                                                                    • 意外,前原诚司先生在会见与劫机者在平壤 Accidentally it is Seizi hijack criminal and Maehara who meets in Pyongyang
                                                                                    • 新闻界似乎不那么外向,它的前原诚司,不允许 When it is Maehara to that therefore outside direction pushing so weakness Non permission
                                                                                    • 是什么让我们从外面选举反正前原诚司也将冈田 How therefore se Maehara and Okada disappointing what it will elect
                                                                                    • 更妙的是看看实际的例子,看似不指望什么前原诚司,我捐十日十日犯下很假电子邮件错误 The Maehara tsu te being visible at first glance in mashi really you say or that it is unreliable the false mail or donation well enough from blunder the refuse
                                                                                    • 除非日本总督白河银行居座慈我按类别成为首要的经济前原诚司民主党,总理谁也嘉陵 Maehara becomes the prime minister Economy The Democratic party gori Shirakawa which is pushed remaining in Bank of Japan president limited to the ru whoever does not become good being the prime minister

                                                                                  • 鸠山↓ 前原诚司的结果比其他管好是从视图中隐藏瓦特 Hatoyama ↓ lt from Hatoyama mashi Tube ↓ lt from tube mashi Maehara Already the result w which has been visible

                                                                                    • 鸠山由纪夫,菅直人→谎言代理商都在心中计划把北逃避税的国王,2007年:在日本的小泽征信念收到非法捐赠,资助北朝鲜间谍赦免请愿书的签名Shingansu:假冒电子邮件丑闻党小泽的外交部长辞职收到朝鲜非法捐款的日本代表辞职(泽)一郎:金融援助,在济州岛北朝鲜间谍从挪用房地产投资补贴,政党,民主犯罪服装总理的儿童这些候选人是在没有民主 Hatoyama Yukio Heisei tax evasion king In operative north financial help There is a concept gt lie 菅 Naoto shingansu quarter suit book signature In operative north financial help From resident Korean illegal donation receipt Previous offense Seizi In false mail incident party representation resignation From resident Korean illegal donation receipt Minister of Foreign Affairs resignation Ozawa 澤 Ichiro With embezzlement of political party grant real estate investment Child of Korean of chiejiyu island graduate As for financial help to operative north crime of the Democratic party involving It does not stay in democracy such as prime minister candidacy

                                                                                      • : L ヾ::: ::我::::1::再::: : :我 ゝ :: :::L:C ヾ ヽ我: ::J C 和闵塔 我ヽ l 92 DREPT i 1 ri i HKRPT l ha DREPT REPT i j 7 i 92 ⌒ REPT ha V i ⌒ ゙ 92 i ri 92 No 弋 huno i l HKRPT 92 i ⌒ ゙ REPT ⌒ ゙ DREPT ha People It is And i REPT to person 7 ∠ i r chi no Main thing Obtaining tsu i i i ri r i zu Party chi It is i t i ha r ha i ku Government ya Don t you think i ha 92 i and tsu i lt Right It is i r one REPT i ha i i gt ha II i i ∀ ¯ ¯ to REPT ¯ ¯ i i No i No r j a … i ni 22 i i i REPT t li i 92 i j 92 he ni REPT j j
                                                                                        • Lヽ,七纱罗 ヽヽten ! !(J J 不是T卢武铉 , , Seven REPT l re No Ten REPT REPT j j Non T No
                                                                                        • 同样在今天 ヽノ, O ° °⌒⌒O , ( 人 ) 开头你的工作 ⌒ 期待着 92 no REPT 92 o ゚ ⌒ ⌒ ゚ o 92 Today and human Austerity it does 92 ⌒ Work starts …
                                                                                        • 米 米 :::德国,F:: 图书馆 米 O üヽ::: U :: : mi mi tsu mi mi O u REPT DEG u ¯ ¯ mi Public ⌒ People Right u REPT REPT Stopping No Stopping The Assemblyman stopping the Korea burning butcher shop you do 92 REPT 92
                                                                                        • ! “ )( “ hu ku ゙ riku ゙ ri re r mi mi x no ゙ i mi REPT mi i REPT mi REPT REPT д No l HKRPT ⌒ REPT ─
                                                                                        • :: L ヾ::: ::我::::1::重: ::: :我 ゝ :: :::L:C ヾ ヽ我::::J C 和闵塔 我ヽ l 92 DREPT i 1 ri i HKRPT l ha DREPT REPT i j 7 i 92 ⌒ REPT ha V i ⌒ ゙ 92 i ri 92 No 弋 huno i l HKRPT 92 i ⌒ ゙ REPT ⌒ ゙ DREPT ha People It is And i REPT to person 7 ∠ i r chi no Main thing Obtaining tsu i i i ri r i zu Party chi It is i t i ha r ha i ku Government ya Don t you think i ha 92 i and tsu i lt Right It is i r one REPT i ha i i gt ha II i i ∀ ¯ ¯ to REPT ¯ ¯ i i No i No r j a … i ni 22 i i i REPT t li i 92 i j 92 he ni REPT j j

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