JK Idaro不会在未经批准的日本不仅出放射性污染的食物 Only the food which was polluted with the radioactivity the ro JK which is not the reason where Japan which cannot be put out is approved and is
达洛尼加从其他国家不合理的污染我是一个新的学校做得很好 It was the group which is wanted doing but therefore ro pollution national what which already is unreasonable
Reyashinee还接管了一些小便,真的坚持销售○石原,CO NO However much applying urine you can take the palm well The ho it is with persistent Ishihara… well u ○ ko
什么是2020年,石原,EH不来黔生 2020 tsu te Ishihara the ro which you does not live and is
TEPCO放射性污染的,例如说,然后从污水中删除 After removing from the Tokyo Electric Power Company radiation contamination and the sewage facility, call
“什么是好的,即使在东京穷人”要在做的话后说Tteta喂什么政治家当选并不意味着真正 “As for Tokyo there is no being possible to become poor ” although you express in the speech after the tsu te being elected Doing as for ru thing the truth opposite As expected it is the politician well…
通过我们的邻国,而是看向相反的结果,如果该公司有 That truth being conversely although you say that there is a country of the next door which the result you show securely
“米吸引石原的个人私欲的奥运会,并用书面形式特许权使用费的井田差一块它稼 Therefore Olympic attraction what for private desire of Ishihara's, It has at the royalty which is made in the inferior sentence apply
一旦对手,但整个事情是确定的,是被遗忘的时候,1988年汉城奥运会,但在2008年击败了名古屋,北京反对派候选人时,反对派在大阪 When one time it is decided as for anti candidacy are forgotten but those which 1988 Seoul Olympic time Nagoya anti candidacy It was defeated as in case of Beijing 2008 Osaka was anti candidacy
一旦对手,但整个事情是确定的,是被遗忘的时候,1988年汉城奥运会,但在2008年击败了名古屋,北京反对派候选人时,反对派在大阪 When one time it is decided as for anti candidacy are forgotten but those which 1988 Seoul Olympic time Nagoya anti candidacy It was defeated as in case of Beijing 2008 Osaka was anti candidacy
东京是世界上首次夏季和冬季场地我们为白色冬季运行 As for Tokyo in winter candidacy margin Worldwide first summer it becomes winter opening area
一直致力于希望更多的球员储备,以加强奥运会 From Olympic opening we want the reserve applying to player strengthening
东方聋人奥运会的下一个飞脚W肺部。我讨厌从2020年Contd。将会是它的气味包装达洛尼加 The east where the following Olympics and the W cup probably will persevere The ro which is ill smelling full load Because it means that continues to 2020 it is hateful
东方聋人奥运会的下一个飞脚W肺部。我讨厌从2020年Contd。将会是它的气味包装达洛尼加 The east where the following Olympics and the W cup probably will persevere The ro which is ill smelling full load Because it means that continues to 2020 it is hateful
什么是热点目前不Janee外国人要来东京的恐惧说我Tattenham津市796白河嘿哟!嘿看现实之间的关系,我们过滤 796 It does don t you think and others It is thing the tsu te which was said Fearing Tokyo the foreigner not coming is the present condition well Hot spot what Relationship well Look at the actuality
我家伙,我目前正在看一个例子说 Present condition seeing the thing say It is no what it is dense
什么是白色的创造性工作在欠发达国家这不是 There is no underdeveloped country, therefore it is, [kurieiteibitei] the showing margin [tsu] [te
从东京嗯,我认为可以做十日十日在九州东北部的贫困农村这 Well, that you think Tokyo compared to whether northeast suffering area or Kyushu it is possible to do at the remote region, but
任何一个错误的决定中老年人有茶田濑模糊 Don t you think give the balance it is the chi ya useless in the becoming dim old person Regardless
任何以前失败433 ll亚洲是不可能转Desho?北京和伦敦→东京→不可能不想同意我强,即使在公平的考虑点 433 Also the previous failure what Asia was unreasonable order with to do the yo Beijing gt London gt Tokyo It cannot be and with even we thinking in huea you did not want to approve and
但在日本西部和北海道Yuzureyo Jijii不是想来本届奥运会有WW相信我会在奥运会做谁是放射性污染的主要领域 Someone the Olympics does at radiation contamination area of the nuclear plant ww When there is such a thing certainly the Olympics we want coming but transfer to west Japan and Hokkaido jijii
如果这样做,东京,通过测量的冬季奥运会等了韩国决定放射性污染水平水平 我将韩国应该怎么做才能清楚了吗? If you do measuring the Korean radioactivity level where winter Olympics are decided Pollution level Tokyo lt Korea It should have made clear don t you think it is
但首先,我并没有因为核电厂,考验可能是一个机会去重新审视日本在上诉安全,声音很小不希望不要浪费彼此的古 However first it probably is unreasonable with consequence of the nuclear plant in appeal the Japanese safety is made to take a second look the causing re which becomes the opportunity is the empty does not become terrible waste lively would like to have doing
就像是浪费金钱,如果你要我不知道由东京都议会认可梅尔,下层为负两位数此外,日本结果的价值 It probably is intention what which is recognized at the Metropolitan Assembly Waste of such a gold furthermore in the result which lowers the Japanese value at the point in time when it is defeated
新生银行在东京。就像投资者,没有你浪费Ohsugi The passing to new life bank Tokyo But also investment so waste the large cedar
侧Yanaidaro在亚洲仅次于韩国已经做了同样的,即使选后Barenai中国候选人没有 After China did running as a candidate it is not chosen when being the same after Korea did and in Asia The ro which is not the side ya which you do and is
韩国墙 wwwwwwwwwwww基础日语 Korea Wall gt gt gt China gt gt small Japan wwwwwwwwwwww
傅。什么东重建。弥敦道w ll灾区达洛尼加 Returning/repeating. Returning/repeating rising East. Don't you think? suffering area - the [ro] w which is
再好思宇野,如果它没有申办成功之前,或者如果我能! Kareru奥运会开幕地震发生后几年在日 u200b u200b本这个事件 太热乳房达洛尼加 When it had succeeded in the summons before that are those where you think how it was good probably just we Passing this earthquake disaster at this event of the ro which… chest heat where no year later Olympics are opened in Japan it passes and is
只有在女子体操和男子100米Yarouzu Woman gymnastics and the [zu] which probably will do with only boy 100m
同时,州长得到森田森田州长抱怨说,道路早日完成在灾难在研讨会上迂回“,以保护首都地区早日完成中途”中心区 On the one hand, Governor Morita early of the sphere middle road which with the same symposium becomes the detour at the time of disaster appealed completion Morita governor “capital city function is protected sphere middle road early completion”
呼吁各国运动员在是否分钟我一直缺席确保围绕奥运安全的国家,但在莫斯科举行的像个小坏布莱恩 The safe aspect being guaranteed what the athlete of each country is called in the country which does not understand whether or not the ru just a little However lower handrail ya Moscow Olympics it held likely it was each country non participation
这可能结束国家纷纷确定缺席 Deciding it is not unable it to be decided that non participation country says in great numbers
善太郎危险,但它甚至没有出Yaranai相当饱和,我反对任何放射性污泥是污水处理厂是远远达洛尼加国际奥运会所有不合理的不 As for Sintarou nothing is done the radioactivity of the sewage disposal plant vis-a-vis the sludge which was polluted, Although in saturated state suitable [yabai] Instead of even that while doing, the Olympics the international conference the [ro] which entirely is unreasonable
因此,每个国家分配来的大底是在该国举行的国家来一次密封的辐射也被掩盖,但不 Although concealment or airtightness are not done When it holds in radioactivity country, cracking in the country which does not come with the country which comes large shame like this
在东京和大阪地区的轰炸周围融 u200b u200b化的责任,我们不能做的更好弥敦道达洛尼加 Being bombed area Tokyo with don t you think the reason which can be done the ro which is It leaves around Osaka and dissolves
我希望国家 有,什么亚热优惠 The country which we would like to do is a lot of therefore it is transferring
在东京湾× × ×击败申奥柏青哥防波堤 Olympic summons à Tokyo bay breakwater à Pachinko overthrow Ã
什么是酷弹弓Kashiro Shitakerya申奥 The Olympics to summon the fungus ri ya pachinko somehow the margin tsu te
我无力在日本举办奥运会,南特电影节是不 There is no room which Olympic summons how we have celebrated in the Japanese country
日本拒绝奥申委W→退出 Olympic summons member visit to Japan denial gt end w
在此之前,一定要成为你的州长亡(或将几乎瘫痪呆只),希望,首先,奥运会的东西Yaranai Before doing the governor becomes dying or being preoccupied the disabled person it becomes similar probably will be and In the first place Olympic something you do not do
你对我说今天从作为奖金省长电,主要大型停电风险 In addition the governor to use electricity to be turned up because the tsu te you say risk of large scale power failure large
地图被用于活动,以吸引韩国 The map for the attraction activity which Korea used
奥运会和灾区重建都无所谓 Because as for suffering area revival and Olympics at all there is no relationship
小组讨论是由四个大都市区州长出席了神奈川县的黑岩Y 总督“重建为契机,奥运会,来自各地的灾区,如果茹,如果没有,我觉得也有东京奥运会,这样的”言论自由和但与石原的规定 In the panel discussion where 4 governors of the national capital regions attends Kanagawa prefecture Governor Yuji Kuroiwa “Olympics as opportunity with says revival the message which suffering area If it comes from the whole you think” that there are also such Tokyo Olympics that although you spoke Governor Ishihara responded
好吧,也许一旦他们还失去了石原头 Perhaps it stops turning also the head of the droppings and Ishihara
层次,我们还可以按照另一种方式Netouyo爱国者 Already, the level which either the [netouyo] national loyal retainer cannot follow…
平昌在2014年吸引索契普京成功的历史是一个候选人 The flat 昌 was major candidate at 2014, but [puchin] are details of success in [sochi] attraction
开盖后的奥运会和老虎机店,从Tokita招募和反射那是愚蠢的 When the cover you opened you reflected that at the time of the pachinko house and the Olympics and conscription it is the empty it was foolish
当我们考虑谁更好,如果只是没有进入韩国奥林匹克石原球呢? If Ishihara the Olympics the extent which is done the person whom you think that the Korean magazine pocket is better
东京奥运会得到了消费? ! ! ! ! Tokyo Olympics it went out
您不必无论是从自己口袋里的853的痛苦呢?什么是不是绝对的,说我收到来的工作是值得做的数字还没有失败和费用瓦特年度兰花总督是永远在从瓦特在他的口袋里温暖的书面中标守墓什么保持台湾团结联盟“说服”的时候我会改变一个人的头脑是出滑稽的条件和?这些词涵盖从自我自我,带好有一个风险。我认为,备份也坚决不自由的机会部长级会议景德镇,W 853 Because your own bosom do not hurt Because tsu te your own bosom become warm w If it succeeds in summons the grave protection generation to Sueyo failing w doing don t you think governor job of the annual expenditure which is not viewing the tsu te where the worth which is received appears Saying that it does not come out no matter what with persuasion the case where it reconsiders condition putting out it is not strange don t you think To overturn the word of the self because there is a risk w Well our You think that ha ゙ tsukuatsuhu ゚ it will be the Cabinet minister and our people type capital Ku discussion secure With victory calculation pulling out w
通过举办冬季奥运会更好吗?南特统治夏季和冬季,我就闻所未闻? Rather if it summons thing winter Olympics Don t you think summer winter conquest how unprecedentedness
惜麻烦甚至死亡,如果不正确,石原Dattara低,有一个短的目标柏青哥在日本的特权和溃疡“我会投什么?它起着作用迅速田濑 When resident privilege and the pachinko it is remaining life short Ishihara in order to crush dying it is not regrettable when it is troubled” it is the tsu te poll red sandal wood Carry out the function quickly
主题返回他们的系统的公务员“,而不是麻烦石原”什么我写出来 With government employee type sure the lady “unless it is Ishihara it is troubled” the tsu te you write
取消赌场计划 石原Uhauha→耙齿沙龙(这是型人)→神过时的石原耙齿沙龙 pachi house abolition casino conception gt Ishihara uhauha the citizen it is swindled pachi house abolition gt Ishihara God
如何不同,那么说石原?韩国的眼睛,你说什么? The Ishihara za it should call well It should call the Korean me
我喜欢的话了,因为电通和石原→→临 Capital gt Dentsu gt Ishihara professional It will stop already
石原也很喜欢这个石原在电视上也赞成这样的愿望,预计从我一个人Yohodo津市 Don t you think such this time has supported Ishihara is like Ishihara who appears in the tv picture seems the man considerably appearing from the ru
这还是一个监管弹弓石原鸡WW Pachinko regulation still a ww Chicken Ishihara
我以前是从东京有明国际展览Comiket强迫,而亚拉奥运会 When the Olympics it is done in Tokyo because the Bick sight becomes unable to use in komike don t you think
他们在东京周围的奥运切尔诺贝利奥运会 Therefore in Tokyo around Olympic Chernobyl Olympics
奥运会“东京奥林匹克”和小和 Naming also the Olympics “Olympic Tokyo”
我愿意浪费在奥运会150亿日元再次 In addition it is the air which with the Olympics costs 15 000 000 000 Yen to wasteful
然而,这过度的承诺,奥运会为什么Gidazo But too why to adhere to the Olympics is
重要的是,奥运会不应该再 The expectation where the Olympics are not important thing above that
我做Wakeneedaro国家更好地对核ぽぽぽぽ!我现在7级 The nuclear [po] [po] [po] [po] - it is, the reason which can be done in the country well the [ro] which is! Now level 7 is
我出售到数亿还行漏 In addition sen of hundred million units is thrown away in the ditch, it is the shelf
我在这个将要到其他县市都会推出什么说什么,不与总督石原的钽或地震破坏的亚拉报告,中心区的情况下事件我得到了通过,但也应该呼吁期开始早期和非建设十日绕行道路作为有用的灾难 The [ma] - it is the governor inside to be attached, it could be brought together When something Ishihara says the [tsu] [te] which is done, also other prefecture of the national capital region is involved, it is, In at this event, damage report of earthquake disaster, Usefulness as a detour at the time of disaster of the sphere middle road But early of not yet starting construction section starting construction the expectation which was appealed, through?
我对铯的半衰期到结束或至少选择东京白 The Tonkin pick? At least after half-life of cesium finishing, margin
我就心满意足了,如果只是一个人的大都市政府私有化 If it is dense how much to private property converts capital government, the air is completed, it is
我是不是吃馒头会毒害韩国任何异常情况了,但w和 Already what kind of poison manju it probably is fed in abnormal situation shelf w Korea
我暴露在Shitarashii新德里英联邦运动会憎恶去年,仍然有手强和东欧,土耳其,中东占主导地位东京达洛尼加 However to bleach disgraceful behavior with [komonuerusugemuzu] of last year and be to drop Delhi, It probably will be stiff after all and, as for Middle Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Middle East the [ro] which is more predominant than Tokyo
我有时会流淌了1964年东京奥运会开幕式彩色视频,全国收到的数字来与核攻击彻底摧毁了这个国家,不会做无干扰重建收益至今,在短短19年,真正的实力不留下深刻印象的一种罕见但后生思奥运会开幕式我稍微确保新鲜 However color video of Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony 1964 occasionally flows The country releases and the ash 燼 with to mushroom it receives the country which in only 19 years It is not the case that it becomes the interference of revival to here truly strongly refreshingly to force in circumstances of opening ceremony the origin of after the Olympics The reason which is impressed unintentionally even with we
但是,1964年流入有时颜色的东京奥运会开幕式视频,全国数字之前收到的核攻击来余烬,土地,至今19年来复兴只是新鲜力量的真正确保开幕式我没有印象,但稍思奥运会寻找罕见来生 However color video of Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony 1964 occasionally flows The country releases and the ash 燼 with to mushroom it receives the country which in only 19 years It is not the case that it becomes the interference of revival to here truly strongly refreshingly to force in circumstances of opening ceremony the origin of after the Olympics The reason which is impressed unintentionally even with we
我觉得是没有投入,没有一个很好的候选人到另一个时,可能会影响到东京,是思核事故,正好有骂的家伙负责想做的事 There was no air which you insert but it is even with the other candidacy ro ku or influence it comes in nuclear accident Tokyo the origin you thought and responsibility we wanted having in it is dense
我觉得是没有投入,没有一个很好的候选人到另一个时,可能会影响到东京,是思核事故,正好有骂的家伙负责想做的事 There was no air which you insert but it is even with the other candidacy ro ku or influence it comes in nuclear accident Tokyo the origin you thought and responsibility we wanted having in it is dense
放射性污染在东京是无限期地继续下去 As for radiation contamination of Tokyo it is the half permanently to continue but
无石不能十日在东京奥运会10年没有核爆炸,但不知何故福岛的冬季奥运会将在东京举行的韩国瓦特恭喜你,哦,为什么能阻止一个不错的选择候选人一样,什么动机吗?瓦特 W which you question is with your Korean winter Olympic opening decisive me and Although somehow hukushima nuclear plant of Tokyo exploded Either 10 years do in Tokyo the Olympics there is no reason which it is possible and Candidacy the reason which is stopped it was good it being possible Huh still being motivation w
有关详情,请参阅“都知事石原慎太郎,有黑色的” As for details, “black capital governor Ishihara Sintarou” reference
来自其他国家的人民已经完全停止达洛尼加故事,福岛核电站才会来安井安井达洛尼加说,我们也很安全, To the last after the Fukushima nuclear plant ceasing completely, the [ro] which is story The [ro] where the people of the foreign country that it is safe, it is said and the [ho], the [ho] it is and does not start and is
柏青哥是非法的,赌博,赌博 As for pachinko illegality, gambling and gamble
歌厅,娱乐于Masugomi利益相关者,一个肯定和撰写文章,石原的坏抱怨,只是 Entertaining the mass rubbish authorized personnel with kiyabakura it is Ishihara s complaint The bad article is written when is such thing shelf
石原当选为两大邪教和创价感谢霊友会 Spirit friend meeting and Ishihara who is elected with favor of two large cults of Soka
比奥运会申办Jijii,晋升的白色清理文殊安塔尔 As for [jijii] from Olympic summons, Monju winding up which you propel margin
津市我从印度旅行,亚洲2第一轮(夏季)举行功率等待将是后 Large country India of not yet opening waiting, from the [ru], the Asian 2 巡 eyes (summer) after that it may become
石原并非出于它不使用浪费钱 It has become dim, it is there is no Ishihara The wasteful gold you use
石原慎太郎,“人类的快中子增殖的u200bu200b梦想” As for Ishihara Sintarou “FCC dream of mankind”
石礼在222 Mandarake也许死亡的奥运会。进入纪念馆program m 222 When it dies perhaps in Olympic ceremony the stone You insert also the mourning program it is
石礼在222 Mandarake也许死亡的奥运会。进入纪念馆program m 222 When it dies perhaps in Olympic ceremony the stone You insert also the mourning program it is
研究员右翼网或我抵制2018年冬季奥运会? As for ladies and gentlemen of net right wing as for 2018 winter Olympics boycott combining?
纵观今年的奥运会在八位数字,今年的方式,在1968年墨西哥,但在美洲,1988年汉城,1998年长野,2008年北京,和张念平2018年,并没有跟着亚洲 When by the way the lower one column of western calendar tries looking at Olympics of year of 8 but as for 1968 Mexico the American continent 1988 Seoul 1998 senior fields 2008 Beijing and 2018 flat 昌 with Asia is continued
纵观今年的奥运会在八位数字,今年的方式,在1968年墨西哥,但在美洲,1988年汉城,1998年长野,2008年北京,和张念平2018年,并没有跟着亚洲 When by the way the lower one column of western calendar tries looking at Olympics of year of 8 but as for 1968 Mexico the American continent 1988 Seoul 1998 senior fields 2008 Beijing and 2018 flat 昌 with Asia is continued
获胜的甚至有可能要归功于韩国的公民,但一直巧妙地惩Rizu总督石原唯一的机会,已经成为很多冤枉钱,并且做你们达洛尼加太多,但几乎没有Kaname我有它的到来 Even simply as for possibility of election although it was delicate possibility almost with the Korean favor nothing Although is when you do the ro which main point it passes and is it is dense The ma it probably becomes a lot of wasteful gold but without being disgusted our industry complacency of the citizen of Tokyo where designates Ishihara as capital governor
东亚和亚洲的枢纽狙达洛尼加销售什么时间解决福冈经济特区和使用它,而花冤枉钱是要去的另一个领域是〜如果世界认真的溶解热 It is dispersion Already the wasteful gold you use is On the other hand making economic Special Economic District around Fukuoka the ro which is the time when you aim for the Asian hub As for east Asia with maji the greatest in the world the ze which becomes hot area
该机使用了奥运会韩国很快感到Dzuitara避免 When Olympics get near, utilizes the Korean aircraft the air which is sidestepped
请允许,不发抖与南特和税务披露巨额广告费用,即使收敛的核事故。 Although please permits, either nuclear accident is not focused You use enormous capital tax in ad expenses, how it will not be scared…
贿赂前来参观的家庭成员。奥罗Nakya,不合理Murimuri Murimuri To the family of the member who comes to inspection 賄. If 贈 and others it is not, the excessiveness the excessiveness the excessiveness the excessiveness the excessiveness
达洛尼加只想名义税率上升质量kishimen申奥100%不可能的情况达洛尼加南特也是目前招投标的负面形象,充分 The ro which is summons how 100 impossible circumstance with the present condition 0 image being lazy In addition the ro which is the harboring which Olympic summons in pretext the tax rose is spread
达洛尼加是不可能的金钱或任何我打了几十年要辞职,但外国人不喜欢整个东部大奥运耐力活动,您正在做的 If the radioactivity durable Olympics presently in progressive doing altogether east, but the [ru] it is The foreigner disliking, participation refusal it is to be unable to be said the [ro] which empty several dozen is years unreasonable
这都与受影响地区的重建?什么东北奥运会什么利益或其他W是瓦特Desho Suffering area revival there is some relationship w Olympics many profits without being in the tsu te northeast which was done it does yo w
尽管东北Olympic m只是厚或更好的东京唐WWW电感灾区,WWWW东京是 As for suffering area although it is northeast as for Olympics the www do just it is in Tokyo it is impudent it is as for Tonkin wwww
退伍军人不会被挂在石原征兵津市 The conscription system [tsu] hanging, there is no military service experience in Ishihara, probably will be
那么,如果方法是免费的,但不是生活的奥运挑战石原慎太郎,日本就可以够,如果事件没有希望看到世界各地的人们前来 If Ishihara s reason to live Olympics Well however there is no manner The people in the world coming absolutely seeing like If the event Japan independently sufficiently possibility
石原并没有发生已经走到所有核分钟在东京的东京,你必须先出售电力 Ishihara has the nuclear plant of the electrical amount which is used first in Tokyo entirely in Tokyo
石原当选为傻瓜公民主张主要接触的习惯和我 The aho citizen of Tokyo who is elected Ishihara of nuclear propulsion group to the habit which has been bombed
重选前的“在口袋里的钱交给俄罗斯做石原”我思Tteta连任后,“如果有氧剥削希望我在外形上的公民,”我的样子或是 If front of the re electing “is exploited “doing selfishly with Ishihara s pocket money however the ro ” tsu te you think after re election shape what which the citizen of Tokyo desired therefore favorite ” the tsu te it reached the point where you think
他在书中指出Hamako“石原一直是慷慨捐赠给鹦鹉”,而不是写 hamako “Ishihara has contributed large sum in oumu ” that has written in our work
可回收可能得到解决,如果我们在奥运会的申办石原慎太郎不会不管我是否这么小,但它也是很难茹 The possibility at the place where it can summon Ishihara staying in the Olympic place is little it is without being Also such a throat arm being good that is troubled even with purpose but
金秋时节是产品的尝试,出资412上下Ttemasu奥运前? 412 Capital bond decreasing it increases the time when the Olympic fund has been accumulated but
奥运大坤428人 428 Who kondaiorinpitsuku
金秋时节是产品的尝试,出资412上下Ttemasu奥运前? 412 Capital bond decreasing it increases the time when the Olympic fund has been accumulated but