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“The double loan” measure our public bill sets 2,000,000,000,000 Yen debt purchase frameworks, as for government democracy plan “also many are enough for several 100,000,000,000 Yen”, that difference of big recognition


  • 366自民党草案,但是从2万亿日元的税收负债布对接相信犯罪
    366 Therefore the Liberal Democratic Party plan conviction debt the rear end to wipe offense with tax, 2,000,000,000,000 Yen

    • 647?福利及灾区和踢援助,生产什么什么区别?踢在失业援助福利市场力 u200b u200b量援助灾民踢不过什么?我喜欢笨桂 647 When suffering area is helped in welfare something how is different it is But as for helping inoccupation welfare as for helping the sufferer market mechanism the tsu te ba Mosquito Your Way
      • 647福利,而这种拔出对方的情况下问题是完全不同的肌肉差异 647 Because welfare is different from this problem at all it is unreasonable to put out to the inquiry

    • 844购买不良贷款下降,没有救灾
      844 As for negotiation of inferior claim disaster support you do not say

      • 864地震的损失是可以容忍的无道德风险,例如,如果整个救赎的故事,是不是要小得多相比的有关问题和Sabupura 150000说在东北最 864 As for earthquake disaster in the story at the very most 150 000 of northeast the extent which does not become the thing in comparison with sabupura problem small story In other words if it does from the whole the loss which relief and the like of moral hazard it does not do and can allow also the te

        • Dahlonega ll力650 2万亿日元的东西 650 2 000 000 000 000 weak yen something the ro which is unreasonable

          • FRB 368注入资金,以确保我们恢复
            368 You collect fill fund securely, FRB

            • ID和想支持它:不是9EvCL / bz0
              And, kind of supporting that is ID: 9EvCL/bz0 with reason

              • u003d重建不是自民党草案进入钱是最差的,如果贷款人想从国家的民主的建议购买绝对无用的,我可以直接从政府金融机构贷款 The gold is inserted it is not revival Therefore as for our people plan the worst democracy plan negotiation useless By any means if the country would like to become the creditor if from the government related financial institution directly it should have financed

                • Wakeneedaro有一个健康的经济,如例子抱877金融机构的不良贷款
                  877 The financial institution holding inferior claim, the reason which is healthy economy and the like well the [ro] which is

                  • _NULL_
                    The Liberal Democratic Party “East Japanese large earthquake disaster double debt relief bill” (tentative name) 1) To support the re-start of the sufferer, to prevent the industry from suffering area and the outflow of population, revival In order to guarantee prerequisite, Sufferer (small-to-medium-sized small-scale enterprise, private enterprise and agriculture and forestry marine products trader etc) previous. Debt with public mechanism purchase, Capital handling it is dear, the sutra. Doing advice, and the like you aim toward long-term playback. 2) Concerning the private housing loan which does not have business connection, simple debt rearrangement (specification arrange and civil playback etc) it executes according to the desire of one by one, Public in the sufferer who desires the new acquisition of the private possession residence low interest rate 据. Long-term financing, The sale after the fixed period of the public residence and exchange with the estate of the individual are examined. Concerning the sufferer who does not desire the re-acquisition of the private possession residence with the reason such as age, Is supported publicly moving to such as welfare institution. 3) As for the revenue source, utilizing the government guarantee and government compensation bond, as you hold down immediately tax throwing to minimum, Safety net fund of industry (deposit and savings insurance etc) it utilizes, holding 込 also participates the financial institution mortgage. The burden which falls on the debt of nuclear origin does the claim for compensation to the compensating system of nuclear disaster.

                    • 一个工匠在工作damaged ll 272照常工作,但将3K 3 1000 50002万次的日均日元如果绞纱积极武器,不仅在这个时代9000日元,工匠不能但是,正如我也有一个社会的经济损失,去工作,根据能力提供每一个受害者,他们也失去了个人和社会 272 If the craftsman utilizes that arm although it reaches daily allowance 25 000 30 000 Yen Normally it worked at the workplace of 3K it is it reaches 9000 Yen Although current age the craftsman is not enough as society and doing from economy it is loss what Unless in the same way it keeps offering the workplace where it responds to each ability of the sufferer privately and socially it is loss

                      • 不愿向中小企业贷款会湮没在之前
                        Well, you lend before that and it probably is small and medium-sized business total destruction with faltering, but

                        • 不过,我保证较少的年轻家庭和育儿打下明显比其他先进国家
                          But, to be considerable guarantee to young layer and childcare household is little in comparison with advanced foreign countries it is

                          • 两津到887不良贷款的处置,但我同意,寓意是,你要么按后在多大程度上国家的基础自救认为,在同一时间,你还有什么是不可取的良好社会关系是我们考虑每宗个案这是一个灾区,但它不应该,当然,帮助人们和企业成为“只为那些谁不信息”只是一个politician ll要像一个未来可能的事情思的主题是什么相反,什么是让我们的表现感到自豪,Kokoira国籍 NULL
                            • 我从周围的整个经济在日本650可能不会像我会破坏国家的住宅及非受灾地区涉及Democrats look可能是一针强心剂,但我对国内企业依靠会但是,在一个可怕的,它必须伴随着奇怪的十日 650 Don t you think it is in order for the citizen other than glance suffering area to lose it is visible however it is probably will be Because economy turns domestic in the whole Japan it may become the good camphor medicine Simply when the Democratic party is entwined you must ask the residence to the Korean enterprise unless Being strange it may be annexed being it is fearful however

                          • 伊根就业支持我帮助很多人的支持和保护受害者的贫困交织,政府担保的贷款,抚慰金及其他福利保障,破产,贷款增加抗双南特机关人员,公司更生法等。返回OK,如果人对个人与政府保证不,只会迫使银行债务和破产人阿查里雅,但我不愿意 Don t you think the person who makes sufferer support and poor protection messy is many Support employment support government guaranteed loan and inquiry gold etc Protection welfare self bankruptcy and reorganization method etc The double loan measure how staff and the window increasing if it corresponds individually OK Acquiring government guarantee to the person whom it can return the unreasonable person going bankrupt just makes debt chiyara As for the bank however you dislike don t you think
                            • 要求收回贷款到正常盐度成本 Normally there is loan of the cost which is required for the restoration of salt attack

                          • 但是如果你支付银行449可以恢复,它只是打破了一个增益高达一旦负担国家重点 449 When the bank bears however you can collect When the country bears it just quiesces that way

                            • 但是,党内还没有取得共识,下一次调用,讨论党Bisouda Simply intraparty consensus because it is not obtained in the future being intraparty argument It may call

                              • 但没有写的90000亿6000亿日元,资本投资和住房投资需求,如你的傻瓜458麻烦
                                458 Specially for the fool like you Although credit requirement of plant investment and housing investment writing 9,600,000,000,000 Yen

                                • 例如与受灾难影响的人抱贷款猎杀分钟,区域不管你多么的阪神大地震中的经验,这些解决方案没有确定之前全部或仅适用于地震虽然 为什么会是什么困难的部分但是,有什么结果,已从东北很多人有影响力的国会议员,我一直是在任何其他自然灾害的困难时期 The people who suffer holding loan as for being serious you understand but You do not understand completely whether some wide area say why is applied in just this earthquake disaster It probably is with the Osaka and Kobe earthquake disaster… what on the basis of experience but Other natural disaster suffering hardship in the origin the ru person the multitude it is probably will be It probably is result what where influential assemblymen of northeast graduate moved
                                  • 硬的一部分,例如,为受灾害影响的人抱贷款猎杀分钟,区域不管你多么前,在阪神大经验不是从解决方案确保整个光或仅适用于地震为什么虽然 将阻燃剂,什么结果感动许多人来自东北的影响力国会议员,我会受到任何其他自然灾害困难时期 The people who suffer holding loan as for being serious you understand but You do not understand completely whether some wide area say why is applied in just this earthquake disaster It probably is with the Osaka and Kobe earthquake disaster… what on the basis of experience but Other natural disaster suffering hardship in the origin the ru person the multitude it is probably will be It probably is result what where influential assemblymen of northeast graduate moved

                                • 例如,如果您不支付的债务,它甚至不是推到除分钟的捐款和赠款的区别重建生活
                                  When you cannot pay debt, it is seizure excluding the contribution gold and life reconstruction support gold amount

                                  • 十日为个人破产谁想要在拉斯维加斯以上的税务风险调皮地补偿成为现实并没有那么高,如果我能得到更好的S High wages obtaining with that because the ru it is when risk becomes actuality assistant 填 you act playfully too much with tax The person who oneself would like to go bankrupt it should have done
                                    • 一旦在浴缸周围和周围有任何不便,我们深表歉意,我去的人谁是唯一的援助和重建 Going bankrupt once when the niece framework we apply the leash turning turning The people whom it helps it should have kept reconstructing
                                    • 为什么不住我保释出来破产色勒? Those which if may go bankrupt why probably will be relieved
                                    • 以后的麻烦,我们是从我们在我破产前,我们做什么是朝鲜 When we goes bankrupt those where it is troubled are you whether tsu te North Korea
                                    • 如果预过滤浪费和破坏破产 The ro which if oneself may go bankrupt and is It is sweet and the refuse
                                    • 忘记搞笑的是不是坏我只得到光十日在第一破产贷款 In the first place the one which self bankruptcy or debt you step on and push down the reason whose profitable how is strange
                                    • 我的目标是从零重新开始,而我们接受了破产和福利 Oneself going bankrupt While receiving welfare You should have aimed toward recovery from naked consistency just
                                    • 是啊,但154具有相同的破产 154 Sled ya oneself going bankrupt it is the same

                                  • 南特茹不可能买了金融机构的债务已采取了分杆塑料加工骨折休克蛋白的道德风险,因此 Claim of the financial institution is bought how it is not possible that densely destruction of sabupurashiyotsuku it is it is moral hazard like processing
                                    • 达洛尼加具有相同的前提上经过约443说这种道德风险 443 When story of such a moral hazard prerequisite is done the ro which is the same to whichever

                                  • 另一方面,我们一直在对国会议员的问题相关法案后重建
                                    On the one hand, our public legislation of house members revival-related bill is put out one after another

                                    • 只有一些差异如何,政府将支付银行支付破产后449 449 When it goes bankrupt the bank bears or only it is the difference whether government bears of
                                      • 只有一些差异如何,政府将支付银行支付破产后449 449 When it goes bankrupt the bank bears or only it is the difference whether government bears of

                                    • 和206,作为看出,从总体预算,但更严格,如果你说什么是共2无论如何,如果2万亿,每年更何况,我认为可以响应由条例或条例做我处理万亿资金,但很难从它的问题讨论的预算如果进项税直接也不过多谈论 206 If and direct tax throwing therefore budget deliberation matter but serious If it makes fund treatment it can correspond it is in government ordinance or Ministerial ordinance the kana which is not Increasing if every year 2 000 000 000 000 Yen if 2 000 000 000 000 tsu te you say anyhow at all However it is harsh even at the extent absurd amount considered as the whole budget or

                                      • 因此,福利由676什么都没有从第二个我不认识的资产担保的资产 676 Therefore welfare does guarantee and the like of property saying It does not recognize the possession of property therefore it is
                                        • 这就是证券ABS作为抵押品,以本公司持有的资产发行 Don t you think ABS is the bond which issues the property which enterprise possesses as mortgage

                                      • 在1996财年1.6万亿日元的资金需求高峰
                                        Credit requirement in 96 of peak 1,600,000,000,000 Yen

                                        • 在放射性污染,刑事定罪本身是一个坏主意,但南特可以重建渔业养殖
                                          Although with radiation contamination, agriculture and fishing industry are useless, can be reconstructed the how conception itself which convinced offense

                                          • 在谈到同公司的业务潜力发挥,各地区的核心经济复苏
                                            If you mention playback of the enterprise which has business characteristic, it is core of regional economy revival

                                            • 失业和迁移到其他县也卖差超过银行倒闭梳采取即使金融机构130我什至不能破产 130 The financial institution failing the bank where it is different takes over and The unemployed person moves to other prefectures and what failure the plug
                                              • 145个人不那么好,当金融机构齐声雅拉失败 145 The individual is good being that but when it is done simultaneously the financial institution fails

                                            • 如可能的原因达洛尼加可能是导致此相同的银行道德风险459 459 If moral hazard happens the same thing just occurs even at the bank the ro
                                              • 新的银行做了同样的事情在东京443 443 The same as the thing which new bank Tokyo did

                                            • 如果不从内陆沿海海啸破坏本来应该重建自己转杆基本上是城镇和村庄将被合并
                                              The inland side where the damage by the tidal wave does not reach propping up, town village making combine, own power should reconstruct the coast section basically

                                              • 如果你是抢救Rubeki 279采取缓解措施,如踢,为现在的贷款宽限期还款的动作,有大约疯狂南特之间建立对话的方向可以进一步税贷款 279 When we assume that it relieves it should take the relief measure such that postponement measure is provided concerning the repayment of the loan which now is being The story which even tax throwing how senselessly of the direction which makes further loan unite is extent

                                                • 它是无用说Tattenham灾区许多原教旨主义津市244,但说在前面的受害者同样的事情Etara多 244 What was said the tsu te which it is wasteful in the principle principle person When suffering area it can mean the same thing before the eye of the sufferer but many ones
                                                  • 在极端的情况是原教旨主义的极端贫瘠,但我就是这样 Don t you think in thorough argument thorough argument… Don t you think it is barren Therefore this as for principle principle person

                                                • 它的意思是说在税收屁股擦不良债务或义务的地震我成倍Dosakusa
                                                  Multiplying in [dosakusa] of earthquake disaster, to inferior claim converting my debt, it is the rear end wiping with tax

                                                  • 巴克,看坏的光经过公司的银行债务,企业债务干扰,即使在政府光看坏,但我不是最后的分配 When you welsh on the debt of the barker and the bank and push down but that company ends If debt of government you step on and push down and there is no hindrance in trading it is
                                                    • 旧公司移动资产来创造新的COM什么是第一家由我国政府的债务和破产Sotchi Datte将会看到在损失轻吸烟者 By its making the company separately moving outstanding property in that as for the old company going bankrupt The trap which steps on the debt of government and pushes down

                                                  • 建立新的机制来接管公司的债务已经买了小企业和农业,并致力于问题的立法,或马或民主党主张认为,没有间隔,以建立一个新的组织立法雷斯,被中断会谈
                                                    The round small and medium-sized business and the establishment of the new mechanism which buys the debt of the agriculture and forestry marine products trader, Aims toward legislation of house members our public and legislation do that new organization it is established, you insist the distance of opinion of the democracy which not being buried, Conference was broken off

                                                    • 建议特殊受害者骨折A.格雷斯1每1亿元的国民生活金融公库和措施偿还贷款。唯一的新闻与电力B计划贷款在2%的受害者包销义务的,10年期有限政府提出了新的贷款C - 灾民3%的额外贷款,一10年经过。开始还款利率为2%
                                                      A plan In sufferer special destruction. Managing, from the national life money market per one person 100,000,000 Yen financing repayment postponement 1. You lend out with the 2% B plan Pushing the taking of obligation of the sufferer to Tokyo Electric Power Company, government new financing C plan When with 10 year limited - 3% additional financing, 10 years it passes in the sufferer, 1. With 2% interest start of repayment

                                                      • 惜贷只向当地economy m僵硬造成很大的打击
                                                        The loan it just falters and large shock happens to regional economy, it is

                                                        • 我做一个新的石油替代燃料与海藻生产厂
                                                          The new petroleum alternate fuel production factory where the alga was used is made

                                                          • 我只是做它直接从金融机构如果还款宽限期差异Udaro531瓦特 531 The ro w which is different and is If repayment postponement therefore the financial institution should have done directly just
                                                            • 什么一个国家从资本主义624,但保护的金融机构一起Ranakya 624 Therefore capitalism country if very the financial institution Mori it is not but it is viewing

                                                          • 我明白,我得到它公开宣称已放弃一些东西,回来看东北 Northeast something abandoning kill Insisting that publicly understanding in you could obtain the shank

                                                            • 我通常从与无溃疡Desho按揭贷款是不可能南特则只有536英里 536 If is collapsing with just the ru does the yo Without mortgage financing how normally it is not therefore it is
                                                              • Ijan没有恢复后,作出我们的银行和溃疡 The bank collapsing one after another being able to collect it is
                                                              • 我从没有溃 u200b u200b疡Desho按揭贷款通常不可能只有536南特 536 If is it just collapses to do the yo Without mortgage financing how normally it is not therefore it is
                                                              • 我将组织一个任意球才有望因此溃疡 Therefore if there is no possibility crushing it rearranges it is

                                                            • 接受它的事项,双方昨天下午,“比尔东大地震支撑系统运营商打出”提交给参议院
                                                              This was received, our public both parties same day in the afternoon, submitted the “east Japanese large earthquake disaster enterprise playback support mechanism bill” to House of Councillors

                                                              • 擦拭,在南部的屁股都与即使没有免税从电感到非国有企业
                                                                Without attaching either binding, the rear end it wipes with tax and as for how is not other than government-managed business therefore it is,

                                                                • 日本产业再生公司和牛700的不是成本差异的尺寸有关的资本投资的住宿 700 Because as for industrial playback mechanism being adaptability of working capital there is no problem of the cost regarding plant investment dimension is different and
                                                                  • 日本产业再生公司和700牛不是成本之间的差异的尺寸需要在营运资本投资灵活 700 Because as for industrial playback mechanism being adaptability of working capital there is no problem of the cost regarding plant investment dimension is different and

                                                                • 最后310,它是什么做的债务,900万亿日元的债务问题,和你只是松散,我只是喜欢与多个债务同样的异常 310 After all the debt tsu te of 900 000 000 000 000 Yen Exception debt it just increased just this likely slipperily Our public thing which is done is the same what as the multiplex obligator
                                                                  • 最后310,它是什么做的债务,900万亿日元的债务问题,和你只是松散,我只是喜欢与多个债务同样的异常 310 After all the debt tsu te of 900 000 000 000 000 Yen Exception debt it just increased just this likely slipperily Our public thing which is done is the same what as the multiplex obligator

                                                                • 梅尔和我决定IDE和案和赔偿数额时,可以产生国家赔偿诉讼
                                                                  When national compensation lawsuit being caused, it decides with equilibrium of the compensation amount kana

                                                                  • 次级贷款,这是由于ABS发行仅中间按揭低收入人群的高危大量 Sub prime loan problem is low even in real estate loan for income earner layer Don t you think the fact that ABS whose risk is high is issued in large quantities is cause
                                                                    • 我看到一个家伙慈思,不值得比次贷更现在的情况是,第一次 Thinking that there is a value above the actual condition in current sub prime loan it is unprecedented to look at the ru person

                                                                  • 民主党人,不仅扰民思什么垃圾的受害者
                                                                    As for the Democratic party, the sufferer is thought only the rubbish nuisance

                                                                    • 溃疡可以损害整个日本地方银行和信贷协会在东北不 The regional bank and the trust gold of northeast failing there are no times when the whole Japan collapses
                                                                      • 哇思更基本的需要你做什么的讨论与东北 How doing northeast applying the wa which you think that more fundamental argument is necessary

                                                                    • 炒香,并表现为2万亿日元的自民党,EH Chimau不要让国家从胃购买和咀嚼东西应收款坏账银行可以拒绝边缘
                                                                      When it is 2,000,000,000,000 Yen large board behavior of the Liberal Democratic Party, the bank having, biting [ru] inferior claim and rubbish claim with anything, the [ro] which it makes the country buy and the [chi] [ma] bears

                                                                      • 由于它的灾难资本主义和歧视,我们是我们的阪神大地震的Bakayaro受害者不应该允许从法律责任的豁免
                                                                        [bakayaro] It discriminates with we of the sufferer of the Kobe earthquake is Therefore disaster with capitalism is the expectation which does not permit the exemption of debt

                                                                        • 电镀和消费上升到企业债务之前的不良贷款分钟的书?
                                                                          The rose spreading which cancels the debt amount of the enterprise which is before the inferior claim sun/size?

                                                                          • 的55640亿日元的债务偿还额已暂停金融机构(五月底),并总结了调查结果达
                                                                            The financial institution has postponed repayment the claim amount where 556,400,000,000 Yen (5 end of the month point in time) When it rises, the findings from was collected

                                                                            • 相反让任Honja 374思不敢下了车,没有什么公共资金进入金融机构的影响的雷曼兄弟溃疡右你得到一个坏注意 374 The ho it is conversely leaving when defective note right appears does not invest public fund to the financial institution and the te collapses rimanburazasu which It produced what effect try remembering
                                                                              • 南特如胃和公共资金购买不良贷款685,我会做任何地方 685 Inferior claim is bought at public fund how Every demo doing the ru
                                                                              • 津市说我会做那么从2008年美国476分钟我着色或多少公帑 476 Understanding America how much has invested public fund from 2008 the te saying whether ru
                                                                              • 然后委任,让金融机构713,我的意思是这样做只会绑定到不良贷款注入公共资金的金融机构获得 713 Then leaving to the financial institution when inferior claim comes out filling public fund to the financial institution you should have attached binding just it probably is but

                                                                            • 私营部门的所有资产面值WWW达洛尼加假想成为岛上房产税擦拭屁股,自然灾害Dattara 682(在此情况下债务)回家不说话Afo m由税务处理灭绝 682 When that it is the ro www which property disappearance of natural disaster comes to the point of the rear end wiping and with tax is Policy arranging how ahuo which private property in this case debt with tax processes there is no story
                                                                              • 税收在布屁股游戏说什么华尔街十日863线没有结果钱没帮助雷曼兄弟,冷静,像通用汽车公司的破产企业 863 That the rear end wiping of the money game of Wall Street is not done with tax saying The parenthesis the result of not supporting rimanburazasu well It goes bankrupt to the industry like GM

                                                                            • 符合的单笔贷款,工作保障,财政措施,其他杂项
                                                                              Consistency of single loan, job security, financial institution measure, in addition every

                                                                              • 而所扑杀,因为没有办法在市场原则的金融机构
                                                                                Because the fact that the financial institution is selected is market mechanism there is no manner

                                                                                • 要重建的投资,继续推进是否有该公司的需求,如果没有它的需求至今 If there is a demand enterprise equipping investing because it keeps advancing if it is reconstructed and there is no demand it is to that

                                                                                  • 谁昏倒在次贷,在家中或破产电梯了,我不喜欢这种直接公开支持在一所房子等计价自己 As for the person who fails with sub prime loan as for the house being picked up it goes bankrupt or rebuilds the house with own power or it is etc and there is no public support and the like
                                                                                    • 应变最初造成了一定的业务种类由221个国家没有自己的 221 Originally because as for causing a some business being own power there is no country

                                                                                  • 这不是公帑纳税人屁股的布
                                                                                    There is no reason which the rear end has done to wipe public financial fill with tax

                                                                                    • 这种对这笔资金和中央银行需求的假设约二万亿日元
                                                                                      2,000,000,000,000 Yen and Bank of Japan you suppose the latest credit requirement because of this

                                                                                      • 食品Itsubusu只有纳税人的钱浪费在疯狂来区域产业发展甚至没有勉强开始平时256 256 In even in the first place peacetime In the area which industry has not been reared well Doing senseless tax throwing just it eats up wastefully
                                                                                        • 什么我的什么我不说与税收支付的整个民族为什么津市28 28 Why all citizen paying that doing with ru tax applying it is story what
                                                                                        • 住宿不必从税收减免资助可能会在 Perhaps financial adaptability it is but because there is no reason which is relieved with tax
                                                                                        • 忘记了税款,是在该国建设工作不想脱离当地自我放纵 Because we would not like to leave from local end the country creates the work as for how is selfish with tax

                                                                                      研究 開発