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80.6% where Cabinet support ratio 16.4% non- support 79.4% House of Representatives selection poll candidacy democracy 10% our people 27.6% nuclear accident it does not correspond does not appraise…New reporting 2001 [7/7] ★4


  • 16日报道,2001年。好了16%,实际上是:1。 Janee约4% In reporting 2001 16 The 16 really 1 About 4 well
    • 从这个数字实际上木屐0键。达洛尼加16%或更少 Therefore as for the geta the number of the se lever really 0 The 16 the ro which is below that

  • 555 韩国我们写信问你随机消费税上调谷垣祯一走进管后,立即地震
    555 > Immediately after the earthquake disaster in the 菅 consumer tax tax increase Tanigaki who examination died and said [detarame] like this is, the Korean

    • 900000亿日元在埋金源
      As for the buried deposit gold there is 90,000,000,000,000 Yen Source

      • 957呀,但我不喜欢一些税务井在大选众议院100个席位民主党众议员一旦分配 957 So don t you think is when with the House of Representatives entire it elects However it is the spirit democracy may divide 100 parliamentary seats don t you think

        • ID:Fabyori突然开始xCY3vBnO0
          ID: xCY3vBnO0 put out the [huabiyo] [ri] suddenly

          • Janaku他们和别人做的人,你想Ishiro政治 Way and because your own are not do politics for the citizen request margin

            • TIT菅直人,规模最大,速度最快的170万东京18区的病房,东京部长林芳。投票
              Tube Naoto east institute of technology, Tokyo 18 Ku Lotus 舫 at minister of state Tokyo Ku most speed the most numerous 1,700,000. Poll

              • WWW Warota那么实际上颤抖害怕对方太多的人间谍免税自由党,自由,每个人的支持者戴着
                Our people operative fears in spirit of the party of everyone and it shudders, less Too multi it is [warota] www Well, because really, everyone it wears the bearing stratum of our people

                • _NULL_
                  * The young person party (the tentative name) with the Japanese society is changed, * < Young person party (tentative name) policy plan > Legal regulation of the new graduate supreme principle in job hunting Legal regulation of the age discrimination in job hunting It executes occupation training in the unemployed person and et. al it recognizes as business experience Talent dispatch company pin splash legal regulation of ratio Dispatch obligation of margin release to employee It tackles the degree of laws design in order to correct the treatment differential which exists between system of employment (Indefinite employment employee conversion of the non proper employee is designated as ideal) Relief opposition of layoff and regulation Pulling up the minimum wage Government employee adoption it does not reduce number of people Government employee employment test entrance examination possible age pulling up the upper limit Work-related method severe punishment conversion of offense Member of the Diet annual expenditure substantial reduction and local assembly Assemblyman remuneration substantial reduction Government employee substantial reduction of allowance Child abolition of treatment and revival of child treatment High school tuition gratuitous abolition of the system and after providing income restriction, introduction of the high school tuition auxiliary system Government employee compulsory severe punishment conversion Wasteful abolition of Special Corporation and independent administrative corporate body etc Official make severe punishment conversion such as consultation and option contract Private school private university new establishment for reducing such as furtherance and approval conditional strict conversion of department addition It confronts official development assistance and budget and the foreign country, each. Reduction of help gold budget State expenditure foreign student acceptance number of people provision amount reduction such as reduction and scholarship

                  • 不过,这个数字如果这在九月份提前举行大选投票人数,大概在这个数字也并不是一个普遍的替代土著增长不多,但也将有伸长率 Simply therefore as for this number the normalcy to the change which is present increasing the plug universal number perhaps in such as September If there is dispersion general election there is poll of this number however probably will be either it does not extend above this

                    • 互联网巨头公告板,我是一个傻瓜的人,我为投切碎 With the enormous bulletin board of the net the people who voted to minsu the ru it is to foolish

                      • 井164六,其余五个位置? “不是唯一一个没有热情六如获通过 164 In six people as for the standpoint remaining five Six people being but only one person reason what which is not supported ardently
                        • 井164六,其余五个位置? “不是唯一一个没有热情六如获通过 164 In six people as for the standpoint remaining five Six people being but only one person reason what which is not supported ardently

                      • 人口的日本教师联盟党支持者码头,解放联盟,在日本朝鲜人,韩国入籍自治労,官公労最左边的公民(W)组,池塘被发现Masugomi农屯鸬鹚覆盖(这些人有最罪孽深重)
                        Demonstration graphy of [minsu] party supporter Nitukiyou group, release alliance, resident Korean and naturalized Korean, autonomous labor and official public labor, extreme left citizen (w) group, Mass rubbish reporting is designated as gullibility the swamp where (it is dense and others crime it is deepest)

                        • 什么是不明确的今市说什么我想582 ll看着为主题流“对我们的支持措施,16%的拉斯维加斯圪塔”W什么的共识是,我不长 582 Something would like to say or is the chi will not it will not be distinct but If you look at the flow of sure “the geta the se it passes support ratio 16 ” te is the shelf the kana w which is not
                          • 历史借给兄弟圪塔36% It is and is and the geta makes also the 36 wear is

                        • 从新闻看组合说出来,如果 u200b u200b突然最低十日 Suddenly because name prime minister or the mass communications proposes Seeing the te seeing
                          • 一半的936?并非所有的 936 Half There is no all

                        • 从零开始,一切都OK空白星期一
                          Zero bases, it is everything OK it is with the white paper

                          • 他是北组织“Nettouyo”,而爆炸
                            The person of the north-related group has called repeatedly “[netsutouyo]”

                            • 但不可否认的是所有的政府和自民党官员,没有最终不能最终依靠自民党和官僚 All denying the Liberal Democratic Party the bureaucracy although administration you took is not possible after all at all and te end depends on the Liberal Democratic Party and the bureaucracy

                              • 但前提是你不能决定,地震杨静 Simply when deciding just parent cutting deciding was looked up

                                • 但民主党在幼稚的孩子气,即使自民党,促销的唯一金楚的原则,我们失去了主,但受辐射地区不安
                                  But as for the Democratic party being naive, infancy, To the Liberal Democratic Party, The territory being lost with the radioactivity In money-making principle of nuclear propulsion Nonplus

                                  • 傅。爱我,是什么说什么的自民党等在野党在地震后立即 Returning repeating Phase how those which our people and the other opposition party said immediately after the earthquake disaster
                                    • 傅。爱我,是什么说什么的自民党等在野党在地震后立即 Returning repeating Phase how those which our people and the other opposition party said immediately after the earthquake disaster
                                    • 现在,没有什么具体分700。 。自民党起草这样达洛尼加殆 700 Concrete what current returning repeating The ro which almost is our people plan

                                  • 党的所有788辊辐射,说之前你的第一个瓦特将马里来自自由民主党的人的集合是什么房租TEPCO,人民的愚蠢的党,十日任命了一个傻瓜南特鸠山头,民主党瓦特体打了一段时间,但现在我要感谢支持 788 The party of everyone probably is gathering of the graduate person of our people who receive the Tokyo Electric Power Company of the place where you say gold but w In the first place the party of foolish everyone prime minister designates the Hatoyama Yukio how fool when There is a current body cod ku with the favor which supports the Democratic party but it is w
                                    • 吉克中山先生中山吉克部议会秘书,“小泽一郎,鸠山由纪夫!哭泣吧,它哭了,哭了它”→二○一○年八月二十日 Nakayama justice life economic industrial economical state affairs official Ichiro justice life person “Ozawa Nakayama Yukio Hatoyama It is shout it is shout it is shout ” 2010 August 20th gt

                                  • 具体来说,霾是由于割让主权权力有关权力和社区居住
                                    Concretely authority strengthening of the official residence and the Kasumigaseki authority cession with regional sovereignty

                                    • 升 ヽヽ L::::ヽ : 卢武铉“⌒ヽ :::L 噪声)( ⌒ · 我 l REPT REPT l REPT No ⌒ REPT l No 92 ⌒ REPT l REPT l 39 39 REPT 39 ⌒ ⌒ 92 l and REPT No 92 REPT l ┐ i i l │ 丿 human l 92 REPT ¯ │ 丿 l 92 ¯ l ¯ l ∧
                                      • L 升 李:::: l REPT 6 human ll l r 39 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT l Zzzzzzz l l l ¯ l l l l 39 39 l l 92 92 39 39 l l REPT l l i 39 REPT 39 l l 39 39 REPT 39 39 l l 92 39 l i l i
                                      • NULL l l REPT l REPT REPT l REPT No ⌒ REPT l No 92 ⌒ REPT l REPT l 39 39 REPT 39 ⌒ ⌒ 92 l and REPT No 92 REPT l ┐ i i l │ 丿 human l 92 REPT ¯ │ 丿 l 92 ¯ l ¯ l ∧
                                      • R ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 r 39 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l 92 he and l 92 REPT REPT ni l 39 i 92

                                    • 南泰斯,以前Yukke小做文章总裁,嗯,因为我还没有自己的水库稳步字节许多商店(被自杀)。 Just a little the president of yutsuke disturbance before how saving piece by piece at the byte It reached the point where many your own store it can have but it is the ro which is it self destructed

                                      • 另外,另一民主党副就像是被什么是一个很好的下台和进行分配的负面Ketara副内阁官房长官,在晚宴中,我,我已经回到它的选区 Already when secretariat director and the secondary director are defeated when it is possible to be the lower field it is like it has divided Already the representative of the alone Democratic party in the middle of dinner we it returns to constituency it became not to question

                                        • 吾吾,哑牛!敢于站,并已伪造Suretai更糟!酒吧 - - - - - - 什么! ! ! WWWWW
                                          [oraora], the foolish ox! [suretai] fabricating worsening, try raising and! [ba] - - - - - - mosquito! ! ! wwwww

                                          • 在内阁改组中,捕鱼议会秘书,这是自民党上议院成员之一
                                            With Cabinet remodelling, Councilor Liberal Democratic Party was designated as state affairs official with the one fishing

                                            • 在参议院选举中最大的失败,得票分布从过分贪婪的候选人在该选区的什么张Desho
                                              Because as for first case of defeat of House of Councillors selection, being greedy at small constituency, the candidate overspeeding, vote dispersed, it does, the [yo

                                              • 在政治舞台,一些自民党议员都愿意在党的行政改革都
                                                With political world reorganization, as for our people Assemblyman who is the air reform of the administrative structure in the party of everyone

                                                • 在这种情况在25%的支持内阁十日research批准我永远也不会太大的意义WWWW甚至怀疑这个数字有趣“的是,我可以随意调整,”基本上是由我不认为我使用的统计标准统一了该方法包括第一媒体日本NHK确保调查不信任各级 Cabinet support ratio 25 So in strange circumstance Even this number It is doubtful wwww There is no remainder meaning don t you think Support ratio investigation “With how much Therefore you can adjust it is ” Standardized Putting out with statistical standard there is no ru reason therefore it is Basic Completely The level which it cannot trust Japan NHK is included as for examination method of the mass communications
                                                  • 在这种情况在0%的支持内阁十日研究批准我永远不会做太大的意义WWWW甚至怀疑这个数字有趣“的是,我可以随意调整,”基本上是由我不认为我使用的统计标准统一了该方法包括第一媒体日本NHK确保调查不信任各级 Cabinet support ratio 0 So in strange circumstance Even this number It is doubtful wwww There is no remainder meaning don t you think Support ratio investigation “With how much Therefore you can adjust it is ” Standardized Putting out with statistical standard there is no ru reason therefore it is Basic Completely The level which it cannot trust Japan NHK is included as for examination method of the mass communications

                                                • 在,什么是黄金宝藏的性质?特别帐户可以自由黄金部委
                                                  So, gold of buried deposit gold [tsu] [te] some character? The gold of the special meeting which can use each ministry and board freely

                                                  • 圪塔也提高像菅直人的家伙,因为自由民主党政府也许也被带到 菅 Fostering the 輩 Naoto s way and the Democratic party taking administration the Liberal Democratic Party consequence

                                                    • 好吧,我就钉在地震Tamarang茶重建的刺是一个骗局挂钩的民主前景
                                                      Well, [kama] you do the buried deposit gold fraud of democracy with earthquake disaster revival and the nail probably stick from [chi] [ya] cartridge viewing but

                                                      • 如果你可以认为它在某种程度上成为战争,或者说,可以什么也不做,除了失去也无妨 If that did that also war how served you think that you say or whatever do other than that and how the se you are defeated

                                                        • 如果你知道这不是在大声得到的自由民主以及舞蹈中的官僚主义掌 If that is recognized it is the democracy which is our people being making a noise as for ru when it dances with the palm of the bureaucracy similar

                                                          • 如果没有联合国的力量汇聚成福一制度,联军想做 If there is no administration which makes luck focus one We would like to have doing in the U N forces and the Coalition Forces

                                                            • 安倍晋三Gudaguda随后又返回到反对党被允许邮政私有化,未能返回到党的承诺平沼数字遵循相同的对手肯定
                                                              After that as for [gudaguda] Abe which permits the returning/repeating party of postal services commercialization group of objectors and, Hiranuma's failure which similarly continued to adhere to the returning/repeating party of group of objectors

                                                              • 将有一个调查,66多种不同的,如果这样,这样的研究不 66 There probably is various investigation but it is different so much if is it does not become investigation
                                                                • 南多是相同的66在你的手中 66 The same hand is used with many times
                                                                • 如果你喜欢相处的很好,马上有提高,EH切 Raising in profit the viewing way if the ro which it cuts and is
                                                                • 我只是做瓦特270 270 Whether just there w
                                                                • 然而,分歧Udaro敢说现在是否瓦特 So now being able to meet whether it should calling w The ro which is different and is

                                                              • 我不在乎他是不是用在万岁和重命名党的主要爱好利益Zubuzubu这样无知的人支持
                                                                If, the person who is not motivation should have been supported name changing even the right [zubuzubu] party, nuclear man Say both the foolish people

                                                                • 我不知道捐赠给高朝鲜绑架组织的管?
                                                                  Also is contribution to the North Korean kidnapping-related group of the 菅 probably effective?

                                                                  • 我不能进入Mukae的忍忍以前的敌人,如果他570?我喜欢星期一感Toryunihito或无辞例中有缺陷的政治利益,如果可能的 570 If it is the person the enemy is received before the duty which is entrusted don t you think it is If it compares being inarticulate toriyunihito like political intuition is not effective it rubbed

                                                                    • 我会想出一个由读卖新闻类似调查,内阁支持率自动metalla管无论如何,民主党人Sundaro率大大提高 The kind of number which is similar even in the Yomiuri investigation appearing when the ru stops how the se 菅 Cabinet support ratio and the Democratic party support ratio substantial rise the ro which is completed
                                                                      • 寻找在管状态杀害的受害者左居座日 With remaining of 菅 sufferer leaving seeing murder state

                                                                    • 我只提倡民主定制挖掘民主党不打算什么
                                                                      Be able to hit the Democratic party which nothing democracy supporter is proposed, the refuse

                                                                      • 我听说那只能是唯一的选择感到满意腺准备,如果不是在一些国家,如民主,更好,他说Nanzo只是没有政党抱怨,选择更好的医疗单位是不安灰尘 Only the choices which are prepared only choosing it is possible it is even extent agreeing upon It is better or mashi without either the air which chooses the political party just complaint person kind of what which is said The disturbance it is the rubbish in democracy country
                                                                        • 我听说那只能是唯一的选择感到满意腺准备,如果不是更好一些家伙Nanzo民主只说党抱怨没有更好的照顾腺不安灰尘 Only the choices which are prepared only choosing it is possible it is even extent agreeing upon It is better or mashi without either the air which chooses the political party just complaint person kind of what which is said The disturbance it is the rubbish in democracy country

                                                                      • 我想要的受害者受害的内阁掐管的一面!每个人都试图欢呼的受害者?
                                                                        Friend of the sufferer to whom the sufferer desired, the inside of pipe official building is pinch! For the sufferer you will support with everyone!

                                                                        • 放射性污染,杂物,我的感觉是不一样的东西肯定,我可以提前疏散居民的疑惑
                                                                          Perplexity of radiation contamination, trash and evacuation advice inhabitant Something, the kind of air which thing is not advanced completely does

                                                                          • 政府(管)建议推迟立即跑出去,并在国民议会的压力测试,突然问到操作尽管原発再次被宣布为安全,而不是说所有的对面海江田细野和管理什么是听到说如果我不拍我听说在其中听到收取部长 Government the tube declaring safely nuclear re work was requested even relation Bringing up the stress test suddenly at the National Diet to suggest work postponement Kaieda When the Hosono means the thing of opposite completely even both what is effective in the tube charge minister of state You hear and the tsu te declare
                                                                            • 忽略部长协调与海江田佐贺突如其来的“压力测试”不是说出来的 You adjust Saga prefecture Ignoring Minister of State Kaieda who the te is you proposed the “stress test” suddenly

                                                                          • 文雄Dzura平井出租很便宜了,谁仍可能更好看一流的只有几分钟的老竹村健一
                                                                            Fumio's Hirai [zura] passing the cheap article, how 19 to divide of Kenichi's at one time Tikuson is still visible in [mashi]

                                                                            • 有什么保证了良好的食品达洛尼加周一巴巴的领带,与电视节目,并在本周和肯定行再次没办法我可以肯定你朝圣者的线路类型南特 Pilgrim how it goes the ro which cannot boil and is In addition being swindled When we assume that it goes with the traveling program and tie up of TV babaa accompanying it is good it is eating Guaranty receiving the ro which is
                                                                              • 朝圣者将be ll刺痛你,生病住院或 Pilgrim it can stick probably will be and in the sickness hospitalization kana

                                                                            • 朝日分配Makutsu我支持民主党的支持率很低石
                                                                              Democracy it supports Asahi and the [tsu] [te] [ru] which is sown support ratio it is low comparatively and

                                                                              • 根据自民党后离开Ozawahatoyama入住率几乎下降了上原政府对面远远推动核事故的地震。跌幅的方向
                                                                                Instead of under the Liberal Democratic Party administration after the [ozawa] [hatoyama] seceding nuclear propulsion With the availability decrease the earthquake accident self-governing community with in the opposite direction factual Uehara. It was in atrophy direction

                                                                                • 民师吹嘘一些国会议员已埋金重里有没有德川每年654 Itoi和4重新进行现场直播每天跪了下去,理由是它应该是跪在地上,但 654 The thread well heavily there is Tokugawa buried deposit gold in the village has boasted the Assemblyman of minsu should kneel on the ground that it is Live broadcast 4 annual everyday when kneeling on the ground re broadcasting
                                                                                  • Yoppodo极有可能出现的可能性是比较宝藏出土德川重里Itoi 654 654 The one which the thread well heavily the Tokugawa buried deposit gold makes the village excavate so considerably possibility high

                                                                                • 滨松没有停止之前和之后的下坡仅负任何Yappari ll还记得有没有执政党希望确保不论内阁 At the Hamamatsu stop front and back at the certain Cabinet and has risen at the administration ruling party memory The downhill it is not defeated after all by anyone
                                                                                  • 最糟糕的将执政党和内阁,谁是明显 It probably is the worst administration ruling party and the Cabinet in history how seeing

                                                                                • 立即区域系统的权力下放和公务员制度改革的眼睛站在官僚阻力,包括努力把重点放在诸如设立的消费者保护机构改革问题
                                                                                  For the time being government employee system reformation and road state system decentralization of power reformation and the establishment problem etc of consumer agency where resistance of the bureaucracy is conspicuous are tackled on the center

                                                                                  • 站在政治改革和对眼睛的立法者的目的,是导致雾,众议院代表发起人贤治益席位的众议院(独立,通产省原)
                                                                                    Reformation of politics where Kasumigaseki and family Assemblyman main leadership are conspicuous with is the purpose, as for originator representation member of the house of representatives Kenji Eda (Non post, original Ministry of International Trade and Industry)

                                                                                    • 而Datte旧宪法,没有皇帝肯定你最权利,我是内阁做 To that even old constitution authority are not in most emperors and the te the Cabinet is does is don t you think
                                                                                      • 不能认为是16 4%,在内阁1赞成可以 1 Supporting the 菅 Cabinet it cannot believe that as many as 16 4 it is

                                                                                    • 节能在什么Tercan共产党社会党等过敏,但过敏植根于共同的 As for the Japan Communist Party allergy however it took root normally the Japan Socialist Party allergy tsu te already beginning to go out the ru it is

                                                                                      • 菅直人和小泽一郎是可怕的,鸠山由纪夫!下面将进入自民党?停止思考
                                                                                        Yukio Hatoyama and Ichiro 菅 Naoto and Ozawa was terrible! You insert next in our people! So thought stop

                                                                                        • 被暴露在连接与日本瘪三和半岛微上升也称管破裂前原诚司,野田,683后急速Furubokko Masugomi也成为例如首相,“后卫这个国家危机时的政治局势”和会说 683 The post 菅 with is said Noda Maehara who yakuza and the peninsula are black the connection whose Because it is being disclosed becoming in the prime minister it probably is swift attack hurubotsuko As for the mass rubbish you probably call political situation ga this national difficult time with example but

                                                                                          • 让总统做的所有员工,从球员只是一个安全的工作,如果没有不愉快的气味汗大
                                                                                            Therefore employee everyone of no [se] president or less, only the party who abhors sweaty steady work

                                                                                            • 说它像一个梦,我有这样的民主政策内容相似,只是有什么比民主更好 We would like to dream thing saying almost similar policy contents to put out also democracy from democracy just the mashi tsu te
                                                                                              • 在和他们有类似内容的民主政策,只有有什么比民主更好 So almost similar policy contents to put out also democracy from democracy just the mashi tsu te
                                                                                              • 它也不是当事人不能预见的政策南特 Even that therefore the political party which it is not possible policy how you cannot expect

                                                                                            • 谷垣祯一石破增加。竹中,小泉的最接近行更严格的货币紧缩拉
                                                                                              Isiba's Tanigaki increase. Than the shrinkage tight money it is much closer to the Koizumi Takenaka route

                                                                                              • 财政政策仍然紧张削减预算线的路线基本上是小泉
                                                                                                As for fiscal policy the shrinkage public finance reduction route while basically it is the Koizumi route

                                                                                                • 达洛尼加不能做任何事情瓦特什么是你的政党自民党954 954 The Liberal Democratic Party tsu te w The ro where either can do nothing thing of your own political party and is
                                                                                                  • 这将是相当正常的682自民党议员 682 Reaching don t you think it probably is normal Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman

                                                                                                • 这周围的8月15日的二战长崎日,08月09日,在广岛原子弹日,6月8日结束周年纪念原子弹爆炸管可能会觉得公司试图采取一些普及和提高斑点到 August 6th day of the Hiroshima bomb August 9th day of Nagasaki atomic bomb August 15th termination of war commemoration day The air what 菅 the spots lifting may design the popularity taking in this does
                                                                                                  • 南特Datte总理的绝对权威,是没有太大的噪音管,有关委任有权解散众议院的代表和部长 The 菅 how much the absolute authority of tsu te prime minister who makes a noise how the House of Representatives dispersion right and the minister of state About power of appointment

                                                                                                • 除了目前的情况下一些改革高桥,谁也证明,不仅要力口 Takahashi who is not just the mouth and is also the result it is and As for reformation you think other than here of present condition that it is unreasonable
                                                                                                  • 我是想这样做,我可能更严格的改革相媲美的明治维新 As for it has been about probably to doing the trap which perhaps equally to the Meiji restoration is harsh reformation

                                                                                                • 高程伞15.0%,酌情基金·秘书处· Sayokubaka自治労教师在日本1.4%的组织,包括旋转批准· ·
                                                                                                  Breakdown of support ratio 1.4%… Nitukiyou group autonomous labor solution the same resident [sayoku] fool 15.0%… the umbrella lifting with secretariat secret expense

                                                                                                  • 鸠山原。下面。由于继承了推广的倡议下,SDP 2010年12月,越南在核电厂的订单成功启动2010年10月投入商业运营,福岛日本第一核电厂3单元MOX 2010年10月,在柏崎 - 刈羽核电厂1号机组投入商业运营恢复2010年8月阁外合作浜冈原発2011年2月5日柏崎刈羽核电厂恢复运行办公室单位2011年2月5日批准了1号机组延长一年后二月40,2011再过10多年的使用,福岛日本第一核电厂开始试的3单元操作MOX高浜原発星期一3.11 2011年6月内阁侃2011年03月月浜冈原発4号机组在2011年恢复商业运营单位恢复商业运营
                                                                                                    [hatoyama] field. 怒. Propulsion initiative is succeeded Later, as for corporation people party cooperation outside official building 2010 August Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant 1 machine business driving reopening 2010 October Fukushima first nuclear plant 3 startup machine pulling thermal business 2010 October It succeeds in the incoming order of the Vietnamese nuclear plant 2010 December The Takahama nuclear plant 3 startup machine pulling thermal test 2011 February 1 the machine after the Fukushima first nuclear 40 year elapsing furthermore approving 10 year extension use 2011 February Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant 5 machine business driving reopening 2011 February Hamaoka nuclear plant 5 machine business driving reopening 2011 March Hamaoka nuclear plant 4 machine business driving reopening 2011 March 3.11 2011 June 菅 Cabinet “ * As for Japan nuclear propulsion *” It directs to the entire world, declaration 2011 June It succeeds in the repeating installation pulling pulling out of falling inside the Monju furnace 2011 June Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant 2 the machine 3 machine 4 it directs to machine business driving reopening, in the midst of self-governing community persuasion 2011 June Genkai nuclear plant 2 machine 3 machine driving reopening healthy Governor prefecture Furukawa Saga a time admission

                                                                                                    • 麻生太郎,麻生太郎已录得超过80%不赞成超出更好
                                                                                                      From Aso [mashi] Aso has recorded the non- support 8 percentage exceeding

                                                                                                      研究 開発