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菅 In prime minister “interview deviation from nuclear declaration? That just expressed the private thinking”…Branch field director “the deviation from nuclear plant, there is no government policy”, you think, the emphasis ★3


  • 1。 2选择性反对双重姓氏。 3反对授予地方参政权外国永久居民。一个介绍征兵。 2。是在全国辩论Kareru分钟的地方 1 Opposite to surname of classified by selective married couple 2 Opposite to local denizenship grant to permanent residence foreigner 3 Introducing conscription system 1 With 2 It is opinion is divided even with the citizen
    • 1。 2选择性反对双重姓氏。 3反对授予地方参政权外国永久居民。介绍了国家服务。 2。是在全国辩论Kareru分钟的地方 1 Opposite to surname of classified by selective married couple 2 Opposite to local denizenship grant to permanent residence foreigner 3 Introducing conscription system 1 With 2 It is opinion is divided even with the citizen

  • 30%将永远进入核电公司和广告公司
    Three tenths insert the atomic energy in announcement of the electric power company and the related system by all means

    • 40核古董Yanaranshi通化年被辜负其中白,稍福岛批准,如果它只是一个无用所作重新发电迅速达洛尼加到达洛尼加也是待观察号码率先复苏 The u margin stopping stop the antique nuclear plant of 40 year ones in either one the ya to view as for Fukushima first second the ro which is useless it probably will rub Quickly if the thermal power plant it makes support ratio you see a little with just that and recover in the re ru number the ro which is
      • 电力在横须贺工厂也在附近建立应急燃气轮机发电机胃开始,它是基于一些新的高效率的联合循环燃气电厂是世界上最好的 At the Yokosuka power plant you start also the gas turbine for generation of electricity which is installed urgently While being close several bases it newly founds also the worldwide highest high efficiency gas combined cycle power plant so is

    • 815 830不幸的是,说的目的不是思私人和可能不会说作为一个政治家 815 830 Regrettable being something which both said the private thinking speech as a politician Perhaps it is not

      • Blogs yahoo co jp hiromay 01 长生 yblog html?从自民党A u003d LC&SK u003d 1&SV u003d%CC%B1%E7%BC%C5%DE&P u003d 3,一个惊喜我可以这样说成持久性有机污染物 blogs yahoo co jp hiromay 01 MYBLOG yblog html a lc amp sk 1 amp sv CC B1 BC E7 C5 DE amp p 3 From the Liberal Democratic Party the kind of story which is surprised jumped
        • TTP: headlines yahoo co jp HL A u003d 20110714 00000049 jij POL? ttp headlines yahoo co jp hl a 20110714 00000049 jij pol

      • Edano,与谢野馨,Kaieda,降落伞的事工集团,电力公司及其附属公司
        Compulsory group of [edano], [yosano], [kaieda] and multipara ministry, electric power company and that subsidiary company

        • Ennor马切达李施啊啊愚弄我发现,已经有超过669出租太现实的先例
          669 Being too realistic in remainder, the fool discovery which already [aakikoenai] does that it is former example

          • Etara弊端不被认为是在男子的情况和现任总理是我们首先筛选过滤从他的党的第一个字与字汝同意,壮举也可以说,党无论怎样正确Desho困难,在党前宣布,“社会的目标,以摆脱对核电的依赖,经过20年的10年”,并说什么,例如即使那句“有什么话说什么首相不久梅尔我,未来的这些言论是讲在新的总理“基达宇部兴产的情况下决定要等他们出现,所以它已经思(和它的日本 As for irregularity as for the feat it is said to the subordinate that stop stop even from your own intraparty when 菅 you think of the circumstance of the prime minister Being how correct thing being intraparty being difficult it does that you obtain agreement the yo Before the announcing being intraparty “you aim toward the society which 10 years 20 year later is broken away from nuclear dependence” that saying How thinking “the prime minister who already stops immediately is what it is such future story should be discussed under new prime minister” Thinking that with it is said having been decided therefore thinking already this is because of Japan The reporter interviewing the deviation from nuclear plant only speak is probably there is no road
            • 在东京的记者就在关西地区的显示,按记者的提问核投诚,但几个人强行Shitarashii问题似乎没有不应该接受的总理大臣接受任何东西,那将是雪上加霜 With Kansai program Tokyo reporter as for interview of the deviation from nuclear plant as for question of the reporter has come to the point of altogether without being acceptance so is Several people asked coercively seem but when it has not been acceptance It is that prime minister worst
            • 管理不善是参加您的信用卡是典型的男人在伤害牛马上进入四月份消费者从口另一个核去意已发运,但不是现在推出满足管我有,只有民法年初转达对其他一家公司无视 As for irregularity as for the feat you are your own model in the subordinate As for the cow from April with shipment end at once there is no damage with the ri which is sown entering the mouth of the consumer already but… The deviation from nuclear plant the tube now interviewing about 1 only beginning relayed or the commercial broadcast which is meaning but you ignored other things

          • ITE立即在秋天不包括孩子的兴趣古怪的巨大剑是真正很荒谬
            Pulling out the sword in enormous right, the humor which confronts, just laughable 10,000,000

            • Netouyo都主张恢复的利益主要的例子是叛徒,最终覆盖
              As for [netouyo] which advocates nuclear reopening of the right being covered the ultimate traitor

              • u003d○产业工会联合会联合会全国电力u003d × 389
                389 Electrical machinery and appliances combination = × Nationwide electrical related industry Union entire combined = ○

                • 不支持率80民意测验%的,然而,他的辞职时间有压力的步骤在党的下跌更遑论反对派结果Sugutsu现在,如果在早期辞职的经营也是参议院主席,也是党的领导,他们的工作也部长分钟(三个法案通过),并曾经是必不可少部的奖金敌人,如果我退出,思津市我们将结束,谁“去核”W什么我们同意之前,你说“如果你在一个亚热季风更好“我觉得我 However 8 tenths time of non support and resignation is a tsu te result now even in public opinion poll Instead of the opposition party there to be a resignation pressure even inside the ruling party the party executive committee and House of Councillors chairman Early moving with resignation if the Cabinet minister amount of your own work 3 bill formation end having tried to stop the ru In addition turning the essential multipara ministry to the enemy someone to the tsu te which moves the “deviation from nuclear plant” or w which is said “You you can do alone if it is do” it is the tsu te feeling
                  • 小泉和马奈,“好身材津市我奋斗我部?”我们在首相堪堪Tteka,在国外的国际会议上说,地震后退出? Koizumi s Manet doing ” the multipara ministry and the fighting tsu te ru we tsu te appearance it is good ” tsu te 菅 By the way 菅 the prime minister it withdraws the speech at the international conference in the foreign country after the earthquake disaster

                • 与谢野馨在他的核事故炸弹反映不需要瓦特
                  Yosano bomb speech Necessity there is no reflection of nuclear accident w

                  • 为什么是263度Edano Edano是出于它不说,有人已从一分钟下及以下达洛尼加赐,我可以畅所欲言所有草率和不说错误是不Edano愿意向你欢呼节不会刻意去伊无同情时,民主党说有WWW我从审批需时说白人Edano 263 It is with something the branch field everyone doing not to be wrong random thing you talk selfishly when is getting angry the ro which is the ru Strange thing proposing as for degree of that branch field excuse thinking from the next to the next someone There is no air which supports the branch field but there is an air which is pitied When Democratic party Assemblyman speaks after comprehension taking in everyone branch field speech margin www
                    • 1回复什么?什么?Edano我现在已经来到Bakkari什么,现在是不是本身其次冈田管“上的个人思”这有什么负面新闻?发生了什么我?瓦特 1 Obtaining Obtaining Obtaining Now it returned but tsu temporary what The branch field following to Okada This time 菅 itself “private thinking” tsu te interviewed denied Something happening the ru w
                    • “管”,他们似乎戈拉筋合柱塞启用之前你知道,“Edano”先生戈拉只咬一口“能”叔叔,一米线,我Collarenebri ü混蛋的!“ ” Don t you think you were divided into tube “you the reason which is said the e it is gora ” The branch field “you bite it is shelf gora ” Tube “ otsusan it is to lick the guy u side ”

                  • 为什么要来,而不是458微不足道的百分比? 458 Unless it cracks with something go it is not
                    • 1至2 458就业岗位 458 In 1 in employment 2 employment

                  • 什么不信任议案,因为它拒绝了管Datte负面宣传
                    Those after even negative campaign of the tube non confidence rejecting,

                    • 从部长的反对?反驳反对明知
                      From Cabinet minister objection? In regard to objection refutation consent

                      • 但作为内阁官房长官是,人们有一些类似的情绪496 673 805如果您发现第二天和贝尔会见中介绍了几天的共识总理,会见了总理的政府的政策是不十日Edano非常有趣的幸福。在新闻发布会上周一上午内阁官房长官,我很清楚,他们在几天内出售的部分线路的记者招待会上首相菅直人 496 673 805 However some person similar thought one which had it is As secretariat director when the prime minister expresses standardized opinion in one Japan and China while having notified In the interview next day the interview of the prime minister unless there is a government policy is very strange Branch field happiness Secretariat director in press conference of 11th morning 菅 made that it is the thought Prime Minister Naoto doing press conference in one Japan and China clear
                        • TTP: headlines yahoo co jp HL A u003d 20110711 00000546 SAN Edano幸福POL?在上周五上午新闻发布会内阁官房长官,首相菅直人“的社会不是靠核电,他说:”就断言目标,政府的政策是“去核”,并强调承认,从画面出发的 ttp headlines yahoo co jp hl a 20110711 00000546 san pol Branch field happiness As for secretariat director about stating that in press conference of 14th morning 菅 Prime Minister Naoto toward aims “the society which does not depend on the nuclear plant” Government policy when the “deviation from nuclear plant” and one line are worked out emphasized recognition
                        • 但作为内阁官房长官是,人们有一些类似的情绪496 673 805如果您发现第二天和贝尔会见中介绍了几天的共识总理,会见了总理的政府的政策是不十日Edano非常有趣的幸福。在3月11日新闻发布会内阁官房长官是要澄清如何将在一两天行新闻发布会首相菅直人出售部分 496 673 805 However some person similar thought one which had it is As secretariat director when the prime minister expresses standardized opinion in one Japan and China while having notified In the interview next day the interview of the prime minister unless there is a government policy is very strange Branch field happiness Secretariat director in press conference of 11th morning 菅 made that it is the thought Prime Minister Naoto doing press conference in one Japan and China clear

                      • 但是你觉得这是类似的东西,这不是出思!战神,海老名绿色新闻发布会“将超过神秘作家”他 But something the air which has kind of the fact that it is similar has done you remembered It is are press conference of Ebina green “It becomes the mystery writer ” te person
                        • 我还听说过在新闻发布会上是这样的事情( ) Telling in such thing press conference the д
                        • 海老名绿色“将是一个作家”级别会议 “Becomes the novelist” of Ebina green interview where level
                        • 这是一个绿色海老名记者招待会( O ) In press conference of Ebina green shank o

                      • 供当地消费和消除核电,过甜Giruwa WW WWW Edano领导寻求在后管与自民党的联盟店“是骗人的,”即使冈田,WWW死亡解散吗? Denying the deviation from nuclear plant the executive committee www which gropes the alliance of the Liberal Democratic Party with the post 菅 Be too sweet wa ww It is branch field “lie” Also Okada dies being dispersion www
                        • 本地消费和核电消除店,甚至过甜Giruwa WW WWW Edano冈田还寻求在后管领导同自民党的联合,WWW吗?死亡解散 Denying the deviation from nuclear plant the executive committee www which gropes the alliance of the Liberal Democratic Party with the post 菅 Be too sweet wa ww It is branch field “lie” Also Okada dies being dispersion www

                      • 切立刻拍在采访中由NHK广播电台瓦特Warota
                        Although the NHK radio discontinued interview broadcast midway, [warota] w

                        • 国民议会议长和总理的伟大,我将感到西冈的做满。我第一次
                          Don't you think? Nishioka motivation full National Diet chairman and Cabinet prime minister large. Don't you think? history upper beginning

                          • 在这个意义上说,如果它杀死我“死亡”Mutoiu努力在你的木屐和申 “Death” you said in the sense that it tackles with the air which dies
                            • 在这个意义上说,如果它杀死我“死亡”Mutoiu努力在你的木屐和申 “Death” you said in the sense that it tackles with the air which dies

                          • 在这之前我们浪费一分钟,变化较少破坏Whalan Amount you who make the less wasteful doing as for ru thing the devastating and the strange straw it is

                            • 地震重建将继续即使没有939区,由国民议会捐赠问题叮叮当当
                              939 Either earthquake disaster revival does not advance completely, the National Diet shaky with donation problem

                              • 堂吉诃德是一个飞脚说多远意识,“如果你有兴趣采访,溃疡无疑是迟早 It can persevere the Don Quixote 菅 to somewhere “interview being it is funny but as for being crushed sooner or later you are not wrong
                                • 现在的“面试”不好吧,“简,陈文章说人”给我十日 There is no “interview” from this time and the te “菅 one word column” does

                              • 如果对核燃料管公众叛逃者采取Reyo狂,你处于高度戒备状态,在自卫队特种部队在两地立即应变每个核电厂事故每多一个真正做
                                In order to fan deviation from nuclear public opinion, if the 菅 after causes accident with the nuclear plant of one two places At once, in Self Defense Force and throwing in the special force, be able to take full alert, You do that [kichigai] truly

                                • 它不只是一个方便的满足他们的真正417 417 The reason shelf where are interview just of your own circumstances truly

                                  • 当然,以漩涡的民主“大斗气”和阴险的情况下性交侃森谷。
                                    It eddies in democracy, “large grudge” 菅 [hame] it is insidious scenario of the 仙 valley…

                                    • 当记者的提问,回答“在上升,忽视记者胸罩也被作为首相在记者招待会上陷入困境的底部有充分的理由,”我们说在NHK什么是汗Tteta我希望,因为它是国家一级广播周 At the time of question and answer of reporter “Dangling and ignoring interview when of the prime minister are convenient just the reporter being interviewed it is troubled” the tsu te being said Is hasty with NHK that way entire country to be televised therefore chi ya u level
                                      • 第一次去茶和关键报告接受,纪念党的狗屁让它流从0到海江田,并注意采取至少Edano达洛尼加不应该播放了帝国内阁Ideta这场比赛,现在连NHK大声十日 NHK a When agreement inside the official building it has made a noise it is The ro where such it broadcasts and the chi ya is not good and is At least after acknowledgment taking in edano and Kaieda let flow 0 To report it is every wa of ki sign of intraparty admission the chi ya speaking first

                                    • 总理最坏的历史低点阿拉管。诈管。梅萨没有办法前缀管
                                      Prime Minister lowest worst in history 菅 flattering. 菅 詐. There is no expedient which makes the 菅 stop

                                      • 我已经变得和它的三个关键核表达不无嘲 u200b u200b讽我是拉了良好的信誉可能会用一个例子解释列举的收益 The expression which pulls good quality without disagreeableness and raises is important Unless there are 3 atomic energies it becomes some thing listing example it is good to explain
                                        • 一旦你知道,已经要求30%的核电占了7,我认为主要是不可避免的,再 It is found that if the electric power due to 7 atomic energies already occupies three tenths as for the people in general you think that already it is helpless

                                      • 我已经改变了彼此的私人思坦率地说,我不相信,所有的色调分钟再次会见了在未来 Simply however it modified in the private thinking Already it stops being trusted all interview future understanding kana of the ru
                                        • 如果仍然有变化的渠道,听到采访马汉,纠正见那苦 Horse Korea interview hearing the channel it changed After all you do not see te correct answer

                                      • 我瓦特的宪法无限期即使815回旋镖Warota WWWW
                                        815 [warota] wwww Passing how long, it is boomerang constitution, w

                                        • 我真的不知道征兵的是,文章863或征兵,军国主义与否有些国家不希望邪去之前达洛尼加另一个?
                                          863 That article is the [ho] to melt, viewing The [ro] whose conscription system is not bad separately and is Even in your country Certain it isn't? Conscription system = militarism?

                                          • 我行街道电感良好的午睡,我们不处理的疯狂我前面描述的所有百
                                            Expressing ahead hundred steps, the demonian being done to handle, the [ru] it is to put out, if our road it goes, it is good, it is

                                            • 报纸应该不需要纠正误传

                                              • 政治家认为,征兵是,一旦你做什么他的儿子已经入伍的第一? ······································ Netouyo眼睛经常阅读文章↑ Will the politician who insists conscription system probably be when it enlists his own son first how ……………………………… netouyo reads the article of the ↑ well

                                                • 日本经团联和电力企业联合会今天听证会
                                                  Today the hearing from Japan Federation of Economic Organizations and Federation of Electric Power Companies

                                                  • 月球的只是说我有什么Yappari思敢肯定没有记者展望Itero奇拉格不是在新闻发布会上回写的东西也Iteru公共服务。 After all just tried being the idea there is no either view of the reporter and that also the citizen becoming aware the ru wa Press conference something not doing writing even on the chira reverse side the ro …
                                                    • 人民所有,请保持ーーー例如苦聪 Everyone of the citizen the ku please remember
                                                    • 什么只是说我有一个思肯定没有什么前景的,我可以写回Itero奇拉格Iteru不是我关心乃至全国的新闻发布会。 Just tried being the idea there are no many views and that also the citizen becoming aware the ru wa Press conference something not doing writing even on the chira reverse side the ro …

                                                  • 松本元部长,而不是受影响的城市。总理,“Reyo采取共识”,如果散装,有什么不同的评价可能会大分
                                                    Former Minister of State Matsumoto, is not the self-governing community which suffers. If “consensus could be taken and” with it had vociferated in the prime minister, also appraisal was different considerably, probably will be

                                                    • 核安全主张在夏季之前组。周一,但没有显示超时
                                                      Nuclear propulsion group to this summer the safe basis. Unless it can show, it is timeout it is

                                                      • 桥本发现第↓Nonghen了梯子,并Mizupo
                                                        Under of [mizupo] and the bridge which are removed the ladder grudges, the paragraph ↓

                                                        • 现在,颤振津里切的支持者是少数总理坎
                                                          Now, numbers it is few, 菅 the prime minister supporter the reverse side ardently the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] shelf

                                                          • 电视导演,或游说或人为制作,包括有效的措施,一个盟友还是有一定上升的原始站连接到现有的 To lobby converting the human on of production site such as television director already utilizing the bureau of the specification which has the connection plan such that you attach to friend is effective
                                                            • 宣传很重要,因为反复洗脑的公共政策核PA文化基金会,日本原子能创建了一个更人的进步 The national brainwashing manual which the Japanese atomic energy cultural promotion foundation was drawn up How to advance the atomic energy PA plan Public information of 1 repetition is important

                                                          • 疲劳的图案是最我消除小学和雍喝噩 The joy the deviation from nuclear group which enthusiastically faces most the pattern shelf which becomes tired

                                                            • 突发传输配备了看最近的一次采访Edano悲剧意识
                                                              When you look at the interview of the recent branch field, the touching impression is transmitted

                                                              • 经过的玄界核电厂急性放射损伤的烟花是由中国制造的烟花?
                                                                As for acutely radiation injury of after the fireworks festival of the Genkai nuclear plant, the Chinese make fireworks cause?

                                                                • 老龄化学校亚拉亚拉亚拉经济全球化和社会差距和工厂外移的优惠政策和养老问题立即和税收富国和财政赤字后日元积累词语。自民党已经看到了国内经济降温的工资下降凹痕支付亚拉亚拉重组穿自由民主党雷曼全球金融崩溃的政权在这前所未有的箭头生病变化大混乱管理不善大地震和海啸的空前巨大的灾难我不是在中间,和前所未有的核事故
                                                                  The enormous deficit accumulates, increase in yen value and tax increase and annuity problem and order exerted from above and Rich favorable treatment policy and differential society and factory overseas moving economic globalization Little child aging group. With wages decrease restructuring domestic business chill Already the Liberal Democratic Party is disgusted and to when administration alternates with the notion that where it is the [ri], In the midst of unprecedented Riemann shock worldwide financial collapse You paying the chaotic bill of the large losing government by the Liberal Democratic Party on [ru] midst Catastrophe, and the unprecedented nuclear large accident due to unprecedented enormous earthquake and the enormous tidal wave

                                                                  • 菅直人,然后对前首相小泉纯一郎曾表示,“如贝尔描述的前首相小泉纯一郎思一些个人的憧憬和相关的总理无耻的国家政策! “那是什么,但你说 菅 As for Naoto at one time vis a vis former Prime Minister Koizumi Prime Minister it is unspeakable e g former Prime Minister Koizumi of the private thinking saddle yearning is expressed in regard to the policy of the country The tsu te you speak it is the shelf
                                                                    • 也可以尝试模仿佩服前首相小泉纯一郎,推定为关联不在乎,如果有人想成为下电阻和自身的力量现在是一个没有希望的 Trying imitating former Prime Minister Koizumi of however much yearning now oneself itself becomes resistant power and does not become aware even in having gone down if is how it will do it is not

                                                                  • 菅直人,选举将会获得核德超,难道作为一个双赢版,只要按照这样的普天间鸠山
                                                                    But 菅 as for Naoto, putting out the deviation from nuclear plant, the intention of electing, Assuming that by any chance it could win, just it traces the same road as Hatoyama Futenma

                                                                    • 贝尔提到,私营思如果你和一个总理无线电公共权力税不是你做违法的事?我是第一线或Nakya m内容只是没有嘴或政府会按625 Using tax and public radio wave with the authority of Prime Minister As for expressing the private thinking You violate to a some law it is without being 625 It probably is government interview but therefore just the mouth non contents what From first line it should not have been it is
                                                                      • 韩,“申报的核DE会议?它不仅是坚实的思描述的个人”的日本首相,只是一首诗,“如果我思”什么是我要通过国家流向NHK 菅 Prime minister “In interview deviation from nuclear declaration That just expressed the private thinking” Prime Minister of Japan mere poem “my thinking” Whether letting flow to entire country through NHK

                                                                    • 路。是总理不接受TEPCO政治捐款! ! 。总理很可能需要更长的时间才能得到一点点岗巴津 By the way The prime minister has not received the political donation from Tokyo Electric Power Company so is Already a little makes to the prime minister persevere the necessity may be is
                                                                      • 路。是总理不接受TEPCO政治捐款! ! 。总理很可能需要更长的时间才能得到一点点岗巴津 By the way The prime minister has not received the political donation from Tokyo Electric Power Company so is Already a little makes to the prime minister persevere the necessity may be is

                                                                    • 这家伙也很辛苦,我已经宣布对朝鲜的气质的确战争,其他国家都忽略了水平瓦特达洛尼加
                                                                      As for [koitsu] truly the Korean disposition shelf With utmost effort, declaring war proclaiming, as for the foreign countries the [ro] w which is the level which is ignored

                                                                      • 这是什么我也必须作出让步124系统就是它的未来我曾做出让步,老百姓却是没有长生不老默雷尔 124 This world it being possible with right is the ru Making whatever kind of system by all means right is born But there are no times when that turns to the general populace eternally
                                                                        • 日本公司对我和我们的运气在209面前让步 209 Before the right commenting Japanese is been secure

                                                                      • 这是超过635我想去啃出来,那是什么对话呢?论据反对服用绕组Janaku 635 The tsu which is not connected has original conversation probably been formed There is no follower the argument partner

                                                                        • 阿管本身我并不想成为829回顾 829 It has been about to making the thing which is not tube itself case

                                                                          • 马德共识贝尔介绍了几天的总理?
                                                                            Standardized opinion [mada] which the prime minister expresses in one Japan and China?

                                                                            • (就个人而言,双姓是确定,如果另一个人决定了混战,还接受了一个位置给予外国人参政权),但三种。铜川市
                                                                              (The standpoint where privately, as for surname classified by married couple if this person decides, the denizenship grant to OK and the foreigner you admit) But 3. How?

                                                                              • , ,L ,ヽ还好孩子的头? ○ ○ · , 更不用说不稳定, ,(6 津市了 “ l REPT It is your head to be stoutness ○ ○ The instability increasing 6 tsu q Two REPT It has in the deviation from nuclear plant don t you think it does ⊂ 92 REPT ¯ ¯ nono No Furthermore electric charges rising ¯ ¯ ∪ ¯ 92 92 ¯ As for enterprise escape REPT ¯ O Everyone bankruptcy bill

                                                                                • : ::: :: :: ::丶:: 核推进(,Y V (ヽEeeso的 “关于我 丶 Nuclear propulsion Y V 丶 No toe ei no REPT 92 eeee 39 39 39 92 i i 39 i 39 39 39 i 39 ─ ─ no HKRPT ─ b no Nuclear propulsion 39 i REPT i 39 39 39 toeeeei DREPT 39 REPT eeeso No 39 No i
                                                                                  • “至少有外县,”我可以在主基地!什么,你可以 “Outside lowest being prefecture” Don t you think base and nuclear plant tsu te thing
                                                                                  • ∧。Okawari主要税收消除 ∀ ! ! u003d L ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ · L ° u003d 16 一个 ⌒ ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∧ ∀ ∀ Deviation from nuclear tax change ⌒ ⌒ L ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ L ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92
                                                                                  • ∩ (⌒ヽ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ノヽ ⌒)●● B, ( ● )米 ゙((ヽ 。∪ 的 ヽノ ゝゝ 的¯ ¯ ¯ ° ∩ ⌒ REPT ∩ No ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ⌒ 92 92 i and mi 92 92 92 ゙ REPT ∪ No 92 92 92 92 no ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ HKRPT HKRPT 92 REPT No 92 92 92 92 92 REPT l ⌒ OOo 92 丶 HKRPT 92 Y No ee u V 92 92 丶 39 REPT 92 No 92 No no REPT No no 92 ⌒ 92 gt Two lt gt
                                                                                  • 。 N∩:::∩ ñ∩:::∩ ∩ ∩ 。 。 Y Y ヽ ヽ ⌒彡 宓“ ∧ n ∩ ∩ n ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ 92 92 Y Y REPT REPT 彡 ⌒ mi ∧
                                                                                  • 前景将接管主刺一个高峰,如果它完全运行在零 If that works full it is the prospect that peak can be gotten over even at nuclear zero
                                                                                  • 在斋宫思等“去核”黄柏我,因为每个人都在说什么褒 When among such “the deviation from nuclear” tsu te you said with the idea everyone praised
                                                                                  • 如果没有在管909很好的选择,这是差不多的水平,而不是在小学好 909 Because substitution is not it is good being the 菅 the same as tsu te level it is good being the nuclear plant
                                                                                  • 就像核DE DE DE DE→主→官僚官僚DE DE Deviation from bureaucracy gt deviation from deviation from bureaucracy Deviation from nuclear plant gt deviation from deviation from nuclear plant Only such
                                                                                  • 按前:这似乎是流行什么布莱恩申报核小德 Before the interviewing The deviation from field departing ri ya some it declares being popularity probably will put out is
                                                                                  • 然后,我反核派拥护共产党还是民主党社会民主党批评当然彻底 When it does counter nuclear group criticizes the Democratic party of course thoroughly The corporation people party or Japan Communist Party is supported it is don t you think
                                                                                  • 现在梅尔也是一级预防主板,但它没有先停止Yaikenaindashi一次,而寒冷和我希望它融化 You stop also the nuclear plant now it is not to be it turns for a while and should have solved although Stopping also the te the cold drink you must be it is to put out
                                                                                  • 而不是删除主,我真的津说:“大家谁第一个例子,目前的核褒德”幼稚的想法和达洛尼加 Being serious calling the deviation from nuclear plant if it is not ru and “you mention the deviation from nuclear plant the ro which is the immature conception that everyone praises”
                                                                                  • :: ::: :: :: :::: ::丶:: 核推进(,Y V (ヽEeeso的 “关于我 丶 Nuclear propulsion Y V 丶 No toe ei REPT 92 eeee 39 39 39 92 i i 39 i 39 39 39 i 39 ─ ─ no HKRPT ─ b no Nuclear propulsion 39 i REPT i 39 39 39 toeeeei DREPT 39 REPT eeeso No 39 No i

                                                                                • :。。 The Soviet Union REPT REPT 92 i 92 i l 92 i 乂 i DOTDT 39 丿 l lt When the request gold takes from the contribution and is Person 92 39 39 39 39 ¯ ¯ 39 39 Person You should have said to the 菅 92 92 39 DOTDT 39 REPT No 92 REPT i REPT 39 l 39 ─ ─ ─ REPT
                                                                                  • 咦?我们主张在企业界和个人的意见对政府瓦特,但是这次会议是与国家的重视比什么都更是认为开了,意见或政府Temasen我会得到它一起瓦特康,其他的第一句话我,宇野的背包也不是不可能Antal ll日本 a w Because puts out the government opinion what compared to the citizen observed to tsu te financial world and each prefectural head although interview you opened it was personal opinion as for government opinion being able to collect whether increase it is w 菅 As for stopping already you Japan shouldering the wa which is unreasonable
                                                                                  • 当小管长度不超过20年来已受到批评,但我肯定会被评估可怕 So now being criticized when the te there not to be a nuclear plant 20 years later the 菅 is enormously appraised
                                                                                  • 第二天宣布取消核大幅度Aredake罐有SUGO非常好“政府没有关系,”我Tokita在工作中,“简素是坏,他们的对象似乎百年”到目前为止,我没宣布什么w和不思 Well the ho it is with sugo to be 菅 Just that declaring the deviation from nuclear plant extensively when in the next day “government there is no relationship” is high We at the workplace “the 菅 to ahead hundred years becomes useless prime minister who says” however the tsu te it declares To here w which is not thought

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