With “therefore as for victim 1, capital punishment hesitation” [rinzei] confinement rape murder in city bridge defendant of escape stripe chestnut, indefinite penal servitude statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment ★2
300起家伙衣服推我们每天看到下面的例子据捕获后Hegira和等到整形后,我还是不要没有犯罪Idaro 483片段的反思,也不能只关心自己正常的部分这不是一个真正狡猾的垃圾嚣张 483 Doing to fairing after the [ro] crime which better one is not reason and is it escapes After being caught, staring future, everyday the arm raising turning over of 300 It is dense think always only your own thing and there is no either [kakera] of reflection Being cunning, it is the arrogant genuine kudzu
30年的监禁输入,受害人的父母兄弟都还活着,即使它应该没有输出 Inserting in 30 year jail, after that the parents sibling of the victim survival puts out inside, it should, is not
341 199。谋杀法定刑罚是五年监禁或死刑或终身监禁 341 199. As for legal punishment of murder, Penal servitude of 5 years or more or indefiniteness or capital punishment
345抢劫谋杀它主张以营利为目的。善,罪监禁,被遗弃的尸体收费,因为它认为该犯罪未遂的法定强奸抢劫 345 As for that burglar murder, profit-making intended abbreviation. Crime, arrest confinement crime, abandonment of a body crime and burglar rape attempted incident crime Because with it is the part full which is said, is
579“这不是死?”有强奸和抢劫杀人罪和纵火再犯什么是统治,“这不是死?”什么不应该说什么一? Okashikattara现在我要多到你搞笑呢? 579 “There is no capital punishment with something it is When” tsu te decision comes out in the repeated offense is to rape and burglar homicide and arson “there is no capital punishment with something it is ” The tsu te you do not have to say When now with way it is strange unless it must directly be strange even from now on
死刑以纵火和谋杀最后用强奸和抢劫累犯进行裁定谋杀one 435以前死刑 435 In the repeated offense doing to rape and burglar homicide and arson that capital punishment decision comes out in one person homicide before this finally capital punishment
9从收集Terurashii等待捐款百万,市桥在千叶Terurashii老师在这个大时代的辩护费用 Fund-raising getting together, 9,000,000 because the [ru] it seems, The teacher of Chiba large era of the city bridge applies this to defense cost, it seems
Capitally是不是?性罪犯重犯的阉割,除非你肯定不会恢复 Without being death penalty? The characteristic offender is not regenerated If it does not do even in bluff, re-offense is secure
Girunode无机复式,18年徒刑为宜 Because indefinite punishment is too heavy, penal servitude 18 year is applied
Hakamada已经谴责,如果我去掉了,如果他是我转40年津市 If as for the hakama rice field condemned criminal 40 years entering and the [ru] to peel him, already coming out, the [ru
NULL Simply the city bridge doing to fairing becoming desperate the tsu which escapes and sows it is as for the reason “We fear capital punishment” not to be because you try probably to be “to fear to be taken freedom ” If according to the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment it becomes indefinite there being also a bereaved family feeling temporary release first or When it probably is 30 year decision because either the identity acceptor probably has not survived the time As for 30 years he feared most it is the case that “inconvenient life” continues The condemned criminal how it is executed and ke re fit chi ya oral ya freedom puts out If only the gold it is favorite the thing 喰 tsu te the favorite just is cartoon reading you see to video just the re te lover sleeping and others the re ru
“达也市桥韩国”综观国外网站谷歌,然后我认识的记者身份情况下是不能确定是否 “tatsuya ichihashi Looking at the gugu tsu te overseas sight with korean” There is no example which the identity certain mass communications have concluded
Tattenham津市或下这家伙的ID? This ID the [tsu] [te] person who is worn?
Tsuiteru在法庭上撒谎指责为“白色伪证罪”或 The defendant lie being attached at the court from the ru “in perjury margin”
一个杀人犯罪嫌疑人,有的达也市桥被捕有人说他是韩国人生活在Japan I“不知道他喜欢白人交谈名?韩国人在日本 u003d市桥说出来,但我不相信 只是这个度 A suspect of murder Tatsuya Ichihashi arrested Some say he is Korean living in Japan I m not sure As for a certain person losing him being the white lover You call the city bridge resident Korean but I cannot have conviction Only this
什么日期是市桥的故事是假的,直到如今星期一,ID:分肯定看着怪xRjeRNSr0 The city bridge was as for story of the resident [tsu] [te] until now the eyebrow saliva is, but ID: xRjeRNSr0 seeing, it changed to conviction
什么是刑事称乌诺65,因为它不认为自己和圆,如模仿可以追溯到没有多余的 65 Because the offender tsu te that you say it has not supposed that by his is caught It does not do the kind of imitation where the excessive foot is attached
65犯罪分子认为,因为你没有自己而圆,像模仿可以追溯到没有多余的 65 Because the offender has not supposed that by his is caught It does not do the kind of imitation where the excessive foot is attached
我听到说我们是宇野罪犯出逃之前,您知道什么 The offender tsu te as for saying escaping even natural tsu te recognition what
什么是我不应该支付的数亿市桥父母赡养费? The parent of the city bridge paid consolation money of hundred million units, it is it wasn't?
什么是这句话,让我们不否认解放宣言的部分 This departure saying, it is the thought of denying slave release declaration
他可以强奸重复同样的武器奠定了多次作为共同伦理 Being unconcerned, the person whom you can rape ethical view repeats the same thing scantily at anything degree
以无死刑的累犯783返回什么家伙已经不负责任,让罪犯在我们的血液死亡,它基本上不可能“杀死一个人呢?你 783 As for recovery not being attached The people who the offender are permitted awfully irresponsibly Capital punishment tsu te basic with re offense the excessiveness When it makes capital punishment “one person you killed now As for you
什么样的死亡单,当你把他治死这个Majiresu基本上不可能“杀死尽可能多的人你能杀一个”的州城是 When majiresu it does capital punishment tsu te basic alone the excessiveness Now when it makes capital punishment “because one person you killed whatever person killing similarly” from the tsu chi ya u
十年前开始,现在也三到五年前一人死亡在一个不公平的生活太疯狂单 To ten years ago being indefinite up to 3 Five years ago it becomes even alone capital punishment Now alone it became indefinite Unfairness it passes
市桥死刑是否是等效的大小,但他们不这样做,我们不应该将责任者不仅可以决定谁的若干决定 Whether or not the city bridge capital punishment suitable as for however you do not understand At only number the decision leaving chi ya it is not good in the person who cannot be judged
没有783的人返回,并采取了这些家伙都被允许累犯刑事不负责任,我们流血?你 783 As for recovery not being attached The people who the offender are permitted awfully irresponsibly Capital punishment tsu te basic with re offense the excessiveness When it makes capital punishment “one person you killed now As for you
但一个Wakaran强奸呢?十日一个有意义分钟强奸涉及橡胶 However to be good it is from the [wa], being rape? The rubber attaching, rape or meaning you do not understand
使我们的死刑死刑这一处女或不受欢迎的956噪音 956 The ephebe whom it cannot have capital punishment capital punishment as for [wa] [gu] because of this?
例如,被引准则永山称为此线程在这种情况下,如果从以前的信念存在和受害者人数死刑,但我不是,和标准长山是(作为一个法律术语)“先例”不 无论 For example even with this case generally known Nagayama standard being quoted with this sure That it is not capital punishment thing plan from the number of victims and presence etc of previous offense assuming the ru As for Nagayama standard and the like as a legal terminology regardless it is not even with “judicial precedent”
冲突还继续对这一事件的规划,从而导致与孩子到现场为两个“上线取的英文课负责忘记了”关于被告声称市桥,检察机关是“在家成为一个人的借口包括“建议计划 Opposition it continues concerning the planned characteristic of incident it becomes the opportunity where 2 people face to actual place together “you forgot It is packed “accompanied by the home lesson charge of the English conversation concerning the insistence of city bridge defendant that it goes to taking” prosecution Suggesting the excuse of for the sake of” and planned characteristic
嗯,我同意了新的地方立法,林赛Makutsu Fabyori父亲是没有很好地面向 Become even indefinitely, the [rinzei] father the [huabiyo] [ri] is about to want moving to the [tsu] [te] method amendment which is sown
在世界上大多数国家这么甜,如果日本的经济也并非没有许多无期徒刑◇在假释也是在年→10,首次承认几乎100%的假释看是否安静 About the Japanese prison term as for the sweetest country everywhere is not searched in the world As for many of indefinite penal servitude gt If temporary release it has made placid in 10 years temporary release the 100 it is almost recognized
在世界上大多数国家这么甜,如果日本的经济也并非没有许多无期徒刑◇在假释也是在年→10,首次承认几乎100%的假释看是否安静 About the Japanese prison term as for the sweetest country everywhere is not searched in the world As for many of indefinite penal servitude gt If temporary release it has made placid in 10 years temporary release the 100 it is almost recognized
通常情况下,无期徒刑是“终身监禁”是一个句子的相同,如果在日本使用 If the normality indefinite penal servitude as “life sentence” being the same treatment is the Japanese punishment
如果18年后,甚至只是50年市桥,我试从我们的生活 If 18 years it passes the city bridge 50 years old life should have been redone exactly from there
如果手工完成,即使谋杀罪被应用,其结果将被视为是509,如果大幅度降低了杀气 509 When result murder is applied when you did with the bare hand it is seen that suitable it is low concerning murderous intent probably will be
如果这是死亡,但我可怜的母亲和儿童谋杀案的例子去纹 Now if it becomes capital punishment the mother and child homicide gong obtaining it is the wa whose incident is pitiful
然而,死刑柱塞成为一个话题,实在是太可笑 Simply because it became topic capital punishment something it is too strange
如果陪审团制度是按照不需要的苍蝇生活的生命之书,但赔偿 If you follow custom, the judgment member system it does not enter, but is, In life make up for with life
川野辺我回到家里的短期签证今年春天,五名犯罪嫌疑人的公民,前往日本两次九月,川野的儿子辺(1)和三个住在 Kawanobe this spring returned home, [shimin] suspect 5, visited Japan in 2 short-term visas of September, Kawanobe's son (1) with had lived with 3 people
市桥会有一些不同寻常的声音,认为你做了杀气女子被杀害或削弱你局限在一个家伙,我们只考虑了颈部的性质应当caulked,圆我们已经进行了回击,只是毫无疑问十日终身监禁的感觉立即道歉日本的所以0是在合理的限制是不理智的人死刑和在英国的生活也 As for the city bridge you think that murderous intent it was not Because the woman or struck abnormally with yell the neck the expectation which closes When it is dense simply character you think confining in each case weakening death you have killed as for you are not wrong When it is caught in any case because feeling of apology is 0 As for indefiniteness proper shelf Japan alone does not become capital punishment therefore and England indefiniteness the limit propriety
在65处罚说实话,不奇怪,他们的行为,以减少犯罪,如果在中国死刑腐败Gitemo不喜欢过份轻或重,保持了大屠杀的记录不知道我在中国 65 As for saying as for punishment being too light being too heavy it is not good with unexpected and truth If China even with bribery it makes likely capital punishment it is not the case that crime decreases As for keeping the record of certain mass murder China
废除死刑的父母这样做,但他们不知道 However you do not know whether these parents the abolition disputant
弥敦道进入了这个骄傲的白人响应组的幸存者这些无辜受害者的护理 Don't you think? this arrogant [chi] coming white victim bereaved family in air entrance and others - empty innocence
当我们考虑到这样一个受害者,寻找死刑的梅尔消息是不可避免的,这种犹豫,作为博士斯坦九,“九人具有相同的而“嗯,如果你喜欢它 When the victim 1 thinks of that among other things is capital punishment decision it hesitates the fact that the news which comes out is sought you do not obtain Use kind of when such like Doctor nine Stein “the same person is 9”
也许,我认为这个决定将终身监禁 Perhaps as for decision you think however that it becomes indefinite penal servitude
后悔没有等,应被处死的犯罪的威慑类似 Nothing such as reflection even for similar crime control it should make capital punishment
在某些情况下,不只是从有限的死刑 Simply capital punishment it does not limit due to circumstance
我觉得自己是因为觉得你在听出死刑的消息,至少有一人前 A little before capital punishment decision the kind of air which inquires about the news which comes out did even with 1 people but consequence of the air
我认为先生市桥会更容易增加我们的死刑 Making easy with the city bridge as a capital punishment it should you think that is
难道不知道,但可能是在一个坏的文章,后来被判处死刑的有一件事情要考虑,除了数量 Perhaps the article is bad but to lower capital punishment decision there is a point which it should consider in addition to number of people
当时的司法,但是,死刑和刑事处理什么是好的,因为它不排除在法律,外国的手,但他在日本被视为法律规则的认识冬至 But because administration of justice of that time, conforming to law properly, treats the criminal and does not do to capital punishment, Conversely from the foreign countries, Japan being acknowledged reached the point of as constitutional government nation, but is
当金博士的黑色被告市桥发表讲话,林赛先生是“黑色的解放宣言,但它的自由下降,另一方面,当奴隶过的生活和工作的保证,自由有没有保证,我们的生活和工作在手,进入“我是说和达洛尼加 When city bridge defendant does the story of the king pastor of black release as for rinzei The black obtained freedom “in slave release declaration but on the other hand at the time of the slave there was guarantee in life and work but Freedom there is no guarantee of life and work by the fact that the hand was inserted” With you said it is the ro which is
可以认为是一种可怕的状态更是隐藏在比如你想看看性奴隶查看 It is visible and that you would like to make the characteristic slave it is thought that with being visible much it has become more miserable state
我Shiteyarou原新无家可归者已患两年的生活 The siwash life whose also 2 years are painful was done, therefore it is, probably permitting
我不是一个有效的行?是啊相信我会做一个有机的线路拿起上诉到最高法院,Janaku不采取我思慈律师,楚Karukaradaro更在一个长引Kaseta勇气 Don t you think proper line something Appealing to the Supreme Court terminal punishment it goes to taking However the sled ya so probably will be that the attorney terminal thinking takes is not ru reason simply it makes be prolonged the one which The ro because it makes a profit
(1999年11月29日最高法院) Supreme Court 1999 November 29th
我摆脱了在国际事务中的死刑不是不可避免的,不? Because to international problem it has converted, the statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment stops does not obtain capital punishment, it is it is not?
我立刻感觉不好,如果你扩展你的鱼是不是从一开始的情况下,保护怪论 Strange protection theory 涌 reaches from incident beginning and feeling bad development removes
我精神病或无罪市桥什么?无异于死刑相比,从监狱南特坚实的清白 NULL
那么,无论Suretai“赵密查死”,希望给 Even however how it is good suretai was visible in the “capital punishment chi ya u tsu chi yo ”
方向,没有一个人不能Imitai在那里,可能不一定计划将沉重的感觉 Indefiniteness heavy air does the alone Always like it is not the case that it has planned characteristic it puts out
无期徒刑,警察打死一人,然后杀死他的韩国妻子原来除了Gidawa多余的。管或无期徒刑? 〜不可能 One person killing, as for life sentence the [wa] which be too heavy is You killing your own South Korean wife, it made disjointed Original police/policing. As for 菅 life sentence? It cannot be -
日本人更严重的谋杀罪 Japanese murder much felony
生活力如,首先得到了更多的税收和养老金支付强国青年让他们回归社会将有早期的优势 Society having returning to such vitality excellent youth ahead of time Tax and the one which annuity it has supplying there probably is a merit as a country
相反,甚至杀人或Nonghen三刀,因为他是警察,没有任何逻辑的飞跃 Either homicide not to be opposite grudge because it informs to the police in the reason which is said There is no leap in logic
纵火已被包括在某高校学生最近的谋杀已经千叶35 35 It is overturned already in the Chiba woman Oobu murder arson incident of the other day
终身监禁,根据平州警察白皮书犯罪以及终身监禁是在底部,如果暂时休息绝对自由南特超过了判处死刑的建议。假释年37年,并撰写了没有 The statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment does not exceed because capital punishment how without fail assuming that according to the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment indefinite penal servitude went down temporarily According to the crime white paper of the police flat of the indefinite penal servitude group of people The number of parole years is written 37 years
第一个死亡和第一类第二类死亡约没有触及宪法禁止在残酷的惩罚。和第二监狱。 Ketara良好分钟入狱 It does not mention the prohibition of cruel punishment of constitution with 1st kind capital punishment and 2nd kind capital punishment 1st Penal servitude and 2nd You should have divided into penal servitude
若狭比较体面的957或不多?当酒井法子和押尾,板仓,被期待的球员,并在大泽严厉的惩罚,只好有望成为轻判,只有狭 957 Young as for narrow relatively matomo there is no one Noriko s Osio and Sakai time Itakura while the party such as Osawa expected severe punishment Young it expected that narrow just becomes broad minded decision
茹也可能测试是否南特谋杀妇女和儿童免遭绑架勒索的两名歹徒谁获得针对任何人死刑 Profit making kidnapping homicide of the child and the woman partner how capital punishment it comes out even alone If two people the partner being the punk the causing re which comes out it is
这起诉,律师可以重申死刑的重要性,因为法官 Because such investigation the attorney and the judge are The wa which can reconfirm the importance of capital punishment
蝴蝶!我没有(五十铃∀ )和仆人多犹豫Zakennayaaaaaa Ehehefutsu AAAA! ! ! yo inside chi yo It is the te the ∀ HKDRT ehehe The hutsu za ke it is and well well about a hesitation the becoming caught and aa aa
警方贻误了,WWW Tamarang当它批准了被告的坏 When to awkwardness of the police, malice of the defendant it is recognized, cartridge viewing www
让18岁以上居民的连环强奸犯的20年徒刑瓦特小中学是什么? 24年有期徒刑至无期徒刑,重电感器是哪个?更迅速地释放或定期的方向?一応死刑 米为30年确 u200b u200b定的期限最长的固定期限 Generally w The ze where Konaka study living 18 human continual rape offense is penal servitude 20 year Penal servitude 24 year indefinite penal servitude either one is heavy it is Indefiniteness being released more quickly than terminal Once capital punishment gt indefiniteness gt terminal Therefore what terminal longest 30 years
让18岁以上居民的连环强奸犯的24年徒刑瓦特小中学是什么? 24年有期徒刑至无期徒刑,重电感器是哪个?更迅速地释放或定期的方向?一応死刑 米为30年确 u200b u200b定的期限最长的固定期限 Generally w The ze where Konaka study living 18 human continual rape offense is penal servitude 20 year Penal servitude 24 year indefinite penal servitude either one is heavy it is Indefiniteness being released more quickly than terminal Once capital punishment gt indefiniteness gt terminal Therefore what terminal longest 30 years
该报告之前,“卑鄙小人 u003d市桥”有谋杀,没有对第一次强奸罪犯的犯罪记录图像是20年越狱市场 Reporting preceding there is image of the “city bridge atrocious person” but Without first offense previous offense as for rape homicide the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment of penal servitude 20 year quotation
说的转换速度太慢,他自觉有罪,被告已经开始的第一反映,“没有康复的可能性,他说:”释放不能被视为 As for reform you can say that it is too slow but you are conscious of your own crime in the defendant who has been started reflecting “there is no possibility of regeneration” with to see it cannot release
还可怕残忍的方式想象,W一命监禁受害人也疯狂,然后 With the cruel method also being hideous to imagine the victim dying raving departure if 1 people indefinite penal servitude w
这是真实的,EH约18年的监禁合理 As for this substance the ro whose about penal servitude 18 year is proper
这个国家真的“我们在日本的朝鲜人,包括归化公民,”只是我们不包括陪审团弥敦道海腰我才能成为有效的控制?什么是自杀♪图片或挂脖子圣行! And this country of the [tsu] [pa] is controlled and takes in “the resident north and south Korean who includes the naturalized person” effective it is with shank [haihai] Waist coming out judgment member of case? The neck hanging, suicide Sunna - the ♪ you obtain?
这五年,如果被判处有期徒刑各10年的起诉,我一直努力的重点是什么,我们就起诉Masugomi It is what investigation When it is observed to the mass rubbish it perseveres it is the shelf If usual the penal servitude 10 year statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment It is about decision 5 year this
傻瓜与发现在监狱缓刑4165年 416 Penal servitude in 5 the fool discovery which stay of execution is attached
这家伙是从缓刑和儿童Dahlonega m缓刑也和 The child killing, therefore stay of execution what the [ro] where also [koitsu] is stay of execution
这种情况原本一直下来休息过多余的。要成为法院,判决一定要戴有期徒刑立即普遍下降 Originally as for at this incident by all means because the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment is too heavy the decrease Because it becomes judgment of the object It settles in decision of general prison term
这种情况原本一直下来休息过多余的。要成为法院,判决一定要戴有期徒刑立即普遍下降 Originally as for at this incident by all means because the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment is too heavy the decrease Because it becomes judgment of the object It settles in decision of general prison term
黄柏通常死刑可能被穿了你的脖子,例如学生不从已知的784生活在过去以某种方式Desho 784 For example When while you live it cuts the neck Perhaps it becomes capital punishment but Normally being indefinite it does the yo You do not know how former times
如果让一个人成为谋杀强奸后死刑每一个是从犯罪的社会危险的死亡是为了增强它涉及到很多人做同样的 In 1 human rape homicide it becomes capital punishment if is After 1 people you kill whatever person doing it means to be same Because crime converts acutely it becomes dangerous society
我该怎么下降,资本犯罪更多,如果我现在能做些什么,我认为在一级盗窃死刑 Immediately if it makes regardless capital punishment crime it is possible to decrease more it is with You think that even at theft level it should have made capital punishment
起诉,甚至无限期,如果在Eeyan死刑判决 If the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment being indefinite with decision makes capital punishment it can obtain and is