董事和绑架问题,英一郎鹫特别委员会,黑岩渔阳(浩塔卡),像两个人的议会关系是间谍 > Wasio Eiichiro kidnapping problem special committee director and the Kuroiwa space/large house ocean (it is high wide) judicial affairs state affairs official The like shelf where also these 2 people are spy
300公民示范,我会做一个小数字电视呢? “米保守党和忽视Zubuzubu 300 Even at small amount you do the demonstration of the citizen group with the television don t you think As for conservative type disregard It is zubuzubu what
不管达洛尼加Zubuzubu不一样时Shingansu Yappari After all being the same as the time of shingansu the ro which is related what of zubuzubu
3年或寿命是多少? 2011年6月7日,日本共产党没有危机,“共产党潮”,如井田,大声只是媒体,是没有真正的 Life expectancy 3 year The Japanese Japan Communist Party is dangerous 2011 06 07 “Japan Communist Party boom” and so on the mass communications just made a noise did not have really
441之一[选举法] 441 [The Public Office Election Law
487瓦特Netouyo如果出现这种情况了所有的执行到位 487 So if it becomes netouyo is everyone punishment place going w
武野Netouyo已经连败,如果你什么感觉? As for netouyo if what it successively loses the air is completed
Kanchokuto死刑的太细,但不是可以被逮捕,被迫听到超过大发生的不良分子,如果你看死,但对基本Kanchokuto But abhorrence kanchiyokuto The element which it can arrest is too thin But as for lynching basic opposition If kanchiyokuto is designated as the lynching Accidentally it is not visible and it is not audible
外观犯罪但也有从死亡仅677希望 677 Because so only capital punishment it exists in outside 患 crime
MPD是相同的sin m白色匿名罪犯被捕 1 That the offender was sheltered, the same crime As for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrest margin
NHK的傻瓜,但不要谈能源生产和需求的总理辞职草案 NHK [aho] only story of the energy three bill makes prime minister resignation request
Raremai采取的承诺,国家已经在Raremai和继电器画面硬,一起来看看淋漓尽致 Will not you take commitment unless will not you take From relay image it could perceive the circumstances which become desperate distinctly
[奈良]说:“阿姨动人,说:”川原美代子是“确保每个水龙头,直到管自动梅尔!”★3管或扑抗议内阁和被褥,每天 That “moving until” Miyoko Kawahara stops “the 菅, it hits! ” With every day futon hitting In 菅 Cabinet protest? * 3
[政治]日本共产党之间的基础赢得了日本的先进工业技术的主要目标,工作指令 - 在日本工作 - 日本队之间的可操作性,外交,为建设一个民主的台湾收集军事信息基础工具的情况下日本的工作大纲公布的第二阶段,以收集关于法轮功和运动信息 - 2。日本和平委员会发布了免费的工具是通过以下三个步骤 The basis acquires use Toward Japan construction principal goal Acquisition of the Japanese frontier industry technology Japanese politics, collection of diplomacy and military intelligence Anti- Taiwan construction of base of construction Democracy movement and the data gathering regarding legal wheel Isao The Japanese release second period construction summary - 2. Duty of release construction group Passing 3 stages under, it achieves the Japanese peaceful release,
“弓关于绑架。Donorgate追求项目组”,但还考察他们是否能确定是什么充其量只能是有关道歉的要求 “菅 neck Kidnapping Seki The donation doubt overtaking project team” inspecting Demand for apology only at the very most thing the tsu lever which does not understand
“弓关于绑架。Donorgate追求项目组”,但还考察他们是否能确定是什么充其量只能是有关道歉的要求 “菅 neck Kidnapping Seki The donation doubt overtaking project team” inspecting Demand for apology only at the very most thing the tsu lever which does not understand
“我赞成自由民主党不能支持”,包括那些谁是叛徒已建成民主和提高的智人人类历史的背叛和反抗,这意味着所有的人,对某些死亡的价值 Because “you voted as for we to the Liberal Democratic Party It cannot support the Democratic party ” that and so on as for the person who is said the traitor to the democracy the mankind to build In other words structure it is the traitor who opposes in history of all mankind and the Homo sapiens it is worthy of to certain death
“我赞成自由民主党不能支持”,包括那些谁是叛徒已建成民主和提高的智人人类历史的背叛和反抗,这意味着所有的人,对某些死亡的价值 Because “you voted as for we to the Liberal Democratic Party It cannot support the Democratic party ” that and so on as for the person who is said the traitor to the democracy the mankind to build In other words structure it is the traitor who opposes in history of all mankind and the Homo sapiens it is worthy of to certain death
★“RANU已批租土地的存款,”总理和不道歉,首相菅直人,在民间方捐赠问题的基金管理组织,在日本国民的儿子(28)绑架犯罪嫌疑人属于一个政治组织,“党的公民“(Sakai 典型)问题是一个62 5万日元的政治捐款总该是来自首相在众议院预算委员会上19家政治团体”(它为地方选举跑是长子),我行李RANU知识“都提到,反复的反对,是第一个响应的被绑架者家属寻求道歉 “It keeps and does not know” that you do not apologize 菅 With the party donation problem of prime minister and citizen 菅 The financial management group of Prime Minister Naoto the eldest son of Japanese kidnapping suspect 28 politics which belongs “Party of group citizen” Sakai Representation from 62 500 000 Yen total politics it donates to the political organization which derives With the problem which the te is 菅 as for the prime minister at the House of Representatives budget committee of 19 days “ the eldest son ran in local selection My taking part the fact that you do not know” to express frequently from the opposition party requesting the apology to the kidnapping victim family And others the re is did not respond
Etara思想,但你得到一个地震甚至在政治捐款问题的发生,粉红十日再次赢得了,我就不会发生在第 When so thinks political donation problem arises also before earthquake disaster happening This time wild pink victory kind of what cannot be thought happening the ru
不是说,如果441没有再举行 441 The excuse does not pass anymore
这是相当正确地441 441 It is completely sound argument
不要绑架没有更多的什么南特总部,以及在什么时间,甚至在周一的位置特别喜欢,如果气味扰民 The kidnapping measure headquarters which are what how it does not need it is not anymore such it is how long the position to be it solves is it is bothersome
事实上,如果一些有关青少年阶段,十日公平的材料,而是比现在少,那么我会乌诺我什至作为一个标准去对待事实十日嘎洒南京大屠杀 Actually the time where the nodule is young as for what fairer data than now being little assuming that also the Nanjing holocaust or the umbrella is fact The fact that it handles is standard and or probably is the red sandal wood die
南京大屠杀是出于但他马上有本田,川昭一,1980年,它是不是已经通过无线电处理 Honda Masaru one brought up the Nanjing slaughter but is the eighties already doing it was radio wave treatment
什么是方向,在那里我从一个地方追求在日本的儿子北方间谍训练,希望它是92来反驳 92 So being refuted expecting, it has pursued from the [tsu] [te] direction where the eldest son is toward Japan operative training center graduate north
什么是邪党政府单方面为什么呢?如果你想你的政策,以适应一个小晃动产生怎样的实际宽度Tattenham Why it is to designate the government ruling party unilaterally as the villain When it tries to adjust policy to actuality it causes the tsu te some shaking width which how was done
什么是邪党政府单方面为什么呢?如果你想你的政策,以适应一个小晃动产生怎样的实际宽度Tattenham Why it is to designate the government ruling party unilaterally as the villain When it tries to adjust policy to actuality it causes the tsu te some shaking width which how was done
什么没有违反选举法朝鲜在北如果在洗钱 When it has covered North Korea, [manerondaringu] When it has not covered North Korea, Public Office Election Law violation
他的墓碑,但亲人的不屑子孙对象 The tombstone of the person, it is the object of scorn to the descendant blood related person
出了在拉奈我谢肚子 It is not necessary to apologize Being cut off stomach
卡梅伦首相辞去了在英国的麻烦警察专员 - 英国报纸窃听的问题 - 11 / 07 / 19] With the English paper wiretap problem superintendent generals resignation [kiyameron] prime minister in predicament [11/07/19
在吸引罪人破外观问题,但日本与死亡赔偿金乌诺司法制度 As for the criminal who questions to outside 患 attraction, the fact that it makes up for with death is the Japanese administration of justice system
在这个意义上说,民主党人的批评,等等是什么说什么你在过去曾是民主党的完全独立,是一个完整的和自我溜Merubeki As for criticism to the Democratic party the Democratic party past in that sense It was what and so on it is to should stop fearlessly here and others regardless of completely
在这个意义上说,民主党人的批评,等等是什么说什么你在过去曾是民主党的完全独立,是一个完整的和自我溜Merubeki As for criticism to the Democratic party the Democratic party past in that sense It was what and so on it is to should stop fearlessly here and others regardless of completely
如果你有一个核电在日本工厂的运作,有什么用后处理,将有一个核one If the nuclear plant is moving in Japan in reprocessing it means in each case to have the nucleus
媒体已经东京。根据最高领导人的信息控制 The Tonkin mass communications already. It is under information controlling of the highest guidance
它是有责任在与想法就是不辞职conflict防反绑架首席 Kidnapping measure headquarters chief who is the duty which simply opposes to idea contradicts unless you resign,
尽管从东京市民的长子,三鹰市议会在四月选举中,政党候选人拒绝 The eldest son ran as a candidate to the April this year Tokyo Mitaka city parliamentary election from the party of the citizen You were defeated
岛田晴雄先生,总裁,田原总一郎说,千叶商科大“的能力比正常少 Entire Ichiro Tahara Chiba University of Commerce leader Ability below Shimada Haruo “normal person
工业设备肯信书业主刘某是TTP第七商务部年轻朝鲜人在日本中部商会会长:/ / mamorenihon.wordpress.com /类别/%E6%B0%91%E4%B8%BB%E5%85%9A平川町,千代田区,东京○民权党%E8%AD%B0%E5%93%A1 /%E9%BB%92%E5%B2%A9%E5%AE%87%E6%B4%8B / - ○ - 本法案8F - ○ - 2F新柳“柳新实业有限公司”的“银晨的影子总统”和“向朝鲜汇款王”的管理有城市的昵称,如下一步是为供应商周五龙工具 Owner of this dragon Noboru promotion of industry As for main law of tool Main Korean youth commercial meeting 7th period association leader of resident ttp: //mamorenihon.wordpress.com/category/ % E6% B0% 91% E4% B8% BB % E5% 85% 9A % E8% AD % B0% E5% 93% A1/% E9% BB % 92% E5% B2% A9% E5% AE % 87% E6% B4% 8B/ Party of citizen The Tokyo Chiyoda Ku Hirakawa Cho ○ - ○ - ○ 2F 8F “dragon Noboru promotion of industry of this building (Inc.)” as for manager, It was the tool next dragon of the town Kin trader who has the alias “of chief director of the shade of the morning silver” and “remittance king to North Korea” etc
常见的问题,如果通过学校津市麻原彰晃我家人的公立和私立学校沿611余 611 Akira s flax Hara Akira family passing if the ru school is the normal public private school don t you think in problem viewing
常见的问题,如果通过学校我津市611麻原彰晃的家庭观念的公立和私立学校沿 611 The family of the flax field passing if the ru school is the normal public private school don t you think in problem viewing
当我尝试和24球迷,有什么是关于恐怖组织南特一阵没Tetara笑话,但看今天的国民大会根据国家主席洛根图像什么是管一个答案,但还是不瓦特本身洛根“分散存款借用“WWW津市和我说的话洛根十日 When 24 fans it tries making we but the 菅 the image of President Logan has worn how there reason The present National Diet seeing cod terrorist organization it has related how there is no Logan very thing or w Furthermore in the reply “it keeps and intellectual viewing” Logan s lines says and the ru does www
我这样的球迷24日,与恐怖组织南特相关的突发难道Tetara笑话,但看今天的国民议会下的总统洛根的形象是什么管,答案或不处理瓦特洛根本身“借来的分散存款”或津市和我说的话的洛根WWW 24 fans as we but the 菅 has worn the image of President Logan reason The present National Diet seeing cod terrorist organization it has related how there is no Logan very thing or w Furthermore in the reply “it keeps and intellectual viewing” Logan s lines says and the ru does www
怎么样,在日本和朝鲜最高极端组织合作... ... The Japanese top the affiliated group and cooperation [tsu] [te]… of North Korea and radical group
恐怖分子只是发生在他们的亲属,而不是无辜的平民,恐怖分子接受严格的纪律,接受联合井田思想和行动的原则,我是恐怖分子自己! ! Accidentally the next of kin was not the harmless ordinary citizen just of the terrorist it was thorough from the terrorist Discipline was received idea and conduct principle were succeeded it is terrorist itself what
无论Iteru南特的议案,EH没有发挥作用! ! (Maeru我抓了公开的方式,只是因为如果你把买!) Moving whether or not the ru the ro which functioning is not done how regardless of is By the way the ordinary citizen just says that it is doubtful With the tsu you catch however
愚昧和总理,格拉卑劣。抽出时间来记住的是行为人的菅直人的名字,其次是后人的话 To a Prime Minister stupid, meanness 拉. 菅 It cuts Naoto's name in memory as an assailant, talks to future and comes after
我公安情报局,菅直人为例,该洗的组成 Public peace investigation agency, 菅 wash Naoto's identity
我喜欢的韩国学校进行诉讼,但Surechi But [surechi] also case of the school lawsuit is the under way like
我得可怕,地面电视台正在播放的合作 It is enormous don t you think as for cooperation play of ground wave TV station
我支持民主党的组织,如果它是卖东西干净,这笔捐款将问题必须彻底加以解释 The group which supports the Democratic party the fact that it is clean is the merchandise concerning this donation problem you must explain thoroughly the expectation
安塔拉就好了,我支持任何成本差异民主党组织Ukara Because the bean jam cod likely something it is different from the group which supports the Democratic party with anything
所有公民都在手,随处可见日本国旗的自主权。蔡建设之前设置 As for all citizens day chapter flag in the hand, autonomy of every place. Gathering before the government building
据调查问题,并在国民议会县教育委员会,校长每天每晚证人,加上与诸如部落解放的地联盟会员和日本教师工会高教组梅尔要求停止国歌演唱联合会省的谈判我们有 At investigation and the National Diet of the same prefecture board of education according to witness question, As for the principal every day every night, the same prefectural high teaching group of the Nitukiyou group affiliation which requests the discontinuance of national anthem singing in unison and It was chased in negotiation with the village release alliance same prefectural association and the like
收集和非法外国捐款564。 Yametara绝望总理被逮捕和起诉议案等Iteru谋杀是由奢从故意疏忽造成拥堵的电力供应造成了在福岛核电站参观氢气爆炸有问题的表现,违反选举法的可能我和生存 564 Foreign illegal donation furthermore taking in. There is a characteristic, Public Office Election Law violation doubt The mistake which causes hydrogen explosion with Fukushima nuclear performance inspection The homicide etc. due to making electric supply stagnate intentionally Also to investigate moving, the [ru], when the prime minister it stops, because it is arrested, being desperate, you have prolonged life
方向Dattara 486 NHK难道我认为信息流和台风 486 When it is the direction, typhoon information it lets flow NHK with you think
日本不支持,但库雷尼管,第一条消息,从不是日本人 As for the Japanese it is not supported with it does not stop the 菅 because there is no Japanese
每个管高后,我已经到断言没有萨拉 You asserted the 菅 that you do not apologize It is effective afterwards
是多么愚蠢的部队甚至不知道自己的罪恶663 663 Therefore only the fool who does not know whether by his is bad by his even the excessiveness
是什么,失去了他们所需要的话说,没有自己的663相同 663 Saying that by his does not need by his the same as the ru
是菅直人,不是因为文字和马铃薯,第二还包括问题,Donorgate,辞职后,被追求,和前秘书长小泽,最坏没有像田中角荣,而不是被起诉不要害怕柱塞,和我没有 Tube Naoto supatsuto not stopping as for including also this problem donation doubt After resigning being overtaken former Secretary General Ozawa and well worst Kakuei Tanaka likely It is prosecuted there is the fear whether it is it is it is not of whether it is it is not
本新闻是不报的人的人都没有!它成为社会控制和权力剂浸泡韩国的盟友!朝日新闻,读卖新闻,以及日常也应溃疡? !如果你不再信任现有的新闻!或澄清的所有媒体人的诞生应被授权经营与三大日本入侵哪些媒体网只 The news media where this is not reported is not friend of the citizen It is the Korean friend and running of power 狗 with it is the stooge of the control society which becomes Asahi not only everyday also Yomiuri should crush Already the existing mass communications do not become reliance To make the birth of all the mass communications people clear three generations going back the mass communications with only the pure Japanese The fact that it manages should be obliged
这是记者不报告的人的人都没有!它成为社会控制和权力剂浸泡韩国的盟友!朝日新闻,读卖新闻,以及日常也应溃疡? !如果你不再信任现有的新闻!或澄清的所有媒体人的诞生应被授权经营与三大日本入侵哪些媒体网只 The news media which does not report this is not friend of the citizen It is the Korean friend and running of power 狗 with it is the stooge of the control society which becomes Asahi not only everyday also Yomiuri should crush Already the existing mass communications do not become reliance To make the birth of all the mass communications people clear three generations going back the mass communications with only the pure Japanese The fact that it manages should be obliged
李。规范化与我国的关系(即第一阶段的工作目标)口。民主联合政府的组成(即第二阶段的工作目标)叶。首魁执行作为战犯的人民民主共和国成立○○日(第三期工作目标)组装工作以来,日本田中内阁的成立发表了第二阶段的任务,以上。 。组立即立即形成“民主联合政府”在完成工作准备 [i]. Diplomatic relations normalization of our country (goal of the first term construction) Mouth. Formation of democracy combined government (goal of second period construction) [ha]. Establishment executing of Japanese people democracy republic 0 as the ringleader of war crime (Goal of third period construction) As for duty of the Japanese release second period construction group after the being formed of the Tanaka Cabinet, on. . Section, namely There are times when preparation construction “of formation of democracy combined government” is completed
村居,奥姆真理教领袖嘿,说来北韩特工被打死 If you mentioned [oumu], Murai of staff killed in the North Korean operative, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is
梅尔在家里,承认错误,并送到集中营哥斯达黎加的死亡 When with the home country error is recognized, the internment camp you send and capital punishment put out
没有正当理由,因为他已被添加到了金融崩溃的边缘 Public finance is cornered to before the failure sun/size
然后我们忽视的问题,或表示愿意进入像时事通讯社Rero,该报告的一部分,从这个故意排除 Then you neglect this case or intend just this part Insert the reconnaissance in the news media like the Jiji Press Ltd which has been excluded from the reporting object
Rero进入一个与日常朝日并行秘密侦查 In parallel to also Asahi and every day insert the reconnaissance
然而,因为当时还由副内阁官房长官陪同下参观福岛,福山哲郎参加了机构,要求为“无礼的态度”古屋圭司先生(自民党)被批评 But, because also secretariat secondary Director Tetsuro Fukuyama which you substitute attends has accompanied to Fukushima inspection, Keizi Huruya whom it asks (our people) “it is non- 遜 attitude”, that it was criticized
破产的“商业红旗”相反的边缘,共产党已经在灾难性的边缘 “Akahata business” before the failure sun/size On the contrary, already Japan Communist Party has verged to devastating crisis
社会 韩,党捐款的问题,从公民,反对党再次。请求,因为有一个对被绑架者家属道歉,“RANU存款已批租土地”没有道歉和众议院预算委员会 菅 With the party donation problem of prime minister and citizen from opposition party re Apology to the kidnapping victim family was required but “it keeps and does not know” that not to apologize House of Representatives budget committee
社会 韩,党捐款的问题,从公民,反对党再次。请求,因为有一个对被绑架者家属道歉,“RANU存款已批租土地”没有道歉和众议院预算委员会 菅 With the party donation problem of prime minister and citizen from opposition party re Apology to the kidnapping victim family was required but “it keeps and does not know” that not to apologize House of Representatives budget committee
社会 韩,党捐款的问题,从公民,反对党再次。请求,因为有一个对被绑架者家属道歉,“RANU存款已批租土地”没有道歉和众议院预算委员会 菅 With the party donation problem of prime minister and citizen from opposition party re Apology to the kidnapping victim family was required but “it keeps and does not know” that not to apologize House of Representatives budget committee
纳税人委托你组织是在这 Those where blood tax is deposited in this group are you
自民党“低头关于绑架。Donorgate追求项目组”来回答委员的题目有越出古屋圭司,谁也椅 The Liberal Democratic Party “菅 neck. Kidnapping Seki. Keizi Huruya who is the donation doubt overtaking project team” chairman You answered to the question of the Assemblyman
菅直人,“因为我是在与英朗先生不是按照别人的要求,已签署的请愿书思释放对韩国民主人士”什么,W,如马尾已经走了这么远不可能输出扭矩 菅 Naoto “I thought and signed that it is the release suit for the Korean democracy go getter in accordance with the rice field Hideo s requiring ” When it comes to here of the tsu te there to be too much an excessiveness kind of w which is
被绑架者家庭联盟now ll仍然认为你应该诅咒的菅直人居住濒临记者,刚刚入睡的眼泪,成为封杀Masugomi You think that kidnapping victim family meeting crashing in the official residence 菅 should denounce Naoto As it is now the mass rubbish forcing out the animal where it cries and becomes falling asleep and is
菅直人,“我已经宣誓效忠黄金军队!”威风 菅 Naoto “I have sworn loyalty in Kin General! ” [kiritsu
被追究责任(辞职)嗯,这是一个主题瓦特怎么样的东西不能上床将与新闻媒体组织周刊也是Dekin产经新闻www“的民间捐赠方负责问题:“我,W静静躺在梳声明 Questioning responsibility resignation request it is not possible topic tsu lever Toda w This it becomes news item of the weekly magazine but by the news media which is responsibility it is to be possible to news www The product sutra “party donation problem of the citizen” how lie you write plainly and w
事情是在每周的杂志,所以我把Chokochoko高程,比较知名的老人Tteru Being picked up restlessly because the ru also the old person knowing well enough weekly magazine something the ru
让我们守什么是注定要创造第一个叛国 Making national treason It makes the condemned criminal of the first number, the [yo] [u] [ze
让我们放逐的两个极左派的反日恐怖 2 The extreme left anti Japanese terrorist will be banished
访问美国。据消息人士透露,参议员井上不过显然,美国当局已经知道什么样的朝鲜绑架日本自绑架日本公民,“我认为也为日本政府称,”我们在日本说报告建议的可能性也 Visit to the United States According to muscle as for inoue Assemblyman American authorities side The fact that Japanese kidnapping of Japanese kidnapping by North Korea individually is informed was revealed that “also the Japanese government had known you think” With suggesting the possibility of having informed to also Japan in the expression which is said
访问美国。据消息人士透露,参议员井上不过明确表示,美国当局已经知道什么在北方日本公民在自己的绑架,“我认为也为日本政府称为”已在日本报告一语中的建议的可能性 Visit to the United States According to muscle as for inoue Assemblyman American authorities side The fact that Japanese kidnapping of Japanese kidnapping by North Korea individually is informed was revealed that “also the Japanese government had known you think” With suggesting the possibility of having informed to also Japan in the expression which is said
谁开始的第二次世界战争?五里山本,朝日↓↑让入侵中国有关井↓↑(作者)进入第或在中国朝日新闻侵略或侵略 Who Started the Second World War ↓ ↑ It will try thinking of relationship well ↓ ↑ The Chinese invasion of Asahi newspaper Yamamoto Military affairs interest Work Aggression of the Asahi Shimbun in China Advance invasion
他们不知道,你觉得,直到到达该国已经被入侵?其结果是更 When you do not know you think that may be invaded the country Result everything
辛永远塔拉对日本管,网上言论的文化水准,让我们看看网上的言论与骄傲! 菅 Japan because of the eternal dropping mu standard of living of net speech exhibiting the pride of net speech
日本民主党永远塔拉辛,网上的言论文化水平,让我们看看网上的言论与骄傲! The Democratic party Japan because of the eternal dropping mu standard of living of net speech exhibiting the pride of net speech
过滤从台上下来,因为它是不必要的道歉等 Apology and the like it is unnecessary Descend from on the platform that way
这可能是最大的问题是如何赚钱60000000日元 As much as 60 000 000 Yen how doing the gold whether it made it is big doubt
这可能是最大的问题是如何赚钱60000000日元 As much as 60 000 000 Yen how doing the gold whether it made it is big doubt
通过观察形势,认为性别是菅直人,夫人信子 With circumstance inspection, this man and woman concludes 菅 as the Naoto Noboru child husband and wife
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356我让? 356 You permit
Gangare909瓦特 909 gangare w
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一个媒体系统223不能Sotchi Desho 223 It does also the mass communications with that type something the yo
五月仍增加1,获得越来越多 1 The amount it increased It increases still
超过660拉斯维加斯赵WWW SUGO 660 chi yo www It is too enormous