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With taxpayers 'safety myth 'imprinting. Public Education Budget nuclear 60 billion annually. Dentsu, Hakuhodo, the Sankei Shimbun contract this business


  • ID:产经新闻h6My5UgW0信徒绝望值W
    > ID: h6My5UgW0 Don't you think? the product sutra believer is desperate, w

    • 1988年1月28日,南冢本,民主社会主义在众议院全体会议上党主席要求对首相竹下登的政策讲话代表问题
      1988 January 28th, in the House of Representatives plenary assembly Chairman Saburo Democratic Socialist Party Tsukamoto asks typically vis-a-vis the administrative policy speech of Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita

      • 92好了,我正好有这个方向Kudarou实际行 92 Well really it carries to such direction don t you think probably will be

        • ID承包商今天的ID:这IvoR1eaN0
          As for present trader ID ID: IvoR1eaN0 This

          • NULL 10 54 95 ID xn5cEwaS0 PLT 18001 Point benefit The comparison of wild pink Japan and 菅 Cabinet ○ wild pink Origin of leadership preeminent 沢 captain preeminent teamwork and gearing characteristic × 菅 Cabinet There is no leadership 菅 mismatch and discord inside the origin and the official building of the prime minister ○ wild pink The speed impression the attack which overflows × 菅 Cabinet The earthquake disaster revival which is late ○ wild pink Even in the partner who surpasses to the physique defense of patience × 菅 Cabinet When it is blamed in the opposition party the kire ru 菅 the prime minister ○ wild pink Game plan faithfully execution × 菅 Cabinet Claptrap correspondence ○ wild pink The heroine is born in every tournament × 菅 Cabinet The Cabinet minister who strikes unskillfulness in every policy appears ○ wild pink You are conscious of the difference of the world reflect and endeavor and grow × 菅 Cabinet Losing government the wa bi zu responsible shift and self praise are repeated ○ wild pink In veteran such as Germany victory × 菅 Cabinet Cowardice diplomacy of 尖 official building incident and the like ○ wild pink Although it is gold defect the result is put out × 菅 Cabinet Tax increase is put out there is no result which is conspicuous
            • (东京):2011 07 16(星期六)23:10:54 95编号:xn5cEwaS0 PLT(18001),由队长萨瓦抚子抚子日本○内阁和管点,优秀的团队精神收益比较出色的领导根据总理的,没有联动×管和内阁,反对党内阁管×防御耐心对地震灾后恢复重建○要优于晚粉红内阁体质迅速攻击粉管领导×○内阁的分歧和不和如果内阁或管×执行我们的比赛计划,并忠实地打击自己的堆栈首任总理负责○粉红 Tokyo 2011 07 16 Saturday 23 10 54 95 ID xn5cEwaS0 PLT 18001 Point benefit The comparison of wild pink Japan and 菅 Cabinet ○ wild pink Origin of leadership preeminent 沢 captain preeminent teamwork and gearing characteristic × 菅 Cabinet There is no leadership 菅 mismatch and discord inside the origin and the official building of the prime minister ○ wild pink The speed impression the attack which overflows × 菅 Cabinet The earthquake disaster revival which is late ○ wild pink Even in the partner who surpasses to the physique defense of patience × 菅 Cabinet When it is blamed in the opposition party the kire ru 菅 the prime minister ○ wild pink Game plan faithfully execution × 菅 Cabinet Claptrap correspondence ○ wild pink The heroine is born in every tournament × 菅 Cabinet The Cabinet minister who strikes unskillfulness in every policy appears ○ wild pink You are conscious of the difference of the world reflect and endeavor and grow × 菅 Cabinet Losing government the wa bi zu responsible shift and self praise are repeated ○ wild pink In veteran such as Germany victory × 菅 Cabinet Cowardice diplomacy of 尖 official building incident and the like ○ wild pink Although it is gold defect the result is put out × 菅 Cabinet Tax increase is put out there is no result which is conspicuous

          • WW最好通过捐赠红旗问题
            As for akahata donation problem all power through ww

            • [图书]“真正的恐怖分子是韩国人” - “关东大地震,”韩国大屠杀“真相”的美代子工藤[12 / 20]★5在关东大地震(肥后)的时间八卦谣言是惑不许多韩国人对日本人屠杀无辜的治安维持 -
              “To tell the truth the Korean was the terrorist”, - '“truth Kudou Miyoko author of Kanto large earthquake disaster Korean slaughter”' * 5 [12/20] At the time of Kanto large earthquake disaster wild rumor (the [hi]) the large number the Japanese our police/policing group which is bewildered there are no many crimes The Korean it slaughtered -

              • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good
                • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good
                • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good
                • 这不是这样的意见不进来了公务员或子女不介意的采购成本 Unless it is the government employee or the child who does not designate the cost which depends on supply as the air it seems that does not come out It is opinion

              • “”Gaso圣加仑共产党中国“? KKE有一些东西做什么?如果不是我得刚刚看到这个苦说,新W,W Raretarashii没有道理的,因为额外 ” “As for Japan Communist Party Chinese gaso 連 ga ” It is Something relationship the tsu ke which is w If ugly excuse it did not do to here about viewing you were cornered w which seems
                • 541不是,WWW等一个接受核日本共产党 541 The Japanese Japan Communist Party admitting the nuclear plant and others a www

              • ※日本共产党发出了红旗40万人,已支付的头皮的首批成员实际上可能有25万 u003d 25万说 But as for Japanese communist 党員 with publication of the akahata 400 000 as for having supplied party expense 250 000 Even 250 000 person you can call actual 党員

                • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o
                  • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o
                  • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o

                • 主题相关的电通,也来写主反对 Dentsu related sure nuclear group of objectors does not come to entry
                  • 电力。潘多拉的盒子随附瓦特电通批评 Electricity Critical coming shelf w As for root of badness Dentsu

                • 也可在一个体面的报纸写的,但唯一的红旗麻烦 The newspaper which can be written even with honest thing is troubled being only an akahata
                  • 可以写一个像样的报纸,但只有红旗麻烦 Honest thing the newspaper which can be written is troubled being only an akahata
                  • 红旗或蛊惑也写了一些讨厌的事情产经新闻? The akahata something being written with also hateful thing on the product sutra

                • 事实上,它并没有批评民主党人拼命官渡河 With sort being desperate 菅 it is the case that you criticize the Democratic party

                  • 产经新闻产经新闻日本,放射性污染土地的叛徒,是土地放射性污染的叛徒产经新闻日本产经新闻放射性污染的土地,日本产经新闻放射性污染的土地日本汉奸卖国贼产经新闻汉奸的土地污染是日本产经新闻叛徒放射性放射性污染放射性污染的日本产经新闻汉奸卖国贼,日本的土地受污染的土地是日本放射性土地
                    As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted As for the product sutra newspaper the traitor who Japanese country the radioactivity was polluted

                    • 京都大学研究生院工程,原子历史系盈266吉井志位和夫日本东京大学工学学士物理系物理科学的东京大学法律系,BA不破哲三将我不知道有没有从亲戚最近反对下的基础上,思
                      Satoru Fuwa three The University of Tokyo science department Department of Physics soldier/finishing Kazuo Sii The University of Tokyo engineering department physical manufacture subject Engineering loyal retainer Hidekatu Yoshii The Kyoto university engineering department atomic engineering course soldier/finishing 266 It goes through, however viewing, with recent face Without basis opposition think it is…

                      • 什么是不是日期Netouyo电通达洛尼加?清楚的主张是Kusochon
                        Electricity passing, [ro] [netouyo] which is resident what? As for propulsion group [kusochiyon] shelf

                        • 你的好周一659达洛尼加W的具体例子来吧,寻找它在文章中,然后我按分类系统产经新闻酸痛 659 You the product sutra searching even with the article which the ri has been done to push atsuchi system are dense from calling w That the concrete example tsu te the ro which is rubbed

                          • 例如,即使支付的钱是什么直Desho504瓦特 504 Until the ma it is it does yo w If you pay to only the money it does regardless
                            • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                            • 例如,即使支付的任何直Desho 504五瓦特 504 Until the ma it is it does yo w If only the money you pay it does regardless
                            • 周一将10号(°д°) Will October edition ゚ д ゚
                            • 嘿哟周一527等 527 Such it is well
                            • 将不再是可能的,甚至不再考虑 And furthermore it probably will become without either already thinking
                            • 我看122瓦特126 126 122 Seeing don t you think w
                            • 绝望226 WW 226 Desperate shelf ww
                            • 而且它有一个可怕的,现在我觉得 And outrageous thing was done that it reached the point where you think
                            • (完) End

                          • 凉鞋的宣传小册子,上面绘制标高不写进了这样的屠杀模式
                            The booklet for strategy advertisement which is listed first has written pattern of slaughter on such a manner

                            • 几个人一直就是否严密● The group of people are entered and left secretly
                              • 几个人一直就是否严密● The group of people are entered and left secretly

                            • 原子能委员会于1955年设立的政府在1955年第一家海外变相汇报任务,调查小组的报告派往国外首次引进核电,如何促进原子能委员会成立被认为是模拟 Installation of atomic energy committee on reverse side disguise report 1955 First overseas investigation committee Government 1955 to introduce the nuclear plant dispatches in order for the first time the report of the overseas investigation committee which It was found that it is disguised to the contents which promote the installation of Atomic Energy Commission
                              • 中学生已经散发核电厂所在地区的自由 In junior high school student of nuclear geographical area It has distributed free
                              • 毕竟,安全成本的措施赌博性质,从左边的沉默,以“策划费”问题与当时居民的差异,而不是邪恶的所有遗留问题由主 After all originally you apply the safety measure expense which should turning to “the plan expense” in order to silence left flank is the mistake Resident problem and nuclear problem all left flanks are bad

                            • 只是旧社会党原反核信息中心839
                              839 Counter atomic energy data information room of originator just old Japan Socialist Party

                              • 哦,W说什么不妥的地方,然后才出售Ttetara思输出扭矩差的东西只看到了作为产经新闻报某处 Well you see with something the it is different just the product sutra as the newspaper publishing company whether do tsu when it is strange thinking from before you probably will drop you say Or w which is thing

                                • 圣教在每一份报纸,包括在图书馆红旗和精细Omoroi阅读
                                  When the akahata you read at the library, it is funny well enough Rear saintly teaching newspaper

                                  • 在唯一可以肯定的英美先锋是 重大的经济损失,而且主要消除゙获得大规模停电危机在欧洲 德国 频繁停电 11 07 13 In England and United States of beginning… power failure frequencies In Europe large scale power failure crisis Deviation from nuclear receiving of to ゙ itsu and huge economic loss certainty 11 07 13
                                    • 突然首相 政治 “表示核德”中的影子“先生的儿子Sofutoha゙银行!”分离电动船 电源 的存在:在英美的唯一开拓 和゙德国危机在欧洲大停电 电源 经常停电重大的经济损失,确保主要接收去 11 07 13 菅 In shade of the abrupt “deviation from nuclear statement” of prime minister the existence of “ sohutoha ゙ nku grandchild president” Departure transmission of electricity separation In England and United States of beginning… power failure frequencies In Europe large scale power failure crisis Deviation from nuclear receiving of to ゙ itsu and huge economic loss certainty 11 07 13

                                  • 在日本中部电力工业生产经营的真实意图核电厂不
                                    The Chubu Electric Power Co., Ltd. of industrial amount of production Japan one cannot use the place nuclear plant of truth

                                    • 在这次采访中说,质量工藤上升朝鲜独立在伦敦国家档案馆(或)运动派别向外国外交官在宣传小册子伎俩被发现
                                      During the latest collecting materials, as for Kudou with national [akaibusu] of London the Korean independence movement group foreign countries The rose 撒 (the [ma]) the booklet for strategy advertisement which was discovered in diplomat

                                      • 地方垄断力量,以保护世界真新公司,我抑制低于可再生能源和电力的价格,“乡下人”雇主渗透门 Local monopoly system of the worldwide unusual electric power company was protected spread of energy of nature and reduction of electric charges were obstructed the manager of “Mori old style”

                                        • 地震 在仙台和东部山东省,中国救济“郭太明,”中国经济学会冈村,勉调解人元数据是与中国文字发送的不断Mareta球大关。 。代理主席,主席参观了市政厅日中中国在仙台,伊藤加藤义雄联谊会。三木被移交给副市长 From the Chinese Santo ministry the contribution gold and the ball sign where “national Yasushi people cheaply” letter is cut is sent in Sendai city Okamura of the Japanese Chinese economic interchange association which serves the mediation part of the Chinese side Chairman vicarious execution Chairmen Yoshio Kato of amicable association in the Sendai market day to visit the city hall Itoh Trunk Handed to the secondary mayor
                                          • 每个省已通过更快地向红十字会捐款也一致 It transfers also the large contribution gold to each prefecture more quickly than the red cross

                                        • 大桥的Hirotada东京大学的系统创新部
                                          It is Ohashi Hiro loyalty of the University of Tokyo system origination study major

                                          • 如果Sakere和社区为基础的小规模,“嘿利息保障也思,我不慈 Sticking to area if scale is small don t you think “as for reporting right thinking that it is not ru the e
                                            • 如果小规模的让步Sakere坚持区域思嘿赐,我也没有 Sticking to area if scale is small don t you think as for right thinking that it is not ru the e

                                          • 对核电Ttena恩戴左翼全线看到对手?
                                            Being eaves common left flank with nuclear group of objectors [tsu] [te] something?

                                            • 工作体制问题,如资本主义蒙面电通博报堂,
                                              As for problem the construction system which wears the mask of the Dentsu & Hakuhodo Incorporated etc capitalism

                                              • 已知的进一步破坏染色体机制)只能用于核废料处置,促进这样的事情或者说在鲁莽Haarumai? Furthermore also the mechanism which makes the chromosome damage is recognized Either it cannot process the used nuclear waste The propelling those such as that will not be because you say that it is rash
                                                • 什么是该MOX燃料?只有用过的核燃料池的存在,血液在这起事故是第一次 Because it was the MOX fuel kana You knew also the existence of the used nuclear fuel pool for the first time in the latest accident

                                              • 平装书畅销是出了扶桑富士产经集团目前的“核力量的谎言”
                                                Lie of the presently best-selling new book “nuclear plant which the Fuso corporation of [hujisankeigurupu] has put out”

                                                • 必要性是日本的政治领导,是不是穷人! !就拿韩国第一合并,应分由韩国的政治领导的带领高浮雕 As for the Japanese there is no inevitability whose political leadership is meager It advances the merger to Korea political leadership is high It is necessary to be rescued by the leadership of the South Korean
                                                  • 不可避免的,日本是不是一个独立的国家吗? !就拿韩国第一兼并,政治进程必须救出差 There is no inevitability where Japan is independency Advancing the merger to Korea You must be rescued from meager political process

                                                • 我们再次申办2024奥运会
                                                  In Olympics � 2024 degree of々 candidacy

                                                  • 我住在第二个反应堆球员的身份已被洗脑成脏钱,支持者核电WWWWW
                                                    Nuclear propulsion group wwwww Natural shape of the party who is brainwashed in the dirty gold? Live in the reactor

                                                    • 所以我们作为一个党,对核电的危险是目前最严格的追求,已经做了关于未来前景必要的指责,拒绝任何和平利用核能采取这一立场是一次也没有 Because is we overtook most harshly as a party concerning the danger of the present nuclear plant did necessary prosecution but In the future in regard to view the fact that the standpoint that is taken peaceful utilization of nuclear energy is denied altogether means that there is no either one time
                                                      • 幸运的是,韩国是在陆地上,它是完全免费的地震和海啸的稳定,已经建立的首要问题是不 The happiness as for Korea it to be on the stable land lump because damage of earthquake and the tidal wave is nil Installing the nuclear plant there is no problem

                                                    • 文章的内容批评“或事实,无论是”不无关系 Contents of the critical article “it is fact or how ” there is no relationship
                                                      • 我来自一个事实Shiyouganai拒绝嘛 Therefore well factual what denial it will do but the trap which is not
                                                      • 文章的内容批评“或事实,无论是”不无关系 Contents of the critical article “it is fact or how ” there is no relationship

                                                    • 日本国际交流基金会日本文化,这起核非跳步达洛尼加以及可以肯定,那你会做,如果他们从私人赖 Therefore the ro which as for Japan the Japanese cultural promotion foundation well as for this is gone even from the hop step atomic energy and is then people if it is asked you probably will do
                                                      • 日本的核未来跳步 Japan is the hop step atomic energy even from now on

                                                    • 日本经团联的三流真正的公共关系。这产经新闻
                                                      As expected three flow public informations of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations. Product sutra shelf

                                                      • 核大纲,制定了这个“发展会议”的产经新闻千新成员。街子总主笔,届时无论如何这将是
                                                        These atomic energy general principles were decided in the member of “new decision meeting” the product sutra newspaper thousand. Boundary child editorial chairman (at that time) it had entered

                                                        • 此外尼斯。工人摆脱共产主义意识形态Shikanai之外的欺诈行为,我努力做一个党化,但他们是小企业主
                                                          Good adding. Breaking away from the communism idea which deception only is not, although toward the political party of the worker and minor enterprisers basis should aim, don't you think?

                                                          • 武野“的电线杆无能无为自由化”
                                                            Nakano hardness will “As for electrical freeing polar region of disabled lack of policy”

                                                            • 每个全家Nettouyo Datte,流泪眼,当我说,我们所有的阻力房地产转移到福岛 Even netsutouyo That every family entirely move real estate to Fukushima entirely When it is said it resists with the tear eye
                                                              • 嘿确保没有人乐趣瓦特↓1资产流泪眼错觉 Don t you think also one to be funny the e w ↓ 1 Name it is not it is the tear eye

                                                            • 洗脑的原因只是做任何你想要的。立法者,利益集团,在日本,我既得利益
                                                              Just, brainwashing we would like to do, at will the field. Family Assemblyman and right group, Japanese shelf of acquired interests group

                                                              • 由政府,原公布的一份报告模拟。隐藏的诱导期(隐藏),但没有显示宪法
                                                                As for disguise of the report which government publishes, the field. Concealment from introduction period (it is to be the [pe] to be) It is something which shows constitution

                                                                • 电通和NTT是日本经济的敌人
                                                                  As for Dentsu and NTT enemy shelf of the Japanese economy

                                                                  • 电通我是与其他Netouyo As for netouyo and Dentsu which are what being the companion
                                                                    • Netouyo不提倡恐怖主义,叛徒 As for netouyo terrorist supporter and traitor

                                                                  • 私有化的发电项目⇒(由私人公司电站,核电,但是,国有化)或电源线项目⇒管理局(为稳定的电力供应出售国家项目负责)一个小规模的发电企业新进入者,权力法团必须购买和胃(1)发电项目竞争效率(2)传输,同时价格稳定在国家项目※购买由第三方确定每个分类电源,一分钟你明年公开招标 Generation of electricity business ⇒ Commercialization In each every power plant as for private company however atomic energy nationalization Transmission of electricity business ⇒ Public corporation conversion The national policy business which bears the stability supply of electric power It entered anew Small scale generation of electricity company Electric power Transmission of electricity public corporation If buys 1 Generation of electricity business streamlines with elements of competition 2 Transmission of electricity is stabilized at national policy business It computes purchase price in the third party agency it releases next year amount bids every generation of electricity division
                                                                    • “在一个核电厂,大笑着用〜看,城市” “In the town which has the nuclear power plant the big smiling face you saw and attached”

                                                                  • 细胞核分裂,促进国家,公共关系应反复舆论对这个男人一再安抚媒体 To nuclear propulsion national dividing and media conciliation This public opinion measure manual Repetition repeating public information is necessary
                                                                    • 在所有的主要倡导者,他们一般是不太可能,我将瓦特董 W which is the Toa board or everyone nuclear propulsion group It cannot be general don t you think
                                                                    • 是啊那是主推进达洛尼加产经新闻从234 234 Therefore industrial economic newspaper The ro which is sled ya nuclear propulsion

                                                                  • 老班长电视,他们说我们对620说。在产经新闻油和水的韩国政治?我不敢获得韩国媒体援引日本NHK于是开始 620 Story is eluded is Grub television As for political standpoint of product sutra newspaper water and oil Korea style Then try listing the mass media which is not NHK beginning Korea style
                                                                    • 电视和蛆620。在产经新闻还没有从已知的油和水的政治做呢?您是不是钓鱼? 620 Grub television As for political standpoint of product sutra newspaper water and oil You do not know either such a thing Perhaps doing fishing

                                                                  • 而不是批评新闻机构监察电力公司,是对赞美和公共关系公司粘连最接近“
                                                                    Rather than you watch the electric power company and calling the news media which is criticized, adhering, it is to be close to the public information company which applauds”

                                                                    • 而这是一件最洗脑此主题ID:Xhx4ixdh0
                                                                      With this [sure] most being brainwashed in something, as for [ru] ID: Xhx4ixdh0

                                                                      • 这发出警告and m触摸更多的高辐射也分为恩戴代理商烙曝光输出入红色潜水,除了保守的民主党和共产党朝鲜网络 As for that problem aka which in addition to the North Korean network of the Democratic party and Japan Communist Party is entered in conservative power to be because the possibility also the operative starting roasting is high above this it touches when is it is warning
                                                                        • 主题是不正常的在五英里以外的(间谍)保证金和一个 5 sure exceeding with room whether ru the abnormal operative is that

                                                                      • 这是什么支持者Netouyo 583
                                                                        583 It is [netouyo] [tsu] [te] propulsion group

                                                                        • 这是愚蠢的事故我没有问题,如果说自然灾害十日津市迈乐的高安全性,如果人为的 明年一旦它不容易达到被认为是在1000 Therefore the latest accident accident if safety is raised that there is no problem calling the ru fool is but… If in 1000 natural disaster of one time the next does not occur simply it is understood

                                                                          • 这是退化最严重的国家公务员NHK
                                                                            Commercial broadcast is most deterioration NHK states

                                                                            研究 開発