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National pension, default ratio 40.7%…The worst renewal ★2


  • 169先生是郁闷养老金是八分钟完成部
    169 As for Mr. annuity in the bureaucracy of the thick labor ministry to eight minutes discouragement

    • 1回复是不是测量误差十日计算错误?例如,如果你认为40%至收集强行致力于公司,如果它完全打破了呀,算起来这是否属实,如果达洛尼加搞笑 1 Obtaining There is no measurement mistake or calculation mistake When you have served at the company it is collected mandatorily and How thinking the ro where the 40 is strange and is If that number truth it has failed completely don t you think
      • Irane省钱或者一个诚实,如果你选择自己的部分时间有剑,但谁在人寿保险,即使破产有道理 1 Honest irane That gold is saved or the one which is turned to with also life insurance is wise If you choose by your failing you can agree upon

    • W Irashiku很多人在此期间如不付款的知识,他们不成长,有Warota在自己的申请表已
      While knowing, w where default period increased Such person to seem is many, there being a private application paper already, [warota

      • W罗臼乡民并不多谁付出Ttena
        As for the Rausu townspeople the person who is not paid is many w

        • Yamanoi先 u200b u200b生和他的妻子长期计划,切实鼓吹,目前的养老保险制度被打破,但议员们一个轻率的言论 Although being member of the Diet when the current pension scheme has failed the tsu which it announces and sows it is It is the speech and behavior where the Mr annuity long wife and Yamanoi act playfully
          • 更糟糕的福利706 712,从很久以前,我觉得如果有完善养老保险制度 706 712 Worsening welfare when there is an air which improves the pension scheme because it has done long ago
          • 更糟糕的福利736,从很久以前,我觉得如果有完善养老保险制度 736 Worsening welfare when there is an air which improves the pension scheme because it has done long ago
          • 福利的财政状况停止699,但没有理由相信反向年金唯一安全的,反向 699 There is no either basis which it believes that in the public finance circumstance which welfare stops just annuity is safe It is opposite opposite
          • 达洛尼加更无法掩饰按分钟或者更确切地说,福利全部无偿 With you say or default amount you cover entirely with welfare the one which The ro which is unreasonable

        • _NULL_
          ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┗ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┛ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┏ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┏ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ ┗ ━ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┃ ┗ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┛ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┃ ┏ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┛ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┏ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ┓ ┗ ┓ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┗ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ┛

          • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good
            • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good
            • ° ¯ 噪声(如果你砍了30 的 %的公务员的薪金,作出取消税收,经济性好Kunaru ¯ ¯ 92 No no 92 If salary of the government employee 3 tenths is cut being able to abolish consumer tax business becomes good

          • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o
            • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o
            • ⌒((●)(●) ( 人 ) ⌒L ⌒ Masugomi ⌒ ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ no 39 39 39 Mass rubbish ⌒ REPT To 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No No 92 aho program No 92 92 No 92 39 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT 39 39 └ 39 ¯ REPT te No REPT 39 39 ¯ ¯ o o o

          • 一旦你已经打破了国家养老金南特,八万亿日元减税甚至可能年就没有必要支付每月保费 If national pension how it fails in addition to the fact that the necessity to pay the premium of every month is gone Furthermore annual 8 000 000 000 000 Yen tax reduction is possible
            • 一旦国民年金和破产可以通过每年8万亿日元进一步减税,没有需要支付每月保费 If national pension fails in addition to the fact that the necessity to pay the premium of every month is gone Furthermore annual 8 000 000 000 000 Yen tax reduction is possible

          • 二,如果取消地方政府基本上没有来之前,福利国家的崩溃了出来披露思输出扭矩 2 Before the country fails because the self governing community which fails comes appearing The place where substantially welfare abolishes is thought that it comes coming out

            • 什么Tattenham去养老保险制度是40%的不支付,从与您的养老金基本养老金部分,我感到非常仅在公共养老金Datte m眼睛整个未付 Default of the national pension system the 40 tsu te the tsu te which was said Therefore even fundamental annuity part of public welfare annuity national pension and simultaneous what If you see from the whole default extremely 僅 applying is thing what
              • 40%的人说什么Tattenham国家养老金拖欠,从整个眼睛未付与国民年金的基本养老金和退休金我感到非常仅Datte m部分 Default of national pension the 40 tsu te the tsu te which was said Therefore even fundamental annuity part of public welfare annuity national pension and simultaneous what If you see from the whole default extremely 僅 applying is thing what
              • 686点,更好的养老金计划没有栅栏 686 At this point in time as for the pension scheme to do and others there is no seeing

            • 什么是新的私营部门浪费钱我也不会得到滔天起重机?
              Don't you think? the crane it is with the [ru] doubtful private trader [tsu] [te] wasteful gold?

              • 什么民主先生KKE计划?先生或不称职的,,, In democracy the Mr annuity tsu te the tsu ke which is not Mr disabled
                • 当您创建32万就业机会,这只会继续,如果政府无能2年 320 000 human employing creating if disabled administration continues as many as 2 years it becomes like this

              • 他们的习惯,资助临时就业公司手厚确保它
                The habit, providing the employment grant to the IT dispatch company carefully

                • 他没有什么支付从675养老金不能似乎是不保存的错误,退休不只是照顾我的孩子得到自杀 675 Annuity as for the person who is not paid way either saving does not do not to be wrong therefore Old age commits suicide or trouble only has seeing in the child don t you think probably will be

                  • 但仅适用于单打,一面→4分钟1580000日元以下半封闭表面118000日元→3→4分钟不到780000日元570000日元或更少→一年的收入完全免税(供养亲属居民是正面的,如果每人3800万日元),所以我们肯定不能很好地付出什么可以豁免 It is for the celibacy person but Income of preceding year 570 000 Yen or less gt all exemption gt 3 4 exemption of 780 000 Yen or less 1 180 000 Yen or less gt semi exemption gt 1 4 exemption of 1 580 000 Yen or less When the dependent stays concerning 1 380 000 Yen plus Using the exemption system well will try not to pay if possible

                    • 你为什么不收费,如果你收到任何税收计划为853 NHK接收费用每一样不含税
                      853 Being the same as NHK listening fee, it should have done to with also tax system, it is it isn't? As for listening fee there is no tax

                      • 信息越少坏马首。真的只是无知的人瓦特
                        As for being worst the feeling weak horse. But foolish people w

                        • 养老金计,但不容易做到的我生活没有保障,如果没有足够的家伙什么奏任何款项,以弥补养老金的一半,这种差异补偿它比福利受益者量不足
                          If annuity outstanding dies welfare nothing, although it is simple, If the extent which in the people where nothing is paid the gold is put out, Even at half assistant 填 to do with the pension scheme, receipt amount under welfare balance assistant 填

                          • 出版商增加安全性,甚至一定Narushi恶犯罪肯定需要更长的时间在全国养老金十日100征兵,我不出来像一个统一的阻力 When the national pension capture 100 � it becomes with forcing collection Certainly also crime increasing also public order becomes bad and the resistance which unites Being like coming out the wax which was wrapped
                            • 国家养老金的损失至少有10年是不支付租金 NULL
                            • 对于刚刚在70000然后我说的例子,我有退休金困难 NULL
                            • 谁吃受污染的蔬菜退休人员认为,年轻人的死亡恩戴 As for the young person who eats the pollution vegetable annuity supply and demand You think that to it has died

                          • 出生援助,生活援助,丧葬援助的适用概暂时的,基本生活救助,住房援助,教育援助,医疗救助,生活和护理援助的总成本最低
                            As for childbirth aid, occupation aid and 葬 festival aid because it is something which is applied temporarily, Basic total of life aid, residential aid, education aid, medical aid and nursing aid It becomes minimum cost of living

                            • 制度和福利制度是出奇Dounaruka知道改变是缓慢和突发 Unexpected and the system change slow The welfare system is not recognized dounaruka

                              • 努因为许多公司绝大多数都没有了,反正

                                • 十日是一个良好的经济环境下寿险公司的成语仍然有一个整体的自雇
                                  It was normal 套 phrase of the life insurance company in the times when the family-operated business business is good entirely still that

                                  • 十日被削减和挥舞着国旗土方施工现场
                                    It is refused to flag inclination of the manual laborer and construction site when

                                    • 南特等退休金只晚了,不知道这是很难想象的世界远远不可能 At just annuity lives and it is not difficult in the imagination how possibly to be the unreasonable world
                                      • 九年来,不仅住在每年200万 Living at year 2 000 000 only 9 years it has

                                    • 南特邮政民营化的利弊,我认为有可能是Yareta星期一
                                      Being even when you could do postal services commercialization how merits and demerits well, you think that it rubbed,

                                      • 只有在私人的劳动力成本相当于当地政府雇员税是4%,在东京,神奈川,静冈县,爱知县,大阪府的劳动力成本比 800兆的赤字国债当地政府雇员税等费用但一个国家公共管理事业转移话题人口是最大的浪费欺诈,当地公务员的劳动力成本
                                        Just makes the labor cost of the local government employee equal to people consumer tax in the 4% Tokyo, Kanagawa and Shizuoka, as for metropolis and districts other than Aichi and Osaka, Labor cost > > > > tax revenue Although local government employee labor cost is cause of deficit-financing bond 800,000,000,000,000, as for the administration which bends story in the national public service personnel the fraud group Largest wastefulness is labor cost of the local government employee

                                        • 哦怕不怕不瓦特94 109(我在日本怜悯和痛苦 109 a fearful fearful w 94 Resident painfully so is pitiful
                                          • 124很抱歉,但日本是痛苦和难过瓦特同情 124 The me it is the me it is w Resident painfully so is pitiful
                                          • 哦怕不怕不瓦特94 109(我在日本怜悯和痛苦 109 a fearful fearful w 94 Resident painfully so is pitiful

                                        • 善良纳鲁和无知的人会选择一个目标立场原因,情绪立即Aranu
                                          And the foolish people who become good do the selection where feeling does not precede reason

                                          • 因素,并在55 59岁的用户比例下降拖欠率相对较低,低区的收入,保险业(51000001英镑FY 10),增加非正规就业人员难以负担海拔增益 As a primary factor decrease and income of the member ratio of 55 59 years old where default ratio is low relatively are low Premium 10 15 100 Yen increase and the like of the non proper employment worker whose burden is difficult is listed
                                            • 最近产生了良好思,什么是有趣的非正规的语言吗?这是在非正规 You think recently well but it is the non proper employment tsu lever it is not strange Somewhere non is proper

                                          • 围绕旧体制的释放一次,而中小企业在没Kakare
                                            The bulletin of small and medium-sized business affiliation turns, sometimes but former times are required

                                            • 在2050年三个人之一,只有有望成为领取养老金
                                              There is the possibility that in 2050 in 3 1 people, become the annuitant,

                                              • 如果你只与谁参加了养老保险的公司,我是在狂精神分裂症生活是我租斯Erurashii基本养老金和退休金,老年,但它是一个很好的任意球是和平的心态工作,但大脑如何行事诡异的新的湿重远 If public welfare annuity it works at the enterprise which has joined You can receive fundamental annuity and public welfare annuity the tsu which seems it does However something life it deviated in the integrated malfunction symptom if it can work old age to be relief it is good however Ww which the brain functioning has done to that or is doubtful
                                                • 国家养老金储蓄到聊天或没有支付任何罚款! Without paying altogether it saves national pension well enough and the chi ya tsu te ma does
                                                • 它EPI 804 804 As for that public welfare annuity
                                                • 马虎了,我认识到,首先打破了,创造了日本新的体制机制Reyo养老金拆除白! To some extent recognizing the fact that it has failed make the new system As for the Japanese annuity mechanism dismantlement margin

                                              • 如果我没有能力负担不支付养老金850支付pension ll的水平乞丐或一个想法短视超不错的手头上有许多变化在这一刻孩子不知道你这最不自由的思想形成的影响门,直到它坚如磐石的绝大多数是什么故事,如果我没有思的例子吗?我觉得一个生命如果没有稳固的公共养老金坚如磐石的Nakunai不一致或自我保护的相同呢?
                                                850 If the annuity payment lever [re] it is it is, as for room also without being, more than enough This conception meaning you do not understand Being the super shortsighted conception that now this instantaneous change to be many should have been in labor assistant? It is beggar level However annuity even the 磐 stone it is you cannot think the story when you pay preponderantly to there? You say that steady there is no public pension plan, if is, steady there is no either welfare equally? Isn't contradiction felt with oneself?

                                                • 如果日本秘密廉价的方式离开就业荣?市政府解释为何色勒 Being chiyon cheap employing if Japanese leaving it is helpless and the yo Therefore explain with the government office the re

                                                  • 如果碰巧有包裹的钱,即使没有强制收取28? 28 It will be made to force and will collect from somewhere having the gold which is not even you wrapped

                                                    • 它的思维相反,他们不来上班之前后的养老金崩溃梳连续瓦特ぽ When annuity fails Only it goes in function w Before and others the po and thought is opposite
                                                      • 达洛尼加滑稽,但我更已破 Already although it has already failed the ro where the one which is paid is stranger and is

                                                    • 很从容的段,然后我看它的更大的伤害,他可以住在我的退休金 Extremely thinking calmly living at annuity the ru person how seeing losing it is
                                                      • 机构严重损害了日本的元收益稳定 The system where the Japanese whom you supply seriously piece by piece loses…

                                                    • 怎么可能未来的租金支付退休金达洛尼加刚得到的新闻说病从低工资十日 The mass communications all together Annuity paying because that it is low you call the possibility where in the future you can receive the ro which you pay becomes hateful and is

                                                      • 我 ⌒ ⌒ヽヽ二) (⌒旋钮 R, 。 ° ¯ ° i ⌒ 39 u No 92 REPT j 92 n ∠ DREPT 92 ¯ no i ⌒ REPT REPT Two ⌒ No r 92 ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                        • 在日本Choppari雅罗 日本,u和 旋钮 ( 两 ⌒ヽヽ) (⌒旋钮 R, ¯ ¯ ° Resident way 92 Japanese It will be and chiyotsupari probably will do The no it does u 92 gt REPT 92 The gourd ya resident way it is what ⌒ lt 92 Welfare side it does r e DREPT ⌒ DREPT i ⌒ 39 u No 92 REPT j 92 n ∠ DREPT 92 ¯ no i ⌒ REPT REPT Two ⌒ No r 92 ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                      • 我不交Dokeyo在海关行中包含的钱也有从清迈确定 Will not when and others the gold which goes to the manners it is It is not paid 込 it is the do ke
                                                        • 我付出有一定要到Dokeyo线也买你的性等钱。 Will not when and others the gold which goes to the manners it is It is not paid 込 it is the do ke

                                                      • 我付津市家伙最好不思湾是一个更好的制度和体制缺陷如溃疡迅速?因此,甚至没有给惜分钟的节目是到现在为止支付这狗屎? Paying as for the ru person such a defective system quickly crushing when the one which has become the system which it is better is better thought cup reason The amount which is paid to this kuso system until now being regrettable so
                                                        • 457“身体没有灵魂是死的,如果连死!(酥”惜超过只听到负染色只面值美浓 457 “As for the body dying as for soul it does not die It is audible in only kiritsu ” common sour grapes

                                                      • 我支付或不支付年钻795,如果你要为移民准备在任何情况下“我没有得到支付的”我的,这将证明吗?周一达洛尼加什么是危机管理,以确保双方安全 795 Annuity you probably will pay but you probably will not pay but in any case it must prepare overseas immigration if is It becomes proof “the one which is not paid profit” but it is It tries to being all right with whichever the crisis management tsu te the ro which is rubbed

                                                        • 我相信每一天,我想谈一谈瓦特一天赢得104柏青哥板的东西,一旦亚行家伙肯定不只是消极的溃疡,但很快瓦特弹弓 104 Something being similar to the story of the pachinko board the ru w Once upon a time believing that it can win if everyday the people who go to being defeated stop staying As for the pachinko house although it collapses quickly w
                                                          • 马奈并马虎Muyouna二次弹弓如何Yametara 125?机制是seen m没有获奖,获得真正的 125 To some extent the next is kind of Manet where it is packed when it stops how in the pachinko house It has become the mechanism which it cannot win is wake up

                                                        • 我让你先溶解官员下降无论如何,如果我们没有付出是不想支 u200b u200b付 How the se public official melting loss in weight being able to point it probably is the ru if and you do not pay and the te are good we would not like to pay
                                                          • 我付出的人津:从°马里的决定 Paying the ru person Therefore it is decided
                                                          • 我在做没有人不再支付此类欺诈 Such a fraud doing everyone stops paying from the ru

                                                        • 打老人,工作热情下降,社会动荡増长
                                                          Senior citizen hitting, work enthusiastic decline and the growing impudent of social insecurity

                                                          • 整洁的浪费,整齐流氓,伪。残疾人,残疾人黑帮的人,所有的痛苦来,发生在福利呕吐
                                                            Rubbish neat and [yakuzanito], pseudo. Handicapped person and [yakuza] handicapped person, And others it is dense entirely, welfare pick up

                                                            • 日本引进激励法和745 ETC。在所有看丸相比,速度决定
                                                              745 Law of ETC introduction and resident favorable treatment. When being decided, try comparing with speed

                                                              • 日本说,高成本的医疗,月球需要40000日元10万元的医疗费日元(10,000低收入如果日元),已经在约Mundakara
                                                                Calling to Japan large amount medical treatment expense, 10,000,000 Yen medical expense being required, month 40,000 Yen If (it is low income, 10,000 Yen rank) is sufficient extent therefore it is

                                                                • 有没有更愿意投票支持自民党,Sarabada市场原教旨主义?
                                                                  More and more, there is no air which votes to the Liberal-Democratic Party, good-bye the market mechanism principle which is!

                                                                  • 柏青哥的300000亿日元→雅,行业年销售额80%的日本公司
                                                                    � pachinko house -> At yearly turnover 30,000,000,000,000 Yen industry, the 8 tenths resident enterprise

                                                                    • 社会民主党议员发出了贿赂自由前排→朝总联和克制
                                                                      � Korean entire ream -> To send bribe to Liberal Democratic Party great Assemblyman and corporation people party Assemblyman, restraint

                                                                      • 结合了20%的可能豁免国民年金金额 When the exemption person is adjusted perhaps payment ratio of national pension the 20

                                                                        • 让我们不从各种支付任何残留物后,让它卖15万高程533 533 The ze where the sale is 150 000 Various types when you pay the ze where nothing remains
                                                                          • 我说什么之前,你什么纳尼153 153 Very you nani you say is

                                                                        • 谁在狱中被屋入Souiya?田广场
                                                                          So someone the prison it entered well? Measure attachment

                                                                          • 输入退休金Idaro Ttenee艾Kisurya从现行工资中扣除
                                                                            Public welfare annuity entering, don't you think? the [ro] to which [e] is to meet, the [ri] [ya] which is deducted mandatorily from salary is

                                                                            • 那么,对于寿险的劳动力只有申请人获得银人力资源中心 Well in the life insurance applicant At silver talent center Only it has doing even with forced labor
                                                                              • 梅尔寻求援助,政府或国家只,进来和强迫劳动 Is help requested from home country government The lever it is with forced labor

                                                                            • 重印养老金法案也必然迟早通货膨胀和私人养老金储蓄是由指数化的支持是我会支持无电感
                                                                              Sooner or later, public pension plan corresponds to also the inflation due to inevitable paper currency reprint with price slide, but As for deposits and savings and private annuity it does not correspond, it is

                                                                              • (协助型)1.2生活费用,如食品和服装,生活援助。如租金住房援助(不包括贷款),3.4成本小学和初中教育津贴生活费。医院 - 医疗援助医院及费用(除房间)5.6生产提供援助u003d成本。给予手上的工作u003d职业援助,确保了工程的费用,7。这种援助殡葬,火化,葬礼当中8个成本。额外费用急救和护理保险
                                                                                (Type of aid) 1. Cost of living such as life aid = food and clothing 2. Cost of house such as residential aid = house rent (low/row [n] is excluded) 3. Education aid = cost small junior high school 4. The cost which depends on the medical aid = hospital and the clinic (You exclude room rent) 5. Cost of childbirth aid = childbirth 6. Job is acquired to the occupation aid = hand, in work Cost because of [ku] 7. 葬 festival such as 葬 festival aid = cremation and burial Cost of for the sake of 8. Nursing aid = nursing premium and individual payment cost

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