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'Headache. When the 78 and 79 yen per dollar, manufacturing in Japan is a very difficult situation,' struggle with industry to accelerate the yen's appreciation


  • 242个国家的中央银行。如果负转购自日本财务大臣和分结束,他把这个谎言直接向财务大臣野田国际社区共同意识淡漠 NULL
    • 242个国家的中央银行。如果负转购自日本财务大臣和分结束,他把这个谎言直接向财务大臣野田国际社区共同意识淡漠 NULL

  • 804 是不是用这些钱我会为未来担心 804 gt Into in the future it probably is insecure not to use the gold
    • 我没有使用,这笔钱将用于未来的恐惧 Into in the future it probably is insecure not to use the gold

  • Datte机构专门在亚洲的工作Masugomi特雅民主党党的恐怖间谍管子
    Therefore 菅 = terrorist The Democratic party = special sub- operative party Mass rubbish = special sub- construction system Even

    • Makutsu我印比日本产品与欧盟和美国 Above Japan The tsu te ru which America and China and EU print and sow
      • 如果你只是买它,我购买了一个圈嘛披露 Well if circle is bought it should have printed simply but it is

    • NDE近年来降水,日本毫不夸张说是什么这一切,因为它的强势日元的未 Japan here several years as for having sunk saying that it is consequence of all increases in yen value is not overstatement

      • w是没有前途的官方发展援助站后的第一个队还预计,六禁止税
        w In the future [roku] one for Japan Federation of Economic Organizations ODA which cannot anticipate either income tax is prohibition

        • 与通货膨胀你需要做的问题是很多万札打印现在,人财物和优势很多,我的现金和有价证券,许多大公司都留存收益储备
          Ten thousand bill large quantity printing, it should have made inflation just As for being troubled now presently, the property large quantity having with the cash, and the securities the [ru] person and internal reservation the major enterprise which has been guaranteed many

          • 东京经济大学,菅直人,东京法学院研究生毕业的人不官僚的官员站起来的日本央行行长没有帮助 The people where do not stand in many parts Bank of Japan president Tokyo University method department soldier finishing bureaucracy Tokyo University department of economics soldier finishing bureaucracy 菅 Naoto
            • 东京经济大学,菅直人,东京法学院研究生毕业的人不官僚的官员站起来的日本央行行长没有帮助 The people where do not stand in many parts Bank of Japan president Tokyo University method department soldier finishing bureaucracy Tokyo University department of economics soldier finishing bureaucracy 菅 Naoto

          • 井田返回不影响稼国外对美元,日元,它是分布在该国仍然选择美元? If with while it is dollar the dollar which is made in the foreign country not to reset to circle it circulates in the country
            • 硒可以覆盖一个发动机底盘件,四个轮胎 4 tires attaching to the chassis the roof attaching if the engine it places it is possible

          • 什么是它植根于信仰的留存收益。变异的骗局?
            Internal reservation trust saying, no that Burying. Subspecies of fraud?

            • 从荣格↓成员提高国内“经济奈达死无丰田不再那么”不过,为什么回“出口”到津接受我的东西? ?不是国内达洛尼加?想成为什么的那部分是想如果国内消费税的出口经验 The component is supplied from the country ↓ Therefore chiyon “when Toyota stops being nida where the Japanese economy dies ” Although is “export you reset” with something and something receive and the ru it is are The ro which is domestic demand what If domestic demand it will export but what it will do but consumer tax occurs in the part of that

              • 但是,日元,但现在我因此是值得的,日元升值?我相信这样做廉价进口大幅?在Japan m价格敏感的低汇率对 But now increase in yen value price just corresponds to increase in yen value going down the ru The imports becoming dramatically cheap the ru As for the Japanese price receptibility is low vis a vis exchange it is
                • 我对美国进口价格,因此在现阶段,我 Rising in the United States don t you think ru for the present import price

              • 你有美元债券,外国投资者从日本政府债券,但并非如此
                With dollar bond therefore as for [ru], the investment overseas house So there is no Japanese government bond

                • 几乎零利率,如日本总督白耐电流银行,也在不断扩大在零利率的物价上涨的金额,货币可以提供一个更“难涨价”指出,例如呢?我们接受参数罂粟毛刺Dattara债券 The quantity expanding under zero interests price it is difficult to rise Bank of Japan President Shirakawa In the substantial zero interests the present way Furthermore supplying the currency “price is difficult to rise” that it points out Obtaining When is the underwriting of government securities stripe you give
                  • 什么是日本的债务紧缩的情况下继续进入刷397日元如果我刷的事情津市Tattenham它不扩大央行的资产负债表的大小的圆圈是从政府债券未偿还借贷市场 u003d债务情况,我只能确定它变得越来越恶 397 As for cumulative debt tsu te that of Japan there is no thing of scale of circle with debt from the government bond outstanding issue market of government If the Bank of Japan balancing seat enlargement however tsu lever Toda who was printed Without printing circle deflation continuing the ru and debt circumstance steadily keep becoming bad
                  • 几乎零利率,如日本总督白耐电流银行,也在不断扩大在零利率的物价上涨的金额,货币可以提供一个更“难涨价”指出,例如呢?我们接受参数罂粟毛刺Dattara债券 The quantity expanding under zero interests price it is difficult to rise Bank of Japan President Shirakawa In the substantial zero interests the present way Furthermore supplying the currency “price is difficult to rise” that it points out Obtaining When is the underwriting of government securities stripe you give
                  • 达洛尼加刷Reyo之间的这种供给和需求的圆奇怪平衡或清除从日本银行是错误的 This time Bank of Japan is strange The ro whose demand for circle and balance of supply are strange clearly and are Print

                • 包括财政整顿后,每圈越来越买披露
                  When restoration of sound government finance and the like it does, circle is bought more and more

                  • 即使是今天上午,我们成立了出口业务,没有什么可以得到 Doing to there making export enterprise provide as for those which are obtained there is no at all

                    • 哪些帐户超过50个超过80%的个人金融资产
                      8 tenths or more of private financial asset are occupied with 50 generations or more

                      • 噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦出现了退化国债收益
                        The American bond downgrade well well well well well well well well well well the [a] which comes

                        • 因素,并在55 59岁的用户比例下降拖欠率相对较低,低区的收入,保险业(51000001英镑FY 10),增加非正规就业人员难以负担海拔增益 As a primary factor decrease and income of the member ratio of 55 59 years old where default ratio is low relatively are low Premium 10 15 100 Yen increase and the like of the non proper employment worker whose burden is difficult is listed
                          • 毕竟839企业只有雇用非正规例如十日字节值钱,如果只有非 839 After all the byte the non only formality as for the enterprise which cannot be employed there is about only the value

                        • 在中国的情况下,一直保持着相对稳定的原进入水库的高贸易顺差和巨额外汇储备得不到
                          In case of China, it accumulates the trade black-ink balance putting out enormous foreign currency reserves and is packed and the [ru] has maintained the origin cheaply relatively

                          • 地震会破坏比如果经济仍然站在失业税更多
                            If while it is unemployed person leaving it increases taxes, it probably becomes economic destruction above large earthquake disaster

                            • 如果是这样的宝贵继续有氧,购买巢,并给该国的诞生作出了免息国债和继承减税
                              If so continuation of value the favorite, Because the country produces the interest-free government bond which makes inheritance tax reduce taxes and the like you buy that, it is the shelf

                              • 它污渍轻松和兴奋你的嘴,当你来收看电视新闻报导恩戴线确定后吹爆散,以便有一个不好的事情突突日元飞津市南特 When bad ones exploding scatter there at a stroke increase in yen value how it keeps blowing off The television seeing when news bulletin it comes the framework framework doing with the pleasure the ro

                                • 将提高最大的利益,以低成本,顶呢?该Moarumai没有想到,在日本国内需求将不出口,如果没有竞争力南特贵吗?这是前交流 This most low probably is the method of increasing the largest profit at cost Will not be the case that it has been expected to domestic demand if and it exports High cost passing competitiveness how there is no Japan from the edge probably will be It is story of time before the exchange
                                  • 大Tteru手才不会没有这将成为外国瓦特Idaro体面杀卵石国际竞争力 You reducing international competitiveness the ro w which matomo is not the expectation of being accustomed to the nation and is The foreign country before becoming such a thing taking the move the ru

                                • 工作掀起了购买,如果我做的日本央行量化宽松已经美浓南特面值433 FRB
                                  433 The quantitative relief like FRB how doing long ago, the [ru] The Bank of Japan reservation operator

                                  • 并保持正确的。没有核前面的例子后,立即取消申请讨不添加到筋疲力尽
                                    And [todome] shaking. In front of and behind which you chase in impoverishment and makes attacking you do not think the deviation from nuclear plant

                                    • 庆宰VS特别帐户。 。犯罪和京都府警察采取现实考察腐蚀] [警告!警察腐败 - 突然 - “我有烂台湾团结联盟”中走出来,
                                      Resident in special meeting VS capital. . Police/policing The actual condition of the crime examination which is by the Kyoto headquarters of police! With the [ze] it is the policeman “we is rotted”, that coming out it does

                                      • 开展对与美国和欧盟央行宽松相提并论,但对对方过多的日元单一货币流通规模小的差异会很容易地更正谈话和指责强势日元
                                        If Bank of Japan executes the quantitative relief like American EU, the story which is corrected simply Simply, the stock of money of circle being too small incommensurablly puts out, cause of increase in yen value,

                                        • 恐惧从下半年力量,摧毁了国内产业的投资
                                          As for lower half period from insecurity to electric power supply, destruction of plant investment of domestic industry

                                          • 您是否转变,从一次性保持国内需求国外,Shouganeedaro Don t you think domestic demand you throw away and leave and have shifted in the foreign country the empty the ginger the ro which is the e
                                            • 什么是唯一超过通过扩大内需,这只是 Only exceed with domestic demand enlargement saying there is only this

                                          • 我不是日本经济如果嘉陵 Therefore gt the young person reaching the point where everyone positively the money is used gt Current Japanese business does not become good
                                            • 即使你花的钱像所有年轻人如此积极,日本经济现在如果我不嘉陵 Therefore gt the young person reaching the point where everyone positively the money is used gt Current Japanese business does not become good
                                            • 即使你花的钱像所有年轻人如此积极,日本经济现在如果我不嘉陵 Therefore the young person reaching the point where everyone positively the money is used Current Japanese business does not become good

                                          • 我们的凝胶超富裕友爱我会得到一个圆圈变成强烈
                                            The wealthy person which puts out friendship circle becoming strong, rejoicing, the [ru

                                            • 我将要在许多贫困亚拉更弱日元和不可逆转服用后的放射性回来? Tteka,什么时候前法国水净化和放射性污染的最后一份合同。我没有对日元的时间?关于对约123日圆 There is case of the radioactivity a variety when and unskillfulness it does the extent where recovery is not attached it becomes weak yen don t you think it is When making a contract of the tsu te or front France and the radiation contamination water purification the supply direct it is close It was weak yen time don t you think it is About 1 yuro 123 Yen
                                              • 关于111日元关先生说,我会及时处理只是做你相当可观的损失?我经常Wakaran If now about 111 Yen to put out don t you think considerably suitable loss in the timewise supply the contract red sandal wood However to be good it is from the wa

                                            • 我就在两个HF在655面协调干预计价货币流动?将几乎100%的贬值,日元如果日元畅销的干预 655 When it emphasizes and it intervenes don t you think the gold just flows to HF with both building If circle it sells and intervenes almost it probably becomes the 100 weak yen and

                                              • 我是从一个更强有力的日元+巨人spaz债权人在日本政治世界第一位
                                                Because current increase in yen value Japan claim large country + politics of worldwide first rank is disabled, is

                                                • 扩大内需,想要的话,没有抬高工资Yanarankarana
                                                  If domestic demand you try probably to increase, wages it does not lift, from viewing

                                                  • 放射性,地震,强日元,国内同行业的点唱机4民主党人
                                                    Radioactivity, earthquake disaster and increase in yen value, the Democratic party Domestic industry 4 heavily is pain

                                                    • 政府只是打得落花流水大喊大叫,我看除了手指为什么?地震康复。如果你有大量的债务,但好 Government is just it is densely being done trying gripping the finger with something the ru is Earthquake disaster returning repeating If bond it prints in large quantities although it is good
                                                      • 从加拿大我敢肯定,这是财政穷为止。什么是通货膨胀坏达洛尼加Kanakya印有一个圆圈 Therefore public finance has become bad to here good adding Printing circle having in inflation if it is not the ro which is useless

                                                    • 无论如何,都试图成为一个 0 75分配70比这更多,EH凌体面的收益,而我不南特 How the se it probably reaches 75 Yen but 70 it probably will crack but above this while how being good Approximately being able to exceed the ru it is the ro which is
                                                      • 我很好,但要成为一个又一个1 279美元 279 It probably reaches separately 1 dollar 1 Yen but it is all right what

                                                    • 日本敦促原本已在税收等方面处于不利地位的强有力的劳动法对涉外税收竞争 Originally the Japanese party when competing with overseas spirit was forced the disadvantage in the aspect of tax system work laws and the like
                                                      • 日本敦促原本已在税收等方面处于不利地位的强有力的劳动法对涉外税收竞争 Originally the Japanese party when competing with overseas spirit was forced the disadvantage in the aspect of tax system work laws and the like

                                                    • 日本经团联基地359支持自由民主党
                                                      359 Japan Federation of Economic Organizations the basis has supported our people

                                                      • 更多关于与安娜微不足道,累计在日本经常帐水库成为过去盈余的贸易赤字,我不这样做的赤字仍然存在
                                                        Such a minute 々 barrel trade deficit at the extent which is put out, to deficit it does not convert the current account of Japan and It accumulates to the past and it does not cancel the cumulative black-ink balance which is packed

                                                        • 有一个习惯,忽略了家庭教育的业务来自于国内需求
                                                          It is the bill which ignored trading of domestic demand in the habit which was brought up with domestic demand

                                                          • 梅尔会打扰停止Monakarou这种情况会非常丰富立即在没有任何血液丰富较快 The rich person not doing at all relative steadily you become the rich person Of stopping this splendid circumstance specially probably there is no either expectation
                                                            • 365这是一个相对的事情 365 They are relative ones

                                                          • 死猫现在不能死,野田彦,Neyo!
                                                            Yosihiko Noda die, dies now this disabled!

                                                            • 现在,日本的情况下,我需要的任何具体条款的财政刺激正是鸟儿也将融资的一大数额的权力后,拉石获得由日本银行的日元大量政府债券 Therefore now Japan circumstance what which just is concrete necessity of public finance move from all viewpoints When mass circle is thrown in large quantities from public finance with the underwriting of government securities by Bank of Japan it becomes stone many birds
                                                              • 南泰斯表示肯定,甚至如何糟糕的财政状况不喜欢抱怨,如果Datte If that is even hateful public finance becoming how bad complaint how you say

                                                            • 由于只有被吸收到银行根据央行停止。什么是一个很好的例子,以照顾在全省协调约100万亿日元,没有任何法律意义,忽视并没有太大的振兴行 Stopping at the bank therefore it is absorbed at Bank of Japan just suffering In prefecture 100 000 000 000 000 Yen Each extent distributing until use it revives favorite about legal disregard OK Unless it does there is no meaning
                                                              • 这可以出售的名称应该说现在如果w重建方法和迅速下降,这是不能肯定你每年1% It is attached in 1 the 1 Unless you use decreasing steadily the ku w If now the expectation which it is possible with the pretext revival support method

                                                            • 相当于财政地震我打印什么五东重建
                                                              The gold printing, it applies to the revival revenue source of east Japanese large earthquake disaster

                                                              • 磁阻消费价格的上升,甚至不进口这么多,即使日元 Therefore becoming weak yen that much either the imports do not increase in price and Either consumer price does not rise
                                                                • 如果日元不会诱发尽快,我们去约50%的贫困 Unless weak yen it induces urgently about the poor ratio 50 it goes
                                                                • 当振动不能帮助它被掏空后,日元疲软的国内 After when the country becomes hollow it wobbles to weak yen how it will do it is not

                                                              • 税收的增加,外国人的涌入英寸忽视了,我思Nnta这次地震应该可以重置就业恶化,我改变不爆结束前地震
                                                                Tax increase and influx of foreigner, inside. When it is the expectation which can reset the deterioration of negligence and employment with the latest large earthquake disaster but the thought [tsu] it is it is it is, don't you think? it is not different from before the large earthquake disaster after all

                                                                • 经济将转向免息政府债券
                                                                  It reaches the point where economy turns with that interest-free government bond

                                                                  • 自由民主的是,当他离开黑暗的情况下分接开关分接开关的股价意味着在他的日元升值更高的汽油他打前腰自由枯萎自来水水龙头(赞助)我得到的是,政府 At the time of our people With increase in yen value hitting Stocks being cheaply hitting When gasoline it is high hitting The democracy which leaves a more terrible circumstance is not hit The control tower of our people hitting the sponsor administration the tsu lever which is taken don t you think

                                                                    • 资本主义的最后形式主要是由基金经理和所有的政治家和官僚资本家
                                                                      As for last form of capitalism the capitalist controls the politician and the manager and the bureaucracy with all gold

                                                                      • 赖斯欧洲,最后包装等了。年轻的美国战前对工业和经济的世界冠军。新一代的工业和经济的世界水下欧盟的全球体系发生的目的。这也是一个关键部分的手立即射中第一个也是唯一开始被美国栗子可以坐在火日本和欧洲,谁的未来战斗机购买哪首?
                                                                        Europe and the United States which reach the limits more and more Game. The American industrial business world of champion Opposite Prior to world war 2 the glory. In the below water of the EU industrial business world which aims for capture The next generation worldwide system. Betting, one-on-one contest of the [te] As for the scene which this time grasps the key Japan Europe and which United States chestnut in fire To begin with, either FX it purchases first?

                                                                        • 越131字什么是S形管,使(实)WW黄柏逝外汇帐户对外开放宽60日元或你有什么逃生 131 The extent which becomes in other words also the tube having S with that actuality tsu lever or w which has escaped To 60 Yen level 逝 tsu cod FX account the wa ww which is opened
                                                                          • 什么发生在日经指数和Damerika高野逝亏损0 50美元,但它具有良好的再次关闭,W试图副业 Already that it is You probably will pass away to 50 Yen where the drill is good and The so are with Nikkei and damerika how become w which you will look on

                                                                        • 这是当日元盈利为美国财政部债券和美国国债是Sabupura Sabupura是支持盐渍债券可能要飞我买的日元携带一堆小划痕债券和不良Sabupura废话贸易投入更多的世界接受日本央行摆脱反拉出Nonghen能源想买宽 In other words when being weak yen as for the profit It became the American bond and sabupura bond The American bond you turned off sabupura bond with salt soak and flew It is meaningless to buy the party and to support When unskillfulness it does with circular carry trade The fact of the matter which buys the te opposite grudge where the scar of sabupura bond spread With the underwriting by the Bank of Japan Japan energy it invests the one which because of the world
                                                                          • 老男人的日本银行围绕确保逝的长辈,但我非常高兴我们,由明显的是日元资产的分配结束的金融崩溃起草的资产和日本技术愤怒增长等待Ttemasu As for the Bank of Japan old people property of your own appearance increasing in ru thing like rapture but The Japanese technology and suction of property end the time where the old people pass away public finance failure and fierce weak yen waits and increases

                                                                        • 这种说法是骗人的假装它已经动摇民主党政府经济团体联合会
                                                                          This insistence is lie because Japan Federation of Economic Organizations shakes the Democratic party administration

                                                                          • 银行的日元幸福的人,有钱的,官僚,政府官员,公用事业公司,报纸,政治家 The people whose increase in yen value is delightful Bank and wealthy person bureaucracy government employee electric power company and newspaper publishing company politician

                                                                            • 难道时间花在处理有毒资产分配结束,即使没有它,只是达洛尼加由银行贷款和更加认真,大冶真正妄想追随者立即站在了私营部门的私人努力的努力直接坠落碎片WWW嘿哟什么WWWW WWWW地质大冶 NULL

                                                                              • 韩国的854米,确定这样的涨幅也相当低,因此这个利上什至失业通货膨胀率 854 Because Korea unemployment rate is low rather even with inflation it is the extent which this time waives increase of the interest rate

                                                                                研究 開発