469 典型的韩国人比日本人恨中国人 是吗? 469 gt As for the general South Korean the Chinese compared to the Japanese is the hateful… u is the u Don t you think gt the general Chinese the Japanese compared to the South Korean appealing hateful… anti Japanese mania growth although the ru probably is with something gt As for general Japanese the South Korean compared to dislike the Chinese… huh
一个典型的日本韩国一般从中国不恨韩国人恨日本人比中国有一个共同的中国,说我不坏,毕竟没有更恨日本韩国瓦特 As for the general Japanese the Chinese is disliked from the South Korean As for the general South Korean the Japanese is disliked from the Chinese As for the general Chinese the South Korean is disliked from the Japanese Well hate speaking after all but thing what w
478是一个道歉呢?如果我写,我是在一个孩子Nankanai场景,我的脸踢,然后将它分配的骗子谁叫科拉,或无任何道歉,我会死嘿,我模糊着哩死亡,现在我死了 478 You apologized the do Somewhere the scene some serving where we kicks the face of gaki you wrote it is kora The liar calling the person only apology kora Die becoming dim Die die swiftly directly
没有什么津贴455,十日达洛尼加不可能踢了“对接Iteru小”不是我疯了或不表达的恐惧感和过滤孩子的脸? 455 The ro where nothing discretion can be when the face of the child you kick is The wa where the feeling which “poking that expresses the ru ” is fearful The head it is strange it is without being
634汽车!什么? 634 auto
234汽车!什么? 234 auto
244是什么我到今天 244 No that You teach
351咦?我不是一个孩子只 351 a Only the child it is it is
357 m不是吗? 357 There is no seeing re but it is
439颂绝望 439 chiyon desperate shelf
747云霞粗糙日期差异 747 It is rough date it is different it is
不主张这样的事日本南特段 Such a thing the standpoint where you do how you cannot think the Japanese
不要分了哪家有大的变化问题 Large doing with whichever because it does not change there is no problem it isn t
占地378 378 It covers …
卡的机会,他在日本更换不想强强 It has been about you probably to supply strong by yourself in strong Japan
呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵叨 NULL
如何有此主题!瓦特 Being such a sure and being w
如果可以的话,“孩子”最好不要,反正十日 If possible “the child…” with the one which does not enter is better
它关心的100个方案中的步骤步骤荣50 With China and they are 50 step 100 steps with chiyon How it is good
小学〜439来源不 439 Source pu ri zu
我Chankoro 250死 250 chiyankoro die
我也有这样Shiteyare 100 100 Utilizing also such it is
我觉得这样其实我周一207 207 Actually it is such feeling it is …
我讨厌的是634 634 That has become annoyance is don t you think
我这样做 One This
收益率之间的区别在于100只有1即使你有哪些 100 while being you just made a mistake in 1 to whichever
点击链接 Link lead picture ant
712 Agnes的干预是良好的“ID:gX5iEAz / 0为W我是来该国起草 712 [agunesu] “foreign intervention in domestic affairs doing,” ID: Don't you think? gX5iEAz/as for 0 returning to the homeland, being conscripted, w
Gokichon是不是从遗传自卑粉尘少,但很少见到对齐三缸茹强奸暴力犯罪 Therefore as for [gokichiyon], violence rape crime 3 rhythm the inferior gene which is seen rarely it is even Below rubbish rubbish
ID:czsWj9rd0 [13 / 13]钟无积累和节约能源的协同作用,甚至需要在您登录前 ID: czsWj9rd0 [13/13] You do not need [chiyon] and the Chinese 蓄 go out
Iijan在640人或主要゙ 640 Calling it is with human [moto] ゙ [ki]?
Kimosayo朝鲜抗日恨盲盲Netouyo As for hateful Korea of [netouyo] blind As for counter day of [kimosayo] blind
Koreans“将是100倍的谎言真实的例子说:”中国人“将是100倍的谎言真实的例子说:”Netouyo“举例说,真相可以躺在100倍,” If also you say 100 Korean “lies it becomes truth” If also you say 100 Chinese “lies it becomes truth” If also you say 100 netouyo “lies it becomes truth”
韩国人有这样的理想主义Janaku 301吮吸是我没有从食物,才可以伤害骗不了我们的达洛尼加 301 There is no such idealism the te Actual damage being fed in the Korean therefore the ru it is muka as for being attached ro aho which is natural
Netouyo如果我要批评的种族主义和侵犯人权的种族迫害的罚款Netouyo If criticizing the racism of human rights violation and strange race persecution [netouyo] we well enough with [netouyo
WW瓦特Warota花无缺最强烈无所不可Netouyo To be anything, with [warota] ww [netouyo] strongest impeccable w
W为在全员额的Netouyo一个我会感到疼痛哈梅尔也看到了这个线程Netouyo猎人600瓦特欢闹,但我想我有一个正常的反应虐待儿童嫌疑人 600 As for netouyohanta of this sure it is recognized even from the plain gauze gi tsu pu ri but Don t you think it probably is hame ru air fully contribution w You doubt in child abuse as one person of netouyo You think that it is the normal reaction but don t you think w
NDE我想死,这是Netouyo WWW disclosed m韩国,我恨自己没有从居民这些东西是错误KNO We want dying in netouyo but this not to be wrong original our performing of resident Because such it has done it is disliked it is Korean www
※1本文章的意思是,从我们之前,他们将光闪耀奈达什么东西粗上松净春楚Uyo眼 You this as for meaning of the article of 1 netsutochiyonuyo washes and the eye can be lustered loosely in the place and it is ru nida tsu te thing
W可惜我从听到声音Kichigairashii Gunkutsuno不仅仅是在毕业典礼上唱国歌更是疯狂的傻瓜瓦特达洛尼加Sayo了呶什么日本殖民统治的入侵,如果连94 Ttena 94 That [tsu] [te] regardless the day emperor - invasion - the [tsu] [te] the [ro] w which is [kichigaibakasayo] which screams Because national anthem you just sang in unison with graduation ceremony the [gu] it is [kichigai] where sound of the shoes is audible it seems, but pitiful w
★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★○★★○○○○★★★★★★★○○○○○○★○★★★★○●○○★○韩国和日本一个坏日语韩语●★☆好,如果不好日语韩语○良井镇★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★★★○○★○○○ Korea Japan 0 ○ 0 0 ○ ○ 0 ○ 0 0 0 Good South Korean Good Japanese ○ Bad South Korean Bad Japanese
第一个这样的认识从来没有这么不应该投票给外国人 Therefore denizenship and the like of the foreigner absolutely you do not have to recognize
下贱肮脏,人们也说,图我是在韩国 Meanness it is dirty, it is impudent, when such as Korea?
主题只有一个视频播放数千年垂直微笑,你是不是典型的日本工作和什么Netouyo爆炸 The number of playbacks [sure] to build with barely several thousand happy animated pictures, and the [netouyo] calls [tsu] [te] There is no model of resident construction
事实上,我的球员叛徒的科和商业联合会组,许多Ijan Actually, thinking of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations the traitor group, the [ru] party, it is many it is
什么是中国的方言,韩国韩国人不缺席? China of the Cori un lead talking, as for thing there is no Korean of the resident in inside?
什么是日本人不仅通过恩戴的肌肉不适这个视频比阅读一篇文章,不应 This animated picture compared to reading the article strange feeling holding as for the Japanese who muscle does not pass simply the expectation which is not
是什么,你不通过一个小日本不只是肌肉 The Japanese who do that muscle it does not pass simply are few
什么高炉Netouyo 586,EH间谍闵榻嗯 586 [netouyo] you call repeatedly riding, the [ro] which is the operative of the people 潭
但有些是你不卖日本南特650脏话 650 The wa which is with Japanese how a lot of uses dirty word
中国B 220( ) 220 The Chinese quaintness
我曾在是否如此Wakaran 1中国话 1 It was China it is The word way it is from the wa
即使作为一个感人的故事激烈,但我听到谈论它,甚至连听到任何支那荣是不喜欢说了这么多,我有信心,郑周永和恶心的Inama支那 Even when whatever kind of story of the support 那 hearing whatever kind of story of chiyon hearing Assuming that even if is heroical beauty talks I support 那 with chiyon stay hateful with way and is a re ru self confidence You detest to that much
让成绩是烂片,即使你Sorenishitemo sangokujin达洛尼加哪家我们做它在挑战下支那 With the support 那 and with top and bottom Korea and it is good with whichever The ro which is the Mikuni person to whichever The ze which nevertheless is aftertaste bad animated picture…
厨房和尼科聪明人比一个坏的速度ν Because the [niko] 厨 the head is worse than the Î fast people
厨房和爆炸Netouyo的Netouyo用同样的心态,但球员净,2CH(政治)是书面的,包括恶意破坏的目的和Netouyo刺激〜 Therefore netouyo calls 厨 with as for netouyo the same mentality as the people it is the devastating which the net 2ch something related to politics with netouyo with it fans together and writes with purpose
如果你要等待,但我的日本,将有一个什么理由厨房Kimetsuke尼科 But we want waiting what when it is the Japanese texture you probably attach the niko 厨 to basis
我也恨它,如果我Chonshina,伊根希望Netouyo什么是逝与这些家伙同样的心态,但 But dislike chiyonshina we therefore as for netouyo the same mentality as the people don t you think the 逝 tsu te we want together
我在厨房的感觉和尼科也意味着懂得初级Netouyo The elementary and junior high school students not being recognized and to netouyo converting either meaning the is niko 厨 tsu te feeling
同时,通过踢在法兰克福遭遇球大和抚子Makutsu On the one hand, the [tsu] [te] where in Frankfurt the Japaness daughter kicks sphere and sows it was
噢哦噢哦噢哦噢哦也开始在日本的朝鲜人也KNO In addition well well well well well well well well the [a] where our performing of the resident Korean Korean starts
在你管“孩子是虐待到另一场比赛在中国儿童在中国其他民族的滥用。”成了,我会故意篡改 You With tube “In China child abuse to other race The child is maltreated to another race in China ” Because with it has become intend it probably is the alteration red sandal wood
西欧和其他网站的大米你管,黄种人。肉!殆这样的 You The rice of tube and sight of other European American type yellow person 憎 It does Majority
在日本和韩国 韩国的东西我谢日本浴缸 Korea among now as for the Korean and resident apologizing to the Japanese the bucket
权外线大部分是韩国 韩国日本 The majority of town declaration right wings resident Korea is the Korean
在香港,汉族中国和东方的外观基本上是西藏蒙古韩国日本,中国东北北部,中国南部和台湾。在西方和非ethnic m丑陋,我是一个典型的东方民族很丑陋,但为什么 Appearance Hong Kong and Taiwan The Chinese southern part The Chinese north section = Japan Manchuria Mongolia Tibet Korea Basic the oriental [tsu] [te] Chinese race. It is awkward what other than race, Why Europe and America in awkward race the [ru] it does to a typical oriental face,
太多的速度和温度差wwwwwwwwwwww Warotaν Î Speed and temperature difference it is too much [warota] wwwwwwwwwwww
如果你一直说自己给的线索手什么也没有证明时,“不喜欢你的邪恶面前,他们错了,”Tteka By your saying attaching temporary selfishly when it is unrelated when it is proven “Kind of you who are misunderstood are bad” the tsu te
对于外部泵,如右翼奈达匹配十八盘开放, As for match pump of town declaration right wing and the like hobby [nida] of gourd
对于支那高于维吾尔族朝鲜族的郑在郑在日本,为更多的台湾人雨高于支那黑人球员的这种寄生虫知道 For the Korean family of the support 那 from the Uighur on For Japanese resident in chiyon support 那 from the Taiwanese on For resident in chiyon of ame from the black on this parasitism consciousness of the party
当事人的分散W(韩国),我们首先取决于过滤,笨 Intellectual viewing w The party China and South Korea with decide the fool
我理解日本白431 431 Japanese understanding margin
总之,一个流泪眼↓gX5iEAz / 0是Fabyo↓ The ↓ [huabiyo] [tsu] is gX5iEAz/0 with the tear eye the one word ↓
我们的目标是打败一石是用来区分就被坏人所取得的成凝胶的中国,韩国和受害人·狙的三鸟 日本,韩国,故意恶意影片 As for purpose Hitting China Korea is designated as the victim In order to make clothes in the bad guy who Japan Korea is discriminated The animated picture which is made the title which aimed for a stone three bird purposely is malice
我们的这个愚蠢的白痴死Mundayo摩托车盗窃和那小子怎么样,但小津说,他为我解决了白色和其他摩托车发牌制度,以防止网 The motorcycle trying probably to steal saying however the ru person it is Such a small gaki how doing the motorcycle you steal it is the fool die As for the true fool the net way it is not possible in license system margin
我到过达洛尼加和其他自行车,因为这狗屎?凡被滥用? This motorcycle trying probably to steal it is done plop plop the ro which is Somewhere abuses
我们非常自豪呀瓦特Netouyo 816人的虐待儿童的行为如果W Ashikarazu任何我们不会允许段国 816 The sled ya very w Proud high it comes as for our netouyo With behavior of human of some country that Child abuse thinks that it is not to be permitted The a it does and does not drive w
Netouyo我们热爱自由和平等,儿童虐待是任何国家的人的行为如果W Ashikarazu,我们不会允许段 As for our netouyo which love freedom and equality With behavior of human of some country that Child abuse thinks that it is not to be permitted
Netouyo热爱自由和平等,我们是虐待儿童的人的行为,任何国家如果是,我们不会允许段 As for our netouyo which love freedom and equality With behavior of human of some country that Child abuse thinks that it is not to be permitted
欧洲像我虐待从白愤怒的孩子会茹 Therefore the child of the white like you have abused as for Europe and America you probably will get angry
我受虐待,或住在群马县,千叶县游览可怕 The Gunma prefecture people study travelling raw of Chiba prefecture having abused? This is terrible
我对我恩戴的可能性较高KNO日期等自制的盐粮认可 It is such, possibility of original our performing of resident is high, it is with it is possible to be recognition at about of story half
日本希望将所有邪恶的? So We would like to do to the thing whose Japan is bad entirely
我不认为我是在没有危险的孩子们的生活得到 Life of the child being exposed separately dangerously there is no ru reason it isn t
更多“中国恨白人”(白在中国坏我们)要站在这样一个简单的白大人,Tsukerubeki诱人立即检查是否有时间来降低他们的白色 More “Chinese hate whites” as for the white it is disliked in the Chinese likely being simple becoming standpoint of the white of the adult It should attach those which stop wanting to verify whether there is no fault in your own white
儿童。我Pokatta白色,矫枉过正的干旱和像那一脚 Child The white Poka tsu fungus do such you kick being popular too much and
更换磨损的对日本文化的标准故事首当其冲如果我认为我 The ri which does the spearhead in story of standard of living of the Japanese changing as for that you think how
正在取代人民的代表,似乎Masugomi真正负责?那么,它会来的韩国人是不是没有好的永远被驱逐出境到日本,朝鲜半岛非法居座慈我得到生气,如果战后 The responsibility is rubbed in the citizen and it changes with as expected it seems the mass rubbish way Well if the Korean people as for becoming favorite being the case that it is not eternally the stomach stands from postwar period Remaining illegal the ru resident Korean to the peninsula you force repatriate
孩子们“这不是明显Datte汉”的说法是不破,我? www nicovideo jp 手表 sm14985996 0:日本VS白WWW(韩国VS西方人)TTP韩国白27“这不是日本看到Datte,”我们还是现在,韩国正在进入一个突然一脚的人 In the child “even there is no Chinese family it is understood” that with it was said it is it is not www Resident Cori un vs White Korean vs Westerner ttp www nicovideo jp watch sm14985996 0 27 In white “Even there is no Japanese it is understood” that the Korean who is said inserts the abruptness kicking
母亲留给车身由谋杀婴儿试用] [火谋杀后不久死亡的男孩男孩在学校厕所的高出生→[家事法庭] [佐贺地方法院判处缓刑的母亲 - 婴儿尸体缓刑以杀死孩子的母亲黄貂鱼被判处死刑缓刑Naseta母亲的儿子缓刑[法院]决定投资收益处置单位没有一个女孩(2008年4月28日)被谋杀婴儿母亲感化(2008年11月17日)杀死两个孩子的母亲在缓刑“不禁怜悯”广岛高等法院的婴儿死亡率 Murdering the infant, in the mother who leaves the corpse in inside of car of car, stay of execution decision < In mother of infant abandonment of a body stay of execution decision Saga district court > At rest room of high school boy childbirth -> immediately after boy death In homicide in girl of family court sending 致 decision of non- dealing In the mother whom two men you throw and can murder stay of execution decision It is to obtain, in the mother of child murder stay of execution equipped decision (2008 April 28th) In mother of infant murder stay of execution (2008 November 17th) In mother of 2 child murders stay of execution “Sympathy Hiroshima high court which it cannot prohibit” With infant death in mother postponement decision Yamaguchi district court, murderous intent signet The next woman in the mother whom it can murder postponement decision Aichi Mother of twins being killed or being injured, postponement decision Eldest daughter murder of 8 days after the raw, in mother protection observation equipped stay of execution decision/Yokohama district court “Road of 贖 crime” stay of execution In mother of baby throwing down It is accustomed to cutting the small 1 eldest daughters with the cutter knife In mother stay of execution decision… Takamatsu Foster child direct. The abuse where the extent which it tears is terrible In woman stay of execution decision The Osaka district court Malnutrition… it is heavy with infant leaving the body, in the mother postponement decision To freeze at the home, 3 infant abandonment, in the mother stay of execution
没有白天与韩国一直是划痕,dunno但不知何故,日本,中国有更多的时间恩戴使他们服从于韩国从他们明显的缺陷与韩国中国会议十日是不太可能 Always Japan and China was damaged in the Korean Well the Japanese however how oak viewing China Korea in your own subordinate positions clearly The time when it is subordinate is more it is with you can damage China in Korea when It cannot be
特别是在地震发生后覆盖,因为“日本是从其他亚洲不同”,而关我现在一次过载的“不是日本人?”离别越来越进入大米津市什么进入 Especially because it is after the earthquake disaster reporting “Japan the other agitation un with it is different” tsu te goes at one time the extent which is not crossing the ru On the other hand if now “there is no Japanese ” The tsu te rice enters is attached with thrusting simultaneously
经处理的马铃薯之间的差异Anagachi达洛尼加这不是同一个民族,从什么的人谁错Gokichon厨房,什么是中国的农村像周一创国 The local like of chiyon national tsu te China it rubbed therefore and the 厨 goki person and gokichiyon human tsu te identical race The ro which this treatment necessarily is not the mistake and is
联合国安理会作为一个人权问题是太可怜了我立刻 As United Nations permanent member don't you think? it is too poor Right away the human rights issue shelf
视频内容是日常的“虐待中国人”,如果内容已丑,但就是什么是预测 Of course animated picture contents usual “the Chinese who abuses” having appeared have become scurvy contents but
韩国作家,你在跟踪组 The writer of the South Korean who does the group stoker is
该系统可以模拟大陆的制度半岛更换磨损。那么它是从日本手中半岛的惊人systems m半岛,有没有特殊的问题 It does to become peninsular system the ri which it increases does changing is in continent system It is the hand of resident Therefore well as for peninsular system what which it should be cautious with peninsular system there is no especially problem
在日本荣格的木屐Desho Kotekote它上面的感应面带微笑。那么你只与我聊天标题 It increased to this smile with resident chiyon to do the yo Inviting of kotekote Title you attach the chi ya tsu te well…
诬告陷害也是对以前被定罪的罪犯100诬告即使坏空气的差异并不好 The false charge is not good The false charge is not good even if even with the lunatic partner of previous offense 100 offense
达洛尼加相同的文化标准的网民Netouyo南特 The [ro] which is the same as the standard of living how netizen of [netouyo
这是同样的水平,它更十日Busayo十日,日本防卫说我欺骗了日本和韩国在国防,但为什么这些东西写条款和450,或对我们以前的达洛尼加。在我们面前的是采取了离别津市他会得到多少电感或在我的屁股津市韩国和日本也取决于有一个优雅的,即使没怎么做懑思,后退正确庸俗的表现不知道它在你的僵硬达洛尼加只导致“不称职”或“残疾人士”,他们appear m十日 450 So such you write with why protecting China and South Korea the Japanese is made foolish when Because the expression which it protects busayo and resident with is the same level is the ro which is natural Generally 懣 Elegance and vulgarity the China and South Korea also is there a Japan in manifestation of the thinking which is not the one which is done The sudden tsu the person who catches in we it is many it is Because you catch the sudden tsu reaction just happens just the ro Because that does not understand you say “disabled” “ komiyu obstacle” it is
我来欺骗日本的反应至今 Until now the reaction which deceives the Japanese coming the ru it is
韩国韩国人就可以了,然后删除代理或记者或数字是用智慧散谁 The Korean family KOREA, someone acquired intelligence, intellectual viewing the reporter being the operative
颂≒≒Gomikuzu我要去那里保卫朝鲜支那? Protecting Korea Support 那 ≒ rubbish kudzu ≒ [chiyon] That?
,但也得出结论,认为Uyo是与买不起 It became also the conclusion that is not good being popular uyo together