1 3 × 10希沃特转化为铯亿贝克勒尔系数 因此8,13或SV 如果你希望有人说,还在于 When 1 000 000 000 Becquerel is converted to sievert therefore factor of the cesium 1 3 Ã 10 8 13 sieverts … We want saying that this someone is lie
此外,在子宫内暴露于防止铯 137 Gukotohadekinai服用碘 Furthermore taking the iodic medicine it is not possible to prevent the internal exposure of cesium 137
2000万贝可270元?每小时贝克勒尔亿呢?科出海,不污染地下水,但合理乐减排本身不是从该事件中看到未来发生的排放量到未知的释放,所以Wakaran 270 The origin per hour approximately 2 000 000 000 000 000 Becquerel Presently 1 000 000 000 Becquerel Because the kind of event which is discharged to the discharge quantity it does not occur it is applied to see that the discharge quantity itself decreased However because the amount which does not appear in the sea with the contaminated water the underground is unclear as for there it is from the wa
分不污染地下水出海,但合理乐减排本身不是从该事件中看到未来发生的是大量释放的未知的,所以有Wakaran 270 270 Because the kind of event which is discharged in large quantities it does not occur it is applied to see that the discharge quantity itself decreased However because the amount which does not appear in the sea with the contaminated water the underground is unclear as for there it is from the wa
゙单挑小时Kkureru亿元。 Per hour 1,000,000,000 [shiraha] ゙ [tsukureru]?…
一个或以上,W和W 2000作Reyo傻瓜万亿贝可每十日十日十日megabecquerel Terabekureru - Mega Becquerel or tera- Becquerel or the unit make, w Whether 2,000,000,000,000,000 Becquerel or [aho] w
乐观前景的时候,“没有退役的反应堆不想浪费在你过去的投资”是第一次到该部分,如果其核心是将水注入两次肯定并成为无法使用 As for all optimistic prospects of that time “The reactor being something which is sent to the thought without of liking to make past investment wasteful in closed reactor ” If the seawater is filled certainly the core becomes unable to use two degrees
他们原本“的核心可能需要接受一些破坏那种”及损害程度的“过一小部分Ginai”解释 They at the beginning “the core is a possibility of receiving a some damage” that it does “It is no more than an extremely part” that it had explained also the damage
什么是接触点出目前内部目标的危险,我刚转身的人谁发表了关于国内核电书业余唠 In the person and just the amateur who point out the danger of internal exposure at present time riding publish the nuclear book in the country the tsu chi ya tsu seed
即使我读“,以监测反核运动,最后几圈采取整个信息”不仅为例思 How reading “you watch counter nuclear motion information in order to manage you gather and” with only cannot think
伊根Contd。永久或泄漏,我每天螨南特不冷静 Don t you think still everyday leaking the ru how it is terrible Continuing how long
笑什么,可能还在于领导和思 You can laugh the fact that you think that lie leads still
低于100度的稳定反应堆冷却,冷却系统的建设将是一个周期性 As for stable cooling the reactor 100 degrees or less, the expectation which is construction of the circulating cooling system
你明白,从兵马俑的Terra 48 000 u003d 1天 u003d 24小时2000万万亿X24 u003d 48000 696 1小时 u003d万亿万亿大约每天50 000?瓦特 696 1 000 000 000 000 1 tera Per hour 2 000 000 000 000 000 x24 48 000 000 000 000 000 48000 tera 24 hour 1 days Therefore per 1 days approximately 50000 tera You could understand w
其中的元素与最小的电稳定同位素 In the element which has the stable isotope it has smallest electronegativity
重元素,不仅沉淀了海底801达洛尼加 801 The heavy element just settles in the seabed the ro
具有良好的和Karel户撒,逐步一切放射性物质和6大众狂欢杯踢成放射性物质桶跑? The radioactive substance of bucket 1 container can be spread the spots at a stroke, when When the radioactive substance of 6 containers is spread gradually entirely Either one is good?
包括以下资产惠普的能源办公室 There are following kind of ones in HP of resources energy agency
危机。 。 WWW WWW粘贴Meshiuma It is dangerous. . Complete defeat www [meshiuma] www
在200万次同样的一百万次计算,每天每小时200 747 747 Converting 2,000,000 times that every hour 1 days, at 2,000,000 time the same
在830维基苏联科学家在切尔诺贝利4号反应堆装“二氧化铀燃料和裂变产物(对燃料棒总金额)”报道,大约190吨 830 The Soviet scientist Chernobyl 4 'it is loaded to the furnace uranium oxide fuel and the fission product (the gross of the fuel rod)' approximately 190 tons reported to wiki
如果不超过641℃铯核燃料不挥发的溶剂位 If the nuclear fuel which dissolved does not exceed 641 ℃ the cesium does not evaporate
如果不超过641℃铯核燃料不挥发的溶剂位 If the nuclear fuel which dissolved does not exceed 641 ℃ the cesium does not evaporate
对大象的腿结构的主要组件,要么是在燃料核心溶解 The main component of the foot of the elephant is the core structure which was melted with the fuel
当场死亡只是2 00小时365分之3400 24 u003d380米毫希 年1 7米 200万 u003d 3400毫希 Mutosoudayona读第23条短?你透露这么多? ? ? 23 When the article you read so is 1 7m 2000000 3400 sieverts year 3400 365 24 380m sievert time In 2 hours forward the instantaneous death one step It has leaked so
这是什么意思即时death m水平? ? ?越330 It is instantaneous death level tsu te what thing what 330 The extent which becomes
我不使用放射性物质出了277777秒一块死1 ... W In 1 seconds Producing 277777 radioactive substances, [ru] reason?… It dies w
我们在十日净瓦特看到试图由Nathan柱塞公民,稍微偏离相应的是安全的爆炸,或由法国193光顾的学者 193 Whether it is France the business scholar is safe calling repeatedly it is suitable Don t you think you wipe depending it was bet on judgment in the citizen who can when You saw with the net w
安全骗局“流光顾学者,东京地方检察厅指控当事人同时在基层 The business scholar and the nuclear authorized personnel who let flow safe false rumor” in Tokyo area inspection simultaneous prosecution
我写了十日saltimbanco Iteru切腹,可我就什么武士harakiri?梅尔和不喜欢不寻求Choso切腹我们只考虑生存山高思务必对disembowelment和冒涜 Hara kiri writing however the ru fragrance tool teacher it is it can commit hara kiri riding don t you think just the warrior Only seko ku prolongation of life as for requesting hara kiri from chiyoso which is not thought that thinking whether the blasphemy for hara kiri
我写了十日saltimbanco Iteru切腹,可我就什么武士harakiri?梅尔和不喜欢不寻求Choso切腹我们只考虑生存山高思务必对disembowelment和冒涜 Hara kiri writing however the ru fragrance tool teacher it is it can commit hara kiri riding don t you think just the warrior Only seko ku prolongation of life as for requesting hara kiri from chiyoso which is not thought that thinking whether the blasphemy for hara kiri
我在广东津市降低了放射性每天什么,但还是可以减少愚蠢的公民是毫无疑问我将只能继续沿着这一天即使是现在我是从十日慈思辐射安全下来是傻瓜不要过度,如果他们都死了Nakya治疗 The decrease tsu te even now everyday everyday the radioactivity falling in Kanto as for ru you are not wrong Therefore as for the citizen of Tokyo the fool because the radioactivity it decreased relief thinking it probably is the ru Everyday even now continuing to get off the ru although The fool does not heal if death it is not
地震前,地震,雷击,火灾,地震的父亲在地震发生后,现在的民主海啸活动,东京电力公司,电视台 Before the earthquake disaster Earthquake thunder and fire father After the earthquake disaster In earthquake and tidal wave radioactivity Presently Democracy Tokyo Electric Power Company TV station
截至今年3月或爆炸后已被释放的日子放射性贝克勒尔/京号码 After the exploding at 3 month point in time the radioactivity of several capital Becquerel/day was discharged
扩大“的性质没有这种立竿见影”撤走的地区在展示和认可,“如果你能影响的长期健康,如果你想回应”,可谓实 Concerning the enlargement of refuge area “it is not something of the character such as that at once” that after showing recognition If “there is a possibility of influencing in the long term healthily we would like to do necessary correspondence” that you expressed
现在,如果你要承认,在日本发生了巨大的东西 We want recognizing now for absurd thing to have happened in Japan
日本已经这样做的时候,从几十个切尔诺贝利放射性物质扩散 Already Japan the notion that where the radioactive substance of no ten times that Chernobyl spread?
日本计算机进行彻底分析过于乐观“例如,我们重新福岛第一制药备爆炸”,但显然教授马克Michiokaku多次在美国最突出的理论物理学家,福岛第一制药它是安全的人认为,瑞星的中轴在指尖建筑物外墙屋顶,“你看你可以看到,一切都稳定 With computer thoroughness analysis As for the Japanese being optimistic too much it is “Making provision for Fukushima first re explosion” Most prominent theoretical physicist michio kaku professor reveals in the All American It repeats but as for insisting that Fukushima first is safe With fingertip dangling to external wall of roof of building Try seeing it stabilizes entirely
下支架下降到了触手可及建筑物屋顶外墙,“你看一下!稳定与否从任何人的死亡?任一端,一切正常,”什么是等于说, Dangle to the external wall of the roof of the building with the fingertip try seeing It is stable it isn t Because no one has died entirely it is OK that you say it is equal
是每小时2 3毫Desho 740 740 Per hour 2 They were 3 sieverts with to do the yo
丽卡议员Detsu或10?W NULL
&° : ゚
是的,我是减少放射性碘 Radioactive iodine decreases, the sled [ya
有效剂量系数为2 1 × 10 40 K的情况下吸 40 1000Bq什么是钾相当于9与Sievert介绍,1000年按照× 2 1 × 10 9 u003d 0 0000021 u003d 2 1。希沃特 Kalium 40 As for effective dose factor with in case of absorption 2 1 Ã 10 9 Therefore kalium 40 As for 1000Bq when it converts to sievert 1000 Ã 2 1 Ã 10 9 0 0000021 2 1 Sv
和1,每年7毫相当于一个站点边界辐射剂量照射 The annual being bombed hi with site boundary when it converts to the ku dose it reaches 1 7 millimeters sievert
和1,每年7毫相当于一个站点边界辐射剂量照射 The annual being bombed hi with site boundary when it converts to the ku dose it reaches 1 7 millimeters sievert
和1,每年7毫相当于一个站点边界辐射剂量照射 The annual being bombed hi with site boundary when it converts to the ku dose it reaches 1 7 millimeters sievert
有效剂量系数为2 1 × 10 40 K的情况下吸 40 1000Bq什么是钾相当于9与Sievert介绍,1000年按照× 2 1 × 10 9 u003d 0 0000021 u003d 2 1。希沃特 Kalium 40 As for effective dose factor with in case of absorption 2 1 Ã 10 9 Therefore kalium 40 As for 1000Bq when it converts to sievert 1000 Ã 2 1 Ã 10 9 0 0000021 2 1 Sv
而1和7毫希沃特的辐射剂量相当于一个149年工地边界曝光 149 The annual being bombed hi with site boundary when it converts to the ku dose it reaches 1 7 millimeters sievert
根据调查的分析哲二Imanaka京都大学研究堆研究所,餐厅和村庄的泥土40公里,福岛日本第一核电厂是148万,每平方米的两层次,一个是禁止进入受切尔诺贝利事故贝可贝克勒尔超过326万双 According to the analysis investigation of the Imanaka Satoru two person of the Kyoto university reactor experimental place, from the Fukushima first nuclear plant as for soil contamination of Iidate village of 40km, Per 1 square meters which have reached penetration prohibition level in the Chernobyl nuclear accident it is 3,260,000 Becquerel of 2 times that or more 1,480,000 Becquerel's
每万份香蕉的每小时5000活动的价值 Per 1 hours it is the radioactivity of banana 50,000,000 responsibility
每个气更是发现放射性物质的参考价值的二手车出口到俄罗斯 The radioactive substance above reference level was found even from the export used car to Russia, it seems
毕竟,福岛核电站事故,千人只是对健康有好处上涨铯 After all, Fukushima nuclear accident the rose just spread the healthily good cesium
毕竟,这是崩溃元东京电力公司承认,即使是在二月中旬,日,月已经从事故经过 After all Tokyo Electric Power Company recognizing core melt as many as 2 months elapsed from accident It was the middle of May
熔点28 4 ° C,点是五行是液体温度接近室温one As for fusion point 28 4 DEG With C it is one among five elements which are the liquid near normal temperature
汞是一种熔点低只比铯金属 The mercury is the only metal whose fusion point is lower than the cesium
生活和日本的土地和人口的侵犯人权的野蛮无理的男人 The human non human group which devastates Japanese country and life and human rights, makes eye mischievous brown
米特拉龙谁坏(福岛爆炸) Tiger dance dragon who' s bad (FUKUSHIMA explosion)
而作为这个过程从来没有等待表行Ttena And, going to according to in the operation sheet absolutely, improbable
解除核福岛约80分钟从广岛原子弹,放射性 As for the radioactivity which is discharged from the Fukushima nuclear plant, the Hiroshima type atomic bomb approximately 80 departure
该传单,喊不工作按计划,以满足只是采取一些“完成”号,立即说哦公众 That it does not become according to schedule to yell and the chi and others do even with taking the number of part from calling In order to make the citizen agree upon “it completed” chi word huh the te
“按计划实现了大幅度”,即不能完全实现的 “Call according to schedule the achievement almost” that it could not achieve completely
贝克勒尔的分期付款KKE 9亿CT扫描 The [tsu] [ke] where CT scan one time amount is 900,000,000 Becquerel
辐射事故处理受污染的水泄漏出去或蒸发到您的回摆 The radiation contamination water evaporates Leaking out accident processing returns to starting point
我Desho出Ginadakedeimadanisugoku没有太大的放射性水平比 The radioactivity quantity which you compare with just to be too multi coming out still enormously the ru it is with to do the yo
这个消息我的人我不太出来 It does not become news However was don t you think as for the person who is cut well enough it was
这不是一个大数目,如果85年250mSv 85 If year 250mSv there is no great quantity
这出今是半衰期长(影响长期Shitagatte),应该是大量的元素,与A相比,半衰期短,但是从测量低区号码贝克勒尔在原子的元素 As for now having come out half life is long therefore it has an influence on long term the element whose with is expectation of most Because even at the same the quantity of Becquerel is low measured number of atoms in comparison with the element whose half life is short
这家伙有管道,“放射性物质的排放已成为两百万分钟一班 The guy of the tube “as for the discharge quantity of the radioactive substance became 1/2000000
这将是最终蔓延到那些还没有看到谁把雨水地面染料初始污染物和出风 After all, the early contaminant with the rainy wind soaked in the ground and spread to the people don't you think? it is probably will be
通过摄入受污染的食物与铯137和空中,包括任何机构 By the fact that the air and the food and drink which were polluted to cesium 137 are taken in it is taken in to internal
从刀分钟,就让我有什么事到如今你津市,土壤被污染 Because you understood having gradually the earth which the tsu te you receive or becomes dirty
酷足,不仅污染唐Wakaran究竟如何认真 The well which said just it is to pollute the tsu which is sown about it is high from the wa it is terrible
速度与 N“达达是泄漏RAD”什么时间在说,你们已经不是一个技术咨询方案间谍TEPCO With N speed when “RAD leaked and saying dadaism” the tsu te as for the party who was hit The Tokyo Electric Power Company operative was kana
重用在反应器冷却水来处理受污染的水“的循环冷却水注入,”持续寒冷停止反应堆是稳定的。为了实现停止 It processes the contaminated water and reuses to the chilled water of the reactor “循. To continue pouring water cooling”, the reactor It stops in stability cold. Stopped state is achieved
重要的是要衡量多少放射性泄漏 When a leak measure of the radioactive substance which comes out is much more important
金属用一个原则。例如更改为氯化物,高度纯化和分离后是蒸馏水,高纯度金属技术,使其不被削减的半导体制造与氢 Making use of this principle the metal one Changing into chloride Distilling dividing that immediately after refining high level restoring with hydrogen The technology which makes the metal whose purity is high is used even with semiconductor production
金属用一个原则。例如更改为氯化物,高度纯化后蒸馏技术分离,它使用氢还原高纯度金属尚未为半导体制造 Making use of this principle the metal one Changing into chloride Distilling dividing that immediately after refining high level restoring with hydrogen The technology which makes the metal whose purity is high is used even with semiconductor production
铯 137发出超过200名来自100之前被从体内排出很少捕获的天天β射线和伽玛射线,这是非常危险的,因为它们会导致身体的接触 After cesium 137 being taken in by internal it is discharged in outside the body until Beta ray and gamma ray are emitted from 100 days over the 200th Because it becomes cause of internal exposure it is very dangerous
什么大冶装上皮肤暴露Tadareta人杂志图片 Being bombed erosion of the skin is the photograph of the inhabitant has been recorded before the magazine
首先,和放射性物质主要的是没有好 In the first place, the nuclear plant producing the radioactive substance, it is useless,
黄柏的大地震袭击了日本第一福岛再次,可以充分的故事 Already when one time enormous earthquake attacks Fukushima first it is the story which can be sufficiently
不仅刚够地震和海啸 In any case earthquake and tidal wave measure only you do as little as possible
(如果他们不喜欢落在如果未来的世界是什么怀疑),而它变成这么长的半衰期核素殆而且需要相当长的时间以后,在此期间雾的核比例Waranaku变化比 Way it does not decrease if very that re criticality is doubted On the one hand when suitable time passes because the nuclide whose half life is long almost becomes At the period when it is limited ratio of nuclide excessively stops changing
当减少时,得到越来越多的说和不说 When decreasing you say but when increasing you do not say
,R゛ Z I 在那里,我也::: ! r DOTDT Z i lt No You thought in such a manner the time when e ha 39 f DOTDT Y f It was even in we 39 39 戈 REPT two r 39