718它是从达洛尼加破坏所造成的极端偏心由于没Exp J连接没有预先存在的部件和零件是全新的软县委,724马吉建设和这只是日本的受害者在波动 718 That is connected the hard new construction part the soft existing part without Exp J with consequence The ro because extreme eccentricity occurred About that building which to damage has the Japanese it puts out the fact that complete destruction it does 724 It shakes with maji
Dekin人类或攻丝机,模仿同902?在不摇晃的地板什么Renakya到目前为止感研究的例子吗? 902 The same imitation as the tapping machine it is to be possible by human strength Thinking with common sense if the floor does not shake to that There is no something
Horuhoruhoru86瓦特,Birunida最先进的地震倒塌从对面稍 86 Latest and most powerful [birunida] which collapses not to oppose to [horuhoruhoru] w and earthquake
Mandarake轻四顾同时属于所有在建的小力士相扑协会645,但我这将是 645 When four crotches are stepped on simultaneously with the building whose all professional sumo wrestler of sumo wrestling association post is small, it can be, however probably will be, don't you think?
W -位置将是至少有100人由人谁→20和17,我们认为伪造的程度和水,并增加慰安妇和强制通风和www可能会增加更多的成长和 When of fabrication of the victory girl and forcing taking and inflation condition is thought From 17 human -> 20 people more w which may to keep increasing The shelf www which it may increase to 100 human rank at least
° °何何何HO · ·过我的应用程序或对角上的亮点出租 With respect to tilt passing, we eyeball [ho] ゚ [ho] ゚ [ho] ゚ [ho] ゚ [n
↓Momuchan Chondayon的饮食 [chiyon] [dayon] of ↓ [momuchiyandaietsuto
不知道为什么荟萃陈想梅森的东北亚 The reason to which [meson] wishes to collect northeast [ashi] ゙ [a] does not understand
不要没有在韩国建设或施工技术的恐惧,但一举手散射低 However or intellectual viewing which is the or omission construction where the Korean construction technology is low we fear
也确实,这是在日本的地震,只有706 706 Simply when it is Japan also it has been earthquake truly
僵硬,造成破坏的大地震Haribote朝鲜族 When major earthquake happens in Korea haribote race fall
了解建筑也是每架飞机或乘客面露难色? The passenger fuselage being done to hit, the building of the extent which is not perturbed to construct, the [ru]!
事实上,“它南特积木?”“您是指巨大的骨牌?”不可能有像许多建筑物的比例 Actually “this how jienga ” “Doing perhaps the enormous domino ” Like The proportion which is not possible the building which is done is Sawayama
仅仅因为一些韩国的,在保护的东西我一直在一个真实的故事所以,如果39达洛尼加如果没有,速度很快,并积极建设形成的程度摇曳 Therefore a lot of Korea the tsu te being able to maintain the shape 39 floor building the ro where ru ones do not shake with and are not If so truly it should rebuild rapidly
是摇摆,上下499? 499 It shook in the top and bottom
条例草案是太吓人了要在达洛尼加南特程度摇摆 The building which shakes with that we are too fearful how the ro which is
你刚才健美操,WWWW WWWW哑巴什么是摆动太多高楼 earobi it just did the tsu te wwww where the high rise building shakes yaba passing wwww
我Shouganai 20韩国出你黎明健美操类人 20 dawn classes probably will be earobi has done is There is no ginger Korea it puts out
这是有氧WWWW比萨饼你只是不 The do just is the pizza is earobi has done is wwww
健美操是进一步确认了摇曳在楼上12楼18楼和20楼,更 Furthermore as for doing earobi as for shaking being verified at the 12th floor higher floor of the 18th floor and the 20th floor
“摩天大楼少打乱了人类历史上最”吉尼斯记录,并且能够 The super high rise building and which in history it collapses by the least human strength it is possible to record in Guinness
自国家有关部门对无井天商店倒塌,什么是它的思 Well because it is the country where the department store collapses in the day there is no at all you thought that so is
先试后解决440“ 这是摆在我们面前 ”我想每个家伙并不多思什么 440 Your less seeing you think that” you…” the tsu te the person whom you think are many
什么不应该说,质朴440 440 It does not have to mean uncouth thing
原因垂直奢侈建筑摇曳健美操 - 韩国/政府 - “科技超市”,提供低息贷款的公司和商店转汉城(朝鲜日报)[11 / 07 / 20] The building “technomart which causes pitching with [earobi]” In entering the store trader Seoul city and the like to low interest financing (The Korean daily report) [11/07/20
可能是崩溃了,齐声大桥梁军队进行曲 When the troop marches simultaneously even on the huge bridge there are times when it deteriorates
听力损失。案例开发的天然振荡湮没炸弹 South morning. Because of annihilation It develops the natural frequency bomb
困难的是如何在新的建筑诞生将成为一个坏的法律,从建筑基准法我 As for new construction method is difficult being born construction standard method becoming the bad law, from the [ru
在39层的建筑,森谷! ? When it is 39 floor building building of the 仙 valley! ?
在拉斯维加斯健美操的建筑物摇晃嘈杂,但它应该在日本以来,TTP Tarashii我有事我去睡觉是发现了戏剧来源:/ / cgi.j - drama.tv / svlt / JSP / draken /故事神户。JSP?中心的居民在文件u003d Kiina&DIR u003d 2009及成交量_ 1 u003d 2 1996年,在同一时间每个星期,其中有在拉斯维加斯摇响像地震,造成接近〜〜TTP Ku200bu200biina刑事调查是不是有氧运动课程肯定的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3%82%AD%E3%82%A4%E3%83%8A%E3%80%9C %E4%B8%8D%E5%8F%AF%E8%83%BD%E7%8A%AF%E7%BD%AA%E6%9C%8D%E6%9F%BB%E5%AE%98%E3销售情况在这项工作中%80%9C解决,中投还主演菅野 But as for the noise where the building shakes with [earobi] the expectation which is Japan the source sees, handle viewing Something becoming news item of drama, however the cod to force ttp: //cgi.j-drama.tv/svlt/jsp/draken/story.jsp? file = Kiina & dir = 2009 _ 1& volume = 2 1996 At the Kobe inhabitants of a ward center, every week in the same time zone, Like earthquake there was the noise that it shakes, but The cause of that was the nearby [earobi] classroom [kiina] - impossible criminal investigation official - ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E3% 82% AD % E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% 8A % E3% 80% 9C % E4% B8% 8D % E5% 8F % AF % E8% 83% BD % E7% 8A % AF % E7% BD % AA % E6% 8D % 9C % E6% 9F % BB % E5% AE % 98% E3% 80% 9C As for the incident which is handled with this work, variety program of the same bureau where also Sugaya of starring is performed 'Special life research 200X' and 'the! The fact which is handled with worldwide being frightened news' becomes the base
在约248亿元,日本政府的特别日元贷款,鹿岛和大成建设公司的新日本制铁公司(JV)由财团在2004日元建设工程造价 As for approximately 24,800,000,000 Yen of working expenses with special yen credit of the Japanese government, Taisei Corporation and Kashima, Nippon Steel Corporation The joint venture body (JV) with, it started construction in 04
埃雷迪亚确定,如果该歌曲的改变BPM使用? If BPM of the tune which you use is changed, call OK?
基达,中南建筑技术的双手建设订购低,狂欢是一个小风吹和扔肯定是要去相当普遍 Therefore as for the building of south chiyon in addition to the fact that construction technology is low omission when the just a little wind blows ru shaking and sowing commonly a certain ze
它当然也可以谈健美操摇曳的韩国大礼包,如果施工技术水平 If construction technology of the Korean level it is the story where also ru shaking with earobi and sowing is possible naturally
塔科马大桥654是“我喜欢它的”如果有一个振动,公正,我正好可以喋喋不休合作它所产生共鸣 654 The takoma bridge resonates and is there being the vibration exactly in “the gentle breeze” that being agreeable the chi ya tsu is
另一方面没有一个自然频率(每一个故事是不同的)有没有建设 It does not have frequency of vibration of the normal mode conversely is different to every floor but the building does not exist
塔科马大桥654是“我喜欢它的”与chatter m以防万一有什么共鸣振动 654 The takoma bridge resonates and is there being the vibration exactly in “the gentle breeze” that being agreeable the chi ya tsu is
我也不会被收集晃动或振动放大,使垂直 Therefore the vibration expanding pitching probably will not be settled
我有良好的意愿寻找角度十日十日人力振动激振力CINII If the forced oscillation or human powered excitation it tries searching with CiNii you think that it is good but
振动或原子大炮135 135 Atomic vibrating gun
更何况是一个单纯的健美操我Janaku未对齐振动 Increasing being even there is no reason which is vibrating te mere earobi
认识的根本区 u200b u200b别孔振动你 The recognition for the vibration is different fundamentally it is the wa which is
大桥即将爆发你已经在中东或非洲建立了415株Tatteno倒塌事故我在建设中的一部分 415 It was the Middle East whether it was Africa has related to construction the bridge on the UC to cause part collapse accident passing as for oh the seed
如果你是摇摆的秋千旁,建筑高度,主要是Desho高有氧什么也没有得到运动的种类将是缓慢和共振频率就是这样 The earobi tsu te it does mainly with pitching the yo If the high building rolls also frequency slowly probably will be and Such the kind of movement which it resonates is not done
什么是在课堂上听到,但通常避免作这样的频率 So normally avoiding such frequency you heard with the tsu te class which it makes
我们有一个频率在日本健美操建筑物的共鸣 There is a building which even to Japan resonates at earobi frequency
如果没有太多需要一个步进层次看不大可能SRC和RC水平的human ll When it is RC and SRC level, the human when it is necessary to step the level which is not possible is many
妮塔像真实的故事゙在于瓦特 Lie like true story [nita] ゙ w
它研究并没有看到有一些理由怀疑。 When it tries inspecting with the notion that where there is a reason difference it is not in this what…
而且不仅是我立即删除,如果地板100订购 When 100 people it is whether the floor it comes out and it has fallen it is not that
对于说与此相反的例子,人为地,它产生的地面运动时期的自然选择很难说摆幅 Speaking conversely if artificially with the earthquake motion almost the natural period which is not generated say that it shakes
如果风的共鸣,它更具有长期摇摆 If the resonance by the wind it shakes at a longer period
对于超长周期地震动是一个行业问题,因为我变得不明 Concerning the super long periodic earthquake motion because it is unknown industry becoming problem the ru
然而,原因可能不是很长周期地震共振?说“我不知道 However doesn t resonance phenomenon occur in the super long periodic earthquake When with you say “It is not understood well
山楂455芹苴河大桥上的湄公河支流发生,东南亚最长的斜拉索桥长度与2750米 455 The can toe bridge the tributary of the Mekong river to be built on the river how total length 2750 meters the southeast Asian longest diagonal built bridge
巴克和该公司希望溃疡如果您需要,对泡菜的415工作的补偿,W是什么你知道布鹿岛官方发展援助 415 That work of kim chee When it compensates requires the company crushing batsukure and using the tsu te ODA Kashima the rear end w which it wiped
弥敦道是不知道达洛尼加哦摇动只有在20楼698 698 Don t you think the reason where the building shakes with 20 people who pass the ro which is Well
不过,当然也可以摇摆的建设,在这里我们愚弄我直说津市再次研究 Also it is proper for the building to shake here that saying already one time do again to study ru aho
你会不会摇曳到可以感觉 … The extent which is felt it does not shake and or does not do
在此之前,有没有动摇AKB建筑方案 Before AKB the building has swayed with program
我喜欢你挥杆的感觉谁是地震岛的区别 Major earthquake it is the one red sandal wood of the kind of shaking which is misunderstood
的人数,即使他们只摆762 762 If just it sways even with several people
话虽这么说,不害怕什么法案黄柏组中的摇摆舞 Aside from that when it dances with the group the building tsu te which shakes we fear
达洛尼加Nantenai扔10 20建筑 The building shakes with 10 human 20 the ro which how is not and is
当一个不同的角度,地震3.11假设的2.7Hz好氧层的建筑固有频率很可能匹配的大船渡谱峰TTP:/ / www.seisvol.kishou.go.jp / EQ / kyoshin / kaisetsu由于/图像/ sample_fourie.png,有这样的大船渡建设,溃疡很可能会崩溃可能是不高的有氧层 When another viewpoint is done, when we assume that frequency of vibration of the normal mode of [earobi] layer of this building is 2.7Hz, 3.11 In the earthquake it may agree to the peak of the Ofunato spectrum ttp: //www.seisvol.kishou.go.jp/eq/kyoshin/kaisetsu/image/sample_fourie.png Because is, when there is this building in Ofunato, perhaps, [earobi] layer collapsing the possibility of collapsing is high
当时,12楼的健身俱乐部,跆拳道和拳击有氧运动安排“Tebo”主题有大约20人 At that time with fitness club of the 12th floor the aerobics “ tebo ” which arranges tekondo and boxing they were approximately 20 people
所以,不要认为拳击健身房和健身中心将在任何地方工作 Therefore as for fitness center and the boxing gym being wherever there is no reason which it can make
思牛,不是绝对相信通过有氧造成的不敏感Raren已经更好地使州城 You think that earobi something there is no cause no matter what and it finishes with that and the chi ya u non nerve is to be believed
Koseru易引起地震健美操任何人20 If the earobi 20 person artificial earthquake it can cause simply
什么做健美操,而不必担心 earobi which is what Relieved shelf
你必须健美操,和我最讨厌的就是安全 If earobi is not done being safe inhaling the ear shelf
只是由于Janeedaro或健美操?是什么,你思问:哪些 NULL
声音可以被倒塌的楼房在有氧坑 If it perseveres the building it may be able to collapse with earobi don t you think is
我觉得先生积极运动也是约10倍,比日本高健美操 Also earobi moves about 10 times more extremely than the Japanese you think that it is
我说没有动摇关于健美操,但我摆动它 Shakes with earobi the reason which saying however you say it shakes it is this
航空720 717 717 720 Aero
航空甲743 740 729 729 740 743 Aero
调查“韩国”,是健美操ISH You investigate” The Korean “ earobi tsu po it is and is
达洛尼加也摇健美操我扔在风从南特高楼 It shakes even with the high rise building how wind therefore it is the ro which shakes even with earobi and is
这是很多做健美操与你们也许万 With about 10000 people earobi it has done it is perhaps with everyone
这是有氧20 434人 434 It is the earobi 20 person
除了以上或以上是由于有氧,没有更好的表现较好 The so tsu earobi was cause it was good it was good
我下令鹿岛达洛尼加建设?如果有缺陷的施工分包受伤,来到事月不传递到导演 The ro which is construction what which Kashima receives an order If subcontract operation imperfection supervision goes and delivers and starts and is non thing
我不知道,但像许多尝试,以确定原因,但 But the varieties you try for cause investigation, but it is not quite understood
我在韩国和建设就会得出什么,我会每3个低强度地震应急?在深度为1哑巴可能 The Korean buildings earthquake probably will be few but Now then when per seismic intensity 3 comes how it does it is probably will be But dangerously so even with seismic intensity 1 …
我在韩国建设将没有机会来并引起地震 As for the Korean building when earthquake occurs there is no one it is aegagropila it is probably will be…
韩国姊歯服务器家伙像你之前,我从我们的优良 Aneha like person Therefore in ba Korea natural there is no problem
我看到的植物和运动Areshiki Yurayura枝叶摇曳的树叶观看视频78 Tteka一个有趣的研究自然,但在地震时倒塌十日我喜欢宽松的有关台风Ahyahyahya瓦特w的设计有可能来未来呆坏账 78 Animated picture you saw The foliage plant yurayura and the leaf shaking with the movement of that system observing at ru guragura it has done in such an earthquake of ahiyahiyahiya w when When collapsing naturally it is not strange The design shelf w the tsu te or appearance collapse falls down sideways and when the typhoon it comes may
我看到Yurayura宝塔愚蠢的晃动,我w和我喜欢宽松的有关地震Ahyahyahya W,包括在砖房产品美浓生活 The fool the quintuple tower shaking yurayura observing at ru guragura has done in such an earthquake of ahiyahiyahiya w w With you live in the house of the brick pattern
摇晃强度约三层楼高的只有七个舞蹈高中屋顶建筑是在做同样的实验,使AKB The same experiment doing even at the extent high school where AKB becomes the shelf Just danced the building of 7 floor building about seismic intensity 3 shook at the roof
无耻的学校(1970 - 1971),车陂(美津浓柳生)继学Higegojira小岛(丈夫尤里吉):先生Otsuji伺郎商业圈(又五郎荒木):通心粉Akifumi井上老师:博士黎笛伞:(..圆形人):桂甚兵卫小涵清洁工:所有山伯离开。八十八:文彦小林 [harenchi] school (1970 - 1971) Ten soldier Mamoru (willow bearing child): Miyuki Kojima [higegojira] (Yoshinaga lily husband): Large Tsuji 伺 郎 Circular [goshi] teacher (rough lumber and five 郎): Inoue Akira sentence Macaroni teacher: Home village � Osamu Parasol teacher: (. . Circular man): Katsura small can Business member Zinbee: The left 卜 all Mountain. 88: Kobayashi Fumihiko
比方说,一个绝对的民主滨田说十日地震有可能在韩国狂民主党人武器 That Hamada of the Democratic party is the Korean earthquake weapon the shelf which it may say The [kichigai] Democratic party the [ze] which is said without fail
百公斤大家跳舞教室周围十日饮食,但仍然是有意义的,如果十日 The diet classroom with approximately everyone 100kg it danced that kana and others still you can agree upon but
的危险,但我直觉地感到,如果政府确定的风险,知道赔偿?成为合唱 If as for [yabai] being moved by instinct, it decides, that the [ru] is dangerous, administration, to compensate, the [ru]! It becomes large chorus
经过20多年的姊歯可能会得到比对建筑规范现在的实力在更高的数量计算 As for Aneha strength calculation with current construction standard method compared to the number above appears 20 years later perhaps much
茹可能是一个技术honorificabilitudinity预制韩国一瞥 The Korean prefabrication technology it is enormous, it could peep
萧条中的一个缺陷,我终于从达洛尼加和腐蚀,理由是他们伪造 Fabrication shelf Corroding from ground after all it is ragged the ro which is defective what
只有20?达洛尼加根本缺陷 20 people who pass The ro which is fundamental defect
补偿和修复帐单`∀ 丶我做一次日本奈达? 丶 `∀ ' As for repair generation and the indemnity [nida] which it is possible to turn to Japan?
质量是一个很大的泡菜突然倒塌1天决定离开等 Making such A certain day large collapsing suddenly Kim chee quality
这是一个质量的家伙或韩国 The person this Korean kuoritei
这一事件发生后,在设计建筑物不超过Nattarashii要小心,不要引起共鸣 When at this accident in opportunity designing the building that resonance is not caused it reached the point where it is noted it seems
这些照片也看到了从一个巨大的钟摆动一个手指钓鱼俄罗斯当局密切摇晃桥描述Takoma桥千年桥,我是难以置信 Takoma Bridge Millenium Bridge Explanation Russian authorities close wobbly bridge The image which sways the enormous fishing bell at finger one it is to rub thing it is it was anbiribabo
这是在神户后,阪神,淡路大地震,大家心里很害怕 Because it was after the large earthquake disaster of the Osaka and Kobe Kobe Awazi, everyone you feared very much
这部分是因为每一个建筑,每一次有人躺在两国国技馆相扑因此,如果您满意 If you can agree upon is with that, both nations' national skill mansion the grand sumo tournament each time you do every building there is also the fact that it shakes, the shelf
迪克新的黑色光泽逞它是我的体重肯定在后面,并在屋顶上我喜欢金大中你的意思是,性户外和她的热情美丽,如果你只打立即与活力,白色有光泽的屁股这些建筑物可能倒塌 Perhaps doing her where we the kimu tehi being similar is beautiful at the roof hot field having sex The indomitable meat stick where we black it shone with the back being thick your that in white gloss and kana rear end When it has pounded in extremely whether the building collapses
阪神大地震中的310,是建立在5岁以下的高架损坏的部分。东海道山阳1931年是未成年人,周边Rokkomichi正是在战后严重破坏 310 Even with the Kobe Earthquake, as for the damage of the elevated part which the Tokaido Highway Sanyo main lane 1930 was made in 6 being slight, The vicinity of the postwar Rokko road was large damage
韩国政府坚定地支持自民党成员参观郁陵“考虑移民的禁令,” The Korean government, it examines also correspondence “entry prohibition firmly in the 鬱 mausoleum island visit of Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman”