506那里看,在一些Morae和灵活的100%北海道电力Janaku我总有一种在看新闻的交换权力东北电力 506 That seeing from Tokyo Electric Power Company looking at the news which accommodates electric power to the Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc the te always you think There is no Tokyo Electric Power Company the 100 have accommodating depending from te Hokkaido
636莫纳说每个人Tteta埋金960000亿什么 “估计96u200bu200b0000亿日元,”... ...民主党细野先生说,细野粗豪民主众议院预算委员会预算委员会的28天在会议上,“关于宝藏的阴霾,”上发表的估计,约96万亿美元的超额现金储备等基金总额日元所谓的特别帐户,利用获得 636 The [mona] man says the buried deposit gold 96,000,000,000,000 Yen [tsu] [te] < Kasumigaseki buried deposit gold > in “as for estimate 96,000,000,000,000 Yen”… budget committees democracy Hosono Hosono of the Democratic party is great the will person at the House of Representatives budget committee of 28 days, the “Kasumigaseki buried deposit gold” When sum total of idle funds such as reserve funds of the special accounts which are called rises to approximately 96,000,000,000,000 Yen The estimate which it does was published, effective use was requested
671 太多 u200b u200b的规模相当大,如果超过较弱的购买和建设自己的销售电力公司,电力公司Tattenham多卷慈慈我,伊予稳定,更正常的买卖 671 gt The one which is bought from the electric power company being personally owned rather than making it is considerably cheap Because the scale merit is too large a lot of electric power company passing the bo tsu te ru tsu the one which is bought normally is cheaper
Excel表显示,有足够的发电能力将采取读 It is found from the chart of excelling that it is the sufficient sufficient generation of electricity remaining strength which you can grasp
Excel表显示,有足够的发电能力将采取读 It is found from the chart of excelling that it is the sufficient sufficient generation of electricity remaining strength which you can grasp
ID:F5vHO5 / P0是由达洛尼加的炒作主题旨在确认 _NULL_
NULL The sankeiga tear be able to wipe w “Buried deposit electric power” remote possibility With entire country 1 600 000 KW 3 amount Asahi newspaper The emergency it is good power source It becomes “buried deposit electric power” Multipara economical examination Everyday newspaper In tool of stray nuclear re work under prime minister self political strife energy government Tossing about The Japanese economic newspaper July 10th morning edition phase 菅 As for “the buried deposit electric power” of the prime minister and request being able to use The Japanese economic newspaper Buried deposit electric power show the document of exceptional case The prime minister indicates to the multipara ministry Cooperation communication As for Kaieda Wan Li economic industrial phase on the 23rd in press corps 菅 receives the indication of Prime Minister Naoto the national strategy room which It is due to the private power generation equipment of enterprise all items of information regarding electrical supply and demand such as application of “buried deposit electric power” As shown in the economic industrial ministry it made that it requested in the document clear
我不也有357,关闭吉之岛。津市可以先真正Yoroshi 357 There is no that the Jusco Co Ltd electricity First it finishes it may
所有核电厂。例如备严重的电力在秋季停止短缺的情况下,该部表示应变引起首相菅直人,埋地权“苦肉措施”,开始调查挖掘,作为应急电源学校成本高功率输出栅栏 Nuclear plant all Falls to serious electricity shortage in the stop making provision for the situation which 菅 from Prime Minister Naoto the unearthing of buried deposit electric power is indicated the multipara ministry which Investigation was begun as “the last resort” but the emergency to be good power source output to be small generating cost is high
Shinogimasu节省电力和2013年没有备用电源2011年是不可能的处理与表现2009年出生的儿童或家庭,2011年Yappari所有儿童福利有利于儿童和有什么区别? Something is different from child treatment it is 2009 manifest Child treatment is distributed to all household where the child is 2011 After all it was unreasonable 2011 Conservation of electricity nothing it dies by buried deposit electric power and exceeds 2013
什么后备力量,我祖我转为经营在紧急情况下也?该门市部这样挖色,紧急情况下,或没事吧? The buried deposit electrical tsu te also those in order to use to emergency entering the ru it is don t you think It is making such use at the critical moment being all right
〜15万亿美元的宝藏吗? 15,000,000,000,000 buried deposit gold still -?
2013年我会333? 333 Don t you think 2013
512 NULL
535米( )M 535 m m
615 518分 615 518
太至少357 357 It is too lowest
我瓦特351 630 90 558兆Rashii 558 630 90 000 000 000 000 it seems w 351
东京电力公司曾表示,削减作出 There was a story that Tokyo Electric Power Company cut off
如何对不起瓦特658 658 The ma which does it is one w
政府是101? 101 It is government but
两人即使是在3200的5380兆瓦的房子总容量全国20万千瓦全国紧急170000位置(20分初级组)位于 Nationwide approximately 170 000 place it assumes that the total 20 000 000 kilowatt the nuclear 20 basis is in the extraordinary it is good vis a vis private departure being a installed capacity of the total 53 800 000 kilowatt in the nationwide 3200 place
在日本和韩国地震并不多,他们是否“和”高风险评估,认为朝鲜核电厂安全运行,“会说话的不同的光 Korea differs from Japan whose earthquake is many clearly” that Korea which it does “is managed safely The nuclear plant is appraised high” you said
从员工Democrats m工作,为日本的国力衰减,管和其他人例如工具才华达洛尼加 Therefore as for democracy 党員 construction life mobilization what in order to make Japanese Kuniriki become weak, As for the party who begins the 菅 the [ro] which is competent
他从来没有通过一项法案,以促进核电?从Iteta唤,是不是有点不是一个单一的阵列 The person who does not pass through that bill is nuclear propulsion With you have screamed the empty simply there is no just a little are something
但后来我欢呼Chokuto,事业,不能仅做不好,我们做的时间较长Chokuto Chokuto认为决定(W However [chiyokuto] is supported, if [chiyokuto] does long, just you do as for being bad to [chiyokuto] occurring, decisive item (w
但有些人,大阪关西薯芋电容量?一旦you ll只是Sumasan停电! As for the Osaka human burn Kansai Electric Power there is an electric remaining strength and the [ro]? When it has a power failure, the [ma] which is done simply!
你只有在德川身着如果你在寻找宝藏反正朝圣行 How, if the [se] go to searching even with the Tokugawa buried deposit gold With appearance of pilgrim
你的权益。这两种滤液和第一Hagejijii六月黄嗯得我喝的利润超过Usse Your interests. Interest the [tsu] [se] which is moistened - drinking even with imperial Jun, also [ro] and [hagejijii] the [me
入场及Desho我Iyoaru所作重新900000亿埋藏黄金发生器8265日元;宝藏(笑) If the power plant it makes at buried deposit gold 90,000,000,000,000 Yen, it is good A certain it is with to do, [yo] & #8265; Buried deposit gold (laughing)
卖笑不称职不称职的屋檐保护 Disabled protects disabled, you protect Laughing
即使你不是没有下令部?这就像我下令谋杀案的刑事调查 It is not ordered to the multipara ministry, useless? Ordering investigation to the homicide criminal, it is something the [ru] way
听到只有通过自我报告的电话公司自行到每个电源第一,我们有什么说什么饮食 Maximum supply quantity itself of in the first place each electric power company in self return Just you heard by the telephone at the tsu te National Diet saying
在○○储量超过预期,或者我不应该保留Chokuto? Rather than expecting to buried deposit 0 before it should bury chiyokuto it isn t
管“豪华餐厅排在Kukara今晚我们的成本了一个秘密储备” Because 菅 “it goes to this evening high class restaurant put out the buried deposit secret expense”
管,埋替代Warimashita电源开关!活动在4分53秒的限制 It changed to the tube and buried deposit power source To activity limit 4 minute 53 seconds after
在不受管制,如空调和电梯已经从电源内部arguendo企业储备的东西,公司以“这不是他们卖的应急电源从”结束Ijan对待我们,说 The grommet assuming that there was a private departure some buried deposit electric power of enterprise outside the regulation object of air conditioning and the elevator etc Enterprise Therefore “the emergency to be good power source it cannot sell this ” When with you say the end it is and is
即使是从电源的内部arguendo企业储备的东西,公司以“这不是卖的紧急权力”,并说Ijan的所有黄柏 The grommet assuming that there was a private departure some buried deposit electric power of enterprise outside the regulation object of air conditioning and the elevator etc Enterprise Therefore “the emergency to be good power source it cannot sell this ” When with you say the end it is and is
应急电源是不规范,如清洁空气法,以及废气,噪音,振动和环境问题的使用 The emergency well as for power source when outside the regulation object of air pollution prevention method and the like it utilizes problem of the environmental aspect such as waste gas and noise and vibration occurs
在功率增加尝试购买房子的产品从关西电力12兆瓦这个夏天 Kansai Electric Power this summer It purchases from private departure to rebuild, as for electric power 120,000 kilowatt
基本总得为社会有用的,利润是利润,如果整个民族,而不是抢劫达洛尼加什么是出生即从出生的情况下,省略了第一个抢劫 If it does not do that serves the purpose of the basis and society as for profit the origin saying the ro which is thing When all citizen has done the burglar because profit it is not born the burglar from first omits
如果你认为你知道达洛尼加埃雷迪亚已被任命为东京电力公司的核数师Nobuya11元南富士电视台总裁 11 If you think of that south trust 哉 former Tokyo Electric Power president is inaugurated as the Fuji Telecasting Co. auditor the [ro] which is understood and is
对房子的发电成本是盈余Janeedaro Private, although it generates electricity, don't you think? as for the cost which catches surplus the [ro] which is the [e]…
希特勒把员工的地图,只有少数驱动器用于救济的装甲师是我在柏林的时候,我在每个坦克装甲师是另一种收费水平 When the armored division several runs for the Berlin rescue, in the map of Hitler and the staff Becoming, but the [ru] it is as for the respective armored division already reaching tank several levels, the [ru
广野和激烈,如果受海啸和地震破坏,日立那珂热电厂(东海,茨城县)有望复苏,需要相当长的时间 Hirono and the Hitachi Naka thermal power plant where the damage with earthquake and tidal wave damage is extreme It is seen that (equivalent hours to the restoration of Ibaraki prefecture Tokai village) are required,
引脚额外玉米♪(约RY AA [hi] ゚ cone ♪ Excessive thing (ry AA abbreviation
总理1“幻想”他的网站( O )他让我感到困惑 ∧ ( O ) 像水动力储备 ()有什么可以确保如果( O )三 three (或醋首次发现有趣的错觉,肯定 1 Perplexity on of the site with “the fantasy” of the prime minister he o he Good ze ∧ o Buried deposit electric power like hot and cold water If the tsu te which it can guarantee o Three gt 92 92 92 Three o lt 92 Three ku First that you acted playfully Fantasy the spots is killed
弥敦道但它也可以等待等待奸开始由幻想思斋宫开始到现在 gt The idea with fantasy Soon don t you think by the fact that it starts and by the fact that it starts in the 奸
我不想,不仅减少了对自身存在的理由,电力公司的危害 You just do not buy because the electric power company would not like to decrease itself meaning of existence
我不想,不仅减少了对自身存在的理由,电力公司的危害 You just do not buy because the electric power company would not like to decrease itself meaning of existence
电力公司或电力供应能力实在无处出 Everywhere electric power company as for putting out true electric power supply ability or
我不是732什么是主要重启Nanzo说什么,而不是从现在开始自由Dattara,说我搞砸了津市地震发生后一直全力支持亚热思一次民主是所有我更深切地认识到Datte在可怕的反应,将是一个祖父,反驳我一直在 732 Nuclear restart what we does not call at all saying that correspondence after the earthquake disaster is all me chi ya oral ya it is ru meaning When they are our people even increase everyone feels keenly from now One time do in democracy doing you thought reaction is tremendous is So you have refuted to something it is
我与该类型638的宝藏或欺骗很多 638 Because [aho] which is swindled with the buried deposit gold the large quantity it is don't you think?
我全是谎言埋葬权力或谁是我相信我相信我说请 Entirely however it was lie there is a buried deposit electric power it is please believe With being said someone believes it is
似乎是一个粗略的任务结束了现场Sudake哎呀德川的埋藏金 Like the Tokugawa buried deposit gold actual place just is devastated devastating the shelf which may finish
所以是的功率储备是说我已经得到了产经新闻的w Sun Kay says therefore it is there is a buried deposit electric power it is shelf w
我只色情或小的碎片废料吊管讨厌日本又无力 In addition the disabled kudzu 菅 annoyance applying in Japan, [ru]? Go out, the kudzu
我浪费了那么多税,劳动力成本使得对现场的感觉霍拉早熟的情况下感 How much labor cost = tax being wasted for the coherence adjusting of [hora] of the [ba] 菅?
投资失败的寻宝者妄想,Nathan ll做Bakkari Investing to the delusion of the treasure hunter it failed don t you think tsu temporary
换句话说,如果有电厂自动化无保留我我应该增加经济的动力储备有坏梳达洛尼加可能不会增加? NULL
无南特设施维修十日十日多余的方式只是死的物业税 The sufficient surplus equipment which comes out property tax or cost of maintenance how The [ro] which a certain cannot boil and is
日本在70非公用事业公司%核电厂定期即使你不能有权力的时候,最大输出可以超过90%的小学在日本的第一站%供电 The 70 of the nuclear plant in Japan being able to generate electricity being after usually in addition to the electric power company Stopping the 90 of the nuclear plant in Japan the installed capacity time excessively it can supply a certain electric power
日本在70非公用事业公司%核电厂定期即使你不能有权力的时候,最大输出可以超过90%的小学在日本的第一站%供电 The 70 of the nuclear plant in Japan being able to generate electricity being after usually in addition to the electric power company Stopping the 90 of the nuclear plant in Japan the installed capacity time excessively it can supply a certain electric power
枫也有我做30 208 208 Adding also 30
嘿,你有一个意外775 775 Don t you think accident was prepared the e
武野,京都大学副教授,副经济结构和产业豪园大陆2011年7月18日董事部瓦特↓超人只是在这种情况下不好的故事绝对不是说孙子“全国电力放松管制的无为无能崩溃的能源政策极“ Only the story whose the grandchildren do not say no matter what are inconvenient w ↓ Superhuman continent 2011.7.18 Original economic industrial economical industrial structuration assistant manager Kyoto university graduate school associate professor Nakano hardness will “Energy policy of national collapse As for electrical freeing polar region of disabled lack of policy”
津市已正常进入排气冲程,九州电力和中部电力公司滨冈核电厂停止在“假电子邮件”等不再纳入视线恢复后,在核电厂定期检查操作,浪费暂停工作 If originally it has entered into abolition process, but stop and Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. of the Chubu Electric Power Co., Ltd. Hamaoka nuclear plant “let do The mail” with the fact that among other things aim stops standing in nuclear re-work after the periodic inspection ending, abolition job You discontinued
电源仅在紧急情况如停电紧急情况下使用有限,紧急现在(省电),但它可在相应明年夏天,允许永久使用是合法的它也需要发展 In addition the emergency power source use is limited by emergency such as power failure well to the last presently has meant to be able to use in emergency conservation of electricity correspondence but It comes and summer in order to be able to utilize chronically to do also service of degree of laws is necessary
消耗电厂的发电成本好几倍,应急电源大部分是没有连接到电力传输和分配网络,提供电力公司须维修 As for generating cost in addition to several times of the thermal power plant being required the emergency large portion of power source is not connected to the sending distribution network well to the electric power company supplies repair is needed
盈余权力,只会有管辖权的中国地区,并可以提出立即解雇突然停止正等待中,酒店预计出售电力恩戴未来的能源材料相关的公司我自我一代对冲山口县,在特定领域做试验,但有许多英里路程,可再生能源发电和发展示范燃煤了新房子,从中管什么是中国地方甚至比正常功率更给电网津奈木不想 Those where it has remaining strength in electric power probably are only the Chugoku Electric Power Co., Ltd. inside of pipe, the thermal power stopping suddenly, immediately, it can supply and, Private power generation having on the inside of pipe, [ru] energy material-related enterprise actual proof experiment doing in anticipation of future sale electricity, the [ru] Especially, as for Yamaguchi prefecture, the place where private and actual proof it is departure of the new coal thermal power experimenting generating electricity of energy of nature and there is a large quantity, but Because the Chugoku Electric Power Co., Ltd. inside of pipe electric power being usual, being left over, it is, it has not been connected to the transmission network
究其原因,不能保证密封性酱,有一种担心余震会打破遏制 As for the reason, airtightness characteristic is not maintained, there is a possibility the Containment Vessel being broken with aftershock
管脚RANU RANU RANU腿拧人的脚自来水软银冲击做蓬松说,这是不好康,康也确实给了我们重要的是不要在野外坐落后 It is not enough is not enough the device is not enough As for the 菅 as for the person of the software bank it means good thing 菅 Like this doing if it hits ringing it lifted the waist whose also guzu on of site is heavy As expected 菅 is
软银管441狗,可爱的瓦特粗糙 441 The 菅 the dog of the software bank is rough kawaii w
菅直人,这些措施应被接纳为尽快狂 Also moment to be quick [kichigai] 菅 should manage Naoto be hospitalized
软银总裁孙正义6月20日访问了韩国,青瓦台到访,总统李明博与美国总统举行会谈 Grandchild justice president of the software bank which visiting Korea is done visited, on the 20th, the blue tile stand (the presidency and its administration) chart Satoshi Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi ([i] [miyonbaku]) conversed with the president
软银总裁孙正义^ ^我访问韩国来捧场什么是最好的促进朝鲜核393 20,青瓦台到访,总统李明博与美国总统举行会谈 393 The Korean nuclear propulsion the support stripe inhaling by all power, it is thing, the ^ ^ Grandchild justice president of the software bank which visiting Korea is done visited, on the 20th, the blue tile stand (the presidency and its administration) chart Satoshi Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi ([i] [miyonbaku]) conversed with the president
这是什么第二放射性废物的64岁 This [tsu] [te] already with 64 years old radioactive waste level
这种系统可以提供外部产生的电力已售出。我一直在从电力公司发电能力已签约数,就成了双 The kind of system which can supply the electric power of generation of electricity outside already sale Because it has made a contract Because it is counted in power generation capability of the electric power company it becomes double
然而,即使没有从电力公司要求的能力“ Simply there being request from the electric power company there is no remaining strength”
通常情况下,核电将缩小,但在尝试扩大我们的水热 If normal, the nuclear plant in the future reduction, will increase thermal power hydraulic power, but it is natural
问:在管吗? A (在解释我们的血的历史)并不意味着我了解整个情况,我一定 Q So how it does the 菅 A It is not the case that it grasps circumstance after explaining details awfully me always in everything
阚,免费送货和视频材料已用具体的例子驳斥和对这些太阳能孙子随机性 菅 The coming out 鱈 eye of solar generation of electricity of the grandchildren animated picture of no charge transmission which has been refuted with concrete example and the data
领导是采取行动,将他的应变能力,激发他人的 Leadership by the fact that by his causes conduct the power which designates others as that air
我做护理每个人Soganaku做任何更 In other words the one which nothing does motivation of everyone there is no so and the te is good
(续1)东京电力以及管,填补了由公司和关西关西电力,电力销售利润率,政府的要求处理,即使是没有自主开发拥有很少与省电hand Continuation of 1 Not only Tokyo Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc inside of pipe to the conservation of electricity request also the enterprise which is Kansai by Kansai Electric Power and government Being the hand full in correspondence possessing private departure room of sale electricity is little
(雅虎新闻6月21日)在韩国超过40%核电,超过了主要生产90%的速度也 Yahoo News June 21st Korea makes 4 tenths or more of electric power with the nuclear plant in addition also availability of the nuclear plant exceeds 9 tenths
(雅虎新闻6月21日)在韩国超过40%核电,超过了主要生产90%的速度也 Yahoo News June 21st Korea makes 4 tenths or more of electric power with the nuclear plant in addition also availability of the nuclear plant exceeds 9 tenths
: 会 过─ 生病 LLL 39 39 39 39 39 REPT i ┴ 39 l l 92 ─ i l l 92 l l l 92 l l l l l 39 REPT REPT 39 39 REPT No No UMLAT UMLAT UMLAT te l HKRPT j 39 ¯ REPT 39 ┬ ┬ ┬ yu ─ ¯ ┴ ┴ 39 ゙ ¯ ¯ No
米米米,重新ヽ,⌒⌒ヾ I · · 我 !。 过L 我ヽ mimimi ri REPT ⌒ ⌒ DREPT i i l 39 39 human REPT 92 ni No No i tsu 39 39 39 ゙ l ゙ ゙ REPT n 39 l l r REPT r he ゙ 39 39 39 39 REPT i Hair Sawayama