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With “if the extent which calls conservation of electricity in the viewer, if TV station rather it should have broadcast stops proposition the” net it follows one another


  • 16 13点的时候,他们是从广播南特一天,我没有电视我没有广播电台 The television being broadcast one Japan and China it is from ru how sometime O clock of 13 o clock 16 the te it is good without broadcast There is radio there is no
    • 在白天它是足够的应急广播,我应该只是 The noon just radio broadcast should have made Even with emergency use item with that sufficient

  • 2CH BBS,在灾区和Twitter和收音机镇是信息的主要来源
    Radio and [tsuitsuta] and 2ch and waiting BBS at suffering area were main source

    • 641 NHK进入达洛尼加
      641 NHK The [ro] which enters and is

      • 6:00〜11:00时至第二天早晨我是布莱恩停下,但比其他NHK广播
        Although the [ri] [ya] which is made the broadcast discontinuance other than NHK it is good to night 11 o'clock - next morning 6 o'clock

        • FA禁止销售更多的CPU TDP20W
          With CPU sale prohibition above TDP20W FA

          • NHKBS今天 1“COOL JAPAN”日本茹每天看10小时与“COOL 什么是我播出的”韩剧迷上电视远远白天主妇“!在做什么 Present NHKBS 1 “COOL With JAPAN” As for the Japanese who watches at 1 day 10 hour television “COOL ” The tsu te it broadcasts “The housewife daytime directly is absorption in the Korea style dramas ” The tsu te you do
            • 我们的韩国和想要做的和思的时间到NHK他们不需要任何的只有641 NHK软化 我们的韩国一狗屎一堆历史剧,为什么,我不能用尽,但嘿NETA 641 Just the Korea style hours of NHK do not need When what it serves and thinks as kana and turns to NHK the Korea style hours doing and ru … With something that lie the tsu temporary period adventure drama news item does not run out it can combine

          • NHK是地方我是一个线索轮一天,你的屏幕
            NHK you was generation in the circular shelf [bi] [ku] picture of day

            • NHK电视剧开始推广独立冲绳等待
              Okinawa independent promotion drama it started with NHK

              • Tenakya白天做电视,你可以去白天Jijibaba出来,家庭有更多的热,冷新的地方Gosudaro了? If daytime TV it is not done also jijibaba going out Japan and China the ro which you pass at the place where it is cooler than the hot home and is
                • 嘿!我们节省电力消耗黑白电视机!达洛尼加超过傻瓦特 It is TV turning off conservation of electricity margin The ro which is non good behavior w

              • Twitter com #! Tkok sosk 8228 状态 94649086220828672 twitter com tkok sosk 8228 status 94649086220828672
                • 规范http twitter com #! tkok sosk 8228 状态 94649086220828672 https twitter com tkok sosk 8228 status 94649086220828672

              • 为了保护已收利息★。日本政治是为贵族,市民的负担,人员成本 主席2005方与订阅费并行 一个12000日元NHK公共公司1 234名员工的职业的平均数量超过18%的工作人员万美元收入12月发布的所有111页的问题! 417万人1 06亿人飞特族4 453万日元439日元426日元平均10000人的5 76亿和1 1万元的公众公司6 28亿的国家公共平均年薪日元日本占领数受薪工人 The reception which is protected in right You say that it confronts the labor cost of nobility Japanese politics as for national burden per staff one person year 1 800 ten thousand Yen or more Occupation Average annual income Number of people Special Corporation NHK staff 1 234 ten thousand Yen 12 000 person PRESIDENT 2005 December edition Page 111 All release Salary of Japanese Occupation Average annual income Number of people National public service personnel 6 280 000 Yen 1 100 000 person Presentation enterprise white collar worker 5 760 000 Yen 4 260 000 person White collar worker average 4 390 000 Yen 4 453 ten thousand people Free tar 1 060 000 Yen 4 170 000 person
                • 751 NHK将接受外国人管捐赠,里拉。日本的政治,以帮助基金组织,更好地停止并不再从波在试图掩盖真相,已为人民紧急南特一个像样的完整的紧急广播 751 As for NHK the 菅 receiving donation from the foreigner 拉 You say that fund it helps in organization Although emergency occurs Japanese politics for the citizen after having concealed and building The one which the complete does not have the reason which emergency broadcast how is made honest stopping wave is already done is good

              • 主宰了最后的游戏,是陆地上的富士电视台,它的栏目 u200b u200b播出了允许富士电视台正式不当行为,但修改有几家公司Merubeki比赛转播权 Fuji Telecasting Co monopolizing broadcasting the deciding tournament with the ground wave Therefore the cause which permits the misdeed of the Fuji Telecasting Co authorized personnel As several corporations have the right of broadcast of the tournament we should change

                • 什么义务广播公司广播公司,正是因为他们瓦特我做一个订阅收费之间,我不逢情理之中的事情,以便能够获得免费的,这将中断运行纳入财政预算全额它变成免费我无法 The obligation tsu te of government managed broadcast the combining w which probably is collection what of listening fees Therefore government managed broadcast very being free the suji tsu te it is there are no times when it tries to be able to receive combining If the ma it becomes free however just it is thrown it probably is what in payment in full budget
                  • 在756,死亡或不能,人们收取订阅费 756 So listening fee it prosecutes the person who is not paid

                • 什么是数字地面电视站和措施官员就只显示简单的大利润
                  As for area [deji] conversion TV bureau in order large to gain with trivial program and step of the public official

                  • 从午夜广播我没有多余的Yamerubeki津市的权力?说,它可能不会是这样一个不冷不热的创新电视台说艾拉弥敦道Dunolly Dunolly Masugomi Nighttime electric power being left over should not stop broadcast from the ru TV station it is and don t you think and others is the mass rubbish is the word tsu solving such a vague thing it can say well
                    • 广播正常,但年龄超过20日电剥离晚餐:自00就够了 20 where as for broadcast of sort the electrical peel at the time of dinner passes usually Just after the 00 sufficient

                  • 他们似乎并没有因为我的错误认识代理商
                    Error unless it recognizes, is called the operative

                    • 其广告收入的收费,大部分也要电视台
                      About the, announcement charge yield decrease should bear also TV bureau

                      • 农民遭受经济损害津市我说有没有危害,但危害声誉受损603
                        603 Although there is no damage, saying, that there is a damage, the [ru] producer economic actual damage as for wearing rumor damage

                        • 创新是Nendoron绒毛发电机油箱坐在Ginagara层
                          While the generator rowing, if the seat [tsu] it solves in the poult platform, it can obtain, don't you think? is

                          • 只有国家地面广播后我可以迁移到CS
                            As for ground wave with only government-managed broadcast If after to CS it should have moved

                            • 周和真的没有428关西电力也买得起?城堡是一个真正的发电厂或紧急取消
                              428 As for truth Kansai Electric Power there is a room, it is with the [chi] [ya] [u]? The Osaka castle to tell the truth the emergency to be good being the power plant

                              • 因此,4879,“伊予说这是所有津图”是什么字你卖的是傻子 4879 Therefore “that your word tsu chi ya a end it is” and as for tsu te being the word which is used vis a vis the fool
                                • 是否撤离487发布抱电视?达洛尼加之前傻瓜 487 The television holding evacuating ro you who are foolish

                              • 因此,仅仅从我做电视节目转播伊朗Radjio
                                Therefore because television relay it did not enter, just [rajio] relay does,

                                • 因此,要求节约能源Bikaketeiru 852库雷尼和实践这些自 852 As for the person who calls conservation of electricity unless it practices personally

                                  • 在成本不限制在一个小时的各种人才更安全赢得了大小合适 Rather than being variety one hour restraining the talent in cheap cost you obtain big right

                                    • 在现实中,需要传输的权力,甚至在整个关东电视,计算机站约10分钟 In actuality as for the electric power which is necessary for television transmission at even Kanto all equivalent of personal computer 10 extent
                                      • 唯一的消费电子设备,可以控制从上游电源电视机 With the home appliance equipment the only being able to control electric power from high level is the television

                                    • 好吧,接下来的电动捏痛。 W或厚望的工具来对抗洗脑 Well well the following electricity it is painful 捏 How it opposes to brainwashing construction the expectation w which probably will be scratched
                                      • Barebare汉。我们需要十日雷尼称赞伪造指数 Korea of barebare Praise fabrication ranking Main point and others well

                                    • 如果Nakuse电视吗?这是一种浪费和有害 If the television you lose As for that wastefulness and harmful ones
                                      • 平日什么,白天电视,没用的人或明思 The wa which you think that the television tsu te of weekday daytime it is clearly wasteful

                                    • 如果我能得到良好的电视转播高中棒球摆脱
                                      If TV relay of the high school baseball is stopped, it is to be good

                                      • 如果电视公司不想停止波可能会停止传输塔操第一电台管理
                                        If the television company would not like to do the stopping wave, the sending wave stop [chi] [ya] of the radio wave tower you obtain at radio wave supervision bureau and are good

                                        • 媒体应公正和中立的个人是没有342
                                          342 As for the necessity for the individual media to be fair neutrality the [wa] which is not

                                          • 富士电视台汉字SMAP我们的图片坏达洛尼加雪松KY
                                            [ro] Fuji Telecasting Co. [nainai] SMAP which is the KY cedar The can [ji] [wa] [ru] it is,

                                            • 尝试停止波当我反正〜16时13分 Temporarily o clock of 13 o clock the stopping wave trying doing 16 how
                                              • 我可以做我会从早上6波旋转低 Morning rotation the wave it should have done low from 6 o clock don t you think it is

                                            • 就这样,找准午夜,凌晨3点,6 00,9 00,12 00,15 00,18 00,更不用说目前的新闻和天气预报21时 That shelf 0 o clock 3 o clock 6 o clock 9 o clock 12 o clock 15 o clock 18 o clock at 21 o clock just news and weather forecast let flow with pinpoint
                                              • 之后,你需要进行电视转播报道,即使在电力预测 When after reporting electric forecast it is necessary to broadcast with the television and
                                              • 电视什么的,EH周一晚上播出,应使用电 Television something nighttime electric power utilizing the ro which it should broadcast rubs

                                            • 废物和废料的Masugomi m不需要名人
                                              The rubbish the show biz celebrity and the rubbish the mass rubbish it does not enter, it is

                                              • 我should m在核反应堆工作在福岛是Kimoota
                                                [kimoota] [wa] Fukushima nuclear plant Unless you work with the core It is not good, it is

                                                • 我会死米゙增子店员绝望656电视
                                                  656 TV station member desperate shelf Die, [masuko] ゙ [mi

                                                  • 我只是做Tteiu的发射站天线的功率损耗
                                                    The [tsu] [te] you say, or power source of antenna transmission bureau should have cut just

                                                    • 我很怀疑!概括地说,我怀疑 It is doubtful it is When you express in one word it is doubtful it is
                                                      • 251 246 251 246
                                                      • 〜不要谈论一个连贯的427 427 It is Story Large
                                                      • 我很怀疑!概括地说,我怀疑 It is doubtful it is When you express in one word it is doubtful it is
                                                      • 我的意思是说Wakaran津市165 165 Saying ru meaning is from the wa
                                                      • 或者在它,一些Iijan网络新闻 The te news something calling it is with the net
                                                      • 这是一个相当长的故事127库 127 Completely it is terrible story
                                                      • 通过添加一个好事还是坏事结果这 Being that this is good as expected being bad thing

                                                    • 我是不是在政治公正集中反映在广播法保险732
                                                      732 With broadcast method political fairness it reaching the point where it maintains, there is no [ru

                                                      • 我没有任何意义停止旋转波,大家异口同声,但我可以停止十日波和光到周四小时,例如核心 The rotation stopping wave doing because there is no meaning with everyone simultaneously for example the Thursday core time zone When the stopping wave it does when you drive although to become husky and time be
                                                        • 在这种旋转光头,你应该在10 00和无 Bald do In rotation 10 o clock it is not later it should do

                                                      • 我的意思是我现在广播媒体,文化低标准南特我希望公正和中立的,如果
                                                        If fair neutrality however it is good, the meaning the standard of living low current media how of broadcasting it is combining

                                                        • 我知道我要上雅Radjio饮料中特612第四个加时赛的黄金收听
                                                          612 Especially, when extended game of the fourth tournament is heard with [rajio] of the bar, it rises, it is

                                                          • 接收收集的650多美元,迫使一个半亿元费用已设置任意对他们高工资
                                                            With listening fee of 650,000,000,000 Yen or more which the half mandatorily was gathered, you set your own high giving selfishly

                                                            • 旧的家伙已经转达Interizura摔跤“只是政治的政治 Former times and professional wrestling relayed the person whom Intelligence shifting “Politics only of political situation

                                                              • 明借来的530(灯泡LED)只能Desho万夜?刚才看到的组件531和节能,但我做的例子不思 530 The lamp the LED light bulb only the night it does with the use cup the yo 531 That number of articles you just saw the energy conservation you cannot think it is but…

                                                                • 本次会议,“领导在NHK的最终作用,分
                                                                  The same meeting “ended the lead role of NHK

                                                                  • 权力和权威,以使其易于理解的解释■■看电视输出扭矩在数据链接的目标↓,1502 PJ 1631 PJ生产用电业务单位(包括广播或)所有部门的总•业务被列为或更大的单位面积,这是另一种2 35GJ 平方米广播能耗 Way it is easy to understand explanation Electric power consumption of TV bureau ↓ Ahead linking when you look at the data the consumption of electricity Manufacturing industry 1 631PJ Business section 1 502PJ the broadcast industry is included Business total floor in section per area as the industry type where the energy consumption basic unit is large the broadcast industry 2 35GJ m2 Separately is 載
                                                                    • 权力和权威,以使其易于理解的解释■■看电视输出扭矩在数据链接的目标↓,1502 PJ 1631 PJ生产用电业务单位(包括广播或)所有部门的总•业务被列为或更大的单位面积,这是另一种2 35GJ 平方米广播能耗 Way it is easy to understand explanation Electric power consumption of TV bureau ↓ Ahead linking when you look at the data the consumption of electricity Manufacturing industry 1 631PJ Business section 1 502PJ the broadcast industry is included Business total floor in section per area as the industry type where the energy consumption basic unit is large the broadcast industry 2 35GJ m2 Separately is 載

                                                                  • 梅尔停止或实际电力电视播放权,一个是电力大约是它知道什么是你流广播弯很酷的新成员看电视 Does the TV bureau which is one member of electric mosquito right stop broadcast Actually electricity is enough The is known As for TV bureau the cool face doing Broadcast is discharged

                                                                    • 概括地说,是广播公司,消耗之间的大面积最大功率。 Speaking simply as for the broadcast industry even in large power in the deck area most it is the enterprise which consumes electric power
                                                                      • 概括地说,是广播公司,消耗之间的大面积最大功率。 Speaking simply as for the broadcast industry even in large power in the deck area most it is the enterprise which consumes electric power

                                                                    • 约15%为低功率电视台和自然我使用? TV station about naturally 15 electrical reduction has done it is
                                                                      • 我只可以使用有限的电力受发行电视台? Also TV station is object what of electrical use restriction official announcement

                                                                    • 苹果抛光,甚至明目张胆地残酷和体育,爱国主义或机会,按分公司很容易借到更多的智能,因为我尖叫,欢呼,只是想平静地生活播音员介绍了比赛的重要点绝对的。世界游泳Dattaro的BS朝日精华阵列在做最坏的,直到前一阵子,但将所有噪声累,只是欢呼艺术艺术 Something related to sport inhumanity it is The ri or niwaka patriotism which open goma is done screaming simply just you have supported It is easier to understand intelligence calmly fairly the explanation real condition doing crux showdown to have would like Stopping of announcer Only art and support art being noisy it points boringly You do to the tsu coming ro are where also the BS Asahi worldwide swimming digest is worst
                                                                      • BS朝日萨瓦在角落里,即使XP已经正常生活 That angle 澤 with BS Asahi the real condition it has done normally with even XP

                                                                    • 虽然看电视比不容忍的热量,成为这样的高调的生活方式和人民将转向系统的智能出版商的消费会更舒适的书出来后我在房间里看杂志或新酷我应该怎么做不做广告,黑白电视 While being patient the fact that it is hot rather than the television seeing at the cool room Reads one the comfort to put out probably is intellectual even in the magazine or the book It probably will turn also the consumption of publication system and it becomes everyone happy The combining which is not something which should advertise such life style with the television w

                                                                      • 衣服也被称为真正赶上和茁壮成长,今年是推动时装业的手,疫情,他们让项目载于大众所周知的事实是流行什么媒体可以积极的例子他们还可以让你过目洗脑 When also the clothes and the like that to tell the truth fashion industry is popular this selfishly every year it is popular you advertise It unites large project and has made be popular coercively in widely known fact If the mass communications are used as been popular camouflaging also it is possible to brainwash
                                                                        • 这总得促进贵公司信Jitara包括您的客户打电话到网第一站电视 The television stopping in the net the customer Calling the trader who is packed When the advertisement it believes It is not good it is

                                                                      • 规制改革推进协议会摆弄国防部Norarikurari★NHK是一个争夺,“NHK的罚款及其他项目不说什么买手”的政府监管改革促进委员会(委员长宫内欧力士董事长彦)29日,并呼吁NHK主管部举行了关于改革的NHK公开辩论
                                                                        * The general affairs ministry which cheats NHK scramble conversion idly in the reply As for regulation reformation private open propulsion meeting, “as for NHK the commodity which the buyer says already well enough” Regulation reformation private open propulsion meeting of government (Chairman Orikkusu Yosihiko chairman Miyauchi) on the 29th, The general affairs ministry and NHK staff were called, public debate meeting was held concerning NHK reformation

                                                                        • 达洛尼加富士白天而不是从超回流消化时间我租津五不可避免 Therefore as for huji of Japan and China the gold receiving the super digestion time of the ru cold current only the shelf it is to be the ro which is
                                                                          • 富士电视台,我什至想如何递归 You think that judgment of law to Fuji Telecasting Co may be

                                                                        • 这就像说我不喜欢512这在当地是 512 Quite the expression shelf like whether it was in the locale of
                                                                          • 白上马虎! To some extent margin

                                                                        • 这需要少得多的投资是不接受 In other words investment of receiving end may be little
                                                                          • 这需要少得多的投资是不接受 In other words investment of receiving end may be little

                                                                        • 那么什么是不合理的电力消耗RF振荡器广播塔,节能和每个家庭电视消费还具有广播塔可以停止混战两全其美
                                                                          Because RF oscillator [tsu] [te] unreasonable painful brown electricity of the broadcast tower you eat, If you stop the function of the broadcast tower, TV turning off also each home, as for the conservation of electricity effect a stone two bird

                                                                          • 那么作为一个!捏。高功率洗脑怕你的行为
                                                                            1 So sort! 捏. Large electrical use disliking in brainwashing behavior

                                                                            研究 開発